Πέμπτη 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

It is the conjunction within that opens the way for a New World

 Message from John Smallman for 21 December 2020

Dear All,

I would like to wish you a VERY HAPPY, INSPIRING, and UPLIFTING CHRISTMAS.

2020 has been a year of confusion and suffering for many. Nevertheless it seems to me that WE ARE most definitely in the process of collectively awakening.

Away from the mainstream media, there are numerous reports of loving events and interactions happening between people all over the world. I do not cease to pay any attention to what is going on in the world of form, because I am a part of it, but I focus my attention mainly on the REALITY that we are all One, beings of Love, always interconnected with and NEVER separated — even for a moment — from Mother/Father/God, Source, the divine energy field in which all that exists is eternally held in the embrace of infinite Love.

My dear friend Patricia Pearce has just posted a lovely message with the title in the subject line which I found uplifting and inspiring and which I thought many of you would also like to read. The link is below,

with love to you all, John.


Παρασκευή 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

All are infinitely loved, seen, understood, and accepted by God

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 24 December 2020

God is One. You, each individual spark of consciousness, are One, One with God, One with Yourself, there is NO separation.

However, there is an illusion of separation, which all who are in form experience as reality, but only when they are choosing to be immersed within it. You are free to discontinue that sense of separation whenever you wish. But, because the illusion, which you collectively chose to establish, is so beautifully designed and constructed – remember, when you were created, God instilled within You All that She is – that once you immerse yourself within it its apparent material solidity and your physical forms constantly reaffirm for you your belief that it is real. And that belief needs to be dissolved. There are some who have succeeded – the Buddha, Lao Tzu for instance – but for the majority it appears to be impossible. Some spend lifetimes following spiritually motivated paths, and some of them do become very wise and allow themselves to be guided by Love, which is of course, Mother/Father/God, Source, the divine energy field that is All That Exists.

When someone lays down their physical form in death, they become instantly aware that death is an aspect of the illusion, and they then spend time – although time as you experience it when in form does not exist – in contemplation as they receive loving guidance and make choices about what they now wish to do, and they have an infinite variety of choices available. Some choose to undergo another life in form and reincarnate, while others choose to remain free of the limitations that form imposes. Whichever choice is made, it is always honored, because you always have free will!

Now, with so many approaching the moment of their awakening, many are becoming aware that life is eternal, that death is but a transition, and this awareness is very inspiring and uplifting for them, encouraging them to be only loving in all their interactions regardless of the place from which others may be coming. Doing this, as I have told you before, is the most effective way in which to assist others to awaken. Love always meets Itself, because there is nothing else! When those who are very consciously choosing to be only loving whatever arises meet others who are not yet doing likewise, the spark of Love within those others is stimulated, nudging them closer to their moment of awakening, even if they are unaware that a loving exchange has just occurred. Those loving nudges that people receive are always cumulative, they are never lost! All of you reading or listening to this message, or others like it, have yourselves been nudged many times, which is one of the reasons why you are seeking out messages like this.

We are One! I cannot reiterate that enough times! Therefore, every one has an effect on everyone else. If the effect is not in alignment with Love, it will be dissolved, released, discarded at the appropriate moment because it is nothing. When the effect is in alignment with Love it integrates with the other loving effects that person has already experienced, thus strengthening and intensifying their intent to join in the collective awakening. To remain unawakened is impossible; all – without any exceptions – will awaken and know themselves as One. However, when an entity will choose to awaken is up to her, there is no pressure from Source Who is Love, which is All, and Who accepts each one lovingly, just as they are.

There is no need to worry or be anxious about loved ones who do not appear to be spiritually aware, and who appear to be completely fixated on the physical world of form, they will follow their own path to awakening, so do not attempt to proselytize as this may well antagonize them and effectively delay their awakening. Only offer guidance to those who specifically ask for it, as any attempt to convert anyone to your belief or viewpoint against their will is purely egotistical, and, in the long run, is mostly quite unhelpful. You cannot know what is best for another, because, as a human, you are not experiencing a state of oneness with them and therefore cannot know their mind or know the trauma they have undergone. What you can do is send them love whenever you are in contemplation, meditation, or just relaxing within your own holy inner sanctuary, as you allow Love to embrace you!

All are infinitely loved, seen, understood, and accepted by God, and when you intend to send someone Love, you are uniting with God in that moment, and there is no more powerful action in which you can engage. Trust in God, trust in your own inner knowing – your intuition – when it is loving. If it is fearful, anxious, or angry, it is not your intuition, it is your ego. In this season of Christmas, when you celebrate my human birth and offer gifts, be only loving and forgiving whatever occurs. Besides being a time of celebration, it is also a time when people can get very stressed out indeed, as they experience seasonal overwhelm, along with all the ‘stuff’ arising for acknowledgment, thanks, and release, as the awakening draws ever closer.

