Κυριακή 28 Ιανουαρίου 2024

The cleansing that is to come will change everything

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 26 January 2024

The following extract is from Blossom Goodchild’s message of the 20th January. It confirms that both of our messages are very much on the same wavelength, having been given by highly evolved souls from the higher dimensions.

The situation that occurred at the beginning of your 2020 was planned by those who have the desire to depopulate. It had to be played out … in order for it to do all that it did.

However, and we do not say this insensitively … if this had not played out … it would not be possible for Phase 2 and the next ‘incarceration’ to take place …


It may seem that it has been organised, once again, by those who do not have your best interest at Heart. Yet … perhaps this is not the case? Or, maybe it is? Yet, behind the scenes there is a much more sinister undertaking that those who think they are in control have masterminded.

We must be careful with our words here from a safety point of view.

Yet, behind the scenes of behind the scenes … there is the Divine Plan!

So, perhaps the story continues in the FLOW OF KNOWING that although Phase 2 may look like it is under control by those who seek the demise of the human race … it is serving a much Higher purpose that will become apparent once the plan is underway.

The cleansing that is to come will change ‘everything. It is the first time, ‘ever’, that your planet has [had] the opportunity to be lifted into glory, once again. This can only happen because of each one of you coming here to do just that, to change the entire vibration of the population."

26th January 2024. Mike Quinsey.

There can be no doubt that we are all heading for major changes to the planet and its population as never experienced before. It is all part of the greater plan for Humanity that will absolutely change our entire lives. It is to be greeted with great approval and appreciation of the powers of the Higher Beings that oversee our future growth. Indeed, they have always been with us watching from afar to see how we use our freedom of choice. Our destiny is safely assured and the future will restore our true freedom once again. Knowing this, it should enable you to sail through just anything that takes place that is not of the Light. As often happens, because of the cleansing that is taking place, matters are going to get worse before they pass and get better. You are spiritual Beings who have all different types of roles to play allowing events to work out as planned; knowing that the end result will be the most remarkable changes that at present are beyond your imagination.

The timing of events is difficult to pinpoint, as they are subject to actions that are yet to be taken. However, be assured that regardless of the sequence of events, everything will lead to your release from the clutches of the dark Ones. When things do not work out well, it is easy to become disenchanted with the outcome, but understand, as we have often informed you, that nothing of importance happens by chance. Many souls who play important roles in your lives are supported by legions of Light workers who can ensure an acceptable outcome. When other souls see you and hear your message, it is very encouraging, and gives them strength to carry on when difficulties may be all around them. You were chosen to be on Earth at this time because of your experience and dedication to the Light.

As you lift your vibrations, so you help to lift them for souls around you. They may not realise it, but it will help them through their tasks making life a lot easier. Naturally karma will also play a part, so accept your challenges with good grace. Remember that you are not tackling your tasks alone and your Guides will, so to say, whisper in your ear when you need advice or upliftment and do in fact influence you to make the right decisions that are to your advantage.

These are times when you can be a bit more outspoken, but in a kind way of course, helping those who are confused with what is taking place. Events are causing a lot of instability and hardship and charities and similar are being overwhelmed by the numbers of people involved. By normal nature many souls have stepped forward to help others at a time when so many need help. Somehow, you always seem to manage but the pressures of the present period can be very overwhelming. You are blessed and given great thanks for your voluntary work.

As always in times of strife, children seem to be severely affected and our thanks go to those tireless workers who spend so much time to give them some comfort. Be aware that much karma is being worked off in such times, so please understand that little really happens by chance. The loss of life saddens everyone except those who deliberately kill or maim others; yet, such happenings are the fulfilment of their life plans. Regretfully, it seems that humans need to experience the actions that they themselves have caused others to experience. I is the only way they learn.

