Κυριακή 26 Ιουνίου 2022

Each and every day you are becoming more powerful co-creators

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 24 June 2022

A message from Archangel Michael transmitted through Ronna Herman for May 2003, “The time is now”, seems more relevant at this time, certainly more souls have since evolved and will appreciate it much more now. It is a most detailed message that relates more to the period we are in now, and makes it clear what an important time it is.

The Time Ii Now - Archangel Michael

Beloved masters, once more, it is time for you to answer the call, time for you to step to the fore and say, “I AM READY,” time for you to discard the remaining remnants of the disguises you assumed for the earthly drama you chose to play out in this lifetime. You have been playing with the concept of “empowerment of self” long enough. It is time to reach out and take the cloak of Light that is waiting for you, a garment that contains all the knowledge, attributes and qualities of mastership that you left behind when you embodied in the physical vessel.

You encumbered yourselves with overlays of negative, self-limiting concepts and thought forms from a multitude of past lives in order to face and conquer your greatest enemy, FEAR. We have explained many times before; fear is the absence of love in some measure. All negative emotions, impulses and beliefs such as anger, guilt, shame, unworthiness, low self-esteem, resentment etc. stem from a sense of being cut off from the life giving love/Light of our Father/Mother God. You learned to project these feelings outward to those around you in an effort to recapture that feeling of warmth, joy, safety and empowerment that the unconditional love of the Creator instilled within your heart centre. Over the ages, you gradually forgot that all the emotional substance you will ever need is supplied, that vertical shaft of Light that connects you to your Divine I AM presence and ultimately the Creator.

You began to project emotional chords to those around you, which has resulted in a tug-of-war in many forms between individuals, male and female, families, culture and nations. It is an emotional war in which there are no winners, only losers, for no one can derive from another that which will conquer the debilitating enemy called fear. You are in the process of finding your way back to the “love of the sacred heart,” which is unconditional love. Love with conditions became the norm as humanity sank into the density, and from these negative thought patterns all other self-limiting concepts sprang forth and became your truth. 

Now is the time to reverse, release and restructure your present reality, a new reality that encompasses all the lessons in mastery we have given you over the past years. We have given you ways to monitor your thoughts and still the mind in order to reprogram your subconscious and conscious minds with divine wisdom from your Divine Self. We have helped you bring the multiple minds of your chakra system into balance so that, once again, they are working in harmony, one with another. Any wonder you have been at war with those around you, for you have been fighting a losing battle with yourself for such a long time. As you begin to experience peace within the mind, you will also experience joy and bliss within the heart, for they are inexorably connected. It is time for you to release all those concepts that do not support your highest, most-empowering vision for the future, for whether you believe it to be so or not, each and every day you are becoming more powerful co-creators.

Just as the drama that is being played out on your planet today, there was a time in your ancient past when you, too, stepped forward, saying, “I am ready to serve”. You left the beauty, safety and comfort of your homeland and journeyed into the unknown. You spent many hundreds of years, as you count time, in preparing yourself for your mission, and you were tested over and over again to see if indeed, you were ready. You took an oath and agreed to allow yourselves to be diminished in Light, wisdom and power to whatever degree was necessary by fragmenting your wondrous Self, over and over again, in order to fulfil your assigned task. Your loved ones wished you well and watched you go with great sadness, but also with pride welling up within, for they knew that you were going forth on a great mission, a mission mandated by our Father/Mother God. They knew that you would be away for a very long time, and they also knew you would forget them, but they would not forget you. Now the members of your spiritual family are sending you beams of Light from home, love letters telling how much you are missed and that it is time to return. Indeed, it is time for a spiritual reunion of monumental proportions.

The cosmic battle trumpet call for battle to end has sounded and it is time for you to return to your true estate as a full-fledged Emissary of Light for the Creator. A new assignment is being offered to you, an assignment that requires that you reclaim all that of that you left along the way on your descent into the material realm of reality. As you move forward, you are being reunited with your spiritual family, as well.

The battle between Light and dark has really been a battle amongst yourselves. As the many fragments of expression were brought forth into physical embodiment, you all began to believe and affirm that yours was the right or true way, that your customs and traditions were the best, or your religion and rituals were the ones favoured by God. Humanity created the broad spectrum of Light and shadow in which the pendulum of truth and power would swing back and forth over these many ages. In reviewing the past, it is obvious that there are never any true winners in a war, only shifting power and different kinds of problems or inequities. Humanity has not yet learned the art of empowerment through positive, assertive action which seeks justice for all. 

