Σάββατο 25 Μαρτίου 2017

You will soon reap the benefit of your achievements and are to be congratulated for them

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 24 March 2017 

Many of you are well prepared for Ascension, but some are also lagging behind with little chance that they will really improve their position in the time that is left. However, each soul will be given every opportunity to lift themselves up, and no one else can do it for them. You have all come a long way with your experiences since the beginning when you dropped down to one of the lowest levels. The fact that so many of you have risen up whilst experiencing many tough challenges is a credit to your determination and perseverance. You will soon reap the benefit of your achievements and are to be congratulated for them. One thing for sure is that you will not have to walk this pathway again, as the time for testing in the lower vibrations has passed and you are all the greater for your achievements. 

If you are ready to listen to helpful advice, there is much available on your websites. By now, most will have identified those incarnate souls like David Wilcock who are the teachers for the New Age. Their messages will carry an energy that is uplifting and subconsciously you will know that they speak the truth. Clearly not every soul is ready for the truth, as some are only just awakening and find it hard to comprehend. The problem is that so much that is untrue or distorted has been placed before you, and it has been difficult to sift the truth from it. However, there are always well informed souls around at such an important time and you will find yourself drawn towards them. The truth has a quality of meaning that will resonate with you, and in any event can be checked out against reliable information coming through from other sources. 

Your Internet is awash with the truth, but also false messages intended to mislead you. If in doubt, leave it out, as given time you will always get confirmation of the truth and your intuition should enable you to identify it. If it feels right, it usually is, so trust yourself, as Lightworkers tend to find others who are also of the Light, and it occurs because of the positive energy being given out. These energies make you feel good to be around such people, but the opposite applies where the vibrations are lower and lacking harmony. Hopefully, established Lightworkers will already be known to most of you. However, some souls do come and go quite quickly, particularly where their task is to cast their influence to affect the outcome of what has been given to you.

The Forces of Light are winning the battle against the dark Ones, and much work that is largely unreported has taken place within the Inner Earth. It is gradually being cleared of bases that in some cases have existed for many, many years. The Earth is a maze of tunnels that in some instances stretch for hundreds of miles and even have high speed rail. Some will ask, how it could exist without it being generally known, but that is because the dark Ones have almost total control of the news sources. You only learn of events that they allow you to know about. The exception is the “underground” news that you read about through your Internet. 

It is likely that you will learn more of the truth when the dark Ones are unable to exert their influence as before. Then it is possible that it will come flooding out and you will hardly have time to catch your breath. There are many revelations waiting to be revealed that will quickly place the truth before you, and explain what has been happening over almost the last 80 years. Secrecy has kept hidden progress that could have propelled you into a New Age with all of the advancements that go with it, whereas you have been kept in a time warp having been denied of much that would have improved your lives. However, you will not be denied for much longer and when the time is right, you will be given the benefits that are waiting to be released. 

As matters reach rock bottom, those who are able to change your circumstances will come to the fore, and introduce many innovations that will improve the quality of life. Is it not unbelievable that millions starve in a world of plenty, ravaged by constant wars and disputes? Peace would seem to be a long way off, yet there are those who have the answers if only they had the power to introduce them. Vested interests try to keep you in a state of need, because that is how they make big profits and keep you under their control. However, do not despair as matters cannot continue as they are for much longer and changes for the better must commence to improve the situation. Even now, major help organizations are working hard to overcome the desperate situation so many people find themselves in. 

The world does not look as if it could recover from the plight it is in, but hope exists and plans are in hand to turn the situation around. Be aware that once the right people can work unhindered, relief for many countries will take place, even so that the task is massive and almost impossible to handle. Those of the Light use their time to prepare for the times that approach when they can carry out their relief programs without interference. Because of the vast scale of need in countries such as Africa, it is a situation that calls for massive amounts of money to fund the programs. The Human Race is not warlike, but led into war to satisfy the greed of those who make profit out of it, by for example supplying arms to both sides. 

The truth paints a grim picture of things on Earth, yet you are hardy people who have been through much and still maintained your “fighting” spirit and will not give in to those who would pull you down. Your determination will see you through the immediate period, and you will be well rewarded by eventually receiving all of the held back advancements that you deserve. Naturally, it will take time and planning to bring the improvements in, but with help from your off world friends, it will seem quite quick. So, never give up or add to the pessimism that exists, because the future has already been written, and no one can stop it from manifesting, because as you say, it is written in the stars. 

