Κυριακή 30 Ιουνίου 2019

You can be your own medical intuitive about your cellular structure

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 28 June 2019

The turmoil of change continues as it clearly cause confrontation amongst you, as certain groups fight change not wishing to move on to more peaceful lives and leave behind all the trappings of war. It is clear that the people have had enough of continual warlike experiences and are tired of them. Even those younger generations who have had little or no experience whatsoever of wars seek a peaceful future, as they have a more heightened awareness and intuitively know what is best for Humanity. There is no doubt that slow but sure peace is being brokered all over the Earth, and even those in the hotspots are beginning to see the futility of continuing with warlike activities. There is a movement that is growing upon the Earth that seeks new ways of bringing about world peace, whilst at the same time still allowing the freewill choice of the people. It will come, because it has been ordained so that those of the Light can evolve without interference or delay.

I include this short extract, because it clearly spells out the function of Innate in relation to the brain, and it will figure more and more in our everyday life as time passes.


The Innate is responsible for spontaneous remission, for it can go in and pull out the things in your Akash and place them into your cellular structure. That is how smart it is. You can be your own medical intuitive about your cellular structure.***It is the brain that has the box of beliefs that has who you are based on experience and memory. It is Innate that knows the truth, it is your second brain. One of the attributes of the future Human Being is to build bridge between your consciousness and your Innate, so that you would not need to “Muscle Test”. Innate is your second brain, it is the hearts connection. Become your own medical intuitive.

Innate as your second brain does not function like the first one at all, but it is smart and intelligent and it knows what you need. It is the governor to stop you picking up the wrong things, just like your brain is in a different kind of way.

Innate is what creates emotions, helps you fall in love. It gives you the energy you cannot explain. I know all about it and it changes every cell in your body – it is able to ring true. Innate will serve you, it is you with you, but it is not an entity inside you.

You are from the Great Central Sun, it is where Kryon is from. You will know that you are Eternal, you will know that you know me. You have had more than one life.


When you have an out of the body experience such as when you have been knocked out through some accident or through intent, your thoughts are still perfectly normal. Nothing appears to have dramatically changed, except you find that without your physical body you have complete freedom of movement, and your thoughts are much more powerful in manifesting your desires. It surely proves beyond doubt, that you are not your physical body but a free born entity with a soul. You may also find that your power of thought is empowered to the degree that you can create what you desire.

When I write according to my own intuition, I know that my Higher Self still oversees my thoughts and actions, not to interfere with my intentions but to impart ideas to me as a form of guidance. Not everyone is aware that it exists, but when your Higher Self is accepted, it will come closer to you and is able to do much more for you. By allowing your Higher Self some space to work in you will find more events in your life become synchronized and flow more easily. Remember that it knows more about you than you do, including your life plan, and is therefore better placed to be of guidance to you.

It is apparent that what you call the “old guard” is not suited to today’s needs, as the changes are being arranged so as to introduce new concepts and ways that are far more efficient and purposeful than the old ones. What has passed should now be left to rest, as it has been surpassed by the higher vibrations that have no place in the old scheme of things. The new is here already waiting to be awakened and includes many great souls who are the forefathers of the New Age, who are patiently waiting for Mankind to awaken to the opportunities that are before them.

It is becoming more and more apparent that your history is far different from that which is recorded. It has become obvious that there were past civilizations who were able to fly their own craft, and had used technology far in advance of what we imagined they were capable of. The evidence is here now and even goes as far as the use of nuclear devices. It appears that everything goes in cycles including our own evolution.

Regardless of whatever is taking place on Earth, it will carry on through the Photon Belt on course for Ascension, as after all Mother Earth desires to complete this cycle by entering the new level of vibrations. The time has come to remain steadfast and focused upon your goal. There are many distractions because of the changes you are going through, yet many souls have already raised their vibrations and set their course firmly on ascending. We are getting much help and encouragement, so be assured of success, and your Higher Self is guiding you according to your life plan.

The simple answer as to what you have to do to ensure your success is to treat all souls with love and kindness regardless of their outer appearance. Do not be put off by a person’s bodily features, as the physical body is simply a means to an end, to adequately serve you for your physical experience. All souls are equal in reality and all have the God spark within.

