Κυριακή 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Life would be mainly spent in the Galaxy with no restrictions as to where your travels take you

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 25 February 2022

Foreword by Mike Quinsey.

Well the inevitable has happened. Luisa who spreads the messages has not been well for quite a long time and is retiring from this work due to ill health. This comes at a time when Nancy Tate is also retiring, so we have reorganised to continue our good work. Fortunately Kees de Graaff is prepared to take on responsibility to keep everything going and I am most grateful that he is prepared to carry out the extra work. We are in the throes of sorting things out and hopefully progress as normal with a weekly message.

The cleansing of the Earth continues, which along with the changes being made means it is difficult to see the end in sight. Yet, it clearly must end in due course and that time is not as far away as you might imagine. The end of this period is given as 2029, when the Earth has reached its lowest point, and it has been confirmed elsewhere that it will transform people.

For example, in 2018 David Wilcock decoded ancient prophecies that indicated the Event - Solar Flash would be in approximately 11 years time, also making it 2029. He also said “The “dead” will rise and be resurrected. There will already be those who have passed directly into the etheric levels and await future events. You will not be affected if you are ready to go to the higher level. He confirmed that all evil will be eliminated, and the Event will propel people into the New Age. We will be in the Golden Age/Golden Race and a World of Truth. Eventually, we will never need food and speak a single language. An Avatar is coming named Kalki who can manifest anything immediately through his power of thought and will destroy the negative.

Also on the same subject here is an extract from “Hidden Hand” by Wes Penre 27.12.2008.

The majority of humans on Earth who could be considered “Lukewarm” will experience a period of zero point time, where you feel totally at One with The Creator, giving you an encouraging reminder and glimpse of who you really are, before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends upon you, and you will be transported to another third density planet (a kind of Earth replica) to continue working upon yourselves, and learning that life here is all about making choices.

25th February 2022. Mike Quinsey.

Changes have been taking place on many levels, clearing out that which is unsuitable for the New Age, and promoting the future from a different angle that is more in line with the needs of this moment and lays down the foundations for it. For some souls this time period is causing much anxiety and even pain. It is regretfully both inevitable and unavoidable due to the scale of changes necessary. However, it is all for a good cause and it will compensate you for your difficult experiences. Time is of a premium and the sooner you advance beyond the present period the sooner the better times can commence.

So much has been prepared in readiness for your advancement and obviously Ascension is the final goal. Yet, it is the beginning of a new life for all of you as the past is put behind you. Peace is coming that cannot be disturbed or altered by outside interference because the perpetrators of negative actions will have been removed and given another opportunity to turn to the Light. There is no punishment involved as they make their own path according to their past actions. Rest assured that fairness and justice are supreme and no soul is abandoned.

These times are obviously very unsettling, but the negative must come to the surface to be cleared. For too long they have dictated how your life should progress, while at the same time withholding the truth to keep you in their clutches. The truth will always surface and cannot be held back indefinitely. Religion is one area where the teachings will need revising to come into line with the greater truth. People are ready for new revelations and have the ability to understand them. Consciousness levels have been growing for quite some time, and there is now an understanding well above previous times.

Given the truth, you will be more able to understand the past, and see that all of your experiences have helped to expand your consciousness levels. False teachings soon fall by the wayside and only the truth can carry you forwards. The dark Ones have constantly tried to scare you with stories of the devil and punishment for your sins. God does not punish anyone and still loves his creations beyond measure. Almighty God is beyond understanding, that love is God’s presence in everything that knows no end. Yet, for all of God's greatness the most humble prayer is heard and responded to as God knows each of you personally and is with you all of the time.

You will find moving more into the Light a most wonderful experience, as with it comes a greater level of consciousness. You will have abilities you would not have thought possible and become a very independent soul. Life would be mainly spent in the Galaxy with no restrictions as to where your travels take you. On Earth you are isolated, yet many ET’s live deep within it and come and go as they please. Your experiences are confined to the surface of the Earth except for those astronauts who are chosen for Space exploration. You have not yet experienced the real world, but the opportunity will come in the near future.

