Τρίτη 26 Ιουλίου 2022

Life continues after death of the physical body

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 22 July 2022

Life at the moment is one problem after another. You seem to get one cleared and another takes its place. Yet, what is happening is part of the cleansing of the planet to prepare for what will be seen as most welcome changes. Naturally, it all takes time and is no mean task when viewed from where we are. The urgency for prompt action is beginning to be understood, and action needs to be taken now, whilst there is ample time to cope with changes that are vitally necessary. We are doing the prompting from our end, but we cannot force you to take action if the urgency of the situation is ignored.

It is beginning to dawn upon you that you have been prevented from taking the required action to deal with changes that are becoming vitally necessary. Perhaps first and foremost urgent action should be taken to stop the war in Europe before it escalates out of control. Understand that nothing happens by chance that involves changes, and that includes the personal experiences of the people of the Ukraine. We wish matters could be different, but it is mankind who creates the situations that lead to death and destruction.

However, there is always good news as it is not one sided, and the outcome of all of your troubles is to be given positive changes that lift you beyond the negativity of this present period. It is why we have emphasised that it is important you keep an open mind where the future is concerned. Allow things to happen that will give you the advantage of advances that will propel you into the New Age. The old ways are being left behind to be replaced by new ones that will make life so much easier for everyone.

Many changes are on the horizon and the souls who are needed to implement them are already on Earth. Everything is planned way ahead and new ideas are released as and when you are considered to be ready for them. So, progress is really up to you and the sooner you can leave the old ways behind, the quicker opportunities will be given you to advance.***Look on the bright side and cut your ties with what obviously has no place in the times ahead. Change really does mean just that and was surely expected after the closing of the old Age. Realise anything is possible in the near future as nothing is set in stone. It is all there for the taking and you can set your sights as far forward as you wish. There is a wonderful time ahead, so think positively and the best things will come your way.

It is naturally within Man’s nature to want to help others which is why so many groups exist that voluntarily do such work. They ask little if anything in return getting the most satisfaction from knowing the good they have done for others. As the vibrations continue to lift up, it will become apparent that putting others before self is more widespread. It is also bringing about more compassion for those souls who through no fault of their own live in poverty. The feeling of wishing to help others less well off than yourself and compassion for those in need of assistance has never been so strong as it is now. It is something to build upon that will attract many others to the cause.

Selfishness and greed have been endemic in the past, but now is the time to level up matters, so that no one should be in need of assistance simply to exist. There is sufficient wealth in the world to ensure that no one should have to live below a certain level that would leave them able to cope and have the essentials of life. It may be a dream just now, but if mankind is to care for his fellow travellers, some semblance of fairness in the distribution of wealth is essential.

We do not like to preach to you, so please take our advice as good common sense that has been sadly lacking for such a long time. Life does not end at the time of death of the physical body. The soul continues to lead a life in the higher vibrations by creating another body that is a copy of the original one, but of a higher vibration, meaning that it does not carry over any physical afflictions that it had experienced. The power of thought is so strong that you can “think” yourself better of any problems that existed with the old body.

You have so much to look forward to as time passes and the lesser vibrations will gradually fade into the past. There have been many instances where a soul has come back simply to make it known that life continues after death of the physical body. Thought is so powerful that you can think into being whatever you desire. But be aware that you cannot circumvent your life on Earth, and it must run for the purposes your life plan was arranged.

There is so much evidence to support life after death that with an open mind it is difficult to fault the evidence for it. Many people on Earth are certain that they are aware of their loved ones visiting them, and they often have a powerful vision of them. However, there are those souls on Earth who reject life after death as their reality.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 16 Ιουλίου 2022

You will be amazed at how easy it is to become a free soul

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 15 July 2022

As fast as you clear one problem another turns up to take its place and so it goes on, a seemingly endless number that gets more difficult to deal with. In reality, you are seeing the result of many, many years of mismanagement that need putting right, if you are to clear away the rubbish that has accumulated. It needs a clean sweep to enable you to start afresh, as you lay down the basis of a new period that will carry you forward with all speed. As we have said previously, you have entered a New Era where small is beautiful along with advancements that are yet to be given to you. Much that is very acceptable awaits you, but first the old must be moved out of the way.

