Τρίτη 28 Απριλίου 2020

Truly, even in these unsettling times, there is enormous reason for hope and for joy

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 22 April 2020

Earth’s population is presently experiencing much anxiety as the government imposed lock-down in many countries is severely limiting people’s sovereignty and freedom. The reason for this lock-down is officially reported to be for humanity’s protection, a precautionary measure that is essential to prevent, or greatly limit, the spread of the Coronavirus, thus enormously reducing the number of people who become ill, and greatly reducing the number of possible deaths from this contagion. People are generally accepting the wisdom of these measures, but they are very naturally worried about the long term intent of those who have imposed these restrictive regulations, and about how they might be used to continue limiting personal freedom after the pandemic has peaked and largely dissipated.

As other issues move to the forefront of the mainstream media replacing COVID-19, then increasing pressure will be placed on myriad governmental authorities worldwide to ease and then remove the restrictions on people’s freedom of movement, which they claimed were temporary when they were introduced. People will begin to reclaim their individual sovereignty as it becomes apparent that there is, and has been for a very long time, tremendous corruption in governments – whether supposedly democratic ones or powerfully authoritarian ones – all across the world that can no longer be hidden from public view. The pandemic has led people to question more freely and deeply the motivation of those in authority, and has given them the time and the opportunity in which to do so. Much of a nefarious nature is being revealed daily as investigative journalists, who are not directly employed by any of the main media organizations, academics, and whistle-blowers make their inquiries and then make the resultant findings available to all on the world wide web.

This is a time in which the human population is growing very rapidly in awareness not only of the interdependence of all its individual members upon one another, but also of its total dependence on Planet Earth, which is a vast interconnected and interdependent system in which the well-being of each and every part is essential for the well-being of all the others. The enormous damage that has been done to your planetary home over the last three hundred years, partly due to ignorance of or a refusal to learn of this interdependence, and partly due to the insane belief that you have the inalienable right to use the planet as a consumer product that can and will be discarded when no longer of use, can no longer be allowed to continue, let alone be ignored or dismissed. Cognizance of the vast damage that you have collectively inflicted on your beautiful home is finally arising into humanity’s consciousness, and many groups are forming worldwide with the intent to bring to an end this massive desecration and to start on the major work of repairing some of the damage. There is much that cannot be repaired, however, with the enormous changes in attitudes and behaviors that are now occurring, new creative ideas and endeavors will enable replacement of some of those irreparably damaged systems with new ecologically sound alternatives which will mightily benefit Gaia and all the life forms she so lovingly supports.

Truly humanity has entered into a moment of enormous creative possibility, a moment when, by letting go of fear-filled egotistical drives, and by the dropping of masks that so many have been wearing – through fear of being seen as the inadequate people that they have totally unrealistically come to believe themselves to be – and instead allowing themselves to be themselves, the beautiful beings that they actually are, then the changes which are essential for human survival on Planet Earth can be realized and put into effect. Now is a moment of pivotal potential, a potential that needs to be seen, recognized, and developed – NOW!

There is limitless assistance available to you from your support teams in the spiritual realms. You each – each individual in form as a human presently incarnate on Earth – have a magnificent and powerful support team ready and willing to help you and guide you through this essential but very unsettling period in humanity’s spiritual evolution. You have free will — the free will of the human collective — which you can use either to benefit humanity and lead it forward, or to continue severely damaging the ecosystem on which all sentient life on Earth depends, thus massively threatening humanity’s long-term survival.

However, the human collective very recently made the irreversible choice and decision to move forward, to take a great leap forward in its spiritual evolution, so that a state of “Heaven on Earth” may be established. It will be a state in which all are abundantly but not wastefully provided for in every moment, and in which boundless and endless creative endeavors can and will be embarked upon for the delight and joy of all, and therefore, of course, delighting Mother/Father/God as she so lovingly watches over all her beloved children.

At present, there is much confusion and fear, as the media does its utmost to focus your attention on the negative aspects of the Coronavirus, and there do seem to be many, but, being generally isolated, as most of you are, you now have plenty of opportunities to go within and connect with your spiritual support teams or with whomever you normally choose to address or pray to in the non-physical realms. Doing this, and, at the same time choosing to open your hearts, allows intuitive guidance of the most beneficial kind to flow in with the Love/Life flow that is who you are, and which will uplift and inspire you as you become increasingly consciously aware that you are precisely where you are meant to be in this moment of now. That realization will dissolve your doubts and anxieties, bringing you great comfort in the knowing that your presence in form at this time of inestimable potential for humanity is not only essential, but is also amazingly effective, even if you are not getting the kind of positive feedback that is often received when dealing with others who, like you, are presently experiencing life as humans in form.