I leave you in love and blessings and may your dreams be fulfilled.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τετάρτη 26 Ιουνίου 2019

A paradise unlike anything you have come across so far

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 21 June 2019

The dark Ones have lost the battle but not the fight and their presence is still noticeable. However, the low vibrations that their kind carry around, can only influence those souls that are of a similar vibration, and it is apparent in many of the younger members of humanity. Nevertheless, it will not have any effect on those who have evolved beyond that stage. The dark Ones are no longer the power that they were, and their aims to take over the world have dismally failed following many centuries of growth. It means that the shackles that have been holding you back have been removed and you are becoming free souls able to take charge of your own evolution. It is entirely expected in the present times and you should now make much quicker progress.

It will be some time before you can fully understand the truth of your being, but it will come to you in all good time. As you journey towards Ascension, you will be given much information about your past, present and future. You are breaking out of your cocoon of forgetfulness and it is necessary for your spiritual growth. In the past, you dropped to such a low level it was feared that you would never wake up to the truth, but somehow sufficient of you were able to lift your vibrations up and reach the higher level. You could say that the few have helped the many get past the 2012 marker and it is helping others to do the same. As we have mentioned many times, once a soul awakens to the Light many helping hands assist you in making further progress. The purpose of life is to gain spiritual knowledge through experience and live accordingly, so that you increase your vibrations and become more of a Being of Light.

With the many challenges that seem to always crop up, understand that some are important to your evolution and should be carefully noted. Few experiences are without some lesson at the root of them, so it is wise to question what that meaning is by looking within. Cleary, if a lesson is to be learnt, it is wise to try and understand what is meant by your experience. For those of you who personally passed the marker, you should by now be advancing spiritually and incurring little if any adverse reactions. Your experience can be put to good use by helping others who may come to you by being attracted to your Light. Some may personally know about you and your work, but others may have been guided to you, so do not be surprised if that happens.

When the Earth and its population have settled down and peace has become the normal state, you will be open to visits from other ET’s who will help you speed up the evolutionary changes. You will learn much from them, having been held back for so long. The first hints of growth and understanding must come from you and then you will get help to implement your ideas and desires. You will make progress quickly, as you are destined to live on your “New Earth” that shall be of pristine beauty. There are really no adequate words to describe the changes from the old Earth to the new one. It will be a paradise unlike anything you have come across so far, and you will be thrilled by the life energy that exists in everything.

So, you have much to look forward to and at long last it is within your sights. It must be so, as decreed by the Supreme Creator. You are part way along the path to completion of this phase, when you will be rewarded with existence in the higher vibrations of tranquility and total peace, that cannot be disturbed by those of a lesser vibration. For such souls their time will come when they have accepted God and look for the pathway home, and each one eventually leads back to the Godhead. Since time does not exist in the higher realms, as everything is in the now, there is no pressure placed upon those who need to go through another series of trials and challenges to evolve. However, as always, help is on hand when a soul becomes enlightened and it will stay with them until that journey is completed. We know that many of you will already be aware of the situation, but may not realize that the present End Times are special, inasmuch that every soul is offered the same opportunity to be part of a mass Ascension.

Your many lives have taken you a long way and today you are a versatile soul with many skills that can be called upon to help you through this particular lifetime. Realize that you draw upon your experiences to get the best results, as clearly you need to specifically benefit from those aspects that can help you get through your life plan. Through such arrangements, it gets the best out of each generation, because progress is “tailored”, so that it occurs in increments that carry you another step in the right direction. Obviously, in the early stages the dark Ones do all they can to stop you succeeding, but at all times progress is inevitable.

You are emerging from unsettling times, so keep your sights on your goal and do not be distracted by outer happenings. There are still pitfalls on your path, but if you keep to the straight and narrow, you will sail straight past them. Indeed, depending on just how far you have progressed, will determine how soon matters settle down for you, so keep yourself in the Light and do not succumb to temptations that will be placed upon your path. Bear in mind that you will occasionally still be tested, but at your point of evolution, you should be able to deal with it with ease.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 20 Ιουνίου 2019

The seeds of change are well developed and cannot be stopped

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 14 June 2019

Political views and opinions are being shaken up and down all over the world, and that should not be surprising in view of the effect the new energies are having. As we have stated on more than one occasion, you are in rapidly changing times that will eventually take you fully into the New Age. In most instances, the higher vibrations that you are experiencing have brought about what you call the grass roots of a new way of living that will be far more acceptable and in accordance with the wishes of the people.