No one could have foreseen the way matters have worked out. However, it has fitted in with the greater plan to haul you out of the grips of the dark Ones. They have played their last gamble on holding you back and preventing souls who are ready from ascending, but to no avail, as their strength to resist attempts to delay it is greater. They are aware of their achievements and are holding fast where the interference of the dark Ones is concerned. There is no reason why they should not now go all the way to Ascension.

Meantime, there is much work to do to prepare the people for major changes, so that any who feel ready to go all the way to Ascension are helped. It is the right time at the end of a cycle to take the opportunity to do so and every help is given to ensure success. Clearly, not everyone is ready to go ahead, but evolution still goes on regardless. The cycle goes on and those who have prepared for it will reap the benefits. Others will be given every help to evolve, as when this cycle ends, you will carry forward with all that you have achieved.

Your journey has taken a long time to reach this point, and you have successfully overcome many ploys of the dark Ones to try and hold you back. Understand that in a freewill Universe virtually anything is acceptable, and they will use all of the tricks they can to be successful. Universal Law states that the dark Ones must make it known what they intend to do. So, if the Forces of Light take note, they have the advantage of knowing what is planned in advance and prepare for it.

You may have thought that in a freewill situation anything goes, but that is not the case, as those who oversee your actions are also responsible for guiding you, so as to keep you to your life plan. If you refuse to follow it, then that is your freewill choice, and you suffer the consequences. Bear in mind that you will have discussed it beforehand and accepted it. Logically, you in turn are involved in another soul’s life plans and it is here that it gets rather complicated.

Once you have cleared your karmic responsibilities, you are virtually a free soul and will have become aware of the greater truths. It is not difficult to do so and you will be amazed at how easy it is to become a free soul. So many of you have no idea as to how you evolve and what you need to do to achieve it. Again your Guides will be active in ensuring your life plan will help lift you up, even if you do not realise the significance of it. There is a simple answer for those souls who do not know what to believe. Simply live your life with goodwill towards other people, and the rest will take care of itself.

On the one hand life is very simple and straightforward, yet it can seem so complicated. Trust in your Guides to ensure you are on the right path, as they are fully aware of your life plan. The key points in your life are set in motion and you will be unlikely to miss them. In the final reckoning, you will have to be clear of any karma, that is the aim, so as to be ready for Ascension.

When you consider how families are affected, it all gets rather complicated. At this point, it is best to stop, as the intertwining of lives begins to get difficult to comprehend. Simply be assured that every soul’s life plan is discussed after death of the mortal body. The whole purpose is to show you how you have dealt with the challenges you faced, and how if necessary you could have overcome them. Help is on hand all of the time and the best advice given to ensure you achieve the best results.

The beauty of the system used is that it has been tried and tested for eons of time, and proved most adequate in helping souls advance. You are to be congratulated for your “never say die” approach to problems encountered giving you a better opportunity to be successful.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Δευτέρα 11 Ιουλίου 2022

Peace and love is what you seek and that is waiting for you in the near future

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 8 July 2022

So much is still happening as that which was hidden is being revealed, enabling you the opportunity to dispense with all that no longer serves your purpose. The changes must come, if you are to commence setting up the basis of a New Era. All that you need is available upon Earth, and here and there are the beginnings of a new way of life that is more suited to the higher vibrations that are coming into being. They are also necessary for you to keep your onwards progress, so that you are ready to ascend.

Your journey through so many lives has prepared you for the New Age that is being set to commence very soon. You have earned the right to leave the lower energies behind as you head for a life that is free from the attention of the dark Ones. Those souls who have already left the Earth are waiting to join you, when it will be a time of great celebrations. Understand that life on Earth has been controlled by the dark Ones for ages, and they have done everything in their power to keep you from learning about you true self and past history. You are far greater than you realise, and as a powerful being you have the ability to leave them behind for all time.

