Κυριακή 31 Ιανουαρίου 2021

The Universe is a wonderful place where you can meet all different types of beings

 Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 29 January 2021

As sometimes happens, an expected event has not taken place, yet all the signs pointed to it occurring. So how can the outcome be explained that would help overcome your disappointment, after it was expected to be so positive. The intent was quite clear and very convincing, because the outcome was considered beyond doubt. Yet, a different path was followed to ensure that it laid down an opportunity that could be taken advantage of without causing great trauma and upset. The path to fulfilment may be full of twists and turns, but the result is assured and you will progress as intended. The object of what took place will set the scene for further changes that will carry you along the path that allows for those that are necessary to speedily move you into the next phase.

It goes without saying that there is no turning back to the old ways, and once things return to some semblance of order, your immediate goal will become apparent. Never forget that behind the scenes many people are working hard for the Light, not least of all those who have come to Earth especially for this occasion to help you establish the New Age. Most work quietly not seeking publicity or adoration, and help direct humanity onto the path that will lead them out of the difficulties they are in at present. At each stage opportunities are given for you to decide which one to take, as you must bear in mind you have total freewill. The tasks ahead of you are formidable, yet with the right approach you will find your way, even if is not clear to you. Remember that once you have expressed your intent to follow the Path of Light, you allow others to help you where needed. Keep an open mind and allow yourself to be guided by following your instinct or intuition. It may at times seem to be a lonely journey, but be assured you have your entourage ever present guiding you as necessary.

The period you just passed through has been more successful than you might imagine, and your main and necessary advancement was to claim back your sovereignty and independence. You have broken the back of the Illuminati's hold on European Countries that were slowly having their freedom taken away to decide their own future. They were working towards establishing three main blocs making their world control over them much easier, it is the beginning of the end for them and they are totally aware of their position. You can also add their general loss of power leaving them unable to establish world power that they had been working to achieve for a very long time. In fact they were never going to be allowed to reach their objective.

We have often mentioned how much you have to catch up on having been denied advancements that would have seen you already enjoying freedom and a peaceful way of living. The potential that awaits you will quickly move you into a new way of life that will prove much more acceptable. However, you have to first put your house in order and bring peace to the world. A World War is totally out of the question and only minor scraps will be allowed, and in time even these will cease. Bring peace to Mother Earth and you will attract visitors from Space who await your “Coming of Age”, so stop your petty squabbles and do not forget that “You are all One” and treat others as your brothers and sisters and as you do so, peace will soon settle upon Earth.

Patience is a virtue that many have little of, yet you must allow changes to go ahead that will firmly put you on the right road to Ascension. The opportunity you have will not come around again for a very long time, so grasp it with two hands You talk of a chance of a lifetime and that is where you are at present, so do not let it slip from your grasp. You have worked through so many lives to get this far, so do not throw away this opportunity through lack of understanding or patience. All of you have spent many lives getting this far and have earned this opportunity to leave the old vibrations behind. Already the higher vibrations are lifting you up and will continue to do so until you reach your goal. It is why the Avians are stationed in your Solar System waiting for peace to descend upon Earth before announcing themselves. They have been linked with you for eons of time like parents keeping an eye on their children.

The chaos in the world overshadows the changes that are taking place that will ultimately lead to your release from the activities of the dark Ones. There is a plan for your future that will ensure that the old ways cease to affect you, and it is already beginning to set you upon another path that will lift you up to a more acceptable level. In part, it is you the people that are setting the pace of change, so continue to set your sights upon all that is good and wholesome, and frees you from the tentacles of those who would still keep you imprisoned. It is for good reason that the Earth is known as the Prison Planet albeit an "Open Prison”. Have you never wondered why you have formed the opinion that there is little life beyond your planet, when the fact is that the Universe is teeming with life? Even now, there are those who are eager to meet you and share their knowledge, but the circumstances must be such that it would not imperil their lives.

