Κυριακή 31 Οκτωβρίου 2021

A whole new vista is opening up for you

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 22 October 2021

The changes are coming more quickly than ever as new technologies have taken a massive leap forwards. Changes that had been held in check waiting for the right time for them to be introduced are now being released. In a few short years you will have directly benefited from some of them, and slowly but surely your quality of life will have greatly improved. It is of course relative to your existing levels of achievement and in the long run there will be a levelling up. It is now the appropriate time to give you the advantages of new ideas that will propel you into the New Age. There are many who are ready to adapt to a new way of living that makes life a lot easier, and so it will continue in a New Era where you have sufficient time to follow your own desires.

A whole new vista is opening up for you and much of the old has no place in it. So once again we ask you to forget what you were used to previously, and accept the “new” as it comes along. We put it to you this way because if too many of you continue to hold on to the old way of life, it will delay the introduction of the many changes that await you. We realise that many of you are going through traumatic times, and it is inevitable as you break away from the old way of life. We are not implying it was inadequate as it was appropriate for the period you were in, but there is much that could be improved and it will be in the near future.

You will find that the emphasis in future messages will be on compassion and the giving of love to others more freely. There are so many souls in a state of uncertainty about the future as all around them everything seems to be falling apart. In a material Age when abundance should have covered everyone's needs, you are suddenly experiencing all manners of shortages and problems that are making life intolerable for so many. Do not despair, as out of the gloom will come signs of a new way of approaching them that will overcome the disruption to your lives. It is a matter of keeping calm knowing that even now there are Beings helping you to overcome the difficulties you face.

Certainly the problems you have faced have brought out the best in many people, and there is now a genuine desire to help others through this period. It is human nature to want to help those in need by showing compassion and understanding. The lead should come from those at the top who have a tendency to be slow to act, even when faced with the consequences of not taking action. The younger generations can understand the predicament you are in and are demonstrating to draw attention to the need for quick action. It really is time for countries to come together and form a united front to tackle the problems that confront you.

Now is an ideal time to set up a group who can evaluate what is being done and has the authority to mobilise the necessary forces that can prevent matters getting out of hand. There has to be some urgency felt to deal with Earth changes that if allowed to run wild will be an uncontrollable disaster. It is known that the changes are speeding up and it calls for prompt action. If you approach it in the correct way we can help you, but you must first make the effort. Approach it the right way and the threat to Earth can be controlled and lessen the degree of damage experienced by you.

No one can stop the eventual Ascension of those souls who have lifted up their vibrations and have earned the right to move into the higher dimensions. We on the other side of the veil know how much effort has gone into such an achievement, and you will reap the benefits of it. After many failed attempts to do so, you have crossed the barrier and many welcome changes await you. By now you should know your true potential, and as long as you keep looking ahead, you will see so many changes coming that will completely change your way of life.

The flood of immigrants will continue and gives you an opportunity to help those in desperate need of love and compassion to lift their faith in humankind. Many have had an intolerable time without the necessities of life and look to others to rescue them from their plight. They risk their lives and often that of their children to find a new life that offers an opportunity to live without fear, and the opportunity to make a new life for themselves. See them as your brothers and sisters entitled to the basic necessities of life and to be able to live in peace and without fear.

These times are a test of your compassion for those souls who often live in squalor and conditions you would not expect your animals to have. You may feel that it is karma and to a degree that is true, but could you ignore their plight when it is apparent they have been kept down for eons of time. Mankind has to open the doors of welcome and help bring better standards of living to all people. It is possible if you put your minds to it and the sooner the better before conditions worsen. You have weather changes and geographical changes that will demand prompt attention if you are to cope with them. Mankind has all the resources he needs to deal with what is coming and preparations should start now before they become a matter of urgency.

