Σάββατο 30 Μαρτίου 2024

There is a plan that will lead to the a victory for the Light

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 29 March 2024

Matters upon Earth are quickly moving to a conclusion, but it would appear that it will be a forced situation and not by choice, and that is understandable in view of the events that are taking place. There is a degree of uncertainty, as to what path to take to avoid a situation that might lead to an all-out war. Several issues are involved and any one could spark off a global war and we say this with no desire to frighten you, but the facts must be faced. We for our part stand aside with no desire to interfere, but can spread ideas around that could lead to a more desirable outcome.

Whatever the outcome, we will be closely watching events and doing our best to influence those involved to bring about peaceful solutions. However, sometimes matters must be left to allow things to follow their own path. Whatever way events work out, our presence will ensure matters do not get out of hand. Indeed, we will control the energies, so that the outcome is following a direction that can be used to change the outcome to a more acceptable conclusion.

So much karma is being worked out and many souls on Earth at this time are creating opportunities that will advance matters for a much better outcome. There is always hope regardless of the attempts of the dark Ones to keep people down, and deny them their rightful place in the Light. The battle is indeed between the dark and the Light, whatever shape or form it takes. At present, the Earth is in turmoil and it is surely difficult to see which direction it is going in. But there is always light at the end of the tunnel and it will grow stronger as the dark Ones are prevented from succeeding with their plan to imprison the people of Earth.

Those of you who are working for the Light are to be commended for your determination to ensure that the dark Ones will not succeed in their attempts to embroil the whole Earth in a pointless war that has already resulted in the deaths of so many souls. When will Man ever learn that violence gets you nowhere at all, and only sets back your evolution by many years? However, since the end of the Age gets closer and closer, it must be apparent that it will bring about major changes that will leave the old behind that has no place in the higher vibrations.

You have been working towards the New Age for a long time and given every chance to rise up and even now you could do so. Clearly, all souls upon the Earth at this time are benefitting from their experiences in spite of the problems caused by the dark Ones. It must seem very difficult to make sense of what is taking place, but be assured that there is a plan that will lead to the a victory for the Light. It was foreseen and anticipated eons of time ago and it will give much joy and happiness to those who will have earned their victory.

Most Humans are very resilient and once they have a target in their sight, they are usually single minded in their intention to succeed. Most of you are very experienced in facing challenges and have every faith in your ability to overcome whatever problems you meet. It is why we cheer you on knowing that you have faith in yourselves. You have little idea of your past adventures, but do at times experience a certain feeling that you have led many lives. They have given you the faith you have in your own ability to tackle any problems that confront you, and indeed with your experience you can.

What surprises await you when you ascend, as you will find it far more exciting than you imagined and enjoy the peaceful feeling, after living a lot of your life fearing events taking place around you. You are blessed to be a masterly at all things and a whole vista of opportunity will open up before you. Life on Earth is in no way like the one that you are soon to enjoy, and it will be far beyond your expectations. Perhaps you would find meeting “old” friends again very exciting, and especially family members who you have fond memories for from your own experiences.

Bear in mind that little of what you have become familiar with over your many lives will serve you much longer and gradually slip into the background. The lessons you came to learn have done their work, and you will carry the benefits with you into the higher dimensions that you are entering. Be assured, nothing of value is left behind that can help serve your needs although you never stop learning. Your progress is carefully planned, so that it is appropriate for your continued advancement.

Your power of thought is continually growing and some of you will have already experienced unusual occurrences in this connection. For example, it is the premonition that someone is about to contact and it could be by telephone. In general, it is having a premonition of something you feel is about to happen. On a wider scale, it could be a world event such as an earthquake, or major happening that you had no knowledge of beforehand. These are minor events to what you could eventually experience. You surely must realise that you are in reality a very powerful Being and for the purpose of each incarnation you only carry those experiences that serve a purpose for that lifetime.

Keep an open mind, so that you do not miss out where information may help you in your quest for knowledge. Try to avoid obstructive and misleading information, because the dark Ones are forever trying to mislead you. Obviously, your Guides will have a hand in linking you with the right contacts, so that you can continue evolving in a useful manner. There is too much negative news placed upon you through newspapers and TV and you could be forgiven for being misled by them. If something doesn’t seem right, it is possibly correct and you are best advised to set it aside until you can be sure about it.