All the lives you have spent so far to reach this point will be of immense value, and have given you a good grounding to face any challenges you may encounter. You have immense experience having come through the lower dimensions to get this far. In the latter stages, you have learned to be patient and kept cool in the most exacting circumstances. Control of your feelings is essential if you are to continue rising up and made easier as the vibrations increase. To keep calm in the face of provocation will prove a stern test, so remember to keep calm at all times.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Δευτέρα 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Very soon you will, once again, be fully awake

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 13 February 2022

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with delight as humanity’s awakening process continues to accelerate towards its complete accomplishment. I know, you are all very tired of the word “soon,” but by using it regularly as you think, write, or talk about awakening, you validate it. So, know that humanity’s awakening will happen soon! You are ready for it, you are tired of waiting, and you are, collectively, bringing it to fruition. There are amazingly large numbers of you who are daily resetting the intent to be only loving whatever arises as you engage with your necessary human routines, and even doing only this is extremely effective in intensifying humanity’s awakening process. You are truly fulfilling the much loved and honored phrase from the Holy Bible: “to be in the world but not of it,” (John 15:19.)

You are going about your daily lives sharing and extending Love, and refusing, for the most part, to engage with your egoic impulses to judge or condemn any one. Everyone is doing their best, even if that does not appear to be the case. How it appears to you, or to others, is a judgment, even if it is not expressed or shared, and remember that none of you, while in form, have the necessary knowledge or wisdom that could fairly and evenly validate any judgments you might wish to make. When you leave behind the limitations that form imposes upon you, even thoughts of judgment will no longer arise, because as One, Source, Love, there is always total acceptance, absolutely nothing to judge, and you will know yourselves as you are – LOVE.

Love is All. It is all embracing, It is all enveloping, and It is constantly being fulfilled and expressed with never a moment’s pause or interruption. Love is what you are, and as you awaken, you will know the wonder of It and know that you have never ceased, even for the briefest of moments, to be separated from experiencing your natural and eternal state, the Oneness that is Love. There will be no disturbing, painful, or unsettling memories of your lives in form, because they never occurred, there is nothing to remember, there is always and only now.

The idea that there is only Now, is one that you can almost accept intellectually, but your physical senses believe in and experience the past (as memories!), the present (Now!), and await the future with either enthusiasm, anxiety, or something in between those two states. And of course, it seems that the present is always past, because now, although it is always present, never lasts! However, the more time you choose to spend in your holy inner sanctuaries, the more Real the Now becomes for you, demonstrating that it is ever-present, even if only momentarily. Being in human form is not easy, and it does tend to be confusing and uncertain for much of your lives. Uncertainty is something most do not enjoy, but it is constant because form is change. Many changes may seem minor or unimportant, and then some major event or catastrophe occurs, intensifying the anxiety of uncertainty.

However, there is one certainty, the only one – Reality/Love. Do not allow yourselves to forget this when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out by events in your personal daily human lives, or by larger events at a national or international level, or even Earth changes – storms, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes etc. You are, each and every sentient being, aspects of and inseparable elements of the One with Whom you are eternally One in every moment of your eternal existence. What you are experiencing as a human in form is temporary, momentary, even though, while you are undergoing it, the time for which it lasts can seem interminable when it is unpleasant, and quite fleeting when it is very enjoyable.

To awaken is to fully delight in the eternal wonder of Now, the eternal joy and satisfaction of life, which can only be Now. You are all-knowing, not because your infinite mind is filled with knowledge, but because you have full access now – not later, or next week or next year – to whatever is of interest to you. There is nothing to learn, because you are all knowing. In form, you have to learn how to operate your form (your own bodies), and the forms with which your form interact, living or non-living – other people, animals, cars, computers, phones, thoughts, everything – all your skills and abilities have to be learned. Awake you are all-knowing, unawake you are uncertain, confused, limited, lost.