Time has been speeding up for quite some time, and is a sure sign that you are in a period of change and upliftment. As you continue to enter the higher vibrations, world peace draws nearer and slowly, but surely conflicts will begin to cease, until eventually they completely stop. It may seem improbable to you, but remember that there are powerful forces supporting the Human Race who are your Keepers, and they will make sure that all proceeds as intended. War or similar low vibrations cannot exist in your future, so you can look forward to complete peace and happiness. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 23 Μαρτίου 2017

Wondrous things lie just ahead

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy 21 March 2017 

4 Men, 18 Ceh, 3 Caban 

Dratzo! There is a strange silence that permeates everything. The rascals of the night, the cabal, realize that the current period of nothingness signifies how the cabal can, to a certain extent, still control what goes on. Consequently, the Elders are cautiously monitoring the pace of change. Our liaisons still report that the process to commence a massive arrest is nearly complete. The present American de facto regime remains fully aware of its current shortcomings. The end is growing near as the current regime displays the emptiness that has largely characterized its official movements. The Light, as noted earlier, is readying itself for a possible breakthrough in due time. As usual, things are popping just below the surface. The elements of this odd reality stay as disjointed as ever. A strange sort of malaise is the dominant condition of this time. All of this is not destined to last much longer. The dark is beginning to notice the unusual rhythm that we have installed just beneath their feet. All is in divine timing and something the cabal can no longer ignore. 

You are in a time that is still not in synch with reality. Do not be confused by it. The underlying basic rhythms are gaining needed strength at a pace set by the Divine. This subterranean element is designed to weaken and upset the operation of this realm. Above this relative calm stands the distraught ways of the dark cabal. These chaotic tones are to shortly lay waste to the supposed victories of the dark. A sort of odd concerto is making it impossible for the dark to carry out what it now proposes. The forces of the Light are therefore waiting for the right time to come forth and quickly dissolve the current situation that is still gripping the last bits of the old reality. Hence, please bear in mind that what you see before you cannot last much longer. The dark cabal, as noted previously, realizes its foolishness. It is nevertheless unfortunate that the dark's odd continuance has delayed the progress of the Light. The Light is slowly correcting all of this. Wondrous things lie just ahead. 

What is happening globally is a sign of what is to come. The Light was originally advised by Heaven to wait for the right divine time to act. This special time is nearly at hand. The dark saw the President's win as an omen that the surmised quick end would not take place. The cabal, as stated before, believed that the Light had to accept the amazing existence of the USA, Inc. as a true sign that the illegal deal forced upon America in 1871 was to be allowed to remain. What the dark did not know is that this reality is only a temporary condition. As we stated in previous reports, this was done to give the dark false confidence. It has worked, and in the long run, made our tasks much easier. The dark cabal has now, in effect, put a noose around its neck. This project has now advanced too far for the dark's liking. The frost is truly on the Pumpkin! We expect to be able to announce some good news shortly. 

As you can see, the schemes to entrap the dark are working well. The hard part is how much these developments have delayed the inevitable victory. The dark is finally finished and their vast networks of evil fully exposed. The Light can shortly finish its dutiful job, permit the new government (the NESARA Republic) to be revealed and the special jubilee to formally begin. This whole rollout is to proceed cautiously. The Elders have made it quite clear just how slowly it is all to take place. As usual, we must formally protest. We know that these events were really possible to move forward at a much faster and equally secure pace. This cautious approach clearly indicates the great degree of worry expressed to us by the various groups of Elders and royals. This dichotomy is rapidly disappearing as a greater consensus is reached by each of the different groups. The present results are yet another sign of this overall thawing. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with many good things to talk to you about. Your marvelous visions are still about keeping a positive consensus and continuing to move this reality forward. The present difficulties notwithstanding, things cannot be stopped. Hence, we deeply ask that you take in all the positive decrees of Heaven and use them to move you ever closer to this world's true essences for Love and Light - to spread throughout this sacred orb. We remain blessed and honored by your wondrous reaction to what occurred a few months ago. Understand that a certain result was necessary to keep this magnificent energy solidified, and be ready to accept what is to appear next. It is truly time for the Light to begin to manifest a new agenda for this realm. It has taken longer than first planned to finish the prescribed actions. This caused some necessary delays that are nearly at an end. 

What we have here is a series of situations that are soon to be completed. We have worked with Heaven to forge a number of special scenarios that are to dramatically alter the global chaos. A new ordering of this surface society is currently underway. We bless and reorganize all. It is time for a change in how the globe's governments operate. Long ago, this world was destined to encounter some rough conditions. This period, which lasted for numerous millennia, is now nearing its most longed-for conclusion. Those who still believe in the old options are to receive a great surprise. There are to be new ones that are to stop the reign of terror, which seems to still be present. In effect, those who now temporarily run the show are in for a surprise. A whole New Reality is to manifest and to greatly upset the current applecart. Let us bless and hail this New Reality. 

It is a rare time when the dark is thwarted and the many terrorized subjects freed and wondrously supported openly by Heaven's great servants. This, my Dear ones, is to be such a time. Be ever patient and ready to do what Heaven commands. Special sets of blessed commandments are ready to be enforced. The dark's present position is to be upended and a new, more correct order is to take effect. We masters are joyous over what is about to happen. It has not been easy to watch the dark play with you. All of the dark's servants are to receive their just dues. Knowing this can help you to better deal with the frustrations that many of you have felt. Therefore, we again ask that you bear with this time and realize that this too is to come to pass. Heaven fully intends to have this realm changed as we have promised. With this in mind, be happy and plan to enjoy what is to pass! Hosanna! Hosanna! 