The most exciting experiences in the future for most people will be to meet those Dear Ones who have dropped their vibrations to help you evolve, and have followed your spiritual growth for a very long time. They serve you as they also have been served and know exactly what will help you succeed in your efforts to rise up. This type of response is typical of the help that is given you. You have so much to look forward to and it is why we give you every encouragement to stay firmly on the path given you that will help your continual progress.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Κυριακή 24 Μαρτίου 2024

Behind the scenes greatly evolved Beings are directing events

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 22 March 2024

Matters are progressing in a way that we expected, and you could have hardly failed to notice that the changes you are experiencing are increasingly affecting the population of Earth. The problems for Humanity are still mounting up and stretching you and your resources to a maximum. Unfortunately much is unavoidable, as the old ways are no longer adequate to bring in the required changes that will take you into the New Age that has already started to show itself. Meanwhile, the dark Ones see the chaos as an opportunity to establish their idea of how life should be led. They are ready to enforce them to bring about peace upon Earth, with draconian measures that rely upon their ability to control the population upon it. They will not succeed as greater forces than theirs control the outcome that will see the people of Earth lifted up and beyond their reach.

Behind the scenes greatly evolved Beings are directing events always taking into consideration your freewill. However, you are on course to see many acceptable changes that will point the way forward, and achieve the ultimate release from the negative energies and their cohorts. It may be difficult to imagine better times in the face of so much destruction and turmoil, but there is a plan not just for your survival, but also your freedom and release from the control of the Illuminati. At present, you may find it hard to envisage better times, but already the foundations are being built. In the not too distant future, it will become apparent which way things are going.

Go about your daily tasks knowing that there is a bright future ahead and that all of the good work you put in will reap its rewards. The important thing is to keep spreading the light and not allow yourselves to become disheartened. You are on the path to victory over the dark Ones who eventually have to answer for their activities and see the result of attempts to overcome Humanity and control their future.

Do you not feel the surge of positive energy that is gradually growing that will finally sweep away all of the negativity upon Earth? You may be assured it will and nothing shall stand in its way. That same energy will carry you into the New Age with all of its beauty, peace and happiness. So, do not give up now whatever your experiences, as they come your way for a good reason. You never stop learning even in the higher vibrations as after all you are in a manner of saying “the new kids on the block”. You are ready to move on and the opportunities to do so will come your way.

Know that there is so much more for you to learn and once you ascend the opportunities to do so are endless. Indeed, you will have much more say in your manner of progress and will have much advice from those who have gone before you. Old friends from many incarnations ago are looking forward to meeting you again and many have followed your progress with great interest. The friends you have made will always have that link with you and wait to greet you with loving thoughts. Naturally your memories of them will return and a joyful reunion take place.

So Dear Ones, the future is not as dismal as it may first seem to be, but clearly some experiences may not be to your liking, but all are necessary to help you overcome the negativity that seems to be all around you. Never forget you are overcoming the challenges that confront you and should never again give you concern. You may not realise it, but you are a powerful Being and not aware of your true potential whilst being on Earth. Imagine how much experience you have had through your hundreds of lives and how much you must have learned. You are to be honoured for your devotion to your tasks that have seen you climb the ladder to success. You are now ready for greater things once you ascend from the lower vibrations, never again to have to return to that level.

You have made so many friends on your travels who are only a thought away from you, and you will be able to meet again in the near future. Some have followed your progress mainly because of your lasting friendship through many lives. Many are old family members that have been with you on Earth numerous times and often in different relationships. As you must know by now, the links have always existed, so you will have some old friends waiting to meet you when you return to the higher vibrations. You may have met someone and felt a bonding and familiarity with them.

If you have a pet animal, you almost certainly talk to it and it does understand you and your tone of voice. They can be very devoted to their human “owners” and dogs will guard them with their lives. By living with you, they become individual souls and independent of the hub of animals that they would otherwise join. An animal’s devotion to their owners is remarkable and never goes away regardless of how they are treated. Animals do not become humans, but can so to say, experience in what you would judge to be a greater experience. Humans can learn a lot from animals and likewise animals from Man.

Do you feel that you have learned something from being a human, because over many lives it is impossible not to have done so. It is of course directed by you when you decide what path to follow to expand your experiences. It can lead to you becoming more focussed on what you want to be as a human being, and have a succession of lives that achieve your goals. Again, as with all experiences, you will have your Guides on hand to guide you along. Be assured that what you prove to be good at will be used to help others on a similar path.

There is of course no reason why you should not aim for a number of different goals. It obviously gives you a greater choice when you decide to follow one particular path that you can expand. Again, you get the advantage of having guidance from those who have gone before you. Life is about helping each other to evolve and souls have a natural urge to do so. When families come together many times, there is an ongoing development between them that hastens their success and it is not unusual for such an arrangement to take place.

