Δευτέρα 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

Peace will eventually come to all people as the vibrations continue to rise

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 17 December 2021

Dear Friends. How quickly the year is passing, and it continues to be filled with problems as people wrestle with the changes that have been forced upon them. As you must realise by now, the Illuminati have been responsible for releasing the Covid virus. It is debatable as to whether it was deliberately released from the Wuhan Laboratories, but the source has been traced to them. If such rumors are true, it begs some explanation from Bill Gates who is alleged to have funded the virus that cost trillions of dollars. The prospects are that it may yet be another year before an end is seen to the pandemic.

One thing is certain as a result of peoples experiences, matters cannot ever return to what they were prior to Covid. In a strange way it has speeded up changes that were a long time coming, and destined to propel you into a New Age. However, before it can truly get underway there is much to do to restore some semblance of order and a coming together of those who hold the power. It is time to broker peace upon Earth and put down all weapons of war, as they will never again be allowed to be used for such purposes.

We are assuredly on the path to permanent world peace, but there will still be minor incidents within some countries that are still authoritarian. Peace will eventually come to all people as the vibrations continue to rise, and negative energies lose their power to prevent it.

Thank you all for your great support and my final word is to remind you of the need to keep focussed upon your goal.

I wish you all a happy and rewarding New Year for your contribution in spreading the Light.

After a year of so many ups and downs you will be pleased to know that the overall result is encouraging as in the long term you will see that the changes have been very beneficial. The intentions of the Illuminati were to create an epidemic of such proportions that only a manageable number would survive and be easier to control. They have gone to extreme lengths to stop you learning the truth about your gift of eternal life.

Realise that you are all great Beings of Light. However, the actions of the dark Ones are doomed to fail, and those of you who have kept focussed on the Light are well on the path to Ascension. They will do anything and everything possible to keep you from knowing the truth about yourselves. Some of you may not yet have awoken to it, but as time passes you will learn more and more about your destiny to become great Beings of Light, so much so that you would be looked upon as Gods.

Clearly you have a long way to go before you rise up to the higher levels of existence, but as you do so, the truth will be revealed to you. Do not belittle yourselves, and do not restrict your ambitions to become Beings of Light. It is your destiny and even if it seems improbable just now, be ambitious and do not limit yourself as in reality anything is possible. In the not too distant future you will create by the power of thought, but as a Being of Light your needs will be quite different to what they are now. Earth would be a much more beautiful planet but for the negligence of Man, who has totally disregarded the needs of Mother Earth and all of the various life forms that exist on her surface and below it.

You the people are so much more powerful than you are led to believe. As a collective you could together “move mountains” with your power of thought. You really do have such a potential as you will find out in due course. Fortunately, you have to show firstly that you have sufficiently evolved to be trusted with such powers and it will come as your vibrations rise up. Clearly, if there was no control of it, there would undoubtedly be some who would abuse them.

Now more than ever you are beginning to sense that you have a lot more to offer than you are led to believe. You have been deliberately held back, as once your consciousness grows, you will realise your true potential and reclaim your powers. Understand that in a Freewill Universe you have to make progress through your own efforts, although once you show such an intent, you will get guidance and help. Many, many advanced souls hold out their hands to help lift you up and are always with you as you experience duality. They have more than likely gone through what you are experiencing now, so are well equipped to give you advice.

You are at a turning point in your history and should never look back as those days in the lower vibrations are finished and have no further purpose. Use your energy to discover what has been hidden from you and held up your evolution. After all, your level of consciousness is still expanding, and there is much more around you that is going to increase your awareness and understanding.

In fact, you never stop learning and can you imagine what it means to be able to freely explore the Universe. You have old friends from eons of time ago who you will still recognise, as they can appear in a form known to you. Indeed, so many of your friends cheer you on to give encouragement and even a helping hand where it is permissible. It really is up to you as to how quickly you evolve, yet there is no pressure placed upon you, as you are allowed to evolve at whatever speed you choose. It is nice to end the year on a high note and disregard the negativity that will soon pass into the background. Try to let it pass you by and always look to your future that you are constantly building up through your positive thoughts and actions. It is not hard to do once you realise your true capability.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

This will be the last message for 2021, the next one will be on 7th January 2022.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Σάββατο 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

You are reaching the end of your journey in the lower vibrations

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 10 December 2021

The Pleiadians have undertaken to stop “horror and suffering” but not exactly when, but as we are preparing for an upliftment in the vibrations as part of our advancement, logically it cannot be very far away. Certainly the higher vibrations will overcome the negative energies to bring about harmony for all life forms. These will be necessary to get you onto the path that leads to fulfilment and Ascension. Much is lined up to be manifested as you rise up and experience an increase in your levels of consciousness. By comparison, the Pleiadians are already on a much higher level.

Now, they hope that you accept they have been your mentors having followed your progress for a very long time. You are reaching the end of your journey in the lower vibrations and they stand ready to help you to success, as you travel the path that releases you from the lower vibrations. What joy will abound when others know of your success, and it will be quite an occasion that will echo around the Universe. When you recognise the depth of your achievements, you will most likely be amazed to have come through your experiences unscathed.

You are being prepared to advance so quickly that you will develop skills and abilities that one would only expect from beings in the higher realms. Yet, it is every soul’s opportunity to rise up and leave the lower levels behind. Your experiences have given you the strength to overcome whatever challenges you are still to face, and we have no doubts whatsoever that you will stand tall and achieve success. Many races have gone before you and been successful, so we know that as you follow in their footsteps you too should also be as successful.

These are times when you must concentrate on your own needs, knowing that every soul is getting help and every opportunity to rise up into the higher realms. There has never been such a time to make major progress and maintain it, and it will lead to Ascension, and already some of you are beginning to understand the bigger picture, although without help it is difficult to see very far ahead. Understand that you came into this time frame because it was the most likely one to offer an opportunity to ascend. There has never been such an opportunity in this cycle previously and you are being given every help to ensure you succeed.

Many souls have worked hard to achieve success, and be assured that we give every encouragement to keep you on the right track. Things are pretty chaotic right now on Earth, but out of it shall come peaceful resolutions that will see the end to infighting and threats of war. We will have some input into such matters, as it is time to lay down your weapons. It may be hard going to get a worldwide agreement, but it has to start somewhere.

The more that people project an idea of world peace, the sooner it is likely to come about. It is the old maxim that things will get worse before they get better, but they must improve because you cannot go on forever in such chaos, and a way out must be found. It will help when you have leaders who are dedicated to bringing about world peace, and be assured they are waiting for their opportunity to take charge. It is what you might call a waiting game to seize the opportunity to take over when one arises. So, you will appreciate there is a plan to bring you peace and freedom and it will be played out and nothing will stop it manifesting.

