Τρίτη 30 Μαΐου 2023

Portal to the Sun

By Dianne Robbins

We are attired in our finest clothing to meet with you this morning. The sun is shining overhead, and we are standing on the steps of the Library of Porthologos about to enter this vast portal, and take you inside with us.

Walk with us now, as we surround your etheric body with our light and love. We usher you into our great entrance hall, that is lined in beauty and light and that sings to our souls. We will walk but a few steps to one of the moving staircases that will take us to a portal where we can witness the vastness of our Galaxy.

It is the galactic portal to this Galaxy, and from there we can choose the destination where we desire to go. It is the fastest means of travel. No ticket or luggage is required, just our hearts intention. So, here we go. We stand beside the entrance to this portal, where we form our destination desire, before entering.

Are you ready? Let’s go to the center of our Sun, where you have many friends and lineage waiting for you. Ok? Let’s step in now, focus on the Sun, and we are there. It is that quick. See around you the brilliant light and feel the love that permeates your body and soul, and hear the choruses of angelic music.

Sananda is here, and he greets you in his loving embrace and covers you with his light. We start walking now toward the community above the horizon, just a few steps away. It is nestled in hues of color and warmth and the houses are all different shades of vibrant colors.

People are all outdoors, tending their fields and visiting and just lounging around. All are receptive and joyous to greet us, and knew of our intention of coming. These beings have all made their passage from Earth, and given the opportunity to live here on the Sun for as long as they like. They passed their earthly tests with flying colors, and earned this opportunity to reside here in the great love and light of our Sun, which is a planet also, but a planet of such great light that it lights your whole solar system.

This is what the Earth is turning into. It is turning into a great Sun star that in turn will give life and light and warmth to other planets in its solar system. And it, too, has earned this. As the Earth moves up in consciousness, she will ignite into a blazing Sun star, and take all those souls who are attuned to her, with her.

The other souls will be taken to another planet to continue along in their evolution, until they too, reach such states of light, that they, too, will have this opportunity to relocate into a higher frequency realm.

So, our visit is about over. We now walk back to the portal and focus on returning to the Library of Porthologos, where we now again are standing on the steps. We all hug you goodbye, and thank you with the fullness of our hearts for making this journey with us today. It is indeed a grand celebration when we meet with you for these sessions. We bid you adieu.

(to be continued)

Παρασκευή 26 Μαΐου 2023

Life is by no means a random affair, but is highly organised

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 19 May 2023

We have already explained the need to keep positive, even when those around are expressing negative opinions because of the hardships they are suffering. It is to be expected when events are often out of their control and bringing about problems that are seriously affecting their quality of life. Much of it is avoidable, but worldwide happenings are difficult to handle when thousands of people are left with a need for food, water and housing.

It calls for international help, but the needs of the people are so immense, even with the best of intentions it is often inadequate. However, as the immensity of the tasks is recognised, slowly but surely matters are being organised so as to ease the immediate problems. They are not helped by the unnecessary war created by Russia, yet it has brought nations together that strengthens their resolve not to be at their mercy. Be assured that behind the scenes much is happening that will help end the war.

Much of what is happening is down to karma that needs clearing, so that the souls involved can learn their lessons and progress towards the Light. We know that many of you have volunteered to help people through this period of upheaval, and you are to be commended for the sacrifices that you are making. There are many souls helping in all manner of ways that ease the pain that others are feeling. They are to be found at every level of society and you call them the “unsung heroes” whose reward is to achieve the results they work for.

Their main task is to raise people’s hopes and show them how to get through such a demanding time, and assure them that every effort they make will bring acceptable results. There is still much to be done to remove people from positions of power that are responsible for much of many hardships that are being experienced. So keep good faith in the powers that be that are directing events for the best outcome for all of mankind. You may still have a period of tension and concerns about the future, but every effort is being made to lead you on to a path that ends with peace. Be assured that it will come, and much time and effort is being spent towards creating the ideal circumstances for it. It all takes time and the effort is being put in to create the necessary opportunities needed for its manifestation. You would be pleasantly surprised if you knew how much organisation goes into providing the opportunities you need to progress out of your present troubles.

