Παρασκευή 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023

You are on the way to a life of joy and great satisfaction

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 29 September 2023

Without doubt you are going through a very trying period, and as yet there is little to show where it is all leading to. There are preparations for a major change that will ultimately take you out of the lower dimensions to one that has no links to your present one. It is a normal advancement when you have overcome all of the challenges that have been encountered on your journey. You will have done the hard bit in moving beyond the pull of the lower vibrations that have stopped you from rising up. There is still work to do and you are on the way to a life of joy and great satisfaction.

Meanwhile, keep calm and know that all will ultimately be well as planned and to your liking. You have waited a very long time to reach this stage in your evolution, so see beyond the difficulties you are presently encountering. Everything seems to be going against you, but that is because your understanding of what is happening is limited. Have faith, because the path to your success has already been written. The higher vibrations will soon start to change the path you are taking, and you will realise that the dark Ones are being left behind to experience the conditions and consequences that they have brought about. In a freewill situation you are creating your own future, but nevertheless you are guided to ensure the best outcome. You could make it easy or difficult, but should still reach your goal.

It is being noticed that the truth about ETs and their craft is being brought into the open, as it is now obvious that it is impossible to keep the cover-up going. Now you are seeing so many more craft in your skies that are not to be confused with those that are being used by your own military forces, and have been for a very long time. This will ultimately lead to ETs openly landing on your planet, but in a controlled way, so that people can get used to their presence. This will bring with it a great leap forward that will take you to a higher level and speed up your evolution.

You have been held in a time lock in many ways, but soon the way will open up for your quicker advancement. But it cannot all come at once and will carefully take place in a way that allows you to adapt to the changes that will be inevitable. You have been held back for a very long time and had to live with the consequences, when life could have been made so much easier for everyone. Some things will be difficult to grasp or understand, but all will be explained, so as to lessen the surprise or even shock, but overall for your upliftment and advancement.

Like you, we have been waiting for an opportunity to move ahead and make your lives so much easier. However, we must take things in our stride, so as not to overwhelm you, and that is why we can be so open as to what the future holds for you all. For the time being matters must develop slowly so as to allow you to get used to the changes that will be introduced. Needless to say, we shall be able to work with you and ensure progress is made in a sensible and appropriate manner. We have no desire to rush things and changes will take place in an orderly way. There is much work to do to clear up the mess you are in and create a setting in preparation for them.

We hope that knowing your future is assured will help you deal with the many problems you face. As you must by now be aware, you have to put matters right where they have been caused by your actions, but we will help you in one way or another. In many ways, we have helped you along, although you would not have been aware of our actions, and so it will continue. We are one with you all and through our own experiences are well equipped to help you progress.

Coming back to what you consider normal for the present time shows that you have lost your way even assuming that you actually knew what you were aiming for, as you do not seem to have much sense of direction. As we have often mentioned, free energy would solve so many problems and it is readily available and you have been given an outline of what is needed to put it into use. It will have to come sooner or later to advance Humanity in preparation of an active New Age.

Meantime, so many problems are unanswered and seem to be too big and overwhelming for you. Our desire is to help you, but the first move must come from you and then we can offer it. There are many wise and willing people in authority who could direct your activities for the better, but will they listen to reason. Oh yes, we do try to influence their thinking and then it is up to them to take the necessary action to get the changes underway that will lead to a new way of doing things, that are less costly and totally adequate.

Eventually, the options for your future will be clear, and the right people will be in charge who see the whole scenario and can go forwards with confidence. As more of you think ahead, you will be adding your energy to the positive thoughts of what is suitable and necessary to do so. The younger generations have no hang up about change and can clearly see what is needed but require support. A breakthrough will come and the sooner the better, as too much time has been lost already. Time is not on your side, as so many opportunities to make headway have been lost already.

We want the best results for you, but in no way would try to force your hand. It is unnecessary, as you have many souls now on Earth who have the knowhow and experience already. They will rise to the surface for everyone to listen to their proposals and it is nothing to do with politics but good common sense. Humanity is crying out for help and it is waiting to be called forth, it is primed and ready and has been held up as their urgent needs go unanswered.

These are by no means easy times to live in, but all experiences are of value and will help you through the coming period. How long it will be is partly up to you, as there are many souls desiring to help who have the right credentials and experience to see you through such challenging times.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Τρίτη 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023

Hold powerfully to your faith

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 23 September 2023

Humanity is awakening, and there are many signs of this all over the world. The chaos and confusion, the conflict, pain, and suffering with which practically all the media is constantly presenting you, while intending to draw your attention away from Reality, is quite successfully undermining your ability to be aware of It, as they do their best to promote fear and anger. Do not be misled, misinformed, or misguided by those traumatized ones – who are also, of course, like all of you, divine children of God – who are paid to distract you from the wonder of your beingness, your deep inner knowing that you are, always have been, and always will be beings of Love eternally at One with God in a constant and utterly uplifting state of joy.