The old ways of working do not cover your needs any longer and new ways are certain to be introduced. You already have people with the ability to bring the ideas to fruition, so it will not take too long before they commence to be introduced. Many of your younger generations are also here to take part using their higher knowledge. So, you can see that once the way is clear to go ahead, there is nothing to stop progress being made. Thinking back you will recall that Tesla had many new inventions patented, although some of his work was kept from the public by the dark Ones. The pinnacle of them was his demonstration of free energy, yet his knowledge was kept secret. Those with vested interests in keeping the “status quo” made sure that anything new that would affect their position and profit was shelved.

However, all secrets will be revealed in the course of time, and the benefits made available to all people, because you are in a new Age of Revelations. Those of you who are well advanced and pass on before the secrets can be revealed, will likely be reborn quickly and active in bringing the new into people’s lives. You could say that everything is on the horizon waiting for the right opportunity to be introduced. So, whatever happens, you can be assured that you will benefit from all of the new inventions that are being held back, that will be released in the near future.

One of the most important things to bear in mind is that there is only one Human Race and all souls are equal in the eyes of God. Indeed, all souls should be equal in your eyes, as no one is any better or worse than another. The confusion comes from seeing souls in their different roles and believing that is all they are. For growth in your evolution you try different beliefs and modes of life, so that you can understand what motivates people and it gives you a greater understanding. People seem to focus on the differences between them without appreciating what they have in common.

Dear Ones, once you break down the barriers between people, you will work in harmony and the world will be an altogether better place. All people seek a peaceful and fulfilling life, but that will not be achievable until all accept the differences that exist between you. Religion is often a subject that rouses people who believe they are the only ones to hold the truth. All religions have an element of it within them but not one is really superior to another. Let people practise their beliefs as long as they do not try to impose them upon you, as in time all of them will gravitate to the truth. With God inside, you can worship and pray in the privacy of your home, but there will still be people who like to get together and do it that way.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

The transition will be smooth and much to your liking

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 3 December 2021

You are in the storm before the calm and the cleansing will continue until the Earth has increased its vibrations, to allow many of you to advance your evolution in readiness to move into the 4th dimensional vibrations. You will be noted for your calmness in testing conditions and through your example many others will follow. It is your destiny and the old energies will be left behind. The level you reach will determine the future for you and you will most likely move to a planet that meets your needs to continue your present evolution. The transition will be smooth and much to your liking.

The energies around you are not static and keep moving to points that attract them. As you draw upon them, so you lift yourselves up and you will gradually progress to a level that is the limit of your evolution at this time. The lower energies will have disappeared and you will be in harmony with all that is around you. You will have become a powerful being attracting all that you need to survive and continue evolving. Such progress is inevitable and welcome, as it has lifted you up to never again have to spend a life in the lower vibrations. Life at these higher levels is so different to what you have been used to experiencing.

Our brief is to prepare you for your upliftment, in the course of which we will present ourselves to those who have achieved the higher levels of evolution. Providing you show determination and commitment to evolve, we will help you along that path. We are the Pleiadians and come to help you along to achieve your ambitions. There really is so much help around you that there is absolutely no reason why you should not achieve your aims. You will have done the hard bit by overcoming the antics and trickery the dark Ones have used to throw you off your spiritual path. You now have the benefit of experience through the lower vibrations that you have now overcome. You can offer a helping hand to others who are seeking the greater truths to help them keep on the evolutionary path.

The fact that your planet has been a “no go” zone is why many of you have concluded that there are no other life forms like yourselves in the Universe. Yet, in reality it is full of life mostly living underground for reasons of safety and protection, from the dark Ones and the elements. With the ability to build cities in that way gives the occupants a safe abode from all forms of interference. On your Moon, on what you call the dark side, there are numerous types of ET’s that live on the surface that have even built cities. Your governments are fully aware of them, but have been warned off from carrying out any form of interference. In fact, right now there are also some ET’s living deep within your Earth safe from interference.

The Universe is teeming with life and some are very keen to meet you, but presently held back from doing so. Life in the future will be an exciting time to meet other ET races all similar to you in appearance. Most have evolved far ahead of you and consequently have much to offer. They have been kept at bay to ensure that your experiences are completely of your own making, so that you can learn from them. However, it will not be too long before the first official contact takes place even though it may be a muted affair to gradually get you used to them being around.

The reason why big businesses are downsizing or collapsing is that they are no longer suitable for the period you are entering. Smaller units will be more practical and adequate and quite capable of meeting your needs. Such changes will come along quite naturally as more automation takes place and they cannot be stopped. Advancement has been held back for so long that moving into a new era has become something of an emergency. You should have been benefiting from them a long time ago and nothing can continue to hold them up.

Man has to accept that differences can be settled amicably and using force to obtain a result will no longer work, as will be realised very soon. We have previously told you that we would not allow nuclear weapons to be used any longer. We have the technology to even stop your artillery from functioning and we are authorised to do so if it becomes necessary. These actions can now be taken whereas previously we could not intervene and had to allow you to experience the outcome of them.

Be patient, as events may take some time to take place, but simply be aware that the light grows stronger at the end of the tunnel. Your future has been ordained and is committed to eventually bringing permanent peace on Earth. After all of the traumas and upsets of the last Solar Cycle, we are pleased to be part of your release from the action of the dark Ones who can no longer prevent you from rising up into the Light. Already you are feeling the benefit of the changes, so keep your eyes focussed on your goal, and be assured it will come to be. Take heart from the changes that are coming and the sooner matters settle down the quicker they will take place.

Your progress has been monitored by us for aeons of time and we are gratified that you have been successful in overcoming the attempts of the dark Ones to thwart your success. We are aware of the enormous troubles you have had to encounter to get this far and you are now to reap the rewards that you have earned. Without knowledge of what lays ahead, you cannot really grasp the wonderful changes that will take place, and they are not that far away. Expect everything to work out satisfactorily and your energy will be helping it to materialise.

We are right with you and never far away if you need help, so “speak” to us and we will take note. We are excited that soon we will be able to come out into the open and meet you, and believe us that many old acquaintances will be renewed and you will instantly be aware that they are old friends. Then you will recall who you were before you left the higher realms and had your memory blocked, so as to not interfere with your new experiences. Can you imagine the joy and happiness in meeting old friends and family once again?

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Κυριακή 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

Eventually all the poisons will disappear from the Earthly experience and there will only be Light!

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 1 December 2021

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As the year is nearing its end, many are wondering if traditional religious services and festivities with family and friends ever will be like they once were. Yes indeed, dear family, absolutely you will be able to enjoy all of this season’s celebrations without mandated restrictions and requirements, and, with recent developments, it could well be holidays in your new calendar year.

The very beginning of this strong possibility was almost 90 years ago, when God authorized some powerful civilizations to beam light to Gaia, so she could jar her planetary body loose from deep third density and embark upon an ascension course. It was her desire that her entire population advance spiritually and consciously, so they could go with her into higher astral planes.

