Σάββατο 30 Απριλίου 2022

You have the potential to do whatever is your heart’s desire for the future

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 29 April 2022

Dear friends, through the very respected David Wilcock has come a video interview with Mike Adams. It is truly astounding and revealing inasmuch that David has told of details not readily known or pre-released. They highlight what has been happening in recent times to break up the hold the dark Ones have had over Humanity. I strongly recommend you follow this up and I give you the link that will take you straight there:***Link to Video of Mike Adams interviewing David Wilcock.***https://www.brighteon.com/04297899-df35-4c45-9ad9-9f2fb91cfc1d

Behind the scenes so much is happening that is in your interests and will thrust you into the New Age. However, you are still being held back by the dark Forces who have created a reality that is designed to keep you from advancing out of it. Yet, time does not stand still and eventually the truth will start to come out. You should have advanced far beyond the point you are at now, whereas you have been in the control of those who have an agenda to prevent you from evolving. However, the Alliance has made much progress in recent times by breaking up the web of deceit and lies that holds you in check. There are now increasing opportunities for progress to be made that will lift you up out of their control. So, keep positive in spite of the present chaos knowing that it will clear in due course and a New Era commence.

29th April 2022. Mike Quinsey.

The dark Ones gambled unsuccessfully on being able to take over the Earth and its inhabitants and nearly succeeded. They spent enormous amounts of money to produce a “killer” virus and released it to result in a worldwide pandemic. The results of such an action have led to many deaths including those souls with weak immunity systems. It could have been considerably worse, but for the intervention of the Light Forces who oppose them. The overall effects of it have caused great problems on a worldwide scale. Be assured that help will be given to overcome the problems that are already beginning to lessen, due to the precautions being taken to stop it spreading.

Some hard lessons have been learned and shown where you need to improve matters. Fortunately, you have taken the appropriate steps to enable a stronger response to the virus, and the people in general have responded by doing their part taking appropriate precautions. Much is being done on a voluntary basis to ensure the virus is under control. There has been so much to do and you are being successful due to your efforts to contain matters, and as always we stand in the background to observe your actions and help where it is applicable.

The trying times you are in are a good measure of how much you have evolved and to what degree you helped others less well-off who struggle to live a normal life. Compassion and help is needed more than ever, as so many souls are suffering from lack of the basic needs to survive. There are always those who rise to the occasion but many more are needed to spread the load. Such trying times bring out the best in people and draw them together. We tell you so many times that you are all One and should treat each other accordingly. The continual pressures placed upon you are intended to keep you under control by the illuminati, who do not want you to awaken to your true potential or evolve. It is their way of keeping you from awakening to the truth, but it will be to no avail as progress will continue in spite of their actions.

There has never been a better time than now to seriously consider what you want for your future, because as the vibrations continue to lift, so will your level of consciousness increase if you allow it. You are in a unique time, as the Light is increasing and will give you the opportunity to decide in which direction your life is going. An awakening is occurring that will make you realise that there is more to life than you have been led to believe. You have a future amongst the stars, because you have the potential of an extra-terrestrial being. The changes that are coming will lead you down that path, if you so wish as your freewill choice.

Break out of the mould you have been placed in and know that you have a great potential and abilities. You have for too long been held back and subdued by those entities who have been running the world for a long time. As we have mentioned on many occasions, you are dumbed down and prevented from reaching your true potential. In reality, you are all great beings fighting to be allowed to express yourselves as you really are, and more of you are aware of it. It is time to break out of the mould you have been placed in and find your true selves.

Dear Ones, we tell you more about your true potential because it is the right time. Believe in your capabilities to expand your level of consciousness. Truly, you have the potential to do whatever is your heart’s desire for the future. Your friends from outer space draw nearer, because they know that in the very near future the time will be right for first open contact. For a long time they have overseen your lives, and guided you, so that each life has been beneficial to your spiritual growth.

“Reach for the skies” is an expression you use and is most appropriate at this stage in your lives. You are not destined to be earth-bound and you will travel the skies as you explore the Universe. It may sound unlikely, but understand that you have been led to believe you are bound to the Earth, and that it is your permanent home. You have much to look forward to in the near future, so think in the most expansive way.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Παρασκευή 29 Απριλίου 2022

When you are working for the Light, you are protected

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 22 April 2022

David Wilcock is a respected Author and Speaker who has stood up against the efforts of the Illuminati to block his videos that align with the aims of the Alliance. He is extremely intuitive and for this reason I have no hesitation in quoting from his message “End Times” given in 2020 as hereunder.