Be assured that once you start to prepare for the future, we will come into the picture and are allowed to give you help without infringing your freewill. We see further ahead than you do and our sense of urgency is in the knowing that you need to prepare for the future now and not wait until it is too late. You have the resources and knowhow, but it requires a worldwide response, so perhaps you might consider a World Government is called for. However, it would not be an opening for the Illuminati, although it was in their plans for world control. Big problems require big answers and those facing you need the best minds working together on behalf of mankind. Show willing and you will be surprised at how quickly matters can be dealt with.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Παρασκευή 15 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Relax and know you are here for a purpose and being here is enough

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 15 October 2021

Dear friends as I am not sending out my message this week, I thought it would be helpful to send one I have always kept a copy of, as I consider it to be one of the most informative ones. It advises how you can conduct yourselves as a helpful example to help others. It certainly seems very appropriate at such a time as we are in at present. 

7th October 2018. Mike Quinsey.


God is inside every single human being to the fullest degree that humans will allow it. Instead of compartmentalizing your meditations, your prayer time or your channelling, it is always there, always available. So it is not just a church experience, it is not a reporting on Sunday experience, it is a 24 hour/7 days a week experience. As you sleep, there is a blessing of your dreams and when you awaken in the morning, you feel it and you know there is no switch to be turned by a human being, it wants to honour God. What can you do for this planet? Your being here is enough, do you know what it means to the planet to have a human dynamo, a generator of light living here with the experience that you have had, where you have done that. And you have solved the problems, and you have had thousands of lifetimes in both genders, you have done it, and your very existence is light for the planet.

I am going to give you some attributes to make that light shine in a time when we need it, because this is your time, but do not ever ask what you should do. You have done it. No matter what your age, it does not matter, the light is multi-dimensional, it will carry over the gap of death. Some of you will plant things which will remain on the planet forever, because consciousness stays. The things you do and say are remembered by humans and sometimes it will change their lives, just by the way you say it and how you act and what you do. Sometimes there will be a person riding along with you watching how you react to somebody else on the motorway perhaps who is not as kind, and they will never forget your reaction of compassion instead of anger. They may even mould themselves after you and you will never know it. You are influential because of who you are, experienced and it shows and what it often does is taint you, and you know it does and you expect more from people. It is not about what you do next, it is about how to be. You are beginning to awaken to the God inside, and it has so many forms, for there are so many civilisations that you have been through.

Relax and know you are here for a purpose and being here is enough. Fear will shut you down, but it will eventually be chased away by you, holding light at home, at work, at play and practising compassionate action on this planet. Do not despair, that is primary acceptance of a quality that has not been here before. This energy is creating benevolence in all aspects of your life. Your consciousness and the change of it, and your belief of it, and your acceptance of it triggers things that have not been here before. There is energy now on the planet being flooded with light. There are actually entities and beings coming here by the tens of thousands at light speed, you might say for your benefit and you have no description for them and there is nothing we have ever told you about them before. But it is not to change who you are – you have got help. You walk outside and step on the Earth and it is different because you are an old soul.

Your free choice has given you an advantage for the first time of awareness of a new energy that is occurring, and this legion of Light Beings is going to start helping you in all things. There is more acceptance today from the general civilisation of your shamanic energy and your compassionate spirit than at any time in human history. Believe in the benevolent source that is going to help you to your next step. You have never had it before. Start pushing on the doors that you think have been closed forever, and about what you might do, or what others might think of you, and you are now going to find acceptance. Do not be surprised if your light is seen differently than it ever was before. Do not isolate yourselves from the rest of the world. Your personality is becoming softer, less critical, more loving, more benevolent. As soon as you start looking at things differently and you say to your cellular structure your Merkabah, to the God inside, “I am changing, I am more compassionate, I am more aware, I Am that I Am” all lights up and you no longer walk around in the dark, because those who need to see your light will be attracted to you. And the entities I have talked about and all those who are flying to Earth to help will be attracted to this consciousness, and you are going to be lifted and it is going to be easier.

Do the hardest thing you can ever do, go back and be with the relatives and be peaceful with it. Some of them know what you represent, that perhaps you left the fold, left your religion, left the belief system. They sometimes see you as odd and strange, that is changeable with compassion, because the action you have which is compassionate is what they will see. Do not tell them about Kryon, do not tell them about the Pleiadians, do not tell them anything, show them love. Your compassion will do more for this planet more than any other single thing, it is the Light source. It is not your job to make them come to a meeting, it is not your job to take a human being and convince them you are right, It is not your job to do anything but love Humanity, in a way that is so attractive that they will want to be next to you again. And they will someday look at you, they will ask, “What have you got that I do not have that I have not been?" You can tell them you have God inside without a doctrine perhaps, without a building perhaps.