And, of course, those who are awaiting the awakening with eager anticipation, find themselves doubting: “Will we really awaken? What if we don’t? I am not going to allow myself to doubt.” and experiencing other similar stress inducing thoughts. Once again, I assure you that the collective awakening really is imminent! So, as you go within today, December 24th, and tomorrow, the 25th, make a powerful resetting of your intent to allow the Love that is always present to embrace you and reassure you that all is indeed well, as you remind yourselves that God’s divine Will is always perfectly brought to fruition, and then joyfully C E L E B R A T E the anniversary of my birth with your loved ones, either physically or via the worldwide web. Your loving presence, as you gather with others during these stressful times, is essential and highly effective; it is why you are here now.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Δευτέρα 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

People everywhere are reclaiming their individual sovereignty

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 31 August 2020

As your moment of awakening draws ever closer, there is a palpable air of excitement worldwide, in spite of all the “bad” news that the mainstream media is focusing on so constantly and vociferously. Truly, there is much pain and suffering as age-old hatreds and resentments rise into people’s consciousness to be acknowledged, forgiven, and released. Awareness of the insanity of many of the old patterns of human behavior – one on one, in families, in social, political and religious organizations, and between nations and groups of nations – is spreading, and people are making it clear that change of enormous magnitude and on a global scale is essential NOW!

It is becoming apparent to all that for peace and harmony to prevail, the oneness and interconnectedness of all to all must be honored in harmonious loving acceptance of one another, regardless of any and all apparent differences that you observe between each other. Humanity is a vast family, with many diverse interests and creative abilities, and it is now time to recognize this and honor all your brothers and sisters, instead of dividing yourselves into opposing groups that judge and condemn the appearances, beliefs, and creative endeavors, etc., of other groups. You have been aware for a very long time that that does not work. Nevertheless, the immature and egoic need to be right, to which so many cling, has made it practically impossible for you to truly honor even one other because of your own lack of self acceptance.

That sense of non acceptability is the result of trauma of varying intensity inflicted or imposed upon you during infancy and childhood. None among you grew to adulthood unscathed by the trauma of childhood unacceptability, trauma so painful that you had to disown it or bury it deep within you – out of sight, out of mind – to enable you to face and engage with others, even though there still remained within your conscious awareness a sense of not being good enough. What you had buried so deeply within yourselves as totally unacceptable was constantly being reflected back to you by others who were similarly traumatized, whom you then judged and condemned, just as you had been judged and condemned as little ones. Growing from human infancy to mature adulthood is not easy, and many were so traumatized that they have never succeeded in maturing emotionally or psychologically. Many of those then used their physical or intellectual capabilities to defend themselves against what seemed to be an almost constant and aggressive onslaught from others, and often sought positions of power and authority over others in order to find some kind of personal self-acceptance, which has frequently brought disastrous consequences raining down on humanity.

What you have come to accept as normal behavior is behavior that has been conditioned by your childhood experiences of trauma, now mostly concealed below the level of your conscious minds, and is basically a defensive mode of existence in which you are on the alert for any sign of confrontation arising which might threaten you emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, or physically. To live in such a state of alertness is, of course, very stressful and energetically draining. But, because it has for so long been the apparently essential way of life, it has become normal for most humans, and so stress is expected and dealt with on a daily basis, unless it becomes totally debilitating, in which case many who experience that state seek medical assistance.

It is not the way you would choose to live, which is why you so often watch infants, before they have become too traumatized, playing and engaging with life in delightful spontaneity and wonder why you cannot find the same joy in life, even if only momentarily. It is this wondering that has, over the last few decades, encouraged people to look for more rewarding and enjoyable ways to live, and has therefore brought into their awareness the insanity of modern express-paced living in which there is no time to just be. And even when people do realize this, and try to relax for a short period of time doing nothing, or engaging in meditation or contemplation, the almost constant and insistent urge to do something – anything! – sends them rushing to find some kind of distraction. And there are countless opportunities for distraction available in your modern lives, that often appear to you to require your instant attention, but which obviously do not, except in your intensely felt need for some distraction, Please!

Now, as is clearly apparent, people are ready for change, are demanding change, and those in positions of authority, who are generally rather egotistically driven, either cannot see this, refuse to see it, or are so driven by their desire to maintain their sense of power, that they try to retain their hold on it by passing new and unacceptable rules and regulations to maintain the status quo – authoritarian control – and demanding that the police and other “security” forces then impose them. This approach always seemed to work in the past.

But, the Past is Over! Change, inevitable and absolutely essential change is occurring, and will continue to occur until the old order just disintegrates due to a complete lack of popular support. A new environment, in which peace, love, acceptance, understanding, and cooperation unite all, is being established, and signs of this are becoming visible in many places. People everywhere are reclaiming their individual sovereignty, the sovereignty with which they were created, for and in eternal joy, to live in freedom, being what their loving and amazingly sensitive hearts guide them to be – Themselves – unhindered by even the slightest feelings of guilt, shame or unacceptability, because such feelings or negative self-judgments are, and always have been, utterly invalid!

