Δευτέρα 23 Μαΐου 2022

As the vibrations lift up, it will eventually reach a point when only the truth will exist

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 20 May 2022

Each move by the dark Ones is counteracted by the Alliance, so that when it would appear they have achieved their objectives, they find that they have been caught out and experience a different end result. So whilst the Light must play to the rules, the dark Ones will attempt to bend them to achieve their aims. As we have informed you many times, they will use the most devious means to gain the advantage, but the Light will ultimately win.

The irony for the dark Ones is that in spreading the virus as a deliberate act, it has also affected those who work against the Light. It is possible that the originator of the virus, who is understood to be Bill Gates, is only concerned with drastically reducing the world population. However, the effect of the virus has had serious results where loss of life is concerned, but not to the extent that had been planned by the dark Ones. Regretfully, it is the weak and elderly population that have been mostly affected. We say again that if you have strong immunity, you will almost certainly survive the pandemic.

The time is rapidly approaching when the truth of many matters that affect you will be explained. It is becoming harder to hide it, because as the vibrations lift up, it will eventually reach a point when only the truth will exist. It is sad in many ways, yet it has been necessary to conceal the truth, so as to allow the Human Race freedom of choice. However, where it has become necessary to reveal it, we do our best to influence you to achieve the best outcome for all concerned. You have been plotting your own pathway for millennia of time and we must allow you to experience according to your choice.

The Greater Plan is always going to influence your choices, but when you are going through difficult times, it becomes harder to work it into your day to day life. You really do have a hard time finding your way forward, but many of you do plan your future to give direction to your life. After all, your Guides will be influencing you to achieve better results. It all sounds complicated and it is, but help is always around you if you ask for it. However, you may not always get exactly what you wanted.

Listen to that little voice inside your head, as when spirit are able to help you, they are pleased to let you know. Of course, your dreamtime is a wonderful opportunity to contact you, and you may even remember them doing so. Indeed, many problems are sorted out at such times and that is why when you have one, it is suggested you sleep on it. It is in fact normal for virtually every soul to experience being “out of the body” during their sleep period. Many a problem is solved at such times and you can meet people who might otherwise be difficult to locate.

By now, you should be aware that you came into life on Earth with a plan to increase your rate of evolution. Obviously, it is set up to suit each individuals needs and since there is no deadline for success, you can try and try again until you have absorbed and understood the lessons given you. Life may seem full of random happenings, but in the main it has been carefully planned and prepared for you, even to the point of arranging for you to meet the right people who can help you along. You choose your own friends, but where marriage or bonds are concerned it is clearly an important step in your life that is pre-planned. Choose the wrong partner and it will not work out and invariably fails.

Normally your children choose you to be their parents, but there are exceptions where a particular lesson has to be learned. It is sometimes necessary to put certain people together to experience relationships that are toxic and often end in failure. Be assured however that no relationship is without its good points and much will always be gained from them. It is a difficult subject to put into words, but the main point is that it gives you the experience you need to continue evolving.

How many more wars will take place before humanity wakes up to the futility of such actions. Where are the leaders that have the influence and power to settle disputes without using force? It will come in many of your lives as the vibrations continue to lift up. It is going to be helped by the birth of more mature souls who will be peace loving and against any form of violence. They will stand head and shoulders above everyone else and quickly rise to positions of leadership.

In spite of present troubles, the future is bright and destined to put an end to clashes and wars that inevitably lead to loss of life. It is many people’s vision of a peaceful life full of opportunity to enjoy the fruits of the Earth. Hold onto that dream and the positive energy will grow and help overcome the negativity that presently exists. The voice of the people is growing louder and cannot be ignored for very long. For example, they have made those in power fully aware of the necessity to deal with global warming now, as if you wait too long, it will be too late to take decisive action. Governments elected for short periods are not really interested in the long term effects whilst they are in power. Yet the problems mount up and need much forward planning now that will really set the pattern for the future.

I leave you with love and blessings, may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Δευτέρα 16 Μαΐου 2022

The changes are introducing the new and leaving the old behind

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 13 May 2022

There is still a way to go before there will be any signs of normality, and even then it will be a new way of experiencing what was normal for you. However, all changes will be for the better, so as to place your feet firmly onto the new path that awaits you. Everything has to start somewhere and it is no mean task to do so without overwhelming you. As you see the benefits from the changes you will be eager to participate in them. Be assured that the old will be considered cumbersome by comparison and the net result is that you will have more time to follow for your own desires.

The war in the Ukraine will be the last one and bring countries together who resolve never again to participate in or allow another one to take place. The futility of such actions and the waste of life have been totally unnecessary when matters could have been dealt with peacefully. Man has a long history of failing to learn from world wars, but there must come a time when the absurdity of such actions is recognised. The big powers must get together and resolve never to start another war, and eventually disarm to show their intent and goodwill. It only requires strong leadership and the intent to get things done.

The people of Mother Earth could live in peace and happiness, and feel secure and safe in their own homes. Defences against intruders from outer space do not necessarily mean weapons, but deterrents can be protective means that shield the Earth from attacks. You can be certain that the technology already exists and requires the cooperation of all countries to be successful. All you need now are leaders who are far seeing into the future to realise what can now be achieved. Think peace and you will be helping bring about permanent peace upon Earth.

Presently, you have a major problem with inflation and seem unable to control it, and it will get worse before it peaks. There is a lesson to be learned somewhere in this situation, but will the powers that be learn it. Be assured, there are people being influenced with ways that can lessen the effect of inflation, but it will take time before they can intervene. The lesson is not to return to the same position as before, but overcome the problems for once and for all. It simply requires the will to do whatever is necessary to ensure it is permanently overcome.

The people have been used to “tightening their belts”, but can lose heart when those who control events on Earth seem incapable of controlling what is happening. Hard times require hard decisions and the sooner the problem is overcome, the quicker life can return to normal. People are used to hard times, but in peaceful times do not expect draconian like events to dominate their lives. We on our side of the veil will do what we can to get you to make the right decisions that will minimise the problems you face.

We oversee your progress as always and are on hand to help you within the scope we are allowed. We want to see you come out of this difficult period with a better future set up than previously. We know you can do it and give our support and help. We have a vested interest in seeing you successfully come through these testing times as we are as keen as you are to see you rise up into the higher vibrations. It is your destiny and in one way or another be assured that you will get there.

You are in a unique situation, as you are being prepared for a new experience, one that is given in peace and tranquillity to bring you joy and happiness. By then, the dark Ones will have gone onto their path, destined to bring retribution for their many misdemeanours. You do not get away with anything and at some stage will have to answer for your actions. However, as we often point out, there is no punishment, but simply a way of experiencing the result of your actions. It will be presented in such a way, so as to give you an understanding of the effects upon the victim.

Many of you will have passed the time of incurring karma and lead your lives with every consideration for others. Once you reach this level, it would never occur to you to carry out actions that would be negative. It becomes a frame of mind that maintains your desire to be gentle, fair minded and compassionate. You might be surprised that when you have reached this level, how easy it is to maintain your peaceful approach to life.

Everyone wants a happy life and one that is fulfilling. You have an opportunity to enjoy such a life, but first the present problems must be overcome before you can really enjoy it. At present, the Earth abounds in so much negativity that it is difficult to see an end to it. But it will come. So, start being the new human now and be ready to focus on your goal. This way you will not be distracted by what is going on around you, although it will not be easy. It may mean being more selective where your friends are concerned, but you will know when to stand back and simply be an observer.

Nothing of any consequence ever happens without good reason, whether it is positive or otherwise. So, when you continue to read of the war crimes know that it is karma for all who are involved. Sometimes souls get involved who are present for no other reason than to ensure the war goes a way that will lead to less death and destruction. As sad as it seems, there are lessons to be learned that only come the hard way. Cruelty on one side has to be cleared, and be assured that those involved will “feel” everything they have handed out.

It gives us no pleasure to mention wars and the result of them, but the truth must come out, if people are to accept it as a way of making such actions known. In time, it will help to stop a recurrence, as people refuse to participate in any form of negative actions. It is certainly heading the right way, as the vibrations continue to lift up. There will be very subtle changes and in the long run it will become apparent.

The changes to everyday life will continue for a long time, but there will be an end to the difficulties you experience. Of that, you may be assured. But give it time and you will notice that the changes are introducing the new and leaving the old behind.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 7 Μαΐου 2022

The highest kind of physics is consciousness

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 6 May 2022

Here is an extract from Kryon March 2022 message “Do you belong to the 1% world population that awaken humanity? It is a look into the future that is not far away.

“The next step past the wisdom barrier enhances those very patterns of consciousness that you are going to discover as part of physics that close the door. When the rules of physics are applied in certain situations you can control what happened, it’s the same in consciousness. When you reach a point of understanding the physics of consciousness, how it works and the mechanics, the distribution of it, the spiral delivery that is going to make sense to somebody. You shut the door and the things that have visited this planet cannot anymore, and those places of darkness that would want to come is endplay with your consciousness, because it is at the teenage level of physics and cannot get in”.

”The Pleiadians are jumping up and down because they know what happened. It is almost an exponential evolution if you want it to be. One thing leads to another. It builds upon itself. You do not have to start all over every single time you are born. You come in with the factors that you learned before and build upon them, and it’s going to change everything, and then when the physics are revealed, you will understand why there are machines that can work with consciousness, but you are not going to need them for long.

How many generations are required, Kryon?

I am not going to tell you. The reason is, I do not want to give you a set up that will spoil the party, because every single planet has had its own time cycle of the delivery of this through their own free choice”.

”It has already started. You are at the wisdom barrier. Once you are at it, I would like to tell you that the track record of all the planets that have reached it are the same. They all move forward, every single one. You threw a switch and nothing can stop it – Oh it will try. Humans interested in old ways like the kids on the playground who do not want to grow up. They will flail and bully until their last breath, but they will awaken in a world and they have not got a chance to do it again. We are talking about the benevolent factor, the wisdom barrier. These things start to work to the Laws of Consciousness of Physics in ways that you will indeed figure out, creating increased DNA percentage activation. Creating generation after generation, eventually of a human being who can create things out of nothing, who have control over physics which is of a lower kind, the highest kind of physics is consciousness, and it can control 3D physics any day. All of you are going to be there to see it”.

6th May 2022. Mike Quinsey.

The turmoil continues upon Mother Earth with no immediate signs as to where it is going, yet the very nature of the changes are destined to lead you onto a path that will bring you the final peace upon Earth that you desire so intensely. There are factors of which you are unaware at present that will pave the way for major changes that will speed up your transition to a New Age. We have often mentioned them because they are a major part of every ones future. There has always been a plan that is controlled by the higher Forces of Light, and it will ensure that progress is made accordingly.

Keep in mind that your future is to achieve your path to Ascension, and providing you keep your focus upon it, there is no reason why you should not be successful. It has always been part of the plan to advance your spiritual growth as part of your preparations. It is a normal stage in your advancement that has been used many times over and over. Successfully following the Path of Light will assure your Ascension, and leave the lower vibrations behind that have served their purpose.

It is your destiny to return to the Light from whence you came, yet that is not the end of your journey but only the beginning. It is the commencement of freedom of choice and spiritual advancement. It is a big responsibility but destined to give you the experiences you need to be successful, never to have to return to the lower vibrations again unless by choice. These advancements result from your successful effort to overcome the influences of the lower dimensions, that have done their best or should we say their nastiest to hold up your evolution. They have depended upon humanity providing them with the lower energies that are their life force. But that is no longer the case as many souls have now advanced through self-control and are leaving the old vibrations behind.

We hear you ask how can you uplift your vibrations when the lower ones are all around you, and we advise you to follow a positive path. It means keeping focussed upon your goal and not be distracted by what is going on around you. If you get involved and you are experiencing negative events, simply leave the situation as soon as possible. If for reasons beyond your control that is impossible so you cannot do so, remain calm and do not become involved. Place a golden band around yourself for protection and leave the situation as soon as possible.

Of course, your Guides will in any event oversee your experience and within the guide lines that apply, will do all possible to help you to take the right action. Such experiences will begin to become less as time passes providing you continue to uplift your vibrations. Old habits die hard and it may take time to reach the necessary point of self-control. It is like all things in life, if you don’t at first succeed try and try again. You have a saying that “practice makes perfect” as you are undoubtedly aware and never a truer word has been spoken. You have a golden opportunity to leave the lower vibrations behind for once and for all time, so take it.

In reality, you are all very experienced souls and you have much to look back upon that will strengthen your resolve to overcome whatever problems cross your path. You have had so much experience that subconsciously you know you have the strength and ability to overcome whatever confronts you. You have come a very long way over many, many lives and you should be well equipped to handle whatever problems you face. Be positive and assured of your own ability to handle whatever stands in your way to create a clear pathway to Ascension.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Τρίτη 3 Μαΐου 2022

Ultimately, absolutely everything in your world will be “loving and blissful”

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 2 May 2022

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Anxiety about what is happening in your world and disappointment about what is not happening is causing even the most dedicated lightworkers to feel downhearted. Gaia is aware of those feelings and has asked to speak to you.

GAIA: Beloveds, I am Gaia. God asked that one of Matthew’s recent messages include a message I gave to Suzanne several years ago. During those years you have endured a great deal, yet you have remained steadfast in your mission. I know living on Earth hasn’t been easy and I understand why you become discouraged at times. I, too, felt discouraged and despaired for long ages before universal family infused my body with light and caring lightworkers like you came from distant homelands to lift me out of the depths of darkness.

Your loving assistance is keeping me firmly, steadily progressing on my journey back home, and with joy I watch you help my people awaken so they can accompany me. Please feel encouraged by knowing your mission that still is underway on Earth already is a glorious success in the continuum! My heart is overflowing with love and gratitude for all you beautiful souls whose help in manifesting my Golden Age is invaluable!

Thank you, Matthew for letting me speak.

MATTHEW: We thank you, Gaia, for your words of love and encouragement.

Now then, as for what is not happening—the truth about the “pandemic” and other truths coming forth—be assured they will. Part of the planetary cleansing process is bringing all deception to light. Please feel heartened to know the wisest minds on Earth and their invited extraterrestrial advisers are cautiously planning the many complexities of major global changes, so they come in the order that will incur the least resistance and cause the least disruption in your lives.

Keep foremost in your thoughts that all situations are energy fluctuating at one frequency or another and every situation is affected by the collective thoughts and feelings of the populace. When those are of confidence and optimism about a beneficial outcome, the high vibrations sent forth raise the vibrations of the situation accordingly. The reverse also is true—the low vibrations of fear and pessimism about a situation lead it toward a negative outcome.

Let us speak about an aspect of that Universal Law of physics that determines what transpires and the result. Ignorance of the truth about a matter doesn’t change the workings of that law. And ignorance of the truth is how dark hearts and minds have controlled the masses down through the ages.

Now let us apply that to what is happening in Ukraine. Mainstream media are not reporting what Russian troops actually are doing, because the Illuminati don’t want the public to know that for decades Ukraine has been the center of their stronghold on Europe. They don’t want it known that they have been making and storing deadly bio-weaponry and chemical weaponry in that country to use in depopulating the world— the people they call “useless eaters”—and enslaving the survivors.

The Illuminati don’t want the public to know that for decades they have held captive in tunnels and compounds many thousands of women, children and babies until they are used for sex trafficking, pedophilia, or human sacrifice in satanic rituals in numerous countries.

They don’t want it known that the atrocities and some property destruction attributed to Russian troops are being committed by Illuminati-hired mercenaries, or that in Ukraine they launder money from illegally-made fortunes, hack into computer systems around the world, and take down truthful information on the Internet.

Thus, without knowing any of that and believing the “news” about Russia, the public is unwittingly generating the low vibrations dark ones need to keep themselves viable and their activities going strong. So then, why have the Russian troops been successful in destroying hundreds of Illuminati entrenchments and rescuing many thousands of their captives? Because, dear ones, eliminating that darkness has been undergirded by the light whose intensity on the planet keeps increasing. However, the “price” of low vibrations directed to Russia is the prolonging of the troops’ mission and many needless deaths.

Now, we want to address the view that messages of spiritual and metaphysical nature never should include politics. We have spoken at length about planetary and personal ascension during this unprecedented era in this universe. Would you know why that is occurring, if we and other messengers of the light hadn’t told you Earth and her life forms are being freed from darkness? Would you know how the planet became permeated with darkness, so it can be prevented from happening again if no one told you it was caused by political decisions down through the ages?

Politics simply is the conduct of governments. For millennia the masses lived in fear, sickness, poverty and hunger while their leaders—the heads of church and state—lived in opulence, feasted and waged wars to gain more land and power. Out of misery, anger, desperation, hopelessness and men being forced into battle, the masses became brutal to each other and the animals. The darkness that infiltrated the rulers and the ruled caused the planet to descend from high fifth density into deep third and be stuck there until 80-some years ago, when God honored Gaia’s lifesaving plea by authorizing spiritually-evolved civilizations to beam the intense light that enabled her planetary body to survive and start its ascension course.

When you volunteered to go to that third density world, you knew what you would encounter, but out of love for Earth’s members of our universal family, you went to help them. We have said that this truth you know at soul level needs to reach your consciousness, so you can remain positive, optimistic and balanced in the midst of upheavals, as the light uproots the darkness, and some of you think we are “taking a side” in this. Indeed we are, dear brothers and sisters, and so are you—we’re all on the side of the light! The battle never has been about partisan politics—that is one of the ways the dark ones have kept the populace divided, deceived and manipulated. Always the battle has been the light vs the darkness!

Mainstream media, educational systems and religions don’t touch upon that because they are part of Earth’s long dark history. When truths start emerging and the peoples are confused, disillusioned, distraught or enraged, you will become their comforters and enlighteners. They need to know it is not “enemy countries,” but darkness in political leadership that has caused civil, international and world wars, flagrant injustices, famine, diseases, impoverishment and wanton environmental destruction.

Often mainstream media and schooling portray specific countries as aggressors, the enemies of countries portrayed as peaceful and democratic. Designating “black or white” countries, which get switched when it serves the purpose of victors in wars, isn’t applicable in these times. In centuries past it was, when primarily the British, Spanish, Dutch, French and Portuguese conquered native populations and established empires around the globe. As bountiful resources were discovered and better transportation methods came into being, the mutual benefits of commerce arose and many shades of gray developed.

Still, the powerful few have kept the masses downtrodden and warring commonplace. And the masses have wanted to live in a peaceful world where people are kind, honest and helpful. Dear family, by BEing the light you ARE, you exemplify that kind of life, that kind of world, comes from spiritual and conscious awareness and interacting with love. Your help in opening minds and hearts to this universal truth continues to be as Gaia said, “invaluable”!

Some of you are questioning China’s intentions, and one reader who enumerated that country’s developments during the past several decades asked: “Would it be possible for Matthew to elaborate a bit on this subject and say what he and the souls in Nirvana understand to be the mission of the Chinese people, and what benefits they will bring to all humanity?”

We are not overlooking dictatorship, “re-education program” and continuance of the “pandemic”, when we say China’s progress has been remarkable. What is most important in looking forward is, the country’s leadership is divided—some want to continue their stern governance and self-serving expansion in Africa; others want to end all vestiges of darkness, help the world’s entire population thrive and restore the environment.

The latter approach is fast gaining favor not only in China, but numerous other countries as well. It is being resisted in nations where Illuminati-controlled leaders are pushing vaccinations and trying to set world opinion against Russia. It won’t be all that long before those leaders are replaced by individuals who will act in unity with the visionary movement that is growing worldwide.

Now let us briefly address concerns you have expressed about other matters. If missiles with nuclear warheads are released by error, yes, universal family members will know and prevent their detonation. The dark plan to replace consciousness and free will with artificial intelligence obedient to commands never will see the light of day. The proliferation of 5G will continue for a while; until that technology is harmless, extraterrestrials will continue significantly reducing the emissions that damage brain cells. They also will keep reducing toxins in your air, water and soil until the polluting of Earth stops, and it will. Long-suppressed technologies will be released, but not in widespread use for a time, and implementing free energy for transportation and power also will take a while—your new cars and appliances won’t be obsolete any time soon. The Illuminati’s plan to hold onto their control of the global economy via digital currency is failing.

If there are severe food shortages, generous hearts and prudent action by civic organizations can prevent that from getting out of hand. The same circumstances underlying those shortages are increasing costs of all other commodities and here, too, sensible action and sharing resources can carry you through. Neither shortages nor inflation will be long-lasting.

Ultimately, absolutely everything in your world will be “loving and blissful”! However, we would be less than forthright if we did not tell you there will be chaotic patches along the way to that sublime world. The Illuminati who still are among the living haven’t accepted that their intention to dominate the world is doomed, and while they will continue to initiate or perpetuate unsettling situations, those efforts will not last long, either. You have the experience, inner strength and innate wisdom to deal with those challenges and help others do it, too.

Beloved family, your patience and steadfastness in the light will be well rewarded with welcome changes on the horizon and many, many wondrous changes on the far horizon! All light beings in this universe are cheering you ever forward and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com