Σάββατο 27 Ιουνίου 2020

The future has already been written and no mortal will have the power to change the outcome

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self  26 June 2020

Remember that nothing happens by chance and whilst your experiences may seem that way they often involve many other souls, some because of karma and others who will simply join them. The Pandemic has given many people ample time to reflect on their life so far and decide where they are going from this point in time. It is a chance to reflect on your life so far and whether it satisfies your ambitions, because in many ways time is running out and a New Era will come into being. The old ways have served their purpose very well, but a new way forward is beckoning for those who have set their sights on Ascension.

Everything that is presently happening is calculated to ensure that progress is maintained that will avoid any interference from the dark Ones that could cause undue delay to your progress. Do not despair regardless of what happens in the present circumstances, as it is a time of clearing away all that has no place in the future. At the same time we are encouraging those souls who have set their eyes on Ascension to try as far as possible to ignore the chaos that may be happening around them. It is in part caused by the negative groups who still believe they can obtain power by killing off their rivals. They fail to understand that the future has already been written and no mortal will have the power to change the outcome.

The fact that major changes are taking place can hardly be ignored, particularly when worldwide weather changes are occurring that have brought out some extreme circumstances. The sea levels are rising and a number of inland areas will disappear, but there is usually ample warning to allow people time to relocate to safe places. Everything is on the move in readiness for the final change that will see the promises of a New Earth fulfilled. Perhaps the most significant changes for you will be the many that will result in you having more freedom from your present everyday tasks. It may be a long way off, but eventually you will have everything you need at your fingertips and much more time to fulfil your personal ambitions.

Think big and know that what we have often asked you to do, and focus on what you envision for yourself, because your desires will be met, but as always you can get advice and help from your Guides who are there to help. They do much more for you than you could possibly imagine and are always close to you and on hand when needed. For example, they do their best to ensure you stick to your life plan, as it covers experiences that you need to advance further. The whole object of your incarnations is to help you experience in a way that advances your evolution. Be assured you are not alone when you tackle the challenges that confront you and so to say – point you in the right direction.

We know it is hard for you to understand your make believe world because you have thought it into being, and having served its purpose it will soon “disappear” as Humanity moves on and prepares for new experiences. You have earned the success that will ensure you leave the third dimension behind as it has served its purpose. Mother Earth will be pleased to lift up into the higher vibrations and create a beautiful Earth for you, one free from all of the present negativity that exists.

Outside of your Solar System are so many advanced civilisations very much like your species with minor differences and some that might well pass for humans having very similar features to yourselves. Indeed, there are so many that bear a resemblance to you, we feel sure you would enjoy meeting them. They have much to offer you and a very exciting time awaits you all. There is nothing to fear and the negative Reptilians will not be allowed to interfere with your progress as they have done in the past.

As usual, your Governments keep the real news to themselves, while they leave you still living in a bygone Age. Some secrets are becoming too big to conceal much longer, and it is likely there will be some revelations in the near future, but at a time when it is safe to do so. You see strange craft in your skies, yet not so strange as they are part of your Space Fleet. They have been long developed mainly by back engineering crashed craft that go back quite a long time. With it came a great leap in your technology, although in real terms you are way behind those civilisations that have existed for thousands of years and have inter-stellar craft.

There is also the question about Man’s intentions, as so far there is no suggestion that their Space travels are to create peaceful relationships, although you trade with many civilisations. Some advances have crept into your field of knowledge which is why you have advanced so quickly in a relatively short time. However, you have not been given the benefit of them all, otherwise you would for example already have been using free energy. It will come, but not until the dark Ones have been removed and no longer represent a threat to you.

