Πέμπτη 30 Ιουνίου 2016

Humanity is one with itself, everyone is family, and the true nature of everyone is Love!

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 24 May 2016 

As Jesus has told you, humanity’s awakening is imminent. I know you feel that you have heard this said many, many times, and yet it seems that nothing has occurred to confirm that humanity’s awakening is ongoing, let alone imminent! But, because you have listened to our messages to you from the spiritual realms telling you that your awakening is imminent, you have, as a result of listening to us, strengthened your collective intent to bring it about. 

And, as you have also been told many, many times, the power of your individual intent, without mentioning the amazing power of your collective intent, is enormous and extremely effective. You are awakening humanity. Yes, each one of you holding the intent is making it happen. As so many channels have told you already, it is your intent that is making it happen. We, of course, support you in every moment, but you make it happen. You all made the courageous choice to incarnate during these “End Times” to assist in this momentous event and ensure that it happened. And it will. 

You are the collective! You do not have even a slight awareness of the vast numbers of you who chose to incarnate at this enormously important moment in the illusory dream of separation that God’s Son chose to build and experience so many eons ago. As you well know, in truth it was but a moment ago that you chose to play the game of separation, but you used your immense power and imagination to construct an environment that would appear very real to those who engaged with it by incarnating as humans. And thus it appears, bringing intense suffering to many, but with the constant hope being maintained that things would improve, that life would become easier, less stressful, and that eventually peace would arise and that all on Earth, without exception, would be provided for abundantly. 

Well that moment draws nigh because your collective intent has, particularly over the last five or six decades, been coming more and more into alignment. Previously, for eons as you measure time on Earth, you bought wholeheartedly into the belief that you were each separate beings, separate from God Whom you imagined as an infinitely powerful Being watching over your every thought, word, and action, and judging you harshly whenever you failed to live up to the standards that you imagined He demanded of you. 

But, God is Love. He never judges, because Love is unconditionally accepting of every member of God’s Divine Family, because that is the nature of Love. And every conscious entity, without exception, is a beloved member of that Divine Family. 

Separation is not only illusory, it is impossible, because all that God creates is eternally One with Him. And there is nothing apart from what God creates, because God Is . . . God is All that exists. 

Humanity has spent eons at war with itself, causing itself intense pain and suffering, as it has attempted to establish a safe haven within your illusory environment where it can live in peace with those it judges to be its friends and family. 

Humanity is one with itself, everyone is family, and the true nature of everyone is Love! You have been told this many, many times, and yet you choose separation by judging most others as unacceptable or enemies because of their supposed differences from you. You see all those weird people out there who are obviously unacceptable to the god that you worship, and who you therefore believe must be at least avoided and kept away from your loved ones, or, better still, labeled as terrorists and destroyed! 

Those you judge and wish to destroy are other members of God’s One divine family. And, of course, many of them view you through the same massively distorted lens that is your sense of perception. This game that you have been playing has become unconscionable because it has reached the stage where those who still wish to play it have only one motive, namely to destroy all whom they judge to be evil! And of course the word “evil” really only means “different.” And separation is a state in which you see everyone except yourself as different. You have a saying “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” The reason being that you can trust no one! 

And this attitude is the absolute insanity with which the illusion presents you, because it has succeeded in convincing you that you are separate from one another. And, of course, you are not. What you share, give, project, impose, or in any way do to another you do to yourselves. When you are in a loving relationship with anyone – intimate partner, family member, close friend – you see all that is admirable about yourselves reflected back to you as you look into their eyes and find acceptance and love there. When you are in a relationship of conflict you see all that you despise and that disgusts you about yourselves – but which is denied and very deeply buried – reflected back to you. 

BUT, you are all perfect Divine Beings. What you experience in the illusory state of being human is duality, opposites, confusion, and chaos. It makes no sense! Why? Because it is unreal! You constructed a game, and as you know a game is played by opposing teams or opposing individuals! You chose to play this game, and then forgot that it was a game, and used all your human intelligence to outwit and destroy those whom you decided were your opponents, your enemies! 

How, as the beloved children of God, eternally One with Him and with each other, can you possibly have enemies? Surely there are very few of you who do not see that as insanity. 

Therefore, go within daily, connect with the Love that resides there, open your hearts fully and allow and accept what It offers you in every moment of your eternal existence. When you do that, wholeheartedly, without any reservations, peace will fill your hearts and Love will embrace you. When you allow that to happen your whole perception of life, of love, of people, will change completely. You will see only Love in others, Christ-consciousness, your true and eternal nature shining forth and reflected back to you. 

Going within daily, as more and more of you are doing, and accepting the unconditional Love that is offered to you constantly, is changing the world. As you surf the web, and seek out the alternate news sites that report on the wonderful events that are occurring as a result of people engaging with and operating from their true nature, you will see that the changes for which you have all been hoping and praying are happening. Major essential changes are happening right now all across the planet. You are living in the time of humanity’s awakening, the time for which you have been praying and hoping for eons, and it is NOW! 

