Τρίτη 4 Αυγούστου 2015

Adama’s New Meditation For Easier Manifesting

Message from Adama via Asara for 1 Aug 2015 

Greetings, Beloved Ones, 

We are most joyous to connect with you here today, and we send you our utmost love from the heart of Telos! 

Dear Ones, you are currently in the process of forging a new connection between you mind and your heart. 

This connection is very important for your upcoming experience and in the way you are manifesting your reality. Now more than ever. 

In the past, you might have perceived heart based decisions and actions as weakness... 

However, when you are looking at your world through your sacred heart, you will be able to see the world through the eyes of Source. 

So, how does this affect your daily life, when you look at your world and reality through the eyes of Source? 

Let's begin by the way you look at yourself and what you think about yourself. 

Source sees you as absolute perfection, deserving of infinite love and wellbeing. Source sees you as the extension and expression of Itself - always. 

You are the expression and extension of Source. 

Everything you are experiencing is reflecting how much you are allowing this perspective of Source or how much you are resisting this perspective of Source. 

Now, let's take this further: 

Take the perspective Source has of you, and view all life in your reality the same way Source sees you: perfect and deserving of infinite love and wellbeing. 

Envision it. Imagine it. 

Every manifestation begins with imagination. Everything you see, every experience you have right now, started out with a thought and imagination. 

This is where your mind comes in. 

Your mind has the ability to imagine everything. Your mind can decide, what it wants to imagine, what to think, what to say and what to do. 

What if your mind begins to allow for the way Source sees you and the world around you, to inspire a new imagination? 

Would you like to try to strengthen your mind-heart(Source)-connection? 

Here is a meditation for this process: 

Breathe deeply... 


Imagine a golden light within your heart center... 

Imagine this golden light to expand into your body... 

Imagine this golden light to expand into your aura... 

Imagine this golden light to expand into the room that you're in... 

Around you are all your Angels and Guides, smiling at you with love... 

Imagine, the glowing light in your heart center intensifying... 

Imagine for Source to connect with you through this light... 

"You are loved beyond measure..." 

"You are good..." 

"All is well with you..." 

Now, imagine for a bridge of light to form, between your heart center and your third eye chakra... 

Imagine for the feeling and information you have just received, to flow into your third eye and into your head... 

Imagine for this light and feeling to expand into your mind... 

Now, Dear Ones, imagine the world around you... 

See the world in perfect wellbeing and love... 

Breathe it in, Beloveds... 

When you feel complete, return your awareness to this now moment. 

Welcome back. 

Beloved Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure. 

I am your brother Adama of Telos. 

Thank You Adama! :-)

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