However, there is so much good work going on by such dedicated souls who elected to come to Earth for that purpose. You have to marvel at the perfect planning that has taken place to ensure all goes to plan without infringing your freewill and that is remarkable. Of course, there are difficulties at times, but events can always be “replayed” if necessary. Your good works are rewarded, especially when you return to the higher realms, as there is as you might say “good karma”. Sometimes, your work of this nature is by way of thanking those who have helped you in the past. Good deeds do not pass unnoticed as with all other works you have been involved with.

You often do work within groups that specialise in helping the needy and certainly your presence is very much needed at this time. Without their help, society could not cope in situations such as you are experiencing now, you just do not have enough people with the necessary skills. So, you cope the best you can knowing that even your best results are far below what is required to meet the demand. Dear ones, we are in admiration of your attempts to cater for the level of demand, but even with the best will in the world there is no way you can do so. It calls for people to take care into their own hands where possible until professional help can be obtained.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Σάββατο 20 Ιανουαρίου 2024

In wars there are really no winners


Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 19 January 2024

The testing times are steadily becoming serious as more countries are getting involved, not necessarily by choice but for self-protection. It was always the danger as the threat of an escalation of the confrontation between Russia and the Ukraine shows no signs of being brought to a halt. Much is at stake and we have no control over it beyond trying to influence those in power to seek a peaceful outcome. You could say that Humanity is at the crossroads and the decisions you make now will have far reaching effects. In wars there are really no winners as all sides will suffer whatever the outcome.

We cannot make decisions on your behalf, but will again inform you that regardless of any escalation of the battle, there is a limitation to any attempt to spread it. It is already causing countries to take sides for their own protection as matters start to escalate. The majority of human beings desire to live in peace and in harmony with all other countries. Therefore, politics should be set aside in the interests of keeping the peace, so that all may live their lives according to their wishes. Religion has also historically been at the root of many upsets and it is time for all versions to agree a peaceful arrangement between the various factions. All paths eventually come together, as after all, there is only the One Truth.

Your future is bright and wonderful and you will get there regardless of what happens in the meantime. The Cosmos awaits your presence as many, many souls are now ready to ascend and nothing will be allowed to prevent it. Meantime, their presence will help maintain an energy that will lift others up and give them hope of a peaceful solution to the Earth’s woes. We need hardly mention that it is in a sorrow state with the prospects of it getting worse, but do not despair, as with the coming of Ascension the New Earth is ready to receive those souls who have lifted their vibrations. Dear Ones, all your efforts to overcome the negativity at present upon Earth firstly help you to ensure that your vibrations are high enough to ascend, and give a lift to others who also desire to evolve to the same level.

You have come through some difficult times and kept your goal in mind, even if not always aware of it. You have been helped at all stages, once you committed yourself to follow the right path, and you can be proud of your achievement. All your efforts to succeed have been well worthwhile and you can look forward to dazzling future that awaits you, but have patience and do not be distracted from your goal. You have spent many lives to get this far and we will ensure that you reap your due rewards.

In the future, you will have a choice of which path to take that best suits your ambitions. You have earned your achievements and it will not seem too long before you can claim them. As we recently mentioned, your future is assured and in some ways defies description, as life will be so different to what you experience now. Think beauty, harmony and a blissful experience far beyond anything you have encountered so far and you will grasp the nature of life to come.

We will be with you all the way and one day we shall meet and share our experiences. Indeed, it will be something of a reunion, as we have met many times in the past. You have been somewhat isolated, as your ability to progress needs your attention without being held back. However, as we mentioned recently, you do work when out of the body during your sleep period and may well be aware of it. There is so much for you to learn and understand, as on Earth you are reliant on people who profess to know your future needs, and you find it difficult to know who you can trust.

However, you will be all the stronger through your experiences and become more discerning when faced with new information. Again, we will, so to say, be looking over your shoulder and helping you along. We probably know your needs better than you do, as we can always see the greater picture. Your difficulty in bringing past experiences to mind is partly intentional, so that you are not distracted from the work in hand and your immediate needs.