This is the Army of Light that is going to win this world. The actual truth is that consciousness is over physics and is always able to change it. Your compassion will be seen as a driving force of this planet. Compassion is the king; you are going to do more with your compassion than any channeller or healer. Sound, consciousness and colour, all these things have energies. Your consciousness with your voice speaking to your reality in your cells, saying the things you want them to hear, do it in the first person, “I am”. Perhaps you should wake up in the morning and say “I am healed”, “I am getting a good night’s sleep”, “I am pleased and celebrate this day”. Say every morning “I am pleased”, meaning you are happy with your existence, and you are celebrating the day.

Develop affirmations in the first person positively, and start saying out loudly “let your ears hear who you are”. In your cellular structure there is data that has antennas out just waiting to hear from the boss. Say “I am healed, I am benevolent, I am compassionate, I am happy in my existence, it is well with my soul”. That is powerful, and everything you do along that line will collect light. You will start to change faster than you have ever changed before, expect healing and change in your life. Let the proof of my words be in how fast this occurs, and you will know that a benevolent energy that is attaching itself to you is so good. God is going to get bigger for your Lightworkers, Army of Light. One more, and this is tough, it is out of your culture, it is out of your civilisation, it is not in your tradition. I want you to start honouring your ancestors. I want you to be abstract (having no reference to material objects). Your ancestors are your spiritual family, and some of them are you in past lives. I want you to honour the process of ancestry. Reincarnation begets families who then become reincarnated – some of them are your ancestors, you do not know their names, you cannot picture them, you do not even have photographs, but the concept is to honour those who came before you, some of whom are you, and do it every day. It is a return to the old traditions, it is honoured by God, it is a way that your free choice is saying, "I understand the system, it is beautiful, it is benevolent and I honour it".

It could not be clearer and we have not heard that from you in this society in hundreds of years. In the morning, in some place where you cannot be heard, say thank you to your ancestors for bringing you here now at this time. It is personal and the point I wanted to tell you about is that the energy of the future is not about grandiose things; it is about you today. Think about these things, be aware of them, if you work with this dear Old Soul, you will have results. I promise, if you have pure intent to make it work, you are going to see results. It is time to stop the worry of the drama, stay away from what I would call voluntary negative attributes, this is negativity that you voluntarily participate in and you may not even be aware of it. Does what is on television offend your heart? Then turn it off, and if you need to know what is going on in the world, get a magazine or use the Internet.

You can go at your own pace and see what you need to see, not what others think you need to see. If you are in a room and they wish to gossip, do not participate in the negativity. Leave, if you cannot be compassionate instead of criticizing. Do not participate in the negativity and it will shut it down. Dear Ones, watch it happen when you do not participate in the circle that is moving and spinning, it stops. These are things you could do every day as a Lightworker. When you walk into a drama, walk out. If you see it developing, stop it by compassionate action. Do not defend yourself. It does not help. Be compassionate if someone calls you names. It is their problem not yours. Be compassionate with them having a bad day.

Dear Ones, there are ways where you can change who you are and they will notice. They will not say it, but they will see you as a little more mature than they are. Then they will be surprised, if they decide to emulate it, because it is really attractive, light is attractive, benevolence and beauty is attractive more than ever before, and the old soul knows more about it than anyone on the planet as to how to make it work, and so it is. 


In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Δευτέρα 11 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Although the battle is not over, you could say that the Light has won

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 8 October 2021

Yet again I have included an extract from a Kryon Message that I believe would be of interest to most people, particularly the younger generation who have their lifetime ahead of them. It shows that as we recover from this present period of unrest, there is a great future to look forward to.

Extract from the Kryon. Sept. 2021. “Message from the Stars”.

You are just coming out of a dark era of over 30,000 years, and human history will not count before 2012 and that is what you are looking at. The beginning of a New Era. I think the irony of this is that they have been battling for a long time, and they will continue as you recalibrate, souls will pass over the veil as they always do, and when they come back as children their DNA will be different. You will never have to go through what they did before, because the old energy will not be the same, they will awaken with full knowledge of who they are.