Today, we carried on with our weekly report. Remember, much is getting ready to manifest. These hard times are nearly over. We look forward to watching all of you celebrate this New Age. It is to be a great, magnificent time! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy! 

Website: Planetary Activation Organization

Σάββατο 18 Μαρτίου 2017

The freedom to travel where you like in your Universe, can give you endless choices

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 17 March 2017 

Although you may not be aware of it, everything is going in accordance with the plan that leads to Ascension. It may bring forth different periods of time for completion and one thing is certain, and that is the changes for the better are destined to manifest and nothing will be allowed to interfere with them. Therefore, you can withstand the uncertainty, knowing that all proceeds well. There is a greater plan that will ensure that the vibrations continue to rise, and you will eventually become Galactic Beings. However, such a time is well into the future, but at least you know where destiny leads you. At present, chaos appears all around you with so many changes taking place, and it was to be expected as the old is falling away. Bear in mind that much karma is being cleared because of it, and in fact no longer can it be held back as previously, and must be met for immediate action.

Be assured that all is progressing in such a way that it is inevitably leading to the changes that will enable the new Republic to be announced. Obviously, the timing will be such that any likely obstruction or interference with it will be immediately removed. The people have spoken and are moving beyond the chaos and uncertainty of the old system, and as the changes take place, the New Republic gains strength. Timing on such occasions is so critical, so be assured that many friends off world are overseeing your progress and will ensure it is not halted in any way. The desires of the people for peace and happiness have been noted, and the continual wars and loss of life and property is no longer acceptable to them, and they say “enough is enough” and look to their leaders to respond accordingly. 

Knowing the course of your future empowers you, and you can take adversity in your stride and not be affected by it. By doing so, you set a good example that others will follow and the more people you can influence in this way, the more will it will bring about energies of peace and love. Already two pathways are forming separately, as those who cannot raise their vibrations must follow another one. This will no doubt worry some groups of people, but it has to be remembered that all souls have their own path to follow. Families do create strong bonds between them, but each member must be allowed to follow their chosen path. Love between souls creates a bond that cannot be broken, so contact can continue even if they have left your group. 

There is much to be learnt about your true history and in time, all will be revealed. You accepted the challenge to find your way back to the Light knowing that you would always be helped along the way. It must be remembered that you were given freewill to choose your own experiences, and unless you ask for help, another soul is not allowed to interfere. You grow through experiencing the result of your own choices of experience, but it must however be said that you can call upon others for guidance. This really brings you to the Guides who follow your Life Plan, but they too do not interfere, unless you ask them. Even so, your Life Plan is to your agreement made before you incarnated and not normally subject to change. So, your Guides will encourage you to follow it. 

As much as there are beautiful experiences to be had whilst on Earth, they cannot really compare with opportunities given when you are in the higher realms. To eventually have the freedom to travel where you like in your Universe, can give you endless choices. You will also have a much longer life span to suit your needs and when finished, you literally step out of one body into another, and unlike now, you do not have to “die” to leave the body. It is also worth noting that you never reach old age but always maintain a mature body that does not age. 

The immediate future is full of surprises, not least of all the fact that a number of Alien groups have lived inside your Earth for thousands of years. They keep to themselves, because they are not allowed to influence or interfere with your lives, because you must find your way yourselves. In fact, that was your challenge when the veil of forgetfulness was pulled across your memory. It is only in recent times that some of you have started to remember your true selves, and have developed an expanding consciousness. It is precisely for this reason that you are amongst souls at all different levels awareness. 

Many people are in state of despair and currently famine threatens vast numbers running into the millions. It is a call to the rest of Humanity to wake up and help those in such desperate state of need when almost hundreds that are mainly children are dying each day. Hopefully sufficient of you can rise to the needs presented and show that compassion and love for your brothers and a sister is alive and well. It is your response to such situations that shows how far you have evolved, and whether you have help to offer those in desperate need. Of course, there are groups that specifically help in such circumstances, but the size of the problem is so overwhelming they can no longer cope. 

As individual souls you cannot do much to alleviate such mammoth problems, and sometimes it needs many people to ensure that those in your governments are doing all they can to help such desperate people. In reality, you are One World and One Humanity, and it is almost certain that you have all experienced the extremes in other lives, although you no longer have memories of them. You are One and always were, and as such you evolve together and need to help each other where you can. Competition has taught you that only the fittest survive, but that approach should have been seen for what it is and help freely given to those in desperate need. 

It is a fact that your world has sufficient resources to ensure that no one goes hungry or wants for medical attention, but you have been deliberately kept down by those who wished to rule and control the world. However, it is all changing for the better, but it takes time to introduce them whilst some dear souls do not have much time left. Of course, many organizations are already trying their best to help alleviate the problem, but it is so big, it almost impossible to do what is required to save all lives. Initially, it is money to buy the necessities that is the problem and even so, the public are generous, but sometimes it needs more than they can immediately offer. 

