Δευτέρα 31 Ιουλίου 2023

We will clean all your oceans and streams and show you how to harness the life force

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

Electrons Remain Intact In Our Water

We don’t use the same technology to bring our water to us as you on the surface do. Our “pipes” operate differently, so that when our water flows through them, the electrons remain intact. When water flows through the pipes on the surface, the electrons spin off, resulting in the loss of life force. So, you drink “dead” water, due to the way water spirals through your pipes. This does not occur in the Hollow Earth or Subterranean Cities, because we know how to flow water to keep its electrons intact and protect its life force. So, the water we drink is alive. It is living consciousness. 

When we emerge and come to the surface, we will bring our equipment with us, connected to the Hollow Earth oceans, and deliver water to you that you’ve never tasted before; water that invigorates your spirit, renews your cells and rebuilds your body. We will clean all your oceans and streams, and show you how to harness the life force and bring it right into your homes.

We store our records on Telonium Plates

I am talking to you from my office in the Library of Porthologos, where I transcribe and prepare all ancient, current and future records for our Telonium plates. Telonium is an ancient and eternal kind of metal that lasts forever and never shows any signs of decay. It is the perfect material to store our records on. This process of storage is quite a creative one, and it’s a joy to indulge ourselves in the creation process of preserving all of Earth’s records, along with all the records in our Universe. It is a process of extreme creativity, not like working in a surface copy shop or the mundane repetition of factory work.

Παρασκευή 28 Ιουλίου 2023

The Earth is passing through new energies in Space that are lifting everything up

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 28 July 2023

The problems upon Earth are far from diminishing and depending where you live, are causing widespread damage, and considerable concern to maintain normal living standards. Given that this period of change was anticipated, you rightly question why more action was not taken to avoid the disasters now being experienced. The problems have for most of you perhaps come up at much faster rate than expected, consequently adequate precautions have not been taken. Temperature changes are difficult to cater for, particularly when they have proved to be exceptionally greater than previously expected.

The changes are forcing you to re-access your approach to the problems, and you are seeing the first signs of a worldwide effort of different countries coming together to combat them. Anything less would have been much more disastrous than it has been so far. However, it seems that some countries are suffering much more than others, where the temperatures are so high that normal life is impossible. We urge you to focus your energy upon those who are in greater need of assistance. In general terms, Humanity has been kept down for a long, long time and the shortcomings are seen as preventing adequate action being taken. Sooner or later there must be a worldwide effort to combat the changes, so as to lessen their affect upon the people.

The resources of the world are greater than realised and if used sensibly should enable you to combat the changes, so as to keep damage to the minimum. You must know what is needed and a combined approach by the major countries should enable you to keep some measure of control over what is taking place. The right approach now will ensure that the outcome is satisfactory and will pave the way for new ways of living to be introduced. The groups who rule the world and dictate what is allowed must be forced to allow advancements to be made that raise the living standard of life. The “know how” exists already and there are efforts being made to introduce them now.

The Earth is passing through new energies in Space that are lifting everything up and as it increases the negative ones are being reduced in their affect upon you. Therefore, in the long term matters will take a turn for the better and you should start preparing for this period now. Think ahead and think progress, because the changes will give you the opportunities you need to make headway. Realise that we are doing our best to influence you to make the right decisions, and giving ideas that will enhance your progress. Your destiny is written in the stars and the way home is laid out before you. Think new and let the old ways fade away into the past, as they have served their purpose very well.

We do not stand idly by and are forever prompting you to take the right action that will benefit you and continue to advance Humanity. You could say every cloud has a silver lining, but how do you get at it. You are to be credited with a determination to be successful and it is this approach that will bring you victory. The people as a collective are hardy and resolute and determined to overcome the challenges that are before them. Many know the score and work hard to guide you along the path leading to success. You can achieve it and many of you have been chosen to help Humanity through this very trying period. Do not lose heart, as many souls are with you on this journey with you, giving you the help and strength to carry on knowing that all the effort you put in will prove to have been well worth it.