Much of your life is planned in advance and necessarily so, if you are to be successful. It is arranged to give you the maximum opportunity to get the experiences you need to do so and inevitably means meeting some souls who can be useful to you. The most important event is meeting up with your partner who would also have been prepared for their part in your life. It is an involved affair to get things together as planned, but it usually works out unless the person goes against the plan, even so that they agreed with it before incarnating.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Τρίτη 19 Μαρτίου 2024

You have almost completed the first part of your long journey as a human being

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 15 March 2024

We wish you could see the greater picture, as two opposing energies battle for supremacy. The Light steadily progresses slowly but surely, whilst the negative forces refuse to admit they are fighting a losing battle. What are they fighting for you ask and the answer is world control of the people, by keeping them in ignorance of their real power to achieve permanent peace upon Earth. They do not want you to know that you have immense power and can rise above their attempts to keep you permanently in the dark.

By doing so, they prevent you from rising up into the Light and leave the lower vibrations behind. The Laws of the Universe allow freedom of choice, but the dark Ones take it away from you by manipulating events in their favour. However, the truth cannot be hidden for much longer, and many sources have risen up to bring the Light out into the open and it cannot be suppressed. The evil Ones may create mayhem and deal in the destruction of all that represents a settled and happy society, but there are far more souls of the Light who do their best to ensure that people are aware of it.

In the very near future, the dark Ones will lose their power and hold on society. They will be revealed for what they really are and removed from positions of power. Be assured that they have a lot to answer for and will be made to answer for their actions. Their crimes against Humanity cannot be hidden or denied and the truth will come out. It is not vengeance we seek, and those responsible for them will be treated fairly according to the Law of the Land.

Meantime, we encourage people to keep positive in times when it would be very easy to be caught up in acts of retribution. Allow the Laws to be used to take suitable action to make the culprits responsible for their actions. They knew the consequences and they will answer for their crimes against Humanity. Through their experiences, they will become more aware of the immense harm they are causing and hopefully repent. No soul is considered to be beyond redemption and help is given to put them back into society to once again become useful law abiding citizens.

Humans are remarkable at being able to adapt so easily to different conditions, which is why your many lives touch upon all types of experiences as part of your evolution. Each one of you is unique and after many lives in so many different situations. You will be well equipped to meet whatever challenges you face and we have full confidence in you. Never forget that you have almost completed the first part of your long journey as a human being, and the next step into the higher levels of Light will most pleasing and enjoyable.

At present, you are on the verge of a great leap forward and as time progresses, it will become more apparent as to what you may expect. There are great changes coming, but first you must so to say put your house in order. Every soul on Earth at present has been chosen so as to be able to move onwards, even so it would seem that some are not making progress at all. You cannot always take matters at face value, as it is not given to you to understand another soul’s life plan.

Freedom of choice as to how you experience your next life is still arranged in such a way as to cover your needs, as evolution is ongoing as you climb each level. Higher souls are always overseeing your progress to ensure success and protect you from outside interference. You are in fact very powerful individuals, but for the purpose of gaining more experience in the lower vibrations, you are limited as to what you can do. Your power of thought is even now capable of achieving your aims and as you rise up, you will have incredible abilities.

The period you are in is in one way quite exciting, because the end of a cycle is a time of great change. You have already gone through great changes and learned much from them. Yet, you are only on the first rung of the ladder, but are ready to move on having passed all of the tests. Clearly, there are still more to come, but it gets easier the further along you travel and move up through the higher vibrations. You have now done the hard bit and it becomes a lot easier as you now progress, and you will still have your Guides to help you along when needed.

As you move ever onwards, you will have so much more choice as to how you will progress, although you will almost certainly have a plan for the future. However, your immediate aim should be to spread harmony and peace wherever you go. Comfort those who are experiencing the worst of the changes and can see nothing to suggest that the situation will improve with time. The Gaza Strip is an example of Man’s inhumanity to his fellow travellers and the end is still not in sight. It is a wake-up call for all involved to seek a change of attitude so that matters do not get out of hand.

However, the scene has been set and it is doubtful that the dark Ones will halt their onslaught and plans to make the Gaza area uninhabitable. It seems that countries are taking sides, because of the fear of an all-out war that seems inevitable, unless those involved move towards a peaceful solution and lay their weapons down. The time for peaceful negotiations has arrived, but will those Leaders who advocate war see their responsibility for making peace? We hope so, but the decision is down to them and the future of the world is in their hands.

We are standing by and hope that good sense will dictate that as you are at the crossroads of war/peace that the Leaders of the countries at the forefront will see common sense and make the right decisions in the interests of all Humanity. It may seem alarmist to speak so frankly, but time is short and the right decisions must be made to end the speculation of a World War, as your weaponry is so powerful that it would be a great catastrophe that would reach right out into Space.

