Δευτέρα 27 Ιουλίου 2020

You are great souls in the making and moving towards the higher vibrations

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 24 July 2020

Humanity has been at the mercy of leaders, but Humans are very strong willed and determined to overcome their difficulties and challenges to get through what will undoubtedly be a strenuous period in their lives. Having experienced two World Wars and many minor skirmishes, they are hardened to accept the many drawbacks that they face now and in the near future. You will soon be coming out of your enforced lockdowns and other controls intended to keep you as safe as possible. The experience will cause a rethink about how you will live in the future, and how you can improve the quality of life and shake off the issues that still exist from many years ago. Already reviews are taking place to see what can be learnt from your experiences to make life easier and more enjoyable. The New Age is still in its early stages of development and you will have all to gain and nothing to lose.

There are younger generations ready with untapped skills and eager to put them to use for the general good of everyone. You have everything you need to take a leap forward that will be your first steps into a period of rejuvenation where, the old will be dispensed with and replaced with a new way of doing things. The know-how has been available for a long time and deliberately held back but there is no reason why it should continue any longer. These are extremely important times and the right decisions must be made that ensure Mankind is given all of the advantages that would greatly lift the quality of everyone’s lives. There is no point in going back to the old paradigm as it is inadequate to cover the New Era that has been entered and now commenced. A worldwide approach would see advancement take place everywhere and quickly raise the standard of living which in many countries is very poor and primitive.

The technology and know-how already exists that would immensely raise your quality of life, and it is time Humanity was given a greater share of new technology that has already been tried and tested and in use by the secret armed forces. You the people have paid for new developments and should be the beneficiaries, yet they have been very slow in being given them. The New Age demands that advancements are passed on to the people and they would help overcome the legacy of Coronavirus that has created so much debt. The people have great power in their hands and once they get their act in order they will be able to impose their will upon those who decide their future.

So keep your thoughts focussed on what you desire for the future and you will be creating an energy that will eventually help bring it about. You have much more power than you realise, so use it wisely and help bring the New Age into being. You have come a long way to reach this point in your evolution and have gained experience and strength by touching the depths of negativity. So, lift your heads up high and know that you all have a marvellous potential and are much greater than you think. When the mist has been removed from your eyes, you will see clearly and know that you are great souls in the making and moving towards the higher vibrations, and if you are ready, you will ascend when the Event takes place.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τρίτη 21 Ιουλίου 2020

You incarnated solely to live lovingly

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 7 June 2020

Here in the spiritual realms I, Jesus, and all your individual support teams are watching over you constantly and inundating you with LOVE, as the awakening process continues to unfold perfectly as divinely planned. The “stuff”, that we have talked about previously, has strongly intensified for many as it flows into your conscious awareness to be recognized, thanked, and fully released. Attending to this can be very tiring, very stressful, and very unsettling, because most of you have been unaware of how much stuff you had hidden deep within yourselves, waiting to be acknowledged and released. The intensity has shocked many of you as friends and loved ones have unexpectedly – and mostly quite unwittingly – triggered spontaneous and unloving reactions that have exploded from within you, and which you have then directed powerfully back at those who have triggered you, shocking and offending them, thus triggering them in return.

This is a time for you to demonstrate enormous compassion for yourselves and for all others, because so many are feeling very confused in this period of great uncertainty, as the familiar world appears to be disintegrating, and when and how the future will unfold remains out of sight. People do not like uncertainty – and yet the world of form has always been filled with uncertainty – and so they establish routines and life patterns that seem to show them the way forward to desired ends and events whose achievement is guaranteed. This does work for short periods of time for individuals – maybe for as long as ten years, though more frequently for much shorter periods – then something happens that throws their plans into disarray.

Right now, nearly everyone’s plans are in disarray, and the future seems to be more uncertain than anyone can remember. Know that your awakening is absolutely assured. Nevertheless, how you will awaken is not yet clear to you. This is a time in which you need to strengthen your trust in God’s Love for you, and allow that trust to guide your thoughts, words, and actions, as you go about your daily human lives. Live lovingly whatever arises for you, and demonstrate Love in action by being the divine Being that God so joyfully and lovingly created as You. It is ALL that You are. Anything that arises within you that is not in complete alignment with Love is not You, and is unreal.