With so very much love, Saul.

Τετάρτη 29 Ιουνίου 2016

A marvelous destiny lies ahead!

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy 28 June 2016 

11Kan, 17 Kayab, 12 Manik 

Dratzo! Something wonderful is getting ready to happen! The millennia-old world of the dark cabal is falling apart. The vote to exit Britain from the European Union is a visible part of what is occurring around this world. The dark has been reeling in secret for the past few months, as the ones who desire a New Realm to be put together have constructed agreements and organizations to “bring in the New”. This has forged a new Global Reset of the world’s currencies, which are to be backed universally with gold or silver. The dark’s stock markets and bourses are dropping in value, as these new financial instruments, such CIPS, BRICS and AAIB, take effect. These are to replace old organizations like SWIFT and the IMF. The time for a formal reckoning has come at last! Soon, you are to see the core of the leadership of the old financial and government systems publicly arrested and sent off to a well-deserved isolation. In this mode, they can no longer interfere with, or in some odd way delay, this new system as it globally comes to the fore. This, marvelously, is just the beginning of even more events that are destined to radically reshape your realm! 

These things require New Governance. Decades ago, NESARA was born and sequestered until the world was truly prepared to transform. The New Banking System needs a series of welcome regulations to be ready to change for the better. This structure needs, as well, a new international means to conduct its daily business and freely transfer vast sums from one part of this reality to another. This structure is CIPS (Cross-Borders Inter-Bank Payment System). It is now intermingling with SWIFT to offer an international system designed to end the gross interferences of the past that caused unnecessary delays and questionable stalling of larger financial transactions. The new organization, to replace the post-war IMF, is to be both the BRICS group and the AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank). In this way, the onerous loans formerly forced on the world by the IMF can at last be corrected. These things are, in reality, a beginning for establishing a financial system by which prosperity is spread internationally and new governance can pop up like wildflowers. 

This prosperity is to be accomplished in a number of ways. The most important is the benefit accrued by those who have spent time in preparing for the coming of this New Currency Re-evaluation. It is also to be spread by ending the great burdens that governments and banks have imposed on the peoples of the world’s various nations. These odd taxes, loans and impositions are to be both lifted and repaid by many governments and banks. In addition, all the odd fees long used by banks are either to be dispensed with or limited to more sensible transactions. You are shortly to live in a realm that freely allows you to administer and use those monies that you are to possess. Take this time to learn about the power created by money and, at the same time, see how a number of formerly hidden technologies are capable of doing away with the old need for any form of money. This lesson is one that we feel your growing consciousness is to freely impart. With your new prosperity, you are to see how a differently structured society can be created. 

This New Realm is to be the transition between a world filled with limited resources and one based upon endless possibilities. This new transitional reality is to receive the much-needed lessons of the Ascended Masters, and be one in which the beginnings of a massive First Contact with us becomes a wondrous reality. These events are required before we can move you into the time of the mentors. The mentors are allied with your medical teams to provide an individual dossier so that each individual starts with a “level playing field.” You are in this process to be readied for what lies ahead, the Crystal Light Chamber. The ultimate goal of this operation is to return you to being a fully conscious Galactic Human. In doing so, the rash procedures of the Atlanteans are to be corrected and all the peoples of this grand orb are to be reunited. Once this is accomplished, you are to be quickly trained in appropriate etiquette and swiftly allowed to come together and forge your new Star Nation. A marvelous destiny lies ahead! 

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! You have just heard what the Chinese elders and royals, along with their partners in Western Europe, are accomplishing. These many amenities planned for your globe by our sacred associates are just the beginning of how Heaven is working with us to forge a new, better reality for you. The dark cabal long controlled this reality and deeply wished to over-extend its limited mandate and make this what Heaven had strictly forbidden. With your help, we have produced a New Plan that is one that Heaven dearly intended for you to have. We are winning with this plan and intend to start manifesting the first stages of this wondrous vision! This is a time to see how our joint partnership is to blossom, filled with the grace and humility that are to be the signature of this New Era for Gaia’s humanity. May your continuing Love and Light bring to all the very beginnings of a new time for your growing freedom and prosperity! 

As this Love and Light increases, it opens the way for you to grow in consciousness and to feel how each of you is truly related to the other. This growing Community of Light can accomplish miracles. You are to use your formerly sequestered technology to fulfill the noble goals of Heaven. You used to ignore the natural ebb and flow of this sacred orb and it is now to be your true driving force, as you transform the vast pollution of this world and restore all ecosystems to life! You are to do this divine work with joy and demonstrate what Heaven knew. You are in reality a sacred and Loving people. The ravages of the past are to be corrected and the guardianship that you long failed to accept is to be taken on with a sacred compassion. This is to be combined with those concepts that we Ascended Masters are shortly to teach you. 

