Τρίτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Τhe Light will dispel the lower energies

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 25 October 2019

A solitary life is not necessarily one without needed experiences and offers much time for contemplation, and certainly those quiet periods in your life are opportunities to clear the clutter from your mind. Clear thinking comes with positive knowledge that enables you to follow a life plan that is assured of opportunities to further your evolution. Have a life plan and if it is in line with your needs it will be supported by your Guides. It will also enable you to make decisions that are going to advance your plans in a way that is beneficial to you. What are often called the coincidences in life are intended moments that have been arranged on your behalf, to keep you on track with your life contract. Be assured that there are often times when your spiritual progress is taking place in accordance with plans laid down prior to your incarnation.

Such arrangements will have been made with your agreement, as although you might not accept such an idea, we would suggest that without a firm plan, your life could be aimless and wasted. As you view it, perhaps many souls around you seem to be without purpose, but be aware that you cannot necessarily know the reason for what others are experiencing. Also realize that you in part are also involved in other soul’s experiences, although it might not be apparent at the time. It is beginning to sound very complicated, but the Guides of all souls have the power to ensure that matters work out to the advantage of all concerned. However, if one soul should fail to “play” their part on behalf of another one or even for themselves, there will always be other opportunities. Spirit has more resources available to them than you would imagine and failure is not an option.

Now that you are part way into the New Age, you should be aware that there is no going back to the old ways. You are in a transition period when the shackles of the past have to be thrown off, as they have served their purpose and allowed an immense amount of karma to be cleared. Think back to two World Wars and the millions of souls who gave their lives during that period. It was the greatest ever clearance of karma, and freed souls to have another opportunity to evolve through their own experiences. Having been given a clean sheet, it has put the onus on each soul to help plan their future lives, and ensure constant evolution and avoid a return to the old ways of brute force and ignorance that created so much karma. Providing you take this opportunity to keep to your agreed spiritual path, you will have every help to be successful and reach a level that leads you to Ascension.

If you transgress and lose your way through life, there are still opportunities to get back on track, but each time it is delaying your evolution. However, your Guides will never give up on you, and will be trying hard to help you overcome your problems. If you do not respond to help, you simply make it harder for yourself to progress. Of course, there will be further life opportunities to evolve and understand that you will always have help, even if it is not apparent. Spirit wants you to succeed, as they know your true potential, that in reality you are a very experienced soul and quite capable of overcoming the challenges that confront you.

Understand that between each life you always review the outcome, and decisions are made so that your next life is planned to overcome your weak points. It begs the question as to whether you will recognize the opportunities that are given you to overcome your failures. However, providing you have faith in your Guides and respond to their promptings, you will make progress and the more you understand the purpose of life, you cannot really fail. Take note of situations you find yourself in and try to understand the lessons to be learnt.

Life is not all hard work and you are given ample time to also enjoy the pleasures. However, do not envy those who seem to have everything, as sometimes the responsibility of it can be overwhelming. The poor man often dreams of being rich, yet his values are simple and fulfilling. Remember that each soul will have all kinds of experiences over many lives, and the ultimate aim is to further their evolution. Those who are successful and seem to have everything in their lives may not be finding it as easy as you might imagine, wealth can be a great responsibility and even a burden.

As you evolve, you will find that you acquire a greater understanding of life and its purpose, and you will see others in a different light. All become as your brothers and sisters and you realize that all have a responsibility to each other. Humanity as a whole cannot truly move on, until the very last soul has achieved progress, because you are One and cannot be separated. Yet some souls obviously advance quicker than others, but ultimately all must be brought up to the same level.

You should find life gradually becoming easier and progress straightforward and much quicker than it was in the last cycle. With the coming of the higher vibrations matters have speeded up and the influence of the lower vibrations has less impact than it used to have. As time passes, life will definitely become easier and the Light will dispel the lower energies much more quickly. Things are definitely looking up and once matters settle down, you will enter a new era of relative peace and happiness. At present however much confusion still exists and many small battles still rage, but the mood of people is changing and peace is becoming a matter of urgency. The old ways are no longer acceptable and the people have no hesitation in openly demanding a peaceful existence. The people are a powerful force for good when they all pull in the same direction and their voice will be heard and noted.