You live in unprecedented times, when little seems straightforward, and there seems to be no real direction or purpose where world events are concerned. You face years of sacrifice as governments struggle to come to terms with the problems they see before them. Nothing could have prepared them for what has happened and it shows the weakness of your monetary systems that have struggled to cope with the demands upon them. There is always a way out of trouble, but the result of the pandemic has severely disrupted your monetary system. We recognise your plight and will do our best to help you, but the onus is upon you to take the first steps to start restoring your society. We cannot say more, as there are many factors involved that even we cannot yet see which way you are going.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 25 Ιουνίου 2020

Awakening to the Fifth Dimension by Vidya Frazier

We have entered times of great transition. A new earth is emerging. People are awakening. But old structures are crumbling around us and new ones are not yet in place. Many are experiencing great uncertainty and confusion.***It’s time for those of us who feel called to assist in this planetary awakening to step forward to help usher in this new age of human evolution on the planet.

Quantum Evolutionary Shift
We are living in exciting times. Visionaries, spiritual teachers and indigenous elders from traditions across the world are telling us we are entering the "Shift"— a time of great transition for the human race. We are in the process of preparing for a quantum evolutionary leap in consciousness.

Many of us can see this shift beginning to take place in the world around us, as old paradigms and structures based on greed, exploitation and patriarchal ideals are slowly beginning to collapse. At the same time, new ones based on justice, compassion, and equality are beginning to arise.

People are uniting with greater and greater empowerment, asserting their desire for peace and respect for all beings on the planet. Humanity is awakening.

The Inner Shift
Many of us are also feeling extraordinary shifts happening within our own lives. We are awakening to a new consciousness. Old painful patterns are arising, along with unprecedented loss in our relationships, our work, and our financial situations.

Our old sense of identity and feeling of safety are being challenged. Intense emotions seem to arise out of nowhere.

Yet, at the same time, exciting new experiences filled with awakening, joy and freedom are also showing up. At times, we feel love radiating from our hearts like never before. And a knowing of oneness with all that exists. Something both ancient and brand new is emerging within us—majestic, bold and powerful.

It’s clear that something old is dying—and something new is being born. A whole New Era on earth is opening up before us. What an extraordinary time to be alive!

Awakening to the Fifth Dimension
Some have called this shift of consciousness occurring on the planet a “dimensional” shift: a shift from the Third Dimension into the Fifth Dimension.

It’s a shift into a consciousness infused with love, compassion, oneness, peace, and freedom—a shift into what has been called the “Golden Age” on Earth. This process of shifting into the Fifth Dimension is known as “Ascension.”

In this dimensional paradigm, humanity is seen to be in the process of a profound  awakening of the spiritual Heart. And the Earth—along with all its inhabitants planning to stay on the planet—will be awakening to the ψ within the next couple of decades, if not sooner.

This awakening process will begin with a powerful solar event that has been called "the Event", which will lift both the Earth and humanity into a radically higher frequency of consciousness and begin the process of full Ascension into the Fifth Dimension.

This radical shift ahead of us is the reason for the profound and rapid changes, both positive and negative, that people are experiencing during these times. Read more about awakening to the Fifth Dimension.

Transitional Times
Before we can enter fully into this New Age of living in the Fifth Dimension, we must first move through a period of transition from third-dimensional consciousness. On the verge of rebirth, we are now moving through what the Mayans call the “time in between”. The old is beginning to crumble—and the new has not yet fully arrived. It’s a time of confusion and uncertainty.

In many ways, humanity has come to the brink of disaster world-wise. We see over-population, polluted rain forests, rising unemployment, peak oil, global food shortages, severe climate changes, and ongoing escalation of conflict among countries.

We also see more and more clearly the huge inequities in wealth and power across the globe. And we watch as the world economy teeters on the verge of collapse. These are all signs of old structures dying.

And we will likely see more disaster-like scenarios for some time to come. This makes sense because we’re experiencing not only a death process, but a birth process as well. Chaos and confusion are to be expected.

Ushering in the New Earth
Those of us on a conscious spiritual path of awakening know that it is not wise to fall into negative, conditioned reactions during times such as these. Fear will not serve us.

This is a time rather to become prepared—both spiritually and otherwise—so we can be as strong, steady, and awake as possible to make it through the coming times with clarity and ease. And it’s a time to learn how to stay awake, no matter what is happening.

More than ever, it’s a time for us to step forward, in whatever ways we feel called, to do what we have come here to do this lifetime and help usher in this New Era of human life on the planet.