You are being prepared for a new life that is beyond your present imagination, so be assured that all the effort you put in will be well worth it. Indeed, you have been aware that previous lives have been a build up for this time, although not every soul has reached that point of readiness and understanding. That is no problem, as there is no disgrace in being slower to evolve, as another opportunity will always come up as each cycle develops and then comes to an end. As the expression goes “you have all of the time in the world” and no one is rushing you and great patience is always shown.

Do you realise that only an aspect of your true self evolves each time you take an incarnation? Once you have agreed your plan for your next life, you then choose your parents to be, so that they can take part in your development thus ensuring you are ready to fulfil it. Therefore, your Guides are also aware of your needs and work with you to help ensure it all works out as planned.

Obviously there are times when problems arise and every means is used to get you back to your life plan. Realise it is so important that you successfully carry out your tasks, and in so doing you take another step towards a higher vibration that eventually means you no longer have to reincarnate, you have no further need for experiences in the lower vibrations. However, you still continue evolving and your goal is to eventually return to the Supreme Creator.

Probably the most acceptable gain is that you have parted ways with those souls of a much lower vibration who have caused much negativity upon Earth. You might be called upon to return as a Teacher, or some consignment where your experience can be used to great advantage. All of the great Spiritual Teachers have volunteered because of their great love for Mankind. Helping those who follow on after you often takes place and such souls shine out like a bright Light in the heavens.

Life is by no means a random affair, but is highly organised to ensure you get every opportunity to evolve. That is why you need a life plan, so as not to waste an opportunity to do so. You have only to look at the great Masters to see what we mean and appreciate that they are dedicated. They are "Love Incarnate" and the most gentle souls you are likely to meet and a perfect example of what you should aim for in your own life. Do not despair if you find it difficult to maintain a spiritual outlook, but be assured every effort you put in will bring nearer to perfection.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light

Mike Quinsey.

Πέμπτη 18 Μαΐου 2023

"Harmony" is a Main Key to Ascension

 Master Zohar through Aurelia Louise Jones

Zohar is a very ancient master from the city of Shamballa of the Earth’s interior. He tells me that he has been living 250,000 years in the same body. He measures around 15 feet in height, looks around 35 years of age, and has shining white hair. He added: not the kind of white hair caused by aging, but the kind resulting from the intensity of the white Light within the heart. He is a scientist of nature and of creation, and has been living in the city of Shamballa most of his life. One of his favorite subjects is to talk about the quality of “harmony” as a main key to attain the level of consciousness to be admitted into the Ascension celebration.

He is also one who has over-lighted with his presence, guided and assisted in the establishment of the city of Telos 12,000 years ago, when the Lemurians first moved there. He assisted and counseled them the 5,000 years prior to that, when they first began to prepare the city to be habitable, once they knew that their continent was destined to be destroyed.

Zohar tells me that in the beginning, no one in Shamballa knew for sure what could be expected from this new Lemurian civilization joining the Agartha network inside the Earth. It was decided then in Shamballa that the new comers needed to be monitored very closely.

Zohar tells me that after spending a lot of time in Telos, in the last 12,000 years, that he truly holds a great fondness for that city of Light and Love. What the Lemurians have achieved there in so little time comparing other earth’s interior civilizations who have been there much longer, surpasses by far all expectations that any planetary or intergalactic council could have ever imagined 12,000 years ago.

His words are: “I have spent a lot of time in Telos in the last 12,000 years, especially at the beginning. I have grown to love this place as much as I love my own city of Shamballa. Even now, I still spend a lot of time in Telos, but no longer for the same reasons as before. Now I go there, no longer to monitor their progress and their development, but simply because I love and enjoy so very much being in this wondrous City of Light and in the presence of its inhabitants. The beauty, the abundance, the brotherhood and the creativity that exist there in such perfection illustrates better than anywhere else the miracles that Love and Harmony can achieve when a civilization and her people decide, as a collective, to embody fully that Love of the Creator. Telos and her people is an outstanding cosmic example of the wonderments that Love can accomplish”.