Most of you were fully aware of the challenge you would face, and your part in the action would have been discussed before you incarnated upon Earth. So, matters are not as bad as they might appear, and many souls are engaged in the battle against the dark forces and well equipped to win. As you cannot see the whole picture, it is difficult for you to gauge the exact position you are in, but be assured that you are supported by us. We see the whole picture and outcome and best able to guide you safely through such periods.

We see your victory, so keep on believing in success, as it is not that far away. The joy and happiness of leaving the darkness behind will be so uplifting and most of you will still be here to witness it. These are historic times and you are privileged to be part of them. Many souls desired to be part of the story that in the future will be told many times over. The victory of the Light over the darkness will honour those who were part of it and were successful.

We have looked ahead and given you some insight into the future, hoping it will strengthen your resolve to see this battle through to the end. One day, you will look back at this period and marvel at your determination to achieve victory over the dark Ones. You will also see the future that was assured by your success. It was always meant to result this way, but you still had to achieve it without knowing the real outcome. You had great faith in those who supported you all through the challenges that greatly tested you.

In reality, you are persevering with a strong passion and determination to win this battle. Logically, the Light will always win over the dark Ones, but not before they have tried every trick to win the battle. It has given you of the Light a stronger belief in your own ability to face and beat them and you are to be commended for doing so.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 22 Ιουλίου 2023

All is a part of the great plan for Humanity

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 21 July 21 2023

There is so much happening in your world you must find it hard to keep up with it, particularly when it affects you personally. People are saying that doomsday is coming, because they cannot see any end to the trauma and changes that have badly affected their quality of life. There seems to be no end to the continual changes that are leading many into poverty and severely affecting their quality of life. Some ask why it is all happening now and what is the likely outcome. We wish we could see the immediate it and would assure you that in the long run it will be to your liking, and leave the old unsatisfactory ways of life behind.

There is a greater picture that you cannot see and as the energies continue to rise, there will come a time when the light will become stronger, and leave the negative vibrations behind never again to blight your lives. It will be the culmination of humanity’s resolve and determination to remain strong and not give way to the pressures placed upon them. At present, success seems a long way off, but be assured we are with you all of the time urging you ever onwards. We know you can do it and we will be backing you all of the way, so that you do not become discouraged.

Some of you despair at the thought of having to live through such times, but we remind you that you knew what to expect before you took this incarnation. You may not realise it, but you were prepared for this lifetime and the part you would play in it. So, nothing happens by chance and all is a part of the great plan for Humanity. In other words, you have never been left alone to face your challenges and we back you up where possible or permissible. Be assured that all will work out as planned and there is light at the end of the tunnel of darkness. The dark Ones will follow their path and learn whatever lessons they need to rise up.

You normally carry your karma around with you and clear it whenever a suitable opportunity arises. Karma that is required to ensure lessons are learnt is applied when you are ready to handle it and normally assured of being successful. The whole set up upon Earth is something like a school and opportunities are planned to enable you to continue evolving. It is the whole object of each life, and each ones experience determines how much they learn and progress. The goal is to raise your vibrations and move up into the higher levels, until you become a Being of Light.

Understand that in the realm of freewill you accepted the challenge to see if you could overcome the interference of the dark Ones and still make progress. Their role is to play the opposition and do all they can to hold you back to see if you can overcome it. It may seem a strange way to do it, but experience has shown it to be the best way that enables Beings of Light to evolve. The beauty of this system is that you will always get more opportunities to achieve success, and clearly we want you to be successful. Generally speaking, the Light will always come out on top.

The system is well tried and tested and you always have the opportunity to see exactly what happened in your last lifetime on Earth. It is looked at and discussed with higher Beings who are far more experienced than you are and ultimately decide what you need to learn to continue your evolution. Understand that you are never punished for any mistakes you make; on the contrary, you are helped to overcome them. On Earth, it is a different story, because you are still at the stage where punishment is still thought as necessary to make people respond.

So, you see that things are so much different on Earth, as so few actually understand that at heart each soul is a loving person of unending kindness and compassion. However, some will manage to live up to their beliefs and are like a beacon of Light in the darkness of Earth. Such loving souls are like a magnet to other people who are immediately attracted to them. Historically, Jesus was one such soul who taught that you “should love others as yourself” and was a living example of what he preached.

