Δευτέρα 29 Μαρτίου 2021

Liberation is coming from the heavens

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 26 March 2021

I feel that this message from Nikola Tesla should be circulated as far as possible as it is very uplifting and welcome at a time when the people on Earth are experiencing very hard times and much confusion. The future looks uncertain and the negative forces are still very much active, but hope is restored when we receive a message from such a reliable source as the higher dimensions. Over a period of time, we have received many prophecies of the good times to come but none have been as detailed as this one. It proves that Humanity’s future is assured and that many souls of the higher Forces of Light oversee our progress and will ensure our success. So, I am pleased to have this opportunity to pass the complete message on to you all.

Out of the chaos will come the opportunity to re-access what we want out of life and bring in changes that will be beneficial to everyone. There is certain to be more cooperation between countries and changes in leadership, so that the “right” people can take over where necessary and work for the whole family of Earth rather than individual countries. For too long the poorer nations have been left to flounder and although given support it has not proved sufficient for their needs.

There is but one Human Race and we are all brothers and sisters and equal in the eyes of God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Nikola Tesla via Erena Velazquez, March 18, 2021.

Good Morning America and the World.

I am Nikola Tesla and I am glad to be here today and speak to all of you. It has been a while since I left this dimension about 78 years ago. I was called an electrical and mechanical engineer during my life on earth [but] I viewed myself more as an inventor. I was fortunate and blessed to live a long human life, to the age 86. During my time [on earth], I was a very busy man who kept creating new inventions. Some of them were burned in the fire in my lab’ in 1895 (which was set [on fire] on purpose by the ‘negative side’) and others were hidden from humanity after my departure. They will do anything to stop or slow-down progress and evolution of human civilisation.

My discoveries could make this part of the galaxy very modern and advanced like making any flying object extremely fast. Everyone by now would have their own spacecraft to travel in, you would be able to keep the weather in balance and safe for everyone, free energy would be used everywhere on earth for different things and you would be able to protect yourselves from unwelcome guests from other galaxies, etc. These technologies, instead of helping to improve your lives now, are collecting dust on the shelves. The controllers of this planet don’t want anyone to benefit from them and they want this world to keep using primitive science and machinery.

During my life here, I was having visions that led me to [create] many inventions. It was said [of] me that I had a mental disease, just to cover up the real truth about it, why I had them. I was receiving information from the universal consciousness, to which we are all connected. Soon, all of the hidden innovations made by others and [myself] are going to see the light [of day] and will serve humanity. This world will be free and will be using clean energy, water and food, with no more pollution. The dark-side goal was always to control and not allow any positive development around the globe that [could] lead them to [losing] their power over mankind.

The point I want to make [is] that throughout [history], we inventors or pioneers always struggled emotionally and financially because the negative ones suppressed everything that [could] be beneficial [to] the people. It serves their dark agenda to keep away technology that can help you to see the light and awaken everyone. Back in those days, when I was here, I was trying to convince investors like J.P. Morgan to try to use and experiment with my discoveries like wireless energy. Believe me, it was very challenging during those times to get [the] money needed to experiment and develop your inventions.

The times all of you are living [in] are momentous and incredible, because of the upcoming transformation that is on the way to a new phase in the history of this planet. Finally, the oppression by the ‘dark’ is going to vanish like it [had] never existed. Peace and freedom are going to be the only atmosphere on Mother Earth. Human beings will be pleasantly surprised by how quickly their life is going to change, just in a short period of time, with amazing and futuristic gadgets, devices, new types of transportation, etc., [made] by many unique creators, including me in that group. Every part and function in your society is going to be modernised and all of the negative things will be either healed, or completely removed from your daily lives.

The advanced technology is going to simplify your life and bring joy. No more doing [the] thousands [of] tasks every day that everyone does. Your time will be spent more on productive and creative assignments, instead of wasting time on meaninglessness and boring things. I am very happy that I am participating in your Ascension from the other side of the veil as a messenger and observer. The timing is pre-planned by the Divine Forces, so the process is happening behind closed doors.

Very soon, the public is going to witness with their own eyes what changes are taking place in this reality. All of the lies and deception are going to disappear like water that evaporates during hot temperatures. Your patience will be rewarded for waiting so long for your freedom. [Many all around the world have suffered greatly] and liberation is coming from the heavens, from the Father, Galactics, Ascended Masters, etc.

I am so happy for you and I am celebrating the upcoming victory for humankind. Be determined in anything you do and please, don’t forget we are all One.


I am sending my blessings and light to everyone.

Thank you. Nikola Tesla.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Σάββατο 20 Μαρτίου 2021

Your bodies will change because of the higher vibrations

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 19 March 2021

In a way, time is standing still and unable to progress until action is taken to finally curtail the power of the dark Ones, to a point where they can no longer interfere with the planned changes leading to freedom from their cynical and evil plan to control and reduce the world’s population. The audacious plan has only been possible through their infiltration and control in so many areas of business and politics; you could say in many instances it has only been possible through coercion, blackmail and even murder. Clearly, it cannot and will not be allowed to achieve its aims and it will be upheld by those who are your unseen and often unknown protectors from the higher levels. It has been a long and arduous journey that must soon come to an end, so that the New Age can truly commence.

Over a long period of years, you have all had many incarnations, and as your vibrations have increased, you have also expanded your level of consciousness. It has given you a wider degree of perception regarding matters taking place around you, and you now understand what was previously beyond your comprehension, as you are not so easily taken in by the lies circulated by the dark Ones. By Universal Law, they have to make known their activities in advance, thus giving those of the Light an opportunity to prepare for their actions. It is not always taken very seriously, but it is their intent to reveal their plans. We can assure you that in the past the Beings of Light have on many occasions when they have assisted you or intervened on your behalf. However, there is a limit as to how far the dark Ones can go with their intentions to hold humanity back.

In the present period you are in, there is little you can do to help the Forces of Light except to keep focussed on your goal, thereby keeping your vibrations as high as possible. For eons of time, it has been difficult beyond words to avoid being distracted by outer events as life has been very precarious, and at times with little or no time for personal development. Now you have more time for yourself, and reams of information is available that will cover your present needs. No one who truly seeks information that expresses the truth of your history and your future opportunities will lack for help and guidance enabling them to progress more quickly. Indeed, there are more helpers at this time than any earlier period who are keen and able to assist you. Some of you are potential Masters and your spiritual path will reflect the opportunities you seek to understand and develop the higher frequencies.

Your development is all about personal growth and although you may not recognise it, your life plan is specifically planned to ensure you are successful. It is quite normal for ascended beings to give of themselves by helping lesser beings. So, you can be sure that you will never go wanting, but remember to ask for what you need and on most occasions you will get what you need. Need is the operative word, as there is no sense or purpose in desiring things that are not going to advance you along your spiritual path. However, since you are in a new period, you are more likely to receive whatever you require as long as it furthers your evolution. As you evolve, so you get more freedom where personal matters are concerned, but even so your Guides will assist you in your choices. Be assured that everyone except the dark Ones wishes to see you being successful, whilst they will do everything possible to stop you.

Over a long period of time, you have been given insights into the future that awaits you and it has guided people onto a path that is informative and inspiring. Without our efforts to point you in the right direction, you may well have wasted your life with little progress. Whereas you have intuitively realised the direction to take, it may seem that you have ample time to rise up, but there is much work to do to step out of the old ways of doing things. You must now think big as visions of the future will become your reality in next to no time. Of course, it will be with our help, but the first moves must come from yourselves, as we must respect your freewill choice. Futuristic films have fed your imagination quite intentionally and yesterday’s science fiction has become tomorrow’s reality. Advances have enabled the impossible to become a realistic potential for the immediate future.

However, you must put things into order first and set up a scenario that is the foundation for all that is to come. Once you have achieved it, then things will really start moving on much quicker. As you have been informed many times, the Light has won the battle for you, although there are still problems to overcome. At least, you are aware that whatever effort you put in will be rewarded. The mess you are in at present will be overcome and of course it has to be as you are destined to be ready for greater achievements that will bring in new innovations that will build on those that are already in use. Your health is top of the list unlike earlier times when it has been sadly neglected, but in time of course your bodies will change because of the higher vibrations, there will come a point when you move beyond illness and similar problems to enjoy perfect health.

Can you imagine what it will be like to breathe unpolluted air and wherever you walk the ground is fresh and free from chemicals. Where trees and other plants grow to their intended size and those with flowers are a picture of beauty and have a wondrous perfume that fills the air. Where the waterways of the world are clean because it will come in due time. There are few places at present where the sea is unpolluted and sea life is unaffected by disease. With help an almost impossible task to clean up your seaways can be achieved quite quickly. Even now, the worst affects are cleared away without your knowledge and it is up to you to maintain them. In a clean and healthy environment everything benefits no more than Man himself. We see your future clearly defined and encourage you to help it manifest by looking after Mother Earth.

Overcome your despair at the problems the lockdowns have caused as the end is in sight. For various reasons, there are inevitable problems arising as a result, but humans are noted for their resolute intentions to overcome even the greatest problems. Pulling together will help, so put aside petty differences and be sure that a joint effort will produce much quicker results. Could it be that Mankind will at last realise that cooperation is the quickest way to success.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τετάρτη 17 Μαρτίου 2021

To seek a deeper meaning in life is a task that each human needs to address.

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 30 January 2021

We are on the edge! Humanity’s awakening is imminent! The time of chaos and confusion is drawing to a close; even though it may well appear that the chance of new conflicts arising in many places is intensifying. As this happens, much collective karma is arising to be released, hence the chaos and confusion. Do not be anxious, the Divine Plan is flowing perfectly and smoothly just as Mother/Father/God intends, it is just not fully apparent to you, because the veil that the illusion formed between you and Reality is still in place. As this veil fades from your minds, dissolves, or disintegrates, as it will as you move into wakefulness, you will become increasingly aware that you have just not been able to see the illusion for what it really is . . . illusory, purely due to this illusory veil!

As your knowingness expands, you will come to a true awareness of the fact that you are One, that you are Love, that there is no separation, one from another, or of you from Source. Many of you have accepted on an intellectual level that this is true, now you will begin to feel it in your hearts; in fact, many of you are already beginning to feel and know this truth. This knowing will confirm for you what you have accepted intellectually, that you are, and always have been in every moment of your eternal existence, uninterruptedly and inseparably in the Divine Presence. It truly is very simple, and it is your re-knowing of this that will bring into your awareness the joy in which you have always existed.

As children you played games with other children, sometimes they were very enjoyable and you did not want to stop, and at other times they were not fun, perhaps because others were teasing or bullying you and thereby interrupting or destroying your enjoyment. As you moved into adolescence the kind of games you chose to play changed, and they did again as you moved into adulthood. Adulthood could seem to be either a blessing or a curse as, when playing adult games, you found yourselves having to become increasingly responsible for your thoughts, words, and actions, which others were always happy to draw to your attention any time you attempted not to be responsible for them. Accepting personal responsibility for your lives is perhaps the most difficult part of becoming adult, and many find themselves unable to take this major step into maturity and wisdom, choosing instead, when things go wrong, to blame them on others or on circumstances that were beyond their control.

Being a human in form means that you are limited in many ways by the very fact of your physical nature. To grow up, from the first moments in-utero, through infancy, childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood, is to learn and deal with the limitations of that state. As children, when you first begin to reason, you tend to see adults as very wise and powerful beings. Then, as your reasoning abilities develop, you begin to realize that you too will eventually become adults and that your parents are not as wise as you had thought, and so you start to look forward to the assumed state of independence that you will achieve on becoming adult.

But often, due to childhood experiences or traumas, you develop a sense that you are not good enough, clever enough, strong enough, beautiful or handsome enough, as you observe others whom you perceive as better than you in these areas. This then makes it very difficult for you to develop a strong sense of self-acceptance. Many thus have an inner sense that they are just children in adult bodies, and that although they are fully developed physically they feel that they are not really adults, and they find themselves feeling threatened and fearful in this adult world, a state of being which they had hoped would bring them a great sense of freedom and independence.

This sense of inadequacy is especially widespread among those who live in the more technically advanced areas of the world. People there feel an intense need to present themselves as everything they inwardly feel that they are not – competent human adults living wisely and honestly – and often find themselves in competitive struggles to prove to others, and of course to themselves, that they are as good as or better than their peers. If this way of living seems to bring them an acceptable level of success, they will likely achieve a reasonable sense of self-acceptance, and the stress of feeling ‘less than’ will diminish.

However, true self-acceptance comes not from winning or forging ahead in competitive encounters with others, but from coming to the realization that the state of being human imposes limitations upon you that you can work with or fight against, and doing the former – accepting the actuality of this – leads to a more peaceful state of mind, as the previous constant stream of negative ‘what if?’ thoughts reduces considerably. In this natural and far more relaxed state of human existence a person will find themselves seeking a deeper meaning to life than is available when life appears to be a constant and ongoing struggle to pay the bills and hold your relationships – with your partner, family, children, or workplace associates – together.

To seek a deeper meaning in life is a task that each human needs to address. Some become aware in infancy that something is missing in their lives as humans, others do not become aware until well into adulthood. However, because of the plans you designed for yourselves before incarnating, there are certain lessons that you need to learn before that awakening process, that search for a deeper meaning in your lives can commence. But, whenever a person does become aware, and all will at some stage become aware – even if they refuse to acknowledge this to themselves – it is always at precisely the right time for that individual. You all have your own unique paths to follow that will lead you Home to Reality.

Those of you reading this, or other loving messages from those on your support teams in the spiritual realms, are already seeking and finding that deeper meaning. The most wonderful aspect of this is that however deep you go there is always further to go, more to encourage you forward, as more peace and joy emanates in your lives. As this continues, you will find that more and more people are drawn to you due to the love and peace that flows through your energy fields like a magnetic sphere of influence that extends and shares the magnetism of Love.

And of course, this is why you are incarnate in this moment of humanity’s awakening, because you are each absolutely essential aspects of the human awakening process. You are each assisting others, others of whom you may be totally unaware, to become aware that there is a far deeper meaning to life than they had ever previously conceived of. Your presence in their lives, either momentarily or long-term, consciously or unconsciously, is encouraging them to seek out this meaning within themselves, where it has always been, awaiting their choice, as they allow themselves to become aware of it, to allow it to arise into their conscious awareness to uplift and inspire them.

An amazing and most wonderful miracle is happening within the human collective right now, a miracle that has been divinely planned since the beginning of time, since the moment when the experience of separation occurred, and this miracle is humanity’s collective awakening to the realization, understanding, and knowing that there is only LOVE, and that nothing more is needed or is possible. Therefore, as I have counselled you previously, CELEBRATE! To celebrate further intensifies each individual’s energy field, further integrating it into the energy field of the One, the Divine Field of LOVE that is All That Exists.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Σάββατο 13 Μαρτίου 2021

Peace and happiness in a free world is on the horizon

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 12 March 2021

At last events appear to have reached a point where it seems possible for a major event to take place, it could be just weeks away, but the timing must be absolutely correct as so much is at stake. It will certainly not be broadcast in advance, as it would give the dark Ones warning of a long established plan to make their supporters answer for their crimes against humanity. Such action would be the forerunner of many changes to restore freedom and the right to be allowed a peaceful life without fear and threats of violence. For too long mankind has been controlled and continually involved in wars or threats of wars, that have been instigated by those whose agenda was for total world control and a major reduction in the population.

To many of you such claims may sound preposterous and that is because the dark Ones have been clever at hiding their activities. Although they have been bound by Galactic Law to make known their intentions, those with the power to respond to them have not taken sufficient action that could have thwarted their plans. However, matters have taken a turn for the better and the Forces of Light now have the upper hand. It is only a matter of time before you shall become aware of what has been going on. If you wonder why the dark Ones have been allowed to reach such a point that the world has been under threat, it is because the “game” has to be played according to Universal Laws that revolve around not coming into conflict with "your rights to exercise freewill”.

Out of the chaos will come some massive changes all for the good, although it may take some time before you see an obvious plan in them. Your freedom will be returned to safely release all that is unsuitable for the New Age that promises much that will ensure a happy acceptable existence. Naturally, the inequality of life that presently exists will be gradually changed, so that all will enjoy a happy one in the prosperous times that lay ahead. We tell you these things so that you know your present suffering and the poverty many are experiencing will end. Understand that all souls are equal and that their roles on Earth are to gain the experience they need to evolve to a spiritual level, where the vibrations are much higher and where the negative Ones and their energies cannot exist.

You must have wondered at times what life was about and its purpose and hopefully it will now have become clearer to you. Unlike the last Age that finished in 2012, you have since been given more freedom to decide your future and are laying down a pathway of opportunity that will reflect your desires. It will also be a time when your Galactic friends can come closer and help with your progress. Know that they are all of a similar form to you and some are almost identical. There are also robotic types that are normally used as workers in the same way as you have developed, but they are not recognisable as the human form. Automation has come a long way since you first developed it and compared to the potential that exists, you have so to say only scratched the surface. All will come in good time and as you become prepared, ideas for your future will be given to those amongst you who have the ability to develop them.

The wait and see period continues as matters start coming to a head, and most certainly most of you will be surprised when you realise what has been taking place behind the scenes. We expect some major announcements in the very near future that will explain what has been taking place largely without your knowledge, although some of you have suspected what is behind all of the activity in the USA. In this present period where most people are housebound or very limited in their movements, it is an ideal time for moves to be made to curtail or stop the dark Ones from escaping justice. There are moves to take them into custody and face trials for their crimes against humanity. However, it would not be the first time that proposals for such action have been held back, but it is inevitable and plans are so advanced there is no doubt that they will go ahead very soon.

After many, many years of planning, the final days of the dark Ones are drawing near, but no doubt as is their nature, they will fight to the bitter end. They are not noted for “coming quietly” and to say the least there are many scuffles or worse to be expected. As we have mentioned, it is while the present conditions are ideal to make arrests by giving them little chance of escaping. As you might imagine, it will be a mammoth task to carry out, but in numbers the Forces of Light are in a superior position. There is unlikely to be another opportunity like the present time, so you can be sure that making the best of it is under consideration, so do not be surprised if action suddenly starts unexpectedly.

Everyone who is of the Light can help future events, and be the maximum help by thinking positively and sending Light and Love to those souls who are in the front line and acting in the name of peace and justice. There are clearly great risks involved to life and limb when confrontation takes place, but be assured that they do receive love and protection. Those of the light act to the universal rules of engagement whilst the dark Ones will use every trick they know to avoid arrest. It will however be to no avail as the odds are now against them as far superior forces are on the side of Light.

Remember that the power of Light is formidable and will repel and destroy the lower energies. It can be used by anyone who is a Light worker, and providing it is focussed and directed in a positive manner, it will help overcome the dark Ones. You have come so close to being the prisoners of them, not imprisoned behind bars, but under their control, but they have failed in the final stages of their planned takeover of the Earth and her population. The Forces of Light were never going to allow them their final success, but it has been quite a battle to save Humanity from their heinous plans. People will be shocked to learn the truth, because humanity could have been almost completely decimated. Have no fear, the danger has now been passed and peace and happiness in a free world is on the horizon. Be patient and do not lose hope as everything is destined to ensure you benefit from the changes that will at last bring you all that you ever wished for and much more.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τρίτη 9 Μαρτίου 2021

Words can hardly describe the wonderful times ahead of you

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 5 March 2021

There is so much taking place that you are unaware of which is why when a major announcement is made about it, it will go worldwide. At the appropriate time you will be told why certain action has been taken, and the explanations will be received with both shock and surprise. Unbeknown to most people there has been a major battle taking place between the dark Ones and the Light for millennia of time. It is drawing to a conclusion and as a result many changes will take place to release you from the false position you have been placed in for so long.

Many, many people have been involved in negative activities that have threatened the very fabric of society and kept mankind captive in false circumstances. The truth of your history must now come out, and it is a feature of the New Age that all shall be revealed as soon as it is safe to do so. If you know you are of the Light, you may already be aware that providing you maintain your level of vibration, you are certain to ascend. Whilst there is no urgency to reach the higher levels, the sooner the better to ensure you are safe from the interference of the dark Ones. They will go to extreme lengths to stop you from being successful.

Mankind has come a long way since the last cycle began, and has progressed in spite of the many obstacles placed on its path. In the circumstances, it is a great achievement to have evolved, since many souls have achieved it against such immense odds when it was not expected. Those of you who have succeeded deserve all the plaudits you get and you are a shining example to others who follow in your footsteps. You took on a tough challenge without knowing about your true selves and have excelled in what was often a hostile existence. We admire your tenacity and strong intent to find your way through the jungle created by the dark Ones and you have done it in excellent style by overcoming the negativity all around you.

The negativity still exists, even though the main instigators have lost a lot of their power and influence. At present, you are on the crest of a wave that will carry you all of the way to the finishing line, when there shall be great celebrations. It is a “once in a lifetime” achievement, because you were ready to pass the marker. Now you are on the way to a level where only the Light exists although some time will elapse before you reach the final stages, you are destined to do so. These are times when you can concentrate on your own needs and we encourage you to do so. Be assured that all souls will be looked after, as their future is planned according to their needs. No soul is considered as any less than another, it is simply an acknowledgement of their present place on the ladder of evolution.

Nothing can now interfere with your progress to Ascension, and the opportunity has been well earned through many incarnations and challenges that have been placed before you. It is why you are so near to openly meeting your mentors who are equally pleased that the opportunity has a last arrived. Every life you have spent in the lower vibrations has given you a wide range of experience that will hold you in good stead for the future. You are near to becoming the Masters that you really are and assured of a return to that high level of vibration, in what you call the 5th dimension. Words can hardly describe the wonderful times ahead of you and not least of all being able to progress without interference.

We know it is difficult to find the words that describe the coming changes, but we can hardly talk about it without conveying a sense of peace and happiness. You have lived many lives of poverty and depravation, horror and shock, yet you have stood firm and still recovered much to our delight. Not all souls have managed to rise up, but they will succeed eventually and will be assisted all of the way, as no one is left to flounder – even the lowest of the low. It may at times seem to you that there is discrimination, but know that karma is at play and some souls have brought hard lessons upon themselves that have to be cleared. There is no such thing as punishment, merely making good your mistakes by learning from them.

With the coming of Ascension, we know that the question that often arises in your minds is what happens to your possessions and without them what can you expect. You will not be surprised to know that everything you need will be provided and you will want for absolutely nothing at all. Much of what you have now will not serve any purpose in a higher vibration, after all you will be living a happy and much more relaxed life that will be so different to what you have been used to. Your power of thought will be sufficient for you to “think” things into being to provide for your needs. There will no longer be a need for factories or similar facilities and you can be assured of an all-round healthy and happy living. The need to work will virtually disappear and you have already touched upon the idea of using robotic beings for this purpose.

Have patience as the future unfolds, as you commence to take new paths to the New Age. You cannot have everything at once, but slowly but surely, you will change over from your antiquated way of living to a modern Age. Keep all of this in mind, as sweeping changes come about, because in the long run it is all for your benefit. With the experience that your Space friends bring, they will help you and make short work of things that could take you many years. The truth is that the dark Ones have kept advances for themselves, thus denying you the chance to evolve at a much faster rate. However, you will be helped to make up for lost time and once the changes commence will go speeding ahead.

At present, you are still in a turmoil over Covid19, but it has made you look seriously at how you should continue your lives, once you can recommence them and return to normal. There is much resistance to change from those who have dominated your lives, but it will not prevent the inevitable, as you cannot go back to how it was previously, because much is unsuitable for the changes that are coming. You cannot hold back progress and no doubt very few of you will want to cling onto the old, when you understand the advantages of the coming changes. They will cause hardship for some of you, but in the long run all will work out very satisfactory and to your liking.

This message comes through my Higher Self, my Godself that all of you also have as Beings of Light.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Παρασκευή 5 Μαρτίου 2021

Everything in your world is happening in what rightfully can be called Divine Order

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 2 March 2021

Divine plan for Earth; US government reformation, G/NESARA; reason for political emphasis; power of love; free will; honoring Gaia’s choices; adjusting to higher planes of energy; discerning true or false information

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin by saying that everything in your world is happening in what rightfully can be called Divine Order. The plan to transform life on Earth did not originate only two decades ago with the US legislation called NESARA, or a decade before that, with the global peace movement known as Harmonic Convergence. Indeed, those were grand milestones to celebrate, but the plan to restore the planet to its Eden self—a beauteous pristine world where all life forms live together peacefully and joyously—came into being untold millennia ago, when God inspired the Highest Universal Council to undertake that divine mission when the time was right.

After darkness arrived on the planet, long before it was called Earth, it became one of the Universe’s most proficient schoolhouses for souls that wanted to evolve out of third density’s limitations. Consequently, for eons the karmic merry-go-round went around and around, and the negativity that kept amassing was draining the planet’s very life. Gaia, the soul that embodied as the planet, despaired and cried out for help. With love and caring, powerful civilizations responded by beaming life-saving light and many of their members, like you, started incarnating there to help Gaia’s peoples awaken and shake free of domination by darkness. The ages-old Divine Plan was unfolding.

And that brings us to what is happening in your world right now and what is on the very near horizon. International efforts to destroy the entire Illuminati network are continuing apace, and, while it may not appear that anything significant has occurred since the light forces in the United States veered from Plan A, action on many fronts has been rapidly moving forward on the course that averted a potential national disaster.

It is likely—let us say unavoidable—that a period of unrest will follow public acknowledgement that the country’s government is being reformed. As stated in our last message, that must precede implementation of G/NESARA’s other provisions, which will benevolently impact life worldwide, and the changeover in governance is the primary thrust of Light Forces in that country. Although the Act is a straightforward piece of legislation, its essence is spiritual; its purpose is ending the long reign of darkness on Earth.

We know how eager you are for that day to come and you would like to know when it will. If we knew, it would be our joy to tell you, but we don’t know. The success of this monumental undertaking is absolutely clear in Earth’s energy field of potential—and it is fait accompli in the continuum—but there are no absolute timelines. The energy of billions of thoughts, feelings and actions constantly is darting into the field, a reflection of all activity on the planet, and something that seems probable in one moment may be scarcely possible the next. What we can tell you is, despite the zigzagging of countless energy streamers and entangled clusters of streamers, ever-intensifying light is moving the entire cleansing process closer to its victorious outcome.

Dear brothers and sisters, your patience has been sorely tried while you have waited for irrefutable evidence of major change for the better, and during that time you have endured hardships and overcome obstacles. Your spiritual strength, resilience and soul-level knowingness that have enabled you to persevere will see you through rough patches of confusion and resistance shortly ahead. Be fearless and confident—you know the light already has won!

We have been asked why, since we have said in several messages that we are apolitical, we have talked so much about politics. Because that is where the world’s collective consciousness has been focused. A civilization is tied to its systems of governance, and Earth’s peoples have been rising up against the systems, tyrannical and dynastic rule and corrupted democracies alike.

When governments retain control by perpetuating fear, deception, warring, impoverishment and divisiveness, it is not a political matter. It is darkness vs light, wrong vs right, captivity vs freedom, evil vs godliness. It is the absence of love. Love is the only power that engenders advancement in spiritual and conscious awareness, peacefulness, joyousness, health and prosperity for all, and for long ages a loveless world was the lot of Earth’s humankind. The light you radiate has been an invaluable contribution to transmuting the longstanding low vibrations of oppression, bloodshed, and unjustness into the high vibrations of love and enlightenment in alignment with souls’ divine sovereignty. All Light Beings in this Universe honor your steadfastness in this vital service to family on Earth.

We also have been asked to step up and stop the severe hardships the “pandemic” is causing throughout your world. Dear ones, we cannot do that. By Creator’s law, God and all souls in this universe must honor others’ free will choices. Souls steeped in darkness scoff at that law, and regardless of how ungodly their use of free will may be, neither God nor light warriors can prohibit it.

The only exception to that cosmic law also comes from Creator—it could come from no other source—and it permits intervention to prevent the success of a free will action. Civilizations with the technology to prevent the detonation of nuclear warheads in space are authorized to do so, and they have done this for you more than a dozen times. Other than that, no soul or civilization can interfere with any individual’s or civilization’s use of free will.

None of us could stop the dark ones from releasing a laboratory-manipulated virus that was intended to cause a massive death toll, but just as Creator made an exception to Its law of non-interference, there is another side here, too—allowance to comply with Gaia’s free will choices. She did not want billions of her human residents to be killed by that scourge or its so-called vaccination solution, and she did not want her populace to become enslaved by programmed materials in the inoculation solutions. She does want her peoples to know the truth about everything related to the “pandemic.”

Thus, scientists in extraterrestrial special forces were permitted to substantially decrease the potency of the virus and the vaccines and eliminate the programming. Other lightworkers in medical fields are warning about the dangers of vaccines and the adverse effects on body, mind and spirit by wearing masks, staying isolated, school and business closures, and negative covid tests for permission to travel. People around the world are making free will choices to rebel against those requirements, and their numbers are growing by leaps and bounds.

Throughout this unprecedented time in this universe, many powerful civilizations have been honoring Gaia’s choices in ways her peoples cannot. First and foremost was answering her cry for help by infusing light to stabilize Earth’s axis and prevent the planet from hurtling into space and certain destruction. The continued beaming of light and the light radiated by lightworkers is undergirding all activities and programs based in goodness. It could be said, that is interfering with what dark hearts and minds chose, and it is. However, not only has light always been more powerful than darkness, but providing it with ever-greater intensity is honoring Gaia’s choice that her body and its inhabitants become free of darkness in all its forms.

None of us may stop the dark ones from poisoning your atmosphere and waters to cause mass illness and death. Gaia didn’t want her life forms to be subjected to a deadly environment, and civilizations with the capability to reduce the pollutants’ toxicity have been doing that for decades. There can be no interference when dark ones hide truths and disseminate lies, but in accordance with Gaia’s choice, messengers from the light are sending forth truths about Earth’s history and ongoing liberation. And, in ever greater numbers, people are being led to this information.

Now then, some of you have written about the difficulty of adjusting to the energy planes Earth enters along her Ascension pathway. Others write that it’s stressful trying to discern what information is true and what is not. So, let us restate what has been offered in previous messages.

Temporary reactions to new energy levels may include fatigue, weakness, cramping, dizziness, nausea, headaches and aching joints. Be mindful that those also can be symptoms of illness, and if conditions are prolonged or worsen, it is wise to consult a healthcare provider, preferably one who treats holistically.

To alleviate the aforementioned symptoms, sleep as much as you can and drink a great deal of water. Eat fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes, foods that contain the most light—the more light bodies absorb, the more easily they adjust to energy surges. If your diet is not vegetarian or vegan, eat less meat, and forego all foods fertilized or processed with chemicals—they are injurious to bodies’ chemistry.

Health in body cannot be separated from health in mind and spirit, and for the past year you have been dealing with undue mental and emotional pressures caused by the “pandemic.” Don’t resort to antidepressants or pep pills—they are chemicals that exacerbate dis-ease by interfering with bodies’ self-healing mechanisms. And, perhaps even more than heretofore, restorative time is important. Take time for solitude, so your energy isn’t affected by the energy of others, and be out with Nature as often as you can. Do yoga or other exercises, meditate, listen to soothing music, read poetry and light-hearted stories, watch amusing films or illuminating documentaries, and let the artistry in your soul be expressed in whatever form inspires you. Smiling is the simplest tonic to uplift spirits, helping those in need has the same effect, and animal companions can be your best helpers.

Especially when information is conflicting, and so much of it is, seek answers within—always truth is known at soul level. It reaches consciousness as you breathe deeply, exhale slowly, gently clear away thoughts and let images or words come that indicate whether the information in question is true or false. Or sensations may flow into your heart space—as God said, “The heart is the seat of the soul.” If the sensation is a delicate lifting motion or unusual lightness, very likely the information is truthful. If you feel resistance, perhaps a slight tugging or a hardening feeling, very likely the information is false.

The energy of curiosity has much less strength than the energy of information important for you to know, and only the latter reaches consciousness by the ways just mentioned. And, a closed mind will accept only information that fits what is believed—we are not speaking about values or principles that are part of the soul’s guidance system, but only the means whereby truth can be distinguished from falsehood.

Beloved family, it is natural to forget a great deal of what you have read or heard throughout your years, and for quite some time you have been engulfed in information overload. But do please always keep in mind that all Light Beings in this Universe are supporting you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love every step of your Earth journey.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com