Be assured that many souls are eagerly and generously offering their services, and are to commended for rising to the occasion. Obviously, not everyone is in a position to be able to help, yet their message and prayers of love for their brothers and sisters sends an energy of upliftment and hope for those that are suffering. We know that there is a lot of compassion and sympathy for those in need, and it helps in its own way. Clearly, you cannot all directly help and answer appeals for help, as it depends on your personal circumstances. Thanks will go out to those who can offer direct help, and those who assist in other ways. Every little helps and many thanks go out to such people. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 16 Μαρτίου 2017

Progress into the New Age will come, regardless of any attempts by the dark Ones to stop it

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 10 March 2017 

You have been told many times that nothing is really as it seems, as you have created your own reality. It reflects exactly how you have understood your needs and how to cater for them. You have also been inspired to seek the best results that will have gradually moved you onwards and upwards at an ever increasing pace. Progress has of course been ably assisted by the incarnation of souls who have been able to inspire you to greater and better things. However, as you all have freewill, the final choice has been yours, but those who have ruled from high positions have not always made decisions that have been in your best interests. For century after century, you have been subjected to many wars and the resultant death and chaos, that has been coming again and again on the wheel of cause and effect. 

However, of recent times, a new level of consciousness has become sufficiently powerful to provide the energies of change. As a result, the people have spoken and are demanding a new path for Humanity that leads to peace on Earth. You have been made aware of the many demonstrations against the authorities that tend to ignore the will of the people. They will continue to take place until their demands are listened to and action taken. Be assured that you the people have enormous power to affect change, so use it wisely and you will reap success. 

Meantime, more changes that will aid your advancement are becoming made known, and many that have been deliberately suppressed will also be unveiled. Progress into the New Age will come, regardless of any attempts by the dark Ones to stop it. It is becoming evident that you are beginning to identify the shortcomings in various industries that seem to have stagnated, and still living in the past. Much of that is because they do not wish to give up lucrative sources of profit, and in so doing deny you progress into the New Age that could offer you a far better deal. However, change will come, whether or not it is welcomed by them, as it is time to move on and enjoy the benefits of improvements and inventions that will lift up the quality of your lives.

With the leaking of official documents, you are being given sight of information that the secret services would prefer that you did not see. They are revealing how the people of Earth are gradually being less able to enjoy privacy, and are being spied upon whilst carrying out normal every day functions. Such revelations are made possible through people you call “whistle blowers” who are protected because of their important work. They have revealed exactly what has been occurring and it is important that you know. It shows that secret activities have gone beyond the necessity for them and infringed upon your rights. The more things are uncovered, the more you will demand a stop to the spying, and eventually it will be so. In the future, when the vibrations have lifted up, there will be no necessity for such methods of control. 

By visualizing the future, you bring it into being, so the more people that know the truth, the quicker it shall manifest. The energy of your thoughts is constantly shaping your future, and as time passes, it will become essential that you maintain a positive level where such things are concerned. Thoughts are real and have always shaped your future, and as the vibrations lift up will become much more potent. For example, you will become healers using your power of thought and even greater things, and that is why you sometimes use the phrase “faith can move mountains”. In fact, in the future, your power of thought will enable you to perform instant healing, and with your power of visualization to also replicate items. You are already creating for your future, so be careful what you wish for as it may come true. 

As you begin to understand more about your true potential, so your thoughts will become more specific and purposeful. The more you can see every living form in terms of Universal Love, the more you will contribute to the harmony and love around you. Life becomes a joy and so rewarding that you enjoy constant happiness. Needless to say, it is obviously helped by the presence of other souls who are also of a higher vibration. The cycle that you have just completed is a pale reflection of your true reality, but from here on things are changing for the better as the vibrations continue to rise up. 

For eons of time you have had successive incarnations where you have been held down, and led to believe that you were subservient to those in power. However, with your recent awakening you have realized that you have so much more potential that has been held back. Given the opportunity, you will now progress at a quicker rate and achieve whatever goals you aim for, with no limit to your ambitions. Naturally, since the advent of education for all people, the Human Race has been able to achieve greater and quicker advancements. In time, you could be “programmed” for whatever tasks you have elected to carry out, thus saving an enormous amount of time. 

It is as well that you learn of how the future for mankind is likely to develop, and in that way you can prepare for whatever path you choose. The opportunities are endless and it is as well to remind you that you will have more than ample time to experience whatever you have planned. The Earth has been a school for those who have aspired to greater things than it had to offer, and it is your experiences that will have prepared you for your intended future. 

Follow your own intuition as to the best way to advance yourself, as each soul is unique and has its own path to follow. Some may be very similar and at times you may unite with other souls who are like you. At all times you will get plenty of help and need not concern yourself as to how you will achieve your ambitions. The Earth souls are only a short way along the path of evolution and will get help to make progress as required to continue it. 