As stress or fear attempts to fill your minds as you concern yourselves with re-establishing your ‘normal’ routines when the present restrictions on your freedom are eased or removed, turn to me, or indeed to anyone in the non physical realms with whom you commune on a regular basis, and ask for help and guidance to strengthen your faith in Mother/Father/God to Whom you are always inseparably connected. Doing this will bring you comfort, as the knowing of your inseparability from Source – with Whom you are always One – arises into your conscious mind reminding you again that there is only Love, that all else is unreal and will pass away.

The massive worldwide uncertainty, that all are presently experiencing, is an essential aspect of humanity’s awakening process. In order for you to awaken, you have to let go of or release your hold on “your life story,” the egoic image of yourself that you have built up as your identity, and which you present to others as the ‘me” that you think you are. This is not who You are! However, the belief in this identity has become so deeply ingrained within you that you truly believe that it is who you are. Your egos do not want to let go of this identity because they fear it will terminate their existence, and their sole purpose within you is to protect their identity, so that they can control you through fear.

By fully opening to and embracing Love, your true and eternal nature, you allow It to dissolve your fear, as the realization dawns on you that truly there is nothing to fear. If you doubt this, remember what those who have had near death experiences (NDEs) have shared in books and interviews: that there is no death, that they have fully experienced knowing the truth of this, and that as a result of their experience they have lost all fear of death. By opening fully to and embracing Love, you too will come to the personal realization that there is nothing to fear, because you will know that there is only Love.

To arrive at this realization daily meditation must be practiced by relaxing into your holy inner sanctuaries, as you let arising thoughts just flow through your mind without engaging with them. It does take practice, relaxed practice, where you let go of all judgments about your competence or ability – egotistical thoughts arising – that distract you from being at One with Yourself. When you let go of self-assessment and self-judgment, and accept yourself just as you are, peace will arise within you, as you enjoy the moment: ‘smelling the rose,’ ‘watching the sunshine playing on the water,’ ‘hearing the bird song,’ ‘listening to the breeze rustling the tree leaves.’ Truly all is well.

Remind yourself that you are on the path that you set up for yourself before you incarnated, and that you were born into the family that was absolutely perfect and that would allow the lessons that you had chosen to learn to be presented to you at just the right moment. There are no accidents or coincidences, unexpected events are part of your life plan to allow you to deal with them in the most loving manner of which you are capable in the moment in which they occur. Later in your lives you may look back and regret certain things you have said or done that have hurt others, and that awareness alone is enough to allow you to forgive yourself and move forward. To dwell on past events of that nature, instead of acknowledging them and releasing them, causes you unnecessary pain and suffering and serves no useful purpose. Forgive yourselves, and forgive others who have hurt or offended you, realizing that you were all doing your absolute best in that moment. Judging yourselves and others wrong for past events with the ‘wisdom’ of hindsight is to cling to something that has passed, which makes no sense because there is only now. Use your new awareness to live more lovingly.

You incarnated solely to live lovingly, and by so doing to assist humanity in the awakening process. Your intent to send Love is extremely powerful, even though you very likely will receive no feedback after doing so. Trust that this is so, knowing that you are a divine Being at One with Source, while remaining within the limitations of form where positive loving feedback, although often given, is often unseen or unfelt. Your loving intentions always arrive at their destination and mightily assist those to whom they are directed, so keep on loving and intending to be loving, and awaken!

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Κυριακή 19 Ιουλίου 2020

In general all extra-terrestrials are of the higher vibrations and in no way violent or frightening

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 17 July 2020

Matters are building up so much so that something has to eventually break out. It is at long last realised that it would be better now that some secret projects are brought into the open to gain public support. They need to know what is being carried out in their name and be allowed to benefit from them. Free energy is at the top of that list and it would help remove many problems that presently exist. It would free up immense amounts of money that could be better spent reviving economies all around the world.

There would obviously be opposition from those who have invested in current forms of energy, but advancements cannot be indefinitely held back, particularly since they have already been widely used in secret by the armed Forces for a very long time. Pressure is being applied upon the authorities to take action, but it is going to be a marathon task. At times some information has filtered through into the public domain and mankind has benefited as a result, but that is only “the tip of the iceberg”. It is time that a leap forward was made, thus enabling the people to lead a better and more beneficial life.