Ahead of you is a muddle that is slowly unfolding, as the Light continues to overcome the dark and reveal the truth of your experiences. You now have every opportunity to rise above the lower vibrations for once and all time, but you will need to exercise patience and control where your reactions are concerned. By being a beacon of Light you will help bring more to Earth, and help your fellow strugglers to rise up into it. Few realise the situation they are in and battle on without knowing where they are going or why. Some are awakening and seek to know what life is about and where to find the answers. This is when you can point them in the right direction to continue evolving.

It is in the nature of a human being to want to help others, and at this time much is needed by those who flounder and know not who to turn to for help. Many feel persecuted for no reason, not realising that you only experience that which you need to evolve. It is a hard concept to accept, but you may inwardly sense a feeling of understanding, if you fully consider what you have been through, and whether you have learned anything from it. We will remind you that nothing that is important to you happens by chance.

Be assured that when humanity wakes up to the purpose of life, there will be a great shift in consciousness that will help souls progress much more quickly. You have yet to experience the harmony and peace that will come to you once you have overcome the pull of the lower vibrations. Peace and love is what you seek and that is waiting for you in the near future. By nature you are all loving beings simply experiencing the lower vibrations that are a challenge to your ability to keep your feet upon the ground in all situations.

Due to various recent happenings that have caused chaos on Earth, you have been forced to accept those dear souls who have been displaced. The result is that you are becoming more multi-national than ever before. People bring their own customs and religions with them and you learn first-hand all about them. Hitherto, you would be unlikely to know much about them, but what you do find is that their re-action to their troubles and strife is no different to anyone else’s. They are more like you than you suspected, and re-act the same way as you when help is given. There are challenges in such situations that are intended to help bring you together.

We may ask a lot from you, but realise that each and every soul comes into an incarnation that suits their needs to continue evolving. After all, how can you evolve without experiencing the various life experiences that exist upon Earth. It is all carefully planned to ensure you continue on your upward path and expand your level of consciousness. It is why many souls who have gone before you are happy to give you a helping hand.

Be assured that whatever happens on Earth it can be used to give opportunities to some souls to continue their evolution. However, no force is used to get you onto your agreed path and many deviate from it, but normally find their way back with a little help. Some experiences can be very hard, but again we assure you that no soul is asked to take on more than they can cope with and as we always point out, help is always on hand if you ask for it.

Try to see life as a wonderful opportunity to grow and create a place for yourself in the higher dimensions. You are never alone, even if you feel so, and spirit are pleased to respond to your needs providing you ask them, although you will not always get exactly what you wish for, but there will be a response.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Παρασκευή 8 Ιουλίου 2022

Throughout this universe it’s all about vibrations, vibrations, vibrations

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 1 July 2022

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You have a saying that pertains to real estate—"It’s all about location, location, location.” In every location throughout this universe it’s all about vibrations, vibrations, vibrations. As we have said in previous messages, simply by BEing you are radiating light’s high vibrations, so let us speak about some of the developments you have been assisting.

Of paramount importance is, a significant amount of darkness has been eliminated. Much more will be uprooted in coming weeks and months, thus bringing to an end the long reign of the Illuminati.

Until then, this tenacious group will cause havoc wherever they can. Their primary interest is maintaining their strongholds in the United States, from whence a great deal of their global power is wielded. It is possible that country’s military forces may be called in to safeguard the citizenry from whatever actions the Illuminati may take. If that intervention does become necessary, Illuminati could claim it’s a coup and mount resistance or they may try to cause panic by staging a holographic alien invasion. It doesn’t appear that in their weakened state they could manage either; however, they are desperate, so those possibilities, which are contingencies on their agenda, cannot be ruled out.

