Κυριακή 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

Once the dust has settled, your future will become clearer and a lot easier

 Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 25 September 2020

Dear friends, I believe that as we are in an unusual situation with Covid19 spreading across most of the world, it helps if some light is used to bring out some interesting information about it. A few short extracts as follows are from Aleks Radojcic’s Email dated 16.09.2020 that will almost certainly interest you.

 “Covid 19 has been propagated in the USA by the Democratic Party Agenda and mainly their investors; it was started long ago with the Father of Bill Gates and continued with Mr. Bill Gates and Joe Biden. After the Presidential Election regardless of who wins: the New Republic President will take over and will be of the female gender. She is of the Native American heritage and descendent, and is a Lightworker. She is neither Republican nor a Democrat. She will take a seat of Presidency shortly after the Election. She is aware of what is going on and has had a visitation from the Galactic Federation of Planets."

You can contact Alek at his Email address as follows: dnm.aleks@gmail.com.

25th September 2020. Mike Quinsey.

As we have often explained, we cannot interfere with your freewill choice, but we can use any circumstances created from it to your advantage by giving you guidance. The Covid19 virus is continuing to cause much concern amongst you, and until an antidote becomes available, there is no way you can completely control it. It means that until it is developed and becomes available, you will be unable to avoid the risk of another pandemic.

Therefore, whilst the problem remains, it is creating a time lapse, where much that would normally be taking place is still in limbo and life is continuing to be far from normal. Indeed, the changes are such that life can never completely return to what it was previously, and you have been forced to bring changes in to enable it to continue as near to normal as possible. The truth is that the Forces of Light have taken this opportunity to move things on for you, so that you can take advantage of changes that will benefit you. Ones that would otherwise have taken many years to be introduced, holding you back from enjoying the advances that would have made the quality of life so much better and enjoyable.

It is by no means an easy time to be on Earth, but in the future you will appreciate that all of your troubles will have been well worthwhile to raise the quality of life. We know that many souls were already experiencing problems, but be assured that prior to incarnating upon Earth they knew of the hardships they would have to endure. Even those who have sacrificed their lives were aware of how it would occur and accepted their roles willingly, and in some instances knew it was for karmic reasons.

To have ample time to re-access your life experiences and determine what you need to see for the final years, is important so as to enable you to project your life plan for the future. Of course, you would have brought a life plan with you, but as we have often mentioned, circumstances have changed and you can now decide what you wish to experience in the coming years. Set yourself a goal bearing in mind that unlike previous incarnations you do not need to have a hard and fast plan.

If you only knew how hard you have worked to get to this point in your evolution, you would be celebrating your achievement. You took on a challenge that few souls would have accepted with full confidence in their ability to succeed regardless of all of the challenges they would face. Now you are to reap the reward of your achievements and so to say, once the dust has settled, your future will become clearer and a lot easier. You will see some dramatic changes take place and the time factor will be partly determined by how quickly you can adapt to them. You are already beginning to see changes that will affect your lives in ways you would not have imagined at the beginning of this century. For example, your reliance upon fossil fuels will eventually change and will have far reaching consequences and be welcomed.

Somewhere amongst all of the changes that will take place will be your first open meeting with your extra-terrestrial family. There are truly exciting times ahead, but first as a Human Race you have to put away your petty squabbles and live in harmony and peace. It sounds a tall order given that you are prone to fighting with each other, but with the help of the higher vibrations a more peaceful period lays ahead. Your present situation calls for co-operation to put an end to your problems and you will understand that working together for the greater good of all is the only way forward.

As multi-national humans, you are slowly but surely realising that you are One Race experiencing according to your needs and beliefs and the differences should be celebrated. They indicate a different view of life that adds to the great expansion and variety of life giving others the opportunity to learn from such experiences. Humans tend to dislike the differences seeing them as a challenge to their own, but they are being slowly accepted and integrated into the lives of others.