We, for our part, try to help you by putting ideas into your minds, but will not in any way force them upon you. So to say, if you get the ball rolling we are allowed to help and will always point you in the direction that results in fair and honest dealings for the betterment of all people. You must take the first step, so that we know the way you are heading regardless of whether it is seen as the best approach. All of the time, we are prompting people to take certain actions that we know will be to your advantage. If you are one who is involved in such happenings, please allow yourself those quiet moments when you can get in touch with us.

We would be overjoyed to openly get in touch with you, but it is not yet the right time for such a direct contact, but be assured that it will come. You often see our craft in your skies, but unless on a special Earth mission very few of you will get a personal contact. Those days have passed when we needed to make you aware of our presence to get you used to being contacted. Fear of the unknown can be very upsetting and not helped by fiction that often depicts us as threatening life forms. We, in your solar system, are very much like humans, even if different in stature.

When the days for open contact come about, you will find our presence very reassuring and not in the least frightening. Our personal energies emit a loving feeling that will make you feel really at ease in our presence. We are Beings of Universal Love and have long evolved past the level that you are presently at and we serve others in the name of God. Although there are some exceptions that are mainly from the reptilian groups, in general all extra-terrestrials are of the higher vibrations and in no way violent or frightening. They are your brothers and sisters on a more advanced path than you are, although many of you following Ascension will be lifted up.

So, what is your ultimate goal and why do you need to experience in the lower vibrations? The answer is that you are, so to say, removing the rough edges so that you gradually become an evolved Being that can express yourself with Universal Love for all forms of life. That means accepting the many differences that you are presently experiencing. We have spoken of the ego quite recently and it needs to take a back seat, as it is often the cause of arguments and even worse. You cannot continue to allow it to dictate how you respond to situations.

You have to learn how to handle testing moments in a way that you can, if necessary, walk away from a potential argument. It is not being cowardly or detrimental to your self-image, so hold your head up high and know that you are greater for being able to turn your back on altercations. Be at peace with all around as far as possible and if you must respond, do it in a gentle and understanding manner, you will feel all the better for it and others will admire your self-control. You may get caught out when something catches you by surprise, but do not worry about it and know that through experience you will learn to overcome it next time.

The level of experience you are in is intended to help all souls to evolve, which is why your life plan is carefully arranged and events take place accordingly. You will have agreed your life plan in advance thus allowing you experiences to be arranged to ensure they benefit you. So, you still have freewill and if for any reason you do not fulfil your plan, it will be simply carried over to another time or life. You cannot ignore or escape your karmic responsibilities and they will keep coming back to you until the necessary lessons are learned.

You will probably be aware that immediately when you die to your physical body, you first review your life and will see quite clearly where and why you went wrong. There is no way to avoid the truth, that is clearly necessary if you are to make progress. However, be assured that you will always be given guidance and helped to overcome any difficulties. There is no sense of punishment, if you fail to make progress, as you can be helped by suitable experiences being arranged so that eventually you will be successful. Naturally, you will be involved in other soul’s experiences, so you may in turn be able to help others evolve. It can seem very complicated, but because it is carefully planned, it normally works out as intended.

No one wants you to fail and it is the very opposite, as all souls are loved beyond measure and there is no exception. Go about your life with confidence and know that every effort you put in will be well worth it. You will look back on these present days with amazement to think that you undertook such challenges with a blindfold, without knowing what the future may have held for you. However, you did have the assurance that you would be guided and protected all through your journey in the lower vibrations. Now many of you are on the verge of finishing with those experiences having been through hundreds if not thousands of lifetimes to reach this point in your evolution. You are about to rise up and leave the 3rd dimensional vibrations behind, as they will have served their purpose in helping you evolve to a higher dimension.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Δευτέρα 13 Ιουλίου 2020

Spirit wish to see as many souls as possible Ascending

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 10 July 2020

You may speculate on how it was achieved but the Coronavirus was mainly spread by drones. Its affects will not last much longer but pockets of the virus will tend to keep it going. A remedy for it is on the verge of being discovered and that will clearly help to reduce its potential to spread further. Understand that where some souls have had a bad experience because of the virus, it is as always largely a karmic situation and like earlier instances of this nature is clearing it away.