To be fully awake, fully conscious, and fully aware is your natural state. You do not need rest or sleep, and you cannot be distracted or drawn away from this moment, the only moment, and your awareness is always fully attentive to All. That is why you receive an instant response whenever you call on your spiritual support teams, saints, or guides in the non-physical realms. They are always there for you, for All. When you are awake there is nothing to which you are unable to attend instantly, nothing gets missed, delayed, or forgotten, all that you choose to attend to is always attended to Now! There can never be a state of circumstances or a situation in which a response from you needs to be delayed, adjusted, limited or refused, you are always instantly able to respond fully and perfectly to whatever arises. You are utterly at One with Source, with All That There Is, Now. That state is unchanging and eternal. It is infinite JOY!

So, as you make a point of going deep within yourselves daily to open your hearts to Love, remind yourselves that this illusory or unawakened state of life in form that you are presently experiencing most realistically, with all its doubts, fears, and uncertainties is drawing to a close. Very soon you will, once again, be fully awake, and the dream or illusion will be no more, because it never was!

With so very much love, Saul.

Κυριακή 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

You haven’t lived until you rise up into the higher vibrations

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 18 February 2022

If at last the confrontation being experienced brings about a peaceful solution, it signals a desire to avoid action that involves death and destruction. It would start a more sensible way of settling disputes without the need for force to be used. It could create a precedent for the future, and with the increasing upliftment of the vibrations peace is starting to come to Earth. Your history is one series of battles and wars with a great loss of life, and the cost of: making good the massive damage it causes. We see more than a glimmer of hope that this altercation can be the last time that war is threatened and carried out. Common sense will have prevailed and set a marker for any further disputes.

The majority upon Earth pray for lasting peace and the end to wars, so that life becomes a safe experience that can be enjoyed. One that can bring people together in a common desire for a trouble free life that can be fulfilling. If not, the repetition of the horrors of war and the destruction of people’s dwellings and their lives will continue. We ask you if you really want peace or war knowing from experience that it takes a long time to recover, let alone the expense needed to make good the damage. The human cost is also damaging to your future ambitions as a Nation and it takes a long time to recover from such a loss.

The sooner you see the good sense in cooperating with each other the quicker you will get over the current problems. You will be able to fully concentrate on rebuilding a society that reflects the changes needed to advance you into the New Age, with all of its benefits that are waiting to be introduced. So much is there that will propel you into a future that you have not yet experienced, that will help you easily overcome present problems allowing you so much more time for your own pursuits.

Think of a future that can offer you so much, rather than dwell upon what could have been if you had taken a different path. Your experiences will not be wasted as they have prepared you for what lays ahead and you will readily fit into a new way of living. Indeed, you will welcome the changes that will make life so much more enjoyable. Not least of all will be your eventual introduction to your Space Family who are waiting for you to grow in understanding and ability to take your place with them. It will take time to reach that level, but the path is wide open waiting for you to set your feet upon it.

Remember, in reality that you are all brothers and sisters who have experienced lives in many different countries and religions, and have grown as a result with an understanding and appreciation of other people’s ways and beliefs. It all helps you expand your own knowledge and understanding and makes you what you are today. First hand experience is a grand thing and is not forgotten as it shapes your outlook and understanding of how others see life and react to it. Many of you have had many, many lives that have given you a wonderful appreciation of the motivation that makes people what they are and represent.

We would say, you haven’t lived until you rise up into the higher vibrations, because they are so different to what you know as life. You will find them exciting and wonderful and most likely more than you have ever dreamt of that cannot be adequately expressed in your languages. Joy and harmony exist all around you and everything shows itself in its perfect form. Animals also live in harmony as the wild streak has been replaced with a gentle and pleasing approach to all life forms. Love abounds all around and nature lives in harmony with all else. As your Bible stated “the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb” as there will no longer be animals that prey on others, all will exist in love and peace. In fact, you are starting to see the early stages already of such changes.

Peace is coming, but first it starts with Man who is beginning to see and understand the absurdity of warring against your brothers and sisters. Think of how much progress would be speeded up when countries came together in a common cause. After two World Wars or is it three when you count in the Cold War, you are in a time of change, so accept it and introduce changes that will bring permanent peace to the world. The old ways of using force to get your way have finished forever. If those in power will not accept it is time for peace to descend upon Earth, replace them with those souls who do.