He also tells me that he came to the surface a few times in the past for a short period of time, and that he enjoyed very much meeting and talking with the surface folks. He added: “My heart is longing, as well as the heart of your Lemurian family of Telos, to be able to walk again among all of you, as a brother, and offer to all of you my guidance and wisdom”.

Master Zohar
Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters, this is Zohar.
Thank you Aurelia for asking me to have a saying in your book; I am really pleased to offer my energy for such endeavor. Let me say this. In order for this world to be enlightened entirely and be lifted in the Light, it is of necessity that everyone living here must take on the persona of “harmony”. Everyone must do this; it is a requirement. Otherwise, those who will not will be dragged down by their own arrogance. They will acquire sicknesses created from their lack of light and they will simply die, mainly because they will not have the capacity of being happy in the new world. Understand?

This is now your choice, beloved ones. Either you choose to make it, or you don’t. The outcome of your evolution is entirely depending on your own choices that you make each day, and each moment of the day.

The surface populations are now getting close to what is called “The Gathering”. Know that the powers that be in this world, the powers of the shadow side, the Illuminati, are trying to stop this at all cost. Know that the more they are trying to stop it, the more you will know that you are doing it right and getting closer. Understand?

The governments of your planet do not yet realize that the people who live in the interior have been there such a long time, much longer than their limited mind could ever imagine. They do not yet realize that it is not them who are in charge of this planet, and that their time for ruling is soon coming to a dramatic end. Their bubble of illusion will soon be shattered, and their cycle of accountability will be born.

It is now time to distance yourself from all those who do not seek to embrace harmony in their lives. All those who wish to embody harmony or wish to be accepted into the family of Telos must do the following:
  • You must strive to remain in a state of harmony at all times, with all of creation and all of nature. For without harmony, there is discord. Then with discord there is destruction.
  • Regardless of what people may do or say, you “must remain in harmony”If someone tries to hurt you, then bless them, and do not let them be part of your reality.
  • If you encounter disharmonious situation, then distance yourself. You have no obligation to remain where harmony does not reign.
  • Seek truth and harmony at all times, and do not ever again allow yourself to deviate from this course or you will self-destruct. Those who will continue to resist the new energies now flooding your planet will not be able to do this much longer. The new energies are now getting so very strong and intense to bring about the changes and transformations you have been all waiting for. Those who will resist will self-destruct.
  • You should no longer entertain feelings of discord and guilt. Never be sorry for what you are or what you are going through to balance your debts towards life. Rather strive always to improve yourself.
  • Harmony should be the number one quality in your life, and be assured that it will pave your pathway for admittance into the Halls of Ascension. You will know when you have reached that level because then nothing will bother you. Whatever people say or do to you, it will not grieve your heart one way or the other.
  • Someone who is in total harmony is totally happy with Creation. That someone holds total acceptance of What IsWhen you become that, you are ready for your Ascension.

Since I am almost a Telosian by association, I will also be there to greet you and champion your victory in the Light. Namaste my beloveds friends, I love you all so very much!

Τετάρτη 17 Μαΐου 2023

Our Portals Lead To All Star Systems

By Dianne Robbins

We are all gathered around me, as we step into our library and walk toward one of our many conference rooms, which are cozy and lined with the softest, supportive couches you’ve ever sat on. They are ergonomically structured to allow the life force to flow down our spines as we recline on them. The colors are brilliant in tone, and form a melody around our bodies. There are many of us here in this room, as I dictate my message to you. They are holding the energy, so to speak, and flowing it toward you as you sit at your computer.

Yes, our Library is a multidimensional portal and way-station for travellers around the Galaxy. Beings come here from all dimensions and universes to witness the wonders of creation, that unfold when they step into the vast portals that transport them into realms beyond their imagination. It is such a wondrous place to be, and the wonders are limitless. It takes infinity to experience them all, as life and learning go on indefinitely and forever. There is always more to learn and more places to go. This is what awaits you all when you visit us in the Hollow Earth, and are invited to enter the Library of Porthologos. 