It may sound hard to stay spiritual on an Earth that abounds with negative energies, but when you do achieve it, you will find it is a lot easier than you imagined. Keeping calm in all situations is extremely difficult, as you are often unprepared for what happens. However, you can so to say, pour oil on troubled waters and you will know exactly what to do. Your mere presence is of a healing nature and uplifts other souls who can “feel” your positive energy.

There is no doubt that someone who is of the Light does attract other people who feel good to be around them. The calming and loving energy of such people is a measure of how evolved they are. It is the level that you should aim for, so never give up trying and for certain you will eventually be successful. It is interesting that some souls can clearly see other soul’s auras and read them. The colours are meaningful and much like the rainbow run from red to indigo that is the highest vibration. Conditions of the aura can give a health reading and often show signs of impending illness.

There is much to learn about the human body that is remarkable, as it is self-healing in many instances, but many humans are totally unaware as to how it functions and pay little attention to its needs. However, if you wish a healthy life, your body needs looking after and not abused, as otherwise it will catch up with you in later life.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Παρασκευή 14 Ιουλίου 2023

You are far greater than you imagine and have powers that are just emerging

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 14 July 2023

We are urging you to seek the truth of your being as for so long you have been denied it and used like puppets. It has been deliberate to keep you in the dark as to your true purpose upon Earth. We say again that you are not your body. It is only a means by which you can experience life in the material Universe. After it has served its purpose, it is discarded allowing the soul to be free one more. Your new etheric body can be controlled by the power of thought, and most souls chose to continue experiencing with it as a new young version of perfection.

What is often missing is the knowledge that when you have reached a certain level of consciousness, you do not necessarily have to experience further lives in the lower vibrations. However, some will volunteer to go back to help lift up those souls who struggle to evolve, often simply through lack of understanding or being deliberately mislead. The dark Ones take every opportunity to keep you from the truth and it is a role they play for which they have been appointed because of their karmic responsibility. With their background, it is one they play for which they are well suited.

Spiritual progress can be very quick providing you deal with your challenges, but alas many souls find it difficult not to come under the influence of those who tempt them away from the Light. We know life can be tough, but as we often point out, you are not given more testing than you can manage. Realise that you are not facing the dark Ones alone and your Guides are always with you doing their best to ensure you respond positively. They are often that quiet voice that prompts you to take the right action when you are challenged.

Life is a game but a very serious one and few realise its true significance. It is planned to give you the experiences you need to evolve, so when you know that you are being challenged, do your best to respond in the right manner. The last thing you should try to avoid is the use of physical force, unless you are made to do so to protect yourself or those around you. Often in a difficult situation one soul who is able to keep calm can bring about a sensible solution.

You could be forgiven for thinking that danger is round every corner, but it is not as prevalent as you may think. You are guided in and out of situations that could be threatening and will only involve you if there are karmic reasons that you should do so. Nothing essential really happens by chance, although it may appear that way, as anything of importance to you is always well planned. Take your life lessons to heart, as they are experiences that move you further along your pathway to Ascension.

Knowing what makes the world go round means you can help others as you have done. You have a saying “that what goes around comes around” and it means that how you treat others will eventually come back to you. If you are always helpful to those in need, you are creating good karma for yourself; the reverse can also apply at some stage in your life. Karma can be carried forward, if it is best carried out at that time. If it sounds complicated, it is and much thought has to be put into it ensuring it is appropriate.

Yes, countries also have karma that reflects the ambitions and needs they have. Sadly warlike countries bring much sorrow and despair onto their people, but realise souls would not be incarnating into such situations unless there was something to be learnt from them. Eventually, souls realise that wars achieve absolutely nothing and that peaceful solutions are the best answer. There will come a time when peace will reign, but at what cost – clearly Man has chosen the hard way, but all paths will eventually lead to completion.

