Τρίτη 8 Απριλίου 2014

Things will get a lot easier from now on

Message of the week from Archangel Michael 

Greetings Beloved Ones, 

We wish to express to you our most loving energies and connect with your Angelic heart as you are reading this. 

You Earth-Angels have brought about a tremendous shift of this "Earth Reality." Things will get a lot easier from now on. All your heartfelt wishes and prayers have been received and are being fulfilled with the help of your Higher Self, the Angelic Realm and Source. Open your eyes, as your New Reality is peaking in. Notice the little things that are indicating your manifestations. Don't discount them. Hold on to them. Take note. Appreciate them and continue to look forward. 

What excites you the most, right now? 

What makes your heart sing? 

Write down the answers to these two questions, as if you were inscribing them into an "Automatic Manifestation Device." Write down every detail as if it were so. When we see you doing these kind of exercises, your light increases instantly and we here in the Angelic realm celebrate with much joy and love for you. We are celebrating every little and big milestone you are achieving in this process, as well as your every smile. Celebrate with us, Beloveds! Celebrate this Now Moment! You are blessed. 

Beloved Ones...we are only a thought away and here to assist you...always. 

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth." 

Thank you, Archangel Michael! :-)

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