Τετάρτη 29 Νοεμβρίου 2017

Everything in your world is there for your experiential learning

Message from Matthew Ward via Suzanne Ward for 20 November 2017 

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Long-time desires and hopes have swelled into a worldwide sea of demands: The citizenry, for moral integrity in their governments and justice systems; the poor, for a level playing field in all aspects of life; minority groups, for the same rights that others have; women, for personal, professional and cultural equity and respect; peoples everywhere, peace instead of war. 

All of the attendant activity, known around the globe via social media and most countries’ mainstream news, is the harbinger of sweeping changes. But only the collaborators working within the light and all whose interests are profoundly adversely affected, those whose deeds are based in darkness, know that activity behind closed doors portends other monumental changes that will end the long dark reign on the planet. 

Down through the ages Earth civilizations have had other opportunities to throw off the shackles of control, but the darkness’ hold on the peoples through fear and deception was too formidable, too pervasive, to penetrate. This time, in response to Gaia’s cry for help, our Earth family has the powerful assistance of Light beamed from distant sources and generated on the planet by volunteers such as yourselves. The light of your inner strength, perseverance and confidence has helped embolden the populace to wage a global revolution in the name of peace, justness and prosperity for all. 

“Will the arrest of so many in Saudi Arabia’s officialdom further destabilize the volatile Middle East situation or it is perhaps a precursor to finally achieving stability and peace in that region?” We are aware that the arrests are deemed by some of your analysts as worrisome, but we see them as an indicator that that country no longer will support Illuminati interests by funding ISIS and other terrorist groups in the Middle East, and that indeed is a step toward changing the region from a hotbed of violence into a land of stability and peace. We also see the arrests as a setback for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is at the peak of the Illuminati; when he is removed from power by his countrymen, whose interests he never has served, another blow will be dealt to that dark society whose plans include keeping the Mideast roiling. 

“Could you address what Light workers may be experiencing physically at this time? You have talked about this subject before but the energy is more intense now, so what can we expect? It makes the symptoms easier to deal with when we have information. Can we hope that our bodies will settle into the new energies and we can feel good again? Is there a time for all of this to happen?” To be sure, the intensifying energy is taking a toll on bodies, primarily in the form of fatigue or weakness—you barely have time to adjust to the last energy surge before encountering another. Sporadic episodes of headaches, depression, memory difficulties, aching muscles and joints, ringing in the ears, unusual sleeping and waking hours, blurred vision, cramping, nausea and itchiness also are common symptoms. 

To lessen the effects, get sufficient restful sleep, but do not take pharmaceuticals as sleep aids or to pep up or calm down, engage in age-appropriate exercise, and drink lots of water. Eat less than usual; avoid sugar, alcohol except small quantities of red wine, and foods with chemical additives; if your budget affords, choose organic produce, seafood without impurities, and “free-range” eggs, poultry and meat. There is no separation of body, mind and spirit; therefore, it is equally important to reduce mental and emotional stress. Change negative thoughts to positive; be in Nature as often as you can; set priorities, so that your day is satisfyingly spent; reserve time for solitude, free of others’ energy; and meditation also is helpful in relieving tension. 

Dear ones, you are unique, thus your reaction to new energy levels is, too; but when you take care of yourselves properly, cells absorb more light and that makes the adjustment process less jolting. And, be mindful that the effects of energy surges are the same as signs of the onset or progress of an illness. If your symptoms worsen or become chronic, consult a healthcare practitioner, preferably one with a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment. 

“Please ask Matthew to comment on owning and being absorbed with iPhones and the Internet at an early age.” This is a judgment call for parents to make, and we hope they know that the emissions from cellular phones and relay towers that are harmful to adult brains are much more so to youngsters, whose brains still are developing. The paradox is, children so easily master multi-usage phones and laptop computers that those objects can become appendages, and wise parents will prevent that. They can discuss with physicians the safe age for their child to have a phone, put restrictions on its use, limit computer time, and block access to unsuitable Internet sites. We feel it is important for young children to interact often with family and friends to experience the enjoyment of personal contact—talking, smiling, hugging, laughing, having mealtimes and outings together—and establish loving relationships that electronic devices never can offer, much less replace. 

Let us add this: When the public demands health-safety communication systems, manufacturers will provide them. In the meantime, spacecraft crews are using their technology to diminish the damaging effects of your own, but please know that fear energy produces more stress on bodies than do emissions that aren’t aligned with your electrical systems. 

To readers who asked about the “fireballs” that recently streaked across Germany, France and southwestern United States, and the deafening “explosion” in Alabama, Nirvana’s monitors of Earth tell us that astral bodies’ energy spectacularly and harmlessly interacted with spacecraft technology that continuously is combing your skies to neutralize to the extent possible the toxic pollutants in Earth’s atmosphere. If we are viewing the planet in the seconds that events such as those occur, we see sudden flashes of light; the monitors know what causes them. 