The wars you are fighting now are the result of seeds of hate that were planted thousands of years ago, and until humankind accepts the truth that you are all brothers and sisters in Spirit, there will be no true peace on the Earth, an Earth that is steeped in and hindered by third-and fourth-dimensional vibrational patterns of fear and limitation. When the Earth and humanity ultimately are lifted into the refined frequencies of the higher fourth- and fifth- dimensional frequencies, there will be peace on Earth and war will be a vague, distant memory of the past.

That is why it is time for you to join the Legions of Light who are endeavouring to create a New Earth where peace and harmony will prevail. Each of you is much more powerful than you can ever imagine, especially if you have integrated and are using the tools of mastery we have offered you. Each time you visit your pyramid of Light/Power and fill yourselves with the Divine elixir of love/Light from the Creator, you can bring back with you into the physical realm more of that wondrous energy. You radiate it forth from you and it filters out as gift to those around you. Slowly, but surely, you are bringing down to Earth the building blocks of Light, which you will use to recreate the dreams and projects you have envisioned in the higher realms.

Beloveds, you will surrender your emotional pain to us and allow us to show you how to return to emotional peace and harmony within. Will you allow us to help you replace old limiting thoughts with new empowering concepts of mastery? Are you brave enough to script your vision for the future and place it in your Pyramid of Light, asking for the highest outcome for all? Are you willing to release any attachment to the outcome? As you align your will with the will of the Creator’s Will, you will be amazed at the sense of freedom and the assurance of rightness you will feel, for the Creators desire is always for your highest good. Mental harmony comes with reprogramming old negative, limiting thoughts which are judgemental, rigid and controlling. Mental detachment comes with wisdom and understanding and faith in the Universal Laws. 

As an Emissary of Light, you will seek to live by the highest moral standards through virtuous conduct, and with a burning desire to see justice for all. Emotional and mental health and physical well-being are a result of living in the sacred space of the heart, while staying attached to the wisdom of your Higher Self. As you learn to function in the stillness of the sacred moment of Infinity or the still point of Creation, magical things begin to happen to you and around you. You begin to create an energetic force field that is impenetrable. Your body is constantly renewing itself via the thought forms and energetic patterns you radiate. Change the self-limiting patterns and negative thought forms to positive, expansive vibrations and you change your body, your reality, and your world.

Are you willing to expand your thoughts to encompass a new reality? Are you willing to expand your boundaries as what is possible to create and enjoy in your new reality? Are you willing to expand your boundaries as to what is possible to create and enjoy in your new reality? Are you willing to claim the prosperity and abundance in all things that you so desire? Are you willing to expand your mind and your vision as you reach upward and outward to incorporate all the wondrous new concepts/inventions just waiting for someone to claim, integrate and claim them?

Look at the progress of humanity over the last 100 years or so. You have made astounding progress in all areas of physical existence. We tell you dear friends, it is nothing compared to what is waiting for you in the here and now. A quantum leap in evolution and human consciousness is taking place, and those who are preparing themselves for this advancement are the ones who will set the pace for what is to come during these next important years on Earth.

We have told you that the Supreme Creator is now taking an active part in the process of reunification. There are wondrous new colours beyond anything you can conceive that are redefining the Rays as you know them, because new frequency patterns are being added, as well as new qualities and attributes as they become Rays of refined universal consciousness. The first Ray of Divine Will to Create has become the Royal Ray of the new creative process now in progress. It blends the esoteric (spiritual plane) colour of blue and valour with the esoteric (material plane) colour red for power and forward thrusting action, making it magenta in colour with a sparkling luminescent overlay of Creator Light. 

Some time ago we told about the new Rays or sub-rays of individual expression from the Creator Mind. You are truly becoming “builders of form”, as you learn to wield the cosmic tools of Creation. As you claim the gifts of the First Ray, you have the ability to integrate into that Ray for your use, those attributes you feel you most need in order to use it in its highest and best form. As you claim the gift of the Royal Ray of Divine Will, please infuse it with compassion, benevolence, clear vision and purpose, with a desire to create harmony, peace and abundance for all people on Earth, not just a few.