Truly, even in these unsettling times, there is enormous reason for hope and for joy, because you are never alone, and you can at all times choose to tune into and experience the warmth and the joy of Love, of the One, of Mother/Father/God in whose loving embrace you are eternally and safely enfolded.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Παρασκευή 24 Απριλίου 2020

You will be part of a great celebration after the Event finally takes place

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 24 April 2020

With time on your hands, you all have a unique opportunity to consider your degree of evolution and whether you are firmly on the path to Ascension. It is very important at this point in time, as in real terms, you do not have that much longer to firmly set your sights on your evolution and take the golden opportunity that is before you to ascend. If it is your goal and you have made every effort to adequately prepare yourself, no doubt you are aware of the need to push forwards and never lose sight of it. With so much happening around you, it would be easy to become distracted, so the need to keep well focussed on what you are doing is so important.

To be released from the continual challenges that you have had to face will come with Ascension, and the nearer you get to it, the easier it will become. Even at this particular time, you will notice subtle changes, as you start to re-assess your progress. The main objective is to put your ego in a position where it cannot dictate how you respond to any future challenges, as by now you should have control over your emotions. No more should you automatically re-act to situations that could otherwise involve loss of self-control. You are the master where your feelings are concerned, and by maintaining a peaceful and loving attitude regardless of what is happening around, you are proving your ability to keep calm. This way you are continually lifting your vibrations and maintaining your path to completion.

We know, the tasks are very trying, but that is of course their intention and cover aspects of evolution that are vital to you, as you climb higher and higher on the evolutionary path. However, you are never alone and your Guides are always on hand to give helpful advice and they will also arrange matters to ensure you keep to your chosen path, and try their best to stop you from straying. You can rest assured that if you feel that you are ready to advance your evolution, they will point you in the right direction. You can be certain that if you should stray off your path, every help will be given to get you back upon it.

You will be part of a great celebration after the Event finally takes place, because each of you undertook an enormous task to find your way back to the Light, after being thrown into the darkness and loneliness of the lower vibrations. Whilst you have always had your Guides around you, few souls have been immediately aware of their presence. However, it was known that many of you would raise their consciousness levels, as time progressed and more experience was gained. The few have helped many others find their path and often it has started through following the teachings of their religion. In time, through many incarnations in various other religious orders, a soul has been able to discern the truth and eventually acknowledge the existence of the God inside each soul.

It must be pointed out that whilst on Earth, you are but a small aspect of your Godself, and it is understandable that you find it difficult to accept how great you really are. However, in time, as you evolve even higher, you will come to understand that your Godself exists on the other side of the veil. There are many surprises in store for you as you rise higher and higher, reaching levels that are way beyond those that the negative forces can achieve. You will leave them behind to experience their own demise, the result of leading a life of deceit and intent to bring others down with them. In the ultimate, all such souls will be given another chance , but will first have to make amends for all of the negative actions they have been involved in.

At no stage are souls punished for their wrong doings, but have to make amends through which they learn the lessons in life. All is fairly operated and every soul is given opportunities to rise up again, once their intentions to do so become clear, there is always help given to lead the way. Those souls who drop down into the lowest of the low levels are almost beyond redemption, but even so they are never given up. Many souls that are incarnate now are those who have progressed sufficiently to be given an opportunity to ascend, and they will be helped to advance in a way that does not affect their freewill choice.

As you may imagine, much is now happening to root out the dark Ones whilst they are largely isolated due to the Coronavirus, and it will occur with all speed to stop them from escaping. You may ponder the fact that in a period when the Light appears non-active, it is quite the opposite. At a time when so much has come to a standstill, the Forces of Light have taken the initiative, and are busy taking the dark Ones into captivity. Those who travel into the future have seen the possibility of the Light being able to turn current matters to their advantage, and were therefore fully prepared to act at a minute’s notice to the shutdown of virtually all of Humanity.

Out of a situation that could easily have cause much more harm, so to say the tables have been turned on the dark Ones, no doubt to their surprise and dismay. Dear Ones, the end game has started in earnest and there is only going to be one winner, how else could it be with the backing of the Forces of Light. Nothing is set in stone, except Ascension that is a Cosmic Event beyond the interference of the dark Ones. They are in disarray and lack co-ordination to be able to stop the outcome in favour of the Light. They will not admit that their cause has been lost and in desperation strike out at whatever is in their way.