As children they will know and see the colours, and as children they will have an identity of being an old soul and will know what they are here for by the time they are 13 years old – and that’s you. I just described you, all of you old souls. This is one of the biggest shifts you are ever going to see, and it may take a generation, but it’s going to happen. You will know I am right, it's a new human, and educators all over the world will recalibrate their teachings because the children are different.

8th October 2021. Mike Quinsey.

As intimated a long time ago, you are starting to see that what was hidden comes to the surface and where there have been crimes against Humanity, the perpetrators will face justice. It is all part of as you might say “clearing the decks”, so that a New Age can be established. There will be no place for those whose vibrations are still at a stage of early development and are unable to lift themselves up by seeking the Light. They will be given every help, but some are so captivated with the lower level, they cannot move on. However, their destiny is to rise up, but with freewill the timing is up to them.

In general terms, there will slowly grow a feeling of help towards others, so that instead of standing aside, souls will first think in terms of helping those in need. Currently, there is a tendency for an “everyone for themselves”, but circumstances in your present period of difficulty will bring out the best in most people. There is an underlying desire for equality and not the extremes you see at present, when greed is many people's idea of progress. Be assured, in time it will change, and there is a great awakening to come. Even now, so much help is voluntary, and souls with a desire to help others in need are giving a grand service at a time when immense pressure is upon them.

Compassion is inherent in your make-up and there is a growing feeling and desire amongst you to do more for those who need assistance. We thank you with great joy that you are becoming more caring and concerned about the well-being of others that are less able to help themselves. At heart, many souls desire to help others and be assured that once you do, opportunities will come your way. It is time to change the model of the “haves” and “have nots” and there are the first signs of it happening. The right Leaders and others who represent you can, so to say, get the ball rolling, and when it does, the general public will respond beyond their present levels.

Some coming situations will require public support and in their present frame of mind they will be eager to help recovery. At heart, all souls are sympathetic to another’s problems and the predicament you are in has brought out the best in them. Many souls particularly those concerned with your welfare are dedicated to their work and deserve every accolade they are given. One would hope it will be recognised and duly rewarded, even though you are in difficult times. You will get through it, but the sooner you come together, the sooner you will succeed in putting the bad times behind you.

The changes are speeding up and will reflect your new position, as you prepare for the upliftment that comes with the increase in vibrations. It will become easier to bring more Light into people’s lives, as there will be less opposition to it, as the dark Ones continue to lose their power. Although the battle is not over, you could say that the Light has won. It will become more prominent in people’s lives and help show the way forward. The dark Ones had an agenda to stop you finding the Light and your path to Ascension, but they have failed and every soul that feels ready to ascend will get the support they need to progress.

The most important advice is to keep your focus on the goal in whatever manner you believe it will take place. As time passes, it will become easier to see ahead and there is no reason why you should not succeed. You will certainly get plenty of support and of course your Guides are ever present to give you help and guidance without conflicting with your freewill. With God inside, you are a powerful soul who can call upon God when you need it. You are encouraged to speak with God on a personal basis and confirm your readiness to state your attributes as a Being of Light.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τετάρτη 6 Οκτωβρίου 2021

The first provision of the NESARA legislation calls for resignation of the entire administration

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 1 October 2021

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The most succinct answer to “What’s causing these wild energies?” along with the light forces uprooting the darkness, is the crumbling of systems, policies, procedures and ideologies that no longer serve the civilization. The third density lessons those provide are nearing the end of their purposeful course of offering opportunities to Earth humankind to complete chosen karma and evolve into higher densities, where marvels await.

This is known at soul level, but that knowledge isn’t reaching the consciousness of individuals who are choosing to stick with what is familiar instead of embracing change. If persons dear to you are among them, please honor their slower advancement pace and continue moving steadily forward on your lighted pathway.

“Now authoritarian oppression includes booster shots and vaccinating little children. Why aren’t benevolent ETs stopping this insanity?” The past many months have indeed been challenging to the stoutest of hearts and minds even with the invaluable assistance of extraterrestrials. By God’s authorization, powerful civilizations are infusing Earth with light and scientists in ET Special Forces saved billions of lives by greatly reducing the potency of coronavirus 19 and the ingredients in solutions falsely represented as vaccines. But it is not other civilizations’ prerogative or even within their capability to stop the current situation.