All of this is to demonstrate that your magnificence is to show through. Ever since you first heard our messages and then longed to be able to follow them, you have been at the mercy of the dark ones. These unrequited Souls are being readied by our associates to no longer be able to cause you harm. Be just and kind to these new developments. Understand that you are in the midst of a transition that is to change you undeniably for the better. Leave all the needed details to Heaven. Let the fate of the dark ones be in the Loving hands of those who know who they truly are. Look only positively upon what so graciously is given you. Numerous amazing events are happening! Rejoice at this and use your new abilities to produce what Heaven so divinely desires. We are all together and on a sacred path so beautifully decreed by Heaven. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! 

Today, in this report, you have seen just how close we all are to the start of a new and transformed reality. Be kind to yourself and inwardly seek out how you can best contribute to these new times. This is to be a period of truly wondrous miracles. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Claim your right to do or be whatever you want

Hilarion’s Weekly Message via Marlene Swetlishoff for June 26- July 3, 2016 

Beloved Ones, 

You are the holders of the highest frequency that is available on the planet and this requires the constancy to remain true to yourselves no matter what situations you encounter in your life. As the representatives of the Divine, it is incumbent upon each of you to be the role models to show the way, to be the incorruptible ones who persevere on their spiritual path as all the familiar signposts along the way have now shifted. You are walking into unfamiliar territory in faith and courage and creating the New Reality as you go and it is good. The higher realms applaud and support you as you walk this journey and you never walk alone. 

As the world around you plays out the endings that are taking place, you are stalwart in your determination to see things through to the end result which is the highest outcome for the highest good of all in the Ascension process. Be of good cheer, be ever the uplifter of the spirits of those around you, for as the changes occur and shifts happen in all areas of human existence, you remain the ray of sunshine and hope as you point the way forward. The world’s people at this time are hungry for good news, they long to feel peace in their hearts, minds and souls, they long to find a solid foundation upon which to set their feet and firmly walk upon a planet that is in metamorphosis and regenesis. 

There are signs everywhere that changes are afoot, you have only to observe nature and her kingdoms to begin to understand that this regenesis is occurring not only at the macrocosmic levels but also at the microcosmic levels, in the tiniest details and expanding outward. The animals and the birds are adapting to the changes taking place through an innate understanding that they must amalgamate in their efforts to survive, grow and prosper. Some species of birds and wildlife are joining together to create a new species more adaptable to the new conditions that are now developing. Take time to be outdoors to watch and observe these mutations that are occurring. You will find many such changes. 

For humanity, as they watch through the lens of their news media, it seems as though the world is about to fall into chaos and yet, life continues keeping pace with the times. There is great resilience in the human soul, for it has seen much in its sojourn through many lifetimes and experiences and it has the ability and the deep knowledge and inner resources available within to keep on keeping on resolutely moving forward. It behooves all people to keep their feet planted firmly on the ground and their spirits soaring, as they go through the inner and outer changes that are occurring at every level during these times. It is through their attitude towards the happenings in their world and how they respond to it that is of benefit, of developing the ability of letting go and eliminating things that are no longer productive or conducive to their growth and well being. 

As you are guided through your innate wisdom, it opens you to a greater understanding of the wonders and the mysteries of the boundless universe you live in and of the glory that is you as you create a new whole that is greater than the sum of all your parts. Claim your right to do or be whatever you want. Your choices are limitless and it only requires that you reach for them. Stretch for the potential that rests within you and move in harmony with your inner direction with continued faith and determination. All is well and everything is perfect. 

Until next week… 

I AM Hilarion 

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

Τρίτη 28 Ιουνίου 2016

Family of Light

A Pleiadian Message via Barbara Marciniak 

As members of the Family of Light, you have incarnated on this planet to prepare yourselves to do your work. What is your work? Your work is quite simple: you carry frequency into systems that have limited light frequency, because Light is information. This in not cold, computer-data information; it is information that is transmitted biologically through an electromagnetic send-out of consciousness. This is what you are experts in. If you were to have a business card printed up for yourselves when you are in full memory of your identity, it would say something like: "Renegade Member of Family of Light. Systems Buster. Available for altering systems of consciousness within the free-will universe. On call." 

Many of you may have the feeling that you have done this before. You have. This is your multidimensional memory of when you have gone to other systems and done the same thing. It is a very familiar process, because, characteristically, as members of the Family of Light, this is what you do. You inform systems. You go in and reconstruct realities, and you are experts at it. You lost your memory of the process, because you came here to operate under the same laws as everyone else. Therefore, you came in as human with your memory completely erased. You knew before you arrived that losing your memory was part of the process, and you specifically picked the moment of time and the parentage that would give you the best connection to energetically and genetically bring about your purpose. 

When you incarnated into the Earth plane, you received certain matched and paired recessive genes holding Light Codes that gave you the highest opportunity to develop psychic and intuitive abilities. In addition, these genes carried some memory that separated you from others, even though you could not name it. With these powers and talents, it has been your task to build on your life and allow the momentum to lead you into something different than most humans. The Original Planners of Earth were members of the Family of Light, beings who worked for and were associated with an aspect of consciousness called Light. Light is information. Members of the Family of Light created the information and would be able to participate and share their specific knowledge. We remind you that you are the Family of Light, and millions of you are on assignment on Earth at this time. 