We mentioned previously that Mother Earth is very active making her preparations for the upliftment that is coming. There are efforts all round to try and make progress with the least problems to Humanity, but until there is full co-operation there are going to be difficulties. There has to be more help given to those who shoulder the responsibility for making things run smoothly. Much time and money is used on projects that are badly planned, and Man is heading for difficult problems unless there is co-operation between the countries. For our part we will be trying to influence the actions of those involved, so that things run smoothly.

Do not be discouraged by what is happening upon Earth, the upliftment comes after the cleansing has been completed of old energies that have run their course. You now have a better opportunity to link in with the new energies that will lift your vibrations, resulting in you being less affected by the lower energies. We ask you again to concentrate and focus on the new ones as these will carry you quickly forwards and help leave the old ones behind. You have been preparing for these times over many lives, and you have the experience to carry them forward to enrich your work for spirit. Now is the time to start using the talents that you have to help those that are ready to lift their vibrations.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna

Τετάρτη 23 Οκτωβρίου 2019

All negativity will have been left behind having no place at your higher level

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 18 October 2019

Dear friends, there are occasionally messages from Kryon that carry much more information than usual about our history, and this one is exceptional as it takes it back much further than any time previously. It is now apparent why the Pleiadians closely follow our evolution and even now are so near to Earth, in part to ensure that no other beings are allowed to interfere with our progress. It has been accepted for some time now that we came from elsewhere before we were seeded upon Earth.

It will be an amazing time when we are first able to make contact with other Galaxies. Understand that now we have passed the 2012 marker, we are being given much more advanced information about our history and as the vibrations lift up, told where we are heading for. We are going through some tough changes right now, but it is inevitable as the old must be first cleared away before the new can be fully introduced.

EXTRACT FROM MESSAGE: We see you and the history of Humanity and over generation’s humans have changed. You were seeded on the Earth 200,000 years ago, and 100,000 years before that it was when life began on this planet in a significant way. When you get the invention that is coming, it will change everything. When you are able to manipulate and create sustained Quantum energy on this planet, you will have the invention that will change Humanity forever. You will mark the beginning of your civilization from that point. For in this Quantum energy you will then be able to create technically and tune into the Galaxy, and you will be able to hear the others, for they are also tuned into one another in the Quantum state, and over generations humans will change. They know who you are and you will then know who they are, and rather than fear gripping the planet, there will be a relief and a rewrite of life itself, it will honor God, but in a different way. Those who planted the souls of Humanity in you after the change, came a million years before yours. You were there with the “Seven Sisters” as Pleiadians.

There is a plan/process of what we would call Galactic involvement, where certain populations in certain star systems become aware. The power that is created from that awareness builds upon itself and accelerates until they are able to create themselves in a Quantum energy, where life itself can be bottled in a Quantum. Transportation is instant and all these things are a meld between biology and technology that I cannot explain to you. It is not robotic, it is the Human Being able to create with help from technology that they create with inside them.

You are still passing the marker right now and it has the potential of the Pleiadian marker. Things take a long time to evolve on certain kinds of planets, depending upon the sustainability of certain kinds of life. END OF EXTRACT.

Mother Earth has commenced her work to make necessary changes to restore the Earth to its pristine condition. It will then be ready to fully enter the higher vibrations, and as progress is made, the Earth will be further refined. Those souls who are not ready will continue their evolution on another Earth-like planet fully prepared for them. Not one soul can move into the higher vibrations until they are ready and would not want to, as they would find it uncomfortable and not to their liking or needs. Some souls refer to it as moving from the 3rd into the 4th dimension, but in reality there is no such clear line between the two of them, as instead they meld together.

For those souls rising up there is no longer any need to continue with experiences in the lower vibrations, as they successfully responded to the challenge to continue evolving by lifting their vibrations. There has never been a more exciting time, as it promises to take you to levels that are full of joy and happiness, as they will only accommodate you if your vibrations match the level concerned. Joy will abound, as you will find all other souls are also very evolved and glory in the beauty and harmony that exists at the higher levels. Happiness is everywhere as all negativity will have been left behind having no place at your higher level.