Once you know exactly what you want out of life on Earth, your plans will become focused upon success and there is no reason why you should not succeed. All souls get the same opportunity to continue their evolution, and failure does not come into it as you are helped all of the way. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τετάρτη 15 Μαρτίου 2017

That is why you saw no dramatic changes on December 21, 2012

Message from Matthew Ward via Suzanne Ward for 6 March 2017 

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Everything in your world is heralding the changing of the guard, so to say. Overtly and covertly, action on many fronts is moving apace to free Earth from the elements that have kept her civilization in bondage for millennia. And, as vibrations rise, the polarization of philosophies and ideologies will thaw just as ice in the Polar Regions is and eventually there will be unity of spirit worldwide. The destiny of Earth’s peoples is to live freely, peacefully, prosperously and joyously in harmony with Nature, and we honor all souls who left their homelands to help the society create in linear time Earth’s Golden Age, the glorious world that is grandly flourishing in the continuum. 

During the past months we have addressed your interests in global happenings and did so gladly, but we have neglected somewhat our messages’ primary purpose, to offer illumination and guidance pertinent to your evolutionary journey. Numerous emails sent to my mother include questions and comments that indicate misperceptions about Ascension, a matter that is confusing to souls who are just awakening and perhaps also to some who are familiar with spiritual information. Ascension needs to be correctly understood, and in replying to all who wrote, we start with this recent email: “An acquaintance told me she read channeled messages stating that the Ascension event is going to happen soon. Why isn’t Matthew telling us about this and how to prepare for it?” 

We don’t know what event other sources are referring to, so we shall tell you about Ascension from our vantage point. First, there are two types, planetary and personal, and we begin with the former. About 80 years ago when Gaia, the soul that embodied as the planet now called Earth, cried out for help, the infusion of Light from powerful civilizations that stabilized the severely weakened planet and prevented its flying into space and certain destruction also enabled it to jar loose from deep third density and start gradually rising. That was the beginning of planetary Ascension location-wise. 

Let us digress a moment to mention something that could be one point of confusion. Since both dimension and density are used in the context of Ascension, it could be thought that they are different phases or aspects of this process instead of terms that have been used interchangeably. We add that density is the more scientifically accurate term, because Ascension is about energy, which cannot be measured in ways that are used to produce the dimensions of something, say a box or a plot of land. 

Now then, Earth crossed the threshold of fourth density in December 2012 and will continue ascending until she is well within upper fifth density, where she originated. However, during the eons that the planet was spiraling downward into the depths of third density and was stuck there, Gaia remained at fifth density in soul evolvement status. 

This brings us to personal Ascension—a soul’s growth in spiritual and conscious awareness, or evolvement; this, too, is a process, not an event that would affect all peoples similarly and simultaneously. It is so that the energy waves Earth encounters are propitious events from which her humankind could benefit. But those strong bursts of energy intensify all characteristics and behavior, and while all individuals are reacting in accordance with their positive or negative basic inclinations, the planet continues its steady ascent into higher astral planes. 

As to when personal Ascension started, the massive Light that saved Earth’s life about eight decades past was available to all her residents, so you could say that it began back then this time around for people who were receptive to the Light. We say this time around because Ascension, evolvement, advancement, is the goal of every soul in every lifetime. 

Each soul has its unique frequency, or energy streamer, that is steered by its attachments—the person’s thoughts, feelings and free will actions—into the many stages of growth within each density. Let me change “many” stages to “unlimited”—souls can regress during a great number of third-density lifetimes, and because they have all the opportunities they need to get back on track, by comparison other souls virtually dash from third density to fourth. 

It is possible that the major cause of confusion about Ascension is numbers. This universe doesn’t have numbered densities and neither do souls. We use numbers only to indicate Earth’s position or progress location-wise and to show evolutionary status or advancement of her humankind, and numbers of the latter can differ markedly while Earth’s location number remains the same. 

The reality is, this universe is pure energy flowing with no demarcations between a lower density’s “last” streamers and the “first” of the next higher density, but rather there is a blending of the streamers, because their vibratory rates are so similar. That is why you saw no dramatic changes on December 21, 2012, or in the days and weeks that followed even though Earth had started orbiting in the lowest plane of fourth density. And regardless of where the planet is, personal Ascension can occur. Even during the long ages that Earth was mired in the depths of third density, some souls—God’s special messengers, other emissaries and visionaries—ascended during their Light-filled lifetimes. 

So then, how do you prepare for Ascension? It is as simple as living in godly ways, or, as God said, “Be kind.” 

“How many more years will it take Earth to reach her destination?” If there is a definitive answer, we don’t know it. You will sense time passing faster and faster as the planet enters lighter, then still lighter energy planes, and at some point you will realize that you are in the timeless, “distance-less” continuum. In this moment, dear brothers and sisters, trying to imagine life where everything in universal existence is a series of simultaneous happenings is to invite frustration. At soul level, you do know that life, and when you are “out of time” linearly speaking, you will rejoice in once again being fully conscious of living in the continuum. 

“How long will it take us and Gaia to transition thru the fourth dimension before we experience the fifth dimension? I found a book that did address this and gave 2032 as the date when we would begin to enter the fifth dimension.” The soul Gaia never left fifth, only her planetary body did, and we can’t say how long Earth will be transitioning through fourth, because estimating in linear time what in the continuum is NOW can’t be done with accuracy. And, there is that significant difference between planetary and personal Ascension. 