Back then, most of her civilization were slumbering in what was familiar, but as volunteers from spiritually evolved worlds started incarnating on Earth, the light they radiated added to the light being beamed from afar stirred some people “to see the light” and awaken. As time passed, others did too, then more and more and still more.

But a goodly number of souls adamantly kept refusing the light. Gaia sadly concluded that she could not wait for them to give up their preference for darkness and, heartened by the millions upon millions who were embracing the light, she kept her pace steady toward her destination in high 5th density. As energy surges propelled the planet into successively higher planes, gradually the pace increased.

This brings us to your last two years. What happens on Earth affects the entire Universe, and what Gaia and her peoples around the world have been enduring has emanated low vibrations and adversely impacted other worlds. The Illuminati’s recent action was the last straw, so to say, and additional civilizations started beaming massive amounts of light to Earth, so everything can occur faster. Thus, karmic lesson completion, truths emerging, resolution of conflicts, corruption uprooted, and circumstances lining up like dominoes to remove all remnants of darkness are in high acceleration.

That many distant civilizations now are intervening in a process that will benefit them is neither self-serving nor denying Earth’s peoples the right to manifest the kind of world they want. It is God’s response to Gaia’s request for world transformation to come more swiftly, so her peoples can live freely, joyously, peacefully and harmoniously, be nourished in body, mind and spirit, and all their needs supplied in abundance. That is what her peoples want, too.

The in pouring of light will enlighten and embolden the masses who believed the blatant lies about the “pandemic.” They will start joining the people who are heeding the honest medical specialists and refusing to be vaccinated or wear immunity-weakening masks and they are protesting lockdowns. The loss of God-given and constitutional rights is nearing the boiling point, and what is upcoming can rightfully be called the peoples’ revolution against evil.

Since the Illuminati’s laboratory-made coronavirus failed to cause billions of deaths, they have been making fortunes from covid tests and solutions falsely called vaccines; and, aided and abetted by mainstream media, politicians and scientists in their ranks and those they control are claiming covid variants have become part of life, so even infants need to be vaccinated. However, their dark agenda always has called for much more than satisfying avarice and power over the populace, and recently they released another, stronger, lab-manipulated virus to do what the coronavirus didn’t.

Our September 2020 message includes information that virus transmitted to a highly evolved soul we know well. That dear soul shared with us the following message she received from the new virus:

November 8, 2021

“Hello. Thank you for speaking to me today. I have been waiting for you, as the call was sent out for this conversation. It's an important one.

“You were told that I am here now, released this season as the next in the line, a virus created again in the image of darkness. Even more so, as the dark forces are desperate to keep their control. They want to keep their domination of the planet and its people intact. I was created to go deep in the dark. To wound, to kill, to snuff out much of humanity.

“But, yet again, this will not come to pass. The Light has infiltrated their plan once more, the same as what happened with the other virus strains. As the Waves of Light poured into my dark blueprints, I was lightened, changed, alchemized. I am still quite intense for some people and still sending some home, if it's part of their life plan to leave, but not the mass of people I was created to kill. I have a different purpose and energy signature now.

“And I am different from the other viruses, as I have been released at a very different time on the planet compared to when they were released. The energy is so different now compared to only a few years ago. There is more Light and more people carrying that Light, and my job will be different, as it will be more about awakening.

“I will be cleansing bodies and fields of their old patterns, wiping the slate clean, so they can become new. Not an easy process, and oh, the human body of some will indeed suffer through the power-wash I deliver; yet others will experience a lighter dose of cleansing through my touch. And then, there will be those dear souls who choose to leave their bodies behind. However, even in their leaving, they will become more Light. All is by agreement.

“The ones who stay and run the course of my illness, those folks will never be the same. Their evolution will be served as they dance in more Light! And oh, the dark ones don't like this at all. Not one bit do they like this! Their dark plan has been changed once more by the Light. And even more so, because through me these humans are changed. Cleared of the old, they will wear a corona of Light! An initiation. A path to a higher truth. Though it's certainly not an easy time for the initiates, as my energy can feel so heavy, but certainly not the dark plan seeded on the Earth. It will not bear the fruit it was intended to do. Those poisonous plans will not come to fruition. Eventually all the poisons will disappear from the Earthly experience and there will only be Light!

“Thank you for listening to me today. Have heart that no matter what you see rolling out this season, things are not as they seem. But of course, you know that. And whenever you hear of someone who has invited me in and they are struggling, send them Light. Send them Love. And send them rainbows. They and I will evolve with the Light that you send. It is so needed. It is always needed, especially now in the midst of this World Initiation. Thank you for your Lightwork, and I will now bid you adieu.”

Once again a virus has been infused with the capacity to doom dark intentions and assist Earth’s humankind’s evolution.

Knowing their latest attempt at mass depopulation has been another failure, the Illuminati are desperate. They also are tenacious. Most likely they will order their minions to create chaos geographically and economically everywhere they can, and your new year will be strikingly active, as the recent intensification of light undergirds the efforts of courageous leaders to end dark control of your world. By being calm, confident and cheerful, you will uplift and enlighten persons who don’t know that what appear to be dire situations are reasons for great optimism.

It is not only their recent failure that is causing the dark ones’ desperation. Those who caused the “pandemic” or committed other crimes against humanity are being arrested and, on the basis of irrefutable evidence presented at trials, found guilty in your justice systems. Some have been executed, others will be and some will spend the rest of their life in prison. These procedures will continue until all such criminals around the globe have been brought to justice.

The universal law of physics that pertains to justice is lifeprint reviews in a spirit world. Those are like life-long movies wherein the individual feels exactly what was felt by everyone whose life he or she affected, and for the aforementioned individuals, that punishment will be much, much harsher than any penalty your verdict-givers mete out.

Now let us return to the spirit of this season of gift-giving and celebrations, and let us gift you with gentle reminders for joyously celebrating life:

Let love be your foundation. This starts with loving self, having self-respect, self-worth and self-confidence.

Be fearless—there is nothing to fear!

Live in harmony with all of Nature.

Visualizing Earth immersed in golden-white light fills you with light as you send it throughout your world, and the light in a genuine smile has incalculable ripple effects.

Recognize and feel grateful for the blessings in your life.

Trust and heed your soul’s messages to your consciousness—conscience, intuition, instinct, inspiration and aspirations.

Time in solitude and silence nourishes the soul. So do animal companions, laughter, soothing music and light-hearted entertainment.

Do not judge others—you don’t know your own soul contract, much less anyone else’s.

Be forgiving. Persons you feel have done you wrong may have helped you advance in soul growth. Forgive yourself, too—if an apology to someone is in order, offer it and release the low vibrations of guilt.

Cherish beautiful memories and let go of those that are hurtful.