In the long run, you will look back at this period and see that it was a means to an end that provided Humanity with a break that allowed life to be reviewed. The result is that beneficial changes are being made that will propel you into a New Age. Without a major change in your understanding, it would have taken considerably longer to advance from a situation that was holding everything back, but be assured that everything that happens on Earth is closely monitored by us and we would warn you if things got out of hand. However, you have freewill and that means in the ultimate it is your decision as to how matters develop. To this end you have many helpers who try their best to guide you along a path that ultimately will lead to your Ascension.

You are to be complimented on your progress so far, as it has not been easy to set aside the difficulties that you have encountered. Passing the marker has been your major achievement so far and now it will become easier, and as time passes the dark Ones will lose more and more power to interfere with your plans. It is also more noticeable that you are closing down their underground bases and releasing those who have been imprisoned within them. There is a great task ahead of you to clear out all bases that belong to the Illuminati and it is having a positive effect, as the power of the opposition to your “cleansing” is in decline. There is no way now that the dark Ones can restore their power and their supporters are gradually being rounded up to face trial for their misdeeds.

You are enacting out the last days of the power of the Illuminati although their presence may be felt for quite a time to come. There must come a point soon where the Light Forces will become the dominant force upon Earth that will enable them to push ahead with their changes that will benefit mankind. The plans have already been laid and those of the Light who have been waiting in the wings, are ready to go ahead and help with the establishment of a new way of living that will bring peace and happiness to the people of Earth. We know that some souls are impatient to see some positive signs that matters are taking a turn for the better, and it will come for certain but as always we ask you to exercise patience in the meantime.

All souls were briefed before they incarnated as to what they might expect during this period of major changes, and you may not recall it, but at least you should intuitively have an idea. It is quite an occasion as all souls are privileged to be on Earth at such a time and be part of an experience that few have encountered before. It is the pinnacle of your lives and when you look back you will be so pleased you were part of it. It has taken many lives to reach this conclusion and those of you that are ready to ascend are to be congratulated upon your success. Whilst you have received much support throughout your many lives, success has ultimately been down to your efforts and application to succeed.

Old problems have surfaced to be cleared and you are currently in the midst of dealing with your racial problems. Since the end of the last war, when many immigrants arrived in your countries many have wrestled with the problem of integration and never quite overcome the prejudice against people that are different to those in your homeland. You are getting there with a lot of soul searching and we would reiterate what we recently told you that you have all taken on incarnations into different countries as part of extending your understanding of the various and different ways people live and practice their beliefs.

One often repeated question relating to Ascension is in respect of what level of evolution people have to reach to be sure of ascending. Thinking in terms of a percentage, it is 51% and over, in other words as long as you are on the plus side you are considered as already on the path. You cannot calculate where exactly you are, but if you know yourself well, you will have a pretty good idea of where you stand. The ideal situation would be where you practise your beliefs with a view to always improving yourself and as we have mentioned before, it is necessary to aim for a level where you can treat all people alike, as souls that are learning as they go through life and see only their goodness and potential to become one who can practise Universal Love. As Beings who have emotions, there is always a chance you may let your guard down and drop your level of vibrations, but you can walk away from arguments or any situation that may have an adverse effect on you. You might have lost your temper at times, but with practise and determination you will overcome such a possibility.

Spirit wish to see as many souls as possible Ascending and every help is given to those who are progressing in that direction. If you feel ready to succeed and devote your time to preparing yourself, there is no doubt that you will ascend. Do not concern yourself too much about other people, as in the ultimate every soul has to make its own path to success and there will come a day when all will have succeeded. People have to take the path that is best suited to their needs and that inevitably means the parting of the ways for some of them.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Κυριακή 12 Ιουλίου 2020

Love is what souls are made of

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 2 July 2020

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Especially when you are inundated with media reports of turmoil around the world, it is important for your health in mind, body and spirit to frequently breathe deeply, then exhale slowly to release stress so it doesn’t accumulate and cause imbalance. Please, dear family, take a moment now and do that for yourselves. Thank you!

Now then, two global situations are keeping Earth’s energy field of potential in fervent activity. Let us speak first about the protests against racism and excessive police force that started in the United States and quickly erupted in many other countries. Essential change doesn’t start with leaders, but with demands of the peoples.

You may have seen films of George Floyd’s death and noticed unusual circumstances: The policeman who had his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck looked “vacant” as he gazed at the person who was filming him, and the three policemen who were standing nearby appeared to have little interest in what was happening.

The very second the incident started, those five souls and others in their respective pre-birth agreements amended their soul contracts so they could participate as they did. The policemen’s apparent lack of emotions and lack of dread in Mr. Floyd was the effect of their subconscious processing as they acted in accordance with their newly-agreed upon roles.

They did so to thrust racism onto the global stage so dramatically that this pernicious aspect of humanity no longer can be brushed aside. Earth’s civilization cannot advance in spiritual and conscious awareness until the unjustness of systemic bigotry ends and healing can come to the society.

The other global situation is the continuing saga of the coronavirus. Keeping in mind that most national borders are closed to travelers, you may ask how that disease reached countries that had been free of it. It happened the same way it did in China’s Hunan province—the virus was released by drones, or, in the new countries, perhaps by crop-dusting as well.

Although the two areas differ greatly, both were prime targets for the Illuminati to unleash their virus. Along with dense air pollution, Hunan is saturated with 5G technology whose emissions are damaging to bodies; both conditions compromise immune systems and render the residents susceptible to contracting a contagious respiratory disease. People in the countries where covid-19 was more recently introduced are equally vulnerable. They have low immunity due to existing health issues caused by malnutrition and other substandard living conditions.

The spike in numbers of cases and deaths in the United States was predictable. Masks prevent normal respiratory functioning and that severely affects immunity. Stress also adversely affects immune systems, and a great deal of stress has been caused by “stay at home,” mass unemployment, economic hardships, child care for people who must work, and the exhaustion of hospital personnel and first responders.

The ones behind this pandemic want you to believe otherwise, so the finger-pointing is at people who are not wearing masks or “social distancing” and businesses opening too quickly. Another aspect of the rising numbers is that cases and deaths from numerous medical issues are falsely reported as due to covid-19 or complications thereof.

Contrary to what may appear as the dark ones winning this round, they are not. They are digging their graves deeper, in a manner of speaking. The truth about the laboratory-designed, patented coronavirus cannot be hidden from the public much longer. Removing from the Internet the testimonies of individuals who know the truth isn’t preventing the posting of other truthful information, and labelling it “conspiracy theory” is not going to work on the dark ones’ behalf either.

To readers who also asked if Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci are among those responsible for the pandemic, yes, both are heavily involved. So is the CDC, whose “guidelines” often are mandated.

Now, about Q and Qanon. According to Nirvana’s monitors of Earth, Q is a few individuals who have extensive personal knowledge of “Deep State,” the secret society we call Illuminati and others refer to as the cabal, One World Order, Shadow government and other designations. Qanon, a loosely allied group of individuals who research or have personal knowledge of information not readily available to the public, follow Q’s enigmatic messages posted on an Internet site and interpret those with varying degrees of accuracy. Because the intention of all these individuals is to expose the dark ones, information coming from Q or Qanon also is ridiculed as “conspiracy theory.”

Mainstream media are controlled, information on the Internet is a mixture of authentic and false, and social media is a hotbed of opinions along with facts, so be discerning about information from all sources. Ask within—the truths you are seeking reside at soul level.

“I heard that your president [United States President Trump] ordered the military to destroy underground bases where they found many children in cages and released them. Please ask Matthew if this actually happened.”

Nirvana’s monitors can’t confirm that the rescue order came from President Trump, but it is true that military troops released hundreds of children held captive in the Illuminati’s mammoth underground bases, then destroyed the bases. The children are receiving medical and psychological care.

The most diabolical of all darkness on the planet is satanic worship. Along with kidnapping thousands of children around the world for rituals, worshippers impregnate women they imprison so their infants can be sacrificed.

Eons past, the dark forces inculcated into inexperienced souls the idea that human sacrifice “pleased or appeased the gods,” and millennia ago Earth’s civilization did that. In more recent centuries, the Illuminati have used those ungodly acts to create the energy of fear, which they require as fuel to survive, and they believe that consuming parts of sacrificed bodies gives them unlimited powers.

Another reader who wrote about this asked: “Is it better to stay out of everything and let people feel bright and happy (including myself) or is it better to let people know?” As shocking as the truth is, it must become widely known so these unspeakable practices will be ended and the dark ones involved held accountable for their crimes against humanity. The information is available on the Internet and we urge you to make others aware of it.

Our reply to the following excerpt of an email always applies, but with emotions running high about what is going on in your world, it is especially relevant now: “In day-to-day family life we encounter never-ending emotional conflicts and turmoil that often takes away from the joy of life. Loss of emotional control inevitably leads to undesirable consequences. So, why were we given emotions when for the most part reasoning is a far better survival tool?”

First we say, Earth is universally known as an excellent schoolhouse specifically because it offers the finest lessons in emotions, and souls from numerous civilizations choose to incarnate there so they can overcome low vibratory emotions and replace them with high.

Dear ones, we know from our own lifetimes in worlds that are loosening third density shackles that it is exceedingly difficult to always feel positive and confident.

You come from civilizations where only joy, kindness, honesty, generosity, forgiveness, gratitude and other emotions with high vibrations exist. And now, here you are in the midst of Earth’s emotional spectrum that includes impatience, anger, disappointment, intimidation, discouragement, hopelessness, pessimism, frustration and fear. Dispelling those negative sensations by radiating the light of high emotions to inspire Earth’s peoples to manifest the better world they want is why you chose to be where you are.

Yes, indeed, reasoning is involved, but you don’t have to eschew emotions to use good judgment, make wise decisions and employ common sense. Furthermore, life without any emotions would be a dim, hollow existence. It would preclude the joy when a new family member is born, excitement about a successful undertaking. Thrill at seeing Nature’s spectacular beauty, happiness about a friend’s visit, sympathy for those who are mourning, empathy for those who are struggling, the pleasure of companion animals, appreciation for others’ loyalty to you and gratitude for thoughtfulness and kindness.

Why didn’t we mention love? Because love is far more than emotions—love is what souls are made of. Beloved sisters and brothers, love is who you are! The high vibrations of the aforementioned sensations are expressions of the love you are radiating as the light that is undergirding all efforts to co-create Earth’s Golden Age.

We honor you for your essential service in this monumental undertaking. With unconditional love, the most powerful force in this universe, we have been supporting you all along your Earth journey.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Σάββατο 11 Ιουλίου 2020

Spirit has ways and means you are unaware of to make things happen that are in your interests

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 3 July 2020

There is a change in consciousness levels taking place as a result of Coronavirus, and the most important one will be the creation of opportunities for people to reflect upon their future and what they want from life. It will happen on all different levels the most important one being your spiritual understanding, related to your everyday life and the way you conduct yourself and view other people. If you already accept that All is One and the supposed divisions are man-made and largely based upon colour and religion, there should not be any division between the different groups. However, due allowance must be made and freedom granted for each group to practise its beliefs without interference. One group is not superior to another and each have a role to play, so that their followers can evolve to a greater understanding of the truth, that will eventually lead them all back to the Godhead from whence they came.

Understand that a long, long time ago the different races were brought to Earth to find a common belief that would unite them all, while at the same time making due allowance for the different stages of spiritual progress that each have reached. Understand that all roads lead back to God, so on one level there is no difference between one group to another. Respect the differences and allow all to practise their beliefs according to their understanding of the truth. Each group is creating their own path to understanding and fulfilment and ultimately they will lead back to the Godhead.

At different stages, all souls will experience within the different groups making their understanding so much greater. It also means that subconsciously you will have a greater understanding of each other’s beliefs. Allow each group to evolve at its own rate knowing that eventually all will come together as One. The system for spiritual growth has been tried and tested for millennia of time and it has proved suitable for a soul’s progress. Humans love to pay allegiance to their beliefs and have no hesitation in wearing their “uniform” to show it to others.

There is no doubt that Humanity is ready to move on to the next stage in their evolution and how much easier it would be if they had a greater understanding of the truth. However, with their Guides on hand always ready to offer assistance, every effort is made to ensure progress is maintained. When you are asleep and your soul goes out of the body, you can get direct guidance and help for the upcoming period. Sometimes, you have to be “directed” to ensure you experience in a manner that will lead you into situations that will enable you to fulfil your life plan that you agreed to prior to incarnating on Earth.

We will repeat again that you are never left alone to have your experiences. Sometimes they are unpleasant, but understand where your karma is concerned, you are most likely making good errors that you made in your present life or an earlier one. Spiritual growth comes from life’s experiences that are planned in advance with your knowledge, although you may not have a waking memory of it, so do your best when confronted with challenges. Try to understand why you might have incurred the need for such an experience and you will be on the way to ensuring you will not need to repeat it again.

We have touched upon the subject previously and bring it up again, because it is important that you understand that you are not necessarily going to re-incarnate with exactly the same souls as previously. Over numerous lives you have had many different partners and friends, who will have been chosen for their suitability having regard to your life plan. It is very complex, as your family and friends extend in many directions, yet some will have little or no influence upon your life. Follow your intuition and you will not go far wrong and also go with the flow and let things come to you rather than live your life to a rigid plan, and you will find that you will have experiences that you might not otherwise have expected. You will be surprised at how easy life becomes and how beneficial.

Matters are arranged to ensure you make progress with each life and this involves meeting the right people. Spirit spends much time arranging such meetings that may happen because of another person’s connection to you. It is quite a challenge to get the timing right, especially when you are reliant on an outside contact. But Spirit has ways and means you are unaware of to make things happen that are in your interests. They also have the advantage of knowing exactly what your life plan is and helping you to fit into it.

The road ahead is uncertain for many reasons, but in time it will become clear as to which direction you are going in. If you have Ascension in mind, you will want to continue raising your vibrations so as to ensure you are prepared for it. There will be distractions on the way so be prepared to be tested and keep fully focussed on your goal. You are in chaotic times and it is essential that you keep to your life plan, as having come this far you do not want to be misled and go astray. Having said that, it is unlikely that you would, as you are well advanced along your chosen path.

We know that close friends are not necessarily aware of your spiritual interests and you are right to keep them to yourself, unless of course you are asked about them. By keeping your beliefs to yourself, you are avoiding making direct reference to them and it is best to help others when you get direct questions, but even then only give what has been asked for, as too much information can be off putting and not prove helpful.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Κυριακή 5 Ιουλίου 2020

Love and Discernment in Ascension

Message from Archangel Michael via Linda Dillon for 12 November 2019
Greetings, I am Michael: Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of News. Welcome my beloved friends, sisters, brothers, allies, warriors, peacemakers. Welcome to this Council, and to this circle of One, to this circle of love. For love is all there is. It is the beginning, the middle, the end; the above, the below, the within, the without.

Beloved ones, do not allow yourselves to be distracted by the chaos. Move into your Divine Knowing, anchor in your Divine Authority. Do not get caught in the drama of white hats or black hats, or good guys or bad guys. All beings are birthed directly from the Heart of One upon this beautiful Planet of Gaia, and far beyond. There is no being beyond redemption, beyond resurrection, beyond recognition. All energy is light and love, and it will find its way back to the One.

When we speak to you, we speak clearly, succinctly, directly. We do not speak in code; we do not speak in undercurrents; we do not promote chaos, or intrigue or conspiracy. Let me be entirely clear: when I speak, I am the clarion call of truth. And I do not do so in misty dark corners or in closets. Intrigue is a distraction. The desire for punishment is a distraction.

Is justice and truth absolutely fundamental to the creation and co-creation of Nova Earth and Nova Being? Absolutely. But Nova Being, your ascending/ascended self, will never be found in blame or judgment. There can be no room on Nova Earth for such levels of hatred, of greed, of abuse.

So do the words of truth, the bringing forth of what needs to have light shine upon it in order to bring renewal and clarity, does that need to happen? Yes. And it is incumbent not upon this group or that group, or undercover agents. It is incumbent upon each and every being.

Note: I do not say lightworker or loveholder, because Nova Earth is comprised of all beings – in harmony, in balance, in unity, in wondrous diversity – operating as one heart with billions and billions of expressions.

Do you, as lightworkers and loveholders and torchbearers, show the way as pathfinders and wayshowers? Yes. But you do that in the light of day, in the light of the Mother’s clarity and purity and grace; in awe and wonder and inspiration. You do it in the light of day; you do it in the light of your heart. Not in discriminating or excluding anybody – for all are welcome on this Planet of Love.

Love, truth, peace, joy, compassion, humility, tolerance – all of these are literally the building blocks of Nova Earth; of kindness and gentleness and strength and power in the truest meaning of the word; of might; of acting from the truth of who you are. Do not shy away from where you see abuse, where you see discord, where you see hatred, where you see greed. Identify the behavior, identify what is lacking – which is love, which is peace, which is kindness and consideration – and redirect the energy into ways that are of the highest realm of what is possible.

It does not matter whether you call it the 3rd dimension, the 5th dimension, the 12th dimension or the 10th. All dimensions, all reality, all experience, all expressions of Nova Being on Nova Earth are intended to be of love. When you extend yourself in love – not buying into the chaos or the intrigue, or this faction or that faction – when you simply redirect aberrant behaviors, terrible behaviors, abusive behaviors, then what you are doing is extending hope and forgiveness and compassion. Not only to those who have been the victims of abuse, of betrayal, but also to those who have acted in such a misguided, miscreated way.

Old Earth has been based upon punishment and reward, and it has created factions of haves and have-not; of those in power and those who are powerless. It has created such fragmentation that unity became a dream, a thought, a hope.

When you extend love and forgiveness – when you model and mentor love and forgiveness, peace and compassion to those that have erred, to those that have created and fully participated in chaos – then what you are doing, beloved, is laying down the new paradigm: what it means to be human; what it means to be Gaian; what it means to be your true ascended self.

In that, there are no dark corners. There is no one who is excluded. And there is healing – dramatic healing for those that have been hurt and harmed. And also for those who have perpetrated hurt and harm, and devastation of such a magnitude that has almost destroyed your entire planet.

Yes, it is important that personal responsibility, personal accountability, be ingrained; be literally entrenched in each and every heart. Because in that, then the institutions – the structures, the systems that are reorganized, re-birthed, or newly birthed – then they hold these elements of accountability of personal, not merely, responsibility; but responsibility to create and to co-create with us, with the Mother, with each other.

You have lived on a planet that has abused the energy of human beings. It has been not only aberrant, but in certain cases, really an abomination. The planet Gaia – she has not expelled anybody. The kingdoms, the animals that have been so abused, tortured and maimed and annihilated – they have not sought revenge. They show you the way to live in union and cooperation – in unity consciousness in practice.

The energy that we are giving to thee – from the Mother, from us, from your star family – has never been this powerful or this clear, and it is breaking down the old at a rate that has been unheard of, unseen in millions, and millions, and millions of years.

So the question is: what do you do with it as you go forth? The last thing Gaia or Gaians need is a replication of exclusive structures, or groups of individuals that hurt and maim, or live in a world or in a society that excludes some and promotes others; this is critically important as you go forth.

It does not matter if you are a billionaire: if you are not sharing with someone you consider in need – a pauper, or someone simply just struggling to make ends meet – if you draw back into egoic thinking and action, of thinking that somehow you have earned the privilege, then you have missed the point.

The Mother’s Plan is for all beings on Earth, and far beyond, to live in love. Her messages, my messages, are clear. They are given in the light of day, even when they are channeled, or written, or spoken in the wee hours of the night. They stand up to investigation, yes, but they stand up to the test of time and of behavior.

Your beliefs, your behaviors, your actions, your creations, can only be of love; otherwise, you are simply continuing the drama of the old – and it is an old that is dead and gone. Can you rebuild it? Yes. But that is not your mission and most certainly is not the desires of your heart. Aim high! Spread the love; spread the peace. Throw open your arms and speak the truth, and welcome saint and sinner and everything in between – because all are equal, all are worthy, all are One.

That does not mean that cruel, or unjust, or aberrant behavior is ever accepted. Often perpetrators of various forms of violence continue on because they think – yes, think – that they have reached a point of no return, that there is no turning back. What you are doing by sharing love; by sharing forgiveness; by sharing compassion; by showing that there is a different way to proceed, to live, to exist, you are healing – and you are showing, you are demonstrating, that there is always mercy. Not only divine mercy, but human mercy.

Compassion is part of the road to peace, and peace is part of the road to truth, and truth is part of the road to joy – and joy, sweet ones, is the road to love. When you do not know whether something is of truth, turn to me. Take a breath of my Blue Flame, and simply ask. You may feel it in your heart, hear it in your head, know it in your gut; but you will know. And that is how you will proceed in the courageous valor of a peaceful warrior. Go with my love – and go, sweet ones, always and forever in peace. Farewell