Use the time you have on your hands to consider your position, where you are going next, as decisions made now will determine how well you progress in the future. Each time you face a challenge, there is always a chance the dark Ones will use it to distract you from your goal, so be alert and aware of what is happening around you.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τρίτη 21 Απριλίου 2020

The changes taking place are irreversible and will eventually lead to peace on Earth

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 17 April 2020

The testing period you are in is going to make a big impression, so much so that things, many things that you take for granted are going to change. It is hoped that you will seize the opportunity to lay before you a path to Ascension that will reflect the needs that will arise as a result. Your focus should be entirely upon it as you have much to do in preparation for it. We feel that your present experiences will result in a more cooperative feeling amongst nations, who will recognize the Oneness of mankind regardless of color or creed and realize that there is a greater need for a coming together, if you are to make world peace for once and for all time.

Currently you are seeing the outworking of the last time events will touch upon war between nations. The time for such actions is no longer acceptable and differences can be settled amicably if those concerned put their minds to it. You could make much quicker progress if you adopted peaceful attitudes and put an end to petty squabbles. The people of the Earth are One, and the ego must be set aside, so as to allow good sense to prevail, so that you can advance in a unified manner. Look ahead and set a path that allows all countries to come together. The days of continual warring are finished and ended with the coming of the New Age. It has barely commenced, but already there is a new feeling amongst people, who realize that the way forward is through peace and goodwill.

Politics are also changing inasmuch that there is less showmanship and deceit and instead a move to an honest relationship where all are treated with respect. Inequality has often resulted in difficult relationships where those holding the power have laid down the rules. Honesty and openness are needed to create good relationships that have been seriously lacking in recent times. It will improve as the “right” people take positions of authority and ensure fairness in all transactions. The truth has often been scarce, but times are changing as more responsible and honest people move into the top positions. It may take time for people to realize how much things have changed for the better, but once the last vestiges of war have been removed, it will be obvious that a New Era has commenced.

The population of Earth is tired of the continual wars and conflicts, having realized that they have been orchestrated, deliberated and started by members of the Illuminati. Peace has never been their objective and even now they try to create situations that lead to wars. However, greater powers than theirs have the authority to prevent their actions, as an end to them has now been decreed. There may still be minor skirmishes but nothing of any importance. The changes taking place are irreversible and will eventually lead to peace on Earth. It will be seen as a prelude to permanent peace and allow great strides to be taken towards open contact with the Galactic Beings who patiently await the right opportunity to make themselves known to you. They have been following your progress for a long time and are pleased that they can now help Humanity to achieve its goal of a One Nation of Peace. Their experience will be invaluable, as you leave the old totally behind for an entirely new life.

There is so much waiting to be carried out, once the vibrations have reached a point from where peace will reign. You cannot imagine how excited the Galactics are, knowing that the time is approaching when they can openly come amongst you. Their role will be to show you the way forward and help you speed up your activities. You have never really experienced what it feels like to rest in peace knowing that there is no threat against it. Understand that the higher vibrations will affect all living forms in a manner that you have not yet seen and would find it hard to visualize. You will get the idea from the promise that “the Lion would lay down with the Lamb”. Of course, there have been times when the harmony upon Earth reached new heights, but they have only been momentary. Just for a few moments you have been lifted up and experienced that peace and love that seems as though it could last for an eternity. It is a sign of things to come that are assured as you rise higher and higher into new levels of vibration.

The beauty and love as you rise up is something you have yet to experience, but it will eventually come your way. What you do during this time of change will set the system up for the remaining period up to Ascension. There is no need to panic, as in fact you have more than ample time to put into place systems that will adequately cover your needs. In some respects, you are in a critical time when changes are going to come quickly into place. It will be for the betterment of you all, so that you will be fully prepared to take the necessary steps to keep you on track for the final changes. Initially, it will seem chaotic, but as they take place, your designated path will become clearer.

Be assured as always, help is on hand to guide you and in this period we will be able to be more active. That does not mean that it is the right time to come closer to you, and you will hardly fail to recognize the result of our input. You have many friends and family who follow your progress and are urging you ever onwards to ensure a satisfactory conclusion. After the many lives you have had to reach this point, you rest assured we are present to ensure you enjoy a satisfactory conclusion.