Divest yourself of trivial matters and direct your energy into avenues that will help you along the path to self-discovery.

Words have vibrations—choose your words carefully, respectfully, kindly.

BE what you want in your life and your world: love, joy, kindness, compassion, respectfulness, generosity, helpfulness, honesty, forgiveness and gratitude.

The sum of those reminders is Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and Live from your heart. As God said, “Absorbing light is as simple as Be kind” and “The heart is the seat of the soul”

Beloved brothers and sisters, you volunteered for one of this universe’s most vital missions—saving the souls of Earth’s civilization. Enter your new year with the joy of knowing “Mission accomplished!” In the continuum, the peoples are flourishing in Earth’s Golden Age.

All Light Beings in this Universe honor and support you with the unequalled power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Τρίτη 30 Νοεμβρίου 2021

You are assured of a safe experience leading to Ascension

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 26 November 2021

As you progress through the weeks and months so there will be more revelations to advance your understanding of the truth. You have previously been given a minimum of information, but you are now more advanced and ready to learn some greater truths. Many of you have grasped the fact that your souls are eternal and realise that you must have had many, many lives. It will undoubtedly surprise you to know that any incarnation can be “called” back as a live person that you could speak with. For example, it could open up a lot of possibilities that allow for the truth as history to be verified. The examples are endless, like being able to speak with family members that had already passed on before you were born.

After having been isolated on Earth to some extent, it will be exciting to be able to converse with other “off planet” Beings either directly or through the power of thought. The possibilities are endless and will open up a new phase including family and friends regardless of how far away they may exist from you. However, there is always a word of caution before you are let loose, which is why it must be safe for you, as there are still negative entities in your solar system. Bear in mind that we are looking into the future, and matters will first have to improve upon Earth before these changes can come into being.

Now that you are gradually lifting up, the future looks very exciting and understand that as time passes you will be preparing yourselves for a great leap forward. In reality only a small number of souls are sufficiently advanced to be ready to ascend, but it is never too late to aim for the highest level possible. Meantime, you can help others by setting a good example by being in harmony with all other souls. It is a state of mind that allows you to keep calm regardless of whatever is happening around you, and even directed towards you. You may find that you have to walk away from such situations rather than engage in disputes that can often lead to negative exchanges.

There is nothing like actual experience to test your ability to keep calm in all circumstances. Any doubts will soon be overcome and when you can handle negativity, you will be surprised how easy it is. By now, you possibly realise the need to keep control of your emotions and how much better you feel as a result. Getting annoyed or worse losing your temper upsets your body functions that take some time before they settle down again. In the worst scenario you may also become ill, which is why it is a good idea to leave before things get out of hand. It is continually testing your resolve to keep control of your feelings, and the more you can do so, the easier it will gradually become.

Dear Ones, nothing would give us more joy than seeing you overcome any changes in your resolve to keep a peaceful countenance in all situations. It clearly helps if you can avoid situations where you may be subjected to abuse or even worse by physical harm. We will be with you, but there is a limit to what we are allowed to do to physically help you. There are some situations where we are unable to intervene, but we are never far away, and you may at times feel you are alone fighting the odds against you. Sometimes you must make your own way forward, when we know you have the ability to control your own future.

Because you are entering a new phase in your evolution, where the greater truths are starting to be revealed, we ask you to keep an open mind so that you can adapt to the changes. It is best that you release your old beliefs where possible, so as to allow for an expansion of your understanding. The old beliefs were limited to keep them in line with your ability to absorb and use the information. Now it is time to learn some of the greater truths about life and the world around you. The illusion that you were the one of the only life forms in your Solar System has been broken. When you bring peace to the Earth, the floodgates will open and many of your off world friends will be free to visit you.

From time to time, there have been isolated visits from other civilisations, but these have been closely monitored and controlled. It was important that your experiences were not disturbed by outer happenings. You had lessons to learn and it was important that you were not distracted. Your experiences have been controlled, but at the same time your freewill has still been observed. You have often appealed for outside help little realising that we have always been on hand to do whatever was permissible.

The real you is a much more advanced soul than you might imagine, for purposes of ensuring you get the necessary experiences to evolve each life is carefully planned to ensure the most successful outcome. As individuals, it is your Guides who ensure you follow your life plan as far as possible. Although it may not seem possible, every life is set for certain experiences including any karma that needs clearing, although many souls have already done so. It is all down to the individual's needs and some no longer need to experience karma as such.

No soul is left behind, because there is no deadline as such to achieve Ascension, and as now there are times when the circumstances are more favourable. Your brothers and sisters such as the Pleiadians have closely followed your evolution and as we have mentioned recently, are present in your solar system to help you through the End Times of the last Solar Cycle. You are continually helped in far more ways than you are aware of, which is why you are still alive today and have avoided an early demise. For example, we took steps to prevent a third World War that would have destroyed the Earth.

However, you are assured of a safe experience leading to Ascension and as always we at our higher level will ensure it is so. Attempts by the dark Ones to destroy the Earth have been to no avail and they will answer for the evil they have been responsible for.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Δευτέρα 29 Νοεμβρίου 2021


By Remez Sasson

This word has a beautiful sound. Repeat it aloud several times: "Success, success, success..." Now, what has happened? Depending on your mental and emotional make, and on the mood of the moment, there are two possibilities. You may become inspired, happy and elated, or despondent, unhappy and with feeling self-pity. You may start telling yourself how miserable you are, and that success is not for you.

It may sound strange, but thoughts about success can evoke negative feelings. People who entertained negative thoughts and feelings most of their lives, expect failure and do not feel worthy of success. If they have experienced lack and failure, they may believe that success is not intended for them. In this case everything connected with success may evoke negative feelings. BUT IT NEED NOT BE SO. YOU HAVE THE ABILITY AND POWER TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Moods have much to do with how we feel towards life. They come and go during the day. They are like the influence of the wind on a flag. Now it is fluttering this way, a moment later, in a different direction. What about developing the ability to control the wind, so you can decide in which direction the flag should turn?

When your thoughts and moods are under your control, then to a large measure, your life is also under your control. You become the deciding factor, not your moods or outside influences. In order to navigate your life, concentration and will power need to be developed.

Concentration and will power are the steering wheel, with which you can navigate the boat of your life towards material success, and towards peace of mind.

Why is it that people desire success? There is a desire for growth in each one of us. It is the cosmic desire for expression. It manifests itself in every form of life. We even see it in a blade of grass, whose desire to grow is so strong, that it may grow through a crack in the pavement or on the wall. This is a desire for growth, expression, action, and in human beings it manifests also as the desire for reward for something well done.

We can describe success as plans, desires or intentions, whether material or spiritual, which were actualized in a favourable way. They may bring satisfaction and happiness. I say 'may bring’ for two reasons. The project or goal may succeed, but it may not bring any happiness. Sometimes we pursue ambitions and desires, which if we cared to analyze before starting to manifest, we might have come to the conclusion that we do not really want them.

