Τρίτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2018

The light, the same energy as love, that is within each of you, is the power that is transforming your world

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 17 October 2018 

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by addressing the two matters of most concern to readers. First, mandatory vaccinations for children. Extraterrestrial special forces scientists are neutralizing to the extent possible the toxins in vaccines. Nevertheless, continued opposition to vaccinating children as a prerequisite for their attending school is necessary to end this practice that has caused an autism-like condition in many children. Bodies’ chemistry and immune systems are stressed by mercury, and youngsters who are especially vulnerable sustain neurological damage that results in symptoms very similar to autism, which is a very rare condition. Opposition can be reinforced by declining inoculations advised by healthcare professionals who are rewarded by vaccine manufacturers or believe the false claim that “preventive” flu shots and a raft of others are necessary public health measures. 

We add that vaccines, like the first pharmaceuticals, were developed for beneficial purposes. Any innovation that is designed to be of benefit can be adapted for malevolent purposes, and that is what the Illuminati have done at every stage of the civilization’s progress. ***The other matter is the 5G wireless technology that offers highly accelerated speed and broader bandwidth. This new generation of communication service still is in development and market-testing stages, and universal family members are reducing the emissions’ impact on bodies of the relatively few people who are exposed; when devices are in mass production, those members will expand their technological assistance accordingly. A significant factor is the amount of light in a body—the more light, the higher the vibratory rate, and the less the body is affected by emissions. 

As the society learns the facts about vaccines and the effect those emissions can have on bodies’ electrical systems, by public demand unnecessary vaccinations will be stopped and all electronic equipment and devices will be designed with safety-to-health as the foremost consideration. ***In previous messages we addressed readers’ issues with US President Trump in simple statements acknowledging his lack of presidential qualifications and sound judgment and that he was reversing his country’s progress. The following excerpts from some of the many similar reactions to our last message show that you want explanations and we need to offer them. 

“His behavior just does not seem to jibe with the persona of someone who is attempting the important work of dismantling the Illuminati.” “He doesn’t appear to care about anyone but himself. Could Matthew please explain this?” “Trump is a pathological liar. Why would anyone in that international group trust him?” “Please ask Matthew to expound on that man in the white house.” “Our president seems mighty far from ‘the light’ in words and actions. How come this is not addressed?” “If Matthew is going to put Donald Trump forward as someone who is working to topple the evil ones and lead us into the light, he owes us an explanation for how such an extremely odious human being could be tasked with such a world-changing responsibility.” 

“What I can’t understand is why anyone voted for that narcissist, misogynist, racist liar who’s pompous and crude to boot. From the minute he started campaigning, it was obvious what kind of person he is.” “If Matthew feels it is for the highest good, could he please address this contrast we are seeing in all the actions Donald Trump has done that are destructive to so many of the programs that help the environment and the health and well-being of our US citizens?” “I cannot understand how Americans could elect a man like Donald Trump to be their president.” “Could you please explain to me how he can be so opposite of loving energy for our world and still for putting the Illuminati down.” “Trump is a very disgusting man who has CAUSED a lot of anger and divisions in the country. Why was such a morally bankrupt man chosen to be in this position? It doesn’t make sense.” “I really want to feel a trust for this country’s political leadership but find so much of it wanting for integrity. Who do we trust?” ***First we say, our love for Donald Trump is unconditional, as it is for all other souls on Earth. As we respond to those questions and comments, it will be without judgment or criticism of him, but rather a straightforward account of what we know. 

When he entered the presidential race, he lacked the support base that the other candidates had. To build a base, he made promises he knew would appeal to principals in the fossil fuel and banking industries who wanted regulations on their enterprises eliminated; the wealthy and corporate heads who wanted lower tax rates; individuals who wanted their religious convictions to be the laws of the land; those who did not want immigrants in the country; and the many people who felt their government ignored them while enabling others to prosper. Enacting laws and policies that would please voters across that spectrum was directly in line with Mr. Trump’s goal, to undo everything he could that the previous administration had accomplished. 