But, even knowing all this, it is not always easy to do—awakening to the Fifth Dimension is a huge step in evolution we’re taking. And during times of great change, it is natural for us to feel confusion, anxiety and unrest. 

Σάββατο 20 Ιουνίου 2020

You will soon forget the trials and trauma of living in the lower vibrations

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 19 June 2020

Events are moving on quite quickly, but news of them rarely reaches your ears, because those that dictate the course of humankind are so secretive about their actions. Sometimes it is necessary for their protection, but as the Illuminati are slowly being set back by the Alliance, their influence is considerably weakening. At the same time many of their members engaged in negative activities are being arrested for crimes against Humanity. As a result, they are unable to interfere with plans to remove those negative forces that jeopardise the positive work being carried out to release Humanity from the tentacles of the dark Ones. A point should soon be reached where it is possible to work openly and permanently, banish them and once again restore freedom upon Earth.

The dark Ones have no limit to their actions against those souls of the Light, who have been suppressed for so many years that progress has been put back by at least 50 years or more. However, recent actions by the Light have reached a turning point, where it may be reasonably assumed that changes for the better and upliftment of Humanity are possible. With the coming of the New Age that commenced in 2012, you were assured of success and indeed the seeds of change have already been planted. We know that you have been very patient, but once the changes go ahead, it must be ensured that they are free from negative interference. It has been no mean task to prepare matters for a trouble free period when immense progress can be made. Minor troubles are more localized and will not however affect the changes that are being lined up.

We never fail to mention that nothing of any note happens without good reason, and even happenings that seem to have no immediate benefit to you can cause a chain of events that achieve something that is necessary to keep you moving on in the right direction. Mother Nature is perhaps a good example, as earth changes are often far reaching without any apparent reason, yet on reflection you will understand the purpose for them. The Earth is preparing you for beneficial changes that will result in a more pleasant environment and restore it to its prime condition. Providing note is taken of the potential outcome you will be able to accommodate changes without being inconvenienced. Understand that over a very long period man has caused so much damage to the Earth, for example with activities such as mining. So, it is your responsibility to put it right, although once you show willing to do so, we will be on hand to give you assistance.

You will find that your wait has been well worthwhile, and you will soon forget the trials and trauma of living in the lower vibrations. They will have served their purpose and the evolution of all souls will have benefitted from their experiences. You are greater and stronger than you have ever been and well prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. Some may care to disagree, but until you can see the whole picture, you cannot appreciate the extent of the Plan for Humanity. Matters are controlled from sources high above your level where the overall view is panoramic, and where it is possible to predict the future potential by seeing all of the options available. One thing is for certain, that whatever choices you make, Ascension will come as planned and nothing will be able to stop it.

It is such an important time with so many changes taking place and in principle they will gradually guide you onto the correct path. There is a greater plan for your salvation and many advanced beings are present to ensure you make satisfactory progress. Take the wonderful opportunity being offered to you to move out of the lower vibrations, and keep your eyes on your goal that will ensure you never have to go through the same experiences again. All is planned for your upliftment if you are prepared to focus on the path ahead and do not stray from the light. Regular meditation would be beneficial and help keep your vibrations at a high level so that you can continue evolving.

Keep your aura closed so as not to allow another person to interfere with it. Check it often and mentally see it perfectly placed around your physical body. It is your protection at all times and for those who can see auras an indication of how healthy you are and whether you a being of Light. It can also indicate your general state of health and the onset of disease. The colours of your aura also act as an indication of your personal nature and abilities, for example one that is predominately green is a person who is more likely to live in service to others such as Nursing or any profession of that nature. Obviously, the colours of the aura also indicate those souls who are negative by nature, shown when the colours tend to be dull and lacking light.