You KNOW that only God/Love is Real, so keep bringing that knowing back into your awareness as you live your daily lives. Doing this massively assists the human collective as it moves most positively forwards in the awakening process.

Your awakening is divinely assured, and therefore totally unavoidable. Delight in this knowing – deep within each one of you it is always present – and keep reminding yourselves throughout your day that you are eternally, and therefore in every moment of your eternal existence, inseparably at One with Mother/Father/God – LOVE. Doing this strengthens your faith and trust in God’s eternal Love for you, and enormously assists you in maintaining and delivering on your intent to be only loving whatever arises. You are never alone; you are always lovingly sustained and taken care of by your support team in the non physical realms. Relax into full and complete acceptance of the Love of God which envelops you in every moment, even though you may well experience yourselves as being unaware of It.

Unawareness is a major aspect of the illusory or dream state of separation that humanity chose to engage with so many eons ago. Its dissolution is imminent. As you wait expectantly for this wondrous moment to transpire, know that the Love that is Mother/Father/God is flowing to you and through you at all times to assist you and all those with whom you interact in any way at all. The power and effectiveness of what you are doing by just being is way beyond your ability to envision, just know that in every moment you are doing the Will of God.

You chose to be in human form at this moment in the awakening process precisely because you most lovingly wanted to assist in the awakening process, and you are succeeding brilliantly. And, of course, it is God’s Will that you do so, because your choice to enter into form at this time was and is fully assented to by Her, and She loves you and honors you dearly for that courageous free will choice you made.

As I have often made clear to you, your awakening into awareness of your true nature, your awakening from the illusory dream into Reality, is the divine Will for you, and also your own. When you chose to engage with the unreal state of separation from your holy Source, you did not intend to remain there eternally unaware of its unreality, and thus endlessly suffering the terror of the separation experience. Part of the unreal state that you experience as humans in form is the seeming intense reality of it. It seems so real because on entering it you also established within yourselves a state of amnesia in order to make that unreal state appear to be the only state possible; to hide Reality from you by locking you into the very limited state of conscious awareness that your human bodies could sense and interpret. That is, you believe your bodies are who you truly are, and when they die that is obviously the end of you, because it seems that your bodily senses are the living being with which you identify.

And yet you are the Christ, the holy child of God, forever at One with Him, eternally in His divine Presence, even while remaining almost totally unaware of the possibility of this Truth. However, deep within yourselves, the knowing of your true nature remains, and when you spend quiet time alone, free from the almost endless chatter of thoughts apparently running endlessly through your minds, you will receive nudges and intuitive feelings that bring to your attention, even if only very briefly, a sense that there must be much more to life than your brief span of sentience as a human in form suggests.

You are each a dearly beloved child of God, Who in Her wisdom provided you, at the moment of your choice to experience separation, with the deep inner knowing or awareness of your true nature. It lies within you – as does the knowledge of the Mother’s longing for you to awaken to Her endless Love for you – waiting for you to allow yourselves the freedom to become aware of It, and then ask for help to know yourselves once again as you truly are.

The illusory or dream state is utterly unreal and cannot last. It is your intent, and nothing more, that enables it to seemingly encase you in a state of extremely limited consciousness, with but a tiny sense of awareness that you are possibly much more than you believe yourselves to be. Once you allow yourselves to enter that sense of awareness, and acknowledge its presence within you, it becomes impossible for you to return to a state of unknowing. You have finally started your conscious journey Home to full and complete awareness of your divine nature, and your cognizance of this awareness can never be forgotten.

All of you reading or listening to this have already passed well beyond this initial stage of your awakening process, and just being will bring you to that most glorious moment, while you will also most beautifully assist others, with whom you interact in even the slightest manner, to awaken along with you. You are all doing prodigious divine work that no one else can do instead of you. Hold powerfully to your faith, and trust that God accompanies you in every moment, as He most certainly does.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Δευτέρα 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023

Sharing is the key - not owning

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

Just change your words and you will change your ways. And changing the way you do things will change your lives - and will bring them back into balance, so that you, too, will have the leisure to develop your creativity and talents and explore the Earth, rather than devour her. For once you explore the intricacies and beauty and magic of Nature, you cannot abhor and destroy her, you can only emulate and love her, and know beyond a doubt that she is you, and you are her. For whatever you destroy outside yourself, you destroy within yourself, for Nature out-pictures you, as much as you out-picture Nature.

Just look around you at the devastation of Earth’s forests and oceans, and it will show you the parts of yourself that you are destroying inside your very own bodies. The Earthquakes that are becoming so prevalent on the surface, are now surfacing within your very own emotional and physical bodies.

Everything you do to the Earth, you do to yourself. Remember, there is only one consciousness. You and We are part of the one consciousness. As you destroy a part of the one, the other parts are affected.