“The present period will be the last time our civilisation that will be in the third dimension. The World goes through a holographic transformation caused by a wave of Light. A city will materialise above Earth in the sky that has already been seen by Man many times, it is on a different level of vibration.

There will be a 21 degree pole shift and it is the times' end and there will be a spiritual transformation as predicted in the Bible, see Matthew 13:12.43. It will be the day of enlightenment. You will have a luminous body and experience the Resurrection. It is predicted exactly the same in the Muslim Book”.

22nd April 2022. Mike Quinsey.

Dear friends, the changes cannot come quick enough for most people, so as to put the current period and all of its negativity behind you. It is a testing time, even if you are only an observer of events happening all around you. Yet, without being directly involved, you are learning from the experiences of others. You are seeing the outworking of karma that can be hard to bear, when you are unaware of the events that have brought it about. Often karma is cleared through the experience of “like for like”, as it is necessary that a soul fully understands the result of their actions.

Your sympathy and understanding can enable you to accept the consequences of a souls negative actions, knowing that they are never expected to accept more than they can handle. They will understand the reasons for a certain course of action that puts them in a similar position to one they have been responsible for. All souls go through a similar period in their life, and it is intended to open up their consciousness to embrace the reality of their experience. Once lessons are learned they do not normally have to be repeated.

Freewill is fine but it comes with a great responsibility to manage your life without imposing yourself upon others. It goes as far as accepting negativity without responding to it except in a positive way. There is no loss of face to simply “turn the other cheek” to one who is negative or hostile towards you. It is best summed up by seeing yourself as a good example of how people should behave towards each other. There is no sense of weakness to walk away from situations that are not to your liking. In fact, you leave people with a strong impression of how they should react to provocation. Understand that when you are working for the Light, you are protected. It means that you can walk into “trouble” without fear by being calm and positive. In this way, your presence can help calm things down. Fear is the emotion that is hard to control, but you must overcome it if you are to become a beacon of Light. Your Guides will certainly help you through such experiences.

Be assured that by living the Light, you will overcome any obstacles on your path and lift others up who can benefit from the experience. It may all sound difficult, but practise makes perfect, and if you are genuinely trying to raise yourself to a higher level, you will get help to succeed. Once you have attained it, life will progress more easily and to your liking and be most enjoyable. It is all in preparation for your Ascension and elevation into the higher realms. By now, you should have realised what an important time you are in, so do not miss this opportunity to face the negativity. Be assured that a joyful and happy time awaits you that will completely leave the lower vibrations behind.

In a situation that looks as though matters are taking a turn for the worse, you can be sure that there are plans from your Guides already in place to quickly overcome the problems created by them. There is much more help around than you might imagine and your “unseen” friends in the higher dimensions are always with you ready to give guidance when it is called for, and sometimes what seem to be miracles do occur. You could rightly assume that such events are unusual but depending on your karma will so to say be allowed. Much depends on your life plan and how well you are progressing with it.

It should be reassuring for you to know that you always have many friends with you who delight in having contact with you, and most likely meet you when you are out of the body during your sleep period. Much can be planned this way and it is most likely you will have a “feeling” of such a contact without being able to recall the exact details. By now, you should realise that you are looked after and protected so that nothing shall interfere with your work unless it is preordained. However, your freewill determines the reality of your experiences that have to be allowed, but clearly if they are not in your interests, you will be influenced to change your mind. Your wishes are normally observed, so as to avoid interfering with your preferred choice.

You have been down this path before and each time we do our best to help you achieve a satisfactory conclusion. In this period of much confusion and negativity, you need all of your determination to hold your position as a Being of Light. You help lift up the vibrations by your mere presence and ability to maintain calmness in all situations. Even your voice will be reassuring as it also carries a positive energy.

Never doubt your abilities to bring peace to any situation, your positive energy is much more powerful than you probably imagine. Your aura as a Being of Light most likely stretch up to approximately 5 metres/15 feet around you, which explains why many people love to be with you without realising the reason. It is a healing energy that makes people feel good to just be around you. It is not uncommon for people to be attracted to you without realising the reason for it. The vibrations are increasing now and in general terms they are beginning to have an effect and given time they will bring complete peace to your Earth. Mother Earth herself is also helping to bring about the major changes and is so to say, cleaning up the mess of centuries of wars and misuse of the earth itself. Even now the “cleansing” is unavoidably causing problems due to the extent of the damage caused by Man. Fortunately, along with your Space friends rectification and renewal will not take as long as it would if left to you.