“What about the powerful computers generating artificial intelligence which can change us without our knowledge which has been developed by the secret government going on now?” First we say, everything in your world is there for your experiential learning. Every development, from the wheel to the latest technology, is filtered by off-planet scientists to on-planet minds that can absorb and process the information. Subsequent developments can be used for beneficial purposes or harmful, and individuals’ choices determine advancement or regression in soul evolvement. 

Now then, to address the reader’s concern about the surreptitious application of artificial intelligence: It will not reach that insidious point—nothing based in darkness can long stand in the planet’s ever-rising vibratory levels. When your diverse technologies are used beneficially, they will greatly enhance life; and the role of AI is to further accuracy and proficiency in fields such as medical care, scientific research, transportation and manufacturing. Automation, which already has replaced many jobs, will continue to do so, but it will lead to expanded education and training programs for employment that is much more soul-satisfying than assembly lines, mining and cleaning service, for instance. Progress is considered disruptive by a society that clings to what is familiar; however, as the peoples see the vast advantages of forthcoming changes, they will greet with open arms the exciting new world on Earth’s horizon. 

“Matthew said ETs near Earth are benevolent and when they land, they will bring their technology and help us clean up the environment. Please ask him why other sources state that the ETs will pretend to be friendly and helpful before acting on their real intention to annihilate us or transfer their dark souls into our bodies.” Without knowing the sources, we can offer only possible reasons that blatantly false information has been given. If it originated off-planet, fear-mongering base entities that perhaps claimed to be well-known respected light beings transmitted it to individuals who can’t detect the low vibrations that dark entities emit. If the information originated on the planet, remote viewers may have interpreted, or misinterpreted, what they saw in one of Earth’s parallel or possible worlds; or dark individuals devised and disseminated those falsehoods to invoke fear. 

The truth is, only beings of light can enter the protective electromagnetic grid around Earth—its brilliance is too powerful for dark extraterrestrials to approach your solar system. That said, dark beings with origins in other civilizations have lived on the planet at one time or another ever since it was first inhabited, and time is fast running out for those who live there now. 

“Matthew’s description of the reptilian commanders sounds like the little Greys that gave the US government advanced technology in exchange for conducting brutal experiments on people they abducted. My question is, are they the dark reptilians on Earth?” The beings you call little Greys are a humanoid species of Zeta Reticuli, and it is a misconception that they made that arrangement with the United States government. They did share their knowledge of spacecraft design, missile systems and human cloning, but it was in the nature of visitors offering gifts to their hosts, to whom their reason for coming to Earth wasn’t an issue: They had made pre-birth agreements with the souls that offered to give them genetic samples. 

Long ages before that group of Greys arrived about 80 years ago, their civilization took refuge from invaders by leaving the surface of their homeland planet and living within it. The cloning and concentration on intellectual prowess that kept the population from dying out during those centuries before they could reclaim the surface, resulted in an ashen appearance and, of far greater importance to them, the loss of emotions in their makeup. The desire to restore feelings to their people by cloning progeny with human DNA led to the agreement between them and the souls that embodied on Earth. 

However, the Greys’ lack of emotions had two serious consequences. Most did adhere to the agreement provision that they would take tissue samples only from persons who remembered it—meeting “in the flesh” triggered the memory. But a few persons did not have that memory experience, and without the capacity for empathy, sensitivity and compassion, the Greys didn’t realize that they were traumatizing those individuals. And, with no emotional framework for assessing trustworthiness in the persons they approached, they chose poorly and were betrayed. At the same time the US government was ridiculing all reports of UFOs and ETs, their scientists were giving credibility to the accounts of abduction and brutalization by performing procedures themselves so as to instill fear in the populace about extraterrestrials. 

Another unanticipated situation also came into play for the Greys, who were hidden in mammoth underground labyrinths where “abductees” were taken, and it was disastrous. They had expected to quickly return to their homeland and families by the same means they had come to Earth, the mind power that enabled them to dematerialize, then rematerialize upon arrival. But their bodies had become trapped in the planet’s deep third density energy, and since the government’s attempts to kill all of them failed, the survivors still are living underground. These highly intelligent people are not fighters, and if they come to Earth’s surface, maybe after other civilizations arrive, never would it be to harm anyone. 

Incrementally, truths are revealing the depths of deception and fear that the dark ones have employed to keep Earth’s civilizations in bondage for millennia. The more truths that come forth, the weaker the dark ones become, and ultimately the peoples will live in the joyousness that life there is meant to be. Light beings throughout this universe honor you for helping—leading!—them ever onward. 