It takes time for needed changes to take place, as there will always be some objection to them and attempts made to stop them occurring. However, that will be to no avail, as the seeds of change are well developed and cannot be stopped. It is amazing how quickly the mood of the people can change and evidence of it is illustrated by the largely organized peaceful protests that are taking place. They are more informed than any earlier generations, and will not stand for any attempts to continue perpetuating the old ways. Change with a capital “C” is about you and in some ways it will be unavoidably disruptive, but if led by those who support democracy it will soon pass much to the peoples delight.

These are times when you must allow for new ways of thinking, indeed they should be encouraged, so that solutions can be found for the new challenges that face you. The answers are already known and those empowered with the knowledge will be eager to step forward when the right circumstances prevail. Again, we say, look to the younger generations to make progress, as they have birthed with the knowledge and ability to provide you with the answers you seek. We support and help those working for the betterment of mankind which is allowed and in those circumstances not considered to be interference with your freewill, but quite the opposite.

What may at first not seem too welcome is that your life span is on the increase, and it is another effect of the rise in vibrations. Aging is slowing down and may already be evidenced by the increasing number of older people who are in relatively good health. There are more and more people in their 80’s and 90’s and it is not entirely due to better health facilities, although it is a factor. Illness is sometimes self-inflicted by bad habits such as eating the wrong foods that do not sustain your body, or for habits such as smoking that can lead to all manner of illnesses including a shortened life span. However, you are waking up to the idea of healthy living and it has resulted in a change from food preferences that are lacking in the nutrients that you need. We mention these things not to admonish you but simply draw it to your attention.

Since we are on the subject of your well-being, it must not be forgotten that adequate exercise also helps to ensure a long healthy life. Fresh air and a general limbering up keep’s your body in good shape and able to overcome the ravages of time. Of course, much of this depends on your age, but there is generally something you can do that will be beneficial for you. We do not propose that everyone should be rabbits, but the intake of raw food stuffs does carry much more good and can help you have a balanced diet. To some extent, your own body will “tell” you what it wants, and conversely what it does not want. Listen to your intuition in such matters and do not eat for sake of it, as over eating is not necessary. We do not preach to you about such matters, but simply remind you as to what may be in your best interests and result in a happy healthy life.

Not all of you have gardens but what a lovely healthy way to spend your time, and you have the bonus of enjoying the results of your labor. In the course of it, you bring yourself closer to nature and if you “love” your garden, it responds to those higher vibrations. So, you see, successful gardening is a labor of love that returns to you every bit as much as you give it, if not more. The energy of love is the Mothers touch that soothes a young baby or child and it illustrates how powerful it is. Can you then imagine the power of the Creator and understand how miracles can take place. Your destiny is to follow such a path, as you really are Gods in the making, but do not let the thought frighten you, as you have quite a long way to go yet, indeed a very long way. It is why each soul is revered, because their potential is known.

Do not ever doubt your potential, as regardless of how you view it now, you have lives ahead of you that will gradually raise your vibrations, so that level by level you gradually become a Being of Light. Once in your Light Body, you will no longer need a physical body, but do not be alarmed, as at any time you will be able to lower your vibrations and self-create one by pure thought. It is as well that you have at least an idea of where your evolution is taking you, so that you are not misled by false stories. However, sometimes the wrong information becomes embedded in your mind, but with the help of your Guides and perhaps suitable experiences, you will succeed in finding your true self.

Dear Ones, you should by now be well aware that you are a powerful soul and that your thoughts can manifest into reality. So, be careful what you wish for and indeed for other souls. You are a healer, if you did but know it and by the same token you can harm others with your thoughts, if you were so inclined. So, as time passes, it is incumbent upon you to take care with the spoken word, as harmful words directed towards someone who is of a high vibration, will so to say bounce off them and back to you. If you find it difficult to bring the changes to mind, be sure to ask your Guides to prompt you, as they can often plant things in your mind that are helpful.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Δευτέρα 17 Ιουνίου 2019

The dark ones are gently accepting that their time of controlling life on Earth is over

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 14 June 2019

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Always the purpose of our messages has been to offer enlightenment, spiritual guidance and encouragement during this unprecedented time in the universe, and at times encouragement is needed most.

“I would love to believe in the existence of a fairer, safer, saner world and finding and reading your posts had given me hope, but it just seems it is getting worse. with the political state of the world and the people in charge, the push for vaccinations, the fear, the introduction of 5G, all things that make my head spin and give me nightmares about what the next years will bring. There is no intelligence in the world that I can see, so I don’t know how this paradise on earth will ever manifest in my lifetime. It seems the dark forces are still extremely powerful and cannot be stopped.”

