Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015

Living as a Golden Age Citizen - Part 1

Golden Age Messages from the Masters via the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School for August, 2015 

The time has come, beloveds, for you to proclaim that you came to Earth to wear the mantle of your mastery and to be a living demonstration of a Golden Age citizen living in Christ or Unity Consciousness. What could ever bring you more joy or be more fulfilling or inspiring to your soul or to the thousands of others who are in the process of remembering that they are also here to live their mastery? Earth has provided you with one of the toughest curriculums in the Cosmos, yet perhaps now you can express your gratitude for all of the experiences that have served to open your heart and your mind, until you were ready to once again merge with the consciousness of your God Presence. We are here to support you in any way we can, and as you ascend into the next level of your mastery, we are also graduating into higher levels of our own mastery.  ~ The Ascended Masters & Star Elders of Shamballa 

You are abiding in the magnificent times that have been prophesied by the elders of your world for thousands of years. The waiting is now over and this is true even if you happen to visit a city or a country where the veils still appear to be over the eyes and the hearts of those who are living there. Do not allow yourself to become dismayed by outer appearances or to let any temporary illusions discourage you from holding the truth of what is really happening beneath and above your 3rd dimensional world. 

Your support is now more vital than ever in magnifying and extending the Golden Age frequencies of Unity Consciousness into wherever you are physically living or into whatever you might be communicating, watching or sending into the world via your telephones, televisions, cell phones, ipads and computers, since they are acting as the teachers of your age. These technologies are now a part of every culture around your world and they are either supporting the truth or expanding the illusion. 

If you have truly chosen to live in your mastery, you are playing a vital role in sharing with others only the most positive and supportive information possible. Sometimes, you may be hearing or reading what seems too good to be true, yet know that even though this may appear to be the case, based on what seems to be taking place on the physical plane, these positive reports are already so on the higher dimensions since everything takes place there before it descends on to the physical plane. 

This descending aspect of life takes place on every dimension and it is equally true regarding what is always taking place in your etheric body before its information penetrates into your physical reality. This is why your thoughts and feelings are such a vital key in bringing into the physical plane what you really want to see manifested in your next Golden Age of Freedom. Everything you think, feel and believe eventually becomes an outer demonstration of whatever you are holding to be true within your thoughts, feelings and memories. 

This is a time for purifying, transmuting, transforming and releasing whatever you know is not in resonance with your Ascension or your Earth’s Ascension into the 5th dimension. The Earth is already ascending, as she could not wait any longer. You are the vital links in the timing of humanity’s Ascension. Many events are taking place, and will continue to take place, throughout your universe that are assisting you in making this Grand Shift, yet it is the consciousness that is abiding within each one of you that is holding the key to the timing of humanity’s Ascension. 

We encourage you to remain aware of whatever you can do to keep shifting your attention out of the 3rd and 4th dimensions, so you can keep ascending with your Mother Earth. You can help in preparing and purifying your consciousness by releasing any thought, feeling or belief that is not in harmony with your already Ascended Presence. Keep stretching out of your old identities, so you can fully embody your Presence, which is the Self you truly are and have always been. 

To assist you in fully embodying your Presence and living as an Awakened Master in the 5th dimension bringing forth a new world of unity consciousness and a Golden Age of Freedom, we have created ‘Be the Change! Step into your Mastery’. You will be initiated to reclaim your mastery and ascend into your unlimited 5th dimensional consciousness, for it is now time for you to Be the Master You Came to be in Your Life and in the World.  We invite you to participate and be part of our twice-monthly Council of Awakened Masters.

Source: www.WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster.com 

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