Remember that in part you are creating your own future and will be attracted to other souls of a like kind. It is how groups are naturally formed and are one with each other, and it is the pattern for the future. To a limited degree, it already occurs on Earth now and since there is strength in numbers such groups begin to have a greater influence upon others. Humans are naturally drawn to those of a like kind strangely enough, with the exception of marriage, when they are sometimes prearranged before birth of the individuals. It gives you an idea of how hard your Guides work on your behalf, as they “arrange” events in your life, so that you meet the right person and have the appropriate experiences.

Life may seem haphazard at times, but in the long run it follows your life plan. Knowing that you all have free will, you may logically wonder how life can ever be orderly. However, there are ways and means beyond your comprehension that enable specific results to be achieved. Clearly, it is important that your life plan is carried out, as at the end of the day it is arranged to further your evolution. If you miss out, you will be bound to have another opportunity, perhaps in another life, as being part of your evolution, it cannot be overlooked.

The point to remember is that all souls go through the same lessons and regardless of whether they are aware of it, all are on a path of spiritual expansion and growth and a desire to find their true selves, and there is often a feeling of being lost and unable to find their true home. Those feelings will soon diminish in this new period of evolution, as the time is now right for more revelations. All things come to all souls when the time is right.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Σάββατο 19 Οκτωβρίου 2019

The spray that forms chemtrails no longer has toxic elements

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 15 October 2019

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have joyous news—the spray that forms chemtrails no longer has toxic elements. This development went through the chain of command, you could say, so it wouldn’t deny Creator’s gift of free will to those who are behind the spraying. Gaia asked God to end this endangerment to her residents, air, waters and soil; thereupon God authorized the special forces volunteers among you to transform toxins in the spray into chemicals natural to Earth. Thus, the individuals who have ordered the chemtrails still may choose to do o, but any trails that may crisscross your skies are harmless.

Matthew, this is marvelous! But won’t they become suspicious that something’s up, investigate, and put toxins back in the spray?

Mother, please type what you just said. ..... Thank you.

I would like readers to know that we often chat about information as I transmit it. It’s natural for us to do that, and many years ago, your questions and comments were part of the messages. Then we changed the format to reduce the length of messages and still include the most significant information.

Now then, those individuals already are more than suspicious, they are fearful, and not only because they surmise that toxins in the spray have been eliminated. They’re fearful about all other developments that also are eroding their remaining fragments of power. And they did have some of their minions investigate—all were told that if they were involved, they would be arrested for unlawful use of toxic chemicals.

A number of you asked if Greta Thunberg is representing or being manipulated by an organization with a dark agenda. No, she is not—that speculation, or more correctly, accusation, was disseminated by self-serving individuals—and yes, Mother Earth is on her way back to a moderate climate globally, but your aberrant weather is not of her doing. The destructive events that are caused by technological weather manipulation and the extraction and pollution of fossil fuels are impeding Gaia’s efforts. We honor Greta for her purity of purpose in passionately urging that action be taken on behalf of the planet and its future generations.

“Please explain the differences, if any, between ‘Creator’, ‘Supreme Being of this Universe’ and ‘God’. Those words/names, if I recall correctly, have appeared in Matthew's messages occasionally, and most recently in Arnold's kind message. I would be most glad to have the ‘names’ clarified, if possible.”

My early transmissions that contain information about God and Creator also explain your beginnings as inviolate, independent souls and from whence come your powerful innate abilities. [The following is part of “Our Cosmic Heritage” section of Revelations for a New Era.]


To understand the purpose of our lives, there must be an understanding of our relationship with Creator, the ultimate power in the Cosmos. It is a relationship, simply stated, as the father and his children, but the origin of our souls within Creator cannot be stated that easily.

The energy of Creator/Creation—the proper designation of the Totality or Source or Oneness of All—is pure Love-Light and it is the most powerful force in the Cosmos. That name designation also is the most descriptive, encompassing both the total essence of that ultimate source and the creative action. For simplicity in communication, we usually say only Creator.

There was nothing before Creator and nothing except the sleeping power of Creator until Its first self-expression of Its essence. In that moment, which some call the "Big Bang," the original fragmentation of Creator's love and wisdom and power came forth as individual soul entities.