We can accurately forecast how long it will take to restore Mother Earth to her pristine condition in readiness for her Ascension. However, it will take a more peaceful situation to be achieved before completion is in sight. The beauty of Earth needs to be seen worldwide to appreciate how wonderful it is with its myriad of different countries with contrasting topography and animal life. You have a wonderful Erath that is not really appreciated and taken for granted.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Πέμπτη 28 Απριλίου 2022

The negative energies are unable to exist at a higher level

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 15 April 2022

The unsettling times continue and it must be realised that you cannot continue to war with each other if you ever want to see lasting peace. There has to be an end to the use of force to get your own way. However, we know that it is easier said than done, but there must come a time when permanent peace is called for and accepted. We say again that wars never solved any problem and simply make matters worse and harder to deal with. The war to end all wars seems to have come and gone a number of times and it is the people that always have to pay the price. They have a voice and will be heard eventually and acted upon to end all hostilities.

The sorrow and the pain wars cause is never worth the satisfaction of winning, as it affects the loser and winner alike. A new leader will arise who will speak with determination and willpower, to bring in the changes that will settle the issues that are holding up a peaceful conclusion. When the acceptable changes will take place is uncertain, but the energy for it is present now. As it grows, so it will gather power and become so strong that it can no longer be ignored. There are numerous changes coming that will set your pathways on a course that will completely alter your lifestyle for the better.

At the same time the power of the dark Ones will have been curtailed and prevent them from having so much influence over you. The Alliance will gather more strength and continue to dominate the negative forces by making them weaker. Be assured that although you do not get to know much through the Press, mass arrests are still taking place which is helping stabilise your society. There is so much happening right now that is laying down a new way of living and the redistribution of wealth. So, whilst you are not normally informed of such happenings, be assured that you will hear of major changes in due course that will be very acceptable.

So, whilst you may feel that life has little future for you, change is being planned right now and cannot fail. By name, the “New Age” will come to you and fulfil its promise. The dark Ones will have lost their powers to control your lives, and those responsible for misinforming you about the purpose of life will no longer be active. The new cycle you are in promises a truthful version of life to come that you will find very acceptable, peaceful and satisfying, and the thought of living a longer life will be eagerly accepted. Realise also that as the vibrations lift you up, so the negative energies will slowly disappear, because they are unable to exist at a higher level.

It is difficult to convey the wonderful changes that are coming to you, because you have not yet experienced the higher vibrations. Words cannot always convey the whole picture and whatever you imagine will fall short of the truth. The power of thought will be a most enjoyable energy and that by itself will make such a difference to your life. A whole new vista opens up for you where everything is in a state of perfection, colours are much brighter and alive with energy, and nothing appears to age. Everything is immaculately clean and in pristine condition.

Realise that in the lower vibrations matter has difficulty in keeping its form which is why it disintegrates more easily. Yet, mankind has made a great effort to raise the vibrations and is at present learning how to extend life. However, there are limitations to what you can achieve, but as time progresses, you will have more success, as the vibrations will lift up. To be able to think things into being is useful. It must all sound difficult to comprehend, but you will have ample time to get used to new abilities.

The more of you who keep sending out good vibrations are helping raise them. Not least of all, you are lifting up your own and the higher you get the more protected you are from the negative energies. You may not necessarily be aware that your Guides can also come closer to you to help you with their guidance. Naturally, you first have to seek their help and it is always available to you. It is never forced upon you, as you can only learn from your own choices and mistakes. The only exception is when you are going against your life plan, which has already been agreed. Keeping you on your path can be difficult at times, but there are many ways of getting you back on course.

Naturally, life plans can come together where more than one person is involved, yet again by careful planning it is usually possible to get the right people together for the outworking of a planned event. It will not take you long to realise that you cannot escape justice and it can be carried over into your next life. You have freedom of choice, yet because of the energies around you, however, future experiences will be in accordance with your agreed life plan. Because subconsciously you are aware of it, nothing out of the ordinary would seem to have occurred.

We have to comment on the vicious outcome affecting the people of the Ukraine. It is hard to accept that all events are for a purpose that will clear karma. Often it is people experiencing in ways they have imposed on others, and not necessarily in this lifetime. Some people never seem to learn from experience and are unable to see that it is they themselves who are the cause of the outcome. You would be forgiven for thinking your life is out of your control, yet it is very much orchestrated by you and your actions. Few people feel that they are under the control of others simply because events are arranged to suit your life plan, that you have already agreed.