You are all divine beings having a temporary experience in form as humans. As humans your task was to evolve spiritually, and you have been doing this for eons, and the fruits of this evolutionary progress are beginning to ripen beautifully as they start to become a most magnificent harvest for all to enjoy. Therefore, prepare to CELEBRATE.

With so very much love, Saul.

Παρασκευή 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

The dark is now in retreat and the Light is the dominant force

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 18 December 2020

Dear Friends, Thank you for your great support, and I hope the messages have helped you through the year, it has certainly turned out to be much more than we could ever have anticipated. We have yet to understand the direction Humanity is going in, but one thing seems certain, that we will not return to what we knew as “normal” and will have to accept many changes to our way of living. Matters are now moving at such a fast rate, we can barely keep up with them. Undoubtedly change is at the heart of what is taking place, and the good news is that it is to speedily take us into a New Age that has little if any reason to carry forward the “old ways”. The New Year looks like being a roller coaster ride, so be prepared for many changes to the way you are used to living.

I wish you all a happy festive occasion that will help to lift you up from the troubles and trauma many have experienced. Think positively and be pleased that the future is golden, even if it is not yet apparent. We have a very good team who work so hard to ensure the messages go out every Friday, and I thank them for their dedicated service to the Light.***Happy New Year to you all and my next message will be on Friday January 8th 2021. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.

18th December 2020. Mike Quinsey.

It has been a traumatic year and it has not yet finished, but we perceive a “happy ending”, so do not be downcast as without a doubt better times lay ahead. I will tell you again that “change” is the keyword and a lot will happen in this interim period before it becomes clear what it is all leading to. There are certain preparations that are necessary to put you on the new track that sets you up nicely for the final thrust to Ascension. For some of you it will happen when you are back in the etheric realms between incarnations.

You have yet to fully understand what a great achievement you made passing the 2012 Marker, as it was not expected, yet you achieved it against all odds. From here on your level of consciousness will increase more quickly than any previous period. Not out of sight, but not far away, as you measure time, is the future Earth in its pristine beauty waiting for you to become part of it. Naturally many souls will move on to it from other locations, and all will have made the progress necessary to take their place in the 5th dimension, from the darkness to the Light. This degree of evolution is assured and is in the greater plan for Mankind, and cannot be altered by their actions.

Life never stands still, even if you cannot yet perceive it, as we do from a greater perspective. The dark is now in retreat and the Light is the dominant force and so it shall be until the Light becomes the supreme force. We wish we could conjure up the words that would convey the beauty and harmony that beckons you, as it is literally Heaven upon Earth. However, you are starting to become more compassionate and caring where your fellow travellers are concerned. Hitherto, you have been more self-centred, but that is changing as you begin to comprehend the Oneness of everything. In many ways you are your Brother’s Keeper and there is a glimmer of Light in that respect. You only have to look worldwide to see the vast differences between nations from one country to another, when some are so desperately poor whilst the richest ones are “swimming” in money. It has to change so that you can work towards a level playing field where all have the same opportunities in life. In reality, there is sufficient wealth upon the Earth for everyone to have a satisfactory life.

So few of you get glimpses of an old life that may have seen you in quite different circumstances to the present, yet consider that most of you have already experienced lives in many different countries. Because you do not recall them you tend to see others as so different to you in your present form, yet your consciousness can relate to them because you “feel” a connection with them. See yourself in others and appreciate what they may be going through in the course of expanding their consciousness. If you come down on a particular Race because of their colour or religion, do not overlook the possibility that you have also been a member of it, and in any event, you must be able to accept the differences that make up such a cosmopolitan group as yours.

Until you can accept the differences from one nation to another, you cannot make good progress without creating harmony wherever you go. Often your reactions are embodied within you from a very young age and of course you do bring some with you from previous lives. Clearly, you need to have to been born with the skills and qualities that enable you to follow your life plan, and sometimes these are enhanced by tuition from your parents hence you follow in their footsteps. Evolution can often be a family affair, so guidance is available to you. The fact that you normally choose your parents is a privilege given to those souls who are making progress. Some of you will throw the idea out based on your own experience, and that is possibly because you have been placed with people who can give you the lessons you need to learn that are hard to accept.

Life is much more organised than you might imagine and you are “directed” in a way that ensures you learn from your experiences however unpleasant they may seem to be. If life was not so and instead unorganised, there would be no guarantee that you would make any progress at all, and your time upon Earth is too precious to waste. Of course, you have freewill and it is possible you may avoid what is planned for your life. The problem you create is that you will have to return to Earth again until you accept what has been planned for you. Your helpers are loving patient souls who understand you and will help in any possible way.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna

Τετάρτη 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

You truly can have no idea of the immense power of Love that flows through you all in every moment

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 3 December 2020

Today I want to talk to you about self-acceptance, not self-esteem, just self-acceptance. There are very few among you who have not suffered psychological and emotional trauma as you grew from infancy – as soon as your consciousness began to arise in-utero – to adulthood. Those traumas are the basis of your fears and lack of self-acceptance. The traumas were the result of judgment and shaming by those who were your caregivers – parents, close relatives, siblings, school teachers – who were all, with no exceptions, doing the best that they could in each moment. 