That is why we have spent so much time teaching you about the aspects, qualities and virtues of each Ray in both their positive and negative forms. How will you know what needs to be changed if you are not cognizant of what is available, and become aware of how you are presently using the energies? The wondrous energy of new Creation is swirling and spiralling all around you and all you have to do is reach up and take the new cells of God Light that are being showered upon you. If you are daring enough, you may up your column of Light and reach ever higher in order to bring down the more refined and powerful cells of pure cosmic unmanifested potential. These gifts are waiting for you in your Pyramid of Light/Power. All you have to do is go there with pure intent, love in your heart, a desire to assist in making the Earth the paradise it was in the beginning, and be willing to state “I AM READY to be an Emissary of Light once more”.

We promise to light the way and clear the path for you as we come ever closer together on our journey into the bold new future of tomorrow. May you bask in the knowledge that you are a beloved child of the Creator and you are loved eternally. I AM Archangel Michael.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Τρίτη 21 Ιουνίου 2022

Many have reached the end of the long journey home and soon you will rise up into the higher vibrations

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 17 June 2022

The necessary changes are being placed upon you to hasten progress towards a New Age. It is painful for many but unavoidable, as so much of the old has to be discarded. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, mankind is to introduce all that is new and to be part of your evolution. Recovery from the past troubles is taking place, but the new must now be introduced to enable a quantum leap forwards. There is much rebuilding necessary not just of your houses and buildings, but also the necessary structures to prepare for new ways of living that are more beneficial to everyone. We say again that all people should have a roof over their head and sufficient food to live a healthy life, such progress must be planned well ahead. We know that many souls are with you who are well equipped to take on the challenges, and they have the foresight to see it through.

Understand that new technologies will enable you to progress much more quickly than you would otherwise have done. We will be on hand to ensure that all goes well and assist you without overriding your freewill. We have much to offer you and we will protect you to ensure your safety which we have done for a long, long time. In time, we will be able to come freely amongst you and help in direct ways. We can speed up your evolution, as you prepare for life in the higher vibrations. It will move you beyond the lower levels that have caused you so many problems in the past. Think positively of your future and it will attract levels of energy that will lift you up.

For the time being, all around you souls are having their last experience of karma that is being cleared not to return again. Clearly some souls are so mired in negative energies they are unable to clear them, and will stay in them until they have the will and ability to deal with them. All souls go through these periods of trial and error, until they realise that the answers lay in their own hands. The turning point comes when they understand that it is within their own power to overcome their problems. All souls have an enormous potential to rise up, but few are aware of it. Have faith in your own ability to do whatever you put your mind to, as nothing is impossible.

We have often told you that what you focus upon becomes your reality, and you attract such energies to yourself. So, if life is difficult for you, it is either karma you have brought with you or attachments you have made in this lifetime. Think carefully when making decisions and consider the likely outcome where you are personally concerned. We will once more assure you that your Guides are always working with you to achieve the best outcome. Understand that when this life is over, you will review it, so that you understand why it worked out the way it did. So, eventually you will get all of the answers that are usually involved in your life plan. You will almost certainly wish to know why events turned out the way they did, particularly if they were outside of your life plan.

Spiritually speaking, your life is very much controlled only if to help you meet the challenges of carrying out your life plan, that is normally meant to give you experience that will help you evolve. However, with freewill you are at liberty to follow your own plan, but will face the consequences if it proves to be unhelpful. However, as we often mention, you can always bring back missed opportunities to evolve for inclusion in another life. However, it is far better if you complete it in the lifetime it is intended to be in. As matters are arranged in advance for you, you are not normally aware that at times you are working to a life plan that you agreed before you incarnated.

Obviously, if you miss out on events planned to help you evolve, they will come round again. You will realise now why visitors to Earth are not allowed to interfere with your progress. The systems used have been well tried and tested and are most ideal for humans. You see that much care and consideration is always given to the arrangements helping you evolve. We, as more advanced souls are keen and eager for your success, and that is why we closely follow your lives. Some of you already know us well from previous lives and we are truly one great family of Light.

Some of you are sufficiently well advanced to have no further need of experience in the lower vibrations. You can safely say that you have learned your lessons well and have lifted up your vibrations. What a journey you have had with so many experiences that have helped your evolution. Many have reached the end of the long journey home and soon you will rise up into the higher vibrations. By maintaining them, you are near to the end of that journey with a wealth of experience that will see you well equipped for life in them. Your presence on Earth is helping others rise up who still need that little extra help to continue evolving.