The second reason is that there are people who are always unsatisfied and worried. Even when they get their desires fulfilled they stay unhappy. They seem unable to enjoy the glorious moment of success.

The best attitude is to think and analyze each ambition and desire before starting to realize it, and then, when achieved, enjoy the happiness of success. Thoughts, attitudes and habits can be changed. I know it to be a fact. Entertaining only positive thoughts and feelings make you happier and more receptive to success. Being positive bestows the ability to enjoy the glorious moments of success.

Take it as a challenge, and become committed to be conscious of your thoughts and feelings. When negative thoughts enter your mind replace them with positive ones. Make it as a sort of a game. If you are sincere in your efforts, after a while you will surely notice the change in you, and in the attitude of people towards you.This of course will have its effect on your environment and your success.

Article written by Remez Sasson

Success Consciousness – Attaining Spiritual and Material Success.


Σάββατο 27 Νοεμβρίου 2021

The higher vibrations will lift you to a new level

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 19 November 2021

The future is an open book and there are so many opportunities coming up to satisfy everyone, so set yourself on a course that achieves your ambition. Good things are coming and waiting to be activated to open up a new vista that will give you a new perspective of life. So look on the bright side knowing that your future is assured that will bring you much happiness. The dark Ones will have been left behind finding the higher vibrations beyond their reach. The turmoil that you are in at present will reach a point when all will settle down to give you the start of a peaceful period. So as you look into the future be positive and help the better times to become an opportunity to manifest. Clearly there is much to sort out before things can settle down, but it will come because it is your destiny.

We say again that as you think so you are helping create your own future, so see it as peaceful as you can imagine. The negative influences are slowly losing their power and no longer control Man’s future. So shake off the negative energies and only think and act in a positive manner. You will find it rewarding and even exciting as you will see the bright future coming into view. Many who have already passed on will start coming back very soon and grow up with the new energies. They will have bodies that do not succumb to illness and stay healthy all of the time. Also, as we told you recently, they will be born with all of the abilities and skills they had previously. You will now understand that the higher vibrations will lift you to a new level.

Already you have noted that there is a more helpful approach where many are concerned. There is a more friendly approach to each other and help given where it is needed, and so it will continue and we look to those in power to organise it. You are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of God and in essence capable of being loving and caring Beings. You are all One and colour and creed count for little in the higher dimensions. You name it and you have been it through your many, many lives as you have evolved.

Dear Ones, can you not feel the Oneness of all life forms and accept that all life comes from the One Source you call God? You have periodically been called back to the Godhead only to be sent out aging to experience further, and so it continues in the great Solar Cycles. How crazy it must seem that Man fights with his brothers and sisters often to the extent of death. Man draws lines between others simply because they are outwardly different, not realising that in essence all souls are equal and the same. All playing a part in the great drama of Human life to the best of their ability to live as One. Well many souls have awoken to their true selves and go forward to the time of Ascension and find themselves as a Higher Being.

It is very difficult to find adequate words that can describe the peace and beauty that you will finally experience, but your intuition will sense the changes that will take place. Heaven on Earth may spark your imagination, but even so the sheer beauty of the higher levels has to be experienced to be believed. How can you describe colours outside of your spectrum, it is nigh impossible as it would the unending natural beauty of nature. You are used to plants dying off even after one summer, but imagine those that never stop blooming. You haven’t really lived yet, but through your experiences have learned to appreciate the experience that you have had.

In actual fact, over the course of your many lives you have acquired much through your experiences. Believe us, it does take quite some time for a new soul to Earth to get used to living in such an environment. Imagine the contrast from living in virtually a totally different life because of the temperature changes. Then again there is the lifestyle from one continent to another, it can be quite challenging. However, you would never be put into a situation that was totally alien to you. Certainly the experiences you gain hold you in good stead for greater challenges, as you progress to a point where you will have learned the lessons they have given you.

You have a plethora of experience that helps you take on more challenging life plans and often to guide others along a path that helps them evolve. Holding out a helping hand is instinctive with humans who are basically very friendly towards their fellow travellers. After all, you are on the same path and have the same goal in mind, even if you do not realise it. Evolution is ongoing and accordingly your life path may change according to your needs. Choice does come into it and before you incarnate your needs are discussed, so as to give you an experience that furthers your advancement.

The time has come to reflect on what you want out of life, because your actions will speak louder than words. You are projecting an energy that creates a path ahead of you and attracts what is needed for it to become your reality. It is being careful what you wish for, as few realise the power of the spoken word. It does not take much to imagine what you are creating for yourself with negative thoughts. After all these also attract similar energies to you, so be careful as to how you express your thoughts.

We have often pressed home the need to express yourself in a positive manner by using “I am” rather than “I wish”. For example, you may say “I am happy”, in which case you will attract more of it to yourself that is clearly desirable. Try to be positive about your needs. Then allow the energy to respond in its own way. Unlike the past, the present time is of a higher vibration, and responds more easily to your positive vibrations. By looking ahead and preparing yourself for a gradual upliftment in your vibrations, you will be assured of staying on your chosen path. Clearly, each soul that is ready should create their path to Ascension, and take this wonderful opportunity to evolve beyond the lower vibrations, never again to have to face them. It is a state of mind and not nearly as hard to maintain as you might imagine.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Κυριακή 14 Νοεμβρίου 2021

You have earned the right to move into the higher realms

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 12 November 2021

As each year passes, so the vibrations increase a little more helping souls on the path of light to evolve easier than any earlier occasion. The upliftment gives much encouragement and is just reward for the effort you have put in. The truth is the more you get used to it, the easier it becomes and there is no holding you back. There is no reason why a soul who chooses to receive messages should not be successful. It is a matter of having the confidence to do it and not be too self-critical.

Many of you have talents that you are unaware of and you will know when you are being called upon to use them. Normally you bring them with you from one life to the next, but they may seem new to you. Intuitively you should know what may be possible, particularly when it comes to what you would call pastimes or hobbies. Most things are intended to be part of your life, but not necessarily of great importance. However, whatever it may be, you will be guided to ensure you get the best results. Be assured that you will be given the talents or skills you need to make a success of your life. More often than not, you will join a family who can pass on their talents to you.

At present, the future is wide open to possibilities as many new technologies are coming into being that are all part of the upliftment needed to enter the New Age. In anticipation, many souls have already been born to Earth. Everything is carefully planned to give you the tools you need to fulfil your life plan. Freewill still remains and most souls intuitively know what they are born to do and many are at a very young age already talking about what they came to do. There is no doubt that many of the souls born today are already focussed upon what they want to do when they grow up. In general terms, there are guides that control who incarnates and when, according to the type of soul needed to bring about progress upon Earth.