The Universe is a wonderful place where you can meet all different types of beings that are nevertheless similar to your human form. Of course, most are more advanced compared to humans, but pleased to share their knowledge when you are ready to receive it. Hitherto they have kept at a distance from you, because your vibrations have been so low, they would be unacceptable for them, but thankfully you now have the opportunity to lift yourselves up to a higher level and many souls are eager to do so. They understand that to take this opportunity to ascend they must prepare themselves for it. Be assured that in doing so, you will be helped to reach the required level and again you will be helped to be successful, once you have decided what is to be your goal.

Mother Earth is preparing to make changes in readiness for her own Ascension. It will entail reforming parts of the Earth, so that it is ready for its own upliftment. It will become a planet of beauty and it will be known as Paradise. You have so much to look forward to and any effort you put in will be well worth it. So keep your sights upon the future that you envisage, and do not let anything distract you. By doing so, you help give it the power to manifest.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Δευτέρα 25 Ιανουαρίου 2021

Looking within is the key to finding your awakening process

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 15 January 2021

Being is your most important task right now – there is no doing involved! Being is to accept yourselves in this moment . . . and this moment . . . and this moment, without judgment or negative self-assessment of any kind.

The vast majority of humans have learned during their formative years that they must do or not do certain things in order to be accepted and loved by their parents, siblings, families, and teachers or caregivers. Just being is discouraged because it appears that there is so much that needs to be done, and that hard work is an essential aspect of a successful life, while doing nothing is seen as a waste of time, as laziness. To a certain extent this is a valid concept. However, and for vast numbers of people, work has become life’s purpose – even though they may often dream of being free, of having holidays away from the stress of normal daily living – thus separating them from the fullness of their being! Being is who you are, and if you do not allow yourselves to spend plenty of time just being – and most of humanity does not – you cannot know yourselves.

When you were born into human life, the life of form, your memory of who you really are was lost to you. This is because of that long ago choice to experience separation from Source. If you retained your memory, you would not experience separation. However, Source knows that not only is separation impossible, and that therefore the experience of separation is harmless, She also knows that that experience is something you would – eventually – choose to terminate, and so your collective awakening process was established at the precise instant that you chose to experience separation, in order that it would be there for you to avail of as soon as you chose to do so.

Now vast numbers of you are making the choice to terminate the experience of separation, and in that choice you are finding or uncovering within yourselves the awakening process. It has always been there. God did not choose to have you spend millennia incarnating and incarnating and incarnating as you sought the way Home. He placed it within you, clearly marked and labeled, so that when you chose to awaken, the means was there. Because you had chosen the separation experience that too was there for you, and although it presented you with a multitude of lessons to learn, which seemed to insist that you undergo many incarnations to complete the learning process, there was and is no requirement for you to do so. Over the eons humanity became addicted to the distractions and excitements of the separation experience – duality, right versus wrong, good versus evil, love versus fear – that being in form made possible, and you came to believe that one life in form was all that you would get, so you had better make the most of it. Yes, many cultures established myths and religions that spoke of an afterlife, and of the karmic necessity for many reincarnations, but those too were distractions.

You are, each and every one of you – in every moment of your existence – One with Source, Love, Mother/Father/God in your own unique and individual way, and so you will each find or uncover your own unique way Home to that state of eternal knowing. The myths and religions were helpful at times, they were like incompleted maps which offered some directions, but which needed to be individualized as each of you was on a different spot on that map. But over time many of them they became power structures, which some used to control others with judgments of what was right and wrong, and with severe punishments imposed by the ‘authorities’ on this who refused to conform.

Now, as you move along through the awakening process toward Home, you are rediscovering your God-given sovereignty, your divine right to choose your own unique path. Only your path will work for you. People are, therefore, breaking away from the bonds and restrictions of organized religions, with their idea of one path for all, and the judgments they have established to validate the truth of that, and of what is right or wrong. They are coming to the realization that, yes, there is only Love, and that the only rule is to be loving at all times.

As you have been told so often, Love never judges or condemns, Love always accepts. Those who live lovingly never intentionally harm or seek to harm or offend anyone. When someone judges you or offers you uncalled for advice or guidance they are not offering you Love. However, when someone listens to you compassionately without offering advice or guidance, she allows you to find yourself within yourself, if you choose to listen to yourself, hear yourself, understand what you have said, and then truly look within.