There is a lot more to the human being than meets the eye, and it is possible to know the potential skills they will develop that they have been born with that have purposefully been given to help them through their life plan. For many souls life may not appear to have any real purpose, but realize that even the so called negative experiences are planned and usually for karmic reasons. Part of evolving is to experience those aspects of life that will enable you to overcome challenges that you have failed to meet. But be assured that once you have learned the lessons presented to you, they do not usually occur again. So from one life to another you should progress spiritually, as each one is planned with that in mind, and remember that you will always be given another opportunity if at first you have failed.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Παρασκευή 12 Ιουνίου 2020

Mother Earth is moving into areas in Space that are of a higher vibration

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 12 June 2020

The enforced lockdown because of Covid19 has ensured that people have sufficient time to think about the future and what they want from life. Consequently, changes are taking place that will in some instances result in those that are permanent. These had to happen to speed up your pathway to Ascension, as many souls are now ready for such advancement. There is still time to lift your vibrations to ensure you are ready to ascend as it is still some years from occurring. The exact time is not yet known, but there is an indication that it will take place during 2029/2030. The changes that are coming will bring into being new and easier ways of doing things, some providing time saving with the net result that you will have more time to yourselves. There are so many advancements that have been held back from you that have long been in use by the dark Ones. Clearly they must eventually be released and once their minions have been rounded up that opportunity will arise.

We would remind you that you are still creating your own future, so it is important that you remember to think positively at all times. As you evolve your power of thought will become stronger and stronger. It is also worth reminding you that as you project your thoughts, you should express yourselves as though you had already benefitted from them. In other words, by doing so, you will attract more of the same, meaning that if you keep projecting negative thoughts concerning “lack” you will end up with more of the same. Some souls seem unable to understand their power of thought and attract all types of problems to themselves. It is the “I never have any luck” person who cannot understand that it is themselves that have brought it about. However, as we have told you previously, there is only one exception and that is karma that you may have brought upon yourself that is still to be cleared.

Be assured that most souls on Earth at this time agreed to be present wishing to be part of the Ascension process. Many are doing their best to be ready and if you adhere to the recommendations we have given previously, you have every chance of success. Certainly, you have received every encouragement to follow a path that takes you to Ascension. Nearly all of you have been evolving through your experiences covering five complete cycles, with the present one being the first opportunity for all souls to ascend having passed the marker.

There are untold benefits awaiting you including life without the interference of the dark Ones. Perhaps one of the biggest surprises will be reunion with those souls who were members or friends of your family waiting to greet you. A loss of family members is undoubtedly one of the saddest times you will have experienced upon Earth, and meeting again will be a most memorable occasion. Any time lapse from when you last met will be of no consequence as each soul can present itself in the form you last remembered it in. There can also be souls that you have only met whilst out of the body, which experiences you may not have had any waking memories of.

Life is tough living in a freewill Universe, but it has its rewards, because when you come through it, you are ready to face whatever challenges come your way. You will have come from a level where you have been pushed to your limits, and evolved at a faster rate than you would have in an easier situation. You knew fully well what you might encounter, but had faith in your own ability to come through it successfully. For all of the hard times you have experienced, you will have a future ahead that will give you every pleasure and satisfaction. Even on Earth you have had some exciting and fulfilling times, but they will not compare with what the future holds for you.

In your present situation, you are rapidly beginning to learn of the vastness of Space and how it is teeming with life very much like your own, and all with few exceptions are human-like. At this time, many are preparing to meet up with you offering their help and guidance into a New Era. You are all admired for your confidence and determination to rise up again after reaching the depths of despair. There will be celebrations recognising your great achievement in rising up again. You have yet to look back at your journeys and experiences that will surely make you feel humble but overjoyed at your success.

We try our best to lift you up when you encounter difficult times, as we do appreciate how much you are affected by what goes on around you. When you have needed it, we have given you a boost and raised your spirits. What few souls are aware of is that often meet with you when you are out of the body during your sleep period. So, you obviously know us well and we look forward to the time we can come together again. What you are now experiencing may seem like a dream and it is unreal yet seems quite real when you are experiencing it. It raises the question as to what is actually real, as you probably know by now that all that exists is through the power of thought.