The term "fragmentation" in this context is not a severing or a breaking down of the whole; it is bestowing upon all the individual parts the same properties, or elements, that make up the whole. And from that first instant of Creation, those first souls and everything else that exists throughout the Cosmos are inseparable from Creator and each other. At soul level, ALL IS ONE and forevermore shall be.

However, irreverent this analogy may seem, it is the best visual aid I can think of, so I ask you to imagine the spiritual hierarchy of Creator as a pie. The entire pie is Creator Soul: the Omnipotent Totality, the Source of All; and at the center is Creator Mind: Omniscience, All Knowledge. Starting at the center, imagine a series of concentric rings superimposed over the whole pie—the rings are the spheres of the hierarchy, the flexible divisions of Creator.

The visual aid now requires an unusual perspective for accurate representation. Imagine the pie cut into countless slices whose widest ends touch the center, the limitless mind of Creator, and become narrower as the slices enter rings successively farther from the midpoint. The slivers represent the independently experiencing soul fragments of Creator that have been created, or manifested, throughout all time. Every portion contains proportionally exactly the same ingredients as the total pie and no portion is separate from another. It is the same throughout All of Creation.

Now we return to the Beginning, when Creator first divided Itself. Each of the fragments within that first sphere of the spiritual hierarchy’s perfect light and purity had the identical powers of Creator. This is the sphere of Christed light, where the paternal power called Archangel Michael and the other archangels originated, and where for unknown eons only pure awareness existed.

Then Creator gave to all those parts of Itself the ultimate gift, free will with its inherent power of co-creating ability—“co-creating” because the energy source for producing anything comes from Creator and the productions come from the ideas of the souls. And so it was that those highest angels and Creator made the second angelic sphere. Although not as close to Creator Mind as the archangels, these newer souls also were composed of pure light, without form or substance.

After reflection for untold ages, the two angelic realms had the idea to co-create souls with life form potential—they had the choice of remaining discarnate, without form, or manifesting a form for wider experiencing. The co-creations in this third sphere are the celestial bodies throughout the universes and the gods and goddesses, who could choose to remain discarnate or embody in male or female forms—either way, these souls are androgynous, the perfect balance of male and female energies. As we understand it, the souls Creator selected to reign over the universes are discarnate. They may show their presence as near-blinding golden white light, but their unlimited co-creating powers and ideas are evident in everything that exists within their respective universes.

One of those gods is the Supreme Being of our universe and, with Creator, created everything within it. Since our god is called God by some Earth religions and that is how you think of Him, Mother, that is how I shall refer to Him. Also, God is a perfect blend of male and female energies and Mother/Father God accurately expresses His essence, but on Earth He usually is referred to only as Father and with masculine pronouns. That evolved naturally when male energies began to dominate the nature of Earth civilizations millennia back in your timing; and even though feminine, or goddess, energy is being beamed to the planet in abundance, simply for ease of speaking I shall use the more usual masculine designations you are accustomed to.

Now then, for ever-greater experiencing, God's original beings, which are called root souls, expressed themselves into divisions called soul fragments or soul sparks, or God fragments or God sparks. Similarly and successively, those souls divided themselves into sparklets, who divided themselves into sub-sparklets. Entities created by further fragmentation also are called sub-sparklets. The myriad individual, independent and inviolate lifetimes of every soul at all levels of fragmentation are called personages.

I gave you those designations—and there may be others, too—only to show the order of lineage in the innumerable spheres radiating outward from the mind of Creator. None of the designations defines the souls' spiritual evolution status, and simply "soul" is sufficient because there is no difference in each one's connection with Creator or its makeup in proportional measure. ALWAYS the life force of even the newest soul is its own independent, inviolate Self, and it is connected inseparably to God and Creator, just as every single cell in your body is both a viable, independently functioning cell and at the same time is an inseparable aspect of the composite—the person you are.

Matthew, where does our current population fit into the subdivided spheres?

Primarily, at sub-sparklet level, but remember, Mother, that's NOT soul evolution—it's only the order the personage souls emerged for independent experiencing! I think your expression "old soul" pertains to the evolution part and not the order of lineage. Those may have nothing at all to do with each other, because spiritual growth is determined by each soul's free will choices and not how many lifetimes it took to make the choices that elevated it to a higher level of spiritual evolution. And now—a time that is without precedence not only on Earth but in the universe!—there are some extremely “old souls” on your planet to guide the rest of you to greater enlightenment.