They too had been traumatized from infancy. When you are traumatized, your human nature automatically builds psychological and emotional defences, and when you become a little bit independent – crawling, toddling – you start making your first attempts to build physical defences to help you feel safe, through bodily physique and/or strong personality development. The result is that most people, when interacting with others in any manner at all, are on the alert in case they experience a situation in which they feel a need to defend or assert themselves, or pre-emptively attack someone else. This is an extremely stressful manner in which to live your daily lives.

This has been an aspect of human life for an extremely long time, and now, with the collective awakening process approaching completion, the amount of ‘stuff’ arising into people’s awareness for acknowledgment, forgiveness, and release has become enormous. All your triggers or buttons concerning self-acceptance are being massively activated, thus intensifying the felt need to be alert and on guard against attacks of any kind. Naturally, because you all feel – even if you are unaware of it – the energy signatures of others, this sense of threat and the need to be alert becomes intensified.

Therefore, I want to remind you yet again that you are, each and every one of you without any exceptions, the beloved children of God whom She created as perfect divine beings like unto Herself. This being the absolute Truth, please accept that it is so and make a point of giving yourselves permission to accept yourselves just as you are. Yes, as humans playing the game of separation, it appears that you do have a multitude of flaws and inadequacies, and of course you do make errors and mistakes as you live your human lives. However, instead of judging and condemning yourselves for those errors and mistakes, become aware of and understand the lessons with which they presented you when they occurred, and then you can learn from them and move forward very positively on your individual paths of spiritual evolution.

To refuse to accept yourselves, and then to spend inordinate amounts of time in self-criticism and negative self-judgment – or in egotistical denial – of your faults and inadequacies drains your energy. Frequently remind yourselves of your divine provenance, and of the Truth that God totally accepts you just as you are – and this is most certainly the case – and, therefore, necessarily honor and respect your eternal Oneness with God, your absolutely inseparable Oneness with God. Doing this enormously increases your energy, strengthening your field, thus ensuring that you most powerfully share and extend the Love that you are – the Love flowing unceasingly through your human form – with all those with whom you interact in any manner at all, even if only for an instant – the Holy Instant! This is why you are presently on Earth in human form, and deep within yourselves you do know this, so allow yourselves to become aware, fully aware of this divine Truth.

Yes, you may well find it difficult to be constantly self-accepting, so call on me, or on anyone on your spiritual support team with whom you usually or normally commune, to praise and encourage you in this vital personal undertaking which greatly assists all of humanity in the ongoing and accelerating awakening process.

In spite of the chaos, conflict, and confusion being reported by most of the media, humanity’s collective awakening process is moving forward very rapidly, just as divinely planned and intended. The Divine Will, God’s Will is always achieved! And each and every conscious being is an aspect of that Divine Will. Therefore, it is good, very good, to be celebrating as you advance toward your collective awakening, because this increases the intensity of your awakening intention, at the same time reducing or dissolving any doubts you may have about Reality, the existence of Source, Mother/Father/God and what that means.

Each time during the day that you go within, remind yourselves of your inseparable and uninterruptible connection with your Oneness, with Source. Doing just this is all that you need to do to be the change that the world needs now. Yes, of course some of you have tasks to carry out in the physical environment that will assist people to awaken, to be healed and freed from their ‘stuff,’ but your time spent within, holding and resetting the intent to be only loving, is an absolutely essential aspect of the awakening process. The more frequently and consciously you reset that intent the more powerfully it flows through you, healing humanity.

As humans in form, you truly can have no idea of the immense power of Love that flows through you all in every moment because you are divine beings. You are having a temporary experience in form in order to massively assist in the awakening. You chose to be here to do this now, in this now moment as you read this message or listen to it. This is the meaning for which so many of you have been searching outside yourselves, admiring those you see as more spiritually aligned, enlightened, or advanced than you are. Cease comparing yourselves to others, it can be a major distraction from being yourself, the only One you can be, and are! When you find yourselves making comparisons of this nature, notice what you admire in another and realize that it is but a mirror image of your own beautiful self reflected back to you.

As individuals, you are each perfect but unique and different reflections of the One, of Source, and when you allow yourselves to just be, then that is what others experience as you – the calm, stable, peaceful beauty that is Source – reflected back to them to show them their true selves.

Stop underestimating the powerful loving beings that you are, allow yourselves to be seen and experienced as the Love that you truly are. Know that this is why you are here now in this only moment, this moment that exists for all eternity, as time ceases momentarily for you and brings you into awareness of this magnificent and intensely inspiring Truth.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Δευτέρα 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

The Bliss Consciousness Will Create Perfect Health for You.