Things are reaching a point when the New Age must be seen to take off, and attention given to the climate changes that are proving to be real and coming about at a faster rate than anticipated. With some people there is a reluctance to accept that there is an urgent need to deal with the likely outcome, but as time passes, the need for action becomes more pressing. Why wait until the problem becomes urgent, because if it is left, it is likely to be more costly and difficult to control. You will leave it too late at your peril and the people will never forgive you.

We have said it before and say again that it is important to listen to the younger generations who see a clearer picture of what needs to be done. It is also their future that is at stake more so than the older generations. It is no wonder that their voices are getting louder and louder. They see what is looming closer and closer and how more urgent matters are becoming. Get the bigger countries to lead the way and by example make the right decisions that will encourage others to follow their example. Otherwise, the world will do too little too late to avoid a catastrophe. Paying lip service to the problem helps no one and instead action is required without delay.

Understand that your ET friends are willing to help, but first you must show you are prepared to take action without delay. It will be to your benefit in the long run and we will offer our assistance when required. We say again that any effort you put in now will be well rewarded, as you have yet to see a glimpse of the future for Mankind. It will bear no resemblance to the last Age, as you will be taking a great leap forward. You have earned the right to move into the higher realms, where all will seem like perfection compared to your previous experiences. You cannot imagine how much will change for the better and be without the perpetual interference of the dark Ones.

Once you have dealt with the virus, a New Era can commence that will take you to the time of Ascension. You will never return to the actions of the dark Ones who will by then have moved onto a different path to answer for their continual assault upon the Human Race. Although you now still have work to do to rid yourselves of their attempts to hold you back, their supporters still represent a threat to you. However, you are on a path that will bring you success and nothing can prevent it.

Light workers have achieved remarkable success in bringing sufficient Light to the Earth, to weaken the effect of actions taken against them to hold back their evolution. The dark Ones will, so to say, fight to the last man, but it will be to no avail, as the battle has already been won. Their last attempt to eradicate most of the Earth’s population has failed, although they have still caused the death of thousands of people. They will not suffer as a result and will become aware that their experience was part of their life plan.

Understand that in the long run you now have everything to gain, as from here on you will notice that matters are taking you in a direction that will lift you up. There is however something of a clearing up to take place, so that a new path can be taken. You have the promise of better things to come and already the signs of change are indicating a better future. For so long you have toiled hard to overcome the endless challenges, but soon you will see a more peaceful time approaching. Nothing can stop the changes for the better and the Forces of Light will ensure the right outcome.

It is time to put the past behind you, as the last Age has served its purpose, and you have come through it successfully. One day you will learn what a tremendous achievement it was to overcome the darkness and attempts to prevent you from being successful. Even those souls who wait on the other side of the veil to meet you again, know of your success and eagerly wait to celebrate your amazing achievements. You have beaten the odds that feared you would lose out to the dark Ones, and you do not yet realise what a magnificent victory you achieved.

There is so much to do to put right what has been destroyed and help Mother Gaia to clear the remains of many, many years of destruction and spoiling of your Earth. Help is at hand and be assured that you will not be left alone to make good the damage. There is of course the heavy pollution of the seas and we will help to carry out the marathon task of restoring them to their pristine condition.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τετάρτη 10 Νοεμβρίου 2021

In the future, reincarnation will become unnecessary, as you will come and go at will

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 5 November 2021

The changes are taking place that will speed up your experience so that life becomes easier. Most of you accept that you reincarnate upon Earth many, many times as you experience in a variety of different roles that further your evolution. All is carefully planned to give you every opportunity to continue evolving with the ultimate goal of Ascension in mind. You may not be aware that since you have passed the marker you will carry all knowledge with you, to be available for when you reincarnate. Previously you would have had no remembrance of an earlier life. Many aspects of your life will be different and to your liking, making it easier for you.

*In general terms the new energies are revealing that which was hidden, so be assured that which has been secret will be revealed in the course of time, because it is a period of cleansing to bring out the truth of what has been taking place and hidden from view. It is the normal outcome to ensure that people become aware of what has been taking place in the past. Any criminal activity will also be brought to the surface for all to view and already the culprits are fleeing to avoid justice. However, be assured in reality there is nowhere they can hide to avoid answering for their acts against Humanity.

Dear Ones, you are recognising changes taking place, and anticipating more because at your level you recognise that you have only a limited time to take actions that will hold off the increases in temperature that are predicted. To ignore the evidence will be failing Humanity who will pay the price of insufficient action being taken. There may seem to be no real emergency, but the changes are now speeding beyond what was anticipated. Awaken too late and you will have an impossible task on your hands. Show real intent to get to grips with the problem and we will be able to give you a hand.

The list of priorities is long and if the promises to really get to grips with the problems are upheld, you will start a sequence of events that will awaken people into action. Yet again it is the younger generation that understand the urgency of the matters and demand action. We do not wish to scare you, but there is always a time when such things call for an urgent response. There are also many beneficial changes to come as all is not bad news, but it is the timing of your response that is pressing before matters get out of hand.

On a brighter note more souls are awakening to the greater picture, and realise that it is within your power to bring about a collective response to Mother Earth’s needs. With or without you the changes will have to be addressed, and we wait to see what we hope will be positive action. The people have power in numbers and slowly but surely more are becoming aware of the threat to your civilisation. It is a matter of getting your priorities right and dealing with the more immediate threats.

Beyond your immediate problems is a path to a wonderful future of which you have little idea and it comes with the upliftment of the vibrations. It is beginning to happen now and there are the first signs of a more peaceful era beginning to commence, that will continue to raise the vibrations until complete peace is brought about. All of your efforts to change things for the better will be well worthwhile and we are of course looking well ahead and in that time many of you will have reincarnated again upon Earth. However, in the future, reincarnation will become unnecessary, as you will come and go at will. Life will be quite different to what you experience now and much more acceptable and rewarding. You will travel far and wide unlike you present restricted experiences. You are by nature a wanderer and will always feel the urge to travel the Universe. When you do, you will have much to offer those you meet, as you will have become a Master.

You wonder why you cannot recall your earlier experiences, but when incarnate they are held back, so as to allow you to experience without such influences affecting your actions. It is far better this way, as you would be distracted from your present life plan, when it is best that you fully concentrate on the present. You could say that you have been given the tools that you need to be successful, and certainly help is all around you to ensure you follow your dedicated path. The dark Ones try to distract you and hold up your progress, but if you are focussed to reach your goal, nothing will be able to stop you reaching it. Keep your physical body fully protected and mentally see the protective energies completely enclosing it.