It is written on your cosmic passport, that once you are here in our realm, your entry to the portals is assured. It is the opening to all of creation, and it is located right here in the center of your Earth. What a wondrous journey awaits you! We keep our doors open to all who come, and once you are here, you come with a divine ticket to enter. Your ticket of admittance is encoded in your DNA. You can also come at night, in your sleep state, for a preview of what lies ahead of you when you do enter in your physical body. This will help you acclimate to the real ”show”, so that when you finally do enter our realm, it will seem so familiar to you, and you’ll feel that you’ve been here before.

There are portals leading to all Star Systems in our Milky Way Galaxy, just waiting for you to explore. You will become a Star Traveller, learning from each Star System, as you make your way around the Galaxy. This is a never-ending journey of course, because life goes on forever, and exploration goes on forever, as our universes keep expanding exponentially into infinity. This gives us something to do. For life is about ”doing”. 

We need something to do in life in order to bring us the experiences for our soul growth. And the Creator supplies more universes than we could ever possibly explore in all of infinity, which just keeps unfolding and unfolding, as our experiences increase. Can you imagine this? Your stepping down into our realm is the first step of your exploration out of limitation and density and into the unlimited vastness of experience and space. Our portals offer you all this and more, along with the comforts of home as you travel back and forth.

We have been here for eons, and yet have explored only a fraction of our Galaxy and there are billions of galaxies in billions of universes just waiting for us all to visit. Your life will forevermore be filled with excitement, and you’ll never again find yourself saying: ”what shall we do today?”.

(to be continued)

Σάββατο 13 Μαΐου 2023

Your lives have been carefully planned to help you lift yourselves up

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 12 May 2023

Extract from an article by Uri Geller.

A map discovered by Russian Archaeologists seems to prove that intelligent life visited Earth millions of years ago. A three dimensional serial image was discovered by Professor Alexander Chuvyrov, of the mountains around Ufa a city 60 miles east of the Urals, revealing a giant irrigation system. He insists that such accuracy is only possible with satellite technology also that the stone slab was machined and called it “Map of the Creator”.

Radio carbonic analysis suggests the carving was made 120 million years ago, and Professor Chuvyrov believes it could not have been human. He questions whether the “Map of the Creator” was final proof that we have been visited by other intelligences.

12th May 2023. Mike Quinsey.

There is no real sign of the turmoil upon Earth easing, so you will have to bear the consequences a little longer. We, for our part, will continue to guide you to keep matters under control and limit the consequences. Meantime, you should focus upon the needs of the people who are being left in dire need of help. Keep good faith in the outcome, as it will finally release you from the consequences of the changes, along with those deliberately caused by countries supporting confrontation. The people are against those who have chosen that way of fighting against change.

Humanity is rising up against those who ignore peaceful ways to settle problems, and when enough give out positive energies for change, it will happen. We see far ahead, but the timing of events is liable to change depending on the type of energies you give out, as it is possible to bring peace about this way. Mother Earth continues to follow her path regardless of your activities, but it would be much easier if you all worked for a peaceful outcome.

Nothing is impossible for you, if you can come together and work to a specific program that would also speed up progress. It all seems quite obvious, but differences exist based on fearful expectations and lack of trust. If only you could see the options you have and collectively take responsibility for bringing about a peaceful conclusion. It can be done, but not until the threat of a worldwide war is overcome, and a resolution made to put weapons aside that will not be used in any circumstances.

The people of Earth have shifted away from seeking domination over other nations having realised that you are in essence all One from the “Source of All That Is” Do you not see how futile it is to engage in wars, as in reality little if anything is gained from them. Where are your true leaders waiting to take over the plans for your true destiny, as they exist and are ready to perform in the best ways possible for Humanity? Given time, you shall see them rise to guide you to a peaceful settlement.