Source: The Sirian High Council

This Awareness indicates that in the case of an entity whose sadness persists, whose depression persists or whose anger persists or other emotions persist for long periods of time, the cells take on the messages of the entity and begin to express in accordance with that message received.

Thus, for example, an entity who exhibits great anger over long periods of time may have cells that react in a way to cause certain elements within the body to secrete certain types of hormones or other substances so that the circulation, the adrenaline and the general condition of the entity's body begins to create problems relating to circulatory and heart conditions.

The entity may develop high blood pressure, if it is under stress for long periods of time, or may develop cardiac problems if either it is under the pressure of excessive anger over long periods of time, wherein the circulatory system is pressured by the extra adrenaline and hormones associated with the anger. The entity, for example, may have a heartbreaking experience which leaves the entity very unhappy over long periods of time. So, the entity may experience a heart that does not pump with great vigor, but is haphazard in its expression. Thus, an entity can literally die from a broken heart.

This Awareness indicates that likewise, the entity that has experienced rejection and feels this rejection over long periods of time may develop from the emotions, secretions of hormones and other substances in the body that lead to cancerous conditions. This Awareness indicates that there are many other kinds of illnesses that may develop from various emotions: the migraine headache; the feelings of being locked and unable to express yourself through. A kind of angered blockage may lead to arthritic conditions.

This Awareness indicates that the thoughts that entities have act upon the cells of their bodies. Pleasant thoughts bring about pleasant feelings to the cells of the body.

Unpleasant and unhappy thoughts bring about unpleasant and unhappy feelings to the cells, and these in turn, if held long enough, have a permanent effect on the cells.

This Awareness indicates that these psychic or mental attitudes, emotions and feelings, affect the cells of the body, and bring about problems in terms of health, and bring about certain physical reactions that develop within, and can be reversed if entities have an understanding of how these things came about.

The Bliss Consciousness Will Create Perfect Health for You.

This Awareness indicates that it is impossible for the body to suffer if the mind visualizes and energizes and experiences bliss.

This Awareness indicates that in actuality, the body is constantly shifting from pain to pleasure in one part or another. Entities are always experiencing both pain and pleasure in their body, but the emphasis of pain is greater for some entities, because they focus more on the pain and less on the pleasure. If the entity could focus more on the pleasure, gradually the pleasure, being highlighted by the consciousness, would overwhelm, overpower the pain and the pain would simply fade away, out of consciousness of the entity.

Therefore, this Awareness  suggests entities develop the realization that through bliss consciousness they can improve and maintain perfect health, but bliss consciousness requires that they focus ever and always on the bliss that they feel. Surely somewhere in your bag of experiences there is something blissful to experience.

This Awareness indicates that even the entity who is suffering great pain can look into that pain, into the very heart of that pain, and go beyond it, and will see that right behind that pain there is a feeling of bliss, a feeling of special bliss, and if the entity can focus on that blissful feeling and continue to hold that focus and experience that blissful feeling, the pain will begin to subside, and as it subsides, the cells in the area will actually begin to light up with bliss, and healing will begin to take place.

These cells receive their message from the central brain or commander of the body, the central consciousness of the body, and if that central consciousness is sending out bliss, that bliss is giving its message to the cells and that bliss in touching the cells, magnifies the cells and keeps them expanding and keeps the bliss growing, as it holds onto that blissful feeling through its continued focus, the cells experience more and more bliss and begin to heal any illness that is triggered by those unhappy cells, for the unhappy cells begin to change and take on the messages of blissfulness.

Σάββατο 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

Major changes, for the good of humanity, are inevitable

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 11 December 2020

The troubles of the world continue and seem never ending, yet as time passes so the aspects of life that need uplifting become clearer. You cannot expect to continue as before, as you had become caught in a vice like grip of the old energies, and it was holding back opportunities to move into a more acceptable and agreeable way of living. It has not taken very long for the frailties of your old ways to be recognised and it is realised now that much of what you have taken for granted must change. It has to, so that you can lay down the basis of a New Age that can be developed to give you a more acceptable way of living.

On the universal level, you are a small cog in a big wheel, but are playing an important role by giving those souls who lag behind an opportunity to rise up and recognise that they are wonderful beings of Light. At this time, they are slowly awakening through the higher energies that are reaching Mother Earth, as she enters a new area in the Universe. It is vibrating quicker than before and those souls of a lower vibration are experiencing problems accepting and integrating with it, as they cannot harmonise with such a high energy. Before it becomes unbearable, they will move to another planet where they are suited to its lower vibrations and can continue their evolution. This is the biblical time referred to in the Bible when the “wheat is separated from the chaff”.