As members of the Family of Light, you each carry the ability to pull the Light frequency into your body and disperse it onto the Earth plane. 

You think you are flesh and bone, when in actuality you are a combination of intelligent electromagnetic signals. The evolution that you are now going through involves the process of building and integrating a Light Body. Your Light Body must be tempered, exercised, and stretched to gently bring it into its own awareness. Clarity concerning who you intend to be in your reality is one of the prime keys in building your Light Body. Your Light Body knows that it creates through thought, and links you to the fabric of creation. Through your Light Body, timelines open, accessing multilayered dramas, and your challenges gather force as you face a seemingly uncharted, yet familiar territory. You are connected to all of existence, and your evolutionary leap is to make sense of this new awareness and put it to use in your now.

Rest assured, dear friends, that a higher order and purpose exists. Your task is to translate your purpose into your body and onto Earth. This purpose activates a reordering on many layers of existence - all sharing the same now. Pivotal to exploring various aspects of reality is the essential component of you taking a deeper look at your vehicle - your physical body. 

Your Light Body holds the essence of your multidimensional identity, which is accessible to you through your desire to unite with the greater identity you sense you have. Your Light Body will be able to juggle realities through the shifting of your conscious intent from one view to another, like turning the channels of a television. Your Light Body holds encoded data. It translates body communications from worlds and realities through your physical body to you. Your task is to notice the subtleties and synchronicities that signal you. To understand yourself, envision a multilayered being, each part having a distinct body that breathes and is connected to the others. You are a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual being, connected by a Body of Light that radiates energy and links you to an infinite progression of Light Beings. 

Matter is simply Light that is trapped. As you build your Light Body, a reorganization of your molecular structure occurs, loosening your grip upon materialism in order that a spiritual understanding may guide your day-today life. It is only through spirit that you can gain any understanding of what is happening to your world. The building of your Light Body allows less trapped matter to combine as Light and become you. This offers you freer expression and allows you to seek your Source. 

You will literally see changes in your body. It will become more vital, more beautiful, stronger, and more capable of performing events. It will become the processor of multitudes of information. You must be able to operate with a higher electrical current inside your body. This will eventually bring about solutions to all of the mounting challenges you face. Increased energy inside yourself will activate hidden talents and trigger a renaissance of psychic abilities: clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, and perceptual awareness that involves "knowing" far beyond what you can currently consider. When the electrical current is fused with your body, a bypass is created around the traditional structures that mold you to communicate and exchange data only within limited patterns. You are going to climb a ladder and experience a different view from which to interpret reality. 

The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist. We represent what is outside of what they have been taught exists. We, as members of the Family of Light, are going to create a new Earth that is going to be Free. 

Teachings From the Pleiadians. 

Credits to Barbara Marciniak.

Δευτέρα 27 Ιουνίου 2016

Visiting The Starships Of The Galactic Council Of Light

Message from the Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light via Asara for 18 June 2016 

"We are here now. 

We love you. 

We are you, from your future to assist you on your path. 

Dear Ones, more and more of you are waking up to a new reality, where the interactions with us is becoming more and more experiential, tangible and visible. 

If you are reading these words, you have been visiting our Starships in your sleep time, to connect and re-unite with your Galactic family of Light. 

Consider these visitations on board our ships as an exercise for a more conscious experience for you, at a later point. 

When you are on board our craft, you are able to get accustomed to our energies, the atmosphere and the way we interact and communicate. 

Our communications with you are telepathic, which you can compare to an "echoing inside your mind." Your thoughts are transmitted to us also this way. 

What you experience as thoughts, however, are only a fraction of what is actually happening. 

Your thoughts are holographic energy forms and are radiating outward into infinity. This enables Higher Dimensional Beings to perceive your thoughts easily. 

This is why, when you are asking higher dimensional beings like us, Angels or Ascended Master a question, you will find that we have answered your question before you were able to finish your thought. 

If you wish to connect with us more and begin your journey of a tangible and more conscious interaction with us, simply keep inviting us with your thoughts on a regular basis. 

This sets an important process in motion, to prepare you by releasing any old thought patterns that might be in your way of connecting with us on a deeper level. 

We are with you... always. 

We love you. 

We are you. 


Thank You, Galactic Council of Light! :-)

Σάββατο 25 Ιουνίου 2016

With the right belief you can do anything that you put your mind to

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self, 24 June 2016 

Your potential is such that with the right belief you can do anything that you put your mind to, and as you raise your vibrations so your potential increases. Positive thinking already works for you, and perhaps a typical example is self-healing. Again it is a question of self-belief and a positive approach to what it is you desire to achieve. In time you will become so successful at self-healing, that using your powers will become second nature. Naturally in groups it is increased exponentially, but even so, it will only happen as long as the soul is free from karmic issues that may cause it to be blocked. 