Most lightworkers, whether they do or do not think of themselves as such, are in mid-to high fourth density consciously and spiritually and in some cases higher, the souls who came from the most advanced worlds to assist in the awakening of Earth’s peoples. That doesn’t give any of you volunteers immunity to the full range of human emotions, and episodes of sadness, disappointment, despair or other stressful feelings don’t jeopardize your status. Persons who are able to temporarily rise above their own challenges and the world’s tumultuousness briefly experience fifth density’s bliss and the sensation of such lightness that there is no awareness of being in a dense body. 

As for the date 2032, we would not venture to specify a calendar year in connection with any stage of Earth’s journey—or yours—because of the aforementioned difficulty of putting varying planes of energy into a linear timeframe. 

“How can I convince the religious fanatics in the family that Armageddon/ Apocalypse/End Times is NOT what’s ahead of us? I don’t want them to be left out when Ascension comes!” We have spoken about the Ascension process, so there’s no need to revisit that, and our suggestion applies to all whose loved ones have closed their minds to anything that doesn’t fit into their opinions about religion or any other belief system. Share your ideas and knowledge with persons who are interested, but please don’t try to convince anyone who is not receptive to believe as you do. Every soul is entitled to move at a comfortable pace toward enlightenment, and if that isn’t attained in this lifetime, it will be in another—no soul ever is “left out”—and differing convictions don’t alter the love bonds that reunite souls. 

Mother, I see that the rest of the items on your long list pertain to personal Ascension and several are similar. We’ll respond to all without the need for you to type any, and we begin with the evolvement status of Earth’s civilization. Those at the low end of the spectrum still are in deep third density; those at the high end are nearing the first energy streamers of fifth. The status of the great majority is mid-to high third density or low fourth, far advanced from the comparatively few individuals who are stuck in the depths of third, and as vibrations keep rising, evolutionary progress will be swifter and more apparent in the populace. 

Ascension has nothing to do with physical longevity; it has everything to do with how closely a person’s decisions and actions during the lifetime adhere to the Soul Contract. 

No, Ascension doesn’t require that the person is aware of it. Many millions are evolving without knowing that they are. If they don’t associate their empathy, intuitive development, thoughtfulness and kindness with Ascension while they are on Earth, they will have full understanding once they are in Nirvana. 

Ascension is during the physical lifetime, not something that comes in one fell swoop at the end. It is the same with regression—and although there is no such thing as “deathbed conversion that saves one’s soul,” whatever a person does during the body’s last days or hours “gets credit” insofar as entering the part of Nirvana that corresponds to the energy of the person’s entire lifetime. 

Transitioning to spirit life is not “automatic Ascension.” Life in Earth’s spirit world is like a physical lifetime in that free will reigns, and Nirvana offers such a wide range of interesting activities and fascinating travel that some souls indulge in those pastimes and bypass the realm’s splendid learning opportunities. There is no judgment whatsoever for choosing that kind of life; however, souls that make minimal effort to prepare for a subsequent incarnation don’t have the Ascension advantage in that lifetime as do those who prepare wisely. 

Ascension is not physically leaving Earth to live on a planet in a higher density, it is journeying with Earth for the life span chosen in the Soul Contract. It is a misconception that there are two Earths—the “new” one to which people ascend and live in love and peace, while the people who don’t make it remain on the “old” one amidst violence, corruption and greed. 

There is no “completion time” for Ascension in the context of readers’ questions, but in another context there is. You are not a person who has a soul; you are an immortal soul experiencing another lifetime in a body. Every embodiment—there can be many thousands, even millions in such a variety of forms, civilizations and worlds so different from what you know that you cannot imagine them—offers potential growth in spiritual and conscious awareness, the remembering of what is known at soul level: You are an energy aspect of the Supreme Being of this universe and inextricably connected with everything throughout this universe. When that is remembered in fullness, you understand that always you have been and evermore shall be an aspect of the mass consciousness that is the Supreme Being. But that is not your journey’s end—the ultimate destination is your cosmic Beginnings, the pure Love-Light energy of Creator, the omniscient, omnipotent Oneness of All. 

Beloved family, it may seem that rediscovering soul-level knowingness and life itself become more complex and confusing as you evolve. It’s the other way around—everything becomes simpler and clearer. The complexities and confusion are where you are, they are the creations of your thoughts, emotions and decisions. For now, let the unequalled power of Love guide you joyously and confidently as you continue radiating your Light to all of Earth. 


Suzanne Ward 

Website: The Matthew Books 

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Κυριακή 12 Μαρτίου 2017

The days of poverty and lack will disappear

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 3 March 2017 

Be aware that it is the joint consciousness of the people that is bringing about changes, that will lift you up out of the chaos and uncertainty that has existed for a long, long time. They have awakened to the power that they possess and no longer bow to the dictates of those they now recognize as the dark Ones. For far too long Humanity has accepted the rule of those who have only followed their own agenda, that is Service to Self. Now that people are awakening to their power to plan their own future, they are invoking changes that will result in their success. There are many souls of Light on Earth that are waiting for their opportunity to come to the forefront and lead the way. Together with the prompting and help from those in the higher realms they will ensure that events unfold that will show the way forward. The timing depends very much upon other changes that are in the process of taking place, the main one being the announcement of the New Republic which is already in place. It will be the commencement of many desirable changes that will eventually lead to the announcement of NESARA. This will signal the move to a new way of governance and a peaceful existence. 

