Κυριακή 10 Ιουλίου 2016

What is the Event? (as originally mentioned by COBRA)

Source: http://www.godlikeproductions.com

* Fallen beings will be removed from the Planet

* The Planet is being flooded with Light, in a way that will not shift the axis

* Earth is "the only planet that wobbles"

* A flash from the central part of the Galaxy will be triggered by Divine Energy

* Millions of ships that are observing will come into action to help the inhabitants

* "Night classes" (in our dreams) will feed information

* The quarantine will be lifted - the negative ETs are already gone (says Cobra)

* Cobra was right, saying "we will not have war with Syria" when few said the same (Sept-Oct.2013)

* Members of the (positive) military are "going inside the Earth... some to ships" - to get training

* The ships coming to Earth will remove the last vestiges of the negative influences

* BANKS WILL SHUTDOWN - that will tell us the Event is underway

* To stop the banksters, the banks must shut and ban

* Time to be shut: 3 days to 3 weeks

* The media will be flooded with info on what has really been going on

* This is the truth that has been overwhelmed by spin from controlled media

* PrepareForChange.com ... and many other sources will give information

* Many politicians and banksters will be arrested

* People will be given the truth

* There will be no more borders

* Free Energy devices the size of briefcases will be distributed

* Money will be taken from those who stole it, and many will be jailed

* A new open and transparent financial system, backed by gold, will be introduced

* New political and voting systems will be introduced

* People will be better informed, so they can vote honestly

* First order of the day: taking care of the homeless, poor, and infirm

* The present Big Pharma-dominated healthcare will be changed

* Chemtrails will be stopped

* Lawful, just arrests will be made, removing maybe 70% of politicians

* Formal First Contact with ETs will take place

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