There is so much for you to learn, as you might say “never a dull moment” and it will take you all of the way to being a Galactic Being. That is way into your future, but it tells you what great potential you have, you are in reality great beings. Naturally, in your present situation you are unaware of it, because at your present level you are at such a low vibration. However, that situation is rapidly changing, as all of the time Mother Earth is moving into areas in Space that are of a higher vibration. Yes, having successfully passed the marker, you have earned the opportunity to move into the higher vibrations and all that it entails.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes from my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τρίτη 9 Ιουνίου 2020

The intense need to be right and to make others wrong is a very common human egotistical phenomenon

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 25 April 2020

At this time, as most people are focused on or distracted by the ongoing and constantly updated news of the worldwide pandemic, many are very concerned and unsettled as their governments require them to stay home, or stay isolated, while the Coronavirus flows across the world bringing sickness and further anxiety to many. It will pass, as epidemics and pandemics always do, but while it is present, you do need to take extra care of yourselves, being aware of any message with which your bodies present you, and then tuning in to uncover their meaning. Your bodies are well able to tune into the non-physical realms to access information that you are unable to access purely through your rational intellectual thought processes. So, taking quiet time alone to meditate, or just gently relax at least once each day is essential to your well-being, and by doing so you will be able to gain access to that place of peace and calm within, your holy inner sanctuaries, where Love resides. It is always there, waiting to reveal Itself to you by way of a warm embrace that you can feel, whenever you release or quieten your fearful “what if?” thought processes and open your hearts to receive It.

Love is your nature, so during this time of general confinement make full and frequent use of the unusual amount of free time you have available to connect with It. Doing just this is a most effective inactivity! Inactivity of this kind allows your awareness of your Oneness with God and with every sentient being to intensify, and, as millions of humans set the intent to do this, the collective sense of inseparable interconnectedness becomes increasingly conscious. People, who had never before been able to feel the presence of loved ones, family, or friends who were not physically present with them, are now beginning to do so. Initially this can be rather shocking or unsettling, because the vast majority of people believe that this ability is a special gift available only to a few who are psychics and/or mediums. This is most definitely not the case. Every sentient being has this ability, but only a few humans have allowed it to grow and develop within them. Many who did experience it in childhood, before the age of about seven years, and talked about it to their parents or older siblings were told that they were imagining things, that it was an illusion, and so, needing approval from others instead of ridicule, they closed themselves off from it.

But of course the illusion is what most humans experience all day every day in the material physical world of form in which you live out your daily lives as humans. This is not Reality! Reality is Love, is Oneness, is Mother/Father/God, and is what all seek when they become disillusioned and disappointed with life in form, and with the almost constant stress and strain that life in form entails.

Life in form has always been difficult, because form limits your creative abilities very severely, while at the same time leading you to believe that you have just one life in form, and that that is the only life available to you. Life, like Reality, is eternal, but life in form is temporary, and if you believe, as so many people do, that it truly is the only life available to you, then that too contributes enormously to stress and anxiety. So much so that it leads many to an intense and endless need to take care solely of their own self, the separate self that they believe themselves to be, regardless of the consequences that the resulting attitudes and behaviors may have on others or on the planet. Humanity’s history is rife with demonstrations of the consequences of this belief, as men have preyed on one another throughout recorded history, causing vast numbers of people to endure enormous amounts of totally unnecessary suffering. Over the eons many wise ones have tried to persuade people to honor and respect all others, but have generally failed to do so, simply because fear has enthusiastically encouraged people to dismiss, disdain, and frequently physically attack those who have different political views, color, culture, or, most especially until very recently indeed, because of their different religious beliefs or persuasions.

However, in recent years, the insanity of this way of living has become unavoidably apparent to nearly everyone, and yet it seems that there is no possible way to create or establish a collective will that will recognize, respect, and honor your collective interdependence. Yes, many groups have formed and many think tanks have arisen to discuss and consider ways to move beyond this present insanity, but the different ideas on how to move forward tend themselves to be very divisive. This is because so often people are polarized, because of the ‘either or’ method of rational thinking that is ingrained within nearly all of your cultures. The intense need to be right and to make others wrong is a very common human egotistical phenomenon, and, as you who are reading or listening to this are very well aware, this unloving and extremely divisive phenomenon is especially noticeable in those who seek political office of any kind, and in those who are the major authority figures in large organizations from governments to industrial/business ones, and also educational and religious ones. No organizations anywhere are without their share of egotistically driven individuals who are absolutely convinced that they are always right!