We have told you many times that you are “All One” and you have often come together many times in the past, and have laid down the stones of your path to a greater existence. We will help you when you are ready and many great souls are already with you, awaiting the right time to reveal what they have to offer that will speed up your progress to a higher level that is fully beneficial to you all. One of the greatest inventors you have benefitted from is yet again with you, to take you a stage further than before – his name is Tesla.

Can you see now how we help you along when you are ready, and it is why we tell you that you have so much to look forward to in the near future. It may seem that you are left to your own devices and that is true up to a point, but we are always overseeing what you are doing. We are always trying to direct you in the right direction without infringing your right to free choice. We are as keen as you are to see you making progress in the right direction. There has always been a plan for humanity and your success has been to pass the marker that has opened up many opportunities that you would not otherwise have had.

The truth should lay comfortably with you, but if in doubt, set it aside and it will be there for later, as it is inevitable there will come a time when you will awaken to the truth. It will come down to trial and error, but when you hit the right button, you will know it without doubt. Therefore, do not be too rigid in your thinking and be open to other ideas, otherwise you may become stuck when you could otherwise make progress. Find the God inside through prayer or other means that suit you and you will be well on the path of Light.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

The good times are beckoning

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 11 February 2022

The period ahead is one of the most important you are likely to encounter. You will be laying down the foundations of a new way of managing your affairs that will prepare you for the changes that are to come. You will be prompted to think in terms of a new way of working that will equip you in readiness for the future. Many of the old ways are inadequate for what lays ahead and you will find it quite different to what you have been used to experiencing. Systems and methods will gradually change for the better placing you in a more agreeable situation. You will also find that you have much more time on your hands for personal matters. There may be some problems to overcome, but in the long run it will be to your advantage and evolution. The good times are beckoning, but first you must put things in order to make room for what is waiting to be introduced.

Many families stay together through many lives, and because of it there is a closeness to each other that may not otherwise have existed. Often they repeatedly work together as a group and give something to mankind that they would not otherwise have had. The planning and arrangements for most groups is very carefully laid out, as their life plans are essential to their success, and we have previously used the Kennedy’s family as an example for their success. Their closeness and contribution to life was certainly something very special. There are obviously others, but their lives stand out for what they achieved.

From this, you will understand that the path ahead is already mapped out, but it will be your choice as to how you get there. We, for our part, stand aside to guide and inspire you to make the right decisions. It is such an important time, as will become evident, as you make progress. New inventions and the ways of doing things for ease of working will make life somewhat easier, as it progressively allows you more time for your own pursuits. The influence of the dark Ones is waning and in time will be totally ineffective. Again, we say do not expect too much too soon, as changes of the magnitude that are planned cannot appear overnight. However, once things get underway, there will be no stopping them. Peace is coming and the seeds have already been sown much to your liking to bring you total peace and happiness.

One of the biggest problems that keeps coming up is caused by the lack of recognition that you are not your physical body. In essence, you are all souls that have chosen to incarnate into different civilisations that will give you the experiences you need to evolve. Each soul has had many incarnations in the different races that exist upon Earth. So, how can you say that one is any more important than another? Each race has certain qualities to offer, so that as you experience from lifetime to lifetime, you become more of a universal being. Also, in future you will be reborn with memory of previous skills or knowledge you have acquired. In the previous Age, it was quite different, as you would be reborn without any knowledge of them at all.

Life is full of random happening that have no particular significance, but be assured that those that are of importance and intended to make a marked difference are carefully planned. It is only the freewill events that may appear pointless or of no real consequence. However, the dark Ones also have freewill and their actions may at times cause events to occur that interfere with the plan of those of the Light. It simply means that they have to be amended or changed to accommodate their actions. The battle continues, but the Light has won and as time passes so their ability to stop progress is curtailed.