You are strong willed and have great experience behind you that will see you overcome whatever obstacles are in your way to a peaceful conclusion. Come together as a peaceful force for the betterment of Humanity and the good of Earth, and that means co-operation and sharing of the world’s bounties, so that none shall want for a roof over their heads or sufficient food to live healthily. It can be done and it will, when the governments of the world accept that every mortal is entitled to a satisfactory and happy life. So much misery and sadness is caused by those who reject the differences between them instead of seeing that by adding them to their lives and creating opportunities that are available to others.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

Your awakening will not be delayed

 Message from Raul via John Smallman for 9 August 2020

All are indeed One. However, most people are finding that the present worldwide restrictions on your freedoms are becoming increasingly divisive and extremely unsettling. The task for those who are consciously following a spiritual path is to intensify their intention to be only loving, and to send love and healing to all of humanity. Doing this is extremely effective, and will greatly assist in alleviating and then dissolving the unloving divisive energies that fear is stirring up in so many.

In the meantime, the collective awakening of humanity is proceeding just as divinely planned. So, despite appearances, there is nothing to fear. Your awakening will not be delayed. Keep setting your intent to be loving whatever arises, and do not engage in conflict, instead engage in peaceful discussion that listens carefully and without judgment as each one involved expresses themselves. It is good to have a moderator who sets the agenda for the discussion to which all can agree, and then everyone can be open to hearing the wisdom of others without needing to drive the discussion toward an outcome that suits a particular individual, because that is frequently a rather divisive tactic that can lead to hostility as opposed to harmony. Remember, much new information is arising that can lead to more appropriate solutions to many issues worldwide that have been causing problems, information that has, until very recently, been unavailable or hidden. Therefore, it is essential to listen very carefully as the new information may well arise in unforeseen or totally unexpected places.

The knowledge and information necessary to make essential changes is in fact rather easily accessible, if you can willingly allow yourselves to open to ideas and concepts that can appear to be in contradiction to your previously conceived notions of how humanity needs to move forward. Many have become so accustomed to competitive contests and challenges as a means to establish the next appropriate, necessary, and progressive steps, that to engage in harmonious discussion instead of in hostile provocation seems to be quite counter-intuitive. Remember, there is only Love, all else is unreal and, therefore, uncreative. New creative ideas to resolve old issues are available, but to find them and develop them, a new sense of perspective, a loving perspective is necessary. Splitting into teams to accelerate the positive effects of brainstorming can be very helpful, so long as when the teams reassemble they openly share their results, so that they can be further developed, rather than competitively trying to dismiss the ideas that other teams are offering as unworkable or inadequate. Love always cooperates, and true cooperation always finds truly creative solutions.

You are all beings of Love, and you are therefore very creative. However, when you are in a state of anxiety or fear your creative abilities become suppressed. Therefore, when you set your daily intent to be only loving, don’t forget yourselves! If you do not treat yourselves with love and respect, you will not be able to treat others lovingly. You may try, but the other (and of course you) will know that you are not expressing your true feelings, and will feel your discomfort in the moment. Therefore, how you treat yourselves is vitally important. Most people grow from infancy to adulthood – regardless of nationality, ethnicity, culture, or religious persuasion – in an environment that regularly demonstrates to them that they are inadequate or not good enough, or even worthless. Therefore, a very negative self-judgmental sense, that is completely invalid, becomes deeply ingrained within them, and they then operate from this utterly incorrect view of themselves.

To release yourselves from this negative sense of self, remind yourselves that you are perfect beings because you were created by Mother/Father/God, Source, Supreme Intelligence – LOVE – Who creates only perfection!

Yes, as humans, this does not seem to be the case, but that is largely because of the judgmental environment in which you grew up from infancy to adulthood. That upbringing has anchored fear, anxiety, and anger within you, because it was plainly extremely unfair and unjustifiable. Now you are becoming aware of the invalidity of those feelings within you, and so you can work at releasing them by reminding yourselves very firmly Who created you, thus confirming that your natural state – who you truly are – can be nothing other than Love. With that awareness intensifying within you make a point of treating yourselves with the love and respect that is your sovereign right as a child of God. As you do that you will find yourselves also loving, honoring, and respecting all others, even when you are not necessarily in agreement with their views on many topics. It then becomes possible to discuss issues and view them from many view points, thus allowing a wider field of investigation to disclose new helpful perspectives which lead you to an understanding of what is important to those others and why. This understanding, as you have all experienced, is an essential aspect of meaningful discussion if it is to lead to positive and comprehensive solutions to the issues in question.

Today, everyday, NOW, is the time to address issues that trouble you in any way. Waiting for the right moment is frequently just an egoic delaying tactic. Address whatever is troubling you NOW! Then, if you get a further intuitive sense that this truly is not the moment, set the intent to receive a new intuitive nudge before too long. Frequently that first sense that “this is not the moment” arises because of the emotional stress caused by your need to address the issue(s). Take a break, relax, have a cup of tea or coffee, and then, when you are at peace with yourselves, a new idea will occur to you to guide you forward.