It’s Earth’s peoples who must stop it, and they are! While national leaders who are Illuminati puppets are mandating proof of vaccination for employment, travel and other standard conveniences, leaders in other countries are acceding to public demands and are abolishing all covid measures. Thousands of medical specialists, hospital personnel and scientists are speaking out about harmful restrictions and vaccines, growing numbers of the populace are throwing away masks and many are standing firm in their refusal to be vaccinated.

Fear-filled information and a massive fortune are the Illuminati’s arsenal. Their increasing fear of losing their fortunes and increasing fearlessness in the population is making them desperate. By claiming the population must be vaccinated twice or three times or more because waves of “variants” will keep recurring and very young children also need the protection of vaccines, they are trying to produce the fear energy they require as fuel for themselves and their “pandemic.”

What will end this scourge is what the people are doing—taking back control of their lives and livelihoods. They may not know covid will run out its course when it no longer has fuel, but they know they’re not going to live in fear of that illness. They may not know they are divine sovereign beings who need not bow to any “authority,” but they know that standing tall against oppression is the way to free themselves from it.

“I understand Matthew can’t give details about what he says is ‘progress behind the scenes.’ Just a general idea of what is going on would be encouraging to lightworkers who have become despondent.” Dear ones, we know these are trying times and we wholeheartedly want to uplift everyone who is feeling despondent. What is happening out of public view includes forced resignations, arrests, trials and convictions of self-serving influential individuals in numerous countries and efforts to separate the dark ones from their economic base that is buying their fragments of power.

We would be less than forthright if we did not tell you the remaining Illuminati will not go gently into the demise of their control and until their last gasp, it’s likely they will cause as much commotion as they can. What we see in Earth’s energy field of potential can be likened to a storm before the calm. That can change, but if it doesn’t, ever-intensifying light .will not let the storm be long-lasting; however, just as with all violent weather, the aftermath is a period of clearing away and mopping up. You are well prepared to handle that. With high vibrations as your staunch ally, you will be a fulcrum of calmness, confidence and optimism as you help others feel the same.

Beloved brothers and sisters, you are in the home stretch, so to say, when changes desperately needed, changes the peoples are demanding, will be coming to pass. Lightworkers have been powerfully influential in bringing about this most exciting time in the history of Earth. All eyes in this universe are watching, all lighted beings in this universe are cheering you onward!

The following questions are representative of many others: “Does Matthew know why it’s taking so long to disclose evidence of fraud in the United States presidential election?” “If Trump won, why is Biden still running this country?” “I have a question for Matthew re Donald Trump. Is there any information on when he will return? Many people here in England are waiting for this time.”

First, we repeat what we have said in previous messages: The election issue has nothing at all to do with partisan politics, and we speak often about governance of the United States because the Illuminati’s political and economic entrenchment in that country has impact worldwide. No government is purely honorable, but the systemic corruption in the United States in conjunction with individuals elsewhere has kept the masses “in the dark,” thereby controlled.

Now then, as winner of the election, Mr. Trump is the president, but this is a much more complex matter than simply presenting evidence of fraud. It is a situation without precedence—the country is being run by two groups. The Illuminati, or call them Deep State, are operating the government; and the military forces, which pledge to serve the Constitution, are holding them at bay, so to say. While it’s clear to most of the commanders and knowledgeable others that the country cannot continue in this dysfunctional manner, it is not yet clear how to change it with the least amount of disruption and confusion and avoid cries of “military coup.”

The first provision of the NESARA legislation calls for resignation of the entire administration—the most recent to preside over the corporation of United States that was secretly set up by the Illuminati more than two centuries past—and return to the sovereign republic the founding fathers established. We don’t know when or by whom that provision will be implemented, but it won’t be “Mr. Biden.” The president you see is a body double who acts upon orders from the Illuminati, and they have successfully blocked public knowledge of NESARA ever since it was signed 20 years ago. [February 3, 2021 message includes the various means whereby NESARA has been kept under wraps. May 4, 2020 message includes formation of the legislation.]