Do not be fearful as this is the time when the population can play its part in helping to bring about a peaceful conclusion. Be assured that your Leaders are being given “thoughts” that could lead to a peaceful conclusion. We can do no more at this stage than hope that common sense will prevail.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 16 Μαρτίου 2024

Forthcoming developments will be lifechanging for every soul on the planet

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 11 March 2024

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. From time to time we have alluded to upcoming happenings that will shock most of Earth’s peoples to their very core. If any period could be considered majorly dramatic insofar, as the world being turned upside down to shake out the dark elements, it is the period on your near horizon. In concert with mind-stunning revelations, energy surges will be activating ancient portals and anchoring them as interstellar beacons.

The unusual activity that volunteers will welcome and find energizing will be confusing and frightening to Earth’s peoples. As truths come forth in months ahead, both believers and nonbelievers will need to be steadied. Not only do you have the strength in mind, body and spirit to carry them on your shoulders, so to say, you are that strength, dear ones, and much, much more—you need only to trust that you are.

Still, you will not be lifting up the whole civilization yourselves. Many of God’s myriad emissaries—angels, spirit guides, your loved ones in spirit worlds, souls from off-planet civilizations and from Inner Earth, and the extraterrestrial special forces—want to participate, too. Most will be unseen, but you will feel their energy merging with yours, and together you will generate a tsunami of love’s high vibrations that will help stabilize the populace. Forthcoming developments will be lifechanging for every soul on the planet and the changes will benefit the entire universe.

When the chaos is quelled and your weary world has been rejuvenated, fourth density’s mopping-up process can start in earnest. If we were asked to offer a list of preparations for that task, at the top would be Love yourself. That isn’t vanity or egotism, it is knowing that you are infinitely greater than personality, character, talents, skills and achievements—you are a powerful multidimensional immortal soul made of Creator Source love-light energy. Loving self is acknowledging that you are an inseparable part of the Supreme Being of this universe and energetically connected with all other life on Earth and beyond. Loving self is honoring your god- or goddess-self, steadfastness in the light and perseverance in a difficult, vital mission.

You chose to help Earth’s peoples free themselves from darkness and remember that they are aspects of God and members of our universal family. Stirring their innate awareness of who they are entails your exemplifying who you are, and self-love is a prerequisite to doing that with certainty and comfort. Beloved sisters and brothers, love yourselves, honor yourselves, be good to yourselves!

Next on the list would be Get rid of emotional baggage. In Earth’s energy field of potential countless wispy streamers that look like hefty cobwebs are tagging along with robust streamers. If those “webs” were printouts, they would be statements like these: I never could do that as well as they did. Another attempt would just end in another failure. I was angry, but shouldn’t have blamed her for what was partly my fault. They know I deserve the job they gave to that new recruit. I’ll get back at him, if it’s the last thing I do. How can I ever make up for what I’ve done?

Self-doubt, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy, remorse and other low-vibratory sentiments are terrible weights on hearts and minds. If you are carrying a burden of that kind, please drop it—don’t let the past dictate the future. Make restitution and reparation where you can, set a realistic goal and take firm steps to achieve it, put forth your best effort in team projects, don’t compare your accomplishments with someone else’s, and love yourself as much as we love you.

A related issue, the estrangement that developed within families and between friends due to polarized opinions about vaccines and other mandates, is one of the many sad effects of the “pandemic.” Please don’t let that very dark chapter of Earth’s history continue its destruction. Healing wounds and restoring loving relationships can come with forgiveness on both sides of the coin, in a manner of speaking: Forgive the persons who hurt you; and, with heartfelt apologies to persons you hurt, forgive yourself for inflicting that hurt.

Thinking and speaking carefully would be high on our list. Words—thought, spoken, heard, read and written—generate vibrations all along the frequency spectrum. That is true of everything you think, feel and do, and if your decisions come with gentle tugs on your heart strings, as if to say Good one!, the sensation is confirming that your choices are in line with your soul contract.

For instance, it is with good reason that most of you enjoy being in Nature and doing things that bring smiles and laughter. The energy of the lighthearted feelings those activities produce is aligned with your mission, and its high vibrations touch all who are nearby, as it flows wherever in the world the power of love-light is most needed. That is why—and how—simply your BEing is helping Earth’s peoples awaken and feel inspired to change their world.

Recently my mother was requested to ask us, “How many souls are in the Cosmos?” We replied: We don’t know, but if we did, could the requester comprehend a quantity of that vastness? A deep-thinking, curious mind is to be greatly admired, but would getting the answer to that question add joy or excitement to life or enhance helpfulness to others?

We mention that incident because it is good to know what helps you be the very best you and what doesn’t contribute any value. Giving thought to that occasionally is helpful to staying in top form.