The Covid problem is, as you may be aware, the final attempt of the dark Ones to further their plan to severely reduce the Earth’s population. It has failed in its objective and whilst it has caused much harm and deaths, they have been greatly reduced with the help of the Pleiadians, who have been with us especially to ensure we get through this period of immense difficulties as soon as possible. We will then find it easier to make progress and overcome the problems encountered. We are being helped to advance so that the changes are beneficial and lead to a better life for all people.

As strange as it may seem, you are privileged to be on Earth at such an historic time, and many souls would have gladly taken your place to be part of such an amazing experience. What has led to this point in time was unexpected and yet sufficient souls rose to the occasion to pass the marker of 2012. There will come a time when you will look back and fully understand what you have achieved against all the odds. So, now the tide has turned and a bright future is assured, even if at this time it is difficult to see.

Keep calm and peaceful as you go through the changes that are necessary to move humanity forwards and be part of the advanced souls who are leading the way. By example, you can help others who are uncertain as to what they should do. Without a future, this period would seem depressing when so much is happening that is making life so difficult and unbearable. Yet, it is necessary to force people to carefully look at how they managed before, and question whether they can improve upon it. They surely can and it is up to those who are more aware to lift others up and show them the way.

You are one big family, brothers and sisters travelling the same path regardless of which stage you are at. However, as you are all helping create your own future, many separate paths will be created but only to Ascension, providing you are ready for such an advancement. If you are not, the chance will come around again and continue to do so for aeons of time. Be assured that all souls will find themselves at the level necessary to continue their journey.

The dark Ones have held you back for such a long time by limiting your experiences and understanding of the truth. In reality, you have no need to experience life after life on Earth, and having now been given the way back to the Light and higher levels you have something to aim for that is within your reach. There is much love around you from souls who are with you on your journey.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τετάρτη 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

There is nothing to stop you going all the way to Ascension

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 4 February 2022

The world does not want to see another war, and fortunately the energies that have arisen because of the confrontation in the Ukraine show without a doubt that the desire for world peace is growing very rapidly. It means that they are having a calming influence on the situation, and that a way out for the Russians is possible without them losing face. Peace is coming to Earth and it is a precursor of better times to come where countries can come together to broker peace agreements. Certainly the people have spoken and the powers that be will feel compelled to take notice otherwise they will lose all credibility. It should be realised that the Alliance of Planets are awaiting such a development to enable them to safely show themselves to the people of Earth. It will happen because that is your destiny and the future is full of welcome changes that will quickly bring the advancements into being.

Meantime, you should, if possible, avoid being fearful of the future as your destiny is to live in World Peace. You are having to deal with the after effects of several viruses that have afflicted you that are now beginning to lessen. It means that provisions can now be made to live life as much as possible in a normal way, at the same time coping and controlling the lasting effects of the virus. It has been compared to flu that is usually more dominant in the colder weather. There is no doubt that people can only accept limitations to their freedom up to a certain point that now seems to have been reached. Certainly, in some countries they have been able to relax their controls, allowing some semblance of normality. It will lift their spirits and bring a happier feeling that the worst is over.

There is no doubt that the whole episode has given Humanity ample time to access the way it has been living and identify certain aspects that have shown your short comings. It is akin to the “house cleaning” that takes place after your winter period in preparation for the better times. Weather is clearly an important part of your planning and it does at times appear quite volatile. In time it will settle down to be more acceptable and as you might say “gentle” and more agreeable to everyone. The changes are widespread and even Nature is being forced to adapt. It has happened many times before due to various changes but not quite as extensive as at present. It is all part of your increasing vibrations, and the effect that Mother Earth has upon your seasons.

Helping to bring peace to the Earth is a noble cause, but a vital one, if it is to be achieved through harmony between the different countries. In fact, it is vital that it is reached without undue delay and leaves the lower vibrations behind. Those souls who cannot or will not lift their vibrations will naturally move on to a suitable planet to start another journey home and will not lack help and assistance. This way it is most fair by giving all parties concerned a further opportunity to make progress to the next stage in their evolution. There is no point or advantage in moving into a higher level until you are ready, but when you are it will occur automatically.