Some souls will find it disconcerting that families and friends can be parted in such circumstances, but bear in mind that very few remain together for long periods of time. In general terms, some will choose to simply reincarnate with those who can give them the experience they need to continue their evolution. In future times, you will find that you become a very independent soul moving instantly from one place to another through your power of thought. Many souls choose to stay in groups where they are of like minds and travel the highways and byways of Space seeking other forms of life from which they learn more about universal life. After all, you are actually Space Beings who desire to learn more about other forms of life that exist throughout the Universe. Understand that Space travel is far removed from your ideas of what it is, although you have advanced to some extent, but it is all kept secret and used by the dark Ones.

As you evolve, you begin to comprehend the greater Truth about life that is so abundant throughout the Universe. You have been isolated upon Earth for eons of time, so that you could grow at your own pace without interference, Of course, you do get guidance and a helping hand to ensure you continue evolving, as that is the whole point of your experiences. Now that many of you have lifted up your vibrations, you are now ready to prepare for a more expansive life amongst the stars. However, there is still preparation to be made, but at least you will be on the right path to becoming a Galactic Being. It is a long journey from being Hell on Earth to Heaven on Earth, but you have all eternity in which to make it in.

You are beginning to understand the power of thought and realise that what you concentrate or focus upon can become your reality, and it will grow all the stronger, as you slowly enter the areas of Space where the vibrations are higher. It is all part of your expansion of consciousness that eventually enables you to create through your power of thought. With it clearly comes a great responsibility to use it only for positive purposes. However, souls of a low evolution do not have the full extent of freedom to do as they wish, but need constant guidance to experience according to their needs rather than what they wish for, unless it is beneficial to them.

The idea of becoming a higher Being no doubt sounds desirable, but with it comes a great responsibility to use your powers with great care. You should find it relatively easier than you may think, because with an expanded consciousness comes a natural sense of fairness and responsibility. Even now, you are advised to be careful what you wish for, as you may set the wheels in motion that will lead to fulfilment. It is a hard concept to adhere to, but try to allow for all things to develop naturally and not forced, and most important have patience as humans tend to want everything at once.

There are a number of prophesies for the immediate period and they point to a great awakening that is expected shortly. Certainly, it is the ideal time to help humanity to collectively take a great step forward to firmly step into a higher level of vibration. You are entering a gamma ray that will bring changes into being, so be prepared to accept that major changes are inevitable. It will all be for the good of humanity, as you have earned the reward for your efforts to pass the marker. Matters are not as muddled as you may think, as you cannot see the overall effect of what has happened because of Covid19. You do not have long to wait before matters become clearer and then you will see what has been hidden revealed.

We can sense your frustration and weariness after months of stress and worry, but it has been unavoidable and eventually you will understand the problems in carrying out such a big change in your lives. The good news is that the Illuminati are no longer the power that they used to be and they will never give up their ambitions to greatly reduce the Earth’s population. They have been thwarted at every level with the help of the Forces of Light.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Κυριακή 6 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

The negativity will slowly be overcome by the ever increasing levels of Light

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 4 December 2020

The problems you have been experiencing through Covid19 are far from finished, and causing more problems without an end in sight. Job losses are mounting and future prospects look bleak, and every day more companies are going out of business. It is a symptom of the times you are living in, and the necessity to clear out that which will have no further use in the New Age. Where the US elections are concerned, it looks like evidence will be provided to prove that fraud had taken place to prevent Trump from winning. There is ample time to provide proof of it, but the outcome cannot be predetermined.

Many unfinished matters are surfacing for completion and in general terms it is a bit like “house cleaning”. The negative energies are being brought to the surface to be dealt with and cleared away for once and for all time. Remember that the energies are rising and there will inevitably come a point where they will no longer support the lower ones. That also applies to all souls and only those that are ready will ascend. Providing you keep your eyes on your goal and avoid being involved in negative actions, you will certainly be successful. In the midst of all of the upheaval, you clearly have to keep a level head by keeping calm and not have your attention taken away from your plan for Ascension.

The Human Race is not expected to progress without help and a number of interested Beings are awaiting an opportunity to help you on your way to success, and it has become permissible since you showed you were ready by passing the marker. Such Beings come from much higher vibrations and look back to give a helping hand to those who fline-height: 150%;ollow on after them. Selfishness does not exist at such high levels and help is always on hand from them should you need it. Lightworkers are already at a higher level and amongst those who freely and readily give of their services to others.

The need to give help to others has never been more urgent, as so many are utterly confused, and have no idea what is taking place to cause so many problems. For them the future looks bleak and few have any idea where the present events are leading. In reality, the future is full of promise enabling all such upsetting experiences to be seen in their true context as necessary to bring the new into being. Since time continues to speed up things are happening faster than normally, so you may be assured that a New Dawn has commenced that will bring much hope and promise of better times. If you could but see the true potential, you would have no worries about the future. It is wonderful beyond belief and appropriate for those who also have such positive views of it.

You presently are living through an historical time that will be referred to well into the future. These are once in a lifetime experiences that will leave their mark on whoever has lived through such times. Remember that you were chosen to be present, because it was known you had the experience to contribute to the light, and would not be overawed by the tasks that lay ahead. It takes a soul of strong character to withstand the lower energies without being pulled down by them. Those called upon to take up the challenge already have sufficient experience to successfully handle them, and continue on their path of Light. They are to be applauded for their fearless nature and determination to come through the challenges unscathed. There is nothing like experience to see you through the toughest ones.

Have faith and do not expect too much too soon, as all will come in good time, the plans for the future have already been laid down and they will certainly lift up the gloom and pessimistic forecasts to bring the light back into your lives. In fact, very few at this stage have any idea what lays ahead, but be assured it will be very much to your liking. You achieved the hard bit by passing the marker and much of the old has passed the point of being useful. Instead, those who guide and plan your future have laid out a path that will take you to Ascension. It is there for every soul who seeks and finds their path, and nothing will stop them from reaching the higher vibrations and leaving the darkness behind.

At the moment, you are in a tough position as though you are in a maze, and you have still not found the way out. Yet, there is always someone at a higher point who can overlook the maze and help you out. It is the position we find you in and we are doing our best to help you out. The authorities often use a sledgehammer to crack a nut and tend to do things on a large scale to ensure their success in controlling matters. However, the truth is never far away and some people are rightly questioning the necessity for such strict controls. Yet, on a higher level the situation is being used to highlight the shortcomings of your previous way of life – it is being spread out before you.

We believe it is the people who will decide the outcome, thus releasing them to find their own direction into the future. After all, it is the energy of the Human Race that is creating changes that will set out your path to the future. The negativity will slowly be overcome by the ever increasing levels of Light, that will eventually leave anything less behind. The future is full of wonder, beauty and enchantment that will bring a level of peace not experienced for eons of time.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Uprisings in all countries will result in beneficial changes in all aspects of life

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 2 December 2020

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. How greatly this season of holy days differs from previous years dominates thoughts and feelings around your world. Instead of traditional observances and festivities with family and friends, many are mourning loved ones to whom they were denied goodbyes and are having to forego attending sacred services. We, too, feel sadness that your year 2020 is ending on that solemn note.

Dear ones, you can keep bright the spirit of this season that celebrates love, the goodness in your life and the world, and sharing with those who are in need. As you act upon those sentiments that uplift you and all whom your caring touches, you can revisit joyous holidays in memory. If beloved persons no longer are with you, you can feel happy for them—they are living in a wondrous world of amazing activity and diversity.

Earth’s energy field of potential also is reflecting the society’s other primary thoughts, feelings and actions. They have to do with covid foremost, then unrest in increasing numbers of countries and the United States presidential election. To address those situations, we begin with the reader’s questions that are in the minds of all who know what is behind the “pandemic.”

“Should lightworkers not wear a mask in public and refuse to be tested for COVID-19 to help spread awareness of the truth about it? Why are cases spiking? What can we do if vaccinations are mandatory when a vaccine is available?” If masks are required by employers or entry into public buildings, never would we suggest that you incur a troublesome situation for yourself by violating that regulation. But as often as you can, lower the mask and breathe naturally.

Unless your work requires being tested, avoiding that precludes the possibility of being quarantined when you don’t have the disease. It is not that cases of covid are surging to record numbers; it is the statistics that are. Tests are part of the massive deception. Some are made to register only positive, others are designed to detect the viruses that cause colds and “standard” flu, and all those positives are declared covid-19. Statistics also include the seriously ill whose deaths are claimed to be caused by “complications due to covid.”

Indeed, there are actual cases, and masks are heavy contributors. They prevent normal respiratory functioning, thereby compromising immune systems and creating susceptibility to various kinds of illness. If persons with weakened immunity spend time with someone who has covid, they can contract it.

The Illuminati don’t count on contagion alone to keep their “pandemic” going. Their media’s relentless coverage, including spiking case numbers and exhortation by “authorities” to wear masks and conform to social distancing, is a multi-purposed sword. The energy of thoughts and feelings about covid adds to its energy mass, thereby perpetuating the disease. Increasing numbers of cases around the world is evoking fear among the populace who don’t know the statistics are substantially inflated. The energy of fear weakens bodies’ natural immunity and increases vulnerability to any disease. And, of most significance to the dark ones behind this scourge, the fear energy they are generating is providing the “food” they need for survival.

The high vibrations of light you are radiating are helping to counteract fear’s low vibrations. And, as the populace focuses on regaining control of their lives and livelihoods, preoccupation with covid will subside and its energy will wane until it no longer exists.

Numerous companies rushing to develop vaccines is another part of the deception. Vaccines potent enough to kill people who have health issues were prepared prior to the release of the virus a year ago, and the plan to cause this “pandemic” started ten years ago.