The dark Ones are in their element at present, as they thrive off negative energy. Deny them of it and they will lose their power to carry out their plans to control the world. Believe us, they will soon be overcome when you deny them the source of their power. Seek a peaceful co-existence together and put aside your differences as you are One Human Race. See others as your brothers and sisters because in reality there is no difference between you all. Allow for their beliefs that are customary and often based on their religion.

Religion is a delicate subject, as many followers believe theirs is the right one, and disputes can lead to violent outcomes. There is only the truth left at the end of the day and all paths will lead to it. It begs the question why you cannot agree to differ knowing that you all seek the answers, and will all come to the same point of truth in the end. You have your personal ways of acknowledging the truth, and will find that you are all looking for the answers to similar or identical questions. Your paths will eventually meet and there will be recognition of beliefs that are common to all religions.

Little time remains for the old teachings, as with your expansion of consciousness you will reach a point of full understanding. It must be so and overcome the necessity of having different interpretations of what is your true reality. You must have heard the expression “You are All One” many times, and as you learn the truth of your existence, you will accept that you all came from the “Source of all That Is”.

Many of you are awakening to the truth and rightly challenging the old beliefs. You are finding that the truth holds a powerful energy that cannot be disputed and holds fast at all times, and runs through all religions. With your greater understanding of Man’s origins, you will quickly realise that in essence there is no difference between you all. At any given time, you will find that you have experienced the different religions as part of your evolution, and gained an understanding that has increased your level of consciousness.

You are at a very important stage in your consciousness that should help you gain a greater understanding as to the meaning of life. It is certainly not a haphazard affair as some believe and your lives have been carefully planned to help you lift yourselves up to a higher level of consciousness. Keep calm and know that you are protected at all times, and will be well on track for a successful completion.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Παρασκευή 5 Μαΐου 2023

Many of you are ready to ascend

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 5 May 2023

There is little evidence yet of changes occurring for the betterment of humanity, but given time they will become apparent. Clearly, major changes do not happen overnight, yet in spite of the turmoil and uncertainty of the future, we can assure you it is a preparation for a new way of living that does not include the dark Ones. The battle for superiority has been won and from here on you will be able to clearly see the direction it is going in. It will continue to be a very trying time, as also much old karma is being released never to return, as the old vibrations are played out forever.

When you volunteered to return to Earth, you were given a preview of what to expect, and knew that the hard times would pass for most of you in your lifetime. The timing is not easy to determine, but already preparations are being made to introduce some very acceptable changes. Life is going to change for the better and be your introduction to many new ways of living that will make it much easier and enjoyable. It will become what it was always meant to be – peaceful and delightful to experience. Peace will have ascended and make life a very joyful and wonderful experience.

By stages illness and disease will disappear and life expectancy will increase quite substantially. Individual abilities will grow to the point when you can self-heal without medicines or surgery and even grow new limbs if necessary. It is how it was always meant to be, but the drop in vibrations limited your self-healing powers. Yet, even now, some of you are powerful healers and eventually all souls will be so empowered, you will become travellers of the Universe having proved yourselves ready to become Cosmic Beings.

You cannot, so to say, “jump the gun”, but only when you have raised your vibrations sufficiently. You may ask, how you can do it and the simple answer is to keep your vibrations as high as possible. Easier said than done you say, but practice makes perfect with control being totally in your own hands. The Earth has proved to be a most suitable school for learning, where you are continually being tested. However, you are not given tasks beyond your present ability, but at the same time they are purposely planned to test your staying power. As always, your Guides will be doing their best to help you achieve success and keep you safe and sound.

Meantime, you have talents and experience that can help others to progress on their paths, so each soul is given every opportunity to succeed. There is no such thing as failure, as every soul can be given numerous chances to try and try again. The dark Ones will still try to mislead you, but with your experience you should be able to overcome such attempts. At this point in time, you are capable of warding off any attempt to distract you from your path.