Be natural, be yourself and wish for others what you would wish for yourself. The thoughts you send out are attracted by others of a similar energy. Likewise negative thoughts and actions also find others who are of a similar vibration. Think good of everyone, even those you may dislike, and you will be helping them lift themselves up. A few people of a high vibration have a greater effect on many around them than they realise. Remember, like attracts like so choose your company very carefully. The wrong company can lead you astray and create karma for you. Dear Ones, we seek not to run your lives but lead you to paths that will lift you up. If you choose otherwise, then we must allow your choice. However, we always encourage you to follow positive paths, so you continue to advance along the most suitable one for your evolution.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna

Δευτέρα 25 Απριλίου 2022

Once you have ascended you have no need to incarnate into the lower vibrations

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 8 April 2022

Events on Earth have brought about yet another consideration as to how things are best carried out. It is becoming clear that the old ways are no longer adequate for your needs to operate in a more fair and generous manner. It is also apparent that the people are rising up against the War Lords, and look for leaders who also want a peaceful co-existence. The bullies of Earth no longer have the support of the majority of people and their wishes will be fulfilled. It has to come, as the New Age has no place for rule by fear or dictatorship. The power for change lies with the people who have much more influence than they realise.

Your destiny was mapped out long ago, but because of your freewill, you have been allowed to make your own way to this point in time. You have a history of war and bloodshed and learnt the hard way that using force is never the solution to your problems. Whilst it is true that you have still evolved, the fact remains that you could have reached this point in time a lot earlier if you had learned to live together peacefully. However, you have earned the opportunity to move on to the higher levels, and those souls who are ready and vibrating the highest are assured of ascending.

It has been a long journey of many lives as both male and female that ensures you are a balanced being. That may not be realised by the majority of you, but in the far future you will experience a new way of introducing another soul into your family. You will actually choose the souls who will join you. After all, even now you are a mixture of male/female, although some souls tend to be much more inclined towards one gender. It may help you understand why some souls feel that they are in the wrong body, and is probably the result of having too many incarnations running as the same sex. Such problems only exist in the present times and will disappear in due course.

No experiences are without value and all help you build your character, so that eventually you become balanced. As you evolve, you begin to have more influence as to how your lives develop and what path you follow. At each stage you always have greatly experienced souls who guide you, so as to gain the maximum progress. Your life may at times seem to have no real purpose, but that would be far from the truth. No opportunity is wasted to help you move further along your chosen path. Naturally there are also souls who have incarnated to be with you as part of your experiences and they too have their Guides who are aware of your life plan and help it along.

You can go astray, but sooner or later you will be returned to your intended path that you agreed upon before you incarnated. Of course, you could totally disassociate yourself from your plan, but that would be highly unlikely. One thing you can be sure of is that by the end of your life you will have experienced the key points of what was planned for you. Between lives, you will have discussed matters before you incarnated, and you can therefore be sure that important experiences will have been prearranged. So take all opportunities to experience seriously as it is most likely they will be intended for your spiritual growth.

You have family and friends and wonder what will happen to them if their consciousness has not been developed. As you may imagine, they are like any other soul that is simply experiencing life on Earth, but are presented with challenges that are intended to help them evolve. Their lives are planned just like any other souls except they are unaware of them, but their Guides are on hand to help them through them. In fact, they will overshadow them to encourage the right approach to achieve a successful experience. People do not realise how much attention is given to them to help achieve the right outcome.

Some souls do not respond to the help they are being given, but in subsequent lives the same attempts are made to “wake them up” and given time they will usually respond. Spirit has unending patience, but if ultimately the soul will not respond at all, another course of action is taken, as no one is ignored or left on their own. So you see that every effort is made to help you keep on your path to completion, and few if any realise that once you have ascended you have no need to incarnate into the lower vibrations. In fact, you eventually choose each lifetime and your life plan.

Can you see by now that the reality of life is so different to what you imagine and you will enter those realms when you ascend. Everything you can do to lift yourselves up will be well worthwhile, as we could say that you haven’t lived yet until you do. You have existed in vibrations that are so low they have very little light, and that is apparent from the degree of negativity that exists within them. You who have lifted your vibrations bring more light into them that helps keep the negativity at a lower level. People often realise that you have something about you that makes them feel good and at peace with the world, while the reverse makes them feel uncomfortable and on edge.

Helping others is a natural thing for humans to do as they have an innate feeling of the oneness of all life. They see in other themselves and feel responsibility for their wellbeing. How wonderful it would be if all souls understood their connection to each other – like brothers and sisters in one big family. Yet, it will gradually take shape as the vibrations lift up and each soul feels love for all others. Each soul can help achieve such a level by remaining positive and not giving their energy to others who would abuse it. However, just your very presence can have a profound effect on others that helps lift them up.