The major changes that will occur during the next few months, as people have more time available to look at and truly observe their own ingrained self-centered attitudes and self-governing beliefs – attitudes and beliefs that they can and easily do see and identify in others, but which they are either unaware of or unwilling to acknowledge in themselves – are the essential changes that will lead to a widespread experience that Christianity has, on numerous occasions sought for, but never found, and which it has called “Heaven on Earth!”

God is Love, and you – every human and every sentient being – are One with God. There is no separation. Separation from Source is impossible, because Source, Mother/Father/God, the Supreme Intelligence, the Divine Wisdom, the infinitely loving, compassionate, and unconditional Acceptance of All that exists is All That Exists, living in a state of perfect harmony with Itself. That is Heaven! There is nowhere else.

But for eons, because of the collective choice to experience separation, a choice that Source has honored – because all that is created is created completely and utterly free to be as it chooses to be – you have experienced yourselves as separated from Heaven. Nevertheless, you are in Heaven in every moment of your eternal existence, but, because of that choice, it seems that you are not, and the environment in which you appear to be living totally supports that choice.

Therefore, this is a time to CELEBRATE, because, collectively, humanity has finally changed its mind and reversed its choice to experience being separate from Source, Love, Mother/Father/God. Therefore, you are about to remember and know that indeed you are in a state of “Heaven on Earth,” as peace and harmony are embraced by each and every one of you, and the apparent need for conflict and competitive division, which the state of separation has seemingly demanded for eons, just falls away, allowing each individual to recognize in every other the infinite Love that is All That Exists.

With so very much love, Saul.

Σάββατο 6 Ιουνίου 2020

Extraterrestrial scientists among you have greatly reduced the toxicity of that vaccine supply and erased the chips’ programming

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 4 June 2020

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Especially in times of great upheaval such as now, please let whatever fills you with joy or inspiration or thankfulness be the beginning and ending of each day. The high vibrations of those sensations and visions do wonders for health in body, mind and spirit!

Now then, our last message about this “pandemic” serves equally well today, but we shall be more explicit about why mainstream media are keeping the coronavirus “in your face,” so to say. This is the mind control part of the dark ones’ agenda, and they combine it with the universal law of attraction. They know the energy of thoughts and feelings brings back what matches them. The extent to which they are using that combination to deceive and manipulate the populace is mind-boggling.

Their TV media repeatedly air films of patients with respirators, so you will be fearful about contracting covid-19 and feel angry, scared and resentful about its adverse impact on your life and livelihood. The dark ones require the low vibrations of those negative reactions to sustain themselves and keep their “pandemic” going.

Their medical experts claim that testing, mask-wearing and social distancing are essential; and that crowds gathering, not wearing masks, and businesses reopening too quickly are endangering you and your loved ones. In addition, to keeping the populace on edge by reporting that some test results are incorrect or inconclusive, they tell you again and again that disregarding CDC guidelines makes it even more likely that another wave of the disease, which could be worse than the first, will hit in a few months.

Those “experts” know that masks prevent normal inhalation and exhalation, normal respiratory functioning, and that weakens immune systems. Their “stay at home” mandate is creating stress, and stress also weakens immune systems. A populace with compromised immunity is very susceptible to illness, and that would result in more deaths—the second wave of covid-19. Like the false statistics that have been fed to you almost daily, deaths from any cause would be attributed to that disease or “a complication thereof.”

You are told that the virus will continue its killing spree until the entire populace is vaccinated. The dark ones need the public’s positive response to a vaccine ending this “pandemic”, so the energy of those thoughts and feelings will bring to fruition their mandatory vaccination plan.