As far as we know, he’s not familiar with the name Illuminati—his “crooked Hillary” was, like “drain the swamp” and “build the wall,” a slogan he devised to attract and retain the support of like-minded citizens. Although he was right about “crooked,” he had no evidence to substantiate that until recently, and we are aware that he wants her “locked up” so he can say “I told you so.” While that self-serving reason is not admirable, it has no bearing at all on why he is included in the international group working to end all Illuminati activity—as stated in our last message, it is the presidential office he holds. We are aware, too, that while others in the group treat him with the dignity accorded heads of state, they have little respect for him and are prudent about what they reveal. But they know his cooperation is essential—he is the leader of the country where most of the peak Illuminati are citizens and must be dealt with within its justice system. 

The “persona” Donald Trump. His egocentricity, truth-twisting boastfulness about himself and his achievements, and appointing persons whose flattery of him often exceeds their competency stem from deep-seated insecurity and need for approval, childhood feelings that intensified as the years passed. During the fleeting moments when those feelings emerge, his fear and confusion result in a repetitive phrase, a slurred or wrong word, or gestures. To disguise his brief lapses of loss of control, he intentionally repeats phrases or gestures so they always appear to be for emphasis; however, his mental processes are not as keen as they once were. 

To love and respect others, first one must love and respect self, and, contrary to public perception, Donald Trump does not have those feelings for himself—that is why he can’t feel love or respect, empathy, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness or concern for others. Instead, he is driven to win, to succeed, to control, to obtain and maintain, and he doesn’t let laws or ethics interfere with attaining his objective. To be sure, he is not unique in that regard—it is that his widely publicized wealth, business ventures, relationships, and now, the presidency, have kept him in the spotlight. And he is afraid of losing that. Beneath his public bravado and self-assurance is fear of loss, and there is no light in fear. 

Trust is earned, and if individuals act in ways that do not engender your trust, they don’t deserve it. Let that be so, and put your trust where it is deserved: your intuition, instinct, conscience, inspiration and aspirations. Living in accordance with the soul’s guidance evokes a sense of inner peacefulness even when circumstances are not satisfactory. 

And now, dear family, please let’s put to rest this issue of misgivings about the United States president. We are not saying those feelings are unjustified! But a far better direction for your energy is into light-filled thoughts and feelings. The light, the same energy as love, that is within each of you is the power that is transforming your world. 

“It seems impossible to destroy the cabal by ourselves. If extraterrestrials are going to help us, like you and other channeled messengers said, what are they waiting for?” Extraterrestrial family on the planet and in ships surrounding it have been helping you all along in all the ways they are permitted. They cannot interfere with anyone’s free will except to prevent attempts to start a nuclear war, which is by Creator’s decree, or to cause pandemics, which is by God’s honoring Gaia’s free will choice. 

There is another consideration here. Earth is the homeland of the civilization there, and by universal law, it is their right and responsibility to manifest the kind of world they want. However, in this unprecedented time in the universe, other civilizations have been authorized to assist Earth’s peoples, and you volunteered to help them realize that they have the power to make their world the way they want it to be. At soul level they do know this—the realization that is still nebulous on a conscious level will become clearer as the vibratory rate continues accelerating. 

Even without consciously knowing their innate power, their progress is praiseworthy, and your steadfastness in the light has been an invaluable contribution. Think of the myriad grassroots movements that are improving conditions in villages and cities around the world; finding ingenious resolutions to challenges in healthcare, education, communication and multicultural relationships; preserving the environment; treating animals humanely; expanding philanthropic assistance and humanitarian aid. All of those achievements have been chipping away at cabal-perpetuated impoverishment, destruction, bigotry and violence; and the aforementioned international group is working to hold the cabal, the Illuminati, accountable for their crimes against humanity. 

Crews will land with their technologies and extraterrestrials living among you will introduce themselves, that is certain, but it isn’t likely to happen until after the cabal’s global network is destroyed. God is in charge of the timing of the occasion commonly called Disclosure, and the determining factor is assurance of safety for everyone. That will come with the elimination of threats from forces still under Illuminati command and a civilization that is ready to meet strangers from other worlds. Rising vibrations are aiding in the riddance of all dark activity and are preparing Earth’s peoples consciously and spiritually for the momentous day of greeting other members of the Universal Family. 