Matthew said ‘A number of their major players in several countries have been executed.’ How do souls at your station reconcile respect for justice systems that condemn individuals to death and spiritual teachings that respect all life, judge no one, feel compassion and empathy and urge forgiveness?”

We do not attempt to reconcile those systems and teachings; rather, we assess them as the distinctly different entities they are. Without reservation we honor the sacred teachings and we cannot respect your justice systems. We see false verdicts that promote political interests or get opposition out of the way. Privately-operated prisons are filled with individuals whose infractions are minimal and innocent persons are imprisoned due to faulty defense or to protect the guilty who can bribe, blackmail or threaten their way to freedom. Those prevalent situations will be changing.

We want to address the matter of execution in our comment quoted above. Some time ago a reader asked us about “legal killing” and we responded in a message. Mother, please insert the pertinent part of our reply.

Darkness in your world cannot be extinguished completely if persons who committed crimes against humanity are imprisoned. Individuals who planned and carried out the “pandemic,” are involved in sex-trafficking and pedophilia, participate in satanic rituals or commit other atrocities are puppets of the darkness. As long as they are living on Earth, their thoughts and feelings will continue to generate the lowest of vibrations.

Vibrations, high and low, are contagious. It is easy to see how quickly the high vibes of joy and laughter spread. The spread of low vibrations becomes noticeable only after it is too late to reverse its destructive course. That is why the dark forces were able to annihilate civilizations in other worlds and obliterate entire planets. It is why that force twice was able to take over ancient civilizations in your world and much later, send the planet spiraling down into deep third density. Gaia does not want that to happen again. [November 1, 2022]

Thank you, Mother. When darkness once again became dangerously entrenched on Earth, God authorized lifesaving assistance. A massive infusion of light, millions of lightworker volunteers and extraterrestrial special forces are part of the monumental aid “package” and another part is ending the physical lifetimes of individuals consumed by darkness.

Third density bodies are vehicles for only one incarnation, so let us speak about what happens when they die. A person’s etheric body and everything that made them unique—intelligence, knowledge, personality, character, attitudes, interests and aptitudes—automatically are drawn to the level of Nirvana where energy is the same as the energy of the person’s free will actions throughout the lifetime.

Life in that particular level is one aspect of what could be considered universal justice and the other is the lifeprint review, a lifelong movie that includes the exact feelings of every soul whose life the person touched. The review, which takes place soon after transition to spirit life, is a gratifying experience for persons whose lifetime energy is a reflection of their kind, thoughtful, helpful caring nature, and life in their level is wondrous.

The energy of puppets of darkness draws them to a tiny orb that is separate from flexible, multilayered Nirvana and where the composition is so dense nothing can escape. Lifeprint reviews there are interminable and agonizing, a lifelong replay of the massive toll of death and suffering those individuals caused.

Because light is anathema to them, only the spark that can be their saving grace is visible. If they accept the spark, more light is offered, and if that is accepted, light is provided until there is enough consciousness for a life to start over from scratch. The soul embodies in a form that functions instinctively, without intelligence or memory to influence action, and advancing from that primitive level to a thinking, reasoning, responsible individual can take millennia.

The ultimate justice is cosmic. We have been told that Creator Source expected all Its creations to be joyfully, constructively active so It could experience that, too, and for a while in deepest antiquity that is what happened. Then Lucifer and his adherents ran amok, and since then some of them have chosen to cause massive suffering, carnage and planetary devastation in every incarnation.

They have consistently declined the Supreme Being’s offers of divine grace and the only other way to stop them is to transmute their energy. However, like all other souls, they are of Creator’s essence, and only It is powerful enough to handle the density of Its creations that became consummate evildoers. After purifying their energy by extinguishing all awareness and memories, Creator draws that love-light essence back into Itself.

The existence of completely impartial, neutral universal and cosmic justice systems doesn’t lessen one iota the value of your spiritual teachings. Their light is helping to guide the society spiritually and consciously, and concomitantly with their advancement, justice systems will start serving everyone justly and incarceration will keep lessening until criminal behavior ceases. When the civilization is flourishing in fifth density, the tiny orb that was a separate part of Earth’s spirit world no longer will be needed and will be far distant from the planet and Nirvana.

Dear ones, on the other side of upcoming turmoil, the future of Earth and her civilization is shining. Their advancement will continue until there is unity consciousness and the planet glows with the vibrations of love, joy, harmony and prosperity. If you have moved on, you can see that glorious world from wherever you are and feel a grand sense of fulfillment that you helped your Earth family manifest it.