You are all now beginning to move out of the lower vibrations, but it will take time to be acknowledged and it is part of the plan to lift you all up, and eventually into a period of true peace and friendship that will be lasting. You who have gone through so much deserve it and will no doubt appreciate it after all of the trauma you have experienced.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Τρίτη 12 Απριλίου 2022

Many wondrous changes in everything that affects life on Earth are ahead!

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 4 April 2022

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Earth’s energy field of potential is showing that light-filled streamers, albeit still zig-zagging, have attained unstoppable momentum. This welcome development, which puts the light’s progress right on target, is due to the magnitude of cleansing during your past several weeks.

For decades the Rothschild faction of the Illuminati, now known more commonly as Deep State or the cabal, has centered its activities in Ukraine. Those include controlling governments of countries in the European Union, production and storage of bio-and chemical weaponry, money laundering, computer hacking globally, propaganda in social media, sex trafficking, pedophilia, and imprisoning people for satanic rituals. Individuals in the United States and other countries also are heavily involved financially, personally or both.

Russians didn’t go into Ukraine to conquer the country. They went to destroy hundreds of placements where those aforementioned activities were entrenched. When any could be handled in residential or business areas, that’s where Illuminati hid them.

We heard from Nirvana’s monitors of Earth that containers of deadly bio-warfare were stored in the basement of the hospital that mainstream media repeatedly publicized. Extraterrestrial Special Forces in intelligence agencies—who also learned locations of the placements—told us Vladimir Putin’s double notified Ukrainian President Zelensky to evacuate the hospital because it was going to be bombed and why. Zelensky, an Illuminati puppet, didn’t heed that warning.

The fighting has been a great sadness for troops and civilians in both countries—their shared Slavic roots go back centuries. Not many people know the purpose of the invasion, much less that after ground troops rescued more than 1000 people to be used in the rituals, they exploded the tunnels where they had been held captive. Ridding your world of those deep pockets of evildoing was essential—it is what enabled light forces to get back on target and hasten the day when the planet will be free of all darkness.

As for Putin’s double, he had been ready for some years while Illuminati were trying to kill Vladimir because he refused to work with them. The double had a little plastic surgery, practiced speaking and behaving like Putin, and during the time he was avoiding crowds, he listened to his speeches. When the assassination attempt two years ago was successful, the double was ready to step in, looking and acting so much like Putin that no difference was noticeable. After a short time of following orders, he started working with the light forces. You could say he “saw the light” and be correct. To be more explicit, though, what he did was respond to the inpouring of feminine energy’s high vibrations that are nudging consciousness to follow soul level guidance.

Another matter you have asked about is “stealth omicron.” That so-called sub-variant of covid is the officially-given diagnosis of people who become ill or die from ingredients in the solutions falsely called vaccines. It’s also part of the agenda to establish the public mindset that the “pandemic” is here to stay and semi-annual booster shots will be necessary. Individuals who planned this crime against humanity and still are among the living are making a fortune from the billions spent on “vaccines.” If we knew when the truth about all of this will come forth, we would shout it from your rooftops.

Now then, we know it is difficult to grasp that everything in existence throughout this universe is energy fluctuating at one frequency or another and that energy is cosmic consciousness. Possibly it is just as difficult to perceive yourselves as so powerful that simply by thinking of something, you set into motion its manifestation.

It may be easier to understand like attracts like, the Universal Law of Attraction that is in constant operation. But it’s also easier to forget that law can’t distinguish what you do want from what you don’t want—it simply brings back to you from the collective consciousness what is most similar to your thoughts. If those are about mainstream media reports, which are rife with devastation, despair and dire predictions of what may be in store, that is what you are helping to continue or initiate.

Dear ones, you can feel compassion for everyone affected by adverse circumstances without concentrating on images and thoughts about what they are enduring. What will help change those circumstances is thinking about what you want your world to be. Peaceful. Everyone prospering. Wise honorable leaders. Just laws and regulations. A society that respects diversity. Benevolent treatment of all animals. A healthy, beautiful environment. Kindness, cooperation, helpfulness. In short, life with love as its foundation.

A number of you have asked if meditation really is helping in that respect. Yes, indeed it is! Individually, in a local group or computerized gatherings or by agreement for a global meditation time, visualizing and focusing on the glorious world you want definitely is helping that come into being. The ability to “move mountains” is not a fantasy—you have innate abilities to accomplish marvels!

Parents and teachers who have expressed dissatisfaction with educational systems describe them as “deficient”, “stifling the development of thinking, reasoning minds”, “worthless” and one mother wrote: “Many of us are distressed about our children’s education. Can Matthew give us any encouragement about improvements in the future?” Before we reply, let us say this: When we have been asked what we think will be most effective in opening minds and hearts, we say education.