Unaddressed issues are coming to the surface of many people’s conscious awareness at this time, because they do need to be addressed and resolved so that Love may flow into your hearts, dissolving all guilt, shame, unworthiness, judgment, resentment, bitterness, or hatred. None of those thoughts, feelings, or emotions are compatible with Love, and when you choose to allow Love to dissolve them, It will. Love is God, Source, Supreme Wisdom, the real YOU, and when you can accept that Divine Truth into your hearts, all that is not in alignment with It will dissolve into the nothingness from which it arose – your split and confused ego minds – bringing you to a state of deep inner peace. So, start now, in this moment, by setting the intent to release all that no longer serves you, all that makes you miserable or unhappy, all the stories about people or circumstances that for so long have appeared to distract you from the joy of life. And as it happens, you will be amazed at the change that has occurred within you, bringing to your attention so many aspects that you will want to celebrate, including, of course, life itself.

With so very much love, Saul.

Κυριακή 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

You are accompanied by Angels who look after your life and guide you in the right direction

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 18 September 2020

Your future is up to each individual, each one having the opportunity to project it as they see it and want it to be. It then becomes the great possibility and will gain strength as more souls project similar ideas into the ethers. It is how it should be and you will advance collectively to the degree that you have yourselves reached. So, whilst matters are still in a turmoil, it is a good time to cater for your own needs and put them above any other commitments you may have. You have entered one of the most important periods in your entire life, and the opportunity is there for you to lay down your own pathway to Ascension. Understand that those of you who have chosen to ascend will need to maintain a high level at all times, if you are to be assured of reaching your goal.

Because you all have freewill, you can choose a path that will enable you to achieve success to suit your own ambitions and aims. You should by now be well aware that you are accompanied by Angels who look after your life and guide you in the right direction. Helping others is a normal feature of souls who have reached the higher levels. Giving of self to help others is a very worthy cause indeed and quite common amongst those who have already ascended. It comes quite naturally and seeks no reward except the satisfaction of helping another soul to progress. Help like this is given at each level until you have yourself achieved Ascension.

As you progress, it is as well to remember that you do not yet have full consciousness, but now that you have moved beyond the 2012 marker you will have made great strides in increasing your levels. Consequently, you are seeking to understand the greater picture and be given greater truths than ever before, because you are now ready. It is another reason why you are about to expand your level of consciousness. Already you have been told that you are Angels in the making, and those who have gone before you will help you onto a new and greater level of understanding. You cannot truly ever be alone and at any time your Guardians will be on hand to assist you to find your feet and make spiritual progress.

We note that there is still a lot of racialism in your societies and it is sad because it occurs from a lack of understanding about the Human Race. You are One Race and all worshipping the same God, and where colour or religious beliefs come into it, it should not make any difference at all. You are One Family sharing experiences in all manner of situations that often bring you all together. You often act as though you are on Earth for the first time, and bound to the tenets and creed you have been born into. Naturally you will follow the teachings you have been brought up in, but life is full of different beliefs and should never be learned to the exclusion of all else, particularly now you are encouraged to follow the God inside you. Religion is ingrained into many souls, but now you can be your own person and follow your own intuition and beliefs.

We realise that it is not easy to give up or change from teachings that you were schooled with, but it can be made easier if you speak with your Higher Self, for confirmation of how you can lead a spiritual life from within. Your Higher Self would love to have a closer relationship with you and is waiting with keen anticipation for your call. Needless to say, your Higher Self has been helping you all along and most souls would admit to talking with that “small voice” inside. Know that when you rise up and reach a certain higher level, you will pass through the veil and meet up with your Higher Self, because you are One, and it does not matter what path you travel now, as it is inevitable that there will come a day when you will be “re-united” again.

Moving into a new understanding of your spiritual self does not make your previous one wrong, as religion served its purpose to help people find their feet. It was too early to encourage them to go within to find God, and they needed the reassurance of their teachers to help them along. You could correctly say that many spiritual beings have been ready for a major upliftment having passed the marker in 2012. Clearly there is no reason to change your beliefs if you are happy the way you are, but it is almost certain that when you are ready, you will find it easy to uplift your way of thinking to a higher level. For many lifetimes you have relied on others to help you find your path to the Light, but now you can simply go inside and in your quiet moments receive guidance.