Oh, I see. Thank you, dear. Is Creator the supreme being of the Cosmos and God is an assistant?

No. Cosmos and Universe often are used interchangeably as synonymous terms, but each Universe is only one part of the Cosmos, which has several Universes, and each has its own god or goddess as its Supreme Being. Because people on Earth are not aware of other Universes and their rulers or the spiritual creation hierarchy, God is the name some religions have given to Creator. This is using a generic term for a formal name, like naming a baby girl Girl. And it is not uncommon or incorrect for God to be referred to as "our Creator," because He is, but that adds just another element of confusion about Creator and God and the names.

I don't know how the name error started. It may have been some deviation of reference in deepest antiquity, when it was known that Creator/Creation is the Source, All That Is, I AM, Almighty, Oneness, Totality or other name to denote Creator as Supreme Being of the entire Cosmos. The name doesn't matter. When love and reverence are given to Creator in name and to God in meaning or vice versa, the communion is honored in fullness.

The Trinity of the Christian churches could be interpreted like this: Father (Creator: the highest power in the Cosmos, who is called God or other names in your religions). Son (God, who is the creation, or the "son" of Creator, and although the Supreme Being only of our universe, is not generally recognized on Earth as different from Creator). Holy Ghost (the realm, or sphere closest to Creator, also called the Christed realm, where the highest beings are total love expressed as light; and from whence come the souls who incarnate to become major spiritual influences throughout this universe, including Jesus the Christ and Buddha the Christ on Earth).

Regardless of the difference in names and interpretations, the interconnectedness of this triune order is the same. And there is no difference in the divine order of the Almighty Omnipotent and Omniscient Creator Being and Its subsequent powers, only in the names as they have evolved.

Do God and Creator differ in any way besides the size of their "jurisdiction"?

Yes, there are two essential differences, but first let me repeat that any part of Creator contains ALL of Its elements. Therefore, God is a perfect, undiluted expression of Creator and in effect is Creator for this universe—Creator mind in knowledge and wisdom, Creator heart in love, Creator power in authority and responsibility.

Now, the first essential difference is this: Creator's core essence is the center of order and life in the Cosmos, and a vital function of that essence is not active. Like the axle of a wheel provides an “anchor” for the parts in motion, the stable force within Creator enables the constant motion of Its other parts. If that stability ceased, life itself would cease. The creation of life in any form requires the measured pace of energy frequencies, and that requires both the stable and the active aspects of Creator's functioning.

God is active in all aspects. As the magnified active force of Creator in this universe, with the same quality and extent of Creator's love and light energy essence, God initiates all life forms and all order here. Just as in the Cosmos where the highest, most powerful energy is light—the essence of Creator— so is that true in this universe—the essence of God. Light is a fluctuating, expanding and contracting motion ever increasing in its power to encompass more loving capacity and sensation. Light can be directed but never captured or destroyed, and Love is infinite. This love-light force, which is the same energy simply expressed differently, is the foundation of individual souls interacting with God.

Because life in all forms in our universe comes from God, it can be said that humans are made in His image by attributing to Him His human creations. The idea of a human appearance and the material of which physical bodies are made came from the mind of God.

With the creation of life in our universe, He set in motion the unstoppable momentum of laws that govern everything from the orbiting of galaxies to a seed, knowing when to emerge from its covering and start growing. For the immeasurable time since this was started, only the refinements of energy direction through technology have changed the original course of energy's divine purpose and motion. There cannot be any change within energy itself because energy IS creation. It is how energy is tapped into and used that is the key to creating.

In the beginning, all creation within this universe was flawless, pure, holy and loving. All was in perfect harmony and union, and life was meant to be lived like that. Creator intended free will to be a gift to all souls—that is why, by cosmic law, rulers of all the universes are bound to honor the free will choices of every soul in their respective domains. But it is possible that this Gift of all gifts, the total freedom of souls to choose, has been so abused and misused that it cannot be regarded as the golden gift it once was. In some universes free will is unknown, so we are told, and even in parts of this universe, souls have absorbed the gift into such radiance that it no longer is an individual decision, but rather a unified choice of myriad collective souls. However, in accordance with Creator's law, on Earth free will is the order of life wherein the hand of God is ever-present in observation but never permitted to restrict or deny souls' choices.