The world is going through a period of cleansing as outstanding karmic issues are cleared. The result is consistent problems that are not helped by the efforts of the dark Ones who try to impose their changes upon you. Their success is being limited by the Forces of Light who follow all activities taking place. You are soon to reach a point where their power to interfere with your lives will be prevented. Already they are experiencing limitations, and losing the power that convinced them they would be successful in completing controlling Humanity. It will not be allowed, and Mankind is gradually being released from their hold. 

The most astonishing revelations are soon to be revealed to you that will help you adjust to the truth regarding your true destiny. Be assured you will be delighted to know what lies ahead for you, and every effort will be made to gently break the news to you. So many souls are still oblivious to what is going on around them, and in some instances would rather not learn the truth. They are frightened that it will change their lives when they are happy as they are. However, when the truth is gradually revealed, it will soon become apparent to them that a happy future lies ahead. The changes will come quickly and free you from the continual pressure upon you to spend much of your time working. In reality you should have much more time to yourselves, and able to follow your own pursuits that give you happiness and are fulfilling. You are not meant to be slaves and have to work simply to exist. Eventually the necessities of life will be given to every soul, thereby allowing more time to be spent with your families and following your own interests. 

As time passes you will be gradually introduced to the truth of your history, and the plans for your future. There will be a sudden spurt forward making up for lost opportunities to move into the New Age. Of importance is the appointment of people who can be trusted with the responsibility of taking charge. Such changes are well underway and ready to be implemented as soon as it is the right time, when those who would interfere are removed. The plan for you future has already been prepared and will lead you into the “promised land” where peace reigns and life is a joyful experience. You will not need to spend years and years making good all the damage of the past, and all will be restored in a very short time. 

Your new lives will become so different to what you are familiar with now, and the changes will be most acceptable and give you much pleasure. As your vibrations are lifted your thoughts will be focused upon permanent peace, and Humanity will become as one all with the same goals in mind. War and all things associated with it will become a thing of the past, and all of the negativity and constant warring will be gone for good. There will be no need or place in the future for weapons of war and all will be able to lead their lives peaceful co-existence. It will come to be in most of your lives and very soon you shall see the first moves in that direction. 

People worry about their well- being but as the changes are introduced, you can be sure that your health will be at the forefront of our actions. New methods of treatment will be introduced that will do away with the surgeon’s knife and there are no after effects. Much will change that will bring you fully into the New Age with all of the benefits that come with it. Every aspect of your lives will eventually be uplifted so do not despair as all planned in advance for a speedy change over. The size of the tasks are of no concern as we have unlimited resources at our disposal. All necessary actions will be quickly completed with the least inconvenience to you. 

In the near future the Forces of Light will find it safe to land openly on Earth, and when they do you will be helped and guided in your work. With our advanced methods problems will be solved in next to no time. Combustion engines will eventually become obsolete, if for no other reason that you will no longer need such wasteful and antiquated machinery. Pollution is of course another factor and it will be eliminated thus allowing you a more healthy existence. There are systems that allow for almost instantaneous travel that the dark Ones already use, but have kept to themselves. Be assured that in time you will enjoy all of the benefits of a modern Age, and it will be beyond your present imagination. 

Knowing what is in store for the future should give you the confidence to tackle all present problems so that they are cleared once and for all. You have always been guided so as to take actions that are in the interests of you all. It has always been this way, as the Human Race as a whole has been destined to complete the cycle successfully. Previous ones have ended in disaster as your historical records show, and each time you have had to start a new one virtually from scratch. So you can give yourselves a pat on the back for finally having been successful. You have always been guided in the hope that you would achieve your goals, but the manner of completion has been down to you. The present state of conditions on Earth would hardly seem to indicate that you have been successful, but it is so as you will soon find out. 

Everything seems to move at such a speed you feel that you have insufficient time to attend to all of your needs. You could view that as a good sign that the vibrations are continuing to uplift, and will gradually leave the lower ones behind. So you can look forward to a more positive period when all of the work being put in to bring more Light to Earth is successful. It is helping to awaken souls who have been held back by the lower energies, and give them help to rise up again, which is every soul’s destiny. Keep positive and firmly hold your vision of the future. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 23 Ιουνίου 2016

Your Envisioning of a New, Transformed Reality

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy 21 June 2016 

4 Caban, 10 Kayab, 12 Manik 

Selamat Jalwa! Many amazing events are at last beginning to happen. Those who are preparing your blessings are nearly ready to disperse them. Those who are to correct the American governance are also working at shifting from a De Facto Regime to a true De Jure Republic. This shift is to collapse the Fed and end the war-like actions of America over the past three decades. As stated earlier, it has taken a much longer time than at first envisioned. This realm is finally in unison to rid this surface realm world of the dark cabal and its numerous minions. The dark’s reign of nearly 13 millennia is just about finished. All of the many concepts that you have thought of as normal are ready to be removed and replaced with a new set of perceptions based on truth and the march of history on your surface world. This process is going to take longer, as you need to abandon beliefs that have long shaped you. Thus, we have lengthened the moments between one set of your masters' lessons and the next one. You are a people who for far too long deeply believed the lies given you by the dark. A last step is for you to take in and use the replacements given you by your masters! 

These changes are to allow you to permit the abundance to be used properly. The current concept of money is to fade at last from your daily purview. It is not easy to be so suddenly bombarded by a vast new set of truths. You have been under the thumb of the dark’s minions for endless centuries. It is our task to aid the Ascended Masters by introducing an entirely different lifestyle. We know from our previous experiences that such a drastic change requires time for you to digest and recover from a most distressing series of global shocks. The Agarthans have constantly made us aware of how long this immense set of new knowledge was to impact you. Hence, it is very important that you make use of this new knowledge bit by bit. As you become more used to new ways, their initial strangeness can gradually disappear. Once you start to accept these truths, a new lifestyle can begin. Look upon this as finally being able to create a life that is like small lotus flowers floating together in true and growing harmony. This New Harmony is to make possible a free and prosperous New Reality! 

This new environment is now developing. Everywhere, a fresh way of doing things is taking hold. Ideas that used to be seen as highly unlikely are swiftly becoming the norm. It is not easy to change as quickly as you are now doing. This altering reality is something that is a true sign of what lies ahead. This realm is built on assumptions that are currently being challenged by all. We need to see what you are doing to evaluate this surface reality. Right now, events are occurring that show how this system is breaking down due to all the stress being encountered. Political and economic realities are increasing those stress levels and are actually warping the way any aspect of this realm operates. These growing breakdowns illustrate just how close you are to immense changes in all parts of this reality. Thus, a new economic and political system is close at hand. These new components are to be the harbingers for an entirely new system, which is to make possible freer and prosperous financial and regime changes. 

What does this really mean? It means that new boundaries are being set and old ones threatened and then replaced. Each element is simply a way to alter the rest to a point of no return. We are here to preside over this if it insures that you are prepared for First Contact. This is our overriding purpose. We are here to mentor you and, with others, to bring you back to a fully conscious state. This process is immense since you are far from ready to attain the consciousness needed for success. It is only through Heaven’s divine intervention that this is even possible. Heaven has given us a Divine Plan, which is to allow you to transform. This operation is one in which you are to let go of the present reality and in joy forge a new one. We are to use Agartha as the place where your first dalliances with the dark are to be corrected. In this vein, you are to be given sacred wisdom and then asked to use it to transform in glee the remaining darkness in this Galaxy. It is this grand task that most inspires us in our work with you! 

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! The recent times have been a blessing as Heaven’s grace allows us to see significant progress on many fronts. The New Financial System is now worldwide in scope and its numerous kinks are being worked out. The same is true of New Governance. It is ready to be announced and the Federal Reserve to become history. All of these events are due in part to your positive attitudes and your envisioning of a new, transformed reality. Together, we are providing the energy grids for this manifesting reality. These operations are to bring you many individuals that you have not previously known. These wondrous Beings are following your lead and making this realm quickly take shape. We are enjoying these Heavenly deeds that enable us to become physical and permit us the pleasure of being a part of this New Realm. In the immediate moment, all that you have dreamt of is to be laid out before you. Accept this largesse and welcome in these new wondrous energies! 

These events are only the beginning. You are being prepared for a most miraculous set of wonders. The dark governments are to fade and be replaced by the Light and by the arrival of our spiritual and space families. These grand alterations are the first part of a program that is to feature our formal return and the mass landings of your future mentors. This process is to allow us to greet you and simultaneously to permit us to convey to you some initial wisdom. Long ago when the Atlanteans departed, Gaia was suddenly forced to greatly lower the energies of her surface realm. This she has done for nearly 13 millennia. It is time now to uplift these energies to the level of their former frequencies. This operation is nearly ready for the final stage. Until then, we intend to use our abilities to assist you in this journey back to finding out who you truly are. 

This coming time is, therefore, an opportunity for a great many new experiences. Our task is to use our abilities to help guide you, by grace and by guile, to your new level. This operation is profoundly complex and yet perfectly simple. Often many expect us to use our abilities to soften what happens to you. We do this and ready you as well for even more complex situations. You are to obtain some new encounters with wealth and with the true meaning of what being a human is now. You are a group that is starting to meet something that you have not known existed. This growing strangeness is getting ready to create even more unusual experiences. These are the precursors of events that are on the path to Inner Earth. Our mission is to be with you and, together, to forge a most magnificent future! The best is yet to come! 

Today, we carried on with our weekly task to inform you of what is occurring globally. This reality is altering daily, increment by increment. Remain positive and be prepared to inform others of what is happening, locally and in your world. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Τρίτη 21 Ιουνίου 2016

The intensifying Light spells Illuminati’s doom

Message from Matthew Ward for 19 June 2016 

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Earth’s energy field of potential is teeming with activity that reflects ever-rising vibrations, and if we were asked to describe in one word what we are observing, it would be ‘thrilling’. Upheavals will continue for a while, as the Illuminati make last gasp efforts to retain their slim toehold, but the intensifying Light spells their doom and is paving the way for changes that can be welcomed by a chorus of hallelujahs. 