What is important is the continuation of your search for the truth and opportunities to advance will come your way, so be assured that all souls will eventually reach their goal. The effort you put in now will benefit you tenfold, even if it is not immediately apparent to you. You have had so many lives where progress has been slow and demanding, but it all carries you further forward, even if you are unaware of the progress you are making. Take things as they come to you knowing that there is always a purpose for the experiences you have.

Whether you realise it or not, you are facing great changes in your life, as the old ways are no longer adequate. However, the changes will be planned to help you advance more quickly. Many new innovations are waiting to be introduced and some would have already benefitted you, but for the interference of the dark Ones. Be assured that their power is dwindling and many have been removed and will answer for their crimes against Humanity.

We tend to focus on the activities of the dark Ones, so that you are aware of their actions to slow down your advancement and keep the truth from you. We say again, you are far greater than you imagine and have powers that are just emerging that will carry you forward and through the tough times you are now experiencing. Bear in mind that when you came to Earth, you were equipped with the skills or knowledge that would enable you to successfully carry out your life plan. In reality, you are a far greater soul than you imagine. Keep calm and spread peace wherever you go and more could not be asked of you. We know how hard it is to hold back your reactions when confronted with negative situations, but by being in control of your emotions you are helping to hold the peace.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Τρίτη 11 Ιουλίου 2023

Our Technology Advances Our Civilization

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

Greetings from the Hollow Earth. I am Mikos, your friend from inside the Earth. Thank you for opening your computer to talk to us. We are all gathered around me, as I dictate this message to you from underground. We are also gathered around you, in your office, as you type this dictation. We are holding the energy, and the Light of protection around you, as you sit at your computer.

Today we will talk about the technology inside the Earth. We are all technologically advanced inside the Earth, and all of our technology is used for construction, not destruction, of our civilizations. We use all our technology for only the highest purposes to advance our civilizations and improve our living conditions. We already live very well, and we are always refining our living mode, as each step upwards is another step to God. We are always advancing in everything we do, whether it is for ourselves or for others.

On the surface, your technology is used to make and amass weapons of destruction, to be used on the human race. But remember, when you use weapons of destruction on the human race, you are also eradicating the other species that share this planet with you, and you are also upsetting their habitants, leaving them homeless too. Have you ever thought about this? Your karma for destruction is great, because it is not only for humans, but the elemental king- dom and animal kingdom and the trees that you maim and obliterate when you use your weapons of mass destruction.

You have reversed the purpose for developing technology in the first place. Its purpose is to advance living conditions and create ease and plenty for everyone, not to harm and destroy each other and the land. This is a gross misuse of God’s technology that was given to you to improve your lives and experiment with different ways of living, not to destroy the very lives that you were meant to improve. There is a great misunderstanding here, that we wish to clarify for you. Although most of the Earth’s population is loving and yearns only for peace, there are still thousands who wish to control the population of Earth, including all her resources. They do this through war and threats.

The only way to advance is through the heart center, where love from God flows to each and every one of us. Here, in the Hollow Earth, our hearts are always open, and always receiving the love that is pouring in from God. Love is all we feel. It is this same love that is also pouring into your hearts on the surface. All you have to do is open to receive it, and you will feel its wonders in every thought you think and every emotion you feel. You will be tuned into God, even though your feet still touch the Earth.

(to be continued)

Παρασκευή 7 Ιουλίου 2023

It is your destiny and nothing will stop the positive changes from manifesting

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 7 July 2023

The ways of Man do not favour a quick solution to your problems, as you do not put forward answers that come from sharing the responsibility with others. There is a lack of trust and a desire to be dominant, so that it is difficult to get others to join together to present a strong approach. Even now, you fight amongst yourselves and waste precious time and materials. Where are the leaders amongst you who have the foresight and understanding to bring people together to present a united front? Some prefer to wait for the “right time”, when peace is more prevalent and lasting.

As individuals you have the power of thought that can help shape the future through positive thinking. Equally, you can weaken such energies by giving out negative ones that the dark Ones thrive on. So, we ask you to think and act positively, thereby contributing to the positive energy that is needed to lift the vibrations up. Believe us when we say every little counts as like energies are attracted to each other creating a strong force for change. Presently, there is so much negativity upon Earth, it will take time before it can be controlled and overcome.