Beloved sisters and brothers, Light Beings throughout this universe support you with Unconditional Love and honor your dedicated service to Gaia and her civilization. 


Suzanne Ward 

Website: The Matthew Books 

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Δευτέρα 15 Οκτωβρίου 2018

You can hardly imagine what delights and interesting experiences await you

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 12 October 2018 

You are reaching a point where you cannot fail to start achieving your aims for the future. It matters not in which direction you are heading, you will get support and help to achieve your ambition. As you continue to evolve you will acquire all of the talents that you will need to succeed, but help it along by concentrating on your goal. You will always have your Guides around you so call upon them if you need help. Understand that when you are born you come with the essence of what it is you are aiming to be, and know that at various stages in your development there will be key points to help you along. 

It also covers your intended meetings with other souls who will be working with you or can give you those opportunities that you will need. It may of course come from within your own family, in which case you chose them for that very reason. In a different situation some souls are placed with those who can benefit their soul growth, where sometimes they need to learn lessons that will help them on their path to the Light. Knowing this, you will understand that above all, your soul growth is the most important goal at all times. Some lessons in life can be very tough, but be assured you should be able to handle whatever challenges come your way and you will always find that help is at hand when required. 

The New Age you have now entered is one that will eventually see such an upliftment in vibrations that you will find you evolution progressing faster than ever before. Some of the changes come about because you will have reached a stage where there is less negativity around you to hold you back. The future is the fulfillment of your dreams to live in utter peace and with loving souls around you, without any fear of interference because the dark Ones will have been unable to reach your level of development. It is normal after the end of an Age, when the cycle has been completed. Instead of starting anew, you carry forward with all of your attributes and skills, and that negative aspects do not exist. 

Never forget that your destiny is to be a Galactic Being with Full Consciousness, and you are already on that pathway to success. Get used to the idea that you will then be able to travel the Universe, and evolved Beings are already doing so and live on board their Spaceships that have literally become their new home, with everything that would normally be needed for many years of travel in Space, as you would term it they are self-contained and have the technology to supply all of their needs. Also bear in mind that their bodies are of such a high vibration they enjoy perfect health and do not experience any form of illness such as you do. 

Dear Ones, you can hardly imagine what delights and interesting experiences await you, and all of your own choosing. However, there is an over-riding need to ensure your experiences aid your spiritual evolution and there is absolutely no reason why they should not be fulfilling. You may feel that staying in space for such long periods would be far too long to be away from your family and friends, but distance is no deterrent or blockage to still keeping contact with them. After all, you already have your television that can be adapted to send images and sound over long distances. 

Be assured that Space travel gives you the most wonderful experiences, particularly when you meet other humanoids and share your knowledge and experiences. No doubt, some of you will be thinking that language problems must exist when meeting hitherto unknown Beings, but those that are evolved and advanced will probably no longer need to use the spoken word, but instead make contact through thought transference. Clearly this is far much quicker than speaking and overcomes language problems. Can you now see how your experiences are pre-planned for you to ensure that you are equipped with the necessary knowledge and abilities to progress in preparation for Space travel? 

The first steps get nearer each day ready for when history will be made with the first official contact with your Space friends. It will be arranged to ensure that you meet similar Beings to yourself, so that the experience is not a shock to your system. You have already been visited by Beings from your own Solar System who came from Venus, who had quite a lengthy contact with one of your people. The Venusians are most likely the ones who most resemble you, and apart from a higher forehead are very humanlike in their features and appearance. You have had numerous visitors to Earth but so far not as you might call it “an official visit”. If your true history had not been deleted or destroyed, you would already be quite familiar with some of the visitors from within your own Solar System. In the past they have even built upon your Earth and the remains are still there to be seen today. 