According to Nirvana’s monitors of Earth, whoever takes on the task of organizing a new government will have to decide issues such as removing from office only individuals elected in 2020 or, in accordance with NESARA, the entire administration, which would mean no governing body until an election is held. If the first option, how replacements for ousted individuals will be chosen and how long they shall serve. What laws affecting candidates and campaign funding should be enacted, and by whom, prior to the first election under the new government. When to implement the economic provisions of G/NESARA—the G was added because those provisions are global in scope.

At this moment, we don’t know how those weighty issues will be managed. This is what we do know: Earth’s steady ascension into fourth density’s lighter planes is blanketing the planet with vibrations that are accelerating the pace of all happenings, and the upcoming storm heralds the first light of dawn in a world where love and peace prevail.

“Matthew, I’m writing on behalf of everyone in our spiritual zoom meetups. How many souls are at ‘this station’ in your greeting? Are all of you in Nirvana? How do you decide what information to put in the messages? How did you become the ‘speaker-soul’? Will you reincarnate on Earth? When you are in physical body again, can you still send messages to your mother? Thank you in advance for your answers.” It has been some time since we spoke about “this station,” and it is significant to these messages. If all of us were living in Nirvana, which is a fourth density world, we wouldn’t have access to much of the information we share with you.

“This station” is not a place, it is a group of souls numbering in the millions that have evolved to the same status spiritually and consciously. Some are members of vast, powerful civilizations, some are living within a collective soul group in physical or nonphysical worlds, and some are free spirits that don’t need even an etheric body to accomplish soul contract missions.

Regardless of location and physical or disincarnate life, all of us can tap into our combined experiencing and knowledge at any time, and, simply by the power of thought, be in multiple places in this universe simultaneously. That capability, along with our awareness of the collective consciousness, which lets us know what information can be most helpful, enables the coalescence of thoughts into the message each “speaker-soul” telepathically transmits to a receiver. A number of us communicate in this way with specific persons in different countries, and these collaborative efforts to offer enlightenment and guidance are established in pre-birth agreements.

We are not unique in any respect. You and every other soul in this universe have the very same innate abilities—birthrights, if you will. It’s that through long ages of self-discovery and many lifetimes of service to various kinds of civilizations, every soul at this station has achieved a fine measure of attunement with the universe.

Now I shall speak for myself. About 25 years ago in your time, my primary assistant in Nirvana’s extensive medical service was prepared to take on my position as manager and I was ready to move on. I was offered three choices—joining the 100-member council that keeps everything orderly in the realm, incarnating in a collective soul population or other advanced civilization, and helping people who request assistance to upgrade their spirit worlds to be like Earth’s. Without hesitation, I chose the last. An overview of Nirvana will show why many civilizations want to emulate it, but more importantly, it will show why no one ever should feel fearful about what you call death and actually is a lightning-quick transition from living in a physical world to living in a spirit world.

But to back up a bit, the placement now known as Nirvana was manifested in antiquity as a safe haven for wounded and exhausted light warriors. When it no longer was needed for that purpose, the highest universal council decided its proximity to the planet later called Earth would make it an ideal place for the population to live between physical lifetimes. As the planet itself became one of the universe’s best schoolhouses and souls flocked to incarnate there, the spirit world’s overseers kept adding diversity in lifestyle, housing, attractions, scenery, and manifestation and growth opportunities. Eventually Nirvana became known as one of this universe’s finest spirit worlds, and it’s considered by some to be the crown jewel.

The foundation of that multi-layered world is love, the same energy as light, and that energy’s high vibrations stabilize the realm and maintain its flexibility. Everything is highly personalized to accommodate residents at every stage of spiritual and conscious development. The numerous levels in the interconnected layers correspond with the energy of individuals’ lifetime free will choices, and the universal law of physics draws each to the level in consonance with their characteristics, attitudes, philosophies and evolutionary status.