So, whatever way you look at the happenings on Earth at the present time, know that the cleansing is necessary if you are to gain your freedom. There will be casualties along the way, but many will be those that need such an experience to continue their evolution. Be assured that such occurrences are a necessary part of some soul’s lives, and know that nothing of importance happens by chance and that all is carefully planned. Some will find it unbelievable, but you should bear in mind that all souls enter life on Earth with a life plan that they have agreed beforehand. Even so, some doubt that it could be so, but understand that when you plan your life it is from a place where you fully appreciate the necessity for such experiences. It is about spiritual evolution, and your desire to complete your earthly experiences as soon as possible. As you have been informed already, you are never left alone to have your necessary experiences as every soul has Guides. They are helpful and ensure you fulfill your Life Plan, but do not otherwise interfere with your freewill. 

Realize that important decisions such as choosing your partner are obviously part of your Life Plan. Should you start another relationship that is not meant to be permanent, then it will only go so far and eventually you will meet the soul that you were meant to stay with. It may sound unlikely, but be assured that you can be led into the right situation by your Guides, and you will not know you have been influenced to that extent. It also applies to life threatening situations, inasmuch that you will escape death if your life plan is to carry on with your life. So, be assured that your Guides who know your Life Plan will ensure that you keep to it. There are some exceptions, but these are rare and would not arise in the normal way. 

It is never too late to turn to the Light and as soon a soul makes that decision, their Guides are alerted. They are in fact with you regardless of your acceptance of them, and will always help where possible. After all, you still have a Life Plan and it is so important that you live in accordance with it. You clearly would not wish to miss an opportunity to evolve, as if you did, it would only have to come around again. Knowing that a Life Plan is in place it is advisable to accept all that comes your way, because it clearly has a purpose and there is a lesson to be learnt. If you have been disabled, it is no doubt difficult to believe that you agreed to it, but nothing that has so much bearing on the quality of your life is by accident. 

You have an expression “but for the grace of God go I” which means that you have recognized in another soul your own shortcomings. It is where you have received forgiveness, and not necessarily served a punishment that is set by your own system of justice. It is an example of God’s Love equally for all souls alike, and something you should also aspire to if you are to raise your vibrations. It is difficult to practice Universal Love at a level where such an understanding is lacking, and where Man’s laws punish misdeeds. It is not to say that wrongs must not be made good, but that forgiveness is far more beneficial to all. Souls respond to love and kindness, and punishment even if considered necessary can do more harm than good. It is a difficult subject to agree on as clearly you must be able to protect people from those who have total disregard for another’s well being. However, when you can start to see what you are aspiring to, it helps you know exactly what your goal is. 

Around the world so many changes are taking place, and those that have exceeded their powers are being removed. The people are quickly awakening to the truth and how they have been manipulated and abused by those who have chosen to rule over others. Clearly not all are guilty and those who have served the people are recognized for their honesty and duty to them shall be placed where their love of the people can be freely expressed. Your New Republic will become such an example as you will eventually come to see. Your destiny is to become free from oppression and threats of war, so that all can live in utter peace and happiness. The days of poverty and lack will disappear, and all will have exactly what they need to live a comfortable and safe life. It will take time for all changes to take place, but it is important that you know what the future holds for you all. 

A very long time ago, there was a period similar to the one you are entering, so for many there may be a subconscious remembering and familiarity with what is manifesting. As you are beginning to understand, everything moves in cycles and the Ages come and go with regularity, but it is largely up to you how the future turns out. At present, you have gone beyond the point of no return, and this cycle will take you to the promised land. It is what you have earnt through your determination to rise up and not surrender to the dark Ones. To some it may sound improbable, but bear in mind that it only requires a small percentage of those souls of Light to carry the cycle forward. It has been a remarkable achievement in view of the degree to which the dark Ones had achieved control over you. 

Naturally, there are always the Higher Ones overseeing your progress, and when God decrees that it is time for the Light to increase, then action is taken accordingly. However, it still depends on you as individuals who are incarnate on Earth to rise to the occasion. That you have done so splendidly, and now all souls of Light have the opportunity to rise up out of the lower vibrations. Clearly, there is still much work to be done to bring the New Age into being, but a start has been made and there will be no going back now. So, keep your heads up and know that much still happens out of your sight, but events are nevertheless coming more into the public view. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Παρασκευή 10 Μαρτίου 2017

You are about to receive your freedom and obtain the beginnings of your prosperity

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy 7 March 2017 

3 Imix, 4 Ceh, 13 Caban 

Selamat Jalwa! All is going extremely well. The dark is becoming shell shocked, as it is quite apparent that its supposed victory is quickly fading away. The dark cabal is now racing in vain to somehow preserve what little is still solvent. It is like a sudden spray of acid that was unexpectedly added to the mix. The US, Inc. is about to dissolve as it becomes crystal clear that the new NESARA Republic is again on the world’s horizon. The dark cabal can now see the inevitable writing on the wall. Its old ways are finished and the old guard now awaits its long delayed punishment. The true Constitution with many needed revisions is shortly to make its appearance and Congress and the rest of the dark’s regime is to go on hiatus. The new policies of the de jure regime are to soon become a normal every day event. This globe has long waited for what is about to swiftly happen. This project is one that the Light has long waited for. You are about to receive your freedom and obtain the beginnings of your prosperity. 