At heart, Man is peaceful by nature, but living in energies upon Earth that are so mixed and disrupting gives little opportunity to raise the vibrations. However, when sufficient people have lifted theirs and are able to hold them in place, it will help to bring about positive change. It is to happen in due course, because the vibrations are already rising, and will continue to do so, until they reach the point of change where all negativity will no longer be able to exist. It is your destiny and nothing will stop the positive changes from manifesting.

On a personal level, you should try to be centred at all times and avoid situations that are disrupting and negative. Simply walk away from them if necessary and do not get involved. You may meet situations of a minor nature that you can send healing energy to through your power of thought. If you feel negative energies around you, see yourself totally enclosed in an aura of gold and you will be protected. For healing purposes you can choose appropriate colours that give you the maximum benefit. There is much you can do to help yourself live a more acceptable life free from interference and negativity. 

A useful tip is to see yourself safely inside your aura that completely encases you, as one that is fragmented or open is letting in other undesirable energies. Some people can see auras and can spot unwelcome energies in them that are usually dark and unattractive. Clear and bright colours indicate healthy energies that are the most desirable. It has been noted that people are attracted to colours that exist in their aura without realising it.

There is so much more you need to know about your existence upon Earth, but most importantly that you are not your physical body. It is for your necessary experiences to progress with your evolution that has involved many incarnations chosen to give you the exact experiences you needed. It is ongoing until you reach a stage where you no longer need them and are ready to move into the levels of near perfection that are of a much higher vibration. Your experiences upon Earth are full of challenges that determine how far you have evolved and help you to rise up.

Evolution should now make more sense, as each incarnation your soul takes a new body suited to their needs and necessary experiences. You are eternal and have had many, many lives as man or woman in different situations to give you every opportunity to evolve. Each life is planned to give you the maximum opportunity to gain the experience you need to continue evolving. It is discussed with you and you would be fully aware of what would be asked of you.

Obviously, those souls that oversee your experiences are well used to planning a life to give the maximum opportunity to be successful. Once it is agreed, the rest is up to you when a suitable time is chosen to enable you to carry on with your experiences. If by any chance you fail to evolve, there is always another chance to do so. You are not rushed and have ample time to progress as needed. After each life, it is discussed with your teachers, so that lessons unlearnt can be arranged in a future life. Be assured that you are given every help each lifetime and there is no reason why you should not eventually be successful.

Understand that you would normally decide which souls you select to be your parents, but your choice would be from those souls who are considered the best to give you the right upbringing and opportunity to progress. Often they are souls you already know and it is sometimes more like a family affair. For balance, there will be a need at times when you need to change your sex, which you would have already done many times. Families often remain together for experience, but each time you will most likely play different roles. It is all worked out for the maximum success.

Most of you will have experienced meeting a person and instantly take to them, as if you are old friends, and it can seem that you have always known them, because you have spent many lives together. There are few random occurrences that are of importance, but nevertheless it does happen. It comes down to what you need and who can give you what you want. Clearly, there are occasions when for some reason you stray from your chosen path, but your Guides will do everything possible to get you back on it. Normally a lot of planning goes into ensuring you are given every opportunity to progress as planned, so never lose heart as all is arranged to go as needed.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Δευτέρα 3 Ιουλίου 2023

The 10 dormant DNA strands will begin activating one by one until all are functioning

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 3 July 2023

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. It is our privilege and great pleasure to welcome back Arnold, the soul who shared his knowledge in two prior messages.

ARNOLD: Thank you, Matthew. For nigh onto a century my people have been helping Gaia and her residents by sending light to Earth. Other civilizations, including those who live in Inner Earth cities, have been doing the same, and many millions of volunteers have incarnated on the planet to add their light. These gifts of light, the same energy as love, enabled Earth to rise out of third density depths and embark upon a steady ascension pathway.

Her people saw turmoil growing, but they had no idea that a massive infusion of light was exposing long-hidden darkness and a battle between the light and the dark forces was well underway. To enlighten the populace, off-planet messengers telepathically transmitted information to their respective receivers, who accepted the mission to publicize it. Persons who were responsive to the light and the information began to awaken. Now their vast numbers are increasing by the day and Earth is orbiting in fourth density on her way to fifth with speed that is unprecedented in this universe.