Your history is so much different to what you have been led to believe, and it would be most useful to know the truth as you enter the higher vibrations. There is literally proof all around you on Earth of Extraterrestrial visitation in your distant past, and it is only now that there are sufficient open minded people who can read the signs of their presence and prepared to openly talk about it. Many people are scared of the idea of Beings from Outer Space visiting you and have visions of the most frightening weird looking Beings, whereas they are all humanoids. They may have their differences in appearance to you, but they are certainly not monsters by any sense of imagination. Of course, they are spiritually at different levels to you, some are less evolved and many much more advanced who have a lot to offer mankind. 

The coming period will see many changes as the old is released and the new introduced. It will take time and seem chaotic, yet in the long run it will work out for the best. These preparations have to be made in advance, so that finally there is a smooth transition to the new ways of working. Try to see the long term benefits as you are taken into the New Age that offers so much more than before. There will be opposition from those who for personal reasons do not wish to change, but advancement can no longer be held back and must now move forwards. New Age means exactly what it says and there is no place for old systems or methods that have become outdated. Be assured that in time you will be totally satisfied with the changes that are taking place. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τρίτη 9 Οκτωβρίου 2018

In forgiving yourselves, you find it much easier to forgive others

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 25 August 2018 

The way you, humanity, live on Earth is to change soon and dramatically for the better. Awareness is finally dawning on enough of you that to live as separate individuals attending mainly to your own needs and desires does not work and cannot work. The evidence has been there for eons, but your ego-driven selves have either been refusing to see it, or have totally denied it. Instead the world has been a place where unbridled competition has held sway on all levels of society and in every nation and culture. The fear of rejection and the need to belong to a group that is supportive and protective has been extremely divisive, as wars and conflicts within families or between nations throughout your recorded history clearly demonstrates. 

As humans, in form, it does appear that you are separate, and for eons you have sought to belong to powerful support groups, because as individuals you seem small, insignificant, and vulnerable. But these support groups always developed dominating hierarchies where the seemingly stronger members – practically all of whom were males – were forever competing in a hostile or aggressive manner for the role of leader. This behavior is ego and testosterone driven and always leads to pain and suffering, often on vast scales as recent global wars have shown. 

It may appear that competition in trade is good and honorable, and that, being far more rational than conflict, it has greatly reduced the possibility of further major wars. This is not the case. Competitive games were once an amusing way to express and release these tensions by engaging in friendly challenges of skill and strength between opposing teams. However, these games have become very serious money making ventures, the fun has been removed, the aim has changed, and now the intent is mainly to engage in conflict to crush, dominate, and humiliate the opposing team. Competition in trade is even more ruthless, and wars have been instigated to protect business assets. 

For a long time the mainstream media has manipulated the truth to ensure that the general population supports the wishes of big business, the owners of the media, by presenting the news in a light that is favorable to it. However, in the last two or three decades, with advent of inexpensive and instant worldwide telecommunications available to all, the mainstream media’s control and manipulation of the news has been seriously weakened and undermined. People everywhere are learning that what they are told always has a hidden agenda supporting it, and that it cannot be taken at face value. The phrase “follow the money” has arisen to encourage awareness of the pervasive dishonesty that was, until recently, well disguised by those claiming to inform. 

Mass awareness of the lack of honesty and integrity in business, politics, and many other social, religious, educational, charitable, and cultural organizations is growing rapidly, and this is already leading to big changes in order to disclose what needs to be uncovered. New leaders, who will operate openly and honestly, are now standing up and being promoted into positions from which they can first cleanse these organizations, and then ensure that they can be directed to engage honestly and wholeheartedly with their claimed mission statements of purpose. 

These changes are enormous and phenomenal events arising in human society all across the world. Do not be discouraged by the continuing flow of information about corruption in high places. Instead, remember that this has been going on for eons, while information about it was deeply hidden. It has always been there, many have suspected it, but the evidence was not available to confirm it. Now it is all coming out because the Light of Love, that you all intend to open to and demonstrate in your daily lives, is massively effective. 