All lighted souls in this universe are cheering you ever onward and supporting you with the power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Τετάρτη 13 Μαρτίου 2024


Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins 

You have been gifted beyond measure with talents and intelligence that are now surfacing. Many of you are regaining your gifts that were hidden from your sight. One of these is telepathy. 

You are all telepathic, and you can all converse with Us. You are just now beginning to realize how gifted humans really are. So gifted, that in fact you could actually do everything that we do, because we were once you. 

We once went through all that you are now experiencing. But with our entry into the cavity of Earth, we were destined to evolve, just as you are destined to evolve as the Earth’s frequency speeds up. Your innate gifts will shine through and you will rejoice at your capabilities. Once you reach a certain frequency, your consciousness will burst through the density and you will see all and know all, and we will be here with you at last, enfolding you in our love 

 You Are the Knower of Al

You are the knower of ALL

You are the receiver of ALL

You are the ONE component necessary for ALL to exist

Your existence is the primary factor

for the existence of the Universe

Without you, each and every one of you

there could be no life

You are all an integral part in the design

and not one of you is superfluous

Know how important you are

Know how necessary you each are

For without each one of you, there is nothing

Your existence makes up the substance of ALL THAT IS

You are each the necessary ingredient

That makes the Universe work with precision.

Κυριακή 10 Μαρτίου 2024

You have entered another time zone where the vibrations are lifting up

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 8 March 2024

Rather than time marching on, it is giving the impression that it is flying by, and for many there does not seem to be enough time to do all that they wish. It comes about because you have entered another time zone where the vibrations are lifting up. It is gradually changing things and the lower vibrations are being weakened and will gradually disappear. We have already told you that what has been hidden from your sight will be revealed and indeed it is already happening. Matters that have been hidden away from the Light are gradually surfacing and being seen for what they really are. The negative forces are no longer able to do just as they wish without being accountable, and their activities are being brought to light.

You are in what you might call a waiting period, when the activities around you seem never ending as the cleansing continues. Many deaths are taking place, but as unlikely as it would seem, everything has been planned in advance. After all, each soul has taken a life upon Earth knowing what to expect, having already had a review of their likely experiences and accepted them. They have found their right place where the opportunities exist to play out their life plan.

Karma can be cleared at any time and opportunities often crop up in people’s lives. Some can be hard lessons to be learned, but once cleared, need never come back again. The answer to most of them is to be positive knowing that if you fail, it does not go against you. Human Beings are prone to make mistakes, but minor errors can often be immediately cleared. We have often made great efforts to help you get through such times, but in the end it really is up to you.

The Human Race is made up of so many different ones each offering you unique experiences. So, as you reincarnate you are certain to choose the one that best meets your needs. It is often why you feel a strong attraction to another Race apart from the one you are with, telling you that old experiences still hold a strong attraction for you, even if you cannot recall why. They affect you in one way or another in each lifetime and it could even be as simple as your food preferences.

The more you learn about life and life after death, the more your eyes are opened and your Guides are sure to help you find the correct path for your development. It is of little value to “run before you can walk” and you should find a suitable path that meets your needs. The beauty of religion is that it all contains some element of the truth, and you will recognise it for what it is. You could say “Love one and another and treat all as your brothers and sisters” as you are all on the same journey and will eventually arrive at the same point of understanding.

Some souls are not even ready to seek the truth and most have no expectations of life after death, but the truth will touch them and give a little hint that there is more to life than they believe. Clearly a change of thinking will start them wondering about life after death, and that could be the spur that they need to commence their journey home. How often do you hear someone say that there must be more to life than simply one experience and nothing afterwards.

There are many theories about the purpose of life, as it does seem to be pointless if you only live once as you would gain nothing from it, whereas life after life clearly means experience gained that would help you evolve. Think what you like, but the fact remains that as a soul you have eternal life. That idea frightens some people because they do not know what to expect after death of the body, but as we recently explained the first step is to rise up into the higher levels exactly as you looked upon Earth. However, as the vibrations are higher and you in an etheric body, you will quickly realise that you are “young” again. You will be what you think you are as far as your appearance and if you desire to look as you were on Earth “so be it”, but you would still be free of all ailments. It is the power of thought that reigns supreme meaning that you could think anything into being.

Life after death of the body is another story completely, but bear in mind that those souls of a very low vibration do not have sufficiently high vibrations to be able to change them through the power of thought. Many are only able to exist in the darker regions, but be assured that they still get Guides who help them come to terms with their level of existence. They will have opportunities to incarnate again and gain experience that may eventually see them rise up once more. You always have help on hand when you need it.