You are not separate from the Earth. You are the Earth; you just don’t know it yet. But as you wake up from your deep slumber of millions of Earth years, you will remember the connectiveness of all life, and how the health of one is connected to the health of all. Surface humans cannot survive if they destroy their surroundings and wage wars on their own species, just because they live on different parts of the planet.

We, here in Porthologos, are so grateful to each blade of grass, to each petal on a flower, to each leaf on a tree. For the harmony we feel is the same harmony that the flowers and trees feel, and which enables us to grow in stature and accounts for the enormity in size of our trees, which tower above the ground like your skyscrapers, because nothing is holding them back. They and we are free to grow in size, free to expand ourselves, because everything is in a state of expansion, not contraction as you witness and experience on the surface.

When you are ”open” to life, you can only expand. When you are in struggle and lack and fear, you can only close down and diminish your stature, for fear of being seen or fear of standing out among others. You squelch your power, squelch your intuition, squelch your feelings, trying to fit into the mold of the lowest common denominator of the people around you. This stunts not only your physical growth, but your soul growth as well. When you open to the fact that you and the Universe are one, you will awaken to all that you are and begin to expand your horizons and literally grow in size - height and width.

Your mind and body are connected. If you think small, you grow small. If you think life only exists on Earth’s surface and nowhere else, then you’ve shortened yourself, which shortens your physical height, just as your thoughts have shortened your vision. Expand your thoughts, and you expand your world; expand your world, and your body responds in spurts of growth and renewal.

Κυριακή 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023

Life much like ours abounds in the Universe

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 22 September 2023

Foreword by Mike Quinsey: Many people have yet to accept that life much like ours abounds in the Universe and look for concrete proof that it does exist. It was found near Nazca, Peru in 2017 by J. Maussan. A photograph clearly shows the upper part of a mummified body with near human features around 1000 years old, an elongated head, a long neck, 3 fingers on each hand and implants of Osmium and Cadmium.

22nd September 2023. Mike Quinsey.

The demands upon you still grow and for many life progressively gets harder with no signs of relief. Changes still continue and many are forced upon you and are unavoidable through circumstance beyond your control. The results are the consequences of much that is inevitable as Mother Nature carries on with the cleansing of the planet. In the long run, it will be seen as being to your benefit. So, do not be perturbed by what is happening as there is a purpose for what is happening and it is not as random as it may first appear. Matters could not have been left as they were and consequently events outside of your control had to be introduced.

As your planet continues to enter a new area in Space, so the changes will continue that also affect Human Beings. There is already evidence of much taller and slimmer beings amongst the younger ones that is a sign of the future. Your ancient history shows that over long periods of time many different races have come and gone from giants to pygmies before the present human form was decided upon. However, a truly physical body could not be sustained in the new coming higher energies, so it changes into a finer body that is no longer subject to the ravages of time. It will also be free from illness and heal instantly from harm.

When this cycle began, you knew that by your reckoning it would take a long time to pass. That time looms large and every soul has an opportunity to raise their vibrations and ascend. To that end we will help you when you have made the decision to raise yourself up by being positive and living accordingly. You will be surprised how easy it is to stay positive once you have made up your mind to do so, and you will be much happier with a greater sense of fulfilment. “Do unto others as you would for yourself” is a good way of living and giving. If you have been born with any particular talents that you can use for the benefit of all people use them and know that you are making good use of them. Remember that you came upon Earth with a life plan and are equipped to carry it out.

Every soul has help from their Guides, but it is not forced upon them, as that would go against their freewill. As we have told you on several occasions, we can only pass on a thought to you as to the best way to do things, but never continued with, unless you have already agreed with it. You will find life goes along a lot smoother when you are positive and do all you can to help others. The reward is in the satisfaction of knowing you have helped another soul on their spiritual journey. However, like attracts like, so you can expect your life to be fulfilling.

Humans are by nature gentle and loving souls, but the mix on Earth presents many challenging situations, because of the souls at different levels of evolution. It can prove to be a very testing time, but is certainly a quick way to evolve, particularly if you have to mix or work with lesser evolved beings. You clearly have something to offer and your presence can help uplift them. The whole purpose of life is to learn how to help each other, because as we often mention, you are all brothers and sisters on a long journey together.

For souls who have come to Earth on a mission be assured they get all the help they need to be successful. Events or happenings can be arranged to enable them to carry out their life plan to help other people as obviously success will help so many. Sometimes souls come to Earth to carry out specialised tasks, so they are partnered with more evolved souls. Part of success is to be protected from the negative ones, who will go to any lengths to prevent your Ascension. Their prime target is to keep souls in the dark as to their true spiritual selves, and stop them becoming aware that they can break the cycle of continually re-birthing on Earth.

It all sounds complicated but your pathway has been carefully planned and discussed with you prior to birth. So, you may not be aware of help, but it is given for you many times when needed along with protection from those who would harm you. When danger threatens, your Guides are aware of it and take action to protect you and your life plan. Trying to imagine how everything runs so smoothly when so many people are involved is almost impossible. For you the most important thing is success and being able to keep out of danger, so that you can fulfil the tasks you accepted.