Looking within is the key to finding your awakening process, but many have been so traumatized, and have buried so much pain and suffering deep within themselves, that they are constantly seeking distraction from that insistent but very quiet call to go within. They are terrified of what they will find there. Yes, they will uncover shame, blame, unworthiness, and memories of unloving behaviors that have hurt them badly and with which they have harmed or hurt others. But then, with the loving assistance of their individual support teams in the spiritual realms, they will be able to come to an understanding of why all this occurred, and through that understanding will be able to see the invalidity of those negative self-judgments, allowing them to forgive themselves, and any others who have harmed or shamed them. The knowing that they are God’s beloved children will arise and confirm itself, and then they will be able to release their hold on the buried guilt and shame that they have been carrying for so long.

By releasing these burdens they allow and invite Love to embrace them, which It does instantly, and the result is an intense sense of inner peace, self-acceptance, and love for all. It is the dropping or discarding of an enormously heavy and energy-draining burden or load, that serves neither them nor anyone else, and a marvelous experience of lightness and peace replaces it, as all the shoulds and musts, or shouldn’ts or mustn’ts just fall away, and, often for the very first time, the person feels FREE, ALIVE and filled with joy for life.

This is your natural state as a human, but it has been hidden, buried, unavailable because of all those invalid negative beliefs about yourselves that the various traumas you have undergone have ingrained deep within you. Self-acceptance is essential, it is your path Home, and it is also, of course, the wonderful realization that Mother/Father/God, Source, Love is your nature, that you are One with That, and that THAT is YOU!

Humanity is awakening, and the realization of that ONENESS is dawning every day on more and more of you. The evidence of this is available for all to see, because of the ability that each has to cruise the world-wide-web and meet others who, like themselves, are enthusiastically choosing to awaken. Do not engage with the ongoing dramas with which the mainstream and social media flood the airwaves in order to distract you. Choose not to spend inordinate amounts of time checking phones, emails, and your favourite news sources, because doing so is extremely addictive. Instead, set a precise and very brief time period no more than twice daily – morning and evening, perhaps – to learn what you feel you need to know about local or world affairs, and then get on with LIFE. The miracle that is life reveals itself to you in every moment, if you pay attention by being mindful, instead of engaging with the negative thought patterns that flow automatically and uninvited through your minds whenever you let your awareness stop being aware.

You are awakening, it is the divine Will that you do so, and the divine Will is always perfectly achieved. Therefore, let go of or release your tight and fearful grip on doubts and ‘what if’ thoughts that do not serve you, and allow the Love, that you and every conscious entity truly is, to embrace you, inspiring and uplifting you as you go about your daily lives in form.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Κυριακή 17 Ιανουαρίου 2021

Your destiny is assured and you have earned your victory over the dark Ones

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 15 January 2021

Patience is needed at a time like this when the continual restrictions are still in place and could even get stricter. Certainly there has to be all necessary precautions taken if you are to throw off the manacles that are holding you back. Yet the time you have had to consider where you want to go and how to get there should enable you to see the path ahead. Throw off the old ways and welcome a new approach that is free from the interference of those who have a different agenda for the glorification of self rather than for the good of all. You will get your release from the present restrictions, and then you must prepare for a future that demands cooperation and honesty in all dealings.

Corruption has been endemic for so many years and nearly reached a point of saturation, but those souls who are of the Light have persevered and are now ready to help bring in a new way of working that will be open and truly honest. We have told you all along that the time of revelations was upon you and slowly but surely the truth is being revealed, and those responsible for riding rough shot over it will answer for their crimes. There are many, many souls that have incarnated upon Earth for this time to help Humanity bring peace to it, and with the ever increasing vibrations you will not have to wait too long to see the results.

Your destiny is assured and you have earned your victory over the dark Ones, who have sealed their own fate and will answer for all of their crimes against Humanity. Many Light Beings are on hand waiting for the right opportunity to introduce themselves, and they will bring to you their knowledge and expertise to help speed up your evolution. There is now the opportunity to take full advantage of the changes that are needed to establish the basis of a Νew Earth that will see you through until the Event takes place.