Dear Ones, there is so much help and guidance available to you at all times, so never feel as though you have none, it is always there and much of the time you probably do not realise it. It is often those unexpected situations that are proving difficult that suddenly clear themselves from help being given that you are unaware of. Events that you talk of as “miracles” are the work of your Guides who know what you need. Life is a lot more complex than you probably realise, yet it often passes you by without being noticed.

For each incarnation you only carry forward the skills you need to meet your life plan. You are in fact a very experienced individual and can take on any task we set you still and deal with it quite easily. Of course, there are the rare occasions when matters do not work out as planned, but the problems can usually be sorted out with the least damage. When you consider the amount of people involved in ensuring that the Human Race progresses, it is some surprise that having to continually fight against the negative activities of the Dark Ones progress is made. The answer is that the strength of the Light to overcome their attempts to delay matters ensures that they can only cause a minimal delay.

In real terms you are well on track to move beyond the attempts to delay your progress, and the time will soon pass and you will know for certain that your goal will be achieved. There is such a short period to go through before you can claim victory over the negative forces, who will be called to answer for their previous activities. Like any other souls, they will have to make good the damage they have caused before they can progress further.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna

Παρασκευή 8 Μαρτίου 2024

The Illusory Self

From Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”

The word “I” embodies the greatest error and the deepest truth, depending on how it is used. In conventional usage, it is not only one of the most frequently used words in the language (together with the related words: “me,” “my,” “mine,” and “myself”) but also one of the most misleading. In normal everyday usage, “I” embodies the primordial error, a misperception of who you are, an illusory sense of identity. This is the ego. This illusory sense of self is what Albert Einstein, who had deep insights not only in to the reality of space and time but also into human nature, referred to as “an optical illusion of consciousness.” That illusory self then becomes the basis for all further interpretations, or rather misinterpretations of reality, all thought processes, interactions, and relationships. Your reality becomes a reflection of the original illusion.

The good news is: If you can recognize illusion as illusion, it dissolves. The recognition of illusion is also its ending. Its survival depends on your mistaking it for reality. In the seeing of who you are not, the reality of who you are emerges by itself. This is what happens as you slowly and carefully read this and the next chapter, which are about the mechanics of the false self we call the ego. So what is the nature of this illusory self?***What you usually refer to when you say “I” is not who you are. By a monstrous act of reductionism, the infinite depth of who you are is confused with a sound produced by the vocal cords or the thought of “I” in your mind and whatever the “I” has identified with. So what do the usual “I” and the related “me,” “my,” or “mine” refer to?

When a young child learns that a sequence of sounds produced by the parents’ vocal cords is his or her name, the child begins to equate a word, which in the mind becomes a thought, with who he or she is. At that stage, some children refer to themselves in the third person. “Johnny is hungry.” Soon after, they learn the magic word “I” and equate it with their name, which they have already equated with who they are. Then other thoughts come and merge with the original I thought. The next step is thoughts of me and mine to designate things that are somehow part of “I.” This is identification with objects, which means investing things, but ultimately thoughts that represent things, with a sense of self, thereby deriving an identity from them. When “my” toy breaks or is taken away, intense suffering arises. Not because of any intrinsic value that the toy has – the child will soon lose interest in it, and it will be replaced by other toys, other objects – but because of the thought of “mine”. The toy became part of the child’s developing sense of self, of “I.”

And so as the child grows up, the original I thought attracts other thoughts to itself: It becomes identified with a gender, possessions, the sense perceived body, a nationality, race, religion, profession. Other things the “I” identifies with are roles – mother, father, husband, wife, and so on – accumulated knowledge or opinions, likes and dislikes, and also things that happened to “me” in the past, the memory of which are thoughts that further define my sense of self as “me and my story.” These are only some of the things people derive their sense of identity form. They are ultimately no more than thoughts held together precariously by the fact that they are all invested with a sense of self. This mental construct is what you normally refer to when you say “I.” To be more precise: Most of the time it is not you who speaks when you say or think “I” but some aspect of that mental construct, the egoic self. Once you awaken, you still use the word “I,” but it will come from a much deeper place within yourself.

Most people are still completely identified with the incessant stream of mind, of compulsive thinking, most of it repetitive and pointless. There is no “I” apart from their thought processes and the emotions that go with them. This is the meaning of being spiritually unconscious. When told that there is a voice in their head that never stops speaking, they say, “What voice?” or angrily deny it, which of course is the voice, is the thinker, is the unobserved mind. It could almost be looked upon as an entity that has taken possession of them.

Some people never forget the first tie they disidentified from their thoughts and thus briefly experienced the shift in identity from being the content of their mind to being the awareness in the background. For others it happens in such a subtle way they hardly notice it, or they just notice an influx of joy or inner peace without knowing the reason.