Your loving intentions are changing each of you, assisting you to act from your heart centers with honesty and integrity, and are then flowing out from you in waves of loving energy that is assisting enormously in changing the world. You all chose to incarnate at this time to take part in humanity’s awakening process by offering the energy of your powerful loving intentions to all with whom you interact in any manner at all. It is not something you do in words or conversation, it just is your personal energy field interacting with other energy fields and uplifting, lightening, and inspiring them. 

What you are doing in every moment is essential to the awakening process, because your energy fields are all intensifying in every moment and because you are all holding and renewing the intent to be only loving whatever arises for you personally in your daily lives. Nevertheless, there will be times when a situation is emotionally very disturbing for you – after all you are still in form as unawakened humans – and you will react unlovingly. But, you will quickly realize, even if not immediately, that you reacted in a way that was unloving, in a way that was out of alignment with your true intent, and you will be upset, even angry with yourselves. 

Understand that what occurred was not what you intended or would have chosen, and that it was just an emotional reaction to a powerful feeling that in that moment seemed to be you. However, you know that you are not your emotions or your feelings, it’s just that occasionally that knowing escapes you in the moment, and that is simply an aspect of being human. So, the important thing is to forgive yourselves and let go of any judgment, blame, or shame you have dumped on yourselves. 

You know that what occurred was not intended, and that how you reacted was not who you are. It is a lesson for you because it helps you to understand why others overreact in moments of fear, panic, or extreme stress. Just seeing that strengthens you! Yes, when you explode in anger at someone it very clearly shows you the downside of being an unawakened human. And in seeing that, and in forgiving yourselves, you find it much easier to forgive others, while also raising your awareness of how easy it is to react inappropriately. It shows you that you do need to be alert – especially when you are tired or in a hurry – to triggers that can shove you into reaction before you manage to pause and take a deep breath. 

You are all divine beings, infinitely loved in every moment, and, as you know, God does not judge. Therefore, follow His example, and cease judging yourselves. Instead love and forgive yourselves as He does, and in doing so you will find that you have the strength and the desire to forgive others, and in that desire you will find a beautiful sweetness and a compassion for all others. 

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Δευτέρα 8 Οκτωβρίου 2018

Your Space Family are eagerly waiting for the time when they can openly arrive on Earth

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 5 October 2018 

You are rapidly approaching the end of the year and looking back realize that time is still speeding up. The vibrations continue to lift up and slowly but surely many souls are also experiencing a change in their vibrations. The result is they feel more at ease and less inclined to have drastic mood changes and feel able to experience some negativity without any lasting effect. A peaceful and fulfilling experience beckons and calmness in the face of any upsetting experience. You can be a catalyst for peace when conditions are very changeable as at present, and will find people gravitating towards you for that reason. It is all part of your evolutionary experiences and by example you encourage other souls to follow your way of life. At present the outer world continues to be in a turmoil, yet at the same time it is, so to say, clearing up old problems and thereby releasing karma that has often accumulated over many centuries. However, now that you are in the New Age you cannot take it with you, and it has to be worked out and finally cleared for once and for all. 

You can expect to see some remarkable changes around you, when old enemies put their differences behind them, and settle for peace. It must come and will be encouraged by those who can see ways of making a settlement that appeases all concerned. The time for wars and any actions that hold up peaceful advancement will no longer be acceptable, and the warmongers will find that their plans are being foiled and prevented from becoming live. Soon it will become evident that the expense of war and all it entails, is extremely wasteful both in the cost of money and human lives. Indeed, there is already reluctance amongst younger people to entertain any actions that are not in the interests of world peace. They are what you would call a new breed who have a wider understanding of how Humans can work together and achieve peace. Their voices will be heard and they will be acknowledged for the insight and good sense that they have. 

Your Space Family are eagerly waiting for the time when they can openly arrive on Earth, but as already mentioned desire to do so when their safety is assured. Understand that they long ago moved beyond the use of force to achieve their aims, and whilst they would be forced to defend themselves if threatened, they can do so without resorting to warlike action. They come to you in absolute love and peace, and ready to help you take your place amongst them. For some of you it will be renewing your links with family who have come from places outside of the Earth. Many will no doubt be pleasantly surprised to find that they are from the higher dimensions and volunteered to take embodiment on Earth and helped Humans get past the marker of 2012. You will find that service to others is quite normal once you have risen up, and is all towards giving those who need it a helping hand. When you often hear that “All are One”, you are indeed linked to an unbreakable bond that unites all souls wherever they may be. 