There is much for you to do, but be assured we are here to help you when you call upon us for it. You take the first steps and we will be with you the rest of the way. You have such a big potential and few realise it yet, but it will slowly but surely grow within your consciousness. You have been held back for so long, you have forgotten your true selves and the extent of your potential. The spark of light within is glowing and will continue to do so, until eventually you will understand the true nature of yourselves. With the God inside you, your potential is unlimited, and we are tempted to tell you once again to be careful what you would wish for before you know how to control it. However, do not worry about it, as you will be able to ease yourselves into it as you evolve.

The key to peace is happiness and love and if you can make it your target for the future, you will be well on the path to becoming a Galactic Being. At the same time anyone in your presence will feel your uplifting vibrations, and you can help spread the Love and Light. Continuation of Covid 19 can be a frightening prospect, yet we see it going just as quickly as it appeared. Ιn other words, your efforts to contain it will be successful.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light 

Artwork: Swami Sevaratna

Σάββατο 16 Ιανουαρίου 2021

You live inseparably in the Presence of the One, loved and cherished beyond your ability to fully understand.

 Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 6 January 2021

Emotional STUFF is arising for everyone everywhere that is unsettling, disturbing, even frightening for many. Too many distractions – COVID-19, US Presidential election, Brexit, among other things – are pulling you, and many, many others, away from your inner work. That work is essential, and it is to be loving whatever arises, either in your personal lives or as reported in the world news. Distraction from that work must not be allowed to prevent you from going within when you awaken in the morning, whenever you have a free moment during the day, and before sleeping at night, to relax in the peace and Love of your holy innern sanctuaries. Yes, of course you have to attend to your daily human lives, however, do not let those daily chores and duties cause you to forget to do that inner work. You incarnated to be here now doing this work to assist in humanity’s awakening. You chose to be here at this time because you fully understood how important the work you would be doing was going to be. That sense of knowing, of purpose has been diluted or is less than clearly apparent to many of you, because of the limitations that being human imposes on you, veiling off much of your awareness both of your earthly task, and of your heavenly nature.

Many people have an ingrained sense that they are not good enough, that they are not worthy, that they are unlovable, but this is completely invalid. Yes, as humans in form you could live your lives more lovingly and compassionately, and many of you have set and reset the intent to do this, but then you tend to judge yourselves very harshly and negatively when you see yourselves as having made an error, or failed. As humans you have chosen to learn the lesson that you are Love incarnate, and opportunities to learn this are frequently presented to you, and sometimes you do not realize this at the time, or even shortly afterwards. When, finally, you do realize, you often berate yourselves for not being aware in the moment that they happened. When you dwell on these kinds of self-judgments, wondering how it was possible that you could have allowed yourselves to say or do what you said or did, you drain your energy and intensify the sense of not being good enough. And doing that is depressing, is draining you of energy, because it is a shutting out of Love.

Remember, you are perfect divine beings, it is just that the Truth of that is hidden from you, because of the limitations of being in human form. And in remembering, also remember that you were created perfect by God Who Loves you utterly and completely without for even a moment judging you. In that knowing, forgive yourselves, stop clinging to and revisiting your mistakes and failings, which are, in any case, over and finished with, and move forward in the knowledge you are always and eternally loved, as you live inseparably in the Presence of the One, loved and cherished beyond your ability to fully understand while you are still in form.

It is your destiny to awaken, because the awakening process was established in the precise moment in which you chose to experience separation – just a moment ago. The environment of separation that you collectively established is extremely convincing in its presentation of unreality to you as Real. What is Real is utterly beautiful, peaceful, joyful, accepting, loving and honoring of you, in every moment of your eternal existence. Reality is where you are in every moment – there is nowhere else! This is confusing for you because you all want only to be loved, and yet everywhere you look you can see the opposite – fear, anger, hatred, bitterness, and despair – thus life can seem hopeless. It is not! You are all making enormous progress along your individual, and most beautifully designed and unique paths Home.