You have been through Hell at times, but to your credit, you have never given up. You have sensed the help being given to you and it has kept you on your path. In these End Times, there will be great celebrations that so many of you will experience as you continue towards Ascension. We will still be with you and so pleased that you came through some severe testing at times. You have the experience now to help others also on their chosen path of evolution. Some will find you through being attracted to your auric emanations and you will be able to help them on their path.

In the future not far away, a version of the Earth will become a beautiful Garden of Eden, as it was intended to be. Understand that many versions of the Earth still exist and are evolving as separate entities. You are on the threshold of understanding much that has been kept from you, until you are considered ready to learn of them.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 18 Ιουνίου 2022

There is a road map that leads to peace and it is not too far away

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 10 June 2022

You live in a troubled world that is seeing the worst of mankind’s resolve to protect themselves by using force. It is the old way that has been used for many centuries with untold damage and deaths of civilians. The people have been deceived for so long that they despair of ever being able to live in peace. We assure you however, that there is a road map that leads to it and it is not too far away. It is sad to think that the leaders of the world have not agreed to peace terms for the sake of humanity, who have turned their backs against it. You can only take so much before you realise that war never solved a problem but creates more. However, there is a move towards creating a worldwide pact, so that no country would dare attack another without knowing that they would suffer serious consequences.

Clearly, you will have to make the best of a serious worldwide situation, until there is a real effort to bring countries together under a new leadership that will start a new era of peace. It can be done and must be in place, so that with co-operation all people can live without fear and lead happy lives. It will help, if the people refrain from living in separation and start to work together for world peace. For our part, we are with you all of the time and would welcome peaceful associations that can help speed up a coming together of all nations. We are with you to help you be successful, but be patient as the changes needed cannot happen overnight.

In the meantime, do your best to accept your brothers and sisters regardless of their religions, as all will eventually meet at the point of universal understanding. At present, evolution is very slow, but will be speeded up, when you can accept that all souls are the sons and daughters of God – you are All One. Understand that the present differences are born out of lessons giving different versions of the truth. There is only the One Truth. So, be assured that all souls will eventually come to accept it. So, see each other as on the same path but at a different point along it.

Understand that at various times you all have incarnated into the many different religious groups that have existed over millennia of time, and it has broadened your understanding of the truth. Allow others to practice their beliefs in peace and honour their celebrations as they would yours. No soul will find itself forced into beliefs that are not to their liking or understanding, because you are your own person and have control over your future.

You are due to see life improvements that will make it easier for you, and so it will continue until major changes overcome many of the problems that exist today. Advancements in technology will give you an easier life and remove some of the problems that exist at present. Think positively and help bring peace into your life, so that you can overcome any threat to it. Again, we say we are with you and will always try to guide you in such a way that you will overcome any problems encountered.

People tend to live in small groups that are self-supporting and it will be found to be the best way to achieve good results. You already tend to live in groups and it would be easy to work together and become self-supporting. Big was considered to be desirable, but recent events have proved otherwise, and you now realise small units and groups are more practicable. It will all develop slowly, but found to be very acceptable. Somewhere down the line there will be a major change when free energy that is all around you becomes your source of supply. In the future, you will also be able to extract enough water for your needs from the atmosphere around you, and slowly you will become largely self-supporting.

As you must now be aware, much is waiting for the right time to be introduced, and it will be life changing to your advantage. So, regardless of what happens in the immediate future many welcome changes are waiting to be introduced. Many great Beings plan your future, but it is up to you as to how you work towards it. As always, we will prompt you so that you can find the path to acceptable changes. You may be assured that you will not be missed out. New inventions are spread between a number of people who are able to develop them, so as to ensure at least one will be successful.

By now, you will no doubt realise how much help is always available to you, if you will but ask for it. It is you who prompt us to provide you with help and it is always available. We hope you feel our presence around you, as we sometimes come close to put ideas into your mind that will help you. Have you not wondered at times where sudden ideas or answers to your problems come from, because we are fully aware of your needs and where possible do our best to help you? From our past, we have first-hand experience of life on Earth, so are well equipped to help you.

We know that many families are very close knit and hope to remain together from one lifetime to another and sometimes it happens. So, do not be worried about your future, as even if there are changes, you will always meet after you return to the higher realms. On Earth, you are somewhat restricted as to what you can remember of previous lives, but where recent ones are concerned, you can occasionally get flashbacks. Earth is a school of life, so your memories of the past are limited, so as to not interfere with your present life plan. You have much to bring back to mind, but only when your current life has finished.

You are far greater than you realise with hundreds of lives behind you. You are so experienced that you are much more advanced than you possibly realise. But your memory is closed off; otherwise you would not be able to give your full attention to your life plan. It can be very distracting to learn of a previous life, particularly if it is one so recent that you could track it down. When you return to the higher levels, you can learn the details from the Akashic Records.

I leave you with love and blessings. May the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 11 Ιουνίου 2022

We see a great future for mankind

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 3 June 2022

There is much happening all over the world and there seems no end to the changes that have been taking place. They will gradually settle down until the scene is set for the shaping up of a new way of life compared to what you have been used to experiencing. Be assured that all will eventually be to your liking, giving you a much easier life and one that has adequate provisions for your needs. It would have come in any event but time is of the essence and progress must be made much more quickly. Your future hangs in the balance and we will do all we are allowed to do on our behalf.

All around you there is evidence of the changes taking place as the old ways are not necessarily suitable for the coming time, that will propel you into the New Age that we have often spoken of. Our input will be such that you will be assisted to get things done in quick time, but first much of the old must be removed or changed. World peace has been a rare experience for a very long time, but you have shown your desire for it and earned it as will eventually be seen. There has always been an emphasis on war games and these have conditioned your young ones to expect them as entertainment.

The dark Ones are naturally behind much of the publicity to promote violent entertainment that conditions you to accept it as normal. Peaceful hobbies and entertainment are more fulfilling for you, and better for your health and well-being. You probably do not realise how much harm is caused by negative activities and it is mostly on a mental level. It is understandable that you find more satisfaction in physical sports that test your ability to compete successfully. However, at times the physical side becomes brutal and that is not good for you. By all means enjoy challenges to your ability, but not at the expense of self-harm.

There are many pleasures in life that can give you great satisfaction without the need to become involved in violence that becomes gradually acceptable. Peaceful pursuits are more character building and quite fulfilling. There are many ways to unleash your energy that do not involve competition that is harmful. It can be mental or physical and just as enjoyable. The excitement of competition is understandable, but let it be harmless, as for example athletics that are character building.

Fortunately, because of the secrecy connected with war preparations, you are only partially aware of the heinous weapons that have been developed that could decimate the world population if unleashed. They may be kept as a threat to prevent war, but who can say that they will never be used in anger. However, we mention it not to frighten you, as it has been decreed that nuclear weapons will not be allowed to start another war. Peace is not too far away, when all weapons of destruction will be banned.

To change the subject to one that is about a peaceful existence, we see a great future for mankind, and already those souls who came to Earth to bring permanent peace are getting ready to play their part in bringing it to the world. Those souls who wish to remain in the lower vibrations will get their wish and continue at a level that suits them. No one is forced to evolve, but it will come to all souls eventually. There will always be help for those who decide to learn more about life, and move beyond their present understanding and experiences. Humans love change and can soon tire of doing the same thing over and over again. That is where their Guides come in, as they are always waiting for an opportunity to lift them up.

Life can be lonely at times, but remember that you always have help around you and advice, if you will but listen. Obviously, your Guides are aware of your life plan and will do all that they are able to ensure you live by it. Of course, you do have freewill to do as you wish, but when you go astray, they are on hand to try and get you back on your path. They know you better than yourself and can anticipate your likely actions, so that if they go against your life agreement, they will try to get you back on track. However, if you persist in going off course, you will incur karma to help you overcome it. There is nothing like actual experience to help you recognise the error of your ways. You should know by now that the experience is to mould your character.

Some souls will feel they have had a bad deal, but in reality there is no such thing, as all experience is beneficial to you. We say again that there is no such thing as punishment for going astray and if you “pay for it” that is simply the result of your own actions. Learn from them and you should not have to face the outcome again. You do not get rewards as such for good behaviour, but life will become more acceptable and enjoyable. You create your own future by your actions and even thoughts. So, be aware of what you desire, because you are likely to attract it to yourself.

In your quiet moments we can draw closer to you and you may well feel us around you. It is an opportunity to put ideas into your head that would be beneficial to you. We never force an issue, but will do all we can to keep you on your chosen path. Talk to us and we will “hear” you and act if you need help, but we cannot alter your life plan. As you will no doubt realise, we are aware of your thoughts, but would not intrude unless necessary. When you return, after you have completed your life plan, you will meet us and your human family who have patiently been waiting to greet you.

Take heart from knowing we are always there to assist you when you need help, and know that we would welcome your thoughts that would connect with us. However, we do not intrude upon your private moments, but are always around when you need us.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Τετάρτη 8 Ιουνίου 2022

Earth is steadily orbiting into successively higher astral planes

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 2 June 2022

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Many of you anticipated that by now some truths would have come forth. So, let us begin by saying the international group working off-stage to rid your world of darkness is using good judgment by not publicizing their efforts. Be assured that everything underway is leading to the elimination of every vestige of darkness there.

We know it is difficult to comprehend that darkness even in small measure can in time become so massive that twice it caused all of Gaia’s life forms to perish and left her in deep sorrow. You can rightfully think of her as Mother Earth and all human, plant and animal life as her children, her sentient co-creations whom she loves and nurtures. She didn’t want to experience their devastation again, and during the millennia negativity deriving from darkness once more was accumulating, she kept struggling to keep her life forms alive.

What happens anywhere affects everything else everywhere else, and Gaia’s plight was known throughout this universe. But in accordance with the universal law that no civilization may intervene in the affairs of any other except by request, the myriad lighted souls could do nothing. Beings of light observe this law, beings of darkness do not.

Eighty-some years ago, when Gaia’s body had become so unbalanced, it was at risk of hurtling into space and total destruction, she cried out for help. That was the onset of this unprecedented era in our universe. Instantly God authorized evolved civilizations to send Earth the vastness of light she needed to stabilize her axis and start ascending out of deep third density’s deadly grasp.

The highest universal council knew the dark forces intended their puppets on Earth to retain control by continuing the environmental destruction, disease, divisiveness and bloodshed that produces negativity. For long ages the masses had lived in a world of injustices, poverty, warring and fear, all of which emit negativity’s low vibrations. They didn’t want that kind of world for themselves and their children and their children’s children, and since it is their world to change or let be, they needed to know they are powerful divine sovereign souls who can change what they don’t want and manifest what they do want.

Therefore, light also was needed on the planet to awaken the civilization, so they would know who they are and the power they have. Out of love for Earth’s members of our universal family, the first group of volunteers left their homelands to enter the global battle raging between the light forces and the dark. Dear brothers and sisters, some of you are those “first responders” and others are among the many, many millions that followed.

Regardless of how long you have been on Earth, you know just as we do, it is not easy to live in a world where dark control is maintained by a double-edged sword—fear on one edge, deception on the other. Yet, as we often have told you, the vital mission you took on already is a stunning success in the continuum, where the peoples are joyfully flourishing in a peaceful, harmonious world and Nature is restored to health and beauty.

On Earth, the battle has reached crescendo. The Illuminati’s patented covid-19 virus adversely affected the populace physically, psychologically and economically, but it failed to meet their objective of killing billions outright. That made stepping up other activities even more crucial, because the low vibrations they need to survive come from others’ fear and pain.

So, they are mightily wielding their sword via their mainstream media and social media propagandists who report Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, blame Russian troops for the atrocities and wanton destruction that Illuminati in-country operatives and hired mercenaries commit, and relay the fabricated speculation that Russia will steamroll through Ukraine and onward to conquer other countries.

The deceived public doesn’t know Russian troops, acting in consonance with light forces, took on the essential task of destroying bio-weaponry intended to eradicate most of the world’s people. They don’t know the troops are uprooting decades of Illuminati control in Eastern Union countries and eliminating laboratories and storage facilities, production and storage of chemical weaponry, and headquarters of sex trafficking, money laundering and worldwide computer hacking. They don’t know the troops are exploding tunnels and compounds after rescuing babies and little children held captive until they are shipped wherever ordered by pedophilia rings and for satanic rituals.

Yes, we have spoken about that before, but it bears repeating because many of those activities are commonplace in several countries. Ukraine may have had the Illuminati’s most extensive range of entrenchments, but they have clandestine operations and operatives elsewhere, too, most notably perhaps the United States, and, just as in Ukraine, it is without the awareness of the citizenry and the world public. Eventually, that information will become known as will activity ongoing behind the scenes, including arrests, trials, executions and other killings of principals in that diabolical global network.

Dear ones, if there were another way to end pervasive darkness, Gaia and all other light beings would devoutly wish it to be, but there is not, not with the depth and breadth of demonic activity. There is no way to negotiate with an element of society that works secretly to achieve its goal to exterminate most of the population, make hybrid robotic servants of survivors, and continue jeopardizing the life of the planet. There is no way to negotiate with an element that has descended into such a density of depravity that they exist by indulging in unconscionable crimes against humanity.

The public, steeped in deception, is completely unaware of any of that and many thoughts are “send military arms to Ukraine” and “defeat the Russians.” Such thoughts are keeping violence going and that is exactly what the Illuminati want. They know this is a battle between them and the light forces and they have become desperate.

The fear factor in daily reporting of greatly inflated case and death statistics of covid and its mutants lost steam as the peoples wearied of restrictions and started regaining control of their lives. Since the dark ones require the energy of fear to sustain themselves, always they have action afoot that will create fear in at least part of the populace. Now it is “vaccines” soon to be available for infants, World Health Organization’s legal authorization to take whatever action they claim is necessary in the interests of world health, and a few cases of monkey pox popping up in different countries.

Let us dispel any concerns you may have about those situations. Scientists in the extraterrestrial Special Forces rendered as harmless as possible toxins and erased programming in the nanochips in the solutions falsely called vaccines for babies and young children. Not only would WHO not have the hundreds of thousands they would need from local to national levels to enforce compliance with any edicts, but backlash would be too formidable to handle. And, nothing at all in Earth’s energy field of potential indicates that monkey pox could become the newest “pandemic.”

However, just as the populace doesn’t know the truth about what is happening in Ukraine, they don’t know the truth about the aforementioned situations, either. Consequently, their collective thoughts about all of those matters are producing negativity’s low vibrations that are like fortresses between their focused attention and spiritual and conscious awareness. While this isn’t delaying Earth’s ascension—she is steadily orbiting into successively higher astral planes—it is delaying her people’s awakening.

This brings us to what many of you have asked, how you can help in addition to “just BEing.” Visualize Earth in golden-white light—visualization is powerful!—and send the light of compassion, hope and optimism to all of our Earth family. Send light to Gaia, too. Yes, she is rejoicing that the planetary cleansing underway is ending the long reign of rampant evildoing, but she also feels her people’s suffering, sorrow and fear, and she needs light’s healing energy.

Your contributions continue to be invaluable, even beyond the healing and awakening aspects of world transformation. The light you radiate “just BEing” also is undergirding all truths coming to light, and that is an integral part of the cleansing process.

Dear ones, please do something for yourselves, too. Take time from busyness often to breathe deeply, slowly and rhythmically so as to keep your energy flowing smoothly and body, mind and spirit in balance.

We have been asked if Elon Musk is working for the light or the dark. Well, “keep your friends close, your enemies closer” could be somewhat applicable insofar as the groups with whom he is working, but it’s much more accurate to say that in his drive to succeed, he needs access to the superstructures of both light and dark agencies so he doesn’t have to “reinvent their wheels,” so to say. In a third density world, money paves the path to success; therefore, he has been well provided with it so he can accomplish what he intends, and there is no darkness whatsoever in his intentions.

Elon is one of the few volunteers from a civilization that is not only highly spiritually and consciously evolved, but also one of the most technologically advanced. He is a brilliant visionary whose mission is to help Earth’s civilization “shoot for the stars” and take their rightful place as members of our multidimensional universal family. All light beings honor him and send light to reinforce his progress and overall wellbeing.

“Matthew, what is spiritually evolved souls’ opinion of abortion?” The opinion of anyone who isn’t living in your world won’t be given any credibility there. Nevertheless, we shall tell what evolved souls know, including that conception is the first step toward a potential life in a physical civilization and life itself begins when a newborn takes its first breath.

A soul that has chosen to incarnate hovers around potential parents and knows their feelings. If conception occurs and will end in abortion, which may have been chosen in the parents’ soul contracts, that soul moves on. This offers another soul the opportunity to enter the fetus, so it can absorb the parents’ feelings about the pregnancy and its ending. That experiencing is solely the province of the three participating souls, and it is the same when souls know a miscarriage will happen.

Let us say a baby is born. Between conception and birth, and in agreement with the “primary” soul, a few other souls may take turns in the developing fetus to absorb the emotions of the mother if the father is not around or both parents if they are together. Whether the feelings are intense happiness, dismay or dread, that short period in the fetus can serve each of those souls as much as a physical lifetime would. The “primary” soul, whose cumulative experiencing already includes the mother’s or parents’ emotions during developmental months, enters the body of the newborn.

Now let us say the souls of the parents know conception will result in the stillbirth of the child they greatly desire. Again, other souls may take turns during stages of fetal development to experience the joy of the expectant parents, who chose in their soul contracts to experience the sorrow that their infant was stillborn. It is the same if the baby survives only briefly.

Our knowledge doesn’t mean we are cheerleaders for abortion; however, experiencing opportunities for a number of souls and the ease with which conception occurs in a third density civilization are primary considerations. Conception is a matter of science and spirit, which are one and the same energy, and since this affects only the participating souls, their choices are neither a religious nor a political issue. As a third density civilization evolves and dormant DNA strands become reactivated, conception will occur only when a couple genuinely want a child—the high vibrations of their desire put into motion the pregnancy process.

Beloved family, all light beings in this universe honor your steadfastness in your mission to help Earth’s peoples awaken and support you with unconditional love throughout your journey.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Παρασκευή 3 Ιουνίου 2022

You are a beacon of light amongst the darkness

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 27 May 2022

The Alliance continues to make advances, but as normal they keep their activities to themselves to safeguard those involved. The war with Russia will be the last one of such proportions, because it will not have benefitted anyone. The time for diplomacy to settle disputes is clearly the pathway to follow in future. Naturally the dark Ones are involved, and responsible for maintaining a situation that is calculated to keep Humanity in an unhealthy state and lower levels of consciousness.

It is left for individuals to find their own way through a jungle of deceit, and deliberate attempts to stop them evolving. However, thanks to those souls who have awakened to the truth there are sources of information that give it to you. There is a desperate fight to get the truth out to the people, but it is easier said than done. Misinformation and false reports leave many souls confused as to what the truth really is, yet it is out there waiting to be found.

The dark Ones do not get everything their own way and of recent times they have been finding it difficult to keep the truth from you. The rising vibrations are bringing more light to you, and will continue to do so until the negative energies are unable to exist. It will not happen overnight, but the more souls that awaken to the truth the sooner it will become known. With the advantage of the Internet many sources of truthful information can be found and with our protection remain available to you. Most of you are intuitive and should be able to recognise when it is false.

Your destiny is to ascend, but those souls who seek such an outcome must do their part to be successful. It will take time and practise to achieve the level necessary, but be assured that your guides are on hand to assist you. Once you can conduct yourself in such a way that outside events do not affect or interfere with your life, you are surely on the road to success. In fact, once you achieve that level of control, you will find it easy to maintain it. Others will notice how calm you are and will be attracted to you for that reason. They will wonder how you do it and be interested in learning your ability to do so.

Be assured that all souls that seek an opportunity to rise up are helped and are therefore certain to make progress. Clearly, you must make your own efforts to evolve, but once you make that decision, help will be on hand. You would most likely be surprised to know just how much help you get including protection from the dark Ones, providing you do not let your guard slip. If you allow your vibrations to drop you are likely to attract negative entities to yourself, but you can also attract those entities of a higher vibration when you maintain an appropriate positive level.

Life can be quite pleasant and fulfilling when you are on the right path and very satisfying. You will find yourself being quite popular and sought for guidance, as people realise you are fully aware and able to help people spiritually to progress upon their chosen path. Your higher vibrations are like a magnet to those who seek others of a spiritual nature. It is not a matter of religious belief but simply an understanding of the truth.

Truly religion has its place in most people’s lives, but when you advance in your understanding, you will find the truth is universal and not the sole property of any particular one. When the false teachings are released by you, only the truth remains. Even so, the truth is only able to take you to the next level of understanding, as there is no advantage to any soul in so to say “run before you can walk”. One thing you can be sure of is that having learned the lessons presented to you, advancement will be arranged so that you progress in an orderly manner. It may even need a change of Guide to take you to the next step in your evolution.

Dear Ones, you have all been on a very long journey that has seen you experience so many lives, experiencing in so many different ways that have been given you according to your needs. The net result is who you are now and your soul will keep the extent of evolution you have achieved. The next step is the biggest one you will have made, that will carry you up to a higher level never again to need lessons in the lower vibrations. You can feel pleased with yourself, because you have passed through many tests to achieve a higher level of evolution.

Everyone is currently going through a very testing time, and it is so important that they do not give in to despair and keep their goals in sight. You are likely to get other souls coming to you to find out how you have achieved such a peaceful air about you, as you may be sure it will be noticed. Your aura will glow with the higher vibrations that extend far beyond your physical body. It is why other souls will find themselves attracted to you and feel good in your company.

You are a beacon of light amongst the darkness, needed at such times to help lift the vibrations around you. Remain calm and know that others will seek your help and company because of it.

I leave you with love and blessings and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.