Thus, the myriad “neighborhoods” greatly differ, but some services or conditions are the same throughout the realm. Communication is both verbal and telepathic, there’s no time limit on residency, and healing centers abound. Each person who arrives with traumatized etheric body or psyche or both or is fatigued from a long hard life receives customized care until fullness of health is restored. Individuals who arrive in elder years become younger until they reach prime years in the thirties and younger arrivals age to that point. There is no money—everything is provided in accordance with merit. Everyone has a lifeprint review, and afterwards assistance is offered to prepare for the next lifetime—soul contract provisions to attain balanced experiencing, karmic lessons, and participation with other souls in pre-birth agreements.

All levels in the higher layers are much the same. Scenery is magnificent, colors are vibrant, administrative and other important buildings glow as they are constructed of crystal, and life is joyfully active. People who are bonded in love with each other and pets are reunited. Infants and young children are lovingly nurtured in special homes and receive age-appropriate education. Animals, including those you call wild, because in Nirvana’s high vibrations they are peaceable, roam freely and mingle with the people.

Residents can choose to live in cities, villages, rural areas or waterfronts in whatever kind of residence pleases them, and they can move, remodel, change décor and manifest nearby scenery whenever they wish. Everyone may attend or participate in music, dance, drama and comedy performances, and people can enjoy all winter and summer sports except those that are injurious to bodies or animals. Travel can be by whatever mode is desired, from bicycles to airplanes to cruise ships, and learning centers offer studies in every subject from languages to art, mechanics to astrophysics. There is no pollution because there are no factories—whatever is needed or desired is manifested by focused thought—and employment in any other field always is a choice, never a requirement.

While life in middle layer-levels is similar in many respects, everything is muted or diminished, lacking the vibrancy and variety of the higher layers. Residents have less manifestation ability because they are less inspired to be industrious, fewer studies are offered because they aren’t desired, and the fewer choices in housing, travel and recreation are in keeping with the residents’ interests. When they become motivated to advance, help is provided so they can move to higher levels. The only children who live in middle layers have love bonds with others there, and those who are inspired by counselors to hone their talents and skills move to a higher level that offers appropriate instruction and thereafter visit loved ones.

All levels in the lower layers offer what is most essential—extensive growth opportunities and guidance and the reunion of people whose physical lifetime energy is compatible with the layer’s. The lower the level and the layer, the less natural beauty, the more dismal the atmosphere, the fewer amenities, options, and entertainment—again, everything is in keeping with residents’ energy registration. As they take advantage of advancement opportunities, they move up to the next level—only disinterest in growing more aware spiritually and consciously holds anyone back.

A tiny orb apart from the rest of Nirvana confines individuals with darkest hearts and minds in correspondingly dense energy. Their lifeprint reviews, like all others throughout the realm, are a lifelong sensory movie in which they experience the identical feelings of everyone whose life they touched. For these individuals, that can be rightfully called hell. When they accept the glimmer of light continuously beamed, they start in primitive life forms without cellular memory of previous lifetimes.

With the virtually unlimited scope of what Nirvana provides to all residents, it is understandable that many civilizations want the same for their spirit worlds, and my knowledge of life in that realm enables me to help them. Depending upon the requestor’s location in the universe, I travel astrally, leisurely in a spacecraft to enjoy the companionship of the crew, or instantaneously by thought. When the civilization is emerging out of third density into lower fourth, I protect myself in a “bubble” of high vibrations, and when I go to higher density worlds, I manifest a body that fits into the population.

One more word about Nirvana. The realm is ascending with Earth into successively lighter energy planes. As this journey continues, fewer persons will be drawn to the realm’s lower layers and still fewer to the orb. When Earth reaches her destination in high fifth density, only Nirvana’s higher layers will be needed to serve her population.

Beloved family, you have served civilizations in equally fulfilling ways that helped them and you leap forward in evolvement. Your inner strength and ancient wisdom from those experiences is why you were selected to help Earth’s peoples, when so many other volunteers were not. All light beings honor your steadfastness in this oft difficult mission and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Τρίτη 5 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Change is the key word for Mother Earth

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 1 October 2021

The changes continue to take place and will carry on for quite a time yet. One thing leads to another and so it shall continue until all are truly on the same path. It will clearly take some time to raise the levels of those countries that still have populations living in near poverty. It has to change, and it will change as the voices of those who are compassionate to the plight of others find strength and support, to force those in power to respond with the true intention to get things done to raise the standard of living. So much has been wrong for so long, that to put it right calls for full support from the governments of the world.