We understand that you would like to know what to expect and when, and we don’t know. The energy of billions of thoughts daily—actually each minute—determines what happens. What we can tell you with assurance is, with everything in acceleration mode, dominoes around the world will be falling soon.

You have waited patiently for evidence of the progress we have told you has been going on behind the curtain of the world stage. The undertakings of Light Forces on Earth in conjunction with off-planet family still require discretion, but as soon as information about what has been accomplished can be disclosed, it will be.

Now, other developments vibrations have brought about: People are separating wheat from chaff, so to say, by seeing the counter-productiveness of divisiveness and the benefits of discussing how to go about making changes that all see are needed. This cooperative approach at grassroots level, where reform starts and moves upward, is a fine step forward in the civilization’s awakening.

Another heartening development is the surfacing of technologies the Illuminati suppressed to prevent their being used beneficially, even as they were using them to your detriment.

Crews in your skies are making their crafts visible often, so the populace becomes accustomed to their peaceful presence, thereby bringing closer the day when you can greet each other and extraterrestrial special forces on the planet can introduce themselves. If you feel a strong sense of kinship with some of them, it may well be soul-level recognition that you and they are from the same homeland. When that day comes, you will start working together to restore Earth’s damaged environment and bring in free energy.

And, prevailing vibrations are connecting you more intimately with your Godself. Helping Earth’s peoples awaken is your mission and it is vital indeed, but that is not the sole reason you are there. While it is so that a third density world presents challenges the worlds you left did not, your life is meant to be enriched by family and friends, the beauty of Nature, satisfying productivity and leisure enjoyments. This is a propitious time to be introspective, to ponder if your actions or inaction may be encumbrances to that kind of life.

You may realize you’re timidly spinning your wheels instead of confidently pursuing a job of greater interest or taking the next step in a meaningful relationship or moving where you’d prefer to live. Maybe you’ll see that life would be more fulfilling if you heed your intuition instead of trying to meet others’ expectations. Or you would be happier if you let bygones be bygones and let go of feelings about disappointments. If you want to strengthen characteristics you feel good about and divest yourself of those you don’t, vibrations will be your steadfast helpmeet.

You can more easily adjust to ever-rising vibrations if you breathe deeply and rhythmically, get sufficient sleep, eat lightly, drink a lot of pure water, and spend as much time as possible in Nature. Yes, we have mentioned that in previous messages, but when life is filled with busyness, reminders can be useful.

And, dear brothers and sisters, love yourselves! Feel joyous and grateful that of the many, many souls who volunteered, you were chosen to participate in the most dynamic world transformation in universal history. Further, what you are doing is correspondingly benefitting the entire universe—that is how powerful you are!

The person who sent me your newsletter where Matthew said Illuminati is Deep State or the cabal wrote that Deep State is the New World Order that is controlling everything. Then I heard Kazarien neo-nazis are running the world. Are those different groups or different names for the same group? If the latter, what do members call themselves? Also I just heard of puppets. If they’re part of a group, who is the puppet master? Or are those the people who are being controlled? All of this is very confusing and frankly, it’s hardly believable that any group or groups could tell everyone else what they have to do.”

The writer’s confusion and skepticism are widespread among souls who are starting to awaken, so let us offer clarity. The aforementioned names are four of several—the elitists, Secret Government, Shadow Government and One World Government are others—that refer to the same group. They don’t call themselves any name at all and there is no formal membership.

Let us speak of them here simply as the dark ones. They have a global network with a pyramidal hierarchy, and individuals in top levels have influential positions in governments and all national and international institutions and organizations that impact life worldwide. Mainstream media; education; UN, EU, NATO and all other alliances; Federal Reserve System, IMF, WEF, stock markets and all other monetary systems; trade, taxation and insurance; publishing; legal and justice systems; military forces; INTERPOL, CIA and all other intelligence agencies; energy systems; transportation; agriculture; fraternal organizations; religions; WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH and all other branches in the healthcare industry; charitable foundations; multinational corporations; and the entertainment field. Those individuals at the top also are running the illegal drug industry, sex trafficking, pedophilia rings and Satanic rituals.