This is the time you have been working towards through many, many lives and having earned the opportunity to ascend, you should have no problem in going all the way to completion. We are with you, so call upon us when in need and we will do our best to impress upon whatever you should do. Sit quietly and peacefully and we will be able to come quite close to you. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Κυριακή 19 Απριλίου 2020

Religions were created to prevent your connection with God

Veronica Keen Channeling Montague Keen 14 October 2018

It is happening, my friends, it is happening. The corruption that controlled the Earth is being exposed and disposed of. Everything happens when the timing is right. This has always been so. Those within the Cabal are SCARED. Their time is up and they have nowhere to hide. Some will try to con their way out of total exposure, but they will not be allowed to escape justice for their crimes against humanity. Not just the politicians, but all who gained power over humanity will be brought to justice. Many got on the bandwagon: those whose lives were far from happy and successful, whose egos were desperate for attention, fell prey to the Cabal, and found attention by working with them against humanity. May God forgive them. They are to be pitied. Pray for them, they are in desperate need of attention.

Mr Trump continues to live up to expectations. Pray for his protection as the world needs him. He and Mr Putin will together form a plan to save humanity.

Check all information before accepting it as truth, because all newspapers and TV channels are owned by the Cabal, so they will only give you the information that will suit their own agenda. Those who work on TV will read whatever is put in front of them. That is their job. They care not whether it is true or false.

Pray directly to God, the Creator, the Supreme Being, the Source, or whatever name feels comfortable to you. Cut out the middle man who prevents you from having your own personal relationship with your Creator. When you do this, you will see God in everything that is good and beautiful. God will become part of your life. This is as it should be. Religions were created to prevent your connection with God. You foolishly gave religions control over you, and you have paid a very high price for this mistake. Religions have totally controlled your lives, and the Earth, as though they owned everything. This is not so. All this is about to come to an end.

First the Vatican will be exposed. It will collapse along with all its offshoots. The Vatican is, at this moment, teetering on the edge. Soon it will be gone. See it as the SEAT OF CORRUPTION, GONE FOREVER. Corrupt governments will quickly follow. You know who they are. A whole new way of living will emerge, where all people will live in peace. Light will illuminate your way forward. The dark veil will disappear and the peace you have dreamed of, will be yours.

This is what is happening now, as you prepare the way for love to replace the fear and control that you struggled with all of your lives. Your whole being is withdrawing from Cabal control. The energies that are flooding your Earth are forcing you out of the rut you were in. They are cleansing your bodies. This is a painful experience for many of you, as Veronica herself can testify.

Not all will go forward at this time. Those who are being prepared now, are experiencing dizziness, nausea, and pain in places that never before experienced it. The exhaustion is beyond description. It just takes over without notice and you sleep for hours during the day. Your body demands sleep, even if you had just got out of bed in the morning. It seems that your body needs to adjust during this enforced sleep. Your body just takes over and your mind cannot prevent the signal to sleep. There is no escape, sleep you must. Your body must be prepared to move into the light.

Veronica: Now, as I try to write, sleep is taking over. I will have to give into it.

Παρασκευή 10 Απριλίου 2020

Great things await you and you will not be disappointed

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 10 April 2020

The Coronavirus seems to have peaked in many countries and is leaving a trail of problems behind. It heralds a period of introspection as Governments seek ways to avoid such a catastrophic experience again. The after effects will cause many difficulties in respect of seeking a new path that will overcome such a possibility again. Change is the keyword but how do you predict your future needs as you head towards new territory. You have much time to make up, as you should by now have been much more advanced than you are at present. Everything you need to step into the New Age is now available, providing those who are holding you back release their hold upon you. Be assured that there are powerful forces pushing hard for your future freedom from restraint and they have been successful in curtailing the power of the dark Ones, although they will always remain a nuisance but able to be handled.

Your path to the future is ordained and once your present confusion settles down, you can focus on creating a path that will take you all the way to the Promised Land. Great things await you and you will not be disappointed. This year should see you getting your first glimpses of what the future holds for you, but be aware, it may take some time before you see it come to full fruition. You need to know what lies ahead, so that you can fully prepare for it, and it will be enjoyable, as you secure your freedom and enter times of peace and security. By projecting your vision of what it will be like, you are helping to bring it into being at the earliest time. There is much to prepare before the Event comes about and you are lifted into the higher vibrations, and we will ensure that you are well prepared.

In the meantime, keep focussed on your goal and do not look back, as the old can no longer be of use to you. You are now creating your future and the old ways are no longer applicable or adequate. As you progress, so shall your vibrations rise even higher and continue to do so until you ascend. It will be just reward for all souls that have come so far to be here at the final outcome. In the years that still lay ahead, much will change for the better and pave the way to completion. During this time, you will learn much that will prepare you for your new life as a Galactic Being. You will hardly be able to comprehend the degree to which you will change and you will be a willing participant.