When this eons-old plague of darkness runs out its energy course, and this is happening rapidly, the evil it has caused and will leave in its wake must be remedied so the planet and all its inhabitants can heal from cultural, racial and religious prejudice; economic polarization; political and corporate corruption; cruelty to animals; ignorance of truths and information control; cities and towns in ruins; homelessness and impoverishment; contaminated soil, air and waters.

And indeed, every one of those conditions will be remedied! Some of you are thinking it could be a century or more before the ravaged environment can be restored to health and people around the world live peacefully, cooperatively and prosperously within the richness of their diversity and in harmony with Nature. Dear ones, please think instead that the light will keep intensifying and raising vibrations and souls who are spiritually and consciously advanced will be incarnating in great numbers.

My people conservatively estimate that reconciliation, cleansing and reconstruction will be completed in less than two generations, 35 to 40 of your years, and many aspects will be accomplished much sooner. Significant efforts have started in some areas, others are in planning stages, and throughout those years we and other universal family will work alongside you. Some will introduce their technology and help you implement your own, which dark ones have suppressed from beneficial use and misused themselves.

You will harness free energy; dematerialize radioactive waste; rid the oceans and rivers of pollution and debris; cleanse your soil of toxicity; rebuild war-torn areas; turn deserts into arable lands; and revolutionize economic, legal/justice, and governing systems, healthcare, farming, education, construction, communication and transportation.

As bodies’ cellular structure transforms into crystalline, Earth civilization’s ten dormant DNA strands will begin activating one by one until all are functioning. The people will understand they are multidimensional eternal souls experiencing another lifetime in a physical world, that animals and plants are souls, too, and every life is connected with all others and with the Supreme Being of this Universe. Eradication of disease will result in longer, healthier, happier lives, and access to innate abilities such as telepathic communication, astral travel and manifestation by focused thought will immeasurably enrich life.

The disinformation that permeates your world will have been long since replaced by truths and all information in media and textbooks will be accurate. Fear, which is so prevalent today, will have been long since replaced by contentment, curiosity, excitement and adventuresome spirit. You will enjoy what now seems to be the stuff of science fiction, such as travelling to other worlds and greeting universal family who come from other civilizations to visit you.

The population will not advance en masse, but individually in accordance with persons’ beliefs about their extensive powers, and ultimately everyone will achieve that advanced state of being. Then Earth’s destiny, her Golden Age, will flourish in the fullness of unity consciousness—indeed, heaven on Earth!

Dear hearts, many of you in elder years chose in your soul contract to leave Earth lifetime before that Age is blooming in all its gloriousness. You will be living in other magnificent worlds where love, peace and life in harmony with Nature also are cornerstones. You can view the panorama of Earth in the continuum, where all her residents are joyously thriving in the planet’s abundance and pristine beauty.

For your dedicated service that is inspiring her people to move ever onward to manifest that Age, you are honored by and have the gratitude of all lighted beings. Whatever happens anywhere affects everything else everywhere else, thus the transformation of life on Earth will benefit all other worlds in this universe.

Suzy, thank you for receiving my message. Matthew, thank you for letting me speak.

MATTHEW: We thank you, Arnold! Our readers will welcome your message! We would like to add a bit, if we may.

ARNOLD: Indeed you may.

MATTHEW: When Earth was mired in third density, Gaia asked universal family for the help she needed to rise out of those depths where darkness was keeping her. Third density worlds that did not request help or declined assistance lovingly offered have taken many thousands of years to reach fourth density, where Earth is location-wise and the status many of her peoples are attaining in personal ascension. That this has happened in only several decades lets you see the uniqueness of speed thanks to the light beamed by other civilizations and the steadfastness of volunteers.

Arnold, we are profoundly grateful for your assistance and that of all other members of the extraterrestrial Special Forces.