Suzanne Ward 

Website: The Matthew Books 

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Κυριακή 26 Νοεμβρίου 2017

Removing the Cabal

Posted by Cobra for 2 May 2012 

Phase 1: Arrests 

The Cabal has done so much damage to the society that it has to be stopped immediately. Arrests of the Cabal are the only course of action left. There are some New Age people against that procedure, saying violence only provokes more violence. They need to understand that this action is not promoting violence, but protection of innocent people from the sociopaths of the Cabal. Each day this does not happen, 25,000 people die of hunger because of the actions of that Cabal. Therefore action will be taken as soon as everything is ready and it will remove the Cabal from the society. 

Phase 2: Adjudication 

After the Event, members of the Cabal will be taken to prisons with zero contact with the outer world whatsoever and will be isolated from each other. 

Adjudication process will then start and this will involve humanity as a whole. It will be a mass catharsis and dramatic healing for humanity to see those criminals finally being held accountable for their actions. Humanity as a whole will decide what will happen to those individuals, so that new balance is reached. 

Amnesty will be granted to some of them. This pertains mostly to those that were born into the Illuminati and basically had no choice but to go along with the program or risk being killed. There are many good souls in there that want to get out. A few of them have already done that and are now fighting for the Light. Many will defect just before the arrests get started. Many of the younger generations Illuminati do not agree with the program and some have been secretly helping the Light forces to take down the Cabal. After the Event, psychological help will be offered to them and they will be able to be integrated into the society. 

For many members of the Cabal, amnesty will not be granted. They will have to balance their past actions. Those who are unable or unwilling to do that will be removed from the planet. 

This must be a lawful process during which humanity as a whole will adjudicate. No private witch hunts will be allowed, as this deprives others of the catharsis and balancing process. This will not be done out of revenge, but to restore balance. Revenge is a trap and it does not solve anything. Just remember what happened in French revolution. After the Event, private acts of violence against members of the former Cabal will not be tolerated and will be treated as crime under common law. 

Phase 3: Integration into society or disintegration into the Central Sun 

Those who have balanced the consequences of their past actions will begin their process of integration into the society. They will not be allowed to hold any office in the new society. Anybody else who would like to hold any office in the new society will need to take sociopathy test. This test will determine if they are capable of holding that office without doing harm to the people. 

Most members of the Cabal are sociopaths - in short they are not capable of positive emotions that make us human. You can read a quite good summary of what sociopaths are and how they behave: http://www.mcafee.cc/Bin/sb.html 

Those members of the Cabal that will be removed from the planet will be then taken to the Galactic Court and will be judged according to the Galactic Codex, section III: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2012/04/galactic-codex-normal-0.html 

Some of them will be able to accept the Light and balance the consequences of their past actions. First, they will be taken to virtual reality simulation chambers to understand how their victims felt and then they will do whatever they can to rectify the situation. After that they will be integrated into the Galactic society. 

Others will be unable or unwilling to accept the Light and will not balance the consequences of their past actions. They are unredeemable and will be taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring. 

Their personalities and soul essences will be destroyed with the Electric Fire into the basic elemental essence. Electric fire of the Central Sun will disintegrate their Causal body (vehicle of the soul). Individualized spark of the soul will be then dissolved, with all memories and individual traits erased. It will return into the Source and will have to start a new cycle of evolution from the beginning. 

This process will be completed before the First Contact. After First Contact with the Galactic Confederation on Earth, no dark individual will exist anywhere in the Universe. 

Παρασκευή 24 Νοεμβρίου 2017

Openness, honesty and accountability will be the key words of the New Age

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 17 November 2017 

The new cycle is well under way, and you should bear in mind that Humanity as a collective is creating exactly how the New Era shall develop. The old is no longer automatically taking its place in the new cycle, and in fact it is not necessarily relevant in view of the higher vibrations that are now being experienced. Entirely new times are being introduced that are consistent with your coming needs. The new energies do not embrace the old ones that led to disarray, inconsistency and a near dictatorship. Humanity can now go forward and set up the foundation of the new governance that shall bring into being a new existence of lasting peace and security upon Earth. The old shall gradually recede into the background, as the new gains prominence, and anything of a lesser vibration will eventually disappear. In such circumstances the old cannot maintain its vibration, and will die along with the threat of war and be the instigator of its own demise. 

There will be everything to gain by focusing upon the future and how it can benefit mankind, and the quicker it will be able to manifest the changes that are now in course of being introduced. They will take time, but you will learn of them in advance, so that you can prepare for them. They will allow for rapid advancement and help you to move out of poverty and lack, especially when the new inventions are introduced that will do away with the conditions that have led to such a situation. As the vibrations continue to lift up, so the time will quickly approach that will result in rapid advancement. We have previously mentioned all that is to be provided to establish the new foundation and clearly it will take time. However, the intent is there and with the backing and assistance of the people great strides will be taken once the plan for advancement is known. 