We want to dispel the apprehensive outlook of this dear soul and others who have expressed their feelings about world affairs in terms that include unconscionable, frightening, ominous, dangerous, alarming, and insane. What you are seeing is the revolution aspect of evolution—awakening peoples are revolting against long-prevailing injustices—and this revolution does not include more wars.

The ever-intensifying light is pushing to the forefront of the world stage all activity based in dark intentions, so the individuals involved are placed squarely in the light’s high vibrations. If they continue to refuse the light being beamed in abundance, neither they nor their activity can be long sustained. The same principle applies to both—without sufficient light, the intention of an activity and the bodies of humankind cannot survive in the high vibratory levels of the astral planes into which Earth is steadily ascending.

Because those individuals with dark hearts and minds have used almost all of their bargaining chips to no avail, they are struggling mightily to keep a toehold on their greatly diminished power, so upheaval will continue for a while. We know that you would like “a while” put into a specific timeframe, but that cannot be done with any accuracy. It is not only the difficulty of assessing linear time in the timelessness of the continuum; much more so, it is the countless free will decisions that are shooting into the collective consciousness every second and moving the “time” yardstick in the energy field of potential to sooner or later.

What we can tell you is, the dark ones are gently accepting that their time of controlling life on Earth is over. But it is! And, as you observe their futile struggle to cling to their last remnants of influence, please keep in mind what we told you some time ago—it is as true in this moment as it was then: Planetary vibrations will strengthen and advance only endeavors that best serve Earth and all her life forms; anything to the contrary cannot be long-lasting.

Hard-won rights and progress in social justice cannot be dismantled. It is not the destiny of Earth’s peoples to go backward, but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature.

The world where life is like that and the planet is restored to health and pristine beauty—the world you are helping to create in linear time—already vibrantly exists in the continuum. [December 9, 2016]

Now then, not all lightworkers’ soul contracts call for living in that far finer world during this incarnation. Some of you chose to move on to more evolved worlds that offer ringside seats for watching Earth’s Golden Age unfold. Not only will you feel gratified by having helped Earth’s civilization manifest that Age, but by volunteering to participate in this grand unique venture, you leaped forward in spiritual and conscious awareness. You will rediscover innate capabilities that aren’t available to you in this moment, and when the Golden Age is in full bloom, when Earth once again is an Eden paradise, you may choose to return and have a long joyous lifetime.

Beloved brothers and sisters, rejoice about Earth’s future—remember, it is thriving gloriously in the continuum—and the next chapter of your immortal life!

“Exactly what is going on ‘behind closed doors’ that gives us any reason to feel hopeful about the world our kids will inherit?” It is behind closed doors where progress is undeniably apparent, not yet to the world, but to us and to the international group of individuals who have been designing resolutions to complex issues that are global in scope. They are acting in concert to remove the last pockets of Illuminati influence, reconcile conflicts, fairly allot the vast wealth of the world, and establish a governance that serves all peoples equally. In short, the group is setting in motion the structural foundation of the transformed world that the light is enabling the society to manifest.

“My friends and I are afraid of losing the choice to have a baby or an abortion if we become pregnant. It’s none of the government’s business or anyone else’s when we decide to start our families, but we want to know if abortion is against God’s laws.” No—God’s laws pertain only to the orderly workings of the universe. Abortion would not be a legal, religious or political issue if people knew what a member of an eighth-density civilization told my mother many years ago:

A soul does not need a body for life itself, as that is inherent in the essence of every soul. It is only for experiencing physically what cannot be without some mass for functioning that souls choose to have a body of some sort.

Among your people, there is a great misconception about “life” and the difference between a soul and a body. You have a process called “abortion” that some believe is the destruction of a new life, and there is argument about when a soul enters a body being formed in the womb. No soul’s life ever is destroyed by ending the formation of a developing body. Bodies grow independently of souls through the natural laws of physical mechanisms reproducing in accordance with the cellular programming of each civilization.

Souls are not restricted to incarnating in a specific civilization. A soul’s spiritual evolutionary status automatically puts it within a certain vibratory level, and it chooses a civilization within that sphere that can provide the experiencing needed for its advancement. The greater the spiritual evolvement, the higher the light station within which a soul may choose the civilization for embodying, or living as a free spirit member.

Souls whose spiritual growth needs are within the third density of Earth or other placements of similar vibratory status have a number of choices regarding bodies. They may reside around the parents even before conception takes place, and after conception, they may enter the fetus to experience that growth sensation. If that kind of experience isn’t needed, they may remain “outside” for other kinds of experiencing prior to the birth, but with a soul contract “claim” on the developing body that other souls respect.