You may have had your evolution held back by the dark Ones, but in the long run you will not lose any of the advantages that so far you have been denied. In fact, many new ideas have already been developed and are ready to be made available to you. Some have crept into your way of life, as it has been impossible for the dark Ones to withhold everything from you. So, in some respects you may not be so far behind as you might imagine. However, modernization is sadly lacking in many areas and you are paying for it in more senses than one. However, advancement cannot be stopped but simply slowed down, so you will suddenly go forwards in leaps and bounds once you can get started. 

Fortunately, you are just beginning to recognize the extreme damage you are doing to the environment and the animal kingdom. You will be prompted to take sensible action and with “unseen” help be able to clear up problems faster than would have seemed possible. The most pressing need is for suitable action to be taken to remove the pollution from your seas before it causes needless loss of marine life. Show goodwill and the intent to overcome the serious problems created for so much of your sea life and almost indifference to the damage you have been causing, and you will almost certainly get help. You are seeing the result of years of neglect that has caught up with you. Lessons will undoubtedly be learnt as you accept the responsibilities to look after your environment. 

The move towards a more settled Earth is taking shape, and many moves are occurring that will result in leadership changes that are appropriate to fulfill the needs of the people. The old ways are already things of the past and cannot be restored. New ideas abound everywhere, but many are still being held back by those who will not change their ways. There are also those who have invested in long term changes that do not reflect the new approach to everything that is needed to bring the New Age into complete manifestation. Have no fear, because changes for the better must come, and very soon you will see new ideas coming into being at a time when they will be most welcome and appropriate for the tasks ahead. 

It is sad to say that at a time when peace on Earth is getting nearer, there are groups of beings working purely for self with a total disregard for the needs of the people. They have chosen to try and dominate others using the Solar System, rather than working in harmony for the good of all. They are oblivious to the changing times on Earth, and will eventually be left behind to play out their warlike activities. They can do so because the freewill granted to you all that is the key to everything that is taking place. It comes at a price that says you are responsible for your actions, and will have to suffer the consequences. It is the only way you learn to become peaceful beings and can evolve to the higher levels of vibration. Fortunately, there are many souls who have advanced their evolution so much so that they are firmly on the path to Ascension. There is no back door way to it and your only compensation is that you will always be given another chance to succeed, and help is always at hand even if it is not always apparent. 

When a cycle comes to its conclusion, all that was established through it is no longer applicable, inasmuch that the old is no longer being extended but instead a new energy is taking its place. Therefore, as the old has served its purpose, it makes way for the new that is more advanced and will gradually lift you up to a new level. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 4 Οκτωβρίου 2018

Be prepared to use the prosperity promised you to fulfill all your dreams

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy for 2 October 2018 

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in righteousness) All is as before. While the dark cabal persists in being its usual arrogant self, we move forward dynamically, assisting our Earth allies in keeping far ahead of the cabal. Their days are numbered and they are painfully aware of it. As our Earth allies continue to carry out the next stage of our ever-evolving strategies, victory is assured. These plans of action are immensely complex and include a myriad of variables. Remember that this is a global undertaking. We recognize that the time to dismantle the current power structure is taking its toll on your patience. We ask for your continued perseverance and trust while these joint timetables are in process. They will manifest in right divine time. Be confident and gracefully accept that the time approaches for your blessings to begin. Be prepared to use the prosperity promised you to fulfill all your dreams. 