When you are told that you are not your physical body it means that you can leave it and experience outside of it. For example, when you are asleep your soul leaves it whilst still attached by the silver cord that ensures wherever you are it stretches and keeps that link you need. However, at death the silver cord is broken and you are totally disconnected. Some souls move to just above the physical body whilst asleep, and will remain there until they awaken with no knowledge of it. Yet, those souls who are aware leave it to visit what you call the Summerland where they meet family or friends. Few remember such meetings, but may nevertheless sense that something took place whilst they were asleep without being able to bring it to mind.

Out of the body experiences are quite common and you can be forced out of the body by accident, or whilst having an operation when the soul has frequently found itself watching it take place. Such experiences are not uncommon and verified by those carrying out the operation. In a similar way, a soul has been seen leaving the body upon the event of their death. It is only in recent times that such happenings are generally reported, because there was previously a reluctance to do so, possibly for fear of being ridiculed.

Life continues to throw up evidence of odd happenings that can often be attributed to those souls that are permanently out of the body. It explains the movement of objects that no one can account for and even the appearance of those that were thought to have been permanently lost. Also as previously mentioned, spiritual Beings can often be present at healing sessions which they oversee, or actually take part in. Spirit are always ready to give help in perhaps more ways than Man is aware of at present.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Σάββατο 6 Νοεμβρίου 2021

Creator has decreed that the free will of the dark forces no longer will be permitted to override the free will choices of the light beings!

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 1 November 2021

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us address concerns about ingredients in the solution falsely called vaccines that are causing most deaths officially attributed to the virus. First, if you loved any of those dear souls, let it be a measure of comfort to know that most transitioned to spirit life because they had completed chosen karmic experiencing, and, at soul level, others chose the option to leave and complete remaining lessons in Nirvana. Each person whose physical lifetime ends from any cause is lovingly greeted and given personalized care until wellbeing in mind, body and spirit is restored. Then they begin an active life in that wondrous world of love, diversity and illumination, from whence they are guiding everyone with whom they’re bonded in love.

Now then, if employment, school attendance or travel is requiring you to be vaccinated and exclusions are not accepted, please do not worry. Gaia’s desire for her humankind to be healthy is being honored. Immune systems and cellular restructuring from carbon to crystal are being fortified by increased light as more and more civilizations are aiding Earth’s peoples in this respect. Your worst enemy is fear—don’t let its low vibrations interfere with absorbing the light being beamed to you in ever greater abundance.

We don’t know when this “pandemic” scourge will run out its energetic course, but what we do know in addition to light intensification will let you feel greatly encouraged. Because puppets of the darkness are violating Creator’s cosmic law by denying instead of honoring others’ free will choices about vaccination, some in peak ranks of the Illuminati have been taken off the planet by one means or another and others are soon to meet that fate, some who are aware of this are taking their own lives, and many in lower ranks are abandoning the sinking ship.

Please give no energy in thoughts or feelings to any dire-sounding information about AI, 5G or any other plans based in dark intention—none of those will come to fruition! Dear ones, live in your heart space—God said, “The heart is the seat of the soul”—and continue embracing the light to bring ever closer the day when you will live freely as the multidimensional, divine sovereign beings you are!*

Please ask Matthew why Earth was chosen as the battleground between light and dark forces. He said the light already won. If that is true, why then is the darkness still able to control our lives?” Since antiquity the planet has been one of countless sites of spiritual warfare between the light and dark forces. Destroying life in numerous sinister ways has long been apparent in your world, but this universal battle is not for bodies, it is for souls—bodies are temporary, souls are eternal. That is why capturing souls is the quest of the dark forces and light forces use the far greater power of love to prevent it. And, absolutely the light has won the battle! This is true not only for Earth—civilizations throughout the universe are being liberated from the dark forces’ ages-old reign.

You do know this at soul level, but the importance of knowing it consciously cannot be overstated. A message I gave my mother in 1995, when I was still living in Nirvana, “has all the dots,” if you will, of information offered in many subsequent messages. At that time, a quarter century past in your linear time, communication between Nirvana and Earth was being heavily assaulted by the dark forces, and “we” in the message is the hundred souls whose collective energy safely secured my transmission.

Mother, we greet you this morning with MOMENTOUS news! Creator has decreed that the free will of the dark forces no longer will be permitted to override the free will choices of the light beings! The willful destructiveness within the darkness that has prevailed through the gift of free will is coming to an end!***We have just learned of this victory for the light from sources who have visited realms at the highest point available to any soul with the power to ascend to that height and return to this level. The news come from a series of such messengers, all totally trusted within the light and at such high grace and station that their integrity and enlightenment cannot be in doubt.

Creator's decree is not because the forces of light are dimmer or weaker than the forces of darkness. Light always shall be stronger in total, and ultimately light shall prevail completely. Always the individuality of each light being has been and ever more shall be held sacred and inviolate, with the free will choices of each soul separately registered and honored.

With the dark forces, it has been different always. The free will of a person drawn into fascination with the darkness has been added to the power of the darkness by the design of its masters. No longer have that person's choices been individual, because his or her free will has been gathered into the total armament of the darkness and become a part of its grand deception.

These combined free will choices of the dark forces have been their strength. Evidence of the effects of that strength is the negativity that has been building so long on Earth. The magnitude of that combined strength is far greater in intensity than the choices of each individual light being, thus the forces of darkness have been able to continue proliferating negativity and prevailing over the free will choices of individual light beings.

Only by the withdrawal of free will from the apex of the darkness can the free will of all other souls be honored, and that is what Creator via God is now instituting within this universe. The battle no longer will be lopsided, with a massive dark force of captive beings acting in unison to conquer the individual beings of light.

The decree's most profound effect on Earth is this: The cleansing to rid your planet of the accumulated negativity will continue, but it can be far less in scope and intensity, far less in damage and physical death than formerly required! It is far more likely now that there will be several years of releasing kinetic energy without the cataclysmic force that would have been necessary prior to the decree from Creator.

When the cleansing activity began in earnest, about half a century ago, great intensity was building within Earth and very close to her surface. That was the work of the darkness, which had gathered itself into a tightly knit force. The same light energy being beamed toward the planet to effect the essential human cellular restructuring also was needed to battle those dark forces, as the very heart and soul of Earth was at stake.

The heavy presence of darkness and the critical engagement of the light forces in opposition were jeopardizing the cellular restructuring process. That is why it has gone on for several decades. The process, which is done at soul and cellular levels, where the patterning is known and agreed upon, could have been completed within a twinkling of your eye. Instead, the ongoing battle between light and dark not only has prevented that swift cellular change, but also has been causing the tremendous pressures within the planet and on the surface.

If light forces had not been present throughout that time, the consciousness of Earth's people—and perhaps even the planet’s consciousness itself, which also has free will—could have been severely compromised in vision through free will choices made in the climate of prevailing negativity. Without the light in constant opposition, those dark forces could have successfully waged this campaign and ended the struggle for domination long ago. The civilization would have capitulated and the darkness would be in total control now.