Very frequently, this is not at all apparent, as you experience stuff, situations, and relationship difficulties that seem totally removed from any evolutionary or spiritual purpose. The experience of human life for each individual is individual. That was the intention with which the collective encounter with separation was designed. You each experience life in your own unique way; your experience is different from that of everyone else. You cannot know what another’s path is, and therefore, it is not helpful to try and put someone on the ‘right path,’ because there is no way you can know what or where it is, or where it may lead them.

What you can do is to support someone who is in trouble, in pain, or suffering by being present with them and seeing them, loving them, and listening to them. As you all know, when someone focuses their attention on you – obviously ‘sees’ you, and listens to you – you feel much better in yourself, you feel that you ‘matter’ to that person, you feel accepted. Everyone wishes to be accepted, and Love is acceptance, It always accepts unconditionally because that is what Love is, It never sets conditions because there are none.

Over the last year people have become more disconnected, more separated from others than had come to be accepted as normal, and this has been extremely unsettling and disturbing for them. Therefore, those of you who are reading or listening to this or to other loving messages need to intensify your intent to be only loving whatever arises. You are all undoubtedly finding that much more is arising for you yourselves, as well as for the human collective, and the reasons that this is so are quite clear, as you deal with your own stuff intensifying as it arises to be acknowledged, thanked – you pre-established it all as part of your individual life paths to nudge or shove you toward awakening – and released. As you release it instead of reacting to it, focus on giving thanks for what it has taught you, because, in doing so, you will find within yourselves the strength and an intensified desire to interact only lovingly with all others. And that is why you are presently incarnate in human form.

Your individual task is to be loving. This does not mean that you surrender your sovereignty or agree with opinions or beliefs that are unloving; instead you just behave and speak in ways that are in alignment with Love, while not engaging in judgment of others. Every human has experienced more than enough judgment and shaming as they have lived their human lives, and, as you can see very clearly, this is extremely divisive –SEPARATING!

All are One, so to awaken is to cease engaging in divisiveness. Allow others their different opinions without feeling a need either to correct them or agree with them. Disagreement can be very inspiring if you can fully listen to the other’s position or perception, because it can peacefully and lovingly show you any flaws that may exist in your own. Disagreement is normal – I like cookies, you like cake – and it does not have to be divisive, instead honor those with whom you disagree, and you will find very often that they will honor you. This will allow you both to move forward freely and happily, accepting each other’s individuality, instead of judging their disagreement with you as wrong, and then bearing resentments or grudges against each other, which, of course, just drains your energy, leaving you feeling tired, angry, and depressed – DRAINED!

When you feel like this, it is because you have chosen to be upset by the other person’s beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors, and then dwell on how unfair or unreasonable they are. But why would you focus on ‘stuff’ that drains you? It makes absolutely no sense. If you need others to agree with you, it means that you are not accepting yourselves. And why don’t you? God accepts you completely and utterly just as you are, so honor Her by accepting yourselves. Self-judgment is not in alignment with Love, so let it go, it is invalid, and enjoy the peace that then replaces it.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Κυριακή 10 Ιανουαρίου 2021

The problems will disappear as quickly as they first appeared

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 8 January 2021

We can understand your concern at the continuing problems arising from the Covid19 virus and we acknowledge the confusion and agitation that is being caused. However, as muddled as everything seems, we assure you that the problems will disappear as quickly as they first appeared. The demanding times have been a test of your endurance without the knowledge of where it is all going, and how it will all end. From our panoramic view of everything we see a quick ending to the effects of the virus but exactly when is uncertain. There are certain aspects that have to be played out before the problems cease and even with your own predictions it will take some months to clear. We are loath to make predictions particularly at this time, as there may yet be some unexpected moments to come.

All we can say with certainty is that the changes that have taken place will be a precursor for greater and more acceptable events. There had to be a momentous shift from what you were used to so that you were forced to re-think the direction in which you were going. It must be apparent that much of which you had previously taken for granted was inadequate for your future experiences so change was inevitable. Politics had become a measure of who could “afford” to bankroll the schemes that the Illuminati had planned, and the Pandemic was one such scheme. Be assured that greater forces than those on Earth oversee your progress and in a period of change, nothing and no one will be allowed to interfere with the plan for your future.

All through your centuries of reincarnation and experience there has been guidance, so that no matter what happened, you always came back to your dedicated path. You excelled yourselves by passing the marker and now you have more freedom of choice and are in fact treading a path of your choice. It may meander here and there, but will always return to the Path of Light that will take you all of the way to Ascension. Already the vibrations have lifted up and more souls are awakening to their true selves and seeking peace and friendship with each other. The times of continual conflict are coming to an end as there is really no necessity for confrontation to continue. Even now there is a move to banish war such as you understand it, and you will find more countries taking a pledge to support peace and friendship amongst all nations. The goodwill is there and all it requires now are the right people to take charge.

The people of Earth have sacrificed much to help bring the Light to it and it is now time that they shall reap the benefits. People at many levels are realising that the future is in their hands and are stirring and vocalising their opinions for all who are prepared to hear them. The people are looking for their next saviour and highly evolved souls are already on Earth laying the foundations for the future. It is bright and full of joy as the past is going to be relegated to levels that will have no place with the new Earth. It exists and is waiting for Mankind to fully awaken to the wonders that await him. First fully step onto the right path and as you make progress all of the benefits that you dream of will be yours. The dark Ones will by then have been long gone from any position of power that would have enabled them to prevent completion.

You have come a long way to reach this point in your evolution and this time you will enjoy the full benefits of it. There is no looking back as that time has gone forever and your focus and concentration should be on the wonderful future that awaits you. Clearly there is still much work to be done before the dust is cleared from your eyes, but you will begin to see the brilliant Light that beckons you and will be your release from all that may interfere or hold back your progress. Help others who may cross your path as they seek the truth as many are now awakening and will be seeking a greater understanding. Intuition is the key to recognising the truth, as their will still be souls who cannot move on and are stuck in the old paradigm.

By getting together you will more easily overcome the challenges that still remain to be cleared. There is much that needs sorting out, so that a clear path to the future can be seen and the deadwood needs removing. It will all become clear given time and having the patience to make allowances for those who still carry doubts around with them. We say “go within” and find the God within and receive important guidance and help. It has always been there but it is only now that Humanity has started to awaken to the truth. Oh joy of joys you are ready to open up to the grand vista that lays ahead of you. You cannot yet imagine how wonderful it is to fully step into the Light and feel the love of the Creator. It is there for all of you and has always been present.

Feel the higher vibrations around you and enjoy the pleasure and beauty of them as they caress you. Sit quietly and feel the peace and love that knows no ending and will be yours forever. You really can lift your vibrations up to these higher levels, so try a peaceful meditation in these times that is so relaxing, as the usual noise and clamour has been stilled. It is an opportunity that may not come again for some time. Put the past behind you and live in the energies that will abound on Earth. The peace and stillness can lift you up to a point when time seems to stand still. Enjoy it and know that there will come a time not too far away, when the negative energies will withdraw and stay in the lower vibrations.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τρίτη 5 Ιανουαρίου 2021

In the Golden Age, no one will want anyone to suffer, much less cause it.

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 4 January 2021

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Everything that has happened since the end of 2012, when Earth left the last wisps of third density energy, has been the groundwork, you could say, for revelations to come forth this year.

If you could see your world from our vantage point, which offers views of what you think of as past, present and future, you would be astounded at the difference since Earth reached fourth density eight years ago. What we see “back then” is light maintained in a few scattered areas, others have small pockets of blinking light, and large areas have only sporadic flickers. Since that time, light has been steadily growing throughout the planet, as sparks keep shooting up like fireworks, and as we view Earth’s “near future,” she is positively aglow.

Now let us tell you about the moment at hand, as tumultuous activity in the energy field of potential is reflecting what is happening on the planet. Some publicly known developments and judicious actions behind the curtain of the world stage are heralding the end of an ages-old dark reign. The darkness that was killing Earth less than a century ago is being completely replaced by light, the same powerful energy as love; and, during your year 2021, you will see changes that have long been needed, so the civilization can advance and flourish.

Change will not come without resistance, perhaps especially in the United States, where the Illuminati are certain to motivate those who are uninformed or misinformed to denounce developments as political partisanship. They are not. Action in the weeks and months ahead will end control by that secret society, which ensconced itself in the government soon after it was established by the nascent nation’s founders.

The highest universal council intended the newly united colonies to become a beacon of light for the rest of the world, a shining example of how people from different countries, religions and cultures can live harmoniously, respectfully and productively and build a great nation. That was the opposite of what the Illuminati intended, and their minions set about to cause dissension, animosity, bigotry and social discrimination as immigrants kept arriving.

As years and decades passed, firmly entrenched in Washington, DC, the Illuminati not only controlled life in that country, they instigated or heavily influenced what happened elsewhere, from civil, international and world wars to funding despots, running the drug trade and ruining economies. That is being ended for once and for all, and the provisions of G/NESARA will be acted upon to end deception, corruption, impoverishment and all other unjustness worldwide.

That task, which is no less than world transformation, won’t be accomplished in the blink of an eye. The Illuminati are a tenacious lot and will not bow out graciously or easily relinquish their ill-gotten fortunes to raise living standards for billions and to restore the environment. However, ever-intensifying light is undergirding a powerful international force of military troops, individuals in governments and the private sector, and extraterrestrial special forces who are united in purpose: total destruction of the Illuminati empire.

For long ages, dark hearts and minds controlled the masses by keeping them ignorant of truths and dividing them into groups they conditioned to believe that other groups, whether of religious, cultural, social, political, racial or economic difference, are “less than.” Higher on the scale of deceit, they radically changed historical records and devised religious rules to enrich themselves and to control the peoples by separating everyone from God except, in Christianity, his only son, Jesus, and they also fabricated the falsehoods in the biblical version of his life.

The dawn of illumination on Earth’s near horizon has risen from the ashes of darkly-contrived ignorance and divisiveness. When clarity comes out of confusion and resolution out of resistance, the peoples can advance in spiritual and conscious awareness. Not everyone will choose to do that, and that is all right—each soul chooses its own growth pace.

But the majority of the civilization will begin an exciting journey of remembrance as consciousness taps into soul-level knowledge. They will remember that every person is a divine sovereign being, an immortal soul created by and of Creator’s unconditional love. They will remember their eternal connectedness with all other life forms on the planet and all other souls in this universe; that animals are souls, too, and they are helping humankind learn to live in harmony with all of Nature. The peoples will discover their ability to communicate telepathically and other abilities that will enable them co-create Earth’s Golden Age in fullness.

Beloved lightworkers, if your soul contract doesn’t include living in that Age, you will have a ringside seat wherever you are and can observe the panorama of that glorious era unfolding. You will know what your dedication and perseverance helped the peoples manifest and feel gratified that you were among the volunteers who were chosen to participate.

“I heard ‘collective souls’ have evolved beyond using free will. Will ending free will be part of the Golden Age on Earth so no one can cause others to suffer?” First let us say, civilizations of collective souls are at a station of evolvement whereby their unanimous free will choice is to live in love, joy and harmony and to help other civilizations who want to live that way, too. In their love for Gaia and her resident souls, 80-some years ago they saved the life of the planet by infusing it with light, and they have continued beaming light to assist you in your mission to help the populace awaken.

Speaking only for myself for a moment, I have visited a number of those civilizations, some of which are physical beings and others have chosen not to embody. The intensity of love that permeates all of those souls and their worlds is beyond your words to describe.

Now then, a vibrant part of life in Earth’s Golden Age will be free will, which is both a gift from and a cosmic law decreed by Creator: The birthright of every soul is the use of Its energy to co-create whatever the soul desires. You cannot circumvent that gift and law, and you would not want to! Free will is the driving force that leads to joyful, loving relationships; expanded knowledge via self-discovery and academic research; new ventures, adventures and exploration; fresh ideas, experiments, innovations and progress. Free will to do whatever you choose is what makes each lifetime exciting, fulfilling and meaningful. And, in the Golden Age, no one will want anyone to suffer, much less cause it.

According to God, Creator’s expectation was that souls would want to use Its energy to manifest joyous experiences for themselves and others. However, archangel Lucifer and some of his angelic followers used their free will to combine unrelated genetic materials to produce monstrous beings—that was the entry of darkness in the Cosmos. Later, some strong souls—Lucifer’s “fallen angels,” you could say, that didn’t return to the light with those that did—used their free will to manipulate the DNA of weaker souls to cause illness, aging, and loss of brain power, and they inculcated the penchant for cruelty to each other and the animals.

Long before the planet was called Earth, one civilization after another with greatly downgraded DNA incarnated there and puppets of the dark forces embodied specifically to keep those civilizations captive. The negativity that resulted caused Gaia’s planetary body to descend from high fifth density to deep third and become mired there. Helping to liberate the planet and its residents from dark captivity is the mission lightworkers volunteered to undertake.

Dear sisters and brothers, we know you have encountered obstacles, endured hardships and had periods of discouragement to help Earth’s peoples reach this moment in an era unprecedented in this universe. We know many of you are weary and discouraged. Life in a third density world can be very difficult under “normal” circumstances, and for almost a year, “normal” has been turned upside down, in a manner of speaking. Current restrictions affecting lives and livelihoods will not become the “new normal,” as some authorities say; and, with industriousness, ingenuity and goodwill, personal and national economies will indeed rebound—ever-rising vibrations will be your strong allies in the turnaround.

To address other questions about the “pandemic,” the claim that soaring statistics are because the virus mutated into a strain with far greater transmissibility is baseless. Tests are designed to detect viruses that cause colds and “seasonal” flu, other tests register only positive. None of those are valid results, but all are counted as covid cases.

Deaths from unrelated illnesses still are being attributed to covid, so those statistics also can sound alarming. The loss of a beloved person by any cause is sorrowful for family and dear friends, yet deaths due to covid are lamented by mainstream media as tragedies, and no mention is given the greater numbers dying from starvation, disease due to substandard living conditions and lack of adequate healthcare. All of those deaths are personal tragedies for everyone who loves those people.

Individuals who contracted the disease months ago and still are recovering or developed serious effects already had health issues, perhaps unrealized and undiagnosed, and the virus exacerbated them. As mentioned in previous messages, scientists in extraterrestrial special forces greatly reduced the potency of the virus prior to its release from the laboratory; thus the virus does not prolong—or prevent—recovery in people who did not have physically-stressed conditions before contracting covid.

If you are in sound health and have a strong immune system, you need not be concerned if your own or family members’ or friends’ employers require vaccinations. The ET scientists also reduced the vaccines’ toxicity to the extent they could; eliminating all of the pathogens—essentially, the disease itself—would have been detected by the manufacturers. The scientists also erased programming on nanochips in the inoculation solution that would have enslaved the society, and the ingredient that could change DNA will be eliminated as carbon-based cellular structure becomes crystalline.

Despite the new “wave” of covid and another round of lockdown—or maybe because of that—anger and resentment are fast replacing fear about the virus. Although those feelings do emit low vibrations, fear is rock bottom and that is what the dark ones want you to produce in abundance. Fear weakens immune systems, making people more vulnerable to covid and all other kinds of disease; but of far greater importance to the dark ones is that the energy of fear is vital for their very existence, and the fear they were counting on to increase is, instead, diminishing.

We don’t know when the truth about the virus, statistics and vaccines will be revealed. That information will become known beyond the Internet, but mainstream media may not report it until the responsible principals are on trial.

Also we don’t know when covid will run out its course. Like everything else in existence, that disease is energy, and the less energy given it by thoughts and feelings, the faster it will fizzle out. Please feel encouraged by what we have told you, then give no more thought to coronavirus-19.

Beloved family, you are living in the most dynamic time an Earth civilization has ever experienced, and your steadfastness in the light has been invaluable in bringing this about. All lighted beings in this universe honor you and support you with unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com