The lower in the hierarchy people are, the less they know about what goes on in the pyramid or even that they are part of a pyramid. The many millions at the bottom have no idea that their jobs are supporting a sinister group that operates in secrecy and whose goal is to eliminate billions of lives through warring, impoverishment, toxic pollution and disease.

Individuals in top levels can rightfully be called puppets and the puppet master is a powerful force far beyond Earth. At this point, a brief explanation of the workings of this universe will be helpful. Everything in existence is energy fluctuating at one frequency or another, energy is consciousness, and each of the frequencies has an infinite range of vibrations that function in accordance with the consciousness in thoughts. All thoughts of every person within a civilization are its collective consciousness.

Thoughts are forms of energy. Energy cannot be extinguished, and due to the universal law of attraction that is in constant motion, thought forms that emit the same vibrations attract each other, gather into a cluster and, as like forms keep joining them, grow into a force field. The dark forces is a massive force field of forms with the lowest vibrations such as those emitted by tyranny, brutality, greed, possessiveness, hatred, deception, lust for power, and desire for fame at any cost. As this vast borderless field meanders throughout the universe, it is drawn to civilizations where the collective consciousness includes those kinds of thought forms.

Individuals in those civilizations whose traits and behavior are aligned with the vibrations of the dark forces become their puppets. Now captives of darkness, they lose all sense of conscience. Their heinous actions create fear in the rest of the population and fear’s low vibrations strengthen the puppets’ control. Once a world is steeped in darkness or the planet is destroyed by puppets in another civilization, both of which add to the dark forces’ potency, the expanded field drifts around until it is drawn toward other pockets of low vibrations.

As powerful as that force field is, Light, which is the same energy as Love, is more powerful. That energy is the essence of Creator Source, the origin of everything that exists in this Universe and the Cosmos. Because Love-Light energy is anathema to the dark forces, it is an impenetrable fortress for spiritually and consciously evolved civilizations.

Now let us speak about puppets on Earth and how various names for them came about. Two and a half centuries ago a few men in Bavaria who felt they were more intelligent than other people, therefore entitled to be their leaders, called themselves Illuminati, “the illumined ones.” Like-minded individuals who affiliated with them include the Rothschilds, who established the powerful faction in Europe that encompassed royal families who had far-flung empires, and the Rockefellers, whose equally powerful faction is headquartered in the United States. Generations of the two factions and mergers in marriages and businesses enabled them to grow in numbers and fortunes and extend their network around the globe.

However, the idea that a few can rule the masses preceded the Illuminati by almost a dozen centuries. Tribal leaders in Mongolia started moving west, gathering into their midst the people they conquered along the way and establishing the Khazarian empire. Successive leaders kept adding to its power base, which eventually included the Nazis, with whom the Vatican cooperated in WWII and still does—“neo” because the mindset that caused the holocaust permeates today’s dark ones.

About two millennia ago, self-serving leaders of church and state started amending historic records. Incrementally material was deleted, parts were rewritten, fabricated stories and devised dogma were added, and the composite is the Bible. Later, wealthy families like the Medici, who established the banking system in Italy that gradually grew into global economic control, put family men in the papacy to spread the Roman Catholic religion and its influence on adherents.

Eventually, the many disparate groups that shared the same ideology coalesced into the “umbrella” group that is the formidable foe of humanity and Earth herself. During the past several decades individuals who understood how world affairs were being conducted gave those other names to the dark ones, who have maintained power partly by controlling what people are taught, read, see and hear.

That is why false information and omission of factual information abound in your textbooks and newspapers and on TV, radio and the censored Internet. It is why movies and games glorify violence and war. Not only do those cause death, fear and destruction, all of which emit the low vibrations that keep the dark ones thriving, but their companies produce the machinery of war and add to their ill-gotten fortunes. Movies and games also portray “aliens” as fearsome monstrous entities that invade Earth to massacre everyone and destroy the planet. This insidious form of mind control has programmed the unsuspecting public to think, feel and believe what the dark ones want them to.