This process required a careful and cautious approach. The dark had been lulled into a belief that somehow its madness was to find a way to continue. Our forces were guided by a group of wonderful and dedicated individuals whose magic is shortly to be applauded by this globe. What they did was truly miraculous. It is not easy to overturn a financial and political system that has been entrenched for over two millennia. This system is now in the final process of being replaced. The soldiers of the Light carried out a truly amazing event. We need to commend their efforts as well as their magnificent patience. We are about to watch you make a most wonderful leap in consciousness. It is to enable you to move a giant step toward Contact. It is this fact that makes us happy about your efforts. You have been able to create a scenario that is permitting not only a New Realty to form, but in addition, to outline how you are to forge this New World of yours. This realm is to possess the wherewithal to prepare a new and heavenly epoch. 

The process of change was long in the making. The key issue was the final proclamation needed to be able to draw in the minions and their friends. It was the continuation of the old reality that initially confused the warriors of the Light. The worry was that this strategy was based on the belief that the dark had won its small but nevertheless significant victory. The dark swallowed this as fact and began to use the principals of USA, Inc. as a basis to rebuild their defeated party. In fact, the true nature of all this was that USA, Inc was a non-fact. It was dead and at the right time it was to be placed in the great dustbin of history. This truth is now becoming fact as the new treasury notes and the RV are in the process of being rolled out. As hoped, this process is leading to mass arrests and to new NESARA governance that is now to be born. America was ready to lead the world to a quiet revolution. This is to allow manifestation of a world long promised by Heaven. This miracle is now fully under way and is to lead to your freedom and prosperity. 

As this moves forward, you are to see many necessary changes. These changes are to permit your consciousness to keep growing and your move toward Full Consciousness to increase. It is this process that is to be the key to the rise of your New Reality. We are fully aware of how all of this is playing out. We realize that Disclosure is something that needs to be addressed. The old governments strongly defended the strange belief that UFOs did not exist. This is now to be overturned and the truth that you are not alone needs to be revealed to you. In addition, there needs to be a series of announcements that permit us to directly address you. In these communications, we intend to explain who we really are and why we were told by Heaven to create a monitor system to better prepare you for Full Consciousness. You require a number of ways to resolve the past lives you experienced in limited consciousness. This process is essential in helping you adjust to the physical changes that you are shortly to encounter. 

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to help you better understand what is now happening to you. Over the past decade and a half, you have been subjected to a number of subtle changes that we generally call Ascension Symptoms. These changes by Heaven are one of the many ways your body, mind and Spirit are being readied for a grand change in consciousness. These changes are shortly to reach a point when deeper explanations are in order. Our series of vital lessons are then required. The rise of new governance is to accommodate this. We expect that once you are armed with the truths behind your past histories, you can be better prepared to accept why this is the time for immense alterations of this reality. You are suddenly to learn about Agartha and why you first came here some 900,000 years ago. Lost memories are to be recovered and explained. 

Dear Hearts, we know that this wisdom is only the start to learning about yourselves as a people and as Gaia’s human guardians. This process needs to be discussed by your mentors, as you require knowledge about how this first occurred. What is ahead is a grand period that can aid you in showing your true relationship to Gaia and her remarkable ecosystems. Your positive intentions and deep support of this divine process makes all of this possible. You have wonderfully altered how you react to the manipulations of the dark cabal. These changes have allowed us to take many necessary steps forward. We thank all for what you are achieving. This growth is yet another sign why Heaven decided that a divine process was now possible. This brings us to the present. This is indeed a time for blessed events to happen! 

This is a moment when humanity again joins with the Divine to restore its sacred and magnificent purpose. When you again become fully conscious, you can take this all in, in a wondrous divine motion. You are then to see why Heaven carefully drew us forth and created a special core of Beings to Love and assist you. In this new consciousness, our mission is to be divinely reordered. We are to become supervisors of missions decreed by Heaven. This process is something that you are to become intensely aware of. This process is to be when our New Galactic Society is formed and utilized. How this is all to work is something that we are to share with you, along with your mentors. These coming moments are to bring great joy to us. It means that we can fully adjust to a series of new purposes. It means that we can fully adjust to a series of new purposes, to reform not only you but the entirety of Heaven and Gaia! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 

Today, we continued our weekly reports. We are on the verge of a change that is to affect not only these reports but as well how you are to relate to a number of new developments. Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy! 

Website: Planetary Activation Organization