Originally, “experts” said that developing a vaccine would take at least two to three years. Maybe that wait time didn’t produce the fear energy that was expected or maybe the dark ones didn’t want to wait that long to annihilate you. Now, a few laboratories are being so successful in developing a vaccine that it might be available before the end of this year.

Indeed, it will be! Vaccines laden with a deadly amount of pathogens and the programmed microchips that also would be the inoculation were ready well before the coronavirus was released. All aspects of this “pandemic” agenda of the dark ones—let us call them Deep State, the term now commonly used—were meticulously planned years ago, after their attempts with SARS, avian flu and other laboratory-designed viruses failed to produce the pandemics that, like the coronavirus, were intended to kill billions.

We add this vital point: Extraterrestrial scientists among you have greatly reduced the toxicity of that vaccine supply and erased the chips’ programming.

Dear family, the awakening souls who are questioning official statements need to know about mind control/law of attraction efforts underway, but relatively few have advanced sufficiently in conscious awareness to believe in off-planet messengers. You can refer friends, family and acquaintances to the Internet, which has a treasure trove of accurate information from medical specialists and researchers about the nature of viruses and the principals behind this “pandemic.” Deep State operatives who control the Internet remove everything they can that exposes them and their diabolical activities, but they cannot suppress all of the truth that is coming to light.

“I’ve never been a [US president] Trump supporter, but I found his comments surprising and encouraging. ‘Vaccine or no vaccine, we’re back’ (he was referring to reopening businesses) and ‘Vaccine will be voluntary, not everyone will want it.’ Can Matthew please give us some insight here?”

President Trump is aware of the truth about this “pandemic.” Knowing that one of its aims is economic ruin of his country, he is acting to prevent that and derail the sinister plan for mandatory vaccination globally. He also is aware that Deep State operatives instigated the rioting and looting in what began as peaceful protests in his country.

While he could have handled these situations more skilfully and wisely, he cannot speak about his knowledge or act more forthrightly without jeopardizing what is happening behind the scenes. All dominoes in the prosecution process are being lined up, so those who are responsible for covid-19 and many other crimes against humanity can be arrested and face judicial punishment.

The “pandemic” is the latest step in the march for global control by Deep State, and by going against that force, President Trump has made formidable enemies. Not only the individuals at the top of the alphabet agencies of the medical establishment like AMA, FDA, NIH and CDC; World Health Organization; Big Pharma; and medical equipment and supply manufacturers, but all their cohorts around the world that have been controlling life on Earth.

The president’s allies—the others in the international group of influential individuals whose efforts to end darkness in its entirety are undergirded by light—are more powerful.

Now we present a very different perspective of the coronavirus from what mainstream media are conditioning the society to believe. I asked my mother to copy the message she received from the virus.

May 12, 2020

Yes, Suzanne, I asked you to talk with me. Of course it’s possible. Everything is energy, energy is consciousness.

You think of me often, but never with fear and always with accuracy insofar as what information about me is deceptive by intention or by ignorance.

I am like other viruses, just part of life on Planet Earth, ubiquitous, and we have functions that have nothing at all to do with sickness. It’s by adding pathogens to us in laboratories that we become contagious and spread diseases that are not our true nature.

Yes, deaths have happened by malignant intention and many are not due to what scientists mutated us into. Fear and death are their two objectives—both emit low vibrations that dark ones feed on.

The evil of those who are deceiving everyone will be undone soon. This time Earth’s people are waking up. Matthew is helping, but it’s the brave medical specialists and respected researchers that people will believe. Telepathic communication isn’t understood yet—that will come, but still a virus speaking to a person is beyond the belief potential of most.

Thank you, Suzanne, for taking my message. Do you have a question you’d like to ask?

Thank you. Are you aware of deaths worldwide and precautions countries are taking to protect their citizens?

Oh yes, of course we are.

Are governments being sensible in what they’re doing, masks and “social distancing”?

They think they are, but we see the masks as counterproductive.

Do you know when the disease they’re calling covid-19 will end?

No, not in your time concept, but the current infections will end. You know the “mad scientists” can start another wave.