Back to reality sees you being surrounded by a multitude of challenges, but you should be able to handle them because of your greater experience. The war is won, but you still have much work to do, but as time progresses, it should undoubtedly become easier. You have many souls around you who need your help, but it is best to wait until they approach you about it, as you do not know what karmic reasons may exist for them. They gain more from solving their own problems, but from your point of view it is knowing when it is the right time to intervene. You should be sufficiently experienced to know when to do so.

The Human civilisation must preferably progress together as one unit, but those souls who cannot make it will be given another opportunity to succeed. It is the spirit of things that carries Humanity forwards and inwardly all souls know they have to progress spiritually if they want to leave the lower vibrations. Once you realise what lays ahead, you will do everything possible to reach your goal that is Ascension, and be assured you will be given every help to make it.

You have all had so many lives through the last cycle and each one has been planned with your spiritual needs in mind. After all, what else do you need your experience for that is more important? Many of you are ready to ascend and you should feel it right now as that “knowing” is a feeling of completion. You have done the hard work and now set yourselves up for a much easier life, although you will be very busy at such an important time. You will know intuitively whether you achieved your goals, and pleased to help others who are travelling a similar path.

We have already told you that families tend to keep together, but each soul has its own path to follow that may not necessarily be the same. Be joyful that you can help others through your own experience, and be sure that souls will be directed to you because of it. Helping others on their spiritual path is a worthy cause and is normal throughout the Cosmos. How exciting it must seem to think that your travels in the lower vibrations are soon to end, but you have all earned it through your determination to succeed.

Easier times lay ahead, but in the meantime you will find many opportunities coming your way to help others in one way or another. Even a kind word can sometimes lift another person up and opportunities to do so usually crop up almost every day. So, help others in whatever way you can without overburdening yourself.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Τετάρτη 3 Μαΐου 2023

Extraterrestrial family members will not let any nuclear weaponry function

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 1 May 2023

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Some evidence of response to ever-intensifying Light is on the world stage. Israelis are protesting judicial reform being pushed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose aim to bolster Illuminati influence in that country is crumbling. Once again, Sudanese civilians are fighting to establish democracy in their country, where the Illuminati—let us say Deep State, the more current designation—has been keeping conflict and violence a boil. And, some newscasters in the United States finally have addressed unidentified aerial phenomena, or UFOs, and the possibility of extraterrestrial civilizations.

But most evidence that Earth is being liberated from long ages of darkness is not at all apparent, and we shall share what is within our province to do so. The “White Hats,” as some call the Light Forces, have cut off sources of funding for Deep State activities in Ukraine, so fiscally the war is over, even as Russian troops continue locating and destroying dark operations throughout the country. More nations are doing business outside the commerce system, which economists know is billions of computer transactions with no economic foundation.

Deep State operatives around the world are being arrested, tried, convicted and executed or simply assassinated for their known roles in the covid-19 “pandemic,” human trafficking, money laundering, bio-weaponry production or other heinous activities. Plans are afoot to judiciously remove the United States presidential administration wherein the “president” is a Deep State-controlled actor wearing a mask and other principals are look-alike doubles hired to portray the real persons, some of whom are dead, others are under arrest or in hiding.

Those facts and others will be revealed in stages when wise minds deem it is prudent to do that and to speak about resultant reforms. Hearing that persons in powerful positions and other well-known individuals are involved in dark activities will be shocking to the unsuspecting populace, and learning that familiar systems, procedures and institutions will be changing can be frightening to people who have been programmed to believe their best interests are being served by “authorities.”

With grave-sounding economic reports abounding on the Internet, it is understandable that many millions are concerned about what will happen to savings accounts and investments. Do not fear losing your money—the Universal Law of Attraction will bring back from the universal soup what matches the energy of those thoughts. When the new global economic system is implemented, maximum effort will be put forth to avoid interrupting access to honorably-earned money wherever it is, and all national currencies will have the same value and be backed by gold and other precious metals.