If a soul enters a developing body and then reverses that decision, the woman experiences a miscarriage. A soul may inhabit a developing body until imminent birth, then decide not to continue in that body and a stillbirth results. Also, a soul may make one of those decisions, experience what it requires emotionally, and in agreement with another soul, will exit and the second soul enters until miscarriage, stillbirth or live birth occurs. A soul with a “claim” on a developing body may permit another soul to reside in the body to experience the growth and birth sensation, then that soul leaves and the first one takes over the physical life.

These various situations always are by agreement with all souls involved, which of course includes the parents and any other family members, and the purpose is to permit chosen experiencing to several souls at the level they need. Abortion, like all the other stages from prior to conception through a viable birth, provides opportunities for the participating souls to experience the attendant emotions that fill voids in their experiences to that moment.

Thank you, Mother. Because those truths are not known and feelings about abortion around the world run the gamut of emotions, controversy about this issue will continue. Ultimately, it will be decided that people who feel abortion is wrong will abide by their convictions and people who want to choose what best serves their circumstances will have that opportunity without legal opposition. We add that when the peoples have considerably advanced spiritually and consciously, conception will happen only when parents desire, just as it does in evolved civilizations where reproduction is by sexual union rather than mental focusing or cloning.

“Terrorist attacks on synagogues and the brazen neo-Nazi movement have made me feel afraid for my Jewish friends. How did anti-Semitism start and why is it on the rise?” It started prior to biblical times with jealousy and resentment of successful Hebrew businessmen, and that was fueled by the false claim and subsequent Christian belief that Jews’ betrayal of Jesus led to his death on a cross—as stated in previous messages, the crucifixion did not happen. Anti-Semitism continued down through the centuries for those reasons and more recently it also may stem from how Zionism, which began harmoniously and cooperatively with Palestinians well over 100 years ago, has evolved.

The control of Israel has been taken over by war-mongering individuals who descended from the Khazars, a fierce tribe that used Judaism as a means to unite the various tribes they conquered as they spread west. A few of those individuals are in the government and many more with the same aim are working outside of it, and all are in the Illuminati’s top ranks; they never have served the best interests of Israelis or Jewish people anywhere else in the world. Their forebears instigated pogroms in European countries and the Holocaust. But by labeling “anti-Semitic” anyone who opposes their treatment of Palestinians or their provoking conflict with neighboring countries, these individuals gained the international support that expanded their power. A long-time goal, one of many they never will reach, is making Jerusalem the Illuminati headquarters from which they would rule the entire Mideast.

Like all other forms of darkness that have shred the fabric of Earth’s civilization, the destructive effects of anti-Semitism and all other forms of bigotry and suppression have been put under a global spotlight. That exposure is why Muslims, Christians, and nonreligious persons rallied in solidarity with Jewish congregations. It is why women worldwide are making inroads to ending the culture of male dominance, and it is lessening prejudice and discriminatory action aimed at Muslims, homosexual and transgender populations and indigenous tribes. These attitudinal changes are of immeasurable significance—the society is taking action to right the wrongs.

This is happening in response to the feminine energy pouring in to balance the masculine energy from which all forms of oppression and bellicosity have risen. In no way are we demeaning masculine energy or exalting feminine energy. Both have strong qualities, and when the two are in balance, they complement each other and produce the high vibrations that enable a civilization to evolve. Now that the energies are coming into balance on Earth, the vast majority of the population is inspired to make the far better world they want, a world where no base aspects of humankind’s nature exist.

“I despair about so much in this world that needs to be fixed. The homeless, hunger, poverty, demolished cities, damaged environment—I could go on and on. It’s so discouraging that money is spent on space exploration instead of improving life here on Earth. Could Matthew please give us his opinion about this?” Our opinion of anything in your world would not be given any consideration whatsoever by your decision-makers, but we happily offer it to you, dear lightworkers.

Every civilization needs visionaries who look at the stars and yearn to know what is “out there.” Without visionaries there would be no discoveries or enlightenment, no inventions or innovations or advancement of any kind. Indeed, a great deal needs to be fixed in your world, and all of it can be—shall be!—accomplished side by side with space exploration. The latter will be far more enjoyable than prior projects—members of your universal family will be technical advisers and tour guides—the light you are radiating into the world is helping to bring that day closer.