If we could answer your questions about election results for regional, state and national offices, referendums or proposals, we would do so happily, but we won’t know until those decisions are made. What we do know is, the high vibrations are supporting outcomes in the light, thus any attempts to manipulate vote count cannot long stand and any intentional digressions along the way to benevolent outcomes for the peoples cannot be permanent. As for global reset, action swings this way, then that, and in the moment at hand, it could be said that the entire economic system is quietly simmering. 

Concerns about countries developing, modernizing or expanding nuclear capabilities have prompted questions about our assurance that there won’t be a nuclear war—if not by intention, what about a rash reaction to faulty communication or some accident? The assurance we gave, which covers the realm of possibilities, comes from Creator. Souls have been damaged by nuclear explosions in space, and in decreeing that never again will that happen, Creator made this sole exception to Its gift of free will: Anyone who attempts such an explosion will be prevented from succeeding. In this universe God authorized all spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations to cause detonation failure of nuclear warheads on launched missiles, and on behalf of Earth alone, this has been accomplished about a dozen times. 

Some readers have asked why God lets abhorrent situations continue, and others want us or our colleagues to end all such situations. Other than the aforementioned exception, neither God nor any soul in physical or spirit worlds is permitted to interfere with anyone’s use of free will. Dear ones, this is with sound reason. Interference would deny countless souls the karmic experiencing they chose so they can evolve, and evolvement is the goal of every soul in every lifetime. What God and all of His emissaries are permitted to do is send all souls Love-Light, the most powerful force in the Cosmos, to open hearts and minds, give solace to the grieving, courage to the faltering, hope to the struggling, momentum to the newly awakened. Spiritually evolved beings continuously beam Light throughout this Universe and God’s infinite Love for each and every soul is everlasting. 

Also we have been asked to denounce specific procedures, policies, attitudes or cultural traditions that are deemed counterproductive to societal progress. It is not within our province to denounce anything in your world, nor would we want to. Earth is a schoolhouse, and an excellent one it is! It provides all of the lesson elements that a third-density populace needs to grow spiritually and consciously, and part of that growth is realizing what is detrimental to their wellbeing and their homeland planet’s and taking responsibility to bring those to a halt. 

In this, Lightworkers’ contribution is evident. You are “bringing to Light” what is adversely affecting life on Earth, and your endeavors toward change are motivating others to “see the Light” and join forces with you. Not all people will. Those who choose to stay within 3rd density limitations will ridicule or scorn you, some will actively work against you; but the light of your perseverance will continue spreading throughout the world until all people are living peaceably, cooperatively, prosperously and in harmony with Nature. 

Readers in the United States have requested that we speak about the series of mass shootings in their country. Some incidents have been in accordance with pre-birth agreements for the purpose of emboldening the leaders and the public to take necessary steps to stop these massacres. When agreements were not involved, persons whose lives were cut short are completing contract provisions in Nirvana and advancing in soul growth; grieving families and friends have been bolstered by intensified light to strengthen the spirit and facilitate swifter evolvement. Depending on the mental condition of shooters who died, either they received customized healing in Nirvana and spiritual assistance during their lifeprint review, followed by remedial learning sessions; or they entered Nirvana’s lowest layer, endured a very painful lifeprint review and will experience severe harshness in one or more other lifetimes. The same procedures await perpetrators who were caught. 

The heartening aspect of the shooting incidents is that love, not hate or bitterness, has unified the personally-affected people, their communities and the nation. It is so that there is a national anger, too, that efforts to curtail the ease with which individuals can purchase military-style weapons and ammunition have been futile. The perspective that these incidents are “false flags,” staged events so the government can disarm the citizenry and make them defenseless in a tyrannical takeover, comes from fear rooted in third density mentality. Forcibly taking over that country was just one part of the Illuminati’s diabolical plan for your entire world, a plan that never could have come to fruition, because the destiny of Earth and her humankind is in the light of joy, peace and freedom. The unequaled power of Light that has rent the Illuminati’s global network into tattered fragments also is undergirding planetary and personal Ascension into the fullness of Earth’s Golden Age. 

To those who want us to identify individuals who have initiated or perpetuated circumstances with darkness at the core, we say, be mindful that every person is a part of God, every person is inextricably connected at soul level with all others, and God loves each and every one unconditionally. When those who have done humanity an egregious disservice do become publicly known, please see them “through God’s eyes.” This doesn’t mean condoning their actions or wanting them to forego justice by your standards; it means that you will uplift yourselves and the world by sending light to those individuals rather than desiring their punishment. The impartial, nonjudgmental—and unavoidable—laws of the universe will meet justice to them in a spirit world where the energy matches their deeds. 