Old souls upon Earth have a greater awareness and understanding of what is happening around them. It makes them most suited to help those with less experience or knowledge. It is a sound principle that has helped many souls move on, who might otherwise have become struck in the lower levels. It goes hand in hand with the guidance that is always available once the soul has shown it is making progress. Remember, you are never alone and help is always nearby and will respond when you call for it. This approach is commonplace, as you rise up through the different levels. It often brings new people into your life who are useful to you when you have made it known to spirit you are ready to learn more.

What is in it for you and where do you expect to go from here. Many of you are ready to learn more and at this time you have every opportunity to do so, as there is nothing to stop you going all the way to Ascension. Not for a long, long time have the conditions offered so much opportunity to progress so far. If you apply yourself to the tasks ahead of you, there is no reason why you should not be successful. There may be distractions and the dark Ones will try all their tricks and deception to lead you astray. So be wary of tactics intended to mislead you and stick to your plan to progress as the opportunities arise. You are protected, but still need to be alert as you never know what is around the corner.

Be patient, as we have painted a picture that promises to become your reality as you progress. How far away it is depends a lot on you and others like you who have earned the opportunity to progress even further, because of your dedication to learn from your experiences. Progress can sometimes be very slow, but once the power of the dark Ones is curtailed, going should be plain sailing. Look forward to a great experience as you overcome any obstacles on your path and victory will be yours.

Your destiny is to take your place amongst the ascended souls, so you have a wonderful future to look forward to that already beckons. Trust those souls who travel with you and direct you and protect you to help ensure your success. They have already ascended and know what you are going through, and are the best suited to help you along. In your quiet moments you may feel them around you and at such times they can easily communicate with you. They are often the voice inside you that helps you make decisions, but will not interfere with the ones that you may make, because that is your choice and responsibility.

As you go through life your higher vibrations will attract like souls and it is often how new groups are formed. Clearly, like minds do seem to gravitate to each other and their interests are also likely to be similar. You may already have a partner who is very much on your level and can share your experiences with you, but sometimes there can be the exact opposite and yet it can still provide the opportunities to progress. Opposites can sometimes complement each other, but realise that it would have been part of your life plan that you agreed upon before you incarnated upon Earth.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Everything that exists is energy fluctuating at one frequency or another, nothing is solid

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 3 February 2022

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by citing part of an email my mother recently received: “I thought I’d feel elated because Earth is in acceleration mode, but I’m even more distressed than I used to be.” The dear soul who wrote that also mentioned what is causing her to feel that way. We want to address those matters because many others are feeling somewhat the same as she. They may not know about accelerated energy or actual causes, but they are apprehensive about the same world affairs.

First we say, this is the first time in eons that Earth has been immersed in such an abundance of light, and this increased intensity is magnifying all feelings, positive and negative, and quickening the pace of all undertakings.

Many, many millions who are living and dying in dire circumstances are completing their third density karmic choices much more rapidly than they could have without acceleration. When they transition to spirit life, they will know this and feel grateful for the swiftness.

The effects of disastrous storms and fires caused by technology are the same as if those were Mother Nature’s doings—they are cleansing the planet of negativity so it cannot accumulate. The sooner that technology is used benevolently instead of malevolently, the sooner there will be no need for any large-scale cleansing.

There will be no WWIII. Mainstream media reporters are publicizing the fearful-sounding information they are given instead of what actually is happening. National leaders who are Illuminati or their puppets are being unseated and populations that were forcibly separated after WWII are being reunited.

Although mainstream media still are controlled, other efforts to rid your world of darkness are moving faster than formerly.

The “pandemic” is continuing because the energy of billions of thoughts and feelings about it is “feeding” the illness and “refueling” the individuals who knowingly are lying about it. The backlash against physically, psychologically and economically destructive requirements that is growing by leaps and bounds is undergirded by the new level of energy and will hasten the end of the “pandemic.”

During the few months since the acceleration mode was initiated, action to rid your world of Illuminati has been increasingly successful. Some in the remaining high ranks of this pyramid of evil who went into hiding are being found, others have defected and are cooperating with principals in the movement to end impoverishment, corruption and warring and restore the environment. Energy intensity is prompting the slumbering populace to waken and feel inspired to participate in transforming their world.