As stated in prior messages, we are not financial advisers, but we repeat our suggestion to spend your Cryptocurrency, which is controlled by the Rockefellers, instead of expecting it always to be available. We are not saying that never will a digital economic system be safe. We are saying the Rockefellers can snuff out their system with a few computer clicks.

Then there is talk about a nuclear attack and retaliation—if such happens, extraterrestrial family members will not let any nuclear weaponry function. Please ignore all reports about Earth’s grim future due to climate change and all “professional” advice to be prepared for more pandemics.

Beloved family, turmoil, confusion, lies, violence and fear are unavoidable when a third density world is being freed of eons of darkness. You don’t remember your lifetimes that well-prepared you with strength, wisdom, courage and perseverance to successfully handle the mission you signed up for. That is why part of the Divine Plan—and that plan is smack on target!—is for messengers of the Light to allay your concerns and offer clarity about happenings, so you can steadfastly radiate Light’s high vibrations of confidence, assurance and optimism. Let us call this “conscious supportiveness.”

Of equal value to you personally and in helping Earth’s civilization is “spiritual supportiveness.” Along with continuously sending unconditional love, we have provided timeless information that confirms your intuitive knowledge and you will pass on to awakening souls. From our awareness of the collective consciousness, we know many people blame God for the sorry state of the world and others feel He has forsaken them. Those feelings stem from not understanding who God is and who they are, and this lack of understanding is delaying their spiritual and conscious advancement.

There is another matter, too, and this brings us to a reader’s question that is similar to others my mother has received: “Why does God let some of His children use their free will to cause great suffering for so many others?” Years ago my mother talked with God about that and related issues, and I asked her to copy a few parts of their many long conversations. [The following excerpts are from “Talks with God” section of Illuminations for a New Era.]

SUZY: You have said that you experience exactly the same joy or pain as every one of your children anywhere because of your inseparability with all of us.

GOD: Many times I have told you that, Suzy.

But you also experience the evil of those who cause such suffering to others. How do you feel about that?

My child, think how a baby bird feels when it is pushed from its nest by a different bird. Think of its shock and fear at falling, its pain from physical injury, and a fright it cannot even understand as to what happened and what is coming next. I feel the same frightened, helpless way about those parts of me who have so fallen from light that they delight in what you call evil. What will become of them?

Do I abhor the suffering they cause others? YES, and I send light to reach the souls of those beings who cause the suffering. But it is up to each individual, as inviolate parts of me functioning independently, to respond to the light or not. I am saddened beyond your imagining when darkness flares, especially when such innocence is suffering, often killed, because as you know, not all chose what they’re physically enduring.


Do I wish that all of my parts were within the light in which I was created? Yes! Who would not wish that perfection of Creator to be returned? But I do not hold forth condemnation or punishment to any faltering part of me. I am here to respond to what you call prayers of the “godly”, just as I am bound by the free will laws of Creator that are set up within the parameters of my operating powers if the choice made is not within the light.


I still don't think you told me whether you are really satisfied with the progress of the light against the dark forces on Earth.

I see, my child. Very well, in a word, NO! How could I be satisfied when so many of my soul aspects are crying in torment and deprivation and others are the cause of this? When many of my children are enchanted by satanic worship that abounds in such widespread rituals of torture and killing that your mind could not handle it? When some of my children have fallen so far from the light that they rule with tyranny and destroy all who oppose them? When so many of my children are living in fear and horror or are dying because of the deeds of these others who also are my children? When deception and corruption abound to the point of no truth being illuminated except when the light is so strongly exposing it that those who believed the lies are devastated upon learning the truth?

But my dear Suzy, I am able to see the broader horizon, the full measure of this conflict, and when I see the light that is emanating today from a soul that yesterday was hazy, more inclined toward control by the darkness, I rejoice in that lost one—the “prodigal son”—returning. When I see big areas, like a town in your thinking, where light is emanating from hearts that formerly were cold and dark, I rejoice!