As energy streamers with violent attachments are running out their course, events of that nature are being emphasized by the controlled mainstream media and evoking comments such as these: “The terrorism, desperate refugees, bigotry, all the children who are suffering deeply saddens me. I know others feel the same way. If we stop watching the news, we could feel more optimistic about the future and be more effective lightworkers. Can Matthew please comment on this?” 

We empathize with those sentiments, which are shared by caring people around the world, yet we cannot recommend being unaware of what is happening. You don’t remember this, but when you eagerly volunteered to go to Earth, you knew what you would encounter and that you would be well fortified with spiritual strength and wisdom to accomplish your mission: to help the peoples awaken from 3rd-density consciousness and in so doing, further your own evolvement. Your effectiveness in both would be limited if you don’t know what is going on. And, you cannot “un-know” what is known. It is likely that thoughts and feelings would arise about those situations that indeed are saddening, and without subsequent reports, you would forfeit hearing about encouraging developments that are forthcoming. 

Understanding that most people in heart-wrenching circumstances are completing karmic lessons so they can evolve will let you feel compassion for them, respect their choices, and accept that individuals who create the circumstances are playing necessary roles in the universal evolutionary process. Some persons accepted unusually difficult experiences to reduce the karmic load of souls with whom they share love bonds, others are dealing with more difficulties than they chose in their contracts—in both cases, those souls are making a grand leap forward on their spiritual pathway. 

We know it is not easy to think of suffering people in karmic terms, which seem cold and apathetic, and to refrain from condemning those who are causing grief and dire hardships. All of us have had lifetimes in the midst of warring, unjustness and deprivation in one world or another, and our “past” lives are happening simultaneously with our “present” one. The high vibrations at this station shield us from feeling anew the heartaches in those other lives, but our clear memories let us relate to your feelings about happenings on Earth. Further, we who have love bonds with persons there who are struggling experience momentarily exactly what they are feeling. 

In every moment, God feels the collective pain of Earth’s peoples, animals, Devic and plant kingdoms and all other life forms throughout this universe. That is unimaginable to you, as it is to us. We hasten to add that God also feels the love, joyousness, gratitude and peacefulness that collectively His children and other creations do, and the light you radiate and the light continuously beamed from all high stations lighten His painful burden. 

Beloved brothers and sisters, NEVER doubt your effectiveness as Lightworkers—your world is incomparably better because you are there! Few of you are in official positions of influence, most are not, and that is as it needs be. Your invaluable influence is the light—LOVE—you send forth by living in godly ways. Not only is this greatly benefiting your world, but what happens on Earth affects everything else in this universe, thus the ripple effects of your light are immeasurable. 

It is natural to want to feel optimistic about the future, and thoughts about progress to date will let you look ahead with excitement. There are promising developments in clean energy, healthcare, transportation and environmental protection and restoration, for instance, and dedicated efforts on behalf of animals’ rights and fairness in judicial systems are making headway. Small enterprises are raising living standards in communities around the world, cities are restoring blighted areas, education and training programs are becoming available for new kinds of employment, and innovations are making inroads in other significant areas. For example, the arts are being made more accessible to young people—all art forms are expressions from the soul, and what the participating instructors and youngsters are doing is important now and for all generations to come. 

Lightworkers have been indispensable in helping society move this far along the bumpy road of progress. Indeed, much more must be accomplished worldwide and shall be! Change starts at grassroots level and moves upward until it reaches the top, where closed-door discussions are underway to resolve conflicts and reform political and financial systems. The pace is steady or picking up steam in some vital areas and lagging or zigzagging where Illuminati still have a say, but their time is running out—the indomitable spirit of peoples who want peace and justness and for all to share in the world’s abundance shall prevail. 

“I have friends whose rational abilities have ‘suddenly’ disappeared down the rabbit hole, as it were, almost as if they're under a kind of spell by the Illuminati. Is there anything I can do to help them "wake up" and take back their own thinking?” The reader was referring to friends who had become “ political zealots ,” but our reply refers to any persons whom you consider close-minded to views that differ from their own, and this brings us back to free will. Every soul has the choice to embrace or oppose whatever is afoot, and no one has the responsibility—or the divine right—to convince another to “wake up” about any issue. Moreover, arguing or proselytizing doesn’t convince, it alienates, so please act upon your convictions and values and honor the right of all others to act in accordance with theirs. Eventually everyone in your society will be on the same page, so to say. 

“Can love-light be sent to people who lived 500 years ago? I mean can these people be helped that way in the year 2016?” Indeed this is a loving thought, but that energy would be better directed to helping people living on Earth. Although your concept of calendar years is NOW in the timeless continuum, the people who lived in your 1500s no longer are at that stage of evolvement. They have had other personage lifetimes with different soul contract choices, different experiences, and they have sown and reaped karma accordingly. But if love-light were sent to them or any others whose Earth lifetimes were long ago, it would not be wasted—that energy reaches the all-powerful source that always is limitlessly available to all souls. 

Lighted beings throughout this universe are cheering you ever onward and are forever with you in unconditional love. 


Suzanne Ward 

Website: The Matthew Books 

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com