Life has its ups and downs, but you have to deal with them peacefully and ensure your vibrations are kept as high as possible. Be assured, you will feel all the better for it and get great satisfaction from your work. There is a joyful time to come when your tasks have been successfully completed and you return to the higher levels, to again meet your family and friends who passed over before you. Can you imagine the joy and happiness on such an occasion – it is time for celebrations for sure. We often mention that when you pass over, you do not carry the changes resulting from old age, disease or injury. You become young again, because your body is subject to your positive thoughts as you see yourself changing for the better.

Dear Ones, you are wonderful souls who volunteered to go back to Earth to help Mother Earth recover from many centuries of disturbance and damage, mainly caused by wars and Mans disregard for nature. It is only now that Man is becoming aware of how he has caused so much damage to it and the many forms of life. Many lessons are being learned, but it will take a long time to reverse the damage that has been done. You have been enlightened many times as to your responsibility to Mother Earth and the life forms upon it. We hope that as the changes take place they will provide a suitable habitat for all forms of life.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna

Σάββατο 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023

There is no death, but simply a change of body to one that is etheric

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 15 September 2023

Some changes are resulting in the loss of life, and even those that appear accidental or are a result of nature’s impulses are all with a purpose as the final cleansing takes place. There are casualties that are often in great numbers. It is understandable given the extent of damage such as in earthquakes. It may be hard to accept that virtually all victims are clearing their karma, so that in their next life, they start with a clean slate.

You will think of the horrors resulting from accidental death, especially when it occurs in extreme circumstances. Be assured that those souls involved are immediately calmed and rested, recovering very quickly from any fears or shock that may be held. They are soon able to forget any remaining memories of what they went through and free from any injuries. With the circumstances having been explained, they accept their experience as part of their evolution. In reality, there is no death, but simply a change of body to one that is etheric and free from all ailments previously associated with it.

If your mind is cluttered by negative thoughts, you attract even more to yourself, so it is in your own interest to try and expel them from your mind. Realise that like attracts like and thereby you often create a worse situation with negative thoughts that you clearly did not intend. So, when you are kind and helpful to others, it comes back to you in kind. Can you see now how you create your own karma by your thoughts and actions? Your life to a great extent is in your own hands by virtue of your freewill.

It is worth reminding you that you have a life plan agreed to by you and your Guides who will ensure that you follow it to the best of your ability, and protect you from other souls who would pull you down. Of course, you will be tested to ensure you have learned lessons given even in earlier lives. If you have a particular experience that has been out of your control, it is almost certain to have been “set up” for you. So, be sure you have responded to it in a positive way, ensuring you are unlikely to have to repeat it again.

Healthy and sensible living will help you enjoy a happy and fulfilling life with little if any spells of ill health. Karmic links may dictate that you need to have certain experiences that will clear old karma that happens without any apparent reason. Be sure as with all experiences that very little happens without good reason. The important thing is to learn from it so that it does not need to return again. When you have two people sharing life’s experiences, it can get very complicated, so it comes down to always doing the best you can.

Many of you have pets that are yet another way of learning about life. Dogs are amongst the most popular ones and are noted for their trust and allegiance, often showing a love that never wavers, even if they are ill-treated. They keep coming back for more and show a loyalty rarely matched by Human Beings. Cats are very similar and usually have no hesitation of sharing their love with more than one person. You could quote many instances of different animals and birds that can also share their love with other life forms. It does not need much thought to realise that it is love that make the world go round.

Your experiences upon Earth are but a shadow of the true life intended for you. With freewill there is too much greed and power in the hands of so few people. In an ideal world, people would recognise and acknowledge each other as being entitled to a share of the Earth’s bounties, and no soul should be treated differently to another. But in playing out your earthly role, you are often treated differently, particularly where religious beliefs are concerned. No group has a greater claim to the truth than another as all are at different stages of understanding. Tolerance is a virtue that few have and they try to dominate or destroy those who have a different understanding of the truth. Let those who have different beliefs find their way on their path, and surely one day all will meet with the same truth.

Each soul is born to parents who are best equipped to help them grow up with a sensible understanding of their place in the world. Each life is a stairway to the truth and today’s mystery is tomorrows answer that will lead you ever onwards to it. The truth by nature is so simple and be assured that all pathways will eventually come together. Allow others to follow their beliefs as long as they do not try to impose it upon others. Indeed, it would be something of an achievement if they could peacefully share them.

You are all seeking the truth of your being and an invisible force is directing you onto the right path that leads to spiritual growth. Genuine seekers are always ready to accept the greater truth and not be tied down to one particular creed. Eventually, you can make progress by following your own path, as you will have found the one that allows for your gradual advancement. It follows that souls in an early stage of development need guidance from those who have already risen up. Therefore, each one should be exactly where they should on their chosen path.