Yes, absolutely we can offer encouragement. The major changes, which will be implemented in stages, will take time but it is a good start that some parents are speaking out about what they want their children to be taught in schools. Although opinions now are in opposition, consensus will come when the truth about your educational systems emerges.

Long ago, the Illuminati decided they could more easily control the masses if schooling was only what they wanted the peoples to know. The present-day generation is weakening as each day passes; however, the textbooks they have published for all age levels still contain only what they want known, so the learning-teaching-learning cycle is rooted in a great deal of disinformation and the omission of a great many facts.

Therefore, new textbooks with authentic, thorough information about national and world history and all the sciences will be needed, and since language studies will be offered starting with kindergarten, books at elementary level also will be needed. Writing, printing and distributing all those books for all ages in all languages will be a gargantuan task, but many hands will participate to accomplish that as quickly as possible. Ancient records will be brought forth and myriad recent sources of accurate information are available—all of that material will facilitate preparation of new books. Documentary films and the Internet also are educational tools, and wherever their information is wrong, it will be corrected.

New editions of holy books will contain only original records. They show the commonality of all religions’ teachings about the Supreme Being of this Universe, the divinity of every soul and the power of love.

You may wonder what will be done with the multimillions of textbooks. A copy of each will be put in a building in every country that wants a museum of the printed history of Earth, and all other copies except those that are personally owned will be recycled to produce their replacements. The museums also will house a copy of novels, biographies, autobiographies, mysteries, true adventures, recipes—well, the spectrum of genres and subjects—and a selection of the world’s newspapers and magazines. One wing of each museum will contain a theater and selected movies because those, too, are records of what has influenced societal behavior and beliefs.

Now back to schooling. Just as what is taught will change, so will how it is taught. Students at all grade levels will be encouraged to talk about what they are learning, and that will extend way beyond books. From kindergarten onward participation in the arts will be emphasized and materials or instruments will be provided. All forms of art—music, writing, painting, dance, sculpting, weaving, acting, photography, landscaping, clothing design, architecture, ceramics, and no doubt other forms we aren’t thinking of at this moment—are expressions of the soul.

Also starting in kindergarten, some classes will be outdoors, so the youngest students learn to respect all life forms. They will plant and properly tend to gardens of flowers and vegetables and help care for the “wild” and domesticated animals that live at the schools, so students can observe the species’ interaction and their varied learning processes. Age-appropriate field trips and films of natural life in distant lands and in the seas will supplement personal experiences.

Exercise will be recognized as an important part of maintaining health in mind, body and spirit. The “kill them” approach to team sports will change to competition wherein each member is helped to achieve her or his potential, and sports that can cause brain injury will be modified to eliminate damaging aspects. Students who have no interest in team sports can engage in whatever exercise they wish, and short periods of solitude and silence will follow physical exertion.

Studies in other countries similar to your student exchange programs will be available to all who desire, and no child will be denied education beyond high school because parents can’t afford the expense. The new global economy will include free or affordable schooling for every child, and it won’t be by taxation. Learning devices with emissions that are damaging to brain cells will be redesigned to assure user safety.

Not all children will want to be scholars until they acquire a master’s, PhD or other advanced degree. Many will have aptitudes and talents in mechanical, technical or technological fields or the many forms of art, construction, farming or food preparation. So some schools will provide training in each of the specialty interests along with courses for well-rounded knowledge, and children who are especially gifted intellectually will attend schools where they can progress as rapidly as they need to keep their interest high.

Preparatory courses for teachers and university graduates who choose that profession will include a new kind of evaluating students’ progress and summarized versions of new texts in addition to books for themselves and their students. There will be no rigid protocols for teaching at any grade level. Persons who have mastered specific areas such as animal care, gardening and the various art forms will visit at intervals and always be available to advice. All classrooms will be inviting and vary in size according to the number of students. Rooms for hands-on instruction will be small, films will be shown in theater-size rooms, and student performances—concerts, plays and such—will take place in an auditorium. Not only will teaching be much more enjoyable because students will be happy, eager learners, but teachers will be paid handsomely for their valuable contribution to the society.

How that new basis for schooling will be implemented will differ from country to country. The education principals will start with what meets the greatest needs of the citizenry, then build on that foundation. Everything we have described is blossoming beautifully in the continuum to the grand delight of students, teachers and parents around the world, so you know the future of your educational systems is shining brightly.

