Πέμπτη 30 Μαΐου 2019

The ability of Planet Earth to continue to support life is assured

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 1 May 2019

We are all One. From the smallest least significant life forms to the most highly developed ones, everyone of them without exception are contained, embraced, and most lovingly held within the infinite field of Consciousness that is ALL THAT EXISTS. Awareness of this truth, which for eons had been recognized by only a very, very few, has been growing exponentially, over the last five or six years, within humanity. Yes, I want to confirm for you most positively that there is no separation, because Life/Love is One. Life is an ongoing creative event, an endless expansion of Divine Love that is fully aware of all and that discards nothing. What is created is forever, endless, eternal, and what is created is always alive, purely because it is an expression of pure undiluted consciousness – GODNESS!

You refer to non-living material as mineral, as opposed to animal or vegetable substances which you understand to be alive. However, everything, as I said above, everything is held within the infinite field of Consciousness, therefore everything is alive. The life in what you see and recognize as inert matter is not recognizable because its energy frequency – everything is energy, there is nothing else – is too low and vibrates far too slowly to be measured by even the most technologically advanced instruments you presently have available to you. In other words, rocks, metals, and all that your science considers inert, non-living, have a form of consciousness, a consciousness that is patient and in no hurry, therefore rocks and metals decay and return to their non-material state far more slowly than do animals or plants. Decay is not a good word here, because you use it to mean a change of state from living to non-living, and what is alive can never cease to be alive, all that can happen is that its form changes from physical to non-physical.

So yes, your planet, Earth, is very much alive. Over the eons its form has changed enormously, due to volcanic activity, earth movements, and the effects of climate and water flows, and in its present state it supports myriad forms of life. Massive human industrial and land usage activities, which have intensified enormously over the last two or three hundred years, have dramatically increased the rate at which it is changing, thus threatening its continued ability to provide an environment that encourages and supports life in form as you understand that term. There are, in fact, a vast number of forms within your earthly environment of which you are completely unaware, residing in the oceans, rivers, and lakes, in the prairies, forests, mountains, and deserts, and which are essential for the ecological stability of planetary life.

Over the last four or five decades – in fact almost instantly in geological terms – awareness of the damage being done to the entire earthly ecosystem by inadvisable activities intended to provide short term benefits for multinational corporations and their “owners” has been growing rapidly. Now, at last, groups are forming all over the world to bring pressure to bear on those who are so blatantly and arrogantly defiling and befouling vast areas of the world that they considered fair game in the race for ever vaster profits, in order not only to persuade them to cease and desist their damaging activities, but also to use some of their enormous profits to start repairing the damage they have done. And these groups are becoming increasingly effective as more and more people support and encourage them in the mighty task that lies ahead for humanity, if it is to ensure that a habitable environment, in which future generations can live and thrive, is preserved.

However, the tipping point has been reached, and the ability of Planet Earth to continue to support life is assured, because plans are now being put into effect to restore the ecological balance necessary for animal and plant life to flourish. There are enormous resources available to bring this about, it is just that until now they have been used inappropriately and thoughtlessly. Humanity is on a path of spiritual evolution, and that is why souls choose to take human form by incarnating on Earth. But for a long time the rate of evolution has been very slow, while in recent times the rate of technological advancement has been accelerating. Consequently, the necessary wisdom and compassion to use these advances for the benefit of all has been severely lacking. Now, wisdom and compassion are growing exponentially, as your spiritual evolution progresses, leading you forward toward your awakening.

To many of you, it may well appear that the challenges facing you are insurmountable, but they are not. There is a magnificent awareness developing in the younger members of human society, especially those who are less than thirty years old, of the need for massive changes in attitudes and behaviors, and they have the determination and the motivation to make them happen. In science, you have a saying that knowledge advances funeral by funeral, and it is indeed the young among you who will be delivering the changes that are essential for human survival. And, of course, those of you who are older have all most definitely played your parts by effectively clearing the path for them to follow, even though, as the new path unfolds, it may well be very different from what you might be expecting. As you have so often been reminded, every single human is following a path of spiritual evolution, and even though that often appears not to be the case, truly everyone – there are no exceptions – is following a path of spiritual evolution.

You need to be aware that those who have been doing such enormous damage and causing such intense suffering all over the world are thereby providing an extremely powerful wake-up call to everyone else, because the ongoing revelations about their nefarious activities blows people out of any sense of apathy in which they may have been drowning, and demands that they partake in the awakening process, not by engaging in violent opposition or through starting conflicts, but by becoming aware that the only way forward is through love.