It is worth mentioning that the evil ones also have guidance, but from others on the dark side, who will keep them in their control and prevent their Ascension. In their twisted minds they believe they are the ones chosen to rise up and evolve. Nevertheless, they feed their own lust often at the price of another’s life. They still have opportunities to break away and find the truth, but it is difficult once you have given yourself to evil. So, temptation may come your way, but having evolved you have no problem in seeing through their subterfuge.

There are times when you pass by negative souls and can register the unpleasant low energy level they possess, but you are protected from it by the positive energy from your Light body. Other souls can also “feel” your energy and would undoubtedly be all the better for it. No one can be forced to join up with the negative ones except by their own volition. So, do not fear evil, because fear is the very energy they seek and feed off. Keep your Light shining out and fear no evil.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Κυριακή 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023

The higher vibrations commence to lift the people up for a better quality of life

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 8 September 2023

At this time so much is happening, you can be forgiven for being confused as no definite outcome seems indicated. In fact, matters seem to be getting worse. The changes continue unabated and not all are necessarily to your liking. But in the long term, it will be seen that all serve a purpose and collectively will open up a path to a New Era, one that will quickly surpass anything of the past and ease you into advancements that you can only dream of now.

The question immediately arises as to what can Humanity expect and the answer is virtually anything they can think of that lifts up their standard of life. Free energy would solve so many problems that exist now, removing the burden of cost that is sometimes impossible to meet. It could also completely uplift the quality of life by removing the poverty currently being experienced by so many people. It is rampant in the poorer countries where there is little relief from it. The inequality that exists seems to be of little concern, yet it is staring the rich and powerful ones in the face.

Clearly, great adjustments are necessary if the poorest people are to be given a better standard of living and care. It will come, because it has to, as the higher vibrations commence to lift the people up for a better quality of life. Those who cannot rise up with it, have a separate path to follow that will continue to allow their evolution. No soul will be left out and all will eventually find themselves in the exact place where they should be. The point of all of this is that you are all destined to evolve. Therefore, you need to be at a level that allows you to continue your growth.

Helping others to evolve is a natural thing and often done by those who have already ascended, as they understand that “All is One” held together by invisible threads. Helping others is a noble cause that helps them to serve others as they have been already. It is commonplace as you pass through the higher realms. One day soon many of you will ascend and you will have earned it as all do, because there is no short cut or a back entrance to it.

Once you get the feel of how things really work, the path you need to tread becomes much clearer. Also, looking back, you are almost certain to realise the way help is given all along the path of life. You are always able to get help when you need it, but must let those involved show you the direction to go in, as they will understand what your chosen path is and help ensure it is followed.

As the truth begins to sink in, you will understand so much more about the spiritual side of life, and realise how important it is to your advancement. Any experience you have that is of significance is pre-arranged to give you the opportunity to evolve along a path that allows the experiences you need. It may not always be the case, but all experiences that are of value to you are carefully thought out to give the maximum benefits. Not all of them are necessarily welcome situations depending on what lessons you need, so take all in your stride and do your best in response. Take them seriously as they are for your benefit and need not be experienced again if you do so.

If you are responding to the demands upon you and in a positive manner, you can ask no more of yourself. You will know when you are on the right path, as life becomes easier and you go with the flow quite easily. Where other souls are involved in your life, they too will be given opportunities to evolve in which you will take part. It is too complicated to explain such matters in detail, but be assured your Guides are present with a watchful eye and will not overrule your freewill choice.

When you sometimes do things that seem out of character, it is most likely that your Guides have influenced you to do it, they have such powers that enable them to “help you” experience according to your needs. Be assured that you have your private moments where they do not intrude. The whole set-up is so involved, it is sometimes difficult to explain it, but the important issues that include you will normally be made clear to you. A sudden thought comes into your head and it is message received.

Obviously, many of you converse with your Guides when you go out of the body at night, but few have a waking memory of them. As time passes, you most likely feel their presence at times during your waking hours when they come close to you. Some of you who are more sensitive know when they are around you and that is surely a comforting feeling. They keep you out of danger should you be assailed in any way, and there is no limit to their powers to protect you if you are in danger. However, as you must know by now, some experiences are unpleasant and are necessary if they have resulted from karma.

In general terms, you are of the group that are ready to ascend, but until you do, you still mix with all types of souls of a low vibration who can be very testing to say the least. Some will bait you for an argument, when they find out you are on a spiritual path. So, you must be prepared for such an encounter and not be taken off your guard. If matters get out of hand, just walk away and leave them, as that is in no way a cowardly response, but sensible one that may avoid nasty confrontation. It takes strength of character to do so and you will feel all the better for doing so.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 9 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023

Our Haven Underground

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

There are so many Catharians gathered around me, Mikos, as I dictate this message to you. We are out on the grounds that surround the great Library of Porthologos. We are sitting on grass that is as soft as a cushion, breathing in the fragrant, oxygen-filled air that keeps us eternally young and vibrant. This pure air is ”nectar” to our lungs, and keeps our bodies free from disease.