Yes. But will they be “caught” before they can do that and can develop vaccines in quantity to require vaccinations worldwide and put programmed microchips in them?

We understand that what you can call “divine intervention” will not permit that to happen.

What is your source of that information?

The originator of all life forms in this universe.

That’s the best source!

Yes. Evil has been ruling the planet too long. It’s being stopped.

Thank you for talking with me. Do you have a name?

We don’t like the name given us by the evil minds, the coronavirus. It’s not necessary that you call us anything.

Okay. Are you speaking as an individual virus or for the countless other viruses?

I’m speaking on behalf of all of us.

Thank you. I’ll share this with people who can understand.

Matthew understands and knows what I told you is true.

Yes, I agree. Many scientists know, too.

Yes, and they are the ones speaking out. They are the ones people on the planet will listen to. That’s what will be the downfall of the evil minds who are misrepresenting us as deadly. It is those minds that are being deadly to the people.

Thank you for talking with me.

Thank you for taking my message.

A virus transmitting a message is highly unusual, to be sure, but not unique. Two others with whom the virus communicated wrote to my mother about their experiences.

The following is from a highly evolved soul, a retired professor of biology, whom I know well in this lifetime and others. He and his wife are opening energy portals at sacred sites in South America and establishing a university program for indigenous communities.

“I was sitting in Sao Paul airport waiting for my plane to go to NY and seeing that the virus threat is in the minds and emotions of many, but not all the travellers. I started wondering why are we feeding the virus with our fears, or where is and what is fear?

“In some way, I could put aside the fears, because we the people of light are mobilizing whatever we can to invite peace and compassion for us and for everybody else, love being the strongest element.

“I started pondering about the ‘poor’ virus that got stuck in a strange process. Putting aside the usual judgmental reaction to the trouble, I almost had a compassion for ‘it.’

“In a kind of silence-less silence, I began to perceive, or to be in the presence of the coronavirus. It was not like you are in contact with a person or individual or entity, but with a dimensional reality unit, or something that you can feel or something you are with.

“I felt like an undefined compassion and love for ‘that reality’ that was with me, or I was in contact with it. In its essence, it certainly was not ‘evil.’ Our ‘communication and contact’ came soon. It was a sense, a feeling, an awareness that was not from a defined being but from a perceivable ‘defined reality.’

“The perceptible reality with ‘whom’ I was together, or with a piece of existence that we were sharing, was creating or ‘painting’ a communication that is a togetherness and not an apartness. In my mind or in my heart-mind reality was a written something that was filling my-our existence. The piece of the awareness unit came from the coronavirus:

“We are not good or bad. We are neutral, because we are good-bad. It is the people that make us good and bad and with that they are defining us and our existence.

“My perception of ‘it’ was like a field of white light, like a soft fabric, like a gentle white towel, really undefined in its communication, reminding of sharing a reality.

“The coronavirus reality occasionally still ‘appears’ to me as if asking for understanding, help and confirming ‘friendship’ on some other dimension. I think its essence is deeply connected to the ‘total’ manifestation of life, nature and humanity. It is a server to the human life and to the ‘beyond life.’ To remember, biologically a virus can be life and can be no-life.

“I am still pondering about this encounter and trying to help ‘it’ and us to neutralize the unwilling impact ‘it’ generates. Inviting ‘it’ and urging ‘it’ to become neutral.”

Another radiant soul, a gardener whose loving interaction with plants produces amazing crops and flowers, described her experience:

“The first truth I heard was that it was created with ill intent by the Illuminati in this country [the United States] and then taken over to China. And early on its journey, all of our light and help from the Galactic Federation joined the virus and changed its trajectory from a lethal weapon meant to kill billions to, instead, a means to wake up the entire planet through a dismantling and reset process. And the virus has gone home having evolved in the process.”

Beloved family, be fearless and optimistic during this time of commotion and confusion. A peaceful, beauteous, healthy world is rising from the ashes of long ages of darkness. The world you are helping to manifest in your time is flourishing in the continuum—you and the light already are victorious.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com