Τρίτη 20 Μαΐου 2014

The Morphing of Carbon Based Bodies to Silicon Based Makes Us A Vessel For Solar Energy

by Custos Astralis on May 19, 2014 

Many of us know that 666 is the equation for 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons that is the equation for carbon based bodies. 

The equation for silicon based bodies is 14 protons, 14 electrons and 15 neutrons. 

Because our bodies are morphing to silicon based, we become a perfect vessel to create energy through ionization. 

Here is a video that explains ionization. 

And when our body becomes crystalline, we are then similar to the Pyramids made of crystal stones and granite stone sitting on top of limestone acryphers which are underground pores of water - which is why we have the need to drink a lot of water. Our carbon based body is converting to silicon based, when we remove blockages/issues in our life. When the shadows upon our energetic body are removed, we make room for our Higher Self to descend into our body. Our Higher Self is 100 percent silicon based. When this occurs, your body becomes the perfect vessel to create a process called ionization. Like a solar panel that is created from silicon and creating energy through ionization, so our vessels are able to create energy through the Sun. 

Someone might ask, how would we know if our Higher Self has descended within our body? You will definitely know, because it is like sharing your body with another entity. For example, if I do or think something that is not for my highest good my Higher Self will wag my head ‘no’. I know it sounds really crazy, but I am not the only person who has experienced these phenomena. Christians reading this may claim I am possessed… 

Here is a video that my guides led me to, that shows how a solar panel works. They use silicon material for the vessel and within the vessel energy is made through ionization, which is when an electron is bumped out of the atom or molecule. 

When your Higher Self has descended within your body and you practice exercises such as Qi-Gong, you connect yourself to the Sun/Source Energy and the Earth creating two currents of energy flowing through you. You are a vessel creating energy through ionization. You become electrically charged up. This helps to heal people or to heal or rejuvenate yourself. 

It is just like when you have an LED light and place it between two currents of water and it lights up. The reason it lights up is that this process bumps electrons out of the atoms that spark electricity for the LED light to turn on. 

Also there is another video that I have shared in my blog entry, "It Is Time To Activate Mother Earths Free Energy By Understanding How To Activate Your Own Free Energy." This video is called "The Pyramid Code High Level Technology." 

One scientist studying and measuring the energy around the Pyramid with an apparatus noticed that the pictures they took in Guatemala around the oldest Pyramid were filled with many Orbs. 

Many of us have taken pictures of Orbs perhaps in our living rooms or places where there is much energy. Well, where the vibration is very high, the higher beings are able to hang out and most of us believe those orbs are higher beings. 

Anyway, the Scientist said his observation is that the air seems to be clumps orbs of ionized air. Which is further confirmation that I am on the right track of how our body is creating energy. The higher beings would also be creating energy through ionization and just like the ionosphere being ionized it creates the Northern Lights and that is why when you have an OBE and meet with one of the higher beings they glow and their eyes glow. And they say that the Giza Pyramid once glowed as well. I guess that was during the time when it was up and running. 

Someone asked me in the last blog why we do not have Free Energy Now. I said that if enough people are seeing within their inner eye during meditation that a Pyramid upon their chakras is activated. Then we can influence and create it within our matrix. As within, so without; so without, As within. 

Love and Light, 


Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/the-morphing-of-carbon-based-bodies-to-silicon-based-makes-us-a#ixzz32GOZd6vb

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