Dear ones, when frightening thoughts are changed to optimistic, confident and peaceful, like feelings will follow—please do this for yourselves! And remember, peace in the world begins with peace in each heart.

This also is an ideal time to be introspective and ascertain if your characteristics, behavior and perceptions are serving your best interests. For instance, are you afraid that upcoming changes will negatively impact your employment, financial assets or other resources? Are you allowing others’ expectations of you to determine your decisions? Are you feeling resentful toward persons you feel treated you unfairly or guilty about having caused stress to others?

Are you assessing others’ ideas as meritless when they differ from yours? Are you giving any of your energy to trivial issues and forgetting to use the law of attraction to your advantage? Are you letting yourself be drawn into the drama of world affairs instead of being an observer? Being an observer doesn’t preclude compassion, empathy and caring assistance in ways you can offer, it includes them because they are “love in action.”

If you recognize in yourself any of those attitudes and approaches to situations and want to make a U-turn, the fast-rising vibrations of acceleration will be your strong ally in so doing.***“I hope this new speed will wake up the entire population so they can ascend with Earth!” That would be a glorious outcome indeed, but it isn’t likely to happen. Awakening isn’t a matter of speed, it’s a matter of absorbing light, and even though light is pouring into the planet in unprecedented measure, puppets of the darkness are adamantly refusing to embrace it.

“How will acceleration affect the tides? Will minor health issues become major problems too quickly for treatment to be effective?” By divine grace and extraterrestrial aid, tides are not affected by acceleration, and health issues will be affected the same as they always have been. Bodies’ cells in chemical, electrical, hormonal, metabolic, circulatory, respiratory and immune systems and all organs and bones are strong or weak in accordance with the amount of light the person absorbs, and that’s determined by whether their thoughts, feelings, actions and intentions emit high vibrations or low.

“Matthew said ‘revelations will emerge incrementally.’ How can people advance consciously and spiritually if they don’t know the truth about everything?” That is indeed a logical question. Let us answer by asking you to imagine how you would feel if you heard all of the following in one fell swoop:

You are a divine immortal soul and alternate between hundreds or thousands of physical and spiritual lifetimes. You are not a person who has a soul; you are a soul made of pure love-light energy living in a body designed specifically for the kinds of personal experiences you chose in a contract prior to birth. Your contract is part of an agreement with other souls sharing your lifetime, but all of that is forgotten when you and the others incarnate.

The origin of everything in existence in the Cosmos is the love-light essence of Creator, Source, I AM, Oneness of All, the Totality. Creator chose the gods and goddesses who would manifest their respective universes and rule over them. There are seven universes and in this one, there is no heaven or hell. The universal law of physics automatically takes individuals’ etheric bodies and psyches to the area of a spirit world where energy is the same as the individual’s lifetime energy. Akashic records, which are inviolable, contain every moment of each lifetime of the soul.

Everything that exists is energy fluctuating at one frequency or another, nothing is solid. Like everything else in existence, thoughts, feelings and words emit vibrations. Science and spirit are one and the same, cosmic consciousness. Earth is one organism that comprises humankind, animals, plants and the Devic kingdom, and all are inseparably interconnected souls as parts of the Supreme Being of this Universe. Rocks, soil, fire, water, air, wind, and even manufactured items have varying levels of consciousness.

What happens anywhere in this Universe affects everything else everywhere else. What you think of as time actually is differing energy planes. The reality is the timeless continuum where everything is a series of events happening simultaneously. The Universal Law of Attraction brings back to you from the collective consciousness whatever is the focus of your thoughts and feelings. That is how all individuals co-create their lives and collectively co-create the world. Co-creation is using Creator’s energy to put your ideas into form or action.

Countless civilizations are far, far advanced spiritually, consciously and technologically from people on Earth. Some live on motherships that have highly evolved consciousness and are miles in diameter. Earth is surrounded by small spacecraft and some extraterrestrials are living on the planet. Many times in the planet’s history people from other civilizations have resided there.