Whatever obstacles should cross your path, take it all in your stride and do not let it deter you from your goal. This is no time for the faint hearted, so be strong and dedicated to your path and you will be sure to succeed. After the chaos, many souls will step forward to lead the way, and present a new approach to achieve a successful conclusion. You have all come long way to reach this point in your evolution and your skills have been made all the stronger for it. You are well prepared for the remainder of your journey and know that all along it you will have plenty of support and protection. You are special souls who have the power and strength to meet all of the challenges that may yet cross your path, and you can be assured that we are always following your progress.

You have the potential to achieve great things and much of it depends on your opinion of yourself and your abilities. Nothing is really out of your reach, except that you lack the belief in yourself and your capability to achieve what you desire. Nothing can now stop your progress, because as you wish or desire, so it eventually it becomes your reality. By doing so, you attract like energies to yourself which is another reason why you should not give your energies to negative thoughts. By focussing upon your fears, you give energy to the very things that trouble you instead of ignoring them.

Since the New Age started, we have encouraged you to keep an open mind as to what the future may hold for you, as you have entered new territory creating your pathway as you go along. It is why we encourage you to stop looking back for inspiration. In this new time, you could say that everything is possible and there is much truth in it, as the New Age offers you a multitude of different opportunities. As you might say “the Skies are the Limit”, so think big and have the belief that whatever you aim for is within your capabilities, and we on our side will help you all we can as we dearly wish you to succeed.

The prospect of at last moving out of the lower vibrations should inspire you to greater things. It is all there for the taking and you have truly earned the right to leave the lower vibrations behind. You are all looked upon as brave souls who knew that you would lose touch with your true reality. You have lived in a dream world and many experiences have been nightmares and you have now left them behind for good. The whole experience has not been wasted, as you have grown in stature and strength and have also become much wiser. Perhaps more importantly you have grown in understanding, so much so that you have the potential to become leaders to help those who follow on.

It is understandable that some of you will have concerns in respect of your present family and friends, so know that all souls will find themselves exactly where they need to be to continue their evolution. Sometimes groups will remain together, but clearly some souls will follow their chosen path alone. The type of society that you are used to will eventually evolve into very small units that will be self-supporting, made possible by advances in technology. Even at this time it is becoming apparent that it is the way forward.

The world has become a smaller place with the advent of travel and those who were once isolated have touched the world outside never to completely return to their old ways of living. Sharing has become more important than ever and so it will continue as things are beginning to rapidly change. It may seem something of a turmoil until things settle down, but be assured that they will.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 9 Απριλίου 2020

Stop trying to shut yourselves out from Reality

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 5 April 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic very much on people’s minds, I would like to offer some loving guidance to assist you in coming to accept what is occurring, so that you do not become unduly fearful or anxious. As you know, the collective awakening of humanity is divinely assured, and your task is to continue to BE Love in every moment, because this greatly assists this magnificent divine event in its unfoldment precisely as divinely planned. You are Love, so all you have to do is to be yourselves. That means to let go of or release the personas or masks – your professional personal face that you present in the work-place, or the regular adult face that you present in other interactive situations, and also the 5-8 year old emotionally reactive child within that explodes occasionally without warning – that you normally present as yourselves when meeting with or in any way interacting with others.

In other words, Be the You that you know yourselves to be – loving, caring individuals who truly delight in knowing that you are alive, and who also delight to see others alive and well. It takes no effort, just total self-acceptance without judgment of any kind, just as Mother/Father/God totally accepts you. When you do this, you will truly meet and interact with real people, other beloved children of God, because others will respond to you in like manner revealing their true selves, instead of in the more regular and ‘cautious’ fashion that you all mostly experience from others in your normal daily lives.

To be alive is to be in joy; but very many of you choose to focus on what you dislike or even abhor in your lives, and this leads immediately to dissatisfaction, often intense dissatisfaction, so that the true and ever-present joy of life is hidden from you by your engagement with thought processes that have absolutely nothing to do with the present moment. Therefore, set the intent frequently throughout the day to be aware, to be conscious, and to observe and engage with the wondrous miracle that is your life in this ever-present now moment.

Life has a purpose, namely to know God. As humans in form, and being severely limited by that form, to know God seems to be beyond the bounds of possibility, especially when to “know God” means to be constantly aware of being at every moment in His Presence. A few have come very close to that knowing, and have shared their experiences as best they can within the limitations of language, so that others may understand what is readily available to them, and then also seek to share in that most wondrous experience. You all believe in God, and seek ways to commune with Him through prayer, meditation, and contemplation, and doing this regularly with unforced intent does strengthen your faith, while at the same time leading you to understand quite clearly that your life’s purpose is to know God. When that purpose is clear to you, it becomes much easier to behave only lovingly whatever may arise, and when you do this, you find yourselves meeting Love in many delightful and unexpected places, further strengthening your faith.