The second essential difference between Creator and God is this: Whereas Creator is aware of each individual life throughout the Cosmos, there is no standard for Its involvement in the lives of the souls or interaction with them. God is not only aware of each soul's station in this universe, He knows every person's heartaches, secret dreams, torments, joys, fears. ALL is known to God.

When Creator left Its state of sublime stillness, the purpose was to experience through creating. As the perfect expression of Creator, God has the same purpose, and His sentient aspect is within every one of His creations in any incarnate or discarnate lifetime. He feels the very same emotions being felt by all souls in spirit or in physical worlds. Not for even one instant is He detached from the total sensations of all souls regardless of their spiritual evolvement status and free will choices, and this also pertains to every life form within the animal and plant kingdoms.

At a much higher level, God experiences the anguish of Earth in her present turmoil and heavy negativity, and the sensations of every other celestial body as well. I cannot state too often the inseparability of God from every life form in His universe, and that same interconnectedness is true of each soul with every other soul in all life forms. The term “personal God” that sometimes is used on Earth is absolutely accurate, because God IS every person there as well as every other soul in the animal and plant kingdoms. Feeling the collective sensations of all life on Earth, much less the sensations of ALL life throughout this universe simultaneously, is impossible for even the most highly evolved souls in this universe to imagine.

Since Creator doesn't become involved in our lives, does that mean It (?!) doesn't feel souls' physical pain and emotional suffering like God does?

Mother, "It" as a pronoun for Creator is not demeaning. This use cannot be compared with your "it" indicating a thing or condition rather than a being. When applied to Creator, It is akin to white: White is not devoid of color, it is the color composite. From white, all colors of the universe are refracted into their own essences, and elsewhere in the universe are many magnificent hues unknown on your planet.

Now then, Creator does indeed experience feelings of souls throughout Creation, and to a far vaster height of sentience than the capacity of your third density bodies, but It does not become involved or give personal response to any soul's situation. God, on the other hand, constantly has in motion all avenues of potential assistance for His souls within their pre-birth agreement choices. The arms of God, if you will, embrace each and every soul in this universe, and faster than the blink of an eye, his emissaries respond to his authorizing their aid to souls in distress that is not in their agreements.


Thank you, Mother, for inserting that material. Beloved sisters and brothers, you are the personification of the unparalleled magnificence and power of Creator’s love-light energy that eternally connects you with everything else throughout the Cosmos.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna

Σάββατο 12 Οκτωβρίου 2019

You will be surprised as to how quickly the new ideas will materialize and a new pathway created

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 11 October 2019

The build-up for change is growing, and as we see the greater picture we can tell you that major changes loom large. The impetus has been growing for some time now and more delays are being minimized. The energy for change is now so powerful that it cannot be held back much longer, as many countries are in a state of confusion and the people are getting stronger in their demands. The old ways are no longer being accepted so expect changes that reflect the path the new energies are leading you. The New Age must establish itself soon and allow advancement that will lift people up to a new level that reflects their needs. The energy streamers are in place and as conditions arise that will become the bedrock for the future, people will come to the fore ready to lead the way. There is such a bright future awaiting you all, and more souls are waking up to their greater potential that has come with the New Age.

Battles are taking place in several countries and some are where there is a self-appointed leader who has exercised dictatorial methods to hold power. However, the people are rising up and seeking change to ensure a fairer society, where all are considered equal and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Regrettably, it inevitably leads to confrontation and violence and is a path that so many have already experienced. The people will win such battles as it is time for changes that are needed to carry them forward, so that they can receive the benefit of new ways of living that offer a more pleasurable and beneficial way of life. It is all being prepared and will be waiting the outcome of future changes that should make life more comfortable.