Beloved sisters and brothers, so many wondrous changes in everything that affects life on Earth are ahead! If you chose in your soul contract to transition to spirit life before those changes are manifested, from your far higher vantage point, you will feel fulfilled by seeing your children, their children, their children and all generations to come joyously living in the world you helped bring to fruition.

All light beings in this Universe honor you and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

***Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Σάββατο 9 Απριλίου 2022

Soon it will be all plain sailing

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 1 April 2022

Below is an extract from a message Kryon gave in 2014 telling of a Quantum event in your evolution that draws ever nearer.

“Your ancestors and you are especially here now. You are looking at a Quantum event in the Evolution of Humanity following the end of a 26,000 year long cycle. Why does biology act the way it does? What is it all? These things are going to be revealed with one invention. It will be like the new radio of the future. It will be the revelation of finally being able to measure and see Quantum energy. You are in the Divine Feminine Age. This is the life that matters.

Love, healing and compassion, it is a new Planet finished. Inventions are delivered through consciousness at the right time on the Planet. DNA is changing and is different. Chemistry is different to what it was 1000 years ago. You are evolving and the chemistry will prove it. The savants (beings of great learning) are the children born without structure. You call them autistic. I will tell you that in their brain the structure of the third dimension has been removed. They are Quantum individuals to the maximum. They respond very badly and poorly in a three dimensional structure.

Some of them do not even want to put words together, because they do not understand one word after another. I want to tell you this Dear Ones, that it is a savant and that is what you would call Mother Nature, and we call Gaia and Spirit together testing the water of what is next a Quantum human being – and you would think it was a problem, well it may be Dear Ones to the parents here who have them, but I want you to look at them differently and know what is there, and what is happening. Spirit is already testing the water with an evolved DNA. How far can it go before it pushes it back and creates the new Human being less structured, one that will think conceptually (an abstract idea) and then quantumly. It is coming.”

1st April 2022. Mike Quinsey.

Common sense is likely to prevail in the Ukraine war, and as usual there is much bloodshed and slaughter and much karma has been cleared. Do not worry yourselves about such outcomes, as virtually all of those souls involved were well aware of their life plan and agreed it before they incarnated. By clearing it, they will have evolved more than they otherwise would have done. Experience is the master of these lessons and found to be the best way to learn from them. They are harsh experiences but necessary to achieve results.

However, souls that have experienced negativity first hand never forget the lessons learnt, and it is by far the quickest way for them to evolve. They are treated kindly and lovingly for facing their karma and making it good by their positive reaction to the consequences. There is no shame attached to karma, it is simply a way of bringing a soul’s frailties to the surface when they are able to face the consequences and put matters right. Such experiences often make a soul’s intention much more powerful. All of your life you have faced challenges and testing, and it would be surprising if you were not stronger willed as a result of them.

The fact that you would have discussed your life plan before incarnating upon Earth and accepted it, means that you are not expected to be overwhelmed by it. Furthermore, your Guides are always on hand to help you within certain limitations due to your freewill choices. There is also no pressure put upon you to do more than you feel able to cope with. There is always a life plan, but it can be adjusted or even changed if necessary. No one is more pleased than your Guides if you clear your karma, as it is not a punishment but a very well tried and tested fair system to give you the experience you need.

Often karma involves your friends or family and you can work together to be successful in clearing it. There are many permutations where karma is concerned and your Guides will influence you to achieve the best outcome. Also remember that there may be a testing to see if you have learned your lessons, and be assured that if you have, you will not have to face them again. Fortunately, like attracts like and as you progress you will make new friends who are most likely to be on your level. Some ask is there good karma and of course there is, and as you earn it, so you will enjoy the rewards.

You have a saying that birds of a feather flock together, well it also applies to humans, as you are attracted to souls with a similar energy to your own. However, when it comes to the soul who is to be your partner, you may be opposites, because the choice has already been made and in part that may have depended on your karma. Even your parents to be are chosen for you, as in most cases they are a very important part of your life that helps mould your character. Again, it can be a “wheels within wheels” situation where even your parents are part of your life plan. How about placing people together that cannot get on with each other, yet have karmic ties? It can certainly can get complicated.

Whatever your circumstances, part of the challenge is to overcome your differences, and that may mean some hard lessons may have to be learned. Take them all seriously and the harder you find it, the more you will have gained if you are successful. You may in consequence realise that your Guides have a very important role to play and they will do their best to keep you to your life plan. Get to know them as the good friends they are and speak out your thoughts to them and acknowledge their presence.