What you have learned is that whilst you may seek help outside of yourself, it is no longer necessary now that you have awakened to the presence of your Higher Self within. You have been guided all along and been prompted to follow them as they are intended to keep you on a path to enlightenment. Often you have not even been aware of the help given, but it has always been present. Now you are getting even closer to your Higher Self and somewhere in your future you will totally re-join with each other. It is a natural progression to the higher realms from whence you came.

Dear Ones, it is a unique time for you to completely break away from the lower vibrations, and eventually enjoy the freedom and joy of becoming a Galactic Being. It has always been your goal and destiny and now after several attempts you have raised your vibrations sufficiently to rise up. You are to be congratulated for your perseverance and dedication to your Life Plan. Greater and pleasurable experiences await you, never again to have to go through the lower vibrations of the 3rd dimension. You have nearly completed the hard work and beauty and peace await you as you continue to rise up.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light 

Δευτέρα 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

The dark Ones are in retreat and shall continue to be so until their final collapse

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 11 September 2020

As time continues to speed up, matters are moving along very quickly, and things that carry the lower vibrations are beginning to find that their very existence is under threat. In not such a direct way a large number of human Beings are feeling that their place in society is under threat and their future is very uncertain. It comes from a feeling of insecurity about their future. The more the vibrations increase, the more a distinct difference is being felt by those who have yet to find their true selves. It all leads to the separation of those who are preparing to ascend, and those who have yet to grasp the significance of the period they are in. As time passes, the truth will become more apparent, as it is the individual’s choice and decision as to whether they turn to the Light. It will ensure a fair and acceptable outcome, as all shall eventually find themselves at the right level that is in accordance with their vibrations.

Whatever degree of progress is made in your evolution, it is a step nearer to your return to the higher realms from whence you came. There is no blame attached to those who lag behind, as the rate of progress is very much an individual matter for the soul involved. The fact is that you have as much time as you need to gain experience and at all times you will have assistance and guidance to keep you on track. Understand that you freely volunteered to accept the challenge to experience the lower vibrations with a limited degree of consciousness. You will never regret taking on such a challenge, as in the ultimate you will have become a great soul with immense experience that will serve you well. 

Can you imagine what a great event your Ascension will be, the final step that ensures your return to the Light? A long journey that has finally ended and no wonder there will be celebrations. With your reduced level of consciousness and blocked memories of your countless incarnations, it is no wonder that you are perplexed as to what it is all about. The truth is that you have been a pauper and a rich individual, all as a means to give you a feel of what it is like to live and experience in a matter Universe. It is very tough at times for every soul, but with help and guidance from your Guides the path has been lightened and success has never been far away.

Some ask, what is evolution all about, having forgotten that they have had various experiences at many different levels, enabling them to raise their vibrations. The goal is to return to the Light with a ream of experience that will serve you well in the future. You may not realise it, but you are revered beings for having achieved so much through eons of time and you are all the greater for it. You stand at the door of success never again having to fight to keep your place amongst those who are ready to ascend. You are truly to be applauded and feted for having assured yourself a place in the higher levels of Light.

The period that is yet to come will be well worth the wait, yet in reality it is already here. The old energies are disappearing quickly and for most of you will cease to be able to hold you back, as they will have lost their power to influence your future. The dark Ones have fought hard to carry out their nefarious plans, but the Light has proved to be more than a match for them and stands on the brink of complete success. Already the dark Ones are in retreat and shall continue to be so until their final collapse. They came so close to fulfilling their plan for world domination, but in the end the Light has proved supreme and helped the return of peace on Earth. It will not happen overnight, but the seeds of success have been sown.

The end of the old Age lingers on, but the many actions now taking place will hasten the final changes that will allow the New Age to fully manifest. The sooner you sort yourselves out, the quicker they will take place and set the scene for many held up changes to manifest. Even in your present time, you are aware of advances being made that promise to propel you into a New Era. The signs are already there and in part they will be due to the after effects of Coronavirus. It has pushed you into the New Age and forced you to look at where improvements can be made to your quality of life. There are many, yet some people will cling to that which is familiar to them to no avail. Progress must come, if you are to be fully prepared to take your place in the higher vibrations of Light.