All light beings throughout this universe honor and support you with the unlimited power of Unconditional Love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna

Πέμπτη 13 Ιουνίου 2019

The Dissolution Of The False Light Construct

David Manning, Contributing Writer, HowToExitTheMatrix.Com

Over the past couple of months, in energy work sessions, something really interesting has been showing up. I wasn’t at all sure what I was seeing at first. Then, as it became clear, I was amazed at the scale of the process. What I was seeing in individual fields was the dissolution of the False Light Construct (FLC).

This is a really big deal. The FLC has been operational for many thousands of years on this planet. I don’t pretend to know much of its history. But I’ll talk about what it is that I have come to understand.

Basically, we, Humanity, have been fooled. Largely by the organized religions on this planet. We have been taught that there are a huge number of rules and regulations governing our morality, our behavior, our salvation. We have been taught that there are ways we need to behave if we want to get into “heaven”, if we want even the slightest chance of meeting God. The very natural process of spiritual evolution has been twisted and tainted with guilt, fear and shame, and made into something unnatural.

Over many centuries, our connection to the earth has been deeply compromised. We have trained into an understanding that the earth holds the hell zones, and investigating those regions underneath us was dangerous.

As a largely uneducated and superstitious population, we were tricked into believing a natural connection with other dimensions, and psychic abilities to perceive other worlds, actually meant we were consorting with Satan. Our great nature spirit deva Pan became the devil. Sensuality, sexuality and a deep pleasurable relationship with our own body was twisted into something shameful and guilt ridden.

Our capacity to receive energy rising naturally from the earth into our systems, to enable us to feel fully nourished and nurtured was minimized, so we would experience more lack, and come to hunger for wealth rather than experience true abundance, which is perpetual flow, moving through us.

The connectedness we have had to the Sun, another vast source of energy that sustains us, has also been massively diminished. Our worship of a being, a male deity that is jealous, vengeful, and wrathful, has been funneled through priests and organizations that have been among the most corrupt, dangerous and bloodthirsty institutions on the planet.

We have been taught to believe that penance and suffering were ways to collect spiritual brownie points. Martyrdom was saintly, women are second class citizens, and that “man shall have dominion over the earth.” Look where that one has got us.

These teachings have been layered artfully into the collective field over thousands of years. They have bound us in torturous constructs that have sapped vitality and well being, and literally siphoned off vast quantities of prayer energy and supplication into the FLC.

This False Light Construct is now falling apart. It exists as a multidimensional piece of architecture, vast, seemingly all encompassing. It’s very clever in its architecture. It actually only exists in the 4th dimension. You simply have to climb into higher dimensions to realize it as an illusion. Trouble is, the 4th dimension is vast, and if you are bound into this 4th dimensional Construct, climbing higher is made much more difficult.

Whole realms of purgatory and limbo have been created, along with Summerlands and Heavens, and they are all illusory traps that exist as part of the False Light Construct.

Why? Well, we, as humans are extraordinarily creative beings. We are Alchemical zones of creation, spinning vast fields of energy through our systems. We are also very easy to manipulate, if we don’t have access to the truth. And we haven’t for a long time. So the off planetary races that have been controlling things here for ages have infiltrated all of the systems of religion, perhaps even constructing them from their beginnings, as a way of binding humanity into knots. It has been a neatly devised system crafted in order to farm us for our vast output of creative energy.

The energies of sex, shame, guilt, fear, prayer, supplication, sacrifice, obedience, powerlessness, all of these feed the FLC. It’s a breathtakingly well designed Construct. And now it’s dissolving.***I’ve seen it happening in energy fields, as I’m working with individuals. I know now that if I see something repeatedly, that I am being shown something that is available for the collective. Eric Raines also has seen this happening. This is truly liberating.

We are shedding at last the systems of religion that have been used to suppress and diminish rather than set us free.

We, of course, have been instrumental in the creation of these big constructs. How exciting it is to be present on the planet for their collapse?

This dissolution of the FLC is a part of the greater emptying out of the whole of the 4th dimension, as we integrate, process and move through all that we stored there. Those of us choosing to become conscious are dealing with all our illusions, fantasies, projections and energetic creations that have been holding in the astral for thousands of years. Those that are not choosing to evolve at this time, will be projecting them onto others. We see this happening on a large scale across the planet. It is now more important than ever to do the work of refining our field, integrating the shadow, and accessing and anchoring the ever higher frequencies that are present for us. Any work we have to do becomes very clear very quickly, and is hugely supported. It moves through smoothly and with ease.

