Παρασκευή 9 Αυγούστου 2024

The European Euro 12-31-2001

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

We transmit to you directly from the Library of Porthologos, where many of us spend most of our time. Although our time frame differs from yours, we still tell time and arrange our schedules and days.

The Hollow Earth is rejoicing at the magnitude of the rise in Earth’s consciousness as witnessed by the announcement of the Euro on today’s news, bringing many European countries together as ONE. This is a great step for the surface population, leading to a United Earth World.

We in the Hollow Earth have one system for all of us, which keeps us unified in all areas of commerce and life. It is a big step taken, and many more countries will follow.

Confusion and Turmoil on the Surface

Your health is linked to your wealth. By this we mean your emotional health - your feeling body - for the healthier you “feel”, the clearer and purer your thoughts and feelings, the clearer your intentions will be. It is your intent that goes out into the Universal Fields of Light, and brings you back what you send out for. Every thought is a call, and every call has an answer. So attune yourselves to your thoughts and your feelings, and monitor what you are sending out. If you send out only what is positive, that is what you will receive.

This is a time of great confusion and turmoil on the surface, as people are being awakened by the string of events unfolding. Stay within your own center, go deep down, and feel only the calmness and tranquility that exists within you, and radiate this out to counteract the negativity and upheaval that is going on around you. This is your purpose; this is what it means to “Hold the Light”. It means you are holding the Light that ever exists within you, and choosing to reflect only the light, and not the confusion around you. So go within, and stay within, even as you are existing in all outward appearances. It is so simple, yet so profound.

In the Hollow Earth, we all live from our heart center and radiate only the tranquility within us. This tranquility permeates the whole cavity of the Earth and brings us the health and riches that surround us always. As surface folk begin to live from within their heart center, this purity and strength and peacefulness will permeate your physical bodies and surface conditions, and gently bring you the peace that abides within us and inside our Earth. This is our dream for you - and OUR DREAMS ALWAYS COME TRUE.

(to be continued)

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