It is not until now that you have glimpsed the wonderful future that beckons you and surely the greatest benefit will be to live in absolute peace and harmony with all other life forms. To meet the many humanoids that always had a link to you and have been bound by Galactic Law to resist from getting involved with you. Remember that in a freewill Universe other Beings must not interfere with it, and must allow you to make your own decisions. We do impress you with ideas that could help your evolution, but we do not go beyond that. You learn by your mistakes and such experiences are lasting and beneficial to your progress.

We wait with joy and happiness for the time soon to come, when we shall make your acquaintance again and celebrate your success with you. It is quite an occasion for an Ascension to take place, but more so because it will be special. We know it will be a success, yet it will be the first time Ascension will have taken place with souls still in their physical bodies. However, they will not remain in them, but experience an instant change that will see them in a Light/luminous body; you will truly have become Beings of Light.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Σάββατο 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

The dark Ones have lost their power to dictate what happens or stop progress towards the New Age

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 4 September 2020

For those who hope for matters on Earth to return to normal as they were, it is a forlorn hope, as although some normality will return, the fact is that many changes are for good. It will seem chaotic, yet as things settle down, it will be realised that all that is happening is bringing about necessary changes. Evolution must continue so that advances can be made that will prepare souls for a new paradigm. You just cannot stand still, although it must be said that your need to take an evolutionary jump is because you have been deliberately held back by the dark Ones.

Now that you have entered a higher vibration, changes are inevitable but all for the good. We have told you previously that the object of them is to work towards living in small groups that are self-sufficient, and to that end what you may now see as obstacles to that achievement will slowly be overcome. We often mention “free energy” and that is essential if you are to form independent self-supporting groups. It will come and it must do so, as it is not so far into the future as you may think. There will be resistance from the large conglomerates but such changes are unavoidable.

It is no good looking back at what was and wishing it had still remained, as progress is inevitable and should be welcomed. Be assured that you are helped, once you make the decision to establish yourselves into the New Age. It is your natural path of evolution and our influence will ensure that the right decisions are made. We hasten to add that we do not force changes upon you, but there are sometimes major changes necessary to help you head in the right direction. You will inevitably find that there are always souls who have incarnated especially to help you through these special periods of time.

The problem of thousands of migrants turning up at the more stable countries and looking for compassion and help grows, and it is a test of your attitude and sympathy to their plight. Humanity has allowed such great differences between those who are comfortable, as opposed to those who are suppressed and ill-treated. It is no wonder that they seek refuge and help from those who by comparison are “comfortable”, but how are you going to respond. The world as a whole can cope quite easily with the refugees who come to you desperate for human kindness, yet the doors are only wide enough to let a few in and even those are often resented.

We have to ask how you would feel in their position, would you expect and hope for understanding and sympathy, and help for your needs? Realise that it takes real courage to leave your country and the little you had behind, knowing that you had no idea as to what type of reception you would receive. There are many, many dear souls who give of their time to help those in desperate need, but the problem has become so big it needs a more determined approach, so as to help those who seek refuge and shelter from abominable conditions. The key word for the New Age is "sympathy" and sometimes it is in short supply, but perhaps on reflection the tragedy that is unfolding will touch the hearts of more people.

Changing our tone to one of great hope for the future, we see the younger groups of people becoming more demanding for freedom of choice and free speech, and to their credit prepared to stand up and “fight” for what they believe in. In a Democracy there should be no need to have to resort to such levels to get justice. However, justice will prevail and it will not be too long before “freedom of choice” should be the normal. It is time for leaders that follow a true path to freedom to come to the forefront and they will. You have entered a New Era and the old ways will no longer serve the needs of the people. The path to freedom is signposted and those of the necessary awareness will follow it.

Life on Mother Earth will become more pleasant and rewarding for everyone as the Land of Plenty becomes your reality. The changes that shall bring it about are forming and will ensure that it becomes your reality. So, we ask you to think positively and project your ideas of the future into the ether and it help it become the window of the future, and we re-iterate that nothing can now stop them manifesting. Thankfully, the dark Ones have lost their power to dictate what happens or stop progress towards the New Age.

You are like actors on stage waiting to speak your lines making a “make believe” situation real. In reality nothing is real, because it has been brought into being only to create the scenario for you to enact the part you have been given to play. The ultimate aim is real enough and that is to give you an experience that expands your knowledge and helps your evolution. You have all had so many lives on many worlds that in some cases would have been so different to your present one. When each life has ended and a new cycle commenced, a decision will have been made as to what you need from your next life to continue your progress. It is all planned and you knew of it before you commenced another one, when normally the details are temporarily hidden from you. You have gone all through this to get where you are now, and many of you have progressed so far down your path, you are ready for completion and Ascension.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna

Σάββατο 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020

The Illuminati have told the society what to think, what to believe, what to do

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 3 September 2020

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The combination of planetary alignment and ever-rising vibrations strongly indicates that the weeks and months through the end of your year will be extraordinarily active. You could think of it as the storm before the golden dawn.

As rebellion against oppression continues and emerging revelations add shock and confusion to global upheaval, sending love-light energy to all of Earth will have increased importance and beneficial results. You have spiritual strength and conscious awareness to handle bumps along the pathway as the uprooting of dark domination picks up pace, and, to the extent you can, ease the concerns and lighten the burdens of others.

Intensifying light during the aforementioned period offers an ideal opportunity to set positive intentions for personal growth. Go into your heart space—as God said, “The heart is the seat of the soul”—and if introspection shows residue of anxiety, self-doubt, judgments or discouragement, letting go of it by breathing calmly, deeply, will give you peace in body, mind and spirit. Please do that for yourselves, dear family, so you can be free of stress and stay in balance.

“How can lightworkers help end political polarization that is hindering the world’s progress toward Earth’s Golden Age?”

Stopping labeling yourselves and others will be a firm step forward. Liberal, conservative, socialist, populist, globalist, nationalist and other terms were devised by the Illuminati to separate society and place you in partisan sections. Labeling not only keeps the divisiveness they want firmly entrenched, but their minions infiltrate all sections and promote rancor and staunch opposition to any other ideas and beliefs.

Keeping the populace divided into opposing attitudes and opinions goes far beyond politics. Throughout the ages, dark hearts and minds that are the forebearers of those later called the Illuminati, One World Order, Shadow Government, cabal or Deep State, have done the very same with religions, cultures, ethnicity, race, ideologies and social status.

Further, by controlling all sources of information from mainstream media to education, social media to entertainment and healthcare, the Illuminati have told the society what to think, what to believe, what to do. They have conditioned generation after generation after generation to accept without question whatever “authorities” say or do.

And, when truth starts coming out about anything the Illuminati do not want you to know, it is disparaged as “conspiracy theory.” They coined that term, too, and programmed the public to believe that anything thus labeled is false and coming from a deranged mind. When you consider that mainstream media always apply “conspiracy theory” to Deep State or the truth about the coronavirus and covid-19, you know the dark ones are desperate to prevent that information from being believed.

For millennia, control of the masses by “divide and conquer” strategy served them well—it prevented the light within unity they knew would be their undoing. Those whom God calls “the disserving ones in my flock” cannot divide and control when you think and speak of yourselves and others as the godselves you are, unconditionally loved by God and with equal worthiness in His eyes.

You needn’t proclaim aloud “I am a part of God and so are you.” Simply by living that truth, you can motivate others to look outside their darkly-designed societal niches and see the desire of families everywhere: A peaceful world with wise leaders who have moral and spiritual integrity; a world where everyone has a comfortable home, plentiful nutritious food and clean water, proper healthcare, good education, meaningful employment, financial security and time for re-creation; a world where people live in harmony with each other and all of Nature.

Dear family, already your mission to help Earth’s civilization attain that shared desire is a glorious success. The world you are helping to co-create in linear time is flourishing in the continuum and the peoples are living in health, abundance and joyousness. LOVE is the power that manifested that monumental accomplishment!

Now then, mainstream media have inundated you with sorrow, statistics, financial hardships, joblessness and failed businesses caused by covid-19. So, it would be difficult to imagine that the coronavirus has assisted planetary and personal ascension by helping to restore balance to Gaia and clearing away fear programming, thereby raising the consciousness of the peoples. The virus transmitted this illuminating message to the lightworker we know well as a highly evolved soul:

Conversation with Coronavirus 19 - March 18, 2020

Hello, I greet you! Thank you for taking the time to give me a voice, though I have quite the voice and presence in your world right now, wouldn't you say? I am a key player in changing consciousness right now on your beautiful planet, though I am a temporary visitor.