The 4th dimension, the astral field, holds duality, and all the polarized states. We are moving beyond those now, and so 5th dimensional frequencies are where we need to anchor ourselves. From there, we can witness much of the coming chaos, with relative calm.

David holds conference calls that take you deep within yourself for refining your field, integrating the shadow, and anchoring the light. Find out about these calls on his website, Davidmanningenergywork.com.

Δευτέρα 10 Ιουνίου 2019

You have completed all of the hard work and experiences to move into a period of release from karma into joy and freedom

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 7 June 2019

Nothing can prepare you for the future except that you expect the best of everything. Be assured that you are already on a path to great changes that will be more than welcome, and fulfill your dreams of having everything that you ever needed and more than you can presently imagine. Already different groups are receiving promptings to advance mankind, but for peaceful purposes and to set up societies that work for the betterment of all without any exclusion. It clearly will take much time to reach the ultimate stages, but everything has to have a beginning at some time and that time has already commenced. The goal that will be achieved is to promote more group plans, and as you would say, ”small is beautiful” and that will be the challenge to arrange things accordingly. Already you have been finding that smaller set-ups operate more efficiently and you are being guided in that direction.

As you are entering a new period that will of necessity involve many changes in the way societies are formed, you may be certain that many souls that have recently come to Earth are here to give you the advantage of their experience that will help you advance in leaps and bounds. You will also have the benefit of new inventions that will be given to you as soon as it is safe to do so, without them being stolen or misused. As you will realize, it cannot take place until the dark Ones and their cohorts are moved out of the way. They have been carefully monitored for a long time and their intentions have been known. Eventually, they will be incapable of interfering with your progress that will then go speeding ahead.

Your Inner Earth is home to many E.T’s that reside at depths that are not usually probed, but with the changes many will have no option but leave. They certainly will not go forward with the new Earth that will be your ultimate home. However, some of the E.T’s that are positive and evolved are part of your evolution, and will openly work with you well before Ascension. In the long run, you will find that all experiences help you to evolve, and it is because every soul has a life plan that is calculated to help their evolution, and would have been agreed by them beforehand. Planning your evolution is a complicated matter, as it relies on many other souls playing their part with the help of your Guides and without interfering with your freewill.

Death is subject that some people avoid having to discuss and it often comes from not understanding the information they are given. There are a number of explanations that mainly come through religious sources, but none are completely accurate. The main fact is that immediately upon death of the body, when your heart stops beating, you leave your body and are usually attracted to another level of Light where you will be met by family or friends who have obviously been waiting for your arrival. Because of religious teachings, some will find a different reception upon arrival, but you will all be in your etheric body that is of a much higher vibration than your old physical body. If you can accept this much about life after death, you will understand that you have nothing at all to fear.

To stay on the path of Ascension, bear in mind that there is a need to empower yourselves with the new energies. Do not look back and know that there is a sound reason for this advice, as the old ways will no longer advance your evolution. The ultimate would be to live in the “now” and not try to pre-determine how your path would work out. Clearly, there are many pathways to Ascension, but as a collective you are all treading a personal path that has been especially designated for you. Allow things to flow and what you need to evolve will come to you. We know it is difficult to suddenly change your approach and understanding of your evolutionary path, but you have entered a new paradigm that calls for a different reaction. Try it and see for yourself how your life progresses, if you simply take it as it comes. You can then rely more on your intuition, and be assured that should you make a mistaken decision, your Guides will do their best to redirect you to your correct pathway.

At this stage, nothing should be able to put you off your goal to ascend, as you are now too advanced to fail. You have done all of the hard work by getting through the lower dimensions, and have established your selves as being worthy of continuing in the higher dimensions. You will never have to go back to the lower vibrations, as they are unsuitable for the level you are at now. It is “fast speed ahead” and very soon the new innovations will start to be released having been well prepared in advance, knowing the inevitability of a grand increase in your vibrations. Not every soul is interested in moving out of their present dimension, as instinctively they know that they are not ready and therefore they should be allowed to progress at a rate that suits them. Nothing is to be gained from rushing them before they are prepared and ready to make a great leap forward in their evolution.