To awaken is to know God, and your awakening is drawing ever closer as you gently release your needy grasp on the unreality of the material world. The world that is constantly presenting you with myriad distractions, as the egoic freight train of thoughts runs almost continuously through your brains, dispersing worrisome thoughts about unlikely possibilities that might happen to you if you are not careful and, at the same time, adequately prepared. Your egos, building on the fears that have already been established within you – during growth from infancy to adulthood – encourage you to maintain a supply of products that you are firmly convinced are absolutely essential for your survival, further distracting you from living the miracle that is life in joy and gratitude. All this groundless fear needs to be seen, recognized, faced, and released, thus opening your hearts to allow Love to fill them. Hearts filled with Love are, of course, totally fearless, except when fear is momentarily required to bring your attention to an immediate threat that has to be dealt with in that precise moment, such as a vehicle bearing down upon you unseen as you cross the street.

The current pandemic is demonstrating very potently that, in spite of the present very temporary need for ‘social distancing,’ that there is no such state as ‘independence,’ that there is only ‘interdependence,’ on one another and, of course, on the Earth without which there would be no possibility of life in human form. But this is not a co-dependent relationship, it’s a relationship of sharing, caring, and engaging with life through one another, and with the Earth that so lovingly supports you all in full acknowledgment of the Oneness of all in God.

Therefore, in these unsettling times, it is essential that you focus regularly every day on your unbreakable relationship with Mother/Father/God, Source, Love – the divine field of energy in which all that is created has its eternal existence in joy-filled bliss. You are One. God delights in You. And without You, and you, God would be incomplete, but God, who is absolute perfection, is always complete. So, to reiterate very firmly, Be the Love that you are, and judge no one! Judgment is always self-judgment no matter what form it may appear to take, so why would you attempt to be in conflict with God who loves all and judges none?

Stop trying to shut yourselves out from Reality through negative judgments of self or others, and instead, claim your Love, the love of self that is an absolutely essential aspect of our all-inclusive One divine nature, and then, in doing so, experience the joy and bliss, that is God’s eternal gift to all of creation, by offering It constantly to self and to all others.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Σάββατο 4 Απριλίου 2020

The New Age will now commence in a way that was impossible during the earlier period

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 3 April 2020

The world has never had an opportunity to sit back and take a look at itself, or test what response it would give in a worldwide emergency. Now, one is confronting them it is interesting to see how the main countries are coming together not knowing where the pandemic may take them. The virus that threatens most of your civilisation is testing you to the limit, and it will show how well you can come together to deal with the threats that could bring down some of your governments. The virus is testing your resolve to beat it before matters becomes too serious.

The virus is already severely testing your ability to cope with its impact upon the very foundations upon which your countries rely upon for a smooth passage through life, and it will never be quite the same again and a lot of soul searching will have to take place. In time, you may well consider that what is happening now is in some ways a blessing in disguise. Because there is no doubt that when matters return to normal there will be a lot of speculation about the need for making changes that will avoid such a catastrophe again. It will also be an opportunity to prepare the population for the great future that awaits you.

Some people are questioning why God allows such pandemics when so many people will die from the virus, but understand that freewill must be upheld. The truth will be hard for many to understand or accept, but whether as individuals or collectively you will come to accept some responsibility for the outcome, as your actions have helped bring it about. Realise that those souls who have passed on will be told of the circumstances leading to their death, and with a greater understanding of karma will accept their experience as part of their evolution. You will find that each lifetime is planned for such progress to which you will have agreed and little or nothing happens by chance.

You may feel aggrieved that you do not have waking knowledge of your life plan, but as we have previously explained, you should intuitively know when you are being tested. To fully know would mean that your reactions to your experiences would not necessarily be spontaneous as they should, given that you should feel free to express yourself in whatever way that you wished. Having given you freewill, we have no desire to unduly influence you, although we may try to keep you on your spiritual path so that you fulfil your life plan.

You are unlikely to fully understand how your life can be so well organised to ensure you have every opportunity to get through it successfully, until you can see the full picture, as you will when you return to the higher vibrations. Life is not as full of random happenings as you may believe, and your Guides are always with you to point you in the right direction. Again we emphasise that they do not impose their help upon you, but at all times are there to guide or help you follow your chosen path.

You stand at the door to freedom from the attention of the dark Ones, who have tried so hard to divert you from your path back to the Light. Although they are given limitations as to what extent they can go to achieve their aims, they are often still able to divert your attention from your goal. However, many of you have stayed true to your life plan and have moved beyond the obstacles placed on your path. Now there is no looking back as you have established a strong hold on your future.