(to be continued)

Κυριακή 3 Μαρτίου 2024

Major changes most likely occurring within the next two years

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 1 March 2024

All around you the changes continue to take place that are necessary to rid the planet of that which is no longer serving you. In general terms it is a clearing that has become necessary because of the misuse of the Earths bounties. You are seeing the result of many years of lack of preservation of all that has served you well in the past, but no longer because your needs have changed. The New Age is upon you and it awaits your response, so that all may reap the benefits that are possible, if you understand what will move Mankind beyond the present times into a much more beneficial position.

So much has been hidden from you that would have overcome the many problems that you encounter now. You have, in a manner of speaking, stood still when you should have been taking advantage of many new ways of doing things. The dark Ones preferred to keep you under their control, but no longer, as the time has come to be released from their clutches. You have seen advancements all around you, yet very little that has improved your quality of life. However, that is all changing as souls of a greater understanding of your needs are now with you and will advance matters so that improvements can be made.

In many ways, these are difficult times and much hardship is being caused, and we are sad at the multitude of deaths and destruction that has taken place. However, all souls involved were aware of their life plan as you are now. So many of you volunteered to be on Earth at such an extraordinary time, and many were pleased to help out in such violent times. However, they are due to run their time, as the changes have been necessary, largely to rid it of negative energies. Matters are progressing as expected and the actions being taken upon Earth are clearing old energies that have long served their purpose.

Some wonder why souls have to remain on Earth at such a time and naturally it is for their advancement. Much can be learned from such situations. After all, karma is still being worked out and in the present time as many opportunities exist. Overall, it is about gaining experience that will serve you well as you continue to evolve. Some hard lessons are being learned at this time that will assist a soul’s evolution. It never stops, although it is clearly obvious that it will never be as pressing as at present. However, all experience is of value, so be aware as you travel through life.

No matter how hard the going is for you, try to take it in your stride and know whatever challenges confront you, you will never be expected to handle more than you are capable of. Look upon them as tests of your ability and determination to deal with them successfully. Also remember that your Guides are always with you and helping you through the difficult times. You may also have “out of the body” meetings with them during your sleep periods when useful ideas may be planted in your mind. Often you will wake up with “ideas” that are in it, so take note of them as they will prove useful to you.

Being on Earth can be a lonely time, but those of you who have undertaken spiritual work are well rewarded, when you know you have helped others on their journey. It is what life is about and at many stages you meet just the right person to help you move on. It is a matter of following your intuition, or as you might call it “that little voice inside you”. Sit quietly and relax if you want to invite your contacts to come to you and they surely will. They do a lot more for you than you could possibly imagine.

Life is meant to be an exciting adventure and normally it is, but there are times when it can be very trying and unsatisfactory. Look upon these times as testing your ability to stay calm when they occur, as it is very rewarding when you can. Helping others on their journey is commendable and ensures you keep your vibrations as high as possible. Doing so also helps keep your body free from health problems and that is surely a bonus. However, we come back to that word “Karma” as it can come into your life at any time, but not all karma is negative, some is rewarding.

Mother Earth is most busy at this time trying to restore the earth to its original pristine condition. At times, it means that major changes are taking place, and even involve massive earth movements. The warning signs are always there to give you time to re-locate to a safe place. However, some changes are so great that Man has little chance of completely avoiding the consequences. Clearly, it is wise to move more inland, but perhaps it is easier said than done. Normally, you get ample signs of what is to come, so it is best not to ignore them.

The wars that continue and look like spreading are unlikely to last very long before higher powers will be authorised to intervene. Those who prefer war to peace will be stopped in their tracks at an appropriate time to prevent excessive damage to the Earth. It will then signal a massive change for the better and ultimately your Protectors will take charge. Bear in mind that peace will have to have already been achieved. As the vibrations continue to rise up, so shall peace on Earth become more widespread.

So, regardless of how serious matters become, bear in mind that your future is assured, and you have everything to look forward to, once the activities of the Illuminati are curtailed and finally overcome. We know that you would be delighted if we could tell you exactly when the changes will happen for the better, but because of the freewill factor there is always a chance of problems remaining for much longer than anticipated. However, we see major changes most likely occurring within the next two years. By that time, you should anyway be more aware of the path ahead that will become much clearer.

You have been looking forward to this time of change for a long time and what a relief it will be when the dark Ones are finally removed. They have almost had their time at the front and as much as you would like to see them removed, now they still have a part to play in enabling much karma to be cleared. The fact that you reap what you sow ensures that you take responsibility for your actions, which is the only way that lessons can be learned. Humans are very resilient and come bouncing back after upsets, they have a way of successfully overcoming their problems.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna