Σάββατο 29 Μαΐου 2021

The potential is undoubtedly far greater than you could presently imagine

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 21 May 2021

We see you rather confused and worried about events on Earth that every now and again take a turn for the worse. Be assured that what you are seeing is the final outworking of old ways of dealing with each other. There is less enthusiasm or support for them and there will be no place for them in the coming higher vibrations. How many more times will you try to settle your differences by using force, when diplomacy, common sense and a desire to create a peaceful dialogue would result in a peaceful solution. The people tire of violence being used to settle differences and are rising up in anger at their leaders, who seem unable or unwilling to seek answers that bring peace. Eventually, common sense will prevail, but how many more unnecessary deaths will occur before peaceful negotiations take place with the necessary “give and take” that will enable success without bloodshed. Peace will come and not a single drop of blood need be spilt in the process.

The biggest change you will experience is when compassion takes a prominent place in your life. With it comes caring for all life that is seen as precious and a gift from The Creator. For centuries, Man has fought battles with those considered to be his enemies, and very few attempts have been made to understand the meaning of their differences. Now there is a movement growing that has become tired of the destruction and loss of life, and is beginning to protest loudly to encourage people to sit down with each other and talk peace. Why does it have to be that way when an end to war is inevitable and could have been avoided in the first instance? Before long it will all change, it will be the people who demand an end to confrontation and hostilities, and their voices will be heard and positive action taken as a result.

The thought of permanent peace is so uplifting and attainable, if those in power approach it with the right frame of mind. It would be a New Era, when the establishment of peace was foremost in people’s minds. What rejoicing there would be and old differences could be put behind them for good. It would be quite a surprise to many people as to how quickly friendly relationships could be established and renewed. Everyone benefits from peace and those dealing in armaments would be the great losers, because on many occasions they have played “one side against the other” for profit with little care about the loss of life.

With big changes there are always losers and the closing of the big stores top that list. It is really a case of moving with the times and the needs of the people. Covid19 has caused a lot of pain and hardship, yet has also given everyone the opportunity to consider what they want out of life. After all, everyone is being affected by the changes and having to consider what is best for them where the future is concerned. You had known for some time that changes would be inevitable, if you were to keep pace with the changing needs of the people. The recent period has shown the depth of some problems and given you every opportunity to put things right. You cannot cling onto the old ways that are unsuited for the new way of life that is emerging.

It is some 200,000 years since intelligent life forms such as you know them first came into being, and in that relatively short time they have experienced the depths of the dark energies yet evolved. They have survived and finally risen up in your life times to achieve the opportunity to ascend. There is a plan for your future, but how you get there is largely up to you, and if you keep projecting thoughts that are positive in general terms rather than in detail, the best results will be yours. You are already laying down the foundation for what you would like to see, and the potential is undoubtedly far greater than you could presently imagine. However, keep an open mind that will allow for the unexpected.

After all, you have left the old behind that has no future and you can expect many exciting changes that will raise your quality of life. Bear in mind what we have often mentioned in terms of “small" is beautiful, because it is going to be the key word, small but able to provide everything that you are likely to need for a pleasant and undemanding life. All that you have experienced has led you to this point, and you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. You are ready to take more steps to increase your knowledge and understanding, and there is nothing in your way to stop complete success.

There should be joy on Earth at what the future holds, yet the uncertainty and doubt that exists prevents many souls from grasping what there is for them. Clearly the old habits still exist, but the futility of matters such as warlike actions paints a different picture. Such ways of conducting yourselves are being opposed by the people and their voices will be heard and acted upon. They can no longer be ignored, but if they are your leaders, do so at their peril and they would face the collective power of humanity. Those who would act in accordance with the changes called for patience and wait their opportunity to come forward and carry out the wishes of the people. Their day will come very soon when the changes shall speedily occur.

Mother Earth is already making preparations for the changes and the cleansing of it. Man has poisoned the Earth with chemicals and destroyed so much of the woodlands and the land itself. Yes, we are aware that there are groups who care for the Earth so much that they try to lessen the damage and restore it, but it is a mammoth task that can take some years to come to fruition. However, at the appropriate time, we will lend a hand, as what can take you years to put right, we can see to in a very short time. Some of you wonder why we do not go to the trouble to put the wrongs right, but it is your responsibility to make good the damage you have caused. However, when you show willingness to act, we are only too pleased to help you out.

You have a nice expression “keep on keeping on” and it is appropriate for the present time, as you must not lose sight of your path to Ascension. We keep reminding you, because it is so important to you, as the dark Ones will try anything to distract you from your goal. Of course, we hold the upper hand and do everything to encourage you to keep to your dedicated path. We are with you all of the way and will use our influence to help keep you on track.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Δευτέρα 17 Μαΐου 2021

Knowing that all is well and that the Illuminati are now fighting a losing battle should uplift you.

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 14 May 2021

World events are still very mixed but there are the first real signs of the Pandemic coming to an end. The after effects will last for quite some time, but eventually it will all settle down and life will return to some kind of normality. As a result of your experiences many permanent changes are to come, but will mainly address the problems that were holding your progress back. In fact, the coming changes will enable you to speed up your activities, and you should by now have a good idea of what will be involved. Your so-called hotspots will be amongst the last to be sorted out and an end to hostilities will come in due course helped by the increasing vibrations that will not support them.

We will stress that it is you who are mapping out your personal future, yet being unaware of your life plan, you may waver or lose track of where you are supposed to be heading, but hopefully your Guides will have sufficient influence to impress upon you what you need to do. It is such an important time for all concerned, we might say to you it is a “once in a lifetime” opportunity to leave the old behind and start anew. The word “new” is most apt, as there is so much beginning to make its appearance that will become part of your lives. Some will be totally new to you and granted to you because you are in a new cycle and have a great future to look forward to.

You might say that this time is what you have been waiting for and that would be correct. It is a great leap forward and could be seen as a reward for the hard work you have put in to get this far, but you have earned it through hard work and dedication. Your thoughts and actions have helped you rise up and providing you keep looking forwards there is no reason why you should not keep on your path to Ascension. Much is happening around you right now, and could distract you from your chosen path, but as we have said on several occasions, you must keep your focus on your goal. However, as we often remind you, you have your Guides who are always with you to keep an eye on you. Unbeknown to you they do a lot of work to help you be a success.

It is often difficult when you have been in a tiring and trying situation for a long time, but now relief is in sight. Knowing that all is well and that the Illuminati are now fighting a losing battle should uplift you. They will of course fight to the last, but their plan to conquer the Earth and its people has failed. Leave them to their own fate that is of their own making. They have tested Man’s resolve to the limits, but been unable to achieve their objective of complete control. So, peace and goodwill are going to take over as the dark Ones are removed to where they can no longer interfere with your future. You might say it was written in the stars and there is a degree of truth in that. Although every soul has freewill, there has always been an underlying plan to help Man to reach a successful conclusion.

You have had so many lives on Earth that have contributed to the present situation you find yourselves in and often you have to experience your own creations. Freewill is wonderful, but comes at a cost to you when the results are not of the highest intentions. You call it karma and it is simply making good your mistakes and learning from them. So, you can be complimented for coming this far, and keeping your vibrations sufficiently high to continue evolving. Karma is not a punishment as some people think, but a way of making you responsible for your actions and deeds. Your reward for keeping out of trouble is automatic as you raise your vibrations.

Mother Earth like you is also ascending and greatly involved in the changes, and already you are seeing the consequences of her actions. She also has had to start getting ready for them and put the Earth in order again. Can you imagine the amount of damage Mankind has caused and even today continues the rape of the Earth causing great damage? Fortunately, Mother Earth is not like some of your people who have a total disregard for the Earth and continue to exploit and harm it in their quest for wealth, but she knows how to quickly restore it and has already commenced such work. It will result in massive changes to the Earth’s surface and increasing sea levels have already been noted. Eventually many people will have to move more inland and they will get ample warning of such changes.

One very notable gain from your lockdown experience has been a closer relationship with those who live around you. In the past you have been so busy working that you have had little spare time to spend with friends and family, but that has of course changed in recent months. You have realised the value of friendships and how you can help others through such trying times, and there is much being learned about each other. In the near future you will certainly have much more time to spend together and are appreciating the value of friendship.

It will not be too long before countries will realise that confrontation is a waste of time and energy, let alone the cost of keeping armaments for offense. It is time now to talk with each other about your problems as surely there is always an answer that inevitably means some give and take. You have seen so many lives lost in the pursuit of what you believe to be your rights and surely it is now time to put differences aside and work towards peaceful settlements. It has to come sooner or later, so we would encourage you to speak with your tongue and not weapons. Even historical differences including religion are no reason why you should not live peacefully together.

You have so much to gain by creating a peaceful world where barriers can come down, and people can still maintain their preferences and religious beliefs without going to war over them. Allow all people sufficient time to express their differences without trying to interfere with them. It can be done and you will eventually realise it is best for all people by bringing them together. We for our part will be urging you to think again before you consider hostilities that are of no benefit to anyone. “Peace for all” should be your motto.

Remember that your thoughts carry an energy that affects other people and when enough think the same, it gains power to materialise, so as the vibrations continue to increase, you will realise you have the power to change the future. However, as you acquire such powers, you will also have grown in your understanding of such things and act responsibly with them. You have so much to be pleased about as the future is sealed and you have many acceptable experiences to come.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Παρασκευή 14 Μαΐου 2021

Communicating With Our Higher Self

Message from Suzanne Lie for 11 May 2021

Let's take a moment to go through the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY OF Communicating with our Higher SELF.

WHO is our Higher SELF?

The answer to that question is that WE are our Higher Self! But, unfortunately, life on third dimensional Earth has far too often made us forget our own Higher Self who resonates and exists in the higher frequencies of reality. Fortunately there are dreams that we somehow remember, but only if we write down these dreams as soon as we awaken.

WHAT is our Higher SELF?

Our Higher SELF is the version of our consciousness that is able to interface with the Higher Frequencies of reality. Of course, we usually have no memory of the deep meditation, or dream, that we were able to experience when we totally opened our consciousness which may have come from an ornate dream, or what would be called "A Life Changing Experience."

WHEN do we, or can we, remember this "life changing experience?" Since these experiences are "life changing" we, the members of humanity, may forget these experiences until we have expanded our consciousness into the fifth dimension or beyond. However, these "experience," and/or "dreams" will not easily leave our memory. In fact, they will likely come into our dreams and/or meditations.

WHERE we remember our Higher SELF is often a place in which we have had an experience that allowed us to feel free, open and alive. In other words, the WHERE is often a place that reminds us that we can be happy, and we can expand and grow in our awakening more than we had dared to think of in the past.

This "where" often depends on the state of consciousness when we are in that location. In other words, if the "when" has remained in our higher states of consciousness long enough that certain persons, experiences or places serve to remind us of the awareness of our higher states of consciousness, that place will serve as a "reminder" that we can find that which we are seeking.

Then we can "own" this experience as something that is more than just a dream. In fact, that experience, even if it only lasted for a moment, was very special and it deserves to be remembered. Maybe there was something, like a certain place, or dream and/or a memory of something that we had forgotten and could finally remember.

WHY would we wish to communicate with our Higher SELF? Because they are there, and when we remember that our Higher SELF is there, WE WILL NEVER BE ALONE!

Σάββατο 8 Μαΐου 2021

Happier times are coming along with peace and answers to your problems

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 7 May 2021

In Europe the Covid19 virus seems to be in decline and relaxation of the measures to end its effect are beginning to take place. Freewill and karma are in play, so that some souls will have a totally different experience to others. Even a soul’s life plan is involved, so you cannot say for certain how things will work out. However, on a greater scale for humanity in general, all will be affected in one way or another, as things cannot return to the way they were before the lockdowns.

Many changes are envisaged that in the long run will prove beneficial to everyone. It may not seem so at the moment, but given time you will see the making of a new society that cares for each other and brings more equality into being. For too long a privileged group of people have used their position and wealth to try and create a system that makes all of you subservient to them. Their last attempt has failed and whilst it will take time to create a fairer society, the intention is present and it will succeed.

There is a plan for humanity that will eventually right the wrongs of recent times, and the promise of a happy and satisfying life. It cannot happen overnight, but the mould has been cast and you will see the signs of the changes mentioned. For too long you have been held back and not allowed to develop in a way that would have lifted up your quality of life. The dark Ones have purposefully placed obstacles in your way and created friction between nations sometimes resulting in wars. You can imagine the harm they cause and not least of all the cost of human life, the damage to your dwellings and facilities.

Matters are changing for the better, but give it time as centuries of war and the destruction that comes with it, cannot be put right over night. Know that happier times are coming along with peace and answers to your problems. Eventually, all will live in peace and friendship whilst accepting the difference in views and opinions that add to the great variety and spice of life. Long standing customs will not change overnight and should be welcomed as part of the character of those involved. Much hinges upon how quickly you can accept each other’s differences, and come together as a community whilst welcoming them as an equal part of the Human Race.

For you who know the future will bring peace to all nations, lays the task of uniting those who are your neighbours regardless of their colour or creed. At heart every soul seeks peace and happiness, and it is destined to come within many of your lives. It is planned and is being helped by the desires of the people, who desperately want to see a permanent end to disputes and differences that in the past have led to confrontation and hostilities. The mood of the people will enable them to stand up to those who are warmongers and stop their activities. In the past they have played one side against the other and profited from backing the war machine. The people have “spoken” and will not tolerate those who believe that “might is right”. Permanent peace will come for certain as the level of consciousness rises and rejects warlike actions or words.

In the midst of chaos we are of the Light that will lift people up and bring peace about for everyone. Those of the lower vibrations will have no place in such a future, and will have their own path to follow that will give them another opportunity to rise up through a greater understanding and appreciation of how a harmonious life should be. Those dear souls who oversee your lives have never ending patience and love for you and are always ready to assist when you call for their help. There are many unseen helpers who help you follow your life plan and arrange opportunities accordingly.

Many of you have reached a level of evolution that enables you to rise up with the increasing vibrations and continue to do so all of the way to Ascension. In doing so, you are also helping those who follow you and can learn from your example. We salute and bless those of you who hold your heads up high, and with determination march ever onwards prepared to face whatever obstacles are placed in your way. You are the ones creating a path that others can follow and are to be thanked for your resolute intentions to drive ever forward. It should be comforting to know that you will not have to spend any future lives in the lower vibrations.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Dear friends, the Covid19 virus appears to be still rampant in many countries and I personally have not heard anything to suggest its actual part in the deaths taking place. Therefore, it seems to me that this message from Kryon is vital and could be instrumental in bringing the pandemic to a quicker end. Here is the main crux of the message and should you wish to read it fully use the Kryon heading as below. I have a more detailed extract that you may wish to read, and if you let me know by Email, I will send you a copy of the single page.

Kryon. 2020. Some virus truths for you to consider.

Extract from the above message:

“Covid19 is just a flu that you may describe as having never been seen. Most of you have a robust immune system, but those who don’t will have one that over reacts to the virus. You might say that what is killing humans today is their own immune system not the virus. The virus will take it to a certain level and then the immune system which has never seen this before overreacts and can cause death. If you can encapsulate (condense or compress) that immune system so it will not over react, this flu will never kill another human”.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 6 Μαΐου 2021

Elderly persons become younger until they reach what you consider “prime” years of early thirties

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 3 May 2021

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Evolving in spiritual and conscious awareness is a self-discovery process that removes one layer after another of forgetfulness about your very being, Creator’s love-light energy. That will continue until you remember your Beginnings and return to Creator Source.

What is going on throughout your world is a different kind of discovery process. The combined light beamed to Earth from powerful civilizations and the light you generate has been exposing one layer after another of darkness. That will continue until every layer has been vanquished and its energy transmuted into light.

Numerous times during the seventeen years of our messages we have said their purpose is to offer enlightenment, spiritual guidance and encouragement. In this moment, encouragement may be the most helpful to all who are distressed, because the exposure process is showing little evidence of progress and no official acknowledgement.

We want to assure you that a great deal is progressing on target behind the scenes, and we want to uplift all who are feeling like these dear lightworkers: “I do not plan on reincarnating on this planet ever again!!” “I’m old, tired and my patience has been used up.” “I promise to do my service, and when it is finished, I can't wait to go home—and I am NEVER coming back!” “I’m exhausted... I want Matthew to tell me WHY I chose this miserable planet to incarnate.”

This is a layer of forgetfulness that is only temporary. You don’t remember that when you eagerly volunteered to come to Earth and help the civilization awaken, you knew life in a third density world would be difficult. You knew, too, that you were chosen when many, many others were not, because your multiple lifetime experiencing would provide the spiritual strength, wisdom and perseverance to surmount obstacles you would encounter.

You don’t remember that you knew billions of souls would choose to complete third density karmic lessons during your Earth incarnation and those lessons would entail widespread hardships and suffering. You also knew how joyful those souls would be after transitioning to spirit life and realizing they had attained the balanced experiencing they needed to evolve. Further, you knew that you would advance by helping universal family members on Earth manifest the better world they want— and, dear brothers and sisters, you are indeed leaping forward!

A number of you have written about “feeling alone”, because friends and family give no credibility to what you know is true. Another reason you were selected to help Earth’s peoples when so many other volunteers were not is, you do know that never are you alone! You just need to remember that myriad guides and angels always are with you, eager to assist, and so are dear ones living in spirit worlds. You are known, loved and honored by all light beings in this universe, and entire civilizations are beaming light to help you along your pathway.

More down to Earth, so to say, when truths come forth, people who in this moment ridicule what you have told them will have their minds widely opened. It will behoove you to refrain from saying aloud, “I told you so!” as tempting as that could be. And, you may discover that acquaintances you never suspected could be kindred spirits have been all along.

Now then, the successively higher vibratory levels that are exposing layers of darkness also are changing carbon-based cells into crystalline in all souls who are absorbing the light, and both of those are developments for rejoicing. However, energy changes can cause disconcerting physical, emotional and mental effects, and more than a year of severe restrictions has intensified them—the populace is dealing with “double stress.” [November 20, 2017 message mentions the effects and offers suggestions to lessen them.]

We empathize with all of you dear brothers and sisters who are feeling distressed! We lived in civilizations where the battle between the light and dark forces raged, and we experienced pain, setbacks, anguish and anger. The knowledge and inner strength we gained in those lifetimes is why we were chosen to help other civilizations discover their power to change their lives and worlds for the better.

What we experienced applies equally to you—simply, we remember those lifetimes and you don’t. But you do know the source of the severe restrictions is vastly different from the grand benefits heralded by ever-rising vibrations, and most people don’t. Consequently, they’re feeling frustrated, anxious and despondent, and when they realize they have been lied to, rage and guilt will be common reactions.

So, it is that steadfastness in the light is as essential to your wellbeing as to the wellbeing and forward movement of the society. Your light will help foundering souls replace negative feelings with optimism and determination to transform their world.

Let us mention another reason you were chosen, when many others were not: You know who you are. You know you are ever so much more than a person with ideas, beliefs, experiences, personality, skills, talents, desires and accomplishments. Please think of yourself and everyone else, whether or not you admire or agree with them, as who you all are: multidimensional immortal souls, inviolate and independent, yet inseparably interconnected with all other life throughout the Cosmos. Each and every life is the Love-Light essence of Creator Source, the most powerful force in existence.

May 1st was Global Love Day, sponsored by The Love Foundation. Twenty-one years ago the Foundation was established to celebrate humanity’s diversity through education, research and cultural artistry, and to inspire people worldwide to love unconditionally. The “ingredient” of every soul on Earth is Creator’s unconditional love, and we can think of no worthier mission than inspiring people to BE who they ARE.

“My parents who are kindhearted and generous believe people who don’t share their fundamentalist religious beliefs are doomed to eternal hell. I don’t want to upset them, so don’t tell them I no longer believe that but feel guilty about my deception. Mainly I’m afraid of what will happen to them when they make transition. How can I convince them to change their judgmental belief?” Our reply to this dear soul applies to everyone who has similar concerns about family or friends.

First we say, the energy of guilt and fear dims your light. Loving your parents without attaching those feelings will lift your spirits and the higher vibrations you send forth will benefit them, too. It isn’t your responsibility or your right to change what they believe. Everyone has the divine right to move toward enlightenment at their own pace, and if beloved persons have chosen a pace slower than yours, please honor their decision.

As for your parents’ transition, like everyone else on Earth, they will make the lightning-swift trip to the part of Nirvana that corresponds to their lifetime energy registration. The match-up, which is in accordance with the universal law of physics, has to do with living in godly ways or not and how closely free will choices are adhered to or departed from soul contracts.

Your parents’ kind hearts and generous nature are godly indeed, and you don’t know what they chose in their contracts. Perhaps rigid beliefs are a stabilizing faith after lifetimes of struggling to make sense of what was experienced. Possibly the contracts call for shared convictions to balance lifetimes when opposing religious leaders sent them into battle. Or, in the family’s pre-birth agreement, your parents may have agreed to believe as they do as a means of motivating you to grow spiritually and consciously.

There is more to say about entering Nirvana. Each soul’s unique frequency lets the realm’s welcomers know whose arrival is imminent and each is personally greeted by name. Persons whose etheric bodies or psyches are seriously debilitated are given constant customized treatment by medical assisters, and while they are attaining full strength and wellness, they become aware of this and other realities that are “the afterlife.” To ease introduction to life in spirit for people who do not need that kind of attention, Nirvana will appear to be what they believe comes after “death.”

For instance, individuals who expect a dark void will enter silent nothingness. If persons believe they will waken in an endless field of fragrant flowers, they will. People who believe “the dead” arrive at a magnificent gate where St. Peter is holding a list of names will see him there. Whoever believes heaven is filled with winged angels playing harps suddenly will be in their midst.

Whatever each person expects is holographically reproduced, but since those are “theatrical performances” in a manner of speaking, they cannot last long. Only truth and love can prevail in Nirvana—it is their high vibrations that maintain the stability and flexibility of all parts of the realm.

This is how the actuality of that world might be revealed to a man who was engulfed in the nothingness he anticipated. A diffused light appears in the distance and becomes brighter as it slowly moves toward him. Now he can see someone he loved and, in his mind, was long dead—his grandmother, who died in old age twenty years previously. Appearing as the smiling, white-haired, wrinkle-faced lady he knew, she takes his hand and gently pulls him into the light. During the several days in your concept of time, she shows him the realm’s beauty and diversity, gradually she changes into a vibrant young woman. Elderly persons become younger until they reach what you consider “prime” years of early thirties and children grow older until they reach that stage.

Reunions with persons dear to new arrivals always are joyous, but adjustment to Nirvana varies in accordance with people’s beliefs about the “afterlife.” People who quickly remember other lifetimes they are excited about returning. Others are hesitant about living in a world that is different from the one they entered, but as they see the realm’s wondrous offerings, they become active residents. Individuals who cling to their ideas of eternal life in heaven or hell decide to sleep rather than accept something they don’t believe exists; they are lovingly tended until they want to waken and learn about Earth’s spirit world.

To the dear soul who wrote about her parents, whatever they expect the afterlife to be, so it will be at the outset. In time, each will embrace the reality of life in spirit and, like all other residents, plan their next incarnation with the knowledge of cumulative experiences in multiple lifetimes.

Beloved family, all lLght Beings in this Universe honor you for helping Earth’s peoples manifest a true heaven on the planet.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com