In addition to being long-range planners, the Illuminati can be blatant about what they’re doing, because they think a fearful, compliant public won’t notice. For instance, the name of their latest disease, covid-19: cov—certificate of vaccination—id—identification, and that means identifying you by means of a programmed nanochip in the injection solution—19 because it is the 19th of the coronavirus strain.

We don’t see vaccinations becoming widely mandatory. There is talk about first vaccinating healthcare personnel and others whose work is essential, but whether that happens depends on how soon the truth about the “pandemic” is disclosed and the simple treatment for covid, now banned by Illuminati who control the medical establishment, is put into use. That will come, but we want to ease your minds now. Scientists in extraterrestrial special forces reduced the vaccine’s toxicity and erased the chips’ tracking program that was intended to record everything you do, wherever you are, and eventually control what you do and where you go.

The spread of covid may be a factor, as more countries’ citizens are rebelling against their governments, but the root of widespread dissatisfaction is rampant corruption, theft of national treasuries, mass poverty, oppression of civil rights, and unjust justice systems. The rebels’ roadway will veer this way and that, but incrementally, uprisings in all countries will result in beneficial changes in all aspects of life. Living freely and joyously with robust health and abundance is the destiny of Earth’s civilization.

Countless energy streamers are swirling around those national situations and the “pandemic,” but the streamers pertaining to the US presidential election are the most frenzied in the field of potential. Despite denials of any fraudulence in the voting processes, there is evidence to the contrary. Fraud is not new in that country’s elections—or in other countries’—and when the truth about last month’s election comes forth—and it cannot be much longer before it does—it will shake that country to its very core and related actions will span the globe.

Nothing in your history books indicates that ever since the colonies won independence from the British, the United States, which is labelled a democracy but factually is a corporation, has been run by Illuminati within and beyond the government. Operating from that base and others, they have been wielding their power worldwide.

That includes the global economy, which is measured in part by the stock markets that are only the smoke and mirrors of myriad computer transactions with no monetary foundation. “Playing the market,” currency trading, Illuminati ownership of the Federal Reserve System, printing money out of thin air, usurious interest charged on credit cards, taxation loopholes, and shell companies have enabled the numbers of millionaires and billionaires to keep growing at the expense of the growing numbers of homeless, hungry and impoverished, and a severely damaged, contaminated planet.

Ending that inequitable and unsustainable situation is why souls off-planet, led by St. Germain, worked with visionaries on Earth to devise NESARA, now called GESARA. Although it is US legislation, it is the foundation for world transformation, and, when the truth about the US election is revealed, enacting its provisions can move forward in earnest. Everything happening in the public eye and behind the scenes will initiate comprehensive, desperately-needed change. There will be temporary resistance and confusion, but nothing can deter Earth’s heading toward the glories of her Golden Age in its fullness.

“Matthew says ‘we support you with unconditional love.’ If that is different from love or love-light, please ask him to explain the difference.”

Let us begin by saying that unconditional love is Creator, the ultimate force in the Cosmos and the Source of everything within the Cosmos. From Its state of perfection, Creator issued forth Its essence of pure love and light energy and created the first souls, the archangels.

At some point, Creator gave them free will to use Its energy to put their own ideas into action, and It bestowed the same gift upon all subsequent souls. It is with the energy of love and light that everything in existence has been, is being, and ever more shall be co-created.

Thus, love and light are the “power tools,” so to say, given by Creator to all souls. How they use those tools in physical and spirit lifetimes are their free will choices—the other part of Creator’s gift—and regardless of the choices, all souls are eternally the energy essence of Creator. In short, you are unconditional love; you use love and light to manifest what you want.

Manifestations at this station are with unified high intention, but they are not perfect. No manifestation can be—only Creator Itself is perfection. However, we can support you with Its unconditional love by our intention that this most powerful force in the Cosmos assist you all along your Earth journey.

Now let us speak about love and light, or love-light—they are the very same energy simply expressed differently—in today’s world. This energy is of an intensity that hasn’t been on the planet since its beauty and purity made it the crown jewel of this universe, and it is banishing everything based in darkness, so the wounds of Earth and her peoples can be healed. Whether called lightworker, light warrior, starseed or wayshower, you and all other volunteers from other lands are awakening the peoples of Earth, so healing can come to them and they can heal their world.

Let us take a moment to speak about the “mysterious” monoliths that appear and disappear. They are materialized and dematerialized by members of space crews to herald the onset of Earth’s civilization advancing in spiritual and conscious awareness.

Beloved sisters and brothers, you will miss many traditional holiday celebrations and gatherings, but you need not miss stirring seasonal music. As you hear or sing these familiar words, let your hearts send out the soaring vibrations of “Joy to the world” and “Peace on Earth, good will to men.”

Enter your New Year with confidence and rejoicing. The world you have been helping Earth’s peoples co-create in linear time is flourishing in the continuum—your mission already is victorious!


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com