Many are now realizing that violent behaviors are a clear indication of intense pain and a sense of worthlessness in those who practice them, and that these severely damaged ones need to be loved and guided with intense compassion in an environment where they can safely express their pain without hurting others. Incarceration in penal correctional institutions only aggravates their pain and fear. New compassionate institutions will arise to assist and support those who are suffering and acting out their intolerable burdens of guilt along with a sense of utter worthlessness. Almost every human experiences a lack of self-worth at some stage during their lives, and sometimes it is long lasting causing an intense drain on their energy; therefore, there are very few among you who, at the depths of their being, do not feel great compassion for those whose ability to love and accept themselves seems to be practically non-existent.

All are the beloved children of God! The fact that some behave violently and act out their pain by attacking others demonstrates that they have completely forgotten this Divine Truth. And so have very many others who, although not acting out their pain violently on others, do have a less than complete realization of their true divinity, and thus, out of an underlying fear for their personal safety or that of their families and loved ones, often choose to work with law enforcement agencies, thereby very often aggravating the problems they were hoping and intending to resolve.

It is extremely difficult for most of you to believe that to engage with love will resolve all problems and issues, but it really is the only way forward. To be loving whatever arises does not signify weakness, it demonstrates enormous power, because Love is infinitely powerful. There is no one who is unaware of people – sadly, so far, only a few – who demonstrate love in action, and by doing so change themselves, others, and the whole world. What is needed or required of you who are aware that you are on a spiritual path, is for you to set the intent daily to be only loving whatever arises. When you do so, you will find that you become far more at peace with yourselves. You will also find that others gravitate toward you, are drawn to you, pick up on your peacefulness, and then share it with others.

None of you are ever alone! You are always fully supported by your team in the spiritual realms, as you go about your daily lives, while at the same time – even if you maybe unaware of it – powerfully assisting in the awakening process. Just ensure that you spend time daily – every single day without fail – at your holy inner sanctuaries where Love resides awaiting your acceptance of It, so that It may embrace, encourage, and remind you that you are on Earth at this moment to do just this. You will feel this inner knowing if you refuse to dismiss and judge yourselves as unworthy or not good enough, because nothing could be further from the truth!

You are all divine beings, and the fact that so many have forgotten this does not change it. You chose to be incarnate at this point to be loving presences assisting all on their path to awakening, and you are doing this every time you hold a loving thought or offer a loving word or action to anyone at all. As humans, limited by your physical forms, you can have no idea, until you awaken, of the wonderful and most amazing effect you are having.

Because of the love that each one of you demonstrates, even in the smallest of ways, humanity is awakening.

Trust me, because I have experienced form and all the trials and tribulations with which that state presents you. I know how difficult it is, and how terrifying it can be, and I know that you can and will succeed in delivering humanity’s awakening. Truly it is already accomplished, as you will discover, and in doing so, your joy will utterly surpass anything you can at present possibly imagine.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Δευτέρα 27 Μαΐου 2019

You always have unseen helpers giving you encouragement

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 24 May 2019

The long wait goes on and matters seem to keep coming up that look as though important changes are about to occur, without there being a conclusion. Yet, there are outcomes that suggest what is happening is all part of the slow process to move away from the old paradigm, allowing the new one ample time to take effect. It is clear, much of the old ways that still remain must make way for the new to come into being, and in part that means removing those who stand in the way of progress. Changes at the top are essential, if no time is to be lost in getting the changes started. The world has suddenly been seen for the state it is in largely due to man’s belligerence, a state that cannot be ignored at your peril. Public opinion is not a force to be overlooked and its demands for action must be heeded.

Extract from Kryon on 2019

Your future is often seen as a repeat of the past, but if you have a paradigm shift, none of the principles, the actions or interfaces, or the expectation of what has happened in the past can be applied to the future, and since none of you have been there yet, or experienced its changes, you do not appreciate, like or understand them. The profundity of this goes further than just a paradigm shift for you. If you really understand the elements of physics that talk about time, you would know that is in a circle and in it you tend to run over the same energies you created in the past, then creating that episode that you will call “repeating history” and I told you nobody has been there yet, so some of you are way ahead of me and then you would say “What happened to the circle” and the answer is: you broke it. You are on another path, call it “dimension shift” if you wish, call it anything you want to which says this: “you are beginning something new that has never happened on this planet ever before” and the thing that is driving it is not that outside source that some of you all fear. It is you.

It is the consciousness of individuals starting to have a coherence together, a confluence of energy that will start to guide the planet. Look at the timing you never had social media before. You have never had the ability to be alone in a closet and contact a million people and you can today. You never had the ability to form a consensus of what you are thinking and you do today. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of Human Beings collectively can do something they never could before, they can do things that would make politicians shake in their boots, because they are in such control and you do not know it yet, but you will. Perfect timing for a paradigm shift that was predicted thousands of years ago, way before modern religion. The ancients were involved for thousands of years, it said from the stars.

There will come a day measured by the precession of the equinox, a 26,000 year wobble on the Earth. There will come a day when Humanity will end the time it was in and start another time. Profoundly, the Mayans called it the calendar that ended in 2012. It was not a mistake, because that calendar was 5,125 years long. It is time for a shift and you are in it. A time change, a paradigm shift, a dimensionality and the biggest will occur with the futurists. The track is now different, you cannot take what was and apply it to what will be based on the same principles and paradigms. What has taken place is systemic. You must have another track record you must go for a while, before you can start to see the signs that measure differently than they used to. Even the most profound studies are based upon the past, not the future. So it gets in the way of logical thinking of what might happen next. Do not make up your mind that it will be this one or that one based on the past, or even that which you believe in is analytically accurate in the past. Human nature itself will change and how in the world do you track that.

When you mix the old with the new, you have problems. Moving into the new energy is difficult and some will see it as frightening and scary, because the rudder that you counted upon in the past is gone. The rudder is missing, a new one is being built called the paradigm of how new Humans think and what they want and can collectively do in a new time in an age where coherence is being measured between the consciousness of countries. The old souls are the ones singularly one by one, perhaps by the millions who will change that coherence of the planet, that confluence of thought of the planet and when that begins, you are going to see something. It is catchy and we have said this before. Indeed, the ones with the old energy will eventually die out. They will carry it to their graves. They will try to do this and that and for it and you will see the last of the old guard, the last of the Illuminati that you have known forever controlled Humanity and in its place things you did not expect, and that is why you have got to make things up with your intuition, not logically but based upon human nature.

Some of the things that are not measurable at all are already inside of you, given to you as a futurist, where you can project things without data and then they will happen. You are moving from a darker place to a lighter place. The magnetic grid has changed for you to accomplish it. It is the place in Space you are as a Solar System. It is difficult to accomplish it, but the stars align for it to accomplish this. The right place at the right time. Do not fear what you signed up for.

End of Extract

Nothing can stop the advancement of Humanity that has been ordained by those who oversee your destiny. You have a mighty following that are urging you on and sending you their love, so that you know you are not alone in your fight against those who would try to halt your progress. Never give up your resolve to overcome all obstacles placed in your way, as you always have unseen helpers giving you encouragement. The energy for good is growing day by day and aiding your positive actions to carry on moving in the right direction. You attract such energies because “like attracts like” and soon you will realize that you are receiving help.

Keep looking to the future, it is golden, everything you ever thought, it could be. It is what you have been heading towards for eons of time. So, never look back, all is well.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 25 Μαΐου 2019

Consciousness is a real, measurable field that affects physical reality

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 17 May 2019

This extract is based on historical facts and information from Kryon. It is most informative about a period that had a great bearing upon our present time, and enables us to place events in their proper order so that they are historically correct. Going back further completes the picture by confirming that previously there were highly advanced civilizations that have come and gone.

Extract from a Message by Kryon

About 11,000 years ago, at the end of the last glacial age, a mini ice age if you wish, there were things happening on this planet and you can search for this and you will find it. These things have to do with what I will call an unusual plasmic activity in the atmosphere. The magnetic grid was much, much different. Mass ejections from the Sun, and the kinds of things that the movies are made of would arrive and hit this planet's magnetic field. This would charge it with different kinds of plasma. It's there for you to see in science history. It's in the ice cores, and in the magnetics you would measure in the layers of the earth.

It was different then and I want to tell you what it caused. First of all, it caused a lot of death. We've told you this before, and we told you that, in part, Humans created it. Humanity has gone through at least four stages of civilization through different ages and have almost terminated each time. You may recall that your prophecies some years ago had you in a final war at the millennium, with mass destruction. It didn't happen. That was number four, moving to number five. The year 2013 and beyond is number five. We've told you about looking at number three in "unknown history". 

You won't find anything easily that I'm speaking of, and the history wasn't obliterated through weapons; rather, it was through plasma discharge – nature. But way before this, your planet had an atmosphere that was alive in a different way through the Sun's activity (the heliosphere), and it charged the magnetic grid in a way where humanity was able to develop DNA to at least 50%. Remember, you're at 30% to 35% at the moment. "Wait a minute, Kryon, you mean we went backwards?" Yes. Eventually, you will find evidence of this. An advanced civilization.

If you've had lifetimes where you felt you were part of an advanced civilization, you were. This is because your consciousness was advanced, not your technology. (Say that again slowly). You could do things with your consciousness that you can't do now, and you could do them easily. You could heal your own body with your own consciousness. There were those who could create actual matter out of nothing, all this, through advanced thinking, not mechanical devices. We are giving you a principle that hasn't really been thought of yet: "Consciousness is physics. It's a real, measurable field that affects physical reality." Ever crashed your computer when you were angry or put out a lightbulb? How? It's physics!

Yes, you were there, not with flying cars and anti-gravity, but with a wisdom and high physics that you remember well. You remember advanced wisdom and consciousness. There is a reason for the fact you can intuitively remember all of this. It's in your Akash! Listen to me, for this is the lesson today: You're not covering new ground as you evolve. You are instead bringing forward what you had. You are going back to achieve the future! Your Akash is slowly awakening since you passed 2012. There is already a pattern or template for this advanced reality, and you lived it eons ago. This Akashic pattern exists within you to fast track the evolution that you are going through now. You've been there before! Old soul, what you remember is an advanced civilization way before 10,000 years ago. But the seeds of it are starting to pattern themselves again. It's not new, and it's not unknown, and your Akash knows it. Your body's Innate knows it. What has been will again be reality and for you it won't be new. You're coming back to it. 

We've talked about Atlantis, and we've talked about the fact that not all of you, not millions of you, could have all been on one sinking island! Yet, you all believe you were. There's a metaphor there for the destruction of humanity for many reasons, and it was real, and you all went through it. Most of you were destroyed through these times, and that was civilization number three. Number two had its own reasons, mostly earth based. Then there was the start-over of civilization number four (your current 11,000-year-old history). So, everything you attribute to Human civilization, all 11,000 years of it, is actually the fourth civilization. I know, this sounds very odd, but even some of the wise ancient information from the indigenous of your planet know these things. It's part of their teaching.

Dear ones, your civilization has been here for 50,000 years. Science will someday agree that there appears to be lost history and see it for what it is. You're not that young! Many of your souls are very old and wise, and you've been here a long time. Your Akashic record is filled with these kinds of things. Do you see what I am saying today? You've got the building blocks of the future because you experienced it in the past! Because of this, you're not going to be afraid of it, and when you start to experience it, it's going to be something that is comfortable to you. 

I want you to look in the eyes of the indigo children for a moment. Those who are young souls are confused. But those who are old souls are confident! Perhaps too confident? They're not looking around or frightened that they are different. They're instead looking at you and wondering why you are not scared since you are so... old energy! They've been through this before! they are old souls and they are remembering what is coming and in their confidence, you can see it. Don't let their countenance fool you. They are not headstrong. They simply are awakening to something they "remember" in a planet that hasn't seen it for a long, long time.


I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Παρασκευή 24 Μαΐου 2019

We are preparing to open up many of the entrances to our hollowed ground

Κυριακή 19 Μαΐου 2019

The lesson of evil

Extract from the book "From Poverty to Power" by James Allen

Unrest and pain and sorrow are the shadows of life. There is no heart in all the world that has not felt the sting of pain, no mind has not been tossed upon the dark waters of trouble, no eye that has not wept the hot blinding tears of unspeakable anguish.

There is no household where the Great Destroyers, disease and death, have not entered, severing heart from heart, and casting over all the dark pall of sorrow. In the strong and apparently indestructible meshes of evil all are more or less fast caught, and pain, unhappiness, and misfortune wait upon mankind.

With the object of escaping, or in some way mitigating this overshadowing gloom, men and women rush blindly into innumerable devices, pathways by which they fondly hope to enter into a happiness which will not pass away.

Such are the drunkard and the harlot, who revel in sensual excitements; such is the exclusive aesthete, who shuts himself out from the sorrows of the world, and surrounds himself with enervating luxuries; such is he who thirsts for wealth or fame, and subordinates all things to the achievement of that object; and such are they who seek consolation in the performance of religious rites.

And to all the happiness sought seems to come, and the soul, for a time, is lulled into a sweet security, and an intoxicating forgetfulness of the existence of evil; but the day of disease comes at last, or some great sorrow, temptation, or misfortune breaks suddenly in on the unfortified soul, and the fabric of its fancied happiness is torn to shreds.

So over the head of every personal joy hangs the Damocletian sword of pain, ready, at any moment, to fall and crush the soul of him who is unprotected by knowledge.

The child cries to be a man or woman; the man and woman sigh for the lost felicity of childhood. The poor man chafes under the chains of poverty by which he is bound, and the rich man often lives in fear of poverty, or scours the world in search of an elusive shadow he calls happiness.

Sometimes the soul feels that it has found a secure peace and happiness in adopting a certain religion, in embracing an intellectual philosophy, or in building up an intellectual or artistic ideal; but some overpowering temptation proves the religion to be inadequate or insufficient; the theoretical philosophy is found to be a useless prop; or in a moment, the idealistic statue upon which the devotee has for years been laboring, is shattered into fragments at his feet.

Is there, then, no way of escape from pain and sorrow? Are there no means by which bonds of evil may be broken? Is permanent happiness, secure prosperity, and abiding peace a foolish dream?

No, there is a way, and I speak it with gladness, by which evil can be slain for ever; there is a process by which disease, poverty, or any adverse condition or circumstance can be put on one side never to return; there is a method by which a permanent prosperity can be secured, free from all fear of the return of adversity, and there is a practice by which unbroken and unending peace and bliss can be partaken of and realized.

And the beginning of the way which leads to this glorious realization is the acquirement of a right understanding of the nature of evil.

It is not sufficient to deny or ignore evil; it must be understood. It is not enough to pray to God to remove the evil; you must find out why it is there, and what lesson it has for you.

It is of no avail to fret and fume and chafe at the chains which bind you; you must know why and how you are bound. Therefore, reader, you must get outside yourself, and must begin to examine and understand yourself.

You must cease to be a disobedient child in the school of experience and must begin to learn, with humility and patience, the lessons that are set for your edification and ultimate perfection; for evil, when rightly understood, is found to be, not an unlimited power or principle in the universe, but a passing phase of human experience, and it therefore becomes a teacher to those who are willing to learn.

Evil is not an abstract some thing outside yourself; it is an experience in your own heart, and by patiently examining and rectifying your heart, you will be gradually led into the discovery of the origin and nature of evil, which will necessarily be followed by its complete eradication.

All evil is corrective and remedial, and is therefore not permanent. It is rooted in ignorance, ignorance of the true nature and relation of things, and so long as we remain in that state of ignorance, we remain subject to evil.

There is no evil in the universe which is not the result of ignorance, and which would not, if we were ready and willing to learn its lesson, lead us to higher wisdom, and then vanish away. But men remain in evil, and it does not pass away because men are not willing or prepared to learn the lesson which it came to teach them.

I knew a child who, every night when its mother took it to bed, cried to be allowed to play with the candle; and one night, when the mother was off guard for a moment, the child took hold of the candle; the inevitable result followed, and the child never wished to play with the candle again.

By its one foolish act it learned, and learned perfectly the lesson of obedience, and entered into the knowledge that fire burns. And, this incident is a complete illustration of the nature, meaning, and ultimate result of all sin and evil.

As the child suffered through its own ignorance of the real nature of fire, so older children suffer through their ignorance of the real nature of the things which they weep for and strive after, and which harm them when they are secured; the only difference being that in the latter case the ignorance and evil are more deeply rooted and obscure.

Evil has always been symbolized by darkness, and Good by light, and hidden within the symbol is contained the perfect interpretation, the reality; for, just as light always floods the universe, and darkness is only a mere speck or shadow cast by a small body intercepting a few rays of the illimitable light, so the Light of the Supreme Good is the positive and life-giving power which floods the universe, and evil the insignificant shadow cast by the self that intercepts and shuts off the illuminating rays which strive for entrance.

When night folds the world in its black impenetrable mantle, no matter how dense the darkness, it covers but the small space of half our little planet, while the whole universe is ablaze with living light, and every soul knows that it will awake in the light in the morning.

Know, then, that when the dark night of sorrow, pain, or misfortune settles down upon your soul, and you stumble along with weary and uncertain steps, that you are merely intercepting your own personal desires between yourself and the boundless light of joy and bliss, and the dark shadow that covers you is cast by none and nothing but yourself.

And just as the darkness without is but a negative shadow, an unreality which comes from nowhere, goes to nowhere, and has no abiding dwelling place, so the darkness within is equally a negative shadow passing over the evolving and Lightborn soul.

“But,” I fancy I hear someone say, “why pass through the darkness of evil at all?” Because, by ignorance, you have chosen to do so, and because, by doing so, you may understand both good and evil, and may the more appreciate the light by having passed through the darkness.

As evil is the direct outcome of ignorance, so, when the lessons of evil are fully learned, ignorance passes away, and wisdom takes its place. But as a disobedient child refuses to learn its lessons at school, so it is possible to refuse to learn the lessons of experience, and thus to remain in continual darkness, and to suffer continually recurring punishments in the form of disease, disappointment, and sorrow.

Therefore, he who would shake himself free of the evil which encompasses him, must be willing and ready to learn, and must be prepared to undergo that disciplinary process without which no grain of wisdom or abiding happiness and peace can be secured.

A man may shut himself up in a dark room, and deny that the light exists, but it is everywhere without, and darkness exists only in his own little room.

So, you may shut out the light of Truth, or you may begin to pull down the walls of prejudice, self-seeking and error which you have built around yourself, and so let in the glorious and omnipresent Light.

By earnest self-examination strive to realize, and not merely hold as a theory, that evil is a passing phase, a self-created shadow; that all your pains, sorrows and misfortunes have come to you by a process of undeviating and absolutely perfect law; have come to you because you deserve and require them, and that by first enduring, and then understanding them, you may be made stronger, wiser, nobler.

When you have fully entered into this realization, you will be in a position to mould your own circumstances, to transmute all evil into good and to weave, with a master hand, the fabric of your destiny.

What of the night, O Watchman! see’st thou yet
The glimmering dawn upon the mountain heights,
The golden Herald of the Light of lights,
Are his fair feet upon the hilltops set?

Cometh he yet to chase away the gloom,
And with it all the demons of the Night?
Strike yet his darting rays upon thy sight?
Hear’st thou his voice, the sound of error’s doom?

The Morning cometh, lover of the Light;
Even now He gilds with gold the mountain’s brow,
Dimly I see the path whereon even now
His shining feet are set toward the Night.

Darkness shall pass away, and all the things
That love the darkness, and that hate the Light
Shall disappear for ever with the Night:
Rejoice! for thus the speeding Herald sings.

Παρασκευή 17 Μαΐου 2019

Notre Dame was set ablaze by the Illuminati

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 15 May 2019

With loving greeting from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The heightening vibrations are stirring millions to think more deeply than usual, “outside the box” you could say, and this new experience is puzzling. They also are hearing about high Schumann Resonance Hz registration, light waves, solar flares, frequencies, melting icebergs, mini-ice age, polar shift—what do those portend for life on Earth?

You, dear lightworkers, volunteered to be where you are so you can tell new soul searchers what is happening and why. Perhaps begin by assuring them there will be no mini-ice age, the planet’s axis has been slowly righting itself for the past eight decades, and solar and other astral activity is part of creating a better world. A logical question could be: Where did you hear that?

And you could reply: It will be easier to tell you if I start at the beginning. You aren’t a person who has a soul—you are a soul having a personal lifetime. Every soul is eternal and multidimensional and its Beginnings are the pure Love-Light energy of Creator, the most powerful force in the Cosmos. Every soul in this universe comes from the Love-Light of our most powerful source, called God and other names, and all souls are inseparable from this source, from each other and everything else in all of Creation.

This lifetime is but one of multiple physical experiences, and between each is a lifetime in a spirit world, where another mortal life is planned, again with other souls, and the purpose is to attain balanced experiencing. What is known as karma is not reward or punishment—it is an opportunity for all who are sharing the lifetime to help each other advance in evolvement status.

Of the innumerable other civilizations in this universal family, many are advanced consciously, spiritually and technologically far beyond Earth’s current population. Members of some of those civilizations are the ancestors of Earth’s peoples, and they are assisting the populace and the planet in myriad ways. Some are in spacecraft surrounding Earth, others are living among you.

Everything in existence is consciousness vibrating at countless different frequencies, and the vibratory rate is the measure of conscious awareness within an individual, and collectively within a civilization. The collective consciousness of all of Earth’s life forms is vibrating at successively higher frequencies because the light is intensifying. People who are treating each other and the animals with kindness and respect are radiating the light’s high vibrations that are transforming life on Earth and ending long ages of dark control.

That is a “bare-bones” summary of the information that newcomers to universal truths need to know. Their minds would be boggled if everything came forth in one fell swoop, and it won’t—please don’t think that you must become professors with prepared lectures! Soul searchers will ask questions to which you know the answers, and by all means, refer them to Web sites and books that will be helpful for their understanding. You may offer to meet with receptive individuals or perhaps suggest that if they form a discussion group, you will gladly participate.

We recounted information that you know well to emphasize what the majority of Earth’s people do not know at all, and that is why darkness still is part of life there. When they learn that they have the power to make the better world they want, they will direct their energy into manifesting that world instead of concentrating on what they do NOT want, but are contributing to its continuance via the Universal Law of Attraction.

Beloved brothers and sisters, we know that your knowledge gets put aside by sadness about the many millions who are homeless and impoverished; by distress about shooting massacres, concerns about the many countries in political and ideological upheaval, and impatience for all fighting, greed and corruption to end. However natural those feelings are, we urge you to please not dwell on the situations that evoke them. Staying steadfast in the Light is of immeasurable value in helping to end those situations and bring to fruition a peaceful, prosperous, harmonious world for all.

Now then, we are happy to speak about the topics that many of you requested.

There is evidence that the fire at Notre Dame in Paris was started by arsonists, but most likely the “official” cause will be faulty wiring or simply “unknown.” The cathedral was set ablaze by the Illuminati as unmistakable warnings to French President Macron and Pope Francis.

The message to Macron, one of the Illuminati’s primary puppets in governments, is to crack down on the Yellow Vest movement and not even think about letting France leave the EU, which was established and is controlled by the Illuminati.

The message to Pope Francis: Do not reveal anything about the Vatican’s financial dealings and massive monetary wealth—the Illuminati use some of that to further their aims—and cease efforts to end satanic rituals. As the international headquarters of Satanism, the Vatican is the choice location for human sacrifices, which produce the lowest of vibrations and enable the Illuminati’s very existence. To them, destruction to the cathedral is symbolic of Satan’s power to destroy God.

The tumultuousness in the energy field of potential around Robert Mueller’s report and the most involved principals can be likened to the continual popping of fireworks that produce only noise and smoke. Because there is no clarity in this matter in the energy field, we don’t know if the report will lead to impeachment proceedings or if evidence referred to various legal systems will lead to prosecution of any individuals.

Julian Assange is one of the souls who volunteered to leave their homelands and experience whatever harshness would befall them for being truth-tellers, or “whistleblowers.” Once incarnated on Earth, all of that was lost to his conscious awareness, just as it is with all other souls in a third density world that is rife with human frailties. When the opportunity arose, whereby Assange could make available to the public information that the US government did not want disclosed, he was fulfilling his soul-level commitment by following inner urgings to act upon the opportunity. We honor him and all other souls who fulfill their mission to make truths known to Earth’s peoples.

And, the photograph of a “black hole,” the term your astrophysicists use to describe an energy field so dense that not even light can escape its gravitational grasp. What they call black holes is Light—the Love-Light energy that IS this Universe—and no telescope or network of telescopes can photograph this. Although “space” appears black to you, it is Light fluctuating in countless different frequencies, or bandwidths or radio waves, and the images you see are a combination of how you perceive astral bodies or debris and what the telescopic lenses’ limited capability can register.

“Matthew said energy is neutral. How can neutral energy attract ‘attachments’?” It is the other way around. This universe has vast pools of energy that can be thought of as clay awaiting potters to give some of it forms with intention. Your thoughts and feelings are forms with intention. They pull energy streamers out of the neutral pools, attach themselves to the streamers and give them direction. It is an integral part of the Universal Law of Attraction. The universe’s constant expanding and contracting motion keeps neutral energy at the ready, so that every new thought and feeling can engage in the attachment process.

“I was told that Christed energy comes from Jesus. According to Matthew, a lot of what the Bible says about Jesus was fabricated by early leaders of state and church. If he is right about that, what does Christed energy pertain to? Is it the same as Christ consciousness?” The soul you know as Jesus wants to speak about this.

JESUS: Thank you, Matthew, for giving me this forum. Christed energy is the name some have given to the essence of the realm closest to Creator, where souls came into existence when Creator’s infinite, eternal Unconditional Love was expressed as Light. This Light’s vibrations, the ultimate power in all of Creation, is Creator/Creation itself, in which everything that exists throughout the Cosmos has its beginning.

Creator’s first individual expressions are the souls you call archangels. They remain in fullness in that realm of I AM, Totality, Oneness of All, and have used its energy to create other souls. One is Sananda, and one of Sananda’s personages is the soul you know as Jesus or Yeshua or Jesus the Christ, from whence comes Christ consciousness. Christ is Oneness with God. It matters not what you call the Supreme Being of this Universe, there is no separation of souls from this Being or one from another. The powerful energy of Christ consciousness is throughout this Universe.

The foundation of Christianity is what is written about me in the Bible, my birth to a virgin, crucifixion and resurrection. None of that is true, it is a story made up by the few who wanted to control all others in those times. By distorting or omitting some of my messages and exalting me as the “only son of God,” they created a false separation between the people and God. They also wrote what they called “God’s laws” and told the people if they disobeyed them, they would incur the wrath of God and endure eternal damnation.

Eventually, the Bible’s great deception about God and me and the factual history of Christianity will be revealed. It will be the same with your other religions that originated in truths brought by messengers of the Light and were distorted by persons who wanted to control the masses. When that becomes known, the people of Earth will be unified in spiritual truths.

My unconditional love for all souls throughout this universe is everlasting.***MATTHEW: Thank you, Jesus, whom I know as my dear friend Emmanuel. And now, beloved lightworkers, as we bid you farewell, keep foremost in your thoughts that all Light Beings in this Universe are supporting you throughout your Earth journey.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Τρίτη 14 Μαΐου 2019

Fear is unreal!

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 25 April 2019

You, humanity, is finally opening to Love, and thus arriving on the same page where we in the non-physical realms spend a lot of our time. This is making it far easier for us to bridge the seemingly vast gap between form and non-form, so that we can commune with you all far more easily and spontaneously. Awareness of your true nature, the Self that is using the body as a vehicle to experience form, is rising into the consciousness of increasing numbers of you, as the felt Presence of the Tsunami of Love, which is pouring down on Planet Earth, continues to intensify. Everyone incarnate on Earth now is feeling It, although the vast majority do not, as yet, have any understanding of what is happening, what it is that they are feeling, they just feel slightly to extremely uncomfortable, and all their denied or hidden non-specific-fears are adding to that discomfort.

What is happening is an essential aspect of the awakening process. To awaken is to open fully to Love, but fear blocks your access to It, and yet fear is, in truth, unreal. What people need to do is to look at it and see it for what it is, an unreasonable and illogical fear about some unknowable and unforeseeable, but seemingly possible future occurrence. For eons, humans have lived fearfully, believing that some horrendous catastrophe may arrive unexpectedly at any moment. That very seldom happens, but with instant worldwide news constantly available nowadays, and because catastrophes do happen, humanity’s fears have intensified. And fear is cumulative, thus strengthening the beliefs in the logicality of being fearful. Further, of course, the media – news, social, personal, political, religious, and institutional of all kinds – fans the flames, even throwing gasoline on them, because those in positions of authority over others are always keen to strengthen their positions, and building and encouraging fear is a most effective way to do this.

When people are alone in their homes, or are meeting in small friendly groups, the fear level is low because they each feel supported by the safety of their home environment or by the group. However, when large crowds gather, it is very easy for fear to arise – often without reason – and then spread rapidly, causing panic as people rush for the exits, trampling on each other in their urgency to escape. Those who refuse to be overcome by fear can stand aside and remain quite safe, as the crowd rushes past, while they assess the situation to decide if there is anything to fear.

Your rational and logical minds know that living with a constant sense of fear is very stressful, and that it leads to psychological disorders that further compound the situation. Nevertheless, your egos thrive on fear! How many times have you felt offended by something someone has said to you, fear has then arisen, and as a result you have responded angrily to put that other person down, in their place. In the moment, if you think that you “have won” the argument or disagreement, you feel temporarily uplifted, powerful, strong. Then the other responds equally powerfully, undermining your momentary sense of victory. And of course that is how nations interact with each other, also multi-national corporations, and even religious organizations. So much of human interaction for so long has been confrontational – who will blink first!

Now, as the energy flow of Love increases and intensifies, many are becoming aware, very aware, that major change in attitudes and behaviors is essential, if you – humanity – is to avoid Mutually Assured Destruction. You have the technology to achieve that insane result, and your governments keep on adding to their arsenals, as if more is better and safer. In the meantime, masses of people are living lives of desperation as they attempt to feed, shelter, and clothe their families. They want change. Enormous change in the way that their governments operate, so that those in need are cared for, and that those in despair and addiction can be lovingly attended to and brought back from their despair and addictions into lives that are uplifting and inspiring.

Everyone on Earth wants to be loved, happy, and at peace. And of course this is possible, it is your natural state. However, fear has hidden the reality of that from you, and in fear defenses are constructed, and borders and walls are built to separate “the haves from the have-nots!” Is it possible to conceive of a state in which to live that is more insane than that? And differing political and religious beliefs and persuasions intensify these rifts between peoples due to race, color, ethnicity, culture, and intellectual ability, as those in positions of authority play on the fears of the masses to strengthen their own untenable positions, positions to which they were elected or appointed in order to honor, respect, and guide the people who place their trust in them.

All across the world, it is now very apparent that people have seen through this deception, they are angry, and they will no longer tolerate the dishonesty, corruption, and indifference of those who are supposed to be governing and guiding the societies over which they have seemingly limitless power, and which they are seen to be using to pursue their own self-gratifying agendas.

As you have been told so often, ENORMOUS changes are occurring. They are not being reported by the elite owned mass media, but the freedom of information, now easily available across the world due to modern technical innovations, makes it impossible for this eons old deceit and corruption to be kept hidden.

The old order is crumbling. It is not up to the task of transforming the traditional attitudes and behaviors that have been based on an “us vs. them” mentality, and encouraging, creating, and establishing a system that works fairly, honestly, respectfully for every human.

A transformative system is arising, as people everywhere come to realize that there is no separation, and that everyone’s thoughts, words, and actions affects absolutely everyone else on the planet. A massive spiritual evolution of humanity is in process right now, and the rate of transformation, which is already very rapid, is accelerating.

You are all divinely loved, from the most spiritually advanced mystics to the simplest of individuals who seemingly have absolutely no awareness of their spiritual heritage. God does not differentiate between you, He does not judge you, He does not punish you, He Adores every single one of you without exception, and His Will is for you to do likewise. That is what your awakening is all about. And the Tsunami of Love is flowing powerfully into all your hearts wherever there is the slightest crack in the fearful defenses you built eons ago to keep It out. You will awaken into the complete and full knowingness that you are all One, and that awakening will bring you untold joy. Your awakening is divinely willed and therefore it is absolutely inevitable.

Therefore, Rejoice, Celebrate, and LOVE one another as God does!  Truly you are beings of LOVE, and anything that you are presently experiencing that is not in alignment with Love is unreal and is crumbling, disintegrating, dissolving. And because it was unreal, when you awaken, you will have no memory of it. There is only JOY.

With so very much love, Saul.