You can now start thinking about your future and where you would like it to lead you, unlike earlier periods when your path was arranged for you. Now you are able to choose which one you wish to take, and have ample time to consider it before the Event takes place. The Galaxy awaits your presence and will welcome you as a Galactic Being who will follow your own designated path. Before the Event, it is difficult to appreciate how wonderful it will be to have such freedom and be free from the interference of the dark Ones. Everything you have so far experienced has made you more resilient and stronger in the face of difficulties placed on your path.

Those who oversee your progress cannot interfere with your freewill decisions, but can use any situation that in the long run will ensure the outcome can also be of benefit to you. You may look at the present situation on Earth and ask how can that be, yet already there is recognition that the pandemic is highlighting the weaknesses in your old ways of living. Things will have to change to ensure your future is assured of never having to again face the results of such a serious pandemic. It has given you an insight into how precarious your lives have been balanced and how easily they can be uprooted with serious consequences. You have an opportunity to put things right, so as to ensure that you never have such an experience again.

It might be hard to accept that you knew the possibilities of what might happen before you incarnated upon Earth, but you also knew that the outcome would most likely be a great change in direction that would benefit all Mankind. The New Age will now commence in a way that was impossible during the earlier period. All the good things that you were promised will soon start to become your reality.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Envision Earth glowing in golden-white Light

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 2 April 2020

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Beloved brothers and sisters, please take a deep breath. Exhale slowly and let your hearts feel lighter. Now envision Earth glowing in golden-white light, then “see” people of all ages and skin colors joyously hugging each other and the animals in their midst.

You have just sent forth an abundance of healing energy to your world. We thank you and we love you!

Now then, media are reporting information about the coronavirus and continuously updating statistics of cases and death toll from its disease, Covid-19. Each death is a personal tragedy for affected family and friends, whose grief would be as profound if their beloved persons had died from any other cause. Every day many other causes are claiming the lives of many other persons who are dearly loved, many other families also are mourning their loss.

Compassion and empathy are inherent in the high vibrations at this station and sorrow is no stranger to Earth’s peoples. However, never before have there been heart-wrenching interviews with family whose dear ones died nor has isolation prevented goodbyes. Never before have media aired films of medical teams in protective gear tirelessly working to save lives. Never before has the world heard sickness and death number projections from infectious disease specialists or analysts speculate about a global economy in collapse.

While some of that is repeatedly emphasized to purposely evoke fear, factual information is being disseminated worldwide.

What is not publicized because it is known by only a few is that the intention of the coronavirus was to decrease the world’s population by billions. That will not happen because family members reduced the laboratory-designed virus’s potency to the greatest possible extent.

Now let us speak about something else that is not known, how soul contracts fit into this. Deaths of the elderly are in accordance with contract choices of longevity and cause of the physical body’s loss of viability. Contracts have a degree of flexibility regarding exact life span as well as the terminal illness, and these souls fulfilled those provisions by contracting a disease to which they were particularly vulnerable due to prior health issues that themselves soon would have been lethal.

Some of the younger people who have succumbed also had fulfilled contract provisions and others amended their contracts in conjunction with all others in the pre-birth agreement. In the latter cases, it was known at soul level that the persons could more effectively help the world from Nirvana, where they can beam light to the planet more powerfully than they were in physical bodies.

By no means does that imply that light being generated on Earth is weak—it is stronger, more intense, than ever before!

The persons who chose to amend their contracts did so because it also was known at soul level that fear and depression had seriously dimmed their light. They were stuck in anxiety about loved ones who were dealing with some adversity, their own unemployment prior to or due to the virus, current or looming financial straits, or preoccupation with dire “what ifs.” Not only did that mindset negatively affect their immune systems, but more so, by choosing to uplift life on Earth from your spirit world, these souls leaped forward in evolvement.

Younger people who did not leave via amended contracts will enjoy in Nirvana all positive experiences they missed; if any hardships had been chosen for the purpose of achieving balanced experiencing—the goal of every soul in every lifetime—credit will be given automatically. As the coronavirus continues to spread, those same contract provisions or soul evolvement will apply to all who transition due to the disease.

It is the same with all others who chose Earth lifetimes of any duration during this unprecedented era in the universe, thus there is another factor in Earth’s overall death toll. Many souls have embodied, whether briefly or for many years, to complete third density experiencing and evolve. Most chose to live in substandard conditions that severely compromise bodies’ ability to withstand any disease, and if not Covid-19, another malady would be fatal.

