Δευτέρα 12 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Create an Unstoppable Year 2015

Message from Archangel Michael for December 27, 2014 

Greetings Beloved Ones, 

We send you blessings of Love and Joy, in this now moment, and we invite you, to open your heart to our message for you... 

The Christ energies of the past few days have assisted many of you, to open your hearts to love and togetherness and you have stepped through a powerful gateway. 

This energetic gateway will allow for you to go deeper inside your own Christ energy and realize that your Heaven on Earth has been within you, all along... 

Allow for anything that is less than Heaven on Earth to move away from your awareness and hone in on the co-creative energies within you. You are in the midst of a great momentum of intense Love energies. These Love energies are the main component of creation. 

This is the perfect time to set the vibrational tone for your upcoming year of 2015: 

With that in mind, we invite you to look back of this past year and remember all the experiences that you can appreciate. Write them all down. 

Then, allow your awareness to move to your heart center. Imagine that your heart center is glowing and sparkling with loving and creative energies. Feel, see and perceive what you wish to experience in your New Year of 2015. Write it all down. 

Place both lists on your heart. Breathe them in. Find a way to release these notes to the Universe, such as burning them in a safe fireplace.* If you don't have a safe place to burn them, find a creative way of releasing these two lists, beyond your control. 

Now, detach from the outcome and begin to ask yourself: 

"What am I guided to do next?" 

"What do I feel is my next step?" 

This will allow for the Universe to get to work for you, undisturbed and to guide you at the same time closer to your desired reality. 

After you have done these steps, begin to tend to your feeling world and make sure to maintain the frequencies of Love, Ease, Flow, Collaboration, Creativity and so forth... 

We send you loving and joyous wishes for your New Year 2015! 

You are loved beyond measure and we are with you - always. 

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth." 

Thank you Archangel Michael! :-)

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