Every soul deserves at least to have the basic necessities to live a comfortable life, and a safe abode where they are protected from the ravages of life. The will to do good must come from the top and be backed by action that shows a true intent to raise standards for the future. Be assured that “people power” will, if necessary, force governments to act sooner rather than later as time is running out before matters become more urgent. At present, there is a tendency for them to drag their feet, and the sooner there is a general acknowledgment of what is needed and put in hand at the earliest moment the quicker the problems will be overcome.

By now, you must realise that your progress is being monitored by higher beings, and when you show willingness to acknowledge what is needed and set about it with some urgency they are “authorised” to give you help. But the first moves must come from you and be realistic for the size of the problems you face. You have a worldwide problem that needs worldwide response and it should be given every help, otherwise matters may get out of hand and be more difficult to handle. You may not be able to see the future as we do, and we know that Mother Earth is becoming more active in bringing about changes that are all part of the general upliftment that is needed to prepare for the necessary changes.

It is time to view the Earth as a living entity and co-operate in a way that prepares the people for the coming changes. For a start, as sea levels rise, people who live in the coastal areas need to review their position and move more inland if necessary. You should get plenty of warning before matters, but it would be wise to anticipate the nature of the changes well in advance. Your technologies are now able to forecast such events well in advance and give people ample time to move to safer areas. Evidence of coastal erosion already exists and the dangers can be reliably anticipated. Change is the key word for Mother Earth and they will come whether you are ready or not.

The changes in attitude towards the people are welcome, as they are the lifeline of the planet and their wellbeing is the Government's responsibility. Coming out of a traumatic period such as Covid19 demands urgent action, as so many lives have been upturned and people left in great need. Protests for action are growing and Governments ignore it at their peril and if they continue in this way, it will be their demise. It is the people who hold the future in their hands and if they want real change they have to put the right people in charge. If you are to overcome the threats to your population and the earth itself, action must start now, as you have a mammoth task ahead, and it can be handled if you have the will and positive intent to start dealing with it now.

Times of change can be very trying, but in the long run so beneficial that you will certainly look back at that period and say it was well worth it. The best is clearly yet to come and not least of all the demise of the Illuminati who are no longer the power they were. Oh yes, they can still be troublesome whilst they hold some power and have their supporters based all around the world, but they have lost a considerable amount of power and will continue to do so until their threat has completely disappeared. Then you will enjoy unparalleled peace and happiness never experienced previously, so keep your spirits high as the light is winning the battle.

Some of you may not yet have considered that animals will also be affected by the changes and there have already been some amazing bonds between those who would normally not associate together. Even the scriptures foretold of such a period when referring to the “Lion lying down with the Lamb”. Yes, the changes have started and you will find them if you look around for them. Souls now taking incarnation are now more likely to be of a higher vibration and not prone to the illnesses that you normally get. The point is that the changes are speeding up and are already leading to changes that are beneficial to all people. They are unstoppable and the best is yet to come.

Intuitively find your own path to the future and allow it to come to you, since you do not know what it may hold for you. It follows that if you concentrate on what you think is going to be your future you will affect the outcome. Since few of you are able to tap the past and are unaware of the different lives you have had, you do not really know your true self that has possibly had hundreds of lives. In other words, you had already made provisional plans for your future and you are best advised to allow them to materialise. Obviously, you will be kept on a path that is going to lead you to the opportunities you will need to progress as pre-planned.

All experiences have a purpose and at this time they are more important than ever and as usual your Guides will be on hand to point you in the right direction. In fact, you have been helped all along to ensure each life is aiding your evolution and if by use of your freewill you miss fulfilling it, the opportunity will come up again. Souls have been coming and going from one life to another for thousands if not millions of years. So, you will realise that in each life you are just one aspect of the whole. You are birthed with the talents and knowledge you will need to get through life. Dear Ones, these are exciting times for you all, even if you cannot see into the future, as the negative entities are no longer able to dictate your future and theirs is sealed. They are also on a path of learning, and they have much to experience before they can get back onto the path of Light and they will be helped as much as any other soul.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light