Now to answer your most frequently asked questions. We don’t know when the virus will be vanquished. In Earth’s energy field of potential there are innumerable streamers with disease attachments—these are not emanating from each individual, but rather those are combined into dense clusters from areas all over the world. At this moment a few streamers are losing strength, some are slowly gaining momentum and many are gaining rapidly. What we cannot determine in the field, much less in linear time, is when all of those streamers will weaken to the extent that they will be overcome by streamers with the high vibrations wherein microbes cannot exist.

No, emissions from 5G devices are not spreading the disease—its highly contagious nature is doing that. However, people in areas where that technology is in use are more at risk because the emissions compromise immune systems. Universal family members are reducing to the extent possible the harmful effects of those emissions.

And no, dear ones, other civilizations cannot intervene and stop the spread of the virus. Not only are they not authorized to take charge of a situation that you yourselves are handling, but conditions in your world are not safe for crews in your skies to land or those living among you to disclose their identity. Even national leaders who know those extraterrestrials will not publicly acknowledge the existence of other civilizations.

But, if one of your universal family members were asked to describe what is happening on Earth, it would be People are helping each other.

You are seeing this in the courage and exhaustive dedication of medical professionals and first responders around the world. Leaders in villages, regions and countries are issuing wise guidance to keep residents as safe as possible. Individual acts of kindness, the sharing of resources, business closures, and masses observing common sense directives to stay at home are stemming the tide. Governments are financially assisting citizens who are incurring extreme hardships.

You are seeing improvisation and innovation coming to the fore. Field hospitals are being erected to supplement hospital rooms, companies are foregoing or adding to standard production lines desperately needed supplies for medical staff and patients, homebound individuals are fabricating masks and gowns, countries with surplus are providing to countries that lack.

There are online studies for students whose schools are closed. Comedians are performing from their homes and concerts with musicians participating from their respective homes are being aired on television.

People young and old are finding unique ways to express gratitude to all who are serving in the trenches: doctors, nurses, other hospital staff, and medical personnel who came out of retirement; police and firefighters; teachers who are devising online classes for their students; pharmacists, newscasters, trash collectors, plumbers, electricians; farmers, grocers, food bank operators, chefs, delivery folks; veterinarians, employees and volunteers at animal shelters; national military forces helping in numerous ways.

Others may have slipped our mind, but not the minds of all who are so very grateful for the services and stability those individuals are providing during these troubled times.

“Social distancing” is offering the opportunity for parents and children to be together as well as time for introspection, meditation, prayer and appreciation of the goodness and beauty in your world.

It is so that anxiety, grief, confusion and finger-pointing are part of today’s world, too. But in far, far greater measure are optimism, hope, caring about and assisting others, and unified determination to keep on keeping on until this virus is conquered.

Like the pathogen itself, unity of spirit doesn’t differentiate as to national borders, gender, age, nationality, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social or financial status, level of education, field of employment, philosophy, political ideology.

This unified spirit, the countless acts of kindness, multitudinous methods of assistance and expressions of thankfulness are love in action. This is why the light on Earth never has been brighter and why the aftermath of this pandemic will bring about the healing of society’s deep wounds caused by rampant unjustness, deception and divisiveness.

Many speak about “when things return to normal.” “Normal” will not return. Your world is destined to be and will be dramatically different, incomparably better. It is not laws or money or technology that will make the difference, it is the will of the people, and the ranks of lightworkers have increased ten million-fold. As an aside here, my mother would say gazillion-fold.

Social, economic, religious, political and cultural separateness will give way to peaceful cooperation and mutual respect. Darkness in all of its diabolical forms will come to light and those who are responsible will be held accountable.

The transition of the global economic system—computer transactions that let the wealthiest few control all others—to a system based on precious metals will be done as smoothly as possible to alleviate further disruption in commerce and trade. The Illuminati’s illegally and immorally amassed fortunes will be retrieved and distributed to end the unconscionable disparity between the haves and have-nots.

Suppressed technologies will come forth and be conscientiously applied to energy, medicine, manufacturing, communication, agriculture, transportation and environmental restoration.

The dangers of vaccines and 5G emissions will be exposed; the former will be eliminated and devices using 5G will be redesigned so as to prevent harm to your health and the planet’s. Many millions will be employed in rebuilding cities in ruin and replacing decaying infrastructure.

What was intended to devastate the populace has instead resulted in a unified desire to create a better world. As efforts move forward in your concept of time, your mission in this lifetime already is triumphant—that glorious world you are helping Earth’s people manifest is flourishing in the continuum.

Beloved family, we honor and support you with the power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com