The entire process of altering this planetary society has become much more complicated than first expected. Your world was initially conceived by the Anunnaki as a realm utterly convinced of the invincibility of those in power. Thus, the present crew of minions saw themselves as Beings capable of overcoming whatever might reduce or end their hold on power. A contemptuous set of core beliefs was deeply etched into humanity's psyche. One of many reasons we have had such difficulty in supporting our partners in the Light was the very persistence of these insane conceptions. But now, day by day, these beliefs are receding as Heaven beams bursts of positive and consciousness-raising energies at humankind. We have watched as our earthly partners triumphantly transformed this negative ideology while launching a succession of major arrests among this global gaggle of sycophants. The intent of this operation is to ensure that prosperity will lead directly into GESARA for your long-suffering world. Step by inevitable step, this is indeed becoming the case! 

As you view your planet, you observe how these changes are taking place. The real truth is that this world of yours can no longer function as it previously has. A glaring and desperate need for change is everywhere. The water crisis is one of the most obvious. Most of your world lacks a totally safe water supply. Resources to provide it are there yet are unavailable, owing to politics and supposed expense. Blessings are to be bestowed, empowering you to use these funds to solve this monstrous humanitarian crisis. This is one of many infrastructure problems to be resolved: many others, such as roads, bridges, and restoring war-torn countries, require compassion, courage and cutting-edge thinking. We know that a great many people are standing by, eager to demonstrate the solutions needed for success. It is a matter of providing a solid foundation for all by producing enough food to end starvation forever. 

Surface changes are also affecting the inner realms of Mother Earth. Even the central Sun, the crystal core of your planet, is heating up. This increase of energy is in preparation for Gaia's coming move into Full Consciousness. These alterations to the Earth's crystalline core are reflected in ecological changes occurring in many parts of Inner Earth: these are being addressed by its Governing Council and the people of Agartha. They decided to increase the frequency of their rituals and send to Gaia's surface specialized teams of scientists who could propose more felicitous solutions. Your Agarthan supporters and your sacred secret associates are alert and equipped to begin a sequence of events that are to result in triumph for the Light. Heaven blesses all who support Gaia's transformation; and all who have worked tirelessly in establishing a funding network, the basis for a new financial system, reworked worldwide currencies and, most of all, a global network of common law. These various frameworks are now interlocked in place to transform and enLighten your dark and distorted reality. Never allow all the previous delays to diminish and dispirit your vision of a new and sacred realm for all humanity. Final celebrations are coming into view! Hallelujah!! 

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with great blessings! We watch as each of you grow in consciousness and gracefully use your new skills to help move the process forward toward your ultimate freedom. Now you are to observe as many unknown to you rise and, in unison, assist Gaia and this "global village" in which you reside to transform and co-create a marvelous new reality. This is the reality that is to welcome your greater family. Always remember that this is all a divine blessing. We thank those of courage and magnificent abilities who have made it possible. We also thank each one of you, who has long held this vision and unleashed your bounteous energies to be added to all that we do. 

This undertaking has taken several millennia to develop. You, and your progeny, are to joyfully savor its most delectable fruit. Be ever grateful to Heaven and ready to praise all those who have journeyed from afar to assist you in this sacred cause. As Masters, we deeply bless this task and are fully aware that this momentous change is to be sublimely peaceful. It is to be the dawn of a greater shift, signaling the end of cabal rule. You are to be introduced to clean and transparent governance! This is a New Era of rebirth and unsurpassable joy at how Heaven is transforming your reality. 

Vibrant spiritual energies will be available to alter your existing reality and prepare you for your Crystal Light Chambers. Their special living Light is to return to you what the Atlanteans stole. You are to expand this large assembly of Masters and complete the work begun long ago in ancient Lemuria. You are to witness the rebirth of this solar star nation and use your superior new powers to greatly intensify the meditations and prayers that we perform each day in support of Gaia and her sister worlds. Our Sun contains a mighty Spirit that welcomes you in joy to this new realm. The darkness under which you have lived has served a purpose. You are to use its acquired wisdom, much as we have, to transmit the power of the Light to all corners of the Universe. As beings in divine service, we joyously await what Heaven so desires. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! 

Today, we moved forward with our messages about what is unfolding all around you. Your reality is shifting, preparing itself to be transformed by the Light. In the course of this process you are being readied to meet your spiritual and space families. You will then be able to become fully conscious Beings of Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) 

Website: Planetary Activation Organization