Dear Ones, you are so loved for your dedication and determination to succeed in the tasks you have undertaken. You were so positive that you could be cut off from the Godhead and still find your way back in spite of the darkness that would engulf you as you plummeted through the depths. You have little if any idea as to how long you have been travelling the road back to the Light. Yet, it has been for many thousands of years, but you have finally made it. Your consciousness levels are now moving quickly forwards, and with it will come a greater level of awareness and recollection of your real selves as mighty Beings of Light. No wonder, you are revered by those who have followed your exploits and given you every encouragement to keep going, regardless of the obstacles in your way. You have completed all of the hard work and experiences to move into a period of release from karma into joy and freedom.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τρίτη 4 Ιουνίου 2019

Progress is speeding up and already pointing the way to a future of the most exciting changes

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 31 May 2019

From our standpoint we see a world that is struggling to come to terms with problems that do not respond to the old way of working. It is clear that you are not going to solve them until you are prepared to look at them from a new perspective. The people as a collective are beginning to realize that a new pathway must be opened up and due consideration given to changes that need to be introduced if you are going to overcome your present problems. The answers are awaiting you immediately you show willingness to move into the new paradigm without any preconceived ideas, and are open to solving your problems in ways not considered before. As always, your Guides are ready to assist as they are already aware of the answers to the problems you face.

The time for making important decisions has arrived as you must find your way out of the mess that you are in as a Human Race. There are new people ready to assume positions of importance with the foresight to set you upon the right path. It should be an easy transition, as the help you need is awaiting your presence, and will put you on the path to the fulfillment of your needs, whilst at the same time linking you with other souls that will also assist you. These are the times that so many souls have been waiting for, as they are already primed for the work to be carried out. Realize that age is not an important factor in this present time, and that the souls making up the “New forces for good” are those of more recent incarnations. They are those Light working on your behalf who have been preparing you for this time that is the most important period yet, as it leads to your fulfillment directly to Ascension.

Progress is speeding up and already pointing the way to a future of the most exciting changes. What has been held back from you will soon come into being, and in fact has already made a start that involves moving on from the old ways of living. The net result will be a fairer way of distributing the wealth of the world, so that living standards are raised and poverty eradicated. It may take time to become apparent, but the seeds have already been sown. The wealth of the world is such that no one needs any longer to suffer hunger or deprivation.

The weather has been changing for some time now and will continue to have its ups and downs, but with modern methods of forecasting it should be possible to anticipate what problems are coming, and deal with them satisfactorily. Whilst the dark Ones continue with their aim to control other life forms within your solar system, humankind can progress in its own way to achieve a peaceful existence that will be supported by the higher powers. Freewill is at its best when sympathy and caring are supported by Universal Love, and Humanity is just beginning to realize that it is the only way forward. You are all brothers and sisters regardless of color or creed and should support each other in their times of need.

In the rising vibrations more people are becoming extra sensitive to each other’s feelings and needs, resulting in more compassionate help being given. It is going to grow and in consequence it will bring people together in higher levels of companionship and understanding and will overcome any previous difficulty in accepting each other for what they are. You must have realized by now that all souls are equal on one level, and in essence are the same as you and because they are of a different color or of religious beliefs, does not alter their relationship to all souls. It might be as well to remember that for experience and growth, all souls move around in their many incarnations, so you should not look upon them as really being different to yourself.

The biggest currency changes that are coming are hovering in the background and still await the “right” time to go ahead. There are many factors involved and the most pressing is in respect of the false value that some currencies carry. There are moves to get the currencies to reflect their true values and the main reason is because some are greatly overvalued. In time, your need for money in its present form will change, and become less and less needed. It is not new to you, as in bygone times barter and exchange were the means of doing business. The money markets are often manipulated and false values shown by those speculators who operate it for personal gain. You have an expression “that money is the root of all evil” and that is very much the case, so a change for the better in the way it is used would help those who are poor and many who live in poverty.

Matters in general will change for the betterment of mankind, when it is recognized that every soul is deserving of having sufficient of the Earths wealth to enjoy a comfortable standard of living. Education has gone a long way towards improving matters and reducing the gap between the “haves” and the “have nots”. People should now expect an upliftment in their living standards, and it should continue to progress until poverty is completely eliminated. Bear in mind that all situations are of value, inasmuch they offer experience that helps a soul evolve, and with a succession of incarnations gain from many different levels of living.

The Blue Avians continue to monitor Earth and ensure that your experiences are not unnecessarily interrupted, as every soul has a life plan that when fully played out will contribute to their evolution. It is not given to other souls to know the reasons for another ones incarnation, and it means that matters can progress normally in accordance with each souls freewill. Know that many Higher Beings are present who will ensure that the change goes according to the greater plan for Humanity. They are ever present and sending waves of love and blessings to see you through this period of turmoil, so that you can rise up again.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light