The more your thoughts and actions are dedicated to bringing the new into being, the quicker things will manifest. There is a need for caution as long as the dark Ones have the ability to cause mayhem with their attacks upon civilians. They are however being dislodged, many arrested and their chain of command disrupted. The Light is in the dominance now and a worldwide operation continues to flush them out. Removing their underground bases is more difficult but modern penetration is possible and will be most effective. The whole operations and activities centered upon bringing about world peace are well in hand, and Space will be the final battleground of the dark Ones. In that respect the forces of Light will ensure that they are restricted in what they can do, until they are defeated. 

Views held by those of the Light should not be forced upon people, as it often has the effect of putting them off and it is best to only put your points of view over when the subject arises naturally in normal conversation. Until a soul is ready for advancement, they will show little interest in learning the truth, but a subtle word here and there can often start a new train of thought. Also bear in mind that everyone has Guides that know you better than you do, and they are best placed to decide when it is a good time to plant seeds of knowledge. There is also a soul’s life plan to be considered that will provide opportunities for advancement at the “right” time. So, all in all, you could assume that all things will happen when a soul has reached a certain point in their evolution, when they are ready for it. 

At this time, most people who are in the early stages of understanding the truth will be learning about life and how to get on with each other. That means moving away from putting self first, and understanding that everyone is having an experience that should help them evolve. It clearly helps that you carry forward your experiences into your next life, and have further opportunities to overcome lessons that have not been learnt. Lightworkers understand this and in their own way can help others overcome any difficulties they face. The ego is probably the biggest hurdle to overcome, but with experience a soul will begin to understand its role in their life. For sure, there are always evolved people around that can assist the awakening soul. 

Virtually every country is having to cope with internal changes, because the old ways are no longer suitable for the emerging new society. It often means changes all down the line, as the right people are waiting to take up their posts and bring them in. In time, little of the old will remain and no tears will be shed over its loss. Those who are to be appointed patiently await the call to take up their positions. They are known for their honesty and work for the good of all the people. They will be recognized for their experience and ambitions to assist in bringing the positive changes about. At such time, when the dark Ones are isolated and cannot prevent the changes, you may be assured that their activities will be known to the people. Hitherto, so much has been deliberated hidden by them, and enormous sums of money taken from the public purse for secret projects not necessarily in your best interests. 

It is time for change and transparent dealings in any matters concerning the public and their monies. The U.S. Republic that is in waiting will be announced when there is no fear of interference. So, be assured that all is prepared to go ahead at very short notice. Many people of the old guard have already been arrested and taken out of the way, and it will continue until it is safe to go ahead with new elections. Unlike the old ways, the candidates will have been selected according to their suitability as ones that are trustworthy and work for the betterment of the people and not self. These people have always been around, but obviously overlooked by those who deal in dishonest practices. Openness, honesty and accountability will be the key words of the New Age. Can you not see that already the new energies are having an effect, and the dark Ones are being revealed for what they really are? 

We talk of changes that are coming, but do not expect too much too soon, as things must reach that point where it is what we repeatedly refer to as the “right time”. However, in times of uncertainty, it will boost your morale to know that the good times are nearing and that nothing will be able to stop them coming into being. It is not just the dark Ones who can dictate the future, as the Light is all powerful and backed up by many, many Beings that wait for their call to reveal themselves. You have had little awareness of the truth of your being and the great future that is about to unfold. It was planned eons of time ago, and your efforts to bring the Light to Earth have wonderfully succeeded following several earlier cycles of failure. Know that you were helped and encouraged but can take full credit for your success. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Κυριακή 19 Νοεμβρίου 2017

Countless wealth and Heaven's supply are anticipated to be released

Sheldan Nidle for 16 November 2017 

Message from Colleen Nidle: 

SHELDAN IS HOME from the hospital! Yippee! Sheldan came home on Thursday, November 9. Now that he is home and eating Colleen's food, he is recuperating and sleeping well (which he did not do at the hospital) at lightning speed. We still have a journey ahead of us and we are learning so much about ourselves, our relationship and our mission. ***Last night I asked Sheldan if the Galactics had a short message for me to post. Instantly, he started dictating a mini-update. Whoa, I can't write that fast ~ lol! Next time I will record it. Sheldan is full of so much knowledge, I should start recording him more often for the tidbits of history that I find fascinating. He sure knows how to connect the dots. At this time, we are anticipating Sheldan's weekly updates to resume by Christmas (hopefully sooner). Webinars? We are not sure, but we are intending for January. What a great way to start the New Year! 

Selamat Ja! 


MINI UPDATE from the Galactic Federation of Light: 

Selamat Balik. Welcome to a brief update from Sheldan Nidle and the Galactic Federation. 

We are on the brink of a prolonged dark era that has held us back for far too long. That obstacle is about to be transformed. Hang tight, as many Truths are being readied for disclosure. Much is happening behind the scenes that will smooth the way for an easy NESARA/GESARA transition. Countless wealth and Heaven's supply are anticipated to be released. 

Your quiet, non-violent revolution unfolds before your very eyes. The spiral of Heaven's Light is rotating toward its final destination - your Ascension to the 5th dimension. 

The Ascended Ones are preparing to manifest and assist with your effortless transition to a more loving, peaceful and cooperative society. 

As evidenced in your media, arrests are now taking place. You are living in constantly changing times. Like a willow tree, you are being asked to bend with the winds of change. 

Use your affirmations. We are proud of the spiritual energies that you collectively are infusing into your reality. Look deep into your hearts and know that great changes are ever looming on your horizon. 

In this Light, always remember that the never-ending and countless supply of Heaven is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be in Joy!) 

Website: Planetary Activation Organization

Σάββατο 18 Νοεμβρίου 2017

The vast majority of humans have forgotten their life purpose

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 29 October 2017 

All humans on Earth at this time of enormous change are here to help with the awakening, yes ALL humans. There is not just a special group of Light workers and Light holders who are horribly overworked as they assist in the awakening process. No, ALL of humanity is involved, and no one is special, because ALL are special simply because they are ALL the beloved and absolutely perfect children of God, even though their attitudes and behaviors while in human form may well seem totally at odds with Love, with Mother/Father/God. 

As we have so often pointed out, the vast majority of humans have forgotten their life purpose, the purpose with which they incarnated. Nevertheless, like those of you reading this and similar messages, they too are here to assist in the awakening process. EVERYONE is involved, because EVERYONE is ONE! 

One of the main reasons that you need to release all judgment of others is because you cannot possibly know their circumstances, their chosen life paths, and therefore you are in no position to pass judgment. Only God and the soul involved has that knowledge, the soul has forgotten it, and God never judges! 

What you ALL incarnated to do was to love one another, and even those of you who hold that intent most of the time are still unable to completely let go of that judgmental aspect when some one’s words, behaviors, or activities horrifies you because they are so obviously in complete misalignment with Love. But that is the human condition. You have ALL denied Love and engaged in bitterness and hatred. As Jesus said so long ago – or, in truth, but a moment ago – “let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” 

As humans you mostly are unworthy, except that unworthiness is an utterly unreal aspect of the illusion. All are the beloved children of God, and therefore to be unworthy is impossible! Unfortunately some consider themselves to be sinless when they live in seeming righteousness, and use that belief in their own sinlessness to justify their righteous judgment of those who they see as unworthy. 

Within the game you are playing there is much behavior that truly is despicable, BUT you are all just actors in a drama that you invented, and when the play ends you will revert to your true selves, beings of infinite Love, just like your heavenly Father. 

Focus on this divine truth: “I am a being of infinite Love, like unto my heavenly Father.” With that thought in mind allow yourselves to know it. Then reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises. Whenever doubt or fear arises, no matter what appears to cause it, immediately reset that intent, and, of course, make sure to reset it at least once daily, preferably when you go within to your holy inner sanctuary where the flame of divine Love, the Love that is YOU, burns constantly. 

When you do you receive enormous help from those in the spiritual realms – your guides, mentors, and loved ones – those with whom you made agreements, before you incarnated, to mutually support each other. You have, as it were, one foot in the illusion playing the game, while the rest of You resides eternally in God’s Presence, therefore You are never alone! When in doubt, in need, or in fear, call immediately on us for support, we are always there for you. 

As there is only One, and as each of you is an aspect of that One, and as that One is Mother/Father/God, Source, Love, then you are always and eternally connected to the infinite Power that is All That Is. That Power is yours, open your hearts to It, accept It, and then create with It in your own lives as humans the Truth, the Good, and the Beauty that you all are as you hold your Light on high for all to see. You do that by consciously choosing to be loving in every moment no matter what arises. In doing that you are You, the beloved child of God, instead of an actor in the ongoing drama that is the illusion. 

By doing this you complete the task you set yourselves before incarnating: To be a brilliant Light shining on Earth to assist all to awaken into the Truth that they are indeed One with God. 

With so very much love, Saul.

Τρίτη 14 Νοεμβρίου 2017

Do not lose heart or surrender to doubt

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 22 October 2017 

Humanity’s awakening process is an enormous undertaking that has been ongoing for eons, but the vast majority of humans have been, and remain, unaware that human life is but a minute portion of what is available to them, and that to awaken from the dream into the utter joy of Reality is their inevitable destiny. The illusion you collectively invented and constructed seems totally real to those within it, as was your intent when you built it. However, the intent was not to get lost in it for all eternity, but to experience separation and then make a choice as to whether you wanted Reality or illusion. 

Obviously, Reality is the only meaningful choice you could make, because there is nothing else. But first you became captivated by what you had built, and then, as you journeyed further and further into it, you became lost and utterly confused – Love is your nature, and yet it seemed that you had separated yourselves from It. The experience of that has been ongoing throughout the eons and, as a result, fear – the opposite to Love, only there is no opposite, there is only Love – arose leading you into distrust, betrayal, and endless conflicts. 

Finally, you have evolved or developed sufficiently to recognize the insanity of this relentlessly fearful state of affairs, and you have collectively made the choice to disengage from the illusion by allowing it to fall away, thus restoring you to full awareness of your divine nature, at One with God. The Divine Plan for your awakening from the illusion is, of course, progressing perfectly, just as planned. It is God’s Plan, so there is no other way that it could unfold, because all that is of God is, by its very nature, perfect. 

The continuing chaos and confusion, that is the illusion, is presenting you forcefully with all that is not in perfect alignment with Father/Mother/God, Love – fear, hatred, bitterness, resentment, judgment, and dishonesty in all its myriad forms – so that you can acknowledge its presence within you and release it completely. When you hold on to anything that is unloving, you create blocks and obstructions on the path of access to your heart, thus shutting out complete and Unconditional Love. Yes, you have love of family, friends, partners, but only as opposed to those who do not fit within those categories, and that is setting limits on the love that you embrace and share. But LOVE is limitless, boundless, and by attempting to set limits on It, you close yourselves off from It. 

You are Love, but what appear to you as humans to be vast arenas in which there is only hatred, bitterness, conflict, and violence, are in fact extremely small and insignificant. They just appear vast when you are focusing your attention on them or engaging with them, thus filling your minds so completely that you have no room for what is infinitely real and vast, namely LOVE. As humans, you have all at some time experienced feelings of anger and fear that have disabled your ability to love your loved ones, mostly just temporarily, and, being aware of this, you have seen your fear and anger increase and intensify. 

What is presently happening on Earth is similar, it is a massive uprising of denied and buried anger and fear in order that you may acknowledge it and then release it, instead of engaging with it. But, as many are finding, its intensity often blocks your reasoning abilities, and so you react to it in kind, greatly aggravating a very unpleasant situation, and leading to an impasse beyond which you cannot move except through Love. And in situations like that “a reasonable human” believes that Love cannot possibly work. 

Beliefs are frequently destructive, because they represent inflexibility, an unwillingness to communicate other than from a sense of righteousness, which is in fact just a total refusal to communicate in any way at all. Consequently, many negotiations in many areas of human society, from one on one right up to nation to nation, collapse in complete disarray purely due to a righteous refusal to even attempt to see the bigger picture, to look at all the possibilities, and to seek areas where agreement can be found that honors all involved equally. 

And of course, pride is an enormous stumbling block in situations like this, because everyone has at sometime or another been proved wrong and severely shamed, and so never wants a repetition of that experience. However, the whole point of righteousness is to shame another. It becomes an endlessly repeating loop from which there appears to be no exit, because to admit that one may have been wrong is seen as the unavoidable path to shame and being blamed, and no one wants to go there. 

However, there are now on Earth many wiser and maturer souls who are willing to admit to their mistakes, everyone makes mistakes, and who can then, feeling no shame because in their maturity and wisdom they fully understand that it is only human to make mistakes, move forward to resolve the issues that have arisen. These wise and blessed souls are appearing in many places as mediators and negotiators to ease or dissolve blocks to progress at many levels of human society where differences can be very divisive – international, political, business, religious, cultural, and ethnic – and are working lovingly and harmoniously together to further assist in the massive and ongoing awakening process that humanity is presently experiencing. 

Remember, your individual choices to be loving whatever arises, and your daily visits to your holy inner sanctuaries, give enormous further energy and support to these brilliant mediators and negotiators. You are all essential participators in the awakening process just by your presence on Earth as humans at this moment of enormous and momentous change. As you have been told many times, humanity’s awakening is inevitable, and it is happening NOW! So, do not lose heart or surrender to doubt, instead surrender totally to LOVE, and in that choice and intent take part fully and enthusiastically in the awakening process, your own personal awakening process. 

Humanity is awakening, but it is an awakening that occurs individually, because, even though the collective has chosen to awaken, you each have, and always will have, free will. This does not mean you can choose not to awaken, but it does mean that you are free to delay your awakening. When you choose fear and anger over Love, you are effectively making the choice to delay your awakening, and by so doing intensify your own individual pain and suffering. And needless to say, suggesting to another that they are doing that is extremely unhelpful and inappropriate. Each of you have your own most holy path to awakening, and there is no way you can ever know another’s path. Only offer help, advice, or guidance to another when it is asked for, no matter how sure you are that you know what they need to do. That is extreme arrogance. Only Mother/Father/God understands and knows the path that a soul has chosen to follow and therefore has the wisdom to offer a loving nudge or opportunity to one who is having difficulties. 

Remember too that you are all infinitely loved and honored, and that there are no exceptions here, because everyone made the personal choice to be incarnate at this moment in the awakening process in order to take part and assist, and that is what everyone is doing, even if from your human viewpoint that seems extremely unlikely. You do not know the Mind of God. 

With so very much love, Saul.

Τετάρτη 8 Νοεμβρίου 2017

The illusion is an infinitesimal distraction from Reality

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 27 October 2017 

Humanity’s ongoing progress towards the collective awakening is amazing! You are all doing a most wonderful job in assisting in the Divine Plan, just as you promised, contracted, and intended before you incarnated. Many of you have been following very difficult and demanding paths, filled with pain, anxiety, poverty, and of course, suffering. You volunteered from the generosity of your loving hearts, so that all who choose to awaken as the Divine Plan comes to fruition would be ably and lovingly assisted to do so. You are all receiving enormous assistance from those in the spiritual realms, but, because the density of the physical realm is so heavy, vast numbers are also reliant on the help provided by all of you, Light bearers and Light workers, to enable them to fulfill their divine destiny. 

All are One, therefore, whatever anyone does affects everyone else! All who are presently incarnate – over seven billion people of myriad races, colors, and creeds – are on Earth at this moment, because they volunteered to assist in clearing from humanity all that is not in complete alignment with Love. Some of you are calling it the clearing of core issues, and that is truly what it is, the core issues of fear, bitterness, resentment, and hatred, that have been leading you into conflict for eons. Those of you consciously doing this are doing it not only for yourselves, but also for those who have totally forgotten about the contracts they made to do this before they incarnated. And, at a deep level below their human awareness, those who have forgotten are, nevertheless, clearing an abundance of those issues, and your presence amongst them vitally increases their ability to do this. 

There is no one on Earth who does not have issues to clear, because the game of separation you have been playing has been very intense and violently competitive, and everyone has been playing. This clearance is extremely healing for you as well, because as many of you have noticed, the heaviness of three dimensional life does lift, giving you more energy and motivation, as issues are brought to the surface of your awareness, acknowledged, and released. 

There is only Love, and its constant presence provides a vast healing energy for all who choose to turn to It by releasing their hold on righteous beliefs and behaviors, thus removing the blocks and obstructions that have closed off Its access to their hearts. All hearts will open to the divine field of Love that embraces them, allowing It to heal them, bringing them comfort and joy on a scale they have never before experienced as humans. And this is only the beginning! 

God’s Will for you, for all conscious beings, is eternal joy! You were created from Love and in joy, because God creates joyfully for the pure joy of doing so, and His Will is that you do the same, because he knows what immense joy it will bring you. He created you like unto Himself to utterly delight in all of creation as He does, because to be fully alive is to be joy-filled, and that is the state He wants you to experience as fully as He does. His Love for you is boundless, and He wants you to know that, by experiencing It in every moment of your eternal existence. That is all that He wants for you, and, truly, It is everything. 

You are free, just as you were created, and God requires nothing of you. You do not need to do good deeds, pay Him obeisance, or seek His approval. He offers you His Unconditional Love in every moment, knowing that It is what, as humans within the illusion, you are constantly and desperately seeking outside yourselves where It cannot be found. It is within you, where He placed It at the moment of your creation, and that is where you will find It. Seek not the distractions of the illusion, however alluring they may appear to you to be. Go within, and there you will find Yourself and God eternally at one with each other in joyous harmonious relationship from which nothing is lacking. 

There is NO SEPARATION! You are as you were created, One with God. No other state exists or could exist, because God is All, and therefore, so are You! 

The illusion is an infinitesimal distraction from Reality that you made and on which you have focused almost your whole attention for eons, so that you have indeed been mightily distracted by it from Reality. 

Now it is time to mightily enlarge your attention and awareness, so that you recognize and acknowledge who You are, the eternally beloved child of God, without Whom God would be incomplete. That, of course, is impossible. “What Is” is unchanging and eternal. It is God and You at One in each other’s Presence forever. A timeless state, because there is no time, there is only now, the eternal now, and that is where you are in every moment of your existence, as you will most joyfully remember on your awakening, NOW! 

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Δευτέρα 6 Νοεμβρίου 2017

Nothing can now stop the onward march to Ascension

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 3 November 2017 

It is important that you bear in mind that as you are in a new cycle, a new paradigm will begin to take shape. It will be formed in such in a way that as time passes, you will begin to see how the future is being laid out before you. It will bear little resemblance to the previous cycle, as the new energies that have been created are bringing harmony and peace to the planet such as not previously experienced by you. Out of the chaos of the present there will come a great awakening as to the true potential of the Human Race. People will demand a new way of living, and desire a coming together so that there can be a mutual exchange of knowledge and ideas that will lift all Humanity up. 

There will be an emphasis on fairness and sharing where the Earth’s bounties are concerned, and the making of a peaceful co-existence between all people. The weapons of war will be disarmed and peace will be foremost in people’s minds and hearts. Co-operation will be the watchword as Human Beings are by nature a peaceful Race, and will set differences aside. Love will abound everywhere as it is realized that all Humans are made in the image of God. 

How long it takes for permanent peace to settle upon Earth depends on how quickly you can overcome your differences, and recognize that you are All One. You all have the same desires for peace and happiness, and have a natural instinct to want to share and help each other to uplift your quality of life. Hitherto you have been led to put Self first and hold onto the bounties of Earth with little thought of sharing. Your systems of business have encouraged selfishness and greed, which is why the greatest amount of wealth is in the hands of so few people. You do not need excessive wealth to live well and all it does is deny it to others, who often need help just to exist. 

Already the new energies are awakening people to the truth, and the demand for equality in all things will become paramount. Centuries of war have caused so much death and destruction and now Man has weapons that could easily destroy the whole Earth and its people. However, that will not be allowed, and it is time to talk of making world peace and put a total end to all wars. Just think how much wealth is used for destructive purposes, and how it could instead quickly transform the Earth to a modern paradise. Think peace and the vibrations will continue to lift up and speed up, and likewise the changes that are coming that nothing will be able to hold back. 

Be assured there are many good people on Earth who have the right ideas that will bring about the necessary changes. They will emerge when the time is right and when it is safe to do so, and they will be protected. Like the dying beast it is the energies of war and all it encompasses that are no longer able to dictate or alter the path that lies ahead for Man. The glorious Light of Peace and Gods Love are ever present and no one, or anything will be allowed to stand in the way of world peace. It is time for changes and they are beginning to happen right now. The dark Ones will try to stop or delay it, but will not have any success as the future has already been written in the annals of Heaven and Earth. 

You the people can take credit for having lifted up the vibrations upon Earth that have enabled the new cycle to commence. Having come this far, you will already have noticed changes in the energies that are beginning to bring people together in a common purpose. They understand that in the long run it is the people who determine the future, and that their collective energy for peace is so powerful it cannot be stopped. So, Dear Ones do not be dismayed if you cannot see the overall picture, and know that the changes for the good of Humankind are unstoppable. It also means that the higher forces can also assist you as long as their actions are in accordance with your wishes. In time you will fully understand all events that have or are yet to take place, and the part you have played in them. It will not be too long before it will become apparent which direction you are travelling in, and it is sure to lift you up and raise your expectations. Perhaps some of the first signs of actual change will be the appointment of suitable people into roles of great importance, giving them the responsibility for bringing them into being. 

The onus at present is on all Lightworkers to keep spreading the positive energies of love, and create harmony where ever they go. People are becoming more open to guidance and seeking answers to help them through a very testing period. It requires great faith to not be affected by the negativity that is upon Earth, as many issues are now being brought into the open, so that they can be cleared for all to see. There is no doubt that people are awakening to the truth and questioning the misleading and often untruthful information they are being given. No longer are people going around with their eyes shut and realizing how much of the truth has been kept from them. However, it cannot be kept concealed forever, and we are entering a period when it will come out much to people’s astonishment and anger. The difference is that even people in high positions are beginning to insist on the facts becoming open to the public. Hold tight and expect the unexpected in the near future, as the lies and untruth will be exposed, as such negative energies cannot be carried forward into the higher vibrations. 

The terror attacks are very distracting, but do not let them take your focus off the future, as it is the last attempts of those who care not for human life, or work for peace on Earth. Their time is running out and actions to bring an end to their atrocities are under way. The people of Earth are defiant and will not give in to the misguided ones, who do not understand that they are the pawns of those who seek prevent Ascension. It will fail miserably and the determination of the people will ensure that they experience victory over the negative Ones. Because of freewill they had to be allowed to test the Light, hoping to overcome it and eventually imprison all souls upon Earth. They have failed, and already the dark Ones have been subdued and can no longer achieve their aims of world domination. Love and Light have persevered and grown stronger, as more souls have discovered the truth and the power within and nothing can now stop their onward march to Ascension. 

Remember that very evolved souls await in your Solar System to oversee your transition from the old energies to the new ones. They are the Blue Avians who will ensure that no entities outside of your Earth can interfere with your progress. There are also others that stand by, such as the Pleiadians who are your ancestors, and will ensure all goes well. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light