Would I like to see the TOTAL of Earth life in peacefulness, love, sharing, caring and service one to another? OF COURSE I WOULD! But do I have the power to snap a finger and have this be so? You know I do NOT! So, I send my love and light everywhere, to every soul, and I may as well rejoice in the pockets of light rather than dwell in the pockets of darkness and weep, you see.

Yes, God, I do see as well as I can, because trying to imagine all that you must be feeling is overwhelming. Do you ever feel that way yourself?

If you will just think of me as all of my children, then you must know that I do indeed feel correspondingly overwhelmed.

Thank you, Mother. Some years later God asked to give a message in one of ours, and I asked my mother to copy pertinent sections. [The following are excerpts of August 1, 2007 message.]

GOD: Many of you have been wondering where I am, while so much furor and ferocity is going on in your world. I am here to tell you that I’m right where I’ve been since Day One of this Universe—everywhere!—and I have quite a bit to say about this.


…many DO need to change beliefs, and here are the first two if you believe that (1) Your individuality means you’re separate from everyone else, and (2) I am a cosmic superpower that makes everything happen. You’re definitely a unique individual, but also you’re an inseparable part of me and all others everywhere, and it’s ALL of us in this Universe who make things happen.

Hmmmmm. So, you’re a bigger deal than you thought and maybe I’m not such a big deal after all. Not exactly, my dear ones. WE ARE, together, ONE amazing powerhouse with infinite and eternal potential—so yes, you better believe I AM powerful! And it’s not because I control you—I don’t. It’s because you and all other life in this Universe are my BEing in all your experiencing forms—collectively WE ARE this Universe!

I have more to say about beliefs, but let’s talk about why I don’t control you, which is much like your idea that I let bad things happen to good people. This is how it goes: Creator, ruler of the Cosmos—that’s all the Universes—gave you free will to express whatever you want to and gave us Universe rulers a law we have to obey: Stay out of your soul parts’ choices!


I do have a hand in this though. Creator thoughtfully put a loophole in that free will law that lets me put conscience as an ingredient of your souls, and that’s what can keep you on your straightaway path if you want it to. … You have instinct, intuition, inspiration and a sense of honor, too—those are other ingredients I put in souls that also help you know what’s right and what’s wrong for you.


How did that whole sad state of affairs come about? It was the work of the off-planet dark forces that is without conscience, without light except the spark of viability. The forces “captured” my weak-willed children of Earth who got caught up in the lure of power and money and, performing as the forces’ puppets, they kept all the rest of my children in the bondage of fear, poverty and ignorance. The souls’ need for balanced experiencing kept it going until now—the ages-old merry-go-round is stopping.


What will happen to the souls who will never know about our messages? They will go to a placement attuned to the energy they put forth in deeds and motives throughout the lifetime. Some will journey with Earth, because they are living in “godly” ways simply by heeding their souls’ messages. They live from their hearts, where unconditional love, kindness, honor, truth, compassion and desire to help others lie.

Some will go through it again—the tyranny, violence, corruption, lies, the hold of religions—and they’ll come in with the brain power to question and reason, yet another chance to break free of dark control. But not on Earth. There are other third density places in our Universe where rampant disrespect for life will go on until all my soul parts know the truth of their god- and goddess-selves.

And some will DEvolve and start over from scratch. They’re the ones who persist in choosing darkness over LOVE, the same Creator Source energy as Light. Constantly Light will be beamed to those souls, who will start with only basic instinct, and when they accept the Light, they’ll recall a smidgeon of intelligence. As they accept more Light, they will remember a modicum of reasoning ability, and so on and so on. This isn’t punishment; it’s a chance for those parts of me to start over without even a hint of darkness.

It's quite a lot to think about, isn’t it? There is time, my beloveds, but frankly not much, to decide what you want. Whatever that is, I will honor it, and if it’s help, ask and it shall be given!

Thank you, Mother. Dear sisters and brothers, souls who are confused and fearful will look to calm, reassuring individuals like you for explanations and encouragement. Reading God’s lengthy message in its entirety will be helpful.

All Light Beings in this Universe are supporting you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love every step of your Earth journey.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com