The period that you are in has been described as a point in your evolution when matters will reach an all-time low, but it will be the trigger for the commencement of programs for changes that will quickly lift you up. So, do not despair at the negativity when this period of time arrives, as it may be a blessing in disguise. Certainly the world is in a turmoil and with the climate changes and sea levels rising, that may bring major changes to the coastlines with inland flooding. It is all speculation, yet history and experience suggest Humanity takes good note and prepares for the possible outcome. Be assured that your Space friends who follow your progress are fully aware of events taking place and are doing their best to influence those who are in a position to help you.

Common sense will play a major part in helping you to prepare for the worse scenario, although as long as action is not delayed you can offset the worst threats. That way there would be no need for panic as you would have taken steps to protect yourselves and your property. Clearly, it will be inevitable that there will be some casualties, but to be forewarned enables actions to be taken that will keep them to a minimum. Understand that the physical changes are natural and Mother Earth will largely control what takes place. It is unfortunate that your leaders do not take a more serious view of what is coming, as time is of the essence and much can be done in anticipation and so avoid major catastrophes.

Understand that you all took an incarnation at this time being fully aware of what was coming. Indeed some of you were greatly anxious to be on Earth for such a momentous time. Therefore, many souls are awakening in this period, to their undertaking to take part in preparing people for what is to come. They are equipped to do good work with a great deal of experience behind them, and many are amongst the young people that have the vision to see what is coming and how to deal with it.

Be assured that the President Elect is waiting for his role in holding office until new elections can be held. It can be seen as the beginning of a New Era when the old will no longer hold sway, and with the growing awareness and understanding of the importance of the coming period the “New Ages” will come into prominence. You will be surprised as to how quickly the new ideas will materialize and a new pathway created, that covers all that is good and necessary to bring the long awaited beneficial changes into being. These events are not that far away from coming into being, and come they will because the future has already been ordained.

Each of you can help things to manifest sooner rather than later by staying positive, particularly during the current period of much confusion and negativity. Be a beacon of Light and you will connect with others of a similar vibration and together make a formidable force for good. Never waver from your beliefs and know that you will be helping light the way for others that are searching for the path to completion. Obviously there are souls with all different degrees of spiritual advancement, and with the awakening that is taking place each one seeks a greater understanding. Many sense that something powerful is occurring, but only the enlightened ones have sufficient knowledge to appreciate what is taking place.

In view of the amount of Light that is being sent to the Earth, it is not surprising that more and more souls are awakening and as soon as they do, help is immediately on hand to guide them on their journey. That is the beauty of the spiritual system inasmuch that every soul is helped to evolve and keep to the spiritual pathways. If you need help, simply ask for it and your request is granted, providing it is not contrary to your life plan. Karma should not be an issue amongst those of you who are well along the path, and in this New Age you are being helped extensively to a point that exceeds levels maintained in the last Age.

You are all spiritual beings having a human experience and when your life terminates, you return to the higher levels that you may well describe as being for a relaxing period to allow you to recover. After reviewing your life, it may, at least in part, enable you to decide what your next experience should be, always with your spiritual evolution in mind. It is a joyful time to once again meet family and friends who have gone before you, and even meet those souls who are out of the body during the sleep period of their human body. Such levels are only open to those of a similar vibration, so you are assured of a happy and pleasant experience.

The wonders of human experience are limitless and the higher your vibration the greater are the opportunities to seek further experience by traveling the Universe. Some such evolved souls spend their lives on board a Spaceship, but since they are, for example, likely to be in enormous craft of several miles in diameter, there is no feeling of being restricted, as it is very similar to being in a small town. You will no doubt understand that such opportunities give you greater experiences than being on Earth.

Knowing what the future holds for you, should give you heart and strength to withstand any negativity around you, particularly as you know it can only last for a relatively short period before major changes take place, that will carry you into a period of peace and beauty that knows no end.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Digital Artwork: Swami Sevaratna

Πέμπτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2019

As you evolve further, you will reach a point where you will manifest what you want instantly

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 4 October 2019

Events are moving so quickly that changes must come soon that will be for the betterment of Mankind. The old guard will not give up their remaining power of control without a fight, but there are new energies gaining strength that will ensure evolution continues as intended. There are many souls waiting to introduce new ways of living, that will help remove the need for labour intensive operation. You have been held back for far too long and now it is time for beneficial inventions to be released that will give you more time to follow your own interests. Changes never come easily, yet come they will and nothing will be allowed to halt their introduction.

Realize that the unrest throughout the world is a sure sign that people are restless, and either know or sense that they are entitled to a better life and seek the changes that will bring it about. From our side of the veil, we know the potential that awaits you that will give you a great upliftment. It saddens our hearts to see so much suffering on Earth, yet it need not continue and we are doing all we can to assist you. We say again, that the old paradigm finished with the advent of the New Age, so you must focus on all that is good and desirable to bring it fully into manifestation.

Understand that you have much more power to achieve your goals than you realize. Of course, you do get help from us and other advanced civilizations that have your interests at heart. So, do not give up and visualize all that is good and you will help it come into being. Be assured that when the time is right for your advancement, we stand alongside you giving every encouragement. We have seen all of these changes previously and know what help you need, so that you keep focused on your goal.

Humanity is not unique and many older civilizations have successfully gone through what you now face, and they are aware of the problems. You may not see them around you, but you will feel their energy and sense their presence. They come in love to help their brothers and sisters through the lower vibrations, so that you can take your place in the higher vibrations. They will bring peace to you and in your moments of meditation they can influence you, so that you know what to do next, but with the best will in the world they cannot present you with help until you are ready or have asked for it.

You are a very young civilization that has only just recently awakened to your true potential, and you will be aware that you are far more than your body, because you are a spiritual being. Your history goes back a long, long way, and you have experienced so many different lives that you now stand as an old experienced soul. Nevertheless, you are unaware of them at present as such memories are held back, so that in your present life you can experience without any distractions. One day, yet to come, you will be given your true “history” and undoubtedly you will be amazed and astonished.

Eternal life comes through the Supreme Creator and is accompanied by the most exotic form of love that you cannot imagine. Love is the energy of all energies and one day when your travels have been completed, you will, like all other souls, return to the Great Central Sun. You are just one soul amongst countless others who share your urge to return to the Source. It is what you seek, whether or not you are actually aware of it. So, you see that all other forms of life, whatever that takes, are in essence just like you. We are all One.

Can you imagine what a wealth of experience you have and yet you are still creating new opportunities to learn more. As we have previously mentioned, evolution is not as most imagine a continual straight path, but moves in a circular motion. It takes you an immense period of time to complete one circle of experience, and because events are always advancing, by the time you reach the starting point again everything has moved on. It means that as an experience, it seems as one that is continual without any breaks or sign of completion. Also bear in mind that you attract events to yourselves through the power of thought, and as you evolve further, you will reach a point where you will manifest what you want instantly.

Life on Earth is a pale reflection of what is in store for you, and when you look back, you will wonder how you ever got through such testing times. Those of you who have been successful will continue to evolve at a much faster rate and the times you are presently in will seem but a distant memory. The old has little place in your present period of experience and we encourage you to entirely focus upon the future in a positive manner, as you are laying down your future pathway now. We speak mainly of your spiritual advancement, because as you rise up, you gradually leave behind the material aspects, because you will create from pure thought.

You will no doubt wonder how families are affected by the changes we mention, and the answer is that individuals may go their own way but the link remains, so that contact is always possible. Understand that souls join family units by their own choice and for the experience that they can give. However, some souls continually join up with the same group and will take different roles within it. It comes down to exactly what you need to progress for your evolution. The soul is a free spirit and can select its own path of development, but usually following advice from those who are more spiritually experienced.

Life in the Universe of Matter is meant to teach you lessons that are necessary for your continual evolution. You who have successfully passed the marker are now on your path to the higher realms that you will find are so different to what you are experiencing now. It will be far more enjoyable and full of welcome surprises. Your immediate joy will possibly be that you are in a finer version of your etheric body that does not have to suffer the ills and problems you previously experienced whilst in physicality.

You have in some senses been babes in arms and have needed much guidance to get through your physical experiences. Yet, here you are ready to go further along the path to the higher realms. The key factor is that progressively you will have more power of thought, so such thoughts must be tempered by good sense and loving intent. Start now and you will find it easier to adapt to a new way of thinking. Telling the truth at all times is another factor, as eventually other souls will automatically know when you speak with anything less than the whole truth.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self and you too can be in contact with yours if you so desire.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Digital Artwork: Swami Sevaratna