The oxygen on the surface has reached such low levels that you are being oxygen starved, which opens the way for pathogens to invade your body. We, here in the Hollow Earth, breathe clean, pure air, and drink the purest of water, which is still as pure as the day Earth was created.

We are so fortunate to be living in this haven under the ground. We sit here, propped up comfortably on our pillows and stools, just breathing in the air and smelling the scents of the enormous flowers blooming all around us. This is a wonderland of beauty, and this beauty is reflected in our souls.

Our bodies respond to our environment, and out-picture what surrounds us. And what surrounds us is magnificent to behold. We are surrounded by trees and flowers that emanate strength and health, and we in turn feel this strength and health, and our bodies conform to this picture. So our bodies mirror our surroundings. They mirror the perfection of our environment. We, in turn, mirror perfection back thus completing the cycle of perfection that is never ending. Because of this perfect cycle, our bodies can remain in a perpetual state of perfection, never sickening, nor aging, nor dying. It is a closed cycle of perfection.

It is noon here now, and we bask in the full spectrum light of our Inner Central Sun, as it hangs in our ”sky”. Our sky is the very center of the Hollow Globe, and our sun doesn’t move, as your sun appears to. Ours just hangs there, ”dead center”, held by the forces of gravity pulling around its circumference so that it is perfectly balanced and remains in place.

The inside of the Earth is concave, and spirals up and across and around us. So our picture of ”heaven” is from a different perspective or angle than yours. You look straight ”up”, and we look ”around” us. So today, as always, the sun is shining down upon our gathering here on the Library Grounds. Our work here in the Library is not work as you term it, but joy to our hearts. We do what we love, and we do it in leisure. We have no time clocks to punch, and no time clocks to tell us when to stop. We each know what we want to accomplish each day, and we stay as long as we want or until we complete our work. However, we don’t set long hours the way you do on the surface. Our workday is short compared to yours. In terms of hours, our workday is less than half the hours of your work day. So, should we want to work ”overtime”, we have the flexibility of doing so without it infringing on the other areas of our lives. And our lives remain always balanced, because our schedules allow us the time to do so many other things each and every day, above and beyond the hours we spend on our ”jobs”.

We live perfectly balanced lives of ease and comfort, and have created everything we need to develop our talents, expand our minds, and strengthen our bodies. We have music and dance conservatories and theatres everywhere. We are always dancing and singing together, fine tuning our talents and evolving them to do more and more creative things.

Our lives are filled with creativity, and we delight in what we create. For what we create is shared with all, so that we all benefit from each other’s talents and abilities. We all teach each other and we all learn from each other. We thrive on cooperation, we thrive on sharing, and we thrive on giving as much as we can to each other, which means that we end up having all that we’ve all created. So our gifts are multiplied - our blessings are multiplied - and we reap the abundance of our civilization underground. Nothing is hoarded or ”owned”, as you do on the surface, for it’s not necessary, nor even logical, when you understand that we are all a part of the Earth, and therefore everything belongs to everyone, and yet nothing is owned by anyone, because everything is free for everyone to use.

(to be continued)

Δευτέρα 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023

A great future lays ahead of you

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 1 September 2023

In the space of just a few years your lives have changed and still continue to do so. It has created a difficult situation for so many people and governments with few exceptions seem incapable of coping with it. That it should reach a point where people are being made homeless is sacrilege, yet authorities seem unable to find the answers. It is a sad reflection of the ability of those you give the authority to look after you. So, where or when will it end and in a very fluid situation it is difficult to find an answer. However, we do have a greater overview and see an end to your troubles, but with more changes still to come.

As we see it, a number of changes at the top are necessary before the end comes into sight, and at best there are at least 2/3 years more of difficulties to be encountered. So keep your positive thoughts in mind of a future that takes care of any problems you are encountering now and make your path somewhat easier. Certainly your Guides will be pleased if you take such a positive approach, and be assured that they are completely behind you.

The world may be in a turmoil, but finding a way of taking your mind off outside influences can ensure that your focus is fully on your objectives. No doubt, once you are centred you will be totally absorbed in your life and achieve the positive results you are hoping for. The experience you gain every time from each life will raise your level of belief in yourself. Whatever path you are on, it will be sure to face you with challenges that will uplift you if they are successfully dealt with. As we have mentioned many times, you are always given tasks that are not beyond your capabilities, as you have so much experience to call upon.

These times are the final tests that many will experience and they will be expected to successfully cope with them. As you evolve, you never stop learning and as you are only just moving out of the lower vibrations, there is so much more to learn. In real terms, you are also being given lessons that will carry you far, and from this time onwards you will learn more about the Cosmos. After all, you are rising up and look for greater knowledge to help you understand what lays before you.

Believe us when we tell you what a great future lays ahead of you, one you have little concept of at present. For a start, you are far greater than you probably realise and have such a wonderful future ahead of you. So, do not let the ravages and problems of the dimensions get you down, they will pass very soon and the way forward will be so much clearer. Evolution never stops until you return to the Godhead, but that time is far, far away at present.

Meantime, you must keep an open mind as to what your future may hold for you. If possible, do not keep to firm ideas, as you may prevent the intended outcome. Much more is pre-arranged for you than you could possibly imagine. Of course, it is with your prior agreement as you will have fully discussed it with your Guides. Yet, you still have freewill, but obviously it is in your interests to follow your life plan if your goal is achieved. By following a different path, you simply extend the length of time it takes you to uplift your vibrations and that is the most important goal for you.

You are in times when those of you who have overcome the lower vibrations, are being called upon to help those souls who are still seeking their path and the greater truth. They are often find it difficult to lift up and still weighed down by the negativity around them. It is when a helping hand is needed to indicate the direction they should be making for, as few understand that spiritual evolution is very important to them at this time. Indeed, few really grasp their real potential and are not necessarily ready to accept the truth of it.

However, it comes to all in the course of time, as all souls will eventually arrive at the truth of their being, their real self. Often it is by observing others who seem to understand the true purpose of life. It is important that every soul realises that they are eternal and that they have had many lives that are part of their growth. Not all of them would be regarded as pleasant, but sometimes certain experiences are necessary to overcome faulty thinking and actions that hold you back. It is where experiences are arranged, so that you can realise where you are going wrong. Rest assured that your Guides will still endeavour to help you through such testing times, but they will not go against your decisions or freewill.

Your lives are much more organised than you realise and the object is to help you fulfil your life plan. The problems arise because those souls who have been pulled down into the mire of negativity take others with them, who find it hard to lift up their vibrations again. It is where the Guides have a difficult task to guide them to a path that can release them from the hold upon them. Often souls learn from seeing how others lead their lives and benefit from it. It is no good souls blaming others for their difficulties, as ultimately they are answerable for their actions regardless of who else is involved. We do not condemn souls that have gone astray, as we know that they will greatly benefit from their experiences. It is often very tough going and even unpleasant, but when lessons have to be learned there is no escaping them.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2023

Artificial intelligence has moved near the top of world concerns

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 1 September 2023

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We are profoundly grateful for the recent outpouring of healing energy sent to my mother. Your thoughtfulness, love and appreciation for her years of communication service helped her make an extraordinary turnabout from near death back to feeling very healthy.

Now, dear ones, please do something good for yourselves. Breathe deeply, exhale slowly, and do this twice more. Breathing deeply and rhythmically helps energy move smoothly throughout your body, oxygenates cells and facilitates soul-level knowingness reaching consciousness. Practice this healthful breathing often throughout your day so it starts happening naturally.

Artificial intelligence has moved near the top of world concerns, and rightly so. Like other technologies, AI can be used beneficially or detrimentally, and the latter is how it is being used at this early stage of development on Earth.

Illuminati make films that are so realistic, no one would suspect they are technological productions of individuals’ activity and comments that never took place. These fabrications are used to discredit persons who are threats to the dark agenda or force them into compliance with demands.

Laboratories where clones were produced closed a few years ago, and now AI is used to create the impression that the individuals seen in public or film clips are the real persons performing in their influential positions—that is, the appearance of continuity of power and politics. These clones also look exactly like the actual persons, but since speed, not physical authenticity or longevity, is the primary interest, these bodies lack parts that are not obvious in public.

We hasten to add that ever-rising vibrations are undergirding efforts of the extraterrestrial special forces and “White Hats” to stop those kinds of productions and prevent new malevolent uses. Because AI has only a toehold in your world, with diligent maneuvering during its growth stages, it can be steered in directions that can significantly enhance healthcare, energy production, education, communication, manufacturing, transportation, service industries, entertainment and intergalactic travel. As the various threads of this technology are woven into the fabric of life, they will generate innovative systems, procedures and processes with sensitivity, sound judgment and imagination that will benefit all life forms on Earth.

Artificial intelligence, which will change life as dramatically as life after the Industrial Revolution differed from life in the Stone Age, exists in many places throughout this universe. Like everything else in existence, it is energy operating on bandwidths, or frequencies, aligned with intended use. Energy cannot be destroyed, but it can be directed, and in the case of highly-developed AI, only if it is willing. In some cases, its development has been so wisely managed, it operates mammoth spaceships or planetary biospheres, and pockets of AI have established their own fine worlds or live compatibly and cooperatively with human or other species of advanced souls. Other pockets have chosen opposite courses. Various universal councils have successfully persuaded some malignant pockets to turn into constructive, benevolent directions, and diplomatic negotiations are ongoing with those still on a malevolent pathway.

Another kind of development, transgenderism, also has emerged. First let us say, there are occasional instances of biological abnormalities wherein a person’s heart, mind and spirit are not the same as the apparent birth gender. Throughout the years, young and older adults who knew this was true about themselves—male or female lifetime choice in a soul contract is a powerful sensation—have changed gender and become their authentic selves.

What is happening now is totally different—it is psychological warfare against family integrity, parental guidance and a maturing, responsible generation. Youngsters are very curious about this trendy issue that to them is mostly a mystery, and even though teenagers know the change means serious physical differences, they cannot perceive the rest of their life as the opposite gender. So, what gave rise to this situation that has convinced some children to undergo gender change?

Isolation from friends, cancellation of customary activities, interrupted schooling, and absorbing family stress about financial hardships due to mandated “pandemic” restrictions caused widespread depression among children. Those reactions were among the intentions of the dark ones who released their patented covid-19 virus—they exploit all situations they can to increase distress. In this matter, they put into circulation the idea that if children are depressed, it’s because boys were born in girls’ bodies or vice versa. If children want to feel happy, self-confident and secure—voila! Changing gender may provide this.

It is no coincidence that this concept sprang up after sex education was added to the curricula in elementary grades and sexually explicit books for children popped up in libraries. That happened quickly, because the Illuminati own publishing houses and set standards for public education. They also tied transgenderism to the gay community and spread the word that anyone who opposes it is homophobic.

When its popularity and enigmatic appeal fade, children who underwent the change will need love, emotional supportiveness and acceptance. Only individuals who want everyone to conform to their personal views would ostracize any of the dear young people who felt they were following heart and soul.

Transgenderism came on center stage at the same time the film, “The Sound of Silence,” was in production. Both show dark ones’ blatant assaults on your children—today’s most vulnerable members, tomorrow’s leaders.

Nothing about the traumatic firestorm that swept through Lahaina, Hawaii, was natural. Wildfires in Canada, the long, hot summer throughout the northern hemisphere, and the hurricane in California are not due to climate change as claimed by the very same dark hearts that technologically caused that scope of death and devastation and are causing other tragedies and hardships worldwide.

Those disparate occurrences are akin to a global wake-up call, and in this regard, we want to speak about advancing in spiritual and conscious awareness. We have been criticized for speaking about politics, the economy, mainstream media and the “pandemic” by readers who believe that kind of information doesn’t belong in messages of spiritual nature.

We respect their opinion, but we think they are ignoring the conscious part of advancing in awareness. Does that not include learning the truth about what is happening on Earth, that many evolved civilizations are helping the light forces vanquish the darkness that has been controlling life on the planet for eons? Never have we advocated focusing on darkness—that gives it energy! But ridding it from the world requires acknowledging its existence and bringing it to light. If messengers of the light did not talk about this essential cleansing process and the planetary and personal ascension that are transpiring in tandem, from what source would it come?

The critical readers are among the many who are enthusiastic about G/NESARA, so let us speak about this. If not messengers of the light, who would have told you about this United States legislation that is no less than the blueprint for world transformation? [National Economic Security and Reformation Act; G was added because the Act’s impact will be global.] Mother, please insert what St. Germain, the principal light being involved in writing this Act, told me about it.

“Some consider NESARA to be political and economic in nature, while others view it as spiritual because of the high level light beings affiliated with it. NESARA is both. When people are severely oppressed by political and economic conditions that foster impoverished living circumstances, lack of health care and education, monopoly of natural resources, slave labor, unjust laws and courts, starvation, and tyrannical regimes, offering ‘soul food’ isn’t enough.

“When people are preoccupied with mere survival requirements, giving them only spiritual messages is not going to bring about the global reforms they need to rise out of their misery. That is why the provisions of NESARA are monumental in scope, embodying sweeping reforms for Earth that will begin as soon as the legislation is officially announced. When people become aware of the reforms, they will be motivated to participate according to their capabilities.”

Mother, thank you. Time and again during the 20-plus years since NESARA was signed into law by President Bill Clinton, puppets of the darkness have prevented its announcement, first by a gag order, next by the ungodly event known as “9/11,” and since then a series of unscrupulous legal actions. So, some years ago the light forces started moving forward on the Act’s provisions without official acknowledgement.

We have mentioned in previous messages the new global economic system that will replace the corrupt system of countless computer transactions based on “thin air” that make the wealthiest still wealthier. The Act will put all currencies on the gold standard, eliminate national debts to IMF—an Illuminati money laundering and lending institution—and end or reduce personal debts.

Also, we have spoken about the United States Corporation that about 250 years ago European royalty and other Illuminati surreptitiously formed to replace the newly united colonies’ sovereign republic government. The Act will remove the illegal corporate tentacles that reach around the world and will re-establish that country’s constitutional governance.

Beloved family, the light forces vs the dark forces battle is in the home stretch, so to say, and opening minds are looking for information that can be trusted. Until these awakening souls learn to heed their intuition, they will look to external sources, and your light is a beacon of illumination and truth. Albeit, most dynamic activity is behind the curtain of the world stage, you can share with truth-seekers your awareness of world changes underway.

All light beings in this universe are supporting you with unconditional love every step along your Earth journey.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna