Παρασκευή 30 Ιουλίου 2021

God wants only what is best for you, and for you to delight in that experience

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 10 July 2021

There is only One, and you, therefore, are One with One, and the nature of One is Love. There is nothing else. All That Exists Is, and can therefore never be separated from Itself. You know this, and yet it appears to the vast majority of humans that this is not the case, or that it is only an intellectual knowing, without any intuitive or felt sense, any real awareness of this divine truth. However, this not the case either! You do know, it is just that you have chosen to remain unaware, even though that knowing is always available to you if you will go within, to your holy inner sanctuaries, and invite and allow this knowing into your hearts, so that you can access it easily whenever you wish to do so.

When you do access this deep inner knowing, it will mightily assist you in resolving all your inner anxieties or turmoil, as it brings you to a powerful sense of inner peace – your natural state. In this state, you can deal appropriately and lovingly with all the problems or issues that arise in your lives, because you are at peace and your emotions, as they arise, are not egotistically driving you to react instantly and unmindfully to whatever life may present you with in the moment.

To be mindful is to be fully aware in every moment of what you are or are not thinking, saying, or doing. Although much of what you think, say, or do in your lives appears to be routine, not needing your full attention as you allow it to flow automatically. However, when you choose to be mindful, you will find that there is much occurring in every moment that will inspire and uplift you, as you pay attention to your own personal life flow which is a source of enormous vitality.

Life is a creative flow that never ceases, it is eternal and was given to you at the moment of your creation, so that you could be fully aware of the miracle that it is. With this awareness you can – and are invited by Source, Mother/Father/God, Love – to avail constantly of the creative power invested in you and thereby add to the Joy that is All That Is. Most people do this from time to time, maybe only occasionally or infrequently, without realizing that they are doing so, and are then amazed by the results – lucky coincidences or inspiring synchronicities – unaware of why they have occurred.

Remember, God wants only what is best for you, for you to be aware of Love, to experience Love in your daily lives, and to delight in that experience. As humans in form, you have veiled off or hidden from yourselves the field of Love in which you have your intimate and indissoluble existence, because of the sense of unworthiness or sinfulness that you engaged with when you chose to experience separation from the One. The One that is You, and from Whom separation is impossible.

All sentient life in form seeks for love from another or from many others, but it cannot be found there, unless you first recognize it within yourselves and engage with it within yourselves steadfastly by always treating yourselves with kindness and compassion in your daily lives. You are unlimited Divine Beings, because the Divine Intent was to create Divine Beings in every respect like unto Itself, and rooted within the eternal joy of which that state – Beingness – is composed, and which it expresses in every moment. That same being, when contained within the human form, is circumscribed and restricted by the limitations that form by its very nature imposes. But that containment is a freewill choice that each sentient being in form has chosen to experience in order to learn the lessons that will clearly demonstrate to it that it is indeed totally free, and that it has chosen to incarnate in form for this very purpose.

The lessons that all are now engaged in learning is to awaken from this unreal state of apparent limitation and to soar into Reality by becoming fully aware of their divine nature, permanently at One with Source. The vast majority have totally forgotten that this, and only this, is their human lives’ purpose, while those who are conscious of having chosen to follow a spiritual path during their present human incarnations have remembered and are consequently following their lives’ purpose, even if this fact may not be apparent to them. Nevertheless, their earthly presence in this moment – as with all sentient life forms presently incarnate – is an absolutely essential aspect of the grand awakening process.


You, all sentient beings, are One with and contained within the infinite field of Love, Source, Mother/Father/God, because that is the Divine Intent, and That is All that Exists. Allow yourselves to awaken into full awareness of this Divine Truth, and delight in being fully aware of the Miracle that is the life that you are experiencing.

With so very much love, Saul.

Κυριακή 25 Ιουλίου 2021

Inner peace is available to all

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 13 July 2021

As Saul and I have often told you: There is only One! Let that statement sink in and settle deeply into your hearts, because it is the TRUTH. You need to remind yourselves of this at least once daily, and preferably many times. You are One with Source, with Love, and with all sentient life forms. There is no separation and there is no possibility of separation. So, set and keep setting, the intent to treat all, especially yourselves, only lovingly. There are NO enemies! Love is always unconditionally loving and accepting of ALL sentient life, because it is All Sentient Life, that is how It has always been and how It will always continue to be.

For a long time, as humans, when you too strongly judge yourselves negatively, as not good enough, unworthy, shameful, or unacceptable in any way at all, many of you develop cancer. Now avoid permitting that to happen by making a point of forgiving yourselves, and ALL others, for any errors, mistakes, misbehaviors, or wrongdoings that you or they have committed. Then make a very firm intention to truly love and accept yourselves just as you are – God does! So why would you disagree with Him? – and allow any cancer, or any hint or intimation of cancer developing within your bodies to dissolve. Cancer is a sign that a person does not fully accept themselves – and yet everyone who chose to incarnate did so from their natural God-given state of utter and complete self love and self acceptance – indicating that they have identified very strongly with the belief in the sense of separateness with which the game or dream of life in form presents them. That too is a choice, and you always have the power to change any thoughts or beliefs that no longer serves you, such as your belief that you are unworthy of Love.

And of course, NEVER tell someone who has cancer that it is their belief in their unworthiness, inadequacy, or shamefulness that has caused it, as you try to help them to come to a state of loving self-acceptance. That would be an egotistical attempt on your part, quite possibly completely below your level of conscious awareness, to demonstrate your spiritual superiority. No One is superior to another, ever, because you are all infinitely beloved expressions of the One, created perfect by the One in Its own likeness. All are Perfect. Obviously, within the dream/illusion this most certainly does not seem to be the case, but then nothing in the dream/illusion is real.

Everyone who incarnates as a human chooses to do so in order to learn lessons they have, with great wisdom, realized they desire to learn to assist them in their spiritual evolution – and every human is on a path of spiritual evolution. This has been occurring since the dream/illusion was constructed eons ago, and all those in human form at this moment in the collective evolutionary process are also here to assist in the collective awakening process, and they do this by discarding the individual masks or disguises that the illusory state of separation has encouraged them to put on, and then engaging in loving service by being themselves, and by gently and humbly demonstrating love in action as they interact with others in any way at all.

Even though it may appear to you that the vast majority of humans remain completely unaware of their divine nature, nearly all of them are actually in a state of dissatisfaction with their lives and are trying to understand why they seem to lack any real meaning, and hoping that this not the case. This is the first step towards the realization that there must be something that they are missing, that surely life does have a meaning, that there has to be a purpose to life other than basic bodily survival. This uncomfortable feeling is leading them to seek out people who can offer them some hope and guidance, people who are at peace with themselves and who can help them to start finding their own inner peace, like those of you reading this and other beautiful channeled messages.

Inner peace is available to all, but first a person has to quieten and slow down the almost constant stream of anxious thinking, which their fear-filled egos use to distract them, by filling their minds with fearful “what if” thoughts and worries. This is achieved by going within at least once daily to your holy inner sanctuaries where peace and Love are always present. You do not have to do anything! Just relax into yourselves and allow yourselves to become aware of the miracle that is your life, a life that is eternal, and rejoice in the knowing – you do know – that you are eternally One with Source, just as you were created. 

When thoughts arise that attempt to convince you that there is only a material or physical reality, in which you are having a temporary and separate existence that terminates finally and forever with your human death, call on me directly for help in dissolving or dismissing those totally invalid thoughts and ideas. I am always available and will instantly come to your assistance, offering you limitless LOVE, and, if you will allow yourselves to do so, you will feel my Love replenishing you. I am with you all always just to do that, and I am exceptionally good at it! Therefore, never hesitate to call on me, and know that it gives me great joy when you do so. I LOVE you all unconditionally, and I want you never to forget that.


Your loving brother, Jesus.

Παρασκευή 23 Ιουλίου 2021

The Aether

Excerpt from the book “Divine Cosmos” by David Wilcock

The word “aether” means “shine” in Greek, and the fundamental reality of such an unseen, fluidlike source of universal energy has long been a hallmark of the world’s secret mystery schools. The works of Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Plato discussed it at great length, as did the Vedic scriptures of ancient India,http://www.skai.gr/player/tvlive referring to it by several names such as “prana” and “Akasha.” In the Orient, it is often known as “chi” or “ki,” and special emphasis is placed on its interactions with the human body, such as in the science of acupuncture. Masters and adepts who inherited the secret traditions could eventually learn to manipulate this energy to create miraculous results, such as levitation, teleportation, manifestation, instant healing, telepathy and the like. Such results have been repeatedly documented in the 20th century and studied in the laboratory, as we wrote in Convergence III. 

The aether’s existence was widely accepted without question in scientific circles until the early 20th century, when the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 was co-opted to “prove” that no such hidden energy source existed. However, more recent breakthroughs involving “dark matter,” “dark energy”, “virtual particles”, “vaccum flux” and “zero-point energy,” to name a few, have brought reluctant Western scientists to acknowledge that there must indeed be an unseen energy medium throughout the Universe. As long as you use a benign term like the “quantum medium” and not the forbidden word ‘aether,’ you can talk about it in the mainstream press without much fear of ridicule. The mainstream scientific establishment is very heavily polarized against anyone who gets too close to an ‘aether’ theory, as they “know” that such a theory must be false and will therefore fight vigorously against it. However, such suppression only increases the desire and commitment that many others have put into solving the puzzle. 

One early example of proof for the existence of the aether comes from Dr. Hal Puthoff, a respected scientist from Cambridge University. Puthoff frequently mentions experiments from the early 20th century that were designed to see if there was any energy in “empty space,” conducted before quantum mechanics theory ever existed. In order to test this idea in the laboratory, it was necessary to create an area that was completely free of air (a vacuum,) and lead-shielded from all known electromagnetic radiation fields by using what is known as a Faraday cage. This airless vacuum space was then cooled down to absolute zero or -273° C, the temperature where all matter should stop vibrating and thus produce no heat. 

These experiments proved that instead of an absence of energy in the vacuum, there was a tremendous amount of it, from a completely nonelectromagnetic source! Dr. Puthoff has often called this a "seething cauldron" of energy in very high magnitudes. Since this energy could still be found at absolute zero, this force was dubbed "zero point energy" or ZPE, whereas the Russian scientists usually call it the “physical vacuum” or PV. Recently, established mainstream physicists John Wheeler and Richard Feynman have calculated that: 

The amount of zero-point energy in the space volume of a single light bulb is powerful enough to bring all the world's oceans to the boiling point! 

Clearly, we are not dealing with some weak, unseen force, but rather a source of almost impossibly grand power, which would have more than enough strength to sustain the existence of all of physical matter. In the new view of science that is emerging from aether theory, all four of the basic force fields, whether gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear or strong nuclear force, are all simply different forms of the aether/ZPE. To get another idea of how much “free” energy really exists all around us, Professor M.T. Daniels found that the density of the gravitational energy near the surface of the earth is equal to 5.74 x 10^10 (t/m^3). [Let us not forget that gravity would simply be another form of aether in this new model.] Prof. Daniels’ finding means that drawing a sizable 100 kilowatts of this “free energy” power from the gravitational field dips into an extremely tiny 0.001% of the natural energy that is being produced in that area. (New Energy News, June 1994, p.4) 

Research conducted by Nikola Tesla led to his statement in 1891 that the aether “behaves as a fluid to solid bodies, and as a solid to light and heat,” and that under “sufficiently high voltage and frequency,” it could be accessed – which was his hint that free energy and anti-gravity technologies were possible. Let us pay special attention, again, to Tesla’s statement that the aether has a fluidlike effect when we are dealing with solid objects, as this ties in directly with the work of Dr. N.A. Kozyrev

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna

Δευτέρα 19 Ιουλίου 2021

Stop seeking and you will find...

In a Native American parable, the Creator gathers all the animals and says: 'I want to hide something from humans until they are ready for it - the realisation that they create their own reality'.

'Give it to me. I'll fly it to the Moon,' says the eagle. 'No, one day soon they will go there and find it.'

'How about the bottom of the ocean?' asks the salmon. 'No, they will find it there too.'

'I will bury it in the great plains,' says the buffalo. 'They will soon dig and find it there.'

'Put it inside them,' says the wise grandmother mole. 'Done,' says the Creator. 'It is the last place they will look.'

Native American Legend

Σάββατο 17 Ιουλίου 2021

At long last there will be revelations that will open everyone’s eyes to the truth

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 16 July 2021

Things appear to be moving very slowly, when in reality it is quite the opposite, as for a considerable time matters have been speeding up. They are reaching a point when it may be considered appropriate for the public to know what has been happening and how it will affect your future. Clearly, the truth cannot be kept from you for too much longer and it should be uplifting and explain some of the more unusual happenings. In general, it will be good news, as for the first time the Alliance can be open about their activities to contain and reduce the powers of the Illuminati and free you from their control. Their leadership is in disarray and unable to succeed in their plan to control the population. Be assured that they will answer for their murderous and diabolical plans to eliminate a large number of people through a more deadly version of Covid19. They have had to be allowed freewill, but higher forces have prevented their actions from resulting in large scale death.

Now that the situation has been reversed, it may be possible to release some details as to what has been taking place, but be assured that your future has already been written and as we often mention, it is very bright and will be welcomed by all. The Forces of Light have not been idle and have clearly monitored all actions taken by the dark Ones. It may sound strange that they are still allowed some freedom to carry out their heinous crimes, but that is what happens in a “Freewill Universe”. We tell you again that by Universal Law the dark Ones have to make known what their intentions are and from thereon it is up to the Light Forces to respond as they see appropriate. When the Twin Towers collapsed, people were taken by surprise and events since that time have revealed it was to cover up the “removal/robbery” of Gold Bullion kept in the basement of one the Towers. You could say it was the one that got away. In time, many happenings attributed to them will be revealed, and mainly in a Court of Justice.

Your history reeks with battles between the dark and Light, but whatever happens, you can be sure the Light will be the dominant force. With the commencement of the new cycle in 2012, the Light was lifted up and defeat of the dark Ones assured. Since then much progress has been made to curtail their activities and many of their supporters have been taken out of circulation, and so it shall continue. Conflicts have taken place both above and below the Earth’s surface where so many battles have taken place. The whole story would fill volumes and you have little knowledge of what has really been taking place, and much would sound unbelievable and even like fiction. Yet, the battle has rolled on for many years for the mind and soul of you all. The truth is stranger than fiction and it will come out in due course of time. Your lives have been controlled by the Illuminati simply because they have had their supporters in many positions of control and importance.

Bright and happier days lay ahead and you will have earned every accolade and reward that will be coming your way. You have never been forgotten or left to face the problems alone and be assured that there are great and mighty Beings who oversee your progress, and you are assured of victory even though you have experienced some very difficult times. Within it all karma has played a big role and the result is that many, many souls have cleared their personal karma and are free to join the Light. As you can see from your history, no situation is without a positive outcome, even if it cannot be understood at the time. Each individual soul will know of their plan for advancement that they would have been informed of before they incarnated, and would also have agreed to in advance.

It does seem possible that a major event is looming on the horizon and at long last there will be revelations that will open everyone’s eyes to the truth. Such things come up quite regularly and when you think they will be revealed, nothing happens. Clearly, it is all for a good reason, but it is so disappointing for you to feel let down once again. However, matters cannot keep on being held back, and as time passes, revelations about your future become a matter of some urgency. Few people are opposed to the truth coming out, but the dark Ones would rather you were kept in ignorance, so that you were more easily controlled. So, the battle goes on and time passes more quickly than ever, and the need to enlighten you as to what the future holds becomes more urgent. A point has been reached when it is becoming vital that you are put in the picture, so that you are prepared for future events.

You are so far behind events that you need to know a lot more about them, so as to be able to take your place with them. There was a time when it was thought you could not handle the truth, but you have been given so much that indicates the direction Humanity is going in and you are in fact ready to learn more. That would make it easier to lead you on to an even greater understanding, so that you were fully prepared for the great changes that are coming. In the past, there has always been a reluctance to reveal too much, but there is now a certain urgency to “put you in the picture”. It must happen, so that you can be prepared for even greater revelations. We talk of course of positive events that will help you understand what the future holds for you.

Things have moved on so quickly just lately that you are so far behind in your understanding that some people will be unable to accept what is happening. At times, we have hinted at the changes that have taken place, but now it is imperative that you are put in the picture. Be assured that many changes will be very acceptable by moving you into the New Age where technology is concerned, a little at first and then a gradual introduction into a new way of thinking and working. We have touched upon these previously, so they will not necessarily come as a surprise to you. The quality of your life will be lifted up giving you much more time to yourselves to advance your own understanding of the changes around you. You are in the New Age and will become Beings who are equipped to handle it. However, do not expect too much all at once, but know that there are many acceptable things to be introduced to you to uplift your quality of life.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τετάρτη 14 Ιουλίου 2021

Evolution is all about raising your vibrations

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 9 July 2021

On many occasions we have mentioned that if you are ready, you have the opportunity to ascend. At any given time you can achieve it as an individual, and having passed the marker you are being given help to do so. The vibrations continue to rise up and if you are also lifting yours up, there is no reason why you should not be ready to ascend. You should already be aware that if on balance you are 51% or more positive, then you are on track to ascend. It means to hold that position, you must keep positive by focussing on all that is going to continue to lift you up. It may sound easy and it will be so, providing as far as possible you live your life in service to others. It would be your way of proving that you understand what is expected of you. You will still have time for yourself and you will find that “service to others” is a very satisfying way of spreading the Light. Keeping calm and peaceful regardless of what is going on around you becomes your way of life. It is most rewarding and sets a good example that others will want to follow.

You are in what you may call the interim period that is allowing you to dispense with the old ways, replacing them with more ambition and loving ways that recognise the Oneness of all souls. You have the Creator Atom inside you, meaning that you are all part of the Creator God and have eternal life. This no doubt gives you much to think about, particularly when you consider that all souls around you are destined to find their path to their true selves. Even the most lowly of all the souls around you will eventually find their true path. You must know by now that all get help to find their way, even if they are still carrying a low vibration. So, look upon those around with a more discerning and caring eye and you will see that they have the potential to find the Light. All of you had to start somewhere on your journey home, and you will have found the truth and the Light through your many lives and experiences.

No one has been forced to experience in the Matter Universe and we can assure you that you willingly accepted the opportunity to do so. You knew that your memory would be blanked out, so that you could have lives that were unaffected by knowing your true selves. Ultimately, you will greatly benefit from your experiences in the Matter Universe and will help those who follow in your footsteps. Evolution is all about raising your vibrations, so as to make progress towards the higher realms. Subconsciously you know what to expect and what you need to further advance yourself.

Particularly at this time, the Earth is full of distractions and it takes a positive soul time to travel through life unaffected. You are not expected to be perfect and if you were, you would be of such high vibrations, that you would be unsuited to Earth. It is your vibrations that will determine where your level of existence will be, and at this time many of you are well on the way to the higher levels that are known as vibrations. That is the beauty and fairness of the way that determines which level you go to. Many feel that they are well on the path to Ascension, and be assured that they will be helped all of the way. The beauty and utter peace that awaits you if you are successful, is beyond words and if you could glimpse it, you would know it was worth all of the effort that you have put in to make it possible.

It may come as a bit of a surprise or even a shock to some to know that through the many lives you have all had, you have been both male and female depending on the type of experiences you needed. This is in preparation for your future, when you will take a higher vibrating body that does not need the different distinguishing forms of male and female. Obviously, at the present level you are so to say “more animal”, when it comes to reproduction. There are many changes to be considered and when you look back you will realise how much things have changed. The power of thought will dominate your life and the spoken word will be unnecessary. Your powers to create by thought will become normal for you. Of course, these changes take place all in good time and you will be getting used to the idea of such changes the more you evolve. As you might realise, a Galactic Being is much more different to your present form, but it is the normal progression as you raise your vibrations.

Life is full of surprises as you develop, but you are of course prepared in advance. The idea is certainly not new to you, as at different stages in your evolution you are given information about them well in advance. Normally, you are only given what you need to take steps forward, so as not to overwhelm you. You should find it encouraging to know that you have a great future in front of you, one that will be pleasant and enjoyable without the encumbrance and interference of the dark Ones. How exciting the thought must be at a time when you are just making your way out of a very difficult period. Help is being given to you and in time those who share your experience from a higher level will come to meet you.

Let knowledge of the future uplift you and give you the strength to go forward without any doubts as to what lies ahead, it will be very much to your liking. Present events are a passing phase that will go quickly and allow meetings with your friends from Space. In fact, some will be your family who eagerly await the opportunity to greet you again. Re-unions will abound with great celebrations at your success in being able to continue moving out of the lower vibrations. We refer to times to come within most of your lifetimes, when those souls who have gone before you will meet you again. Life on Earth is but a pale reflection of what it is really about and you have everything to look forward to in the not too distant future.

Be kind, be gentle with your fellow brethren who are unaware of events to come and help them through what will be for them a very testing period. All experience is meant to carry you forward and raise you up to new levels, even if you do not recognise the purpose yourself. Life can be exciting and it can be dull, and these differences are all part of your experience needed to carry you even further forward. Nothing happens by chance, so take note of what is happening in your life, and if there is something to be learnt from it, keep it in mind.

Be assured that you are helped all through your experiences to understand what the reasons are for them. You are never asked to do more than you are capable of and do not forget that you came into your earthly life with a plan that you agreed to. All is well in spite of what is going on around you, which may not necessarily affect you. Keep your goal in sight knowing that many loving souls are travelling with you.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τρίτη 13 Ιουλίου 2021

Imagine Earth restored to the paradise she once was

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 2 July 2021

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. “Please ask Matthew to explain how ‘simply by BEing’ we are helping rid the world of darkness.” We are happy to do this! It starts with the profound difference between reality and illusion, and we shall connect the dots that show how essential simply your BEing on Earth is in helping transform life there.

When mainstream media consistently report evidence of a world in turmoil, it is not easy to think of that as illusion, happenings perceived as real but with no basis in reality. That doesn’t mean no one is hurting, happy or sad, mourning loss, confused, impatient, joyful about a birth, angry or distressed, delightfully surprised or disappointed—feelings are expressions of consciousness, and those aspects of consciousness are indeed reality!

Reality is the harmonious coexistence of spiritual clarity and scientific principles of the universe. Reality also can be described this way: Science and spirit are one and the same, the energy of Creator, Source of everything in cosmic existence. Earth’s civilization, which still is predominantly third density, hasn’t evolved in conscious awareness sufficiently to comprehend that truth; consequently, the peoples are living in the world of illusion they themselves have created and believe is real.

Belief is what creates each person’s reality, what each accepts into his or her consciousness as factual. If an individual has no knowledge of something that does exist, that something cannot be in that person’s reality. If someone does have information but doesn’t believe it, then it is not true, not real, for that individual. When a person believes something that exists only in his or her mind, that is reality to that individual.

Let us continue by speaking about third density beliefs that have created a world of illusion on the planet for millennia. The common belief is that each individual is a combination of personality, characteristics, intelligence, talents, interests, ideas, accomplishments and so forth, and each has—or, depending on one’s belief, may not have—a soul. It is not within most peoples’ reality that each being is a soul, an eternally independent yet inseparable part of the supreme being of this universe and all other souls in this universe and, as souls, they are the pure essence of Creator’s love-light energy. They cannot perceive themselves as multidimensional members of the universe’s intergalactic family with innate abilities often ascribed to admirable characters in science fiction stories and TV series.

Most of Earth’s civilization cannot imagine that prior to birth, they made contracts in which they chose specific experiencing to balance previous experiencing in hundreds, maybe thousands of lifetimes that are happening simultaneously at different locations in the timeless continuum. They cannot imagine being one of numerous souls that chose to share this lifetime to offer each other circumstances that can enable all of them to evolve. Thus, the majority believe the illusion that when this lifetime ends, they go wherever judgment sends them forevermore.

By living in the illusion that they have no control over what happens, they see themselves and others as victims or victors, winners or losers having good luck or bad. They see occasional coincidences because they don’t recognize happenings as synchronous steps in a universal process that keeps opening doors of opportunity that are aligned with choices in soul contracts. How could they, when soul contracts aren’t within their reality?

While Earth’s populace may not condone treating animals inhumanely or scarifying lands, polluting waters and otherwise destroying the environment, most don’t believe that affects them personally. The reality is, animals are souls with a wide range of emotions and intelligence just as people do, Gaia’s planetary body is a sentient being and so is everything composing the natural environment; cruelty to and destruction of any part of that integral system of sentient life produce low vibrations that adversely affect every life on Earth and beyond.

Now let us speak about belief in the context of what is happening in the world today. That darkness is being “brought to light” so it can be vanquished and the foundation of Earth’s Golden Age is being established are not a reality to those who have heard about it but don’t believe it, and there can be no reality to those who have no idea what is transpiring. To most of the civilization, a world in turmoil—citizenries rebelling against leadership, infighting in governments, violence in the streets, droughts and flooding, national economies and personal finances ravaged by the covid scourge—is reality, and it’s understandable that their thoughts and feelings are concentrated on those situations.

The energy of those thoughts and feelings in the collective consciousness determines activity in Earth’s energy field of potential, which is a reflection of everything happening on the planet—it’s the reverse of “as above, so below.” That universal law goes hand in hand with the law of attraction that also is in constant motion: Whatever energy shoots up from the planet is drawn to situations with matching energy and those come back to Earth. Her human residents are perpetuating the world of illusion that a long, long-ago civilization manifested. You, dear brothers and sisters, volunteered to help the peoples break that cycle.

Let us liken this to an ancient play in which everyone on the planet was in the cast. The actors, scriptwriters and production managers changed as generations went by, and stage props changed, too, in keeping with the times, but the plot stayed the same. Throughout the millennia the play continued running, the writers and managers cleverly controlled the scenarios, so the cast slumbered in the illusion that the play was life’s reality.

You knew better, because you viewed parts of the play from your worlds. You knew, too, everyone could awaken by absorbing light, but by following the script they had been given, all the actors lived in a world of darkness. Out of love for those members of the universal family, you went to live among them and BE the light they needed to move out of third density’s illusion. You knew you could help them because you ARE the light, the pure essence of Creator’s love-light energy. You know that about yourselves, they don’t know that about themselves.

So, there you are on the world stage with a new script about the light winning the ages-old conflict between the light and dark forces. The writers and managers, who know light is their undoing, scatter, but the cast remains. Simply by your BEing in their midst the vibrations of your love-light energy flow out and touch them. As the actors waken, they become beacons of light in a force for godliness, and that, dear ones, is how essential you are in helping to transform life on Earth!

The more thoughts and feelings are focused on love, peace and harmony, the more quickly the population’s illusion of a world in turmoil will end. The effectiveness of collectively directing energy toward a light-filled world is inestimable. Imagine—envisiona world of peoples caring for and about each other, a world where resources are equally shared and there is abundance for all. Imagine Earth restored to the paradise she once was and help Gaia’s humankind make this their reality!

From the beginning of Creation, love-light energy has been the only source of building materials for everything from a petunia to a planet, and because all materials are love-light, it is far easier to create beauty and harmony than to create turmoil, suffering and dis-ease. Distorting the materials to manifest anything based in darkness goes against the urging from the soul to use them within godly intent. Conscience, the inner voice, gives guidance as clear as flashing neon signs, and listening to and heeding that guidance is personal ascension, the return journey to everyone’s Beginnings in Creator.

Now then, a number of you have written about several individuals you heard are clones or are going to be cloned. That is someone’s fanciful thinking. The purpose of cloning is to provide continuity in an influential position, and since Illuminati controlled the laboratories and decided whom they wanted to clone, very, very few persons have been. In some cases, individuals who refused to take part in a dark agenda were forcibly cloned, then killed.

The process uses a person’s cellular tissue to produce infants that are quickly aged until the clone appears identical to the individual. Then information in the person’s brain is downloaded to the clone’s brain in the same way data is transferred from one computer to another. That most intricate procedure of the process is done just prior to the clone “going public,” and it will seem that the person didn’t skip a beat in handling leadership responsibilities. [A comprehensive explanation of the cloning process is in October 12, 2016 message.]

Cloning laboratories were closed down about three years ago in linear time. The Illuminati were decidedly distressed, but that was one of the rare situations wherein their power was worthless. When the scientific expertise required to download information from a person’s brain to a clone or from a clone to its successor no longer is available, there is no alternative means whereby the process can be continued.

Although body doubles, or “look-alikes,” have replaced some persons who were assassinated or died of natural causes, differences from the persons’ appearance and voice are detectable; and while holograms are an identical likeness, the technology is not widely available, so public appearances are rare. The nefarious reason for deceiving the peoples won’t continue a great deal longer, and as far as we know, lightworkers in positions of influence intend to disclose information about cloned individuals and impersonators in conjunction with related revelations.*

I heard the dark ones are planning a fake ET invasion. Is there any truth to that?” What is true is, producing an ET invasion has been on the Illuminati agenda for many years as a last resort to attaining world domination. The plan is that mainstream media would continuously air the terrorized public as military forces fight the extraterrestrials. After the invaders are killed, the Illuminati would easily enforce measures to assure everyone’s safety in case of another invasion attempt. The measures would render the peoples helpless, as the Illuminati carried out their intention to systematically annihilate most and enslave the rest.

The original plan had the “little Greys” surfacing after decades of living underground, but they refused to participate in that dark deception. So, the plan was changed to handle the invasion by hologram. Some top-ranking Illuminati may still have in mind doing that, but their control of technological resources is tenuous. If they try anyway, members of the extraterrestrial Special Forces, whose many services on your behalf have been invaluable, would make sure the “invasion” would be marvelous entertainment instead of what the dark ones have in mind.

Beloved family, you are living in a time that is unique in the history of the planet, unique in the history of this Universe! When your Earth journey comes to a close, you can watch this era like an exciting movie and feel ever so grateful that you were privileged to be an important part of it.

All light beings in this universe support you with unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Κυριακή 11 Ιουλίου 2021

All is well in spite of the outer appearances

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 2 July 2021

If you were to know the real truth as to what has been taking place for many, many years, you would realise that there has been an ongoing battle between the dark and Light. With freewill the dark Ones have been fermenting wars and altercations and causing much fear which energy they feed upon. They have ensured that there are conditions that result in chaos and prevent the people from living peaceful and happy lives. They have continued to feed the negativity that has existed upon Earth for eons of time and hoped to finally decimate the Human Race and take over the world.

Many people have alluded to it over the centuries, but been unable to offer a solution that would have rid the world of their presence. However, when in recent times it seemed that the dark Ones were achieving their aims, Humanity collectively raised their vibrations and were able to continue on Mother Earth with the promise that a New Age was to commence from 2012. As a result, the vibrations have gradually lifted up and are bringing more positive energies into being, and this has the effect of weakening the power of the dark Ones who can no longer rule by fear. The people are awakening to their own powers and becoming aware of the way their lives have been controlled.

They are seeking ways to take back their sovereignty and be able to determine their own future. Success will come, but there is so much that needs changing to rid the world of the negative energies that presently exist. Much to this end is carried out in secret, but be assured that the Light has effectively won the battle for the minds and souls of the people, but there are always those who will not give up the battle to follow their own dictates. In a freewill world they have to be allowed to practice their own beliefs by creating their own pathway of chaos and disunity. It will take much time, but eventually all souls will come to realise that it is the Light that leads to complete peace and harmony.

For those souls who have found their peace and pathway to greater glories, they have raised themselves up and walk their Light protected from the lower vibrations. They have understood that because they are protected, they need not fear whatever the dark Ones do to distract them from their pathway. They become a beacon of Light that attracts others to them who recognise and feel their loving energies. They bring peace and love to those they meet and help them to recognise the truth that will carry them forwards. You can hold your head up high and know that you are spreading it by your words and actions, and that should be the aim of every soul who has discovered the truth. Others will live a lie, until they realise that their path is littered with problems and difficulties that are holding them back.

Much care is taken by those who oversee your future experiences, so that your freewill is acknowledged and supported. Yet, the great plan for your evolution is always a marker that is followed without usurping your freewill by putting opportunities on your path that lead you in the right direction. There are of course more personal links that you will have to ensure you experience life in a beneficial way that supports your needs. It is a vastly complicated set up but gives each soul the means to progress without forcing their experiences in any particular direction. Your intentions and life plan are known to them and you may be sure they are supported. You have so many unseen helpers you would be surprised if you knew the truth.

The chaos in the world may seem overwhelming, but it is because of the sheer volume of work entailed in helping you through your life and ensuring you get every opportunity of success. Your Guides do not press themselves upon you, but welcome opportunities to “talk” with you and they are delighted when you acknowledge their presence. You are well advised to make time so that you can create a peaceful situation around you, so that they can come to you. It gives them an opportunity to impress useful advice upon your mind that will help you along. You often meet them when out of the body such as your sleep state, and much useful advice can be given this way and you are just as likely to recall it upon awakening.

In the future, you will meet your helpers and some will be known to you through previous lives. In reality, you have so many close friends who have incarnated with you, or simply met you between lives. Your present family members who have passed on eagerly await you on the other “side” and some will be those who have been part of your family in the past. Life outside of Earth is just as important, as all experience helps you to progress and you often share them with others. Much more takes place than you are aware of whilst on Earth and life in general is a wonderful uplifting experience. On Earth you are confined to those experiences that you need, whereas once you have discovered the truth of life, it becomes a wonderful time that is rich in beautiful opportunities.

It may be difficult to accept that you are an old soul, but when you are off Earth, you will know that you are and have an awareness of your previous lives. After all, you are an old soul with vast experience often giving yourself tasks that help others on their path. Clearly, once you ascend and leave the lower energies behind, you have an expanded level of consciousness that embraces much more of the truth about All That Is. You are presently but a fraction of your true selves and capabilities, as you are specifically prepared for your life on Earth. You are given whatever you need to complete your life plan, which is why some very young children know at an early age what they have come into life to do.

The world is truly a stage for you all to act out your roles in life, and there is of course a purpose in them that is for your evolution. Some question why they have certain experiences, but in the main it is best not to know in advance. It means that you act as one who handles your experiences as and when they come up without a predetermined plan, but of course you are going to be guided by whatever experiences you have brought with you. Intuition is the key to many decisions that you are facing and usually it will help you make the right decisions for you. All is well in spite of the outer appearances.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Κυριακή 4 Ιουλίου 2021

Have no fear about the future as your destiny is assured

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 25 June 2021

At our higher level we see all before us and it is a quagmire of actions that are mostly negative, but we must give credit to those who are attempting to bring stability and purpose into your lives. There is a cleansing taking place that is proving successful, but the size of the task is formidable, so it is impossible to accurately predict when it will be near to completion. However, progress is being made and success is assured. It is no mean task to round up the dark Ones who have broken the Law and ensure a stop to their activities. The purge will go on until it is safe to introduce beneficial changes that will lift the people up. The plan for your upliftment has already been prepared and simply waiting for the right circumstances to proceed.

Time has not been wasted and much has been prepared in advance, so that nothing will be lost because of the delays. Regardless of outer appearances, much is in place that can be introduced at short notice. The dark Ones, whether they realise it or not, are beginning to feel uneasy, as the vibrations continue to lift up, and they will be eventually left behind to experience the consequences of their actions. They know that they are losing the battle with the Light and some are already planning their escape by leaving the Earth. However, they will find their path blocked and eventually they will have to answer for their misdeeds, so be assured that none shall escape justice. Knowing this should give you the satisfaction that justice will prevail.

You might well ask why action could not have been taken before this time, but as we have often remarked, there has to be an ideal time when success can be assured. That time has arrived, which is why we are absolutely certain of our total success in due course. The tasks ahead are still monumental, but we know that success is within our grasp. We have prevented major happenings that could have led to the destruction of Earth and although you may feel that was most unlikely, we can assure you that the dark Ones would have carried out such an abomination rather than accept defeat. The danger is over, but there is still much to do to contain their desire to cause havoc upon the Earth.

In the long run, you will look back at this period in your history and be thankful that you were able to survive a most difficult time when all life was threatened. Since 2012, you were always destined to overcome those threatening to take over the world and you are now allowed to receive help from the Forces of Light. That will continue, but it is you who have to make all of the first moves, otherwise we could be seen to be interfering with your freewill. So, have no fear about the future as your destiny is assured to lead you to a peaceful and trouble free life. Do not lose heart as times are still tough on you, but certain things have to be dealt with before you can really relax, but it will come.

Many changes will take place and may not necessarily seem to be beneficial for you, but be assured most are going to quickly move you into a New Era that will bring you many advances. We have touched upon them previously and it is apparent that they will propel you into the New Age. The stage will then be set for even better things and in a short time your life style will be far removed from that which you have now. The drudgery and time consuming ways that you accept now will be replaced in such a way that it will free up a lot of time that you can use for your own benefit. Life will become quite different to what you are used to now, and travel will become quite normal with new means of transport that give you more time for yourself. It is all in the making and the sooner mankind progresses from the present mess you are in, the sooner new ways of living can be introduced. Be patient as all will come to you in good time.

What you call the “bad times” will eventually come to an end and be replaced by exciting and very acceptable changes. You have been deliberately held back by the dark Ones, whilst they have enjoyed the benefits they kept for themselves. All through history life has been a struggle, yet it has been a means of giving you the experiences you needed to evolve. You have now done the hard bit and from here on matters will gradually get better as you catch up on lost time. You can hardly imagine what awaits you, but you will hear of new inventions and ways of living that far surpass what you are presently used to. Your future is assured and you are being prepared for a way of life quite different to what you are now used to.

People can speculate as to how things will change, but can hardly imagine some of the new innovations and ideas that are being worked upon. Obviously, you are being prompted to follow a certain path that will provide you with the opportunities you seek and you will be helped all of the way. Some of you complain wondering what you have done to deserve your present life experiences, but do not forget that you agreed to your life plan before you were birthed upon Earth. All major points in your life have been prearranged and agreed upon by you. So, inwardly you know that you have experiences that you needed to further your evolution. After all, that is the purpose of your life, to travel a path that takes you back to the higher realms from whence you came.

Do you realise that most souls close to you have probably spent previous lives with you, and sometimes whole families come together in a series of lives, but not necessarily in exactly the same relationship. It tells you why some families are so close together and tightly bonded. Obviously, some relationships are simply to create the lessons you need and in reality may not be very pleasant, but will achieve the reason they have taken place. So, consider why you have certain experiences to handle and hopefully you can progress from them. Obviously, some are where you are simply part of the story but not directly involved. It gets quite complicated at times, but in the end it inevitably works out as intended even allowing for freewill.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light