ARNOLD: As you and all other souls at your station know, Matthew, helping our Earth family is a service of love. Thank you for adding to what I said about speed. That comparison was needed, so the ascension pace of Earth and her residents can be properly appreciated. And now, I bid you farewell.

[Arnold’s previous presentations are in September 16, 2019 and November 1, 2022 messages. After the first, Matthew said this about him: “His humility belies his soul evolvement station and the high position he holds in his civilization as well as his importance to your world—he is one of the specially-gifted Special Forces we have talked about.”]

Many of you may not know or remember what makes those forces special. Mother, please insert what we said about them some time ago.

Members of the Forces number in the thousands and they’re stationed around the world wherever they are needed. In addition to the great difference in the size of this group and the other volunteers and the occasional arrival of an adult, souls in the Forces also differ in other ways. All come from the most highly evolved civilizations, where they held responsible positions. They know who they are and none has ever strayed from his or her mission.

They retain their innate abilities of manifestation; dematerialization; teleportation; astral travel; telepathic communication; being present in spirit only, thus invisible to bystanders; and “reading” thoughts of others, nearby or distant. Those extraordinary abilities—that is, in persons on Earth—enable these volunteers to be especially valuable in intelligence agencies, the sciences, medical laboratories, information analysis, military forces and governments.

And, a few are prodigies, which shouldn’t be surprising, and a few are what you call illusionists. That may seem a frivolous mission, but it is purposeful—by walking through a brick wall or producing an automobile out of thin air, for instance, they are showing these are possible. Thoughts about any possibility precede developing—more accurately, activating—the ability to accomplish it, and those entertainers are stimulating their audiences to contemplate how such feats can be managed. You could say they are the wayshowers to Earth’s peoples discovering their own innate capabilities.

Let us add that it is members of the Special Forces who reduced the toxicity in “vaccines” and erased the programming in the chips as well as preventing detonation of missiles’ nuclear warheads and causing other weapons to malfunction. Of particular importance to us, they are our information sources on the planet about what is happening there. [March 3, 2022]

Mother, thank you. You can see why we are profoundly grateful to Arnold and all others in the Special Forces. As a major part of the Light Forces, their multi-pronged mission is different from, but in conjunction with, what the “White Hats” are doing to rid Earth of darkness. As a preface to telling you about one of the missions, we say that some of the Forces’ members are among the many reptilians who are Lighted Beings.

Mother, please copy a pertinent part of your conversation with Horiss, a reptilian fleet commander whom I know.

“It is known by some of your people that certain of my civilization are fearsome creatures that have been causing all manner of evil upon your world for endless times. …. It is possible that of all who oppose their darkness, we are the most vehement, because their actions reflect upon us as a total civilization. Those members are not in the majority and are not representative of the rest of us.” [Horiss’ entire illuminating presentation is in June 24, 2009 message.]

Again, thank you, Mother. The reptilians about whom Horriss spoke include older generations of European royal families, others at the peak of the Illuminati, and a group that can be rightfully thought of as evil incarnate. By emitting the lowest of vibrations, that group gleefully helps perpetuate Earth’s third density conditions, even though their main interest is their own survival, unlike the dark forces’ puppets who cause all sorts of mayhem and violence, corruption, disease, disinformation and toxic pollution. One of the Special Forces’ missions is the eradication of that group of reptilians, a task your military forces cannot manage.

Ridding Earth of darkness is moving apace worldwide. And, in reply to numerous questions about military movement in the United States, the troops will maintain order and provide safety for the citizenry, as cleansing action heats up in that country—the beneficial aftermath will be far-reaching.

Beloved brothers and sisters, we and other messengers of the Light have told you that of the billions of souls who volunteered to wake up our Earth family, so they can see they have the power to make their world peaceful, healthy and prosperous for all, you were chosen because you are the strongest and have successfully accomplished this in other 3D worlds.

If you feel you are falling short this time because even family and dear friends show little interest in hearing what you know and dramatic changes are not publicly evident, we assure you, you have not fallen short! The light you radiate simply by BEing has been motivating millions upon millions to start thinking, questioning, reasoning and acting on a higher level of awareness. Dear ones, you are a grand success!

All Light Beings in this Universe honor you and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna