Σάββατο 29 Απριλίου 2023

Nothing will stop much needed progress

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 28 April 2023

Law of One – Now we can disclose everything, you are going to have technology that is going to eliminate your need for fossil fuels. It will eliminate your need to pay for energy, and it is happening a lot sooner than you think

28th April 2023. Mike Quinsey.

You are having to change your outlook regarding your future, as it is becoming increasingly apparent that you may shift to a new timeline that avoids the Great Flash of Light that has been predicted. Humanity appears to have raised its vibrations and if it continues to do so, it could alter the outcome. So, it remains to be seen which path you will take, but either way progress will continue, as the changes are necessary to create a new and better way of life. There will come a day when you will look back and wonder how you ever survived the continual attrition. You were of course meant to do so, but your freewill has been the overriding factor.

Many of your old ways of living have been shown as inadequate, which is why they have had to change. With the increase in vibrations to help you along and prompting from your Guides, you have sensibly chosen to seek new ways of life that are better suited to your needs. They cannot occur overnight, but the intent is strong and there is no doubt that advances will be made. The dark Ones will still try to hold you back, but it will be to no avail as the changes are already in hand. Know that much has already been prepared and nothing will stop much needed progress.

Dear Ones, you are not fighting a lone battle, as all along we have been helping and prompting you to take the right steps forward. You have lived the illusion for far too long, yet many of you have sensed that better things are yours to claim. The basis for your upliftment already exists and it is simply yours to discover, and with the return of Tesla your future is guaranteed. There is normally a time and place for major discoveries to be revealed, and it will be at the right time when you are ready and able to accept them.

You are still hampered by the wrong people being in power in many countries, but that will soon change as circumstances will demand it. Too many people in power are in it for “Self” and do not have the interests of others at heart. In fact, at this time many such persons are being revealed for what they are and will be removed by one means or another. With the right people at the head of Nations, progress will leap forward and we will be supporting such people. Hitherto, many leaders have used force or criminal actions to gain positions of power, but in time such intentions will be unable to be hidden or even lied about as only the truth will exist.

You can take much encouragement from our messages, as slowly but surely the negative energies will lose their strength and disappear, and then shall only the truth exist. It may not be in sight at present, but with the vibrations lifting up it is only a matter of time. The truth shall reveal the false lives you have led where advancement has been held back to keep control over you. The truth is slowly being revealed and you must already have realised how it has been hidden from you. To be frank, you have been living a lie and progress has been kept back to enable your control.

You have been kept in isolation and used by the dark Ones to their advantage. Friendly visitors from other regions of Space have been warned off, which is why you tend to believe that other life forms do not exist in your Universe. We have said before that the Earth is more like an open prison, but clearly that is about to change. However, it is true that most Presidents of the U.S.A. have had personal contact with ET’s. Valiant Thor who took on a human body stayed on Earth for some three years at the United Nations Assembly just after World War 2.

Great times lay ahead, when peaceful conditions can be assured for ET’s wishing to make open contact. There have been many individual contacts made over the years, but not on an official visit. Such events have nearly always been covered up and very little Press coverage. After World War 2 peaceful ET’s offered to make a deal providing you gave up nuclear weapons but that requirement was rejected. Looking back, it seems that a wonderful opportunity for world peace was turned down.

Even as this message is being written, a nuclear sword hangs over Mankind, but as you have been assured many times, we will not allow nuclear bombs to be unleashed against Humanity. Get round the table and talk “Peace on Earth”, because surely in reality no country really wants a nuclear war that would virtually destroy the Earth and make it unfit to live on. Man seems unable to learn from experience, but greater powers than his have intervened, as your freewill does not extend to blowing up yourselves. Humanity at heart is for peaceful relations with other countries, so why don’t they call an end to wars and settle for peaceful relationships.

We ask you to keep peace in mind and generate an energy that will carry it far and wide. Do not give energy to negative thoughts about it, as it will be attracted by other beings of that nature and lower vibrations. We do not mind repeating such warnings, as it is so important that people remain positive at all times. Thoughts carry a lot of power, which is why you have to be very careful how you use them. As we have pointed out before, you can use them for positive or negative reasons, so think carefully about what you wish.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 22 Απριλίου 2023

You do not have too long to wait and see the potential the changes will make

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 21 April 2023

“Time waits for no man“ is a popular saying and applicable to the conditions you are experiencing at present. The changes are necessary and progressing well and it is regrettable that they are causing so much grief and trouble. Many times we have tried to get you to understand the importance to get matters in hand that acknowledge the urgency involved. Even your own people have recognised the need for immediate action. Failure to do so will only exacerbate the situation as if it is not already calling for urgent action. We for our part will help you all we can, but it is for you to take the initiative.

Instead of individual countries following their own path, it would seem to make more sense if a combined effort was made. However, it seems that your politics are getting in the way of a worldwide effort that is called for. Can you really ignore the needs of the poorer countries who are ill equipped to handle the size of the problems that face them? Yes, financial help has been given, but real action is necessary that actually gets to the heart of the matter. Can we hope that there is a wake-up call that gets things moving in the right direction.

You are at the cross roads and decisions made now will determine how the future works out. Your main concern should be relative to the rise in temperature that is having an enormous effect. It is already resulting in food shortages and migration from those areas affected. Livestock are dying because of it and many people losing their living that is adding to the predicament. If only you could see the wider picture, you would soon appreciate the urgency of the situation. We do not wish to frighten people, but the truth must come out, as otherwise appropriate action will not be taken. Take heed of what we say and get behind those who have the foresight to understand the reality of the present time.

The ecosystem is under threat and it also needs immediate attention. There is so much to do and priorities must be given to the most urgent needs. Temperatures are still rising and crops under threat that is affecting the food supply lines and increasing the costs. We need hardly mention that you are in critical times that are being acknowledged but is the appropriate action being taken. In some countries the people are starving because of the changes, and clearly a massive campaign is necessary if lives are to be saved. How sad that in the middle of such a crisis there seems to be a lack of leadership so that progress can be made.

Do not let the inconvenience and problems connected with the changes get you down, as you are actually entering a period when they will clear the way for a greater and more satisfying way of life. Be assured that nothing can prevent it coming and as we see it, you do not have too long to wait and see the potential the changes will make. The old ways are finishing and already you are beginning to see the possibilities. Even so, it has only just started. Make no mistake, what is talked about now is not a pipe dream but a sign of the true reality that beckons.

The forces of evil and negativity have lost the battle for supremacy, and their supporters are gradually being removed from the planet. For certain, you shall see things happening that will show beyond doubt that the Light has won the battle. It just remains for the “clearing up” to be carried out so that eventually peace will come to the Earth. You will have earned it and even if you have already returned to the higher dimensions, you will be fully aware of it. It will be a great occasion for all concerned and celebrations have already been planned.

When you commenced your journey many, many years ago, you were told of the ultimate success, and all along it was planned for the Light to be victorious. What else would you have expected, especially when it was always in a superior position, even if at times the dark Ones seemed in control? For thousands of years you have fought against them and their plan to take over the Earth, but greater forces of Light have prevailed. All souls involved at any given time have grown spiritually, and gained strength to face the negative forces without fear. It has been a truly harrowing experience, yet you have still enabled the Light to overcome whatever tactics have been used to prevent you learning the truth and preparing for Ascension.

We paint the larger picture to help you find the determination and strength to keep good faith in the outcome of the battle between the Light and the dark. All concerned will have learned a lot about themselves and revelled in the freedom given to make their own decisions, albeit there has always been a greater plan for your spiritual advancement. Until you ascend, it will be difficult to comprehend the full picture, but of late you have learned so much from your experiences. It will be some relief for you to know that there is no reason why you should have to experience the battle between the Light and dark again.

However, there is still much work to be done and we hope that by giving you the greater picture, you will have no doubts about what the future holds for you. By keeping your vibrations high, you help others to lift up who come into contact with you. Certainly there is a lot of despair amongst you and it is not surprising at such a volatile time. Simply do your best to impart messages of hope, as you have by no means reached the end of the world, it is simply changing for the better.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 15 Απριλίου 2023

Your life plan is discussed prior to your incarnation

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 14 April 2023

The End Times are serving their purpose by giving all souls the opportunity to grow at a faster rate than any earlier time, when life was slow and opportunities were very few and far between. In modern times a day rarely passes by without several situations presenting themselves to you that could help raise your vibrations. It might be as little as a kind word or gesture, yet you may not realise how much it helps, and even as little as a cheerful greeting can lift a person up. Given the opportunity, most souls can be friendly and delightful to meet, yet many people are reluctant to show their true feelings.

Without a doubt, you live in troubled times and looking back there have been few occasions on which you have felt at peace. However, better times lay ahead and will come regardless of the efforts of the dark Ones to interfere. So, do not be drawn into situations that pull you down, and if necessary, walk away from them. Humans can be extremely kind and helpful if allowed and it is their natural way of living. By nature, they can be volatile and quick to rise up in anger, but that is not their natural way. However, it is possible to control your reactions to what is happening around you and maintain a peaceful outlook that can be achieved by practising patience.

One of the main problems humans have is keeping patient and in control of their temper. You are certainly in very trying times and be assured you will feel all the better by being able to be in full control of your feelings. We know it is hard to be at one with everything around you, but it is part of your experiences needed to help you stay calm when all around you can be bedlam. By doing so, you can help bring calmness to a situation and possibly stop it getting out of hand. We are always with you and will give every support when you are determined to raise your vibrations.

With so much going on in the world that puts pressure upon you, we know it is difficult, but if you are successful, you are also helping those around you. Calmness is essential in all circumstances and once you can control it, you are well on the way to success. We know it is easier said than done, but you need to have a goal to aim for that will keep you on the right path. We know that many of you are fully aware of what is necessary to achieve success, and we celebrate your determination to succeed. The fact is that you will feel all the better for achieving your aims and it will give you extra strength to keep carrying on.

We do sympathise with those of you who through circumstances beyond your control are having a tough time, but again we tell you that you are not given tasks beyond your ability to handle them. We would remind you that your life plan is discussed prior to your incarnation and you did agree with it. There are times when you are so keen to lift yourself up that you are prepared to take on more than we recommend, but usually good sense prevails. Clearly every effort you put in to be successful will help you achieve your objective.

You are a calming influence wherever you go and often attract people to you for that reason. If only they could see your aura that radiates beautiful clear colours like the rainbow. Colours that are bright and clear seem to reach out to you and give out uplifting energies, and you would see similar colours in the auras of healers and souls who had evolved through their dedication to the Light.

As you evolve, you will also begin to see auras and possibly learn of their specific value, the indigo colour being the highest vibration. Those souls who read auras can for example tell you where you need healing, and your general condition of health. In fact, the onset of bodily illness can be seen and also existing conditions. The brighter your colours signify a soul who is more highly evolved. You are in effect like a walking library that can be read by those souls who have keener eyesight and know how to use it.

Healers have control over their energy and can use it for healing by “thinking its colour” according to what they understand is needed. It has been proved that such healing is successful, but it can be negated if the receiver does not believe in it and blocks it. Sometimes self-healing takes place as obviously you can use it in that manner, through your own visualisation by “seeing” the needed energies filling you aura, and can also occur quite naturally.

In general terms, a healthy life style will lead to a healthy body, so there is much you can do to look after yourself. It all comes down to the state of your energy and your own way of thinking. Those souls who naturally give out healing energies are a joy to be with, as they make you feel good just to be in their presence. Much healing can also be achieved by such positive souls without their knowledge. At some time or another, nearly every soul has experienced the “feel good factor” by simply being in a certain persons company. When you can comprehend the beauty of healing, you will understand that much takes place quite naturally.

As time passes, more souls will find they have healing abilities and realise the power of thought. It works for better or worse, which is why we have asked you to guard your thoughts. Be aware if you wish someone ill health, or a similar fate it will come back to haunt you, as you will also attract it to yourself by doing so. However, providing you do not empower your thoughts with energy, you safely talk through such matters.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light

Mike Quinsey.

Δευτέρα 10 Απριλίου 2023

You are on your way home after an immense journey

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 7 April 2023

By now you should have noticed matters that were hidden are now being brought to the surface and the people behind them revealed. Consequently much that was illegal or improper that has often involved big business can no longer continue, and the people behind it are being held to account. Criminal activity is also being uncovered that makes money out of criminal acts. By and large people are honest and lack the ability and means to bring the perpetrators to justice. However, the revelations will continue and it all makes for a better future for Humanity.

As the energies continue to rise, so it will be more difficult for criminal acts to be kept secret, and a gradual change that will be most welcome will see a much better level of honesty and caring. For too long matters have been run by those who have put “self” first that has seen the rich get richer whilst the poorer sections of society still struggle to scrape a living. The Human Race was never meant to live according to the feeling that “you only get what you deserve” when many have no control over the ruling members. The wonder is that bearing in mind you live in a freewill society the poorest members are somehow to be blamed for their position and left to suffer it.

A true caring society would reach out to those in need and ensure they had their basics needs covered to ensure a reasonable standard of living. After all, you are brothers and sisters following a path to gain experience, to enable growth and understanding where the demands of life are concerned. As you must be aware by now, you cannot leave the lower vibrations behind until you have evolved sufficiently to do so. Inasmuch that all souls have Guides to help you successfully follow your life plan, it is not imposed upon you but simply placed before you, so that you can decide whether to action it. Bear in mind that you will in principle have already accepted it as way of continuing to evolve. The dark Ones will try to divert your attention away from it, if you are not careful and alert.

Life is a struggle for most souls, but it does not mean that you cannot make progress. Indeed, you are in a position to make good progress by overcoming the obstacles on your life path. It comes down to being honest and fair and most certainly to love your fellow travellers by giving them a hand as they cross your path. Yes, you can gain what you call “credit” for acts of kindness and loving concern for their wellbeing. What you would call “good karma” is a fact and you earn your rewards. Do not be misled into thinking that riches are a reward, as they can give a comfortable living style, but they come with great responsibility. They are a great test of your desire to help others less well off.

For those of you who are suffering in these changing times that presently cause much grief, understand that each soul is where it is supposed to be and meets the karmic needs of those involved. It may be difficult to comprehend but realise that greater powers than yours who know you well, help plan each life to ensure continual spiritual progress. After all, that is your purpose for being where you are, so that you can take every opportunity to evolve, and at this particular time you have so many that would enable you to take great steps forward. Many souls are ready to take them having stayed positive and never lost sight of the goal they aim to reach. They know they have a wonderful opportunity to break the mould and not have to return to the lower vibrations next time around.

You should realise by now that you are deliberately being held back from learning the real truth of your existence upon Earth. Like you the dark Ones have been allowed the freedom of choice in your Freewill Universe, although you will by now understand that breaking the Laws of the Universe does bring penalties. As we have already informed you, they are not in the way of punishments, but opportunities to realise your errors and overcome them. Treating all as One is a good start and giving out Universal Love will quickly move you along your path to completion. Humans tend to believe that they are somehow superior to other souls, and are only now beginning to accept that in essence they are exactly the same as they are.

The sooner you realise that every soul is on the same path as you, but not necessarily at the same stage, the quicker Humanity as a whole will rise up. The coming changes that loom large are your opportunity to finally pass your marker and move on to the next stage in your life. One that offers you much more control over your destiny. You become worthy of being given control over your future choices, although you will always have more evolved beings behind you ensuring that you understand what is expected of you.

By now, you most likely have a good idea of what lays ahead of you, and pleased that you will no longer have to face old problems as they have been released from you. Many of you have reached a stage where you are already able to totally control your response to problems that would normally have caused you difficulties. You now have the patience and understanding of what life is really about and live accordingly. Dear Ones you are on your way home after an immense journey that has made you stronger and more aware of what life is really about. You are no longer self-centred or egotistic and are at One with All That Is. It will not relate to everyone, but many souls have reached a full understanding of what life is really about. Many of you are at various stages of evolution, and knowing what you are aiming for strengthens your resolve to continue your spiritual growth.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 8 Απριλίου 2023

Most of the finale still is playing out behind the scenes

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 3 April 2023

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. During this final act of the ages-old battle between the light forces and the dark forces, Earth is aglow with the light of volunteers, off-planet civilizations, and growing numbers of awakened and awakening souls.

It is due to ever-intensifying light that you are seeing more and more citizenries revolting against their governments’ dark policies; a crack in the banking system; and some individuals publicly connecting the economic dots of covid-19 lockdown, tests, vaccines and falsified statistics.

However, most of the finale still is playing out behind the scenes. The Illuminati are losing global economic control as governments are refusing to do their bidding. Countries they want to be enemies are instead allied in ridding the world of dark ones and their heinous activities. Arrests and trials of individuals for crimes against humanity or treason continue.

In this last phase of Earth’s transition from darkness into light, a short period of chaos seems inevitable and a brief lockdown seems certain. The latter is both protective and a pivotal happening that will hasten the awakening of still slumbering souls. Some bumpy patches will likely follow, but none would be long-lasting, and there will be no mini-ice age, abrupt geophysical shift or any other predicted catastrophic event.

When irrefutable evidence of truthful information starts coming forth, you who have waited so patiently will greet it with rejoicing, but—as many of you are anticipating—most others will be shocked, confused, outraged and fearful. As encouraging mentors, calmly and confidently explain to all receptive souls that everything going on is ending long ages of darkness on Earth.

It can be helpful to recommend books and websites that support what you tell them about this profound turnaround, how civilizations have been helping Earth, and wondrous changes ahead. The unconscionable disparity between the few “haves” and the billions of “have-nots” will end and everyone will share in the planet’s abundance. The global economic system based on precious metals that will replace the current corrupt system will protect honestly-earned savings and investments.

Scientific and technological developments the dark ones have been using malevolently will be taken out of their control and used beneficially. The planet’s damaged environment will be restored. There will be what you call free energy and grand innovations in healthcare, education, transportation, communication, agriculture and construction.

The peoples need to know the powerful energy of positive thoughts and feelings about those changes will manifest them and lead to Earth’s Golden Age, where love is the foundation of life. They need to know that in the timeless continuum, where the past, current and future are happening simultaneously, that glorious Age already IS.

Dear ones, do not feel uneasy about taking on that task of enlightenment. When the moment arrives that your knowledge is needed, your previous experience in helping other civilizations “see the light” will come to the fore and you will feel automatically guided.

Now we shall address some of your other interests and concerns. “Do souls at Matthew’s station know yet when ET crews will land?” No, we don’t. What we do know is that there can be no landings until it is safe for the crews and the people who want to greet them. God relieved fleet commanders of determining when safety can be assured for everyone. When it is, He will tell them “Go.” It will be safe then, too, for souls in the extraterrestrial Special Forces who live among you to introduce themselves.

The dark ones’ time is growing shorter, so there is reason to think that “sooner rather than later” you will meet these universal family members who are eager to thank volunteers for their invaluable service to Earth and to mingle with Earth’s peoples. Souls living in Inner Earth’s marvelous cities want you to become acquainted with them, too. All will offer help to restore health to the ravaged environment, and that can be accomplished with speed that will astound you.

Speaking of speed, because of the light radiated by you volunteers and beamed by far distant civilizations, the transformation of life on Earth is happening with speed that is unprecedented in this universe. Third density civilizations that declined offers of that assistance took as long as 50,000 years to evolve to fifth density spiritually and consciously.

“Please ask Matthew how we can send love-light.” With joy we tell you this is as easy as your desire to do so! If you wish to “formalize” this in a prayer or meditation or visualization, that is fine, of course, but your feelings and intention are enough. And, no “address” is needed. Simply your thought of the person, group or Earth herself directs your love-light energy where you want it to go.

“I just read a channeling that ETs helping Earth have an ulterior motive. They plan to take over the planet after it’s peaceful, because it will be easier then to enslave the people. Surely that isn’t what will happen!” Be assured it will not! Years ago the light forces built a grid of such intense light around the planet that the low vibrations of malevolent individuals cannot even approach it—light is anathema to dark ones. Dear family, entire civilizations or extraterrestrial groups have long been helping Earth because they love Gaia and her residents!

In previous messages we have spoken about the importance of discernment in all sources of information, including channeled. Some receivers are not aware they are reaching base entities who give fearful-sounding false information, and other messages purportedly from messengers of the light are written by dark ones on the planet to create fear.

Here is another indication of their feelings of desperation: “I heard souls transitioning to spirit life are being tricked into going to a kind of ‘limbo’ where dark forces keep them trapped. I hope that is NOT true!” It is not true. This is a variance of old propaganda contrived to create fear. Please ignore all ominous-sounding information! [July 27, 2017 and August 26, 2017 include readers’ descriptions of information in circulation at that time.]

“Some channelers say Earth is entering 5D. I thought life in that density is peaceful and loving. I don’t see this world even close to that.” Life in fifth density is peaceful and loving!

Let us repeat what we have said about density. There are two kinds—personal evolutionary status and the location of a celestial body. Location-wise, Earth is about mid-way in fourth density and steadily on her ascension course to her destination in high fifth. Evolutionary-wise, many of her population still are in third density while others are in fourth and higher densities.

It is in fourth that hearts and minds open and people start advancing in spiritual and conscious awareness—this is the awakening process. Most volunteers who came from other homelands to help Earth’s civilization begin to awaken are fifth in evolvement and some are in sixth, and members of the extraterrestrial Special Forces come from sixth and higher density civilizations. [March 3, 2022 message includes comprehensive information about volunteers and the Special Forces.]

Also, we number the two densities only to indicate advancement or regression, but energy—and everything in existence is energy—isn’t compartmentalized or numbered. Energy simply flows in accordance with the measure of consciousness in its countless streamers.

However, there can be a correlation between the two kinds of densities, and you volunteers are an example. You incarnated in a third density world, but your evolutionary status is the same as it was when you were living in your homelands.

It is similar with Gaia, the soul that embodied as the planet. Billions of years ago she and her body originated in high fifth density, and her evolutionary status remained there during the eons the planet descended into deep third density and stayed there because her humankind were brutal to each other and the animals.

During the millennia that Earth’s more recent civilizations languished in third density, the lowest in which humans can live, a few individuals—visionaries, philosophers, scientists, artists, spiritual leaders—who were much higher in evolvement status incarnated there. Due to the dominance of darkness, those light bearers were ignored, debased or killed.

We have been asked what volunteers look like when they are in their homelands, and we don’t have an answer. We know most are from human civilizations and we can distinguish them from the general population by the light that radiates their higher evolutionary status, but that doesn’t indicate a specific homeland.

Now, I shall speak as Matthew only. I have lived temporarily in many civilizations that requested my help in upgrading their spirit worlds to be more like Nirvana or graciously invited me to visit. Although I have no way of knowing if any volunteers are from any of those civilizations, you may be interested in knowing a bit about them and appearances they have chosen.

All advanced human populations are androgynous, the balance of feminine and masculine energies, and vibrations in their worlds are at consistently high levels. Adults’ height is between 3 feet and 12 feet and all bodies are slender. Skin tones range from porcelain white to chocolate brown to ebony black, a shade in your rainbows or other colors, and the skin of people in some civilizations shimmers with diffused light.

In addition to human worlds, members of the extraterrestrial special forces may be from civilizations with tall erect insect-type forms, stylized animals, magnificent plants, and iridescent translucent cylindrical torsos that float above their planet’s surface. All of those souls’ bodies are so agile and their brain power so great, you would think of them as the stuff of science fiction.

The reptilians I know in the special forces are from only one of many reptilian civilizations. These impressive defenders of the light are of average height and have pale blue-gray skin and large dark eyes.

Some of the mostly highly evolved souls have no form at all—they function as unity consciousness and send their intense light over vast areas of the universe. However, like all other advanced souls, they can manifest whatever kind of body they wish and by the speed of thought, travel to any destination where vibrations are compatible with theirs.

All of those populations are assisting Earth by beaming light or in specific ways. For instance, members of one civilization appear as cloud formations, so they can cleanse your skies of pollutants’ toxicity. Some souls lower their density, so they can incarnate on the planet to guide and strengthen struggling individuals in their soul clusters. Others embody instantly to save cluster souls from unchosen danger, then vanish by dematerializing, so they don’t get trapped in Earth’s density.

Reproduction in advanced civilizations may be by sexual union, cloning, or focused thought by the two souls that want a child and the soul that wants to be their child. Non-physical civilizations with unity consciousness grow by welcoming all souls at the same high vibratory level.

When members of some civilizations are ready to move forward, they have a celebration party and express gratitude for growth experiences during the hundreds or thousands of years they lived in that world. Then they dematerialize their body and instantly are in the advanced world of their choice, where they manifest a body that fits in, or they join souls in a unity consciousness civilization.

Beloved brothers and sisters, although we cannot tell you from which homelands you came, we can tell you this: In the continuum, where your vital mission to help Earth’s peoples already is a monumental success, your respective civilizations hold you in highest esteem and you have the gratitude of all light beings in this universe.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Τετάρτη 5 Απριλίου 2023

We Can Easily Come And Go Through The Openings At The Poles

By Dianne Robbins

Our Spaceport is located inside the Hollow Earth, in direct alignment with the openings at the North and South Poles. We are not stuck on the Earth as you are, but can leave whenever we desire. We are not limited in movement, and can travel throughout the Universe at will. There are no physical constraints, for we apply the Universal Laws of Energy and use the already existing highways throughout the Universe. We can’t get lost, for all is mapped out and all is in constant communication with all in existence. We just tap into this ”live” network that is always broadcasting and move through it effortlessly.

We are not isolated from the rest of life in our Universe - – you are. We are not restricted in movement - you are.

As we are here in the Center of Earth’s interior, you are here with us in consciousness. For consciousness is a ”place” - a place more solid than your physical places. So yes, you sit on the surface at your desk taking this dictation, but in consciousness you are with us inside the Hollow Earth. You are literally in two places at once. Do you understand multidimensionality now? Now that you are in both places simultaneously, we will show you around ”our place”. As you scan our landscape, you will ”see” the openings of the Holes at the Poles. These openings are wide enough for some Mother Ships to enter. You can ”see” the Spaceport, spread out for hundreds of miles in a circle interspersed with flowers, grasses, bushes, trees and waterfalls. It does not look like your barren, concrete airports, devoid of life; but rather like a garden with space shuttles and starships nestled peacefully inside our world.

We hardly know when they come and go, as they do not emit any harsh sounds, and we hardly detect any sound when they land or take off. They are in complete harmony with our love vibration and move in silence. We can visually see their movements as they gracefully fly in and out through the Poles. But this is the extent of it. There is no disturbance in sound or vibration, and there is no pollution and no destruction of our environment. This is quite a contrast from your surface airports, isn’t it?

And, we never have ”crashes”, since every component of our craft is monitored by our amino acid computers, and we detect and correct any problem immediately. Our technology is so far advanced from yours, for we’ve had the opportunity of peaceful living conditions to continuously develop it for millennia, without a break in our life spans. This is why your Immortality is so crucial. The longer you live in the same body, the more you can develop your talents and technologies, and the more you can create and refine things, rather than stopping and starting over again in each succeeding lifetime. All this stopping and starting over and over again gets you nowhere. You are continuously ”reinventing the wheel”, and never moving beyond it. It is stagnation in evolution, getting you nowhere.

This is all ended now, as Mother/Father God of this Universe has sent an edict that Earth has to move on, and can no longer hold the rest of the Galaxy back. All the other planets in your Solar System have already ascended, and it is only Earth that the whole Milky Way Galaxy has been waiting for. The laggards won’t be able to hold Earth back any longer. From now on, all laggards will incarnate on an isolated planet where they won’t be allowed to interfere with the evolution of a species, planet, Galaxy or Universe again. This is the edict that has been handed down from our Great Central Sun, Alpha and Omega.

Soon you will be feeling only bliss, as all negative forces and destructive entities will be leaving en masse through death, and exiting out of your Universe. The long suffering is over, and you will be free at last, and will experience life as it was always meant to be experienced. You can feel this bliss now; feel the anticipation now, and bring it into your lives now - for it is already here, and will be getting stronger and stronger each day. Each day see your world through the eyes of Love and know in your heart that this is the future for Earth. I am Mikos, always directing my Love to you.

(to be continued)

Σάββατο 1 Απριλίου 2023

You have far greater abilities than you imagine

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 31 March 2023

Amongst my files I found the following extract but for some reason unnamed. I thought it worth passing on to you.

“All civilisations go through a number of steps in their growth and evolution. First the civilisation is seeded at its point of origin. Mostly these are planets, but sometimes civilisations begin inside stars it might surprise you to learn. Or indeed in other places that might seem even less likely to you. How about the periphery of a black hole for an interesting origin.

But be that as it may, wherever a new civilisation is seeded, it is normal for it to be nurtured and watched over by an older more developed civilisation. The Gods of your myths and legends are actually just this, space faring civilisations that interacted with Earth humans when your Race was newly formed, and in need of teaching regarding certain basics like agriculture, language, writing and various other subjects like mathematics or astronomy.”

31st March 2023. Mike Quinsey.

There does not appear to be any change in the path you are treading at present. However, changes carry on unabated and it is a painful experience for so many souls, but lessons learned are necessary and will not have to be experienced again. You are emerging out of a period of intense experiences that are mostly karmic in nature and not surprising when you look at man’s history, even as recently as World War One. Can you imagine the number of souls that were involved trying to clear their karma, as if you can do so and uplift the level of your vibrations the rewards are well worth it. Clearly those who have accepted the challenge are ready to face whatever is to be part of their experience, but as always they will be assisted and given encouragement at all times.

Your experiences are intended to help you evolve and able to lift yourself onto a path that leads to your Ascension. If you could just experience the joy and happiness that comes with it, you wouldn’t hesitate to boldly go forward with the full confidence in your ultimate victory. Many times we have given you a picture of what it will be like, but to express it fully is beyond words. A peaceful existence is what all souls seek and know is their right. It beckons now and is a too good to miss when it is so near, and you have earned the opportunity, so take it and keep your focus upon it.

We are here waiting for the ideal opportunity to announce ourselves and what an occasion that will be. We will be celebrating with you and acclaim your ability and strength to overcome all obstacles placed upon your path. Be assured that no soul is given more to do than they can cope with and as always we are with you. Keep to your path of Light and enable us to come closer to you, and know that we are aware of your difficulties and will do all we can to ensure your success.

You have far greater abilities than you imagine and do not forget that you will never be confronted by challenges you cannot handle. You always know what is expected of you before you incarnate, and you will have agreed to it. Clearly, you are not all at the same level and can help each other when the opportunity arises. Yet some souls are more in an advisory role and able to lift others up through their knowledge and experience. It is mainly a matter of experience knowing exactly what is needed to help other souls continue evolving.

Meantime, you have your day-to-day experiences never really knowing what might be in store for you. Sometimes, the unexpected happens, as events of which you had no knowledge take place. Yet, they have been planned in advance as part of your evolution and so life goes on. It may be to your liking or not an experience you would choose to have, but you may be sure it was part of your life plan. As you might expect, your Guides are fully active where such matters are concerned, as they know it better than you do.

Prejudices are soon left behind, as you realise that with your many lives you have lived in many countries, and experienced lives as Man or Woman, black or white and rich or poor, it will all relate to exactly what you needed to continue evolving. It is all planned by those beings who can see the whole picture and know all about you, whereas you are kept in the dark. Your response and reactions determine your needs, and so it goes on, as each life is another milestone in you quest to prepare yourself for Ascension.

All of the souls you meet are also working out their life plan, and it is surely wonderful if not amazing that somehow they all work together. They often play a part in each other’s lives that is of no real consequence, yet is the plan. The set-up is too complicated to explain, but be assured that people who play a role in your life are essential for your progress. Marriage or close relationships are a major part of your experiences and if it goes to plan, you will both gain from such experiences.

So, you and all of the players in your life help each other to complete their life plans. Sometimes things go wrong, but to compensate you can go through the experience again, or leave it pending to be a part of yet another life.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.