It is true I was created with ill intent, as much darkness went into the "ingredient soup" that became me. I am no longer traveling that path. In the lab, there was much sinister thought and action that brought me into being and I was released with that energy. But somewhere along the way I was joined by the light and the journey was then purposeful to serve the light and not the darkness.

The Illuminati have not been happy with this outcome, though they have certainly enjoyed a feeding frenzy on the fear that has been created through me. They have supported the doctors, media and others who have reported untrue data and used fear manipulations to feed this fear into the collective. They are busy scrambling, as they know their long-held ownership of Earth is ending with the light, and they need fear to eat!

But ultimately, I am being used by the light to dredge up and clear out the fear programming and survival issues humans are carrying deep in their cells. And, dear one, this is indeed happening and quickly! We know at the moment it looks hopeless, but it is not. It is anything but hopeless, as so much is being released, even from Gaia herself!

The fear has created a fog which is shrouding the planet at pre-Equinox, but tomorrow there will be a blast of light like no other sent from the Central Sun through your Sun and into Earth. A huge packet of light codes will blast through all the fog—the old survival fears—and begin to break them up! This is just the beginning. This light will catapult Earth herself into a new timeline, taking her through the rest of 2020 into 2021. You and other lightworkers will join her.

My job has been to move into the fields and bodies of those whose souls asked/agreed to be touched by me. Some on your planet have needed the deep purgings, some even into death. Others needed a lighter touch. I'm doing my job helping the release. Tears through the sinus cavities and the eyes, anger through the throat and through fever, and deep, deep grief through the lungs. All released through my touch.

Angels have been on hand as they always are during hard times to help with the process. They have been there to soothe, comfort and assist when the journey was tough, especially when transition into death was chosen.

The cumulation of my deepest work will be complete at the moment of Equinox, when the light blasts and the Earth jumps into her new timeline, though I will continue to touch lives all over the world for a while still. The human family has needed me to dredge up their survival fear codes as they have been too mired in 3D activity to even slow down and receive any of the 5D Matrix Energy.

It will slowly seep into the collective. This is only the beginning. The forward movement will begin with the Equinox, then another shift with the Cardinal Aries New Moon, then it will balance out with the Full Moon in Libra. I will slowly retreat from the collective as I am unable to jump the timeline. That is not my place and I will dissolve back into the one, never to be in this particular configuration again. Though I was created in darkness, I did indeed evolve with the light and I am happy for that.

Thank you so much for receiving me with such openness and love. You are one of the rare jewels on the planet at this time who can hear a voice such as mine. But have heart, my dear, as there will be many more in the future, and eventually the Earth and her peoples will be fully seated in the Golden Times of 5th dimension and creations such as me will be a thing of the past. With much love, gratitude and service, Coronavirus.

The virus did indeed slowly retreat from the collective. May 1st it really retreated and then I felt it totally gone in June. The virus we have now is not the same one. The Illuminati had a plan. They created a package—the Covid 19 and the vaccine which is already here AND a summer virus to follow on the heels of the first one to keep the narrative going so everyone begs for the vaccine. What a plan! As the light joined and lessened the first virus (the galactics and all of our light), this second virus is little more than a flu. And the vaccine will not be allowed to circle the globe, so we'll see how that all plays out.

All of Nature tells me this is so good that they don't have to clear and balance humans as they have been doing forever. We are doing it. The masks act like a container to hold people's fears until they are ready to "unmask" them. The Illuminati want to continue their separation strategies, but they cannot because the light continues to pour in.

We thank the dear soul who received that uplifting message. Her personal awareness of what is transpiring comes via her attunement to cosmic consciousness.

The message from the coronavirus and labels have something in common—both present this fact: Not everything is as it seems.

Labels would be considered only an “ID tag” until you know their purpose is malevolent, to keep the peoples divided and unwilling to see others’ perspectives. The virus would be considered to have only devastating effects, until you know how it is benefitting the society.

The day is coming closer when most of the populace will have the shocking realization that not everything is as it seems.

When everyone in Earth’s civilization knows they are powerful multidimensional souls and information they seek always is within, no longer will messengers such as we be needed. It will be a time of rejoicing when everyone on the planet consciously knows all souls are members of an eternal Universal Family!

Beloved sisters and brothers, we honor you and your steadfastness in your mission to bring that day to fruition and we support you with the unparalleled power of Unconditional Love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com