With thanks to the light forces, that is not the case! However, even though the darkness is being withdrawn in its ultimate hold, billions of other sources of negativity—thought forms and energy arising from intent, actions and feelings—still need to be diminished through the work of the light. The pressures of negativity that have been building for thousands of years still must be relieved by dissipation of the kinetic energy already at work. While the process will not result in the devastation previously considered necessary, still there will be upheavals and planetary changes as the kinetic energy is released. The soul-level rejoicing in this realm will be assisting Earth during the remaining cleansing activity.

The light forces that had been battling so long and so valiantly entirely within the mind and spirit of God and Creator has in recent times attracted assistance from many distant sources. Yes, Mother, they are the benevolent and highly evolved civilizations whose representatives you have met via their cogent messages to Earth's people.

Matthew, your news about Creator's decree and the decreased need for devastating cleansing activity is—well, beyond my ability to express. I'm wondering if the formal presentations by all those powerful light beings will have as much value now as previously, though.

ABSOLUTELY, Mother! For decades those entities have been helping to save the very life and breath of Earth! The planet's stability in orbit and composition throughout the past 50-year struggle has been due largely to the magnitude of their energy assistance, yet their invaluable aid has been almost totally unrecognized by Earth's people.

In recent times, their focus and presence has been required in far greater measure than previously, as it has been clearly known to the dark forces at the top most pocket of the universe that Earth is a prize about to be won or lost, and they, too, are increasing their pressure.

While these light entities' steadfast assistance under the formerly envisioned drastic cleansing conditions may not be needed in the actual measure they willingly offered, their willingness is what is vital. Their willingness in past and ongoing assistance has helped to preserve the life of Earth, and their willingness to stick it out until your planet is healthy once again is paramount in the times to come.

Absolutely their messages are of the same critical value as before Creator's decree! Perhaps even more so. There is no less need for their help now than when it was originally presented and enacted, but it is devoutly wished that henceforth their assistance will be met with Earth peoples' cooperation in openness and love. Their messages will help to engender this type of welcoming, appreciation and open cooperation. The great changes will not allow the millions of innocents to be captured by darkness, nevertheless souls still have their individual journeys through their karmic lessons. Only by journeying in knowledge and respect of universal brotherhood, only in awareness of the interconnectedness of all God's creations, can souls grow toward the light. That passageway to reintegration with Creator is as essential now as at any time in Earth's existence!

Yes, I can see now that their messages are just as vital as they were before the decree. Besides the reduced need for destructive cleansing activity, what is in store for us?

The duality within each soul, which is the personal struggle for balance, and the bipolar existence of Earth, which is a planetary phenomenon, will be unfolding the lighted truth. Therein is the balance that is the essential ingredient to reintegration with God and Creator. But please do not expect a miraculous overnight achievement, Mother. Rather, it will be an unfolding of the powers of the light, which will be reinforced throughout the years in which the changes will be occurring.

Of its own volition, light is all encompassing, unfolding, empowering. Those who choose the light do so in total awareness that their individuality always prevails amidst the desired unity within the love and free will from top to bottom of the light hierarchy.

That is not true of darkness! That is based upon delusion, deception and mastery at the top and mental and spiritual enslavement thereafter. So the souls who have been trapped in darkness must outgrow the inclinations that led them to it and were perpetuated by their captivity. Those individuals can act only within their own understanding of strength and power, and their free will choices must be honored, even while still tending toward that dark direction.

They will awaken eventually. Spiritual clarity will return to them, which in itself is light-filling, and it will overcome the spaces of darkness. Even in deep pockets, that darkness will be dislodged. But again, please do not expect this to unfold immediately, as not all individuals' free will choices may be in that spiritual growth path.

Nothing happens anywhere on Earth that does not affect the universe, and planet-wide remedial efforts are needed in abundance! The deprived people, who number in the billions, are the most innocent, the most needy, and the most forgotten. Not all of them chose karmic learning in such abject poverty, hardships, pain, and hopelessness. Their suffering has been caused by the decisions of the few government or business leaders totally captivated by the puppet masters, and therefore free will has not been prevailing among those innocents.

That control will be released from those leaders, but who can say whether the light being beamed at them will be accepted or rejected? Remember, the free will that is being withdrawn at the apex of the darkness DOES remain at the individual level. It cannot be denied to the few who are causing misery for the masses. Their decisions still must be honored throughout the time required for their re-emergence into the light. However, the light being beamed at them can penetrate more clearly without the constant over-influence of the darkness master. Also, they cannot band together as formerly, and that fragmentation alone will have wonderful growth effects for the lighted beings. Additionally, through divine grace, the accumulation of karma incurred by the deprived masses can be used to offset the aggregate darkness in its most stubborn pockets.

According to reports reaching us, many changes will come about in government and other structures for functioning within an orderly civilization. This is necessary for the preservation of humankind and the planet. At one time those systems were based in honor and integrity, and there can be the return to that status. It will be a time-consuming procedure, as this will be voted upon and opposed for a time, but eventually the light will prevail in such intensity that the darkness simply cannot exist in power.

According to the reports, your monetary systems will change. Since hardships are presented continually due to money, it should come as a relief that in your not-too-distant future, money will not be needed at all. Not need, but greed has created the money flow and the entire economic system of Earth. With its core of darkness, that system cannot stand the coming of greater and greater light. It will be replaced with a system that is of light quality devised by hearts and minds based in the light.

There will be an exchange for a while of services, goods and assistance one to another, and the light that will be pervasive by then will negate the need for the economic accounting principles existing now. Only cooperation and solicitation for the good of all will be the basis for commerce.

Mind control, which holds captive all puppets of the masters of darkness, will be reduced in corresponding measure to the reduction of that hold from the top. As souls begin to see that their individuality is as powerful as their unity was within the darkness, mind control will be lessened. Individuals will realize the restoration of their free will and they can withdraw voluntarily from the darkness. Again, the effects will linger, as will the effects of all other insidious measures designed for controlling people within ignorance, deception, fear and misery.

Conscience is being given fortification, as the unity within darkness permitted almost no conscience to function, so the flexibility of this energy layer of the soul is being returned to individuals.

All negativity will diminish as the source of it is removed and the power of negative energy attachments dissipates. Although the negativity has been building for thousands of your calendar years, the lessening effects can be achieved within just a few years, we are told.

Mother, let your spirit be lifted in continual rejoicing at the forthcoming changes due to Creator's decree! The light that will radiate in greater and greater glory will embrace you in love and enlightenment during whatever spiritual and physical journey awaits you and Earth!

Beloved sisters and brothers, you don’t remember that you knew all of that when you volunteered to incarnate on Earth to help Gaia’s humankind awaken. Now you know the light you have been radiating to her civilization has been soul-saving!

All light beings throughout this universe honor you for undertaking this vital mission and have supported you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love every step along your oft difficult pathway.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com