Some years ago, a powerful light grid built by evolved civilizations forced the dark forces out of the Milky Way. The dark forces are a massive energy force field that meanders throughout the universe and is attracted to individuals and civilizations with tendencies toward greed, cruelty and power. Those individuals and populations become the forces’ puppets.

The puppets on Earth have controlled governments, global economy, banking, religions, western medicine, education, commerce, transportation, communication, corporations, entertainment industry, legal and judicial systems, agriculture, energy sources, military forces—everything that impacts life in your world. They start wars, commit atrocities, cause disease, poverty and famine, create divisiveness and bigotry, and put falsehoods in religions’ holy books.

Two kinds of ascension, planetary and personal, are underway and so is world transformation. The battle between light and darkness that is happening in linear time already has been won by the light, and in the continuum, Earth’s civilization is joyously flourishing.

That jumble of information is not in order of importance or well expressed, and no doubt we have forgotten numerous areas wherein factual information must replace blatant deception and mass ignorance by intention of the darkness. But surely that would be enough to overwhelm even the strongest mind if all of it were presented in one seminar.

Beloved brothers and sisters, if you didn’t realize before how extensive your knowledge is and how limited Earth civilization’s is, now you do. And if you ever wondered why all light beings in this universe would honor you for steadfastness in your mission, surely now you know.

With the unequalled power of unconditional love, we support you in every step of your Earth journey.


Suzanne Ward

Website:The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Παρασκευή 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Space Portals and Travel

From the book "Messages from the Hollow Earth"

We Travel Through Our Portals

Our Galaxy operates as one huge whole system, totally interconnected through an interstellar communication web. Through our portals located in the Library of Porthologos, we can contact anyone, or travel anywhere in our Universe and beyond. 

Spaceports Inside the Earth

There are spaceports based inside Earth’s interior, inside her mountains, beneath the oceans, inside the Hollow Earth cavity, that will take you on jaunts out to your Solar System, so you can witness first-hand the life on the planets around you. You will be in awe of Earth’s majesty and in awe of God’s creation, always humble and respectful as your experiences and beliefs drastically change into a knowingness that has up until now eluded you.

You are in for the thrill of your life. So just hold on, as Earth goes through her changes, and know that you will be safe and cared for, no matter where your destination is. Every soul will be accounted for and every soul provided for in the great “play” called life on Earth.

It is now the ending scene, and you are about to take your bows and leave the surface stage forever. You will reappear in another grand play, only this time you will play out your parts on a more conscious level, with more control of your lines and actions and in more control of your lives.

We in the Hollow Earth will be with you this time, helping and encouraging you to reach your fully conscious state, so that the whole planet can embark together on its next leg of the journey through life.

We Travel Freely Inside Our Globe

My dear friends of the Earth: I am Mikos, and I speak to you from the Great Cavern under your cities. This cavern spans the whole circumference of the center of the Earth. Our lives here are blessed with abundance in every way you can think of. Were you to let your imagination roam the Stars, all you can conceive of and more, we are blessed with. All we can imagine, we can manifest for ourselves. Such is the nature and Natural Law that exists everywhere you go in our Galaxy.

We are all Free Beings, free to travel and free to remain inside our cherished Earth. You may think our living space is cramped, but it is spacious, as our population is few compared to your billions. We travel freely inside our globe, needing no passports. Our means of travel is non-polluting, using only electromagnetic conveyances and crystal power. Your governments on the surface use these also, while keeping the secret well hidden from your populace. With all the rolling blackouts in California, soon your people will wake up to the unlimited supply of solar and wind and water/hydrogen power.

We are free to come and go as we please, and we often leave our homes for short trips to other Star Systems. We seldom visit your surface cities, but prefer to view them on our computer screens. This is the safest and most comprehensive way to follow your activities worldwide. We are always awake when you call to us, as we are attuned to your frequency and can instantly hear and feel your call. With over-brimming love in our hearts, we salute you for your dedication to our mission.