You passed the marker of 2012 and will have since undoubtedly made good progress and in reality should be well on your path to completion in this lower vibration. You are on your way to a level where you will leave all of the negativity behind, never again to have to go through such experiences. We say “Well done” keep up the good work and soon it will be all plain sailing.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Τετάρτη 6 Απριλίου 2022

Out of the confusion and negativity those committed to bringing the changes in will come to the forefront

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 25 March 2022

The time has come to reflect upon what you want out of life, because your actions will speak louder than words. You are projecting an energy that creates a path ahead of you and attracts what is needed for it to become your reality. It is like being careful what you wish for as few realise the power in the spoken word. It does not take much to imagine what you are creating for yourself with negative thoughts, after all these also attract similar energies so be careful as to how you express them.

We have often pressed home the need to express yourself in a positive manner by using “I am” rather than “I wish”. For example, you may say “I am happy”, in which case you will attract more happiness to yourself that is clearly desirable. Try to be positive in your way of expressing yourself and your needs. This will allow the energy to respond in its own positive way. Unlike the past, the present time is vibrating at a higher level and can respond more easily to your positive utterances.

By looking ahead and preparing yourself for a gradual upliftment, you will be assured of remaining on your chosen path to Ascension, and take a wonderful opportunity to evolve beyond the lower vibrations, never again to have to face them. It is a state of mind and not nearly as hard to maintain as you may imagine. You may be assured that we will be with you all of the way, supporting you to help ensure your success. If you could already see the potential that lies ahead, you would resolve to put every effort into it to ensure a positive outcome. If you stray off the path, do not worry, as you can soon get back onto it.

Be assured that we are with you and will help you through the coming period, and will do whatever is acceptable without infringing your freewill. We try our best to influence you to keep positive and in line with your life plan. Having come this far, we are pleased to be with you and be part of your progress. You have already done the hard part by passing the marker and there is no reason why it should not be plain sailing from here on. Naturally, the negative energies will still be around you and try to tempt you to go off course, but with a positive attitude and strength of willpower we say that you cannot fail. You are strong willed to have come this far and nothing can override your determination and self-will.

By your example you are helping others to be positive by your actions. It doesn’t take long for people to notice your calmness and happy outlook to life, and they will try to uplift theirs to achieve the same peace of mind. Humans in general are always subconsciously watching out for ways to enhance their own lives. They love to conform and be part of the pack, yet some individuals like to be trend setters. It is why young people often set the pace of change, as they come into life full of ideas that they want to introduce. Some are truly helpful and enable Mankind to move on, as for some change does not come easily.

In your present time period the changes are speeding up and it is typical of the time you are in, there are advancements that are going to take you into the New Age. Much that is new is as you say on the drawing board and will take you into a new way of life and make it much more comfortable, and give you much more time for your own activities. The present time would hardly look as if it was the precursor for a better way of life, but be assured out of the confusion and negativity those committed to bringing the changes in will come to the forefront. They are waiting in the wings and once things have settled down, they will appear.

In view of the trauma that many are going through at present, the question arises as to why it seems to be so widespread. It is the great cleansing that must occur at the end of a cycle, and as unpleasant it is, please remember that it involves each person’s karma. What you cannot know is why a soul has to go through such lessons, except that it is teaching them what it is like to be on the receiving end of a negative experience. Experience has shown that it is the best way to ensure a soul understands the consequence of their actions, so much so that they are unlikely to repeat them and they are still tested to ensure they would not do so.

Those of you who are making preparations for your Ascension have already reached the point where you no longer need to prove your readiness. You are leading the way and others will follow in your footsteps having seen how well they make progress. It really does become easier the further you travel along the road to completion. Nevertheless, the dark Ones are still trying to stop your progress and will stop at nothing to try and distract you. However, you have proved your strength of character to keep on your chosen path.

Remember that regardless of the role you are playing now, in the course of the many lives, you have had to face so many challenges. They are intentionally put into your life plan to give you the strength of character you needed to continue evolving. After hundreds if not thousands of lives you will realise that you have a wealth of experience that will carry you safely through the most intense challenges. Clearly, as you have a strong approach to them and have achieved a successful outcome, there is no reason why you should not go all of the way to completion.

The plan for Humanity is going according to plan and if that sounds odd at a time when there is so much unrest on Earth, realise that the changes must come if you are to continue making progress. It has been quite a task to advance you so that the old ways can be left behind, as you tend to hold on to what you are familiar with and reluctant to change. Time is an important factor in your lives and more so in the greater picture that we see. However, we mention these things not to worry you, as they are under our control. We will help you overcome the many problems that face you, but in the final reckoning it is you who have to do the work. Looking ahead, we see a successful conclusion and that is all that matters. You have all worked so hard to make things happen, because you have faith in us, and know that we are doing all we can to help you succeed.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.