However, never can they control anyone’s intuition, hopes, optimism, inspirations, aspirations or reactions! Thanks to prevailing vibrations, this sacred internal light is motivating many of the populace to embrace the Light being beamed by distant civilizations and radiated by lightworkers on Earth.

Beloved family, all Light Beings in this Universe honor you for persevering in your mission and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Τετάρτη 6 Ιουλίου 2022

A path out of the present chaos has been laid down

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 1 July 2022

Regardless of what is happening on Earth, in the greater scheme of things there is progress, as a path out of the present chaos has been laid down. It requires people to wake up to the opportunities that are on hand that will start a movement towards more cooperation between nations, that can set aside their own political beliefs for the greater benefit of all. It must come, otherwise you will keep repeating the same pattern that is a road that leads nowhere at all.

As we have mentioned previously Mother Earth cannot wait indefinitely for you to grasp the opportunities to prepare for major changes that are necessary. It should be obvious that action is called for, as the needs of the people are of prime importance, if they are to move onto a new timeline that will release them from the existing conditions. You may ask what is serving your interests that will guide you away from the old ways that are no longer relevant. Be assured that the energy of change will cut your links with the old paradigm and allow new ones to replace them.

In readiness for your needs, much is coming forth that will start a New Era, and it may initially cause some inconvenience, but that is inevitable. It follows that many souls are waking up to their mission agreed before they incarnated, and they are looking for leadership for guidance. They come with all of the attributes needed to carry out their work, but need to know the direction they should be going in. They are protected in their work, so as to ensure that mankind ultimately benefits from their knowledge. You are never without help when you need it and we have ways of ensuring you do get it.

We would remind you that you must first ask for help and then leave the matter in our hands. We have many ways of helping and some might surprise you, as we use many means that may not occur to you. It comes down to the power of suggestion, as often we guide you this way often resulting in actions that you would otherwise be convinced were entirely of your own making. At the root of our help is your life plan that we always have in mind. We help to ensure it works out as planned, knowing that you will get the experiences you need to evolve.

Events in your life may seem random, but few if any that are of importance to you are of this nature. In fact, it is largely your own actions that are often of no consequence where the larger picture is concerned. However, there are times when you endanger your life plan, and at such times we are on hand to get you back on your right path. It is sometimes difficult to keep you out of trouble, as when you indulge in negative actions, you also attract negative entities that will encourage you to become even more involved, until it becomes difficult to cut those links.

You attract people to yourself according to the energies you give out, and it is why people of a like kind feel drawn to each other. Hence, we warn you about any activities that are likely to pull you down. It is generally a “couldn’t care less“ attitude that leads to trouble and all types of entities are likely to find you. It is normally accepted that ‘like attracts like’ and in this respect we refer to the energies you give out. You can in fact actually feel another souls energy particularly if it is extremely negative.

Once you begin to be your true self and live an orderly life, you emit an auric energy that attracts others to you who enjoy being with you. Many relationships start this way and are successful because both souls are compatible to each other. It would explain why some couples on the face of it seem totally unsuited to each other, but get on together quite well. There are always going to be extreme examples in relationships and once again a person’s life plan is not always for a lasting relationship.

In the ultimate reckoning, it is what you have done with your life that matters, and in your life review it can all be seen quite clearly, as only the truth will exist. It sounds like a trial of some kind, but it is a means of getting at the truth for your actions, so as to understand the reasons for them with a view to ensuring a lesson is one well learned. It is simply that you are responsible for your actions and must realise how far they affect other people.

However, do not be too concerned about the responsibilities you have as if your life is simply a series of experiences that rarely cause you any great concern. Your Guides are always on hand to help you when it is needed. Indeed, there are likely to have been times that but for their intervention you may have suffered personal injury or worse.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.