Each of you have so much to offer to other souls on a similar journey, but you cannot rush things, as each one has a different approach to their experiences and some learn very little of value to their evolution. However, it normally works out well in the end, as there is nothing like actual experience to help you advance. We as always are on hand to help you if so desired, but would not normally interfere with your decisions. You often have to learn the hard way and that is your choice to make. You can be proud of what you have achieved do far, in the face of many attempts from the dark Ones to lead you astray.

You are very resilient and focussed on your goal and is to be recommended, so that you continue to rise up in your vibrations. Practise makes perfect and you should reach a point where you can hold them indefinitely. There will be testing times to come, but by now you should be able to overcome those that are of a negative vibration. You are a Light in the midst of darkness that has overwhelmed the Earth at times and other souls will feel comforted by your presence. Your energy is powerful and emanates a feeling of well-being and even healing.

You came to Earth to finish your growth as a spiritual Being, and as one that has succeeded, you are ready for greater challenges. Until you return to the Godhead, you will continue to evolve and become a powerful Light Being. Even now, your power of thought is becoming stronger as we recently informed you, and in time it will enable you to create virtually anything that you want. Indeed, you will create everything you desire and we tell you these things to lift you up for the future.

Life on Earth can seem drab at times but not far into the future all that will change with Ascension. By now, you should begin to appreciate and understand what the future holds for you and all the time you have focussed upon it, you have helped it to materialise. Your power of thought will create almost anything you need, so you will become very self-sufficient in the future. Eventually, you will become Masters in your own right. Every effort you put in to ascend will be well rewarded, as you must realise from many of the messages you read and not just through this source.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Τετάρτη 17 Ιανουαρίου 2024

Economy restored and poverty eradicated

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 12 January 2024

Here is an extract from a message by El Melchizedek.***23rd February 2016. The Galactic Federation.

We meet you on the surface of your world before any landings can take place. All military aircraft and vehicles that include technologies will be shut down. Any existing nukes will be taken aboard our ships for disposal, along with bombs neutralised, also marine ships and any technological weaponry regardless of its sophistication. Furthermore, cars, appliances, mechanical devices and any guns will be inoperable to the user. Where all media networks will only broadcast our messages, including radio, TV and the Internet for the purpose of our introduction, and global state of our address to Earth Humanity. We have made it clear to all military, that interference will not be tolerated. As Earth continues to rise in frequency, the surface will be transformed before any landings take place with the economy restored and poverty eradicated.

12th January 2024. Mike Quinsey

With the coming of a New Year there is an expectancy of a new beginning and positive energies that will give you a much better outlook. Certainly for a time these energies do lift you up, but are not retained long enough to have any lasting effect. The prospects for the year based on previous events do not certainly look encouraging, yet there is a general movement of opinion that calls for a more peaceful existence. One hub for change is in the Middle East where negative energies abound, and without our intervention to keep them getting out of hand could lead to a more serious situation. However, the war between Russia and the Ukraine is teetering on extending it to a far greater region and again we try to influence both parties to look for a sensible conclusion. The outcome will clearly have a big impact on the rest of the world.

It seems that the more you try to sort out your difficulties the harder it gets and very little progress is being made. However, you are laying down a path to a better way of living and where possible we will help you along. Times of change are inevitably uncomfortable for most of you, but worth the upheaval if finally world peace is achieved. However, it seems a long way off at present, but many powerful souls are working hard for it. Please bear in mind that nations like individual people are also bound by karma that has to be cleared. It can be very uncomfortable for many, but is necessary before you can achieve your aims to be released from the tentacles of the dark Ones.

Every soul has to play a part in lifting up the vibrations up by ensuring that their own vibrations are held in place. After all, every event on Earth has a wide affect that in part determines how things work out. However, there are many factors involved in events upon Earth and one that overrides all others is the Cosmic Plan for Earth that takes precedence. Realise that you accepted your part in being present for the final days of the dark Ones, and undertook to do your best in all circumstances. Everyone has a life plan and you are equipped with all of the abilities and knowledge you need to be a success.

Each one of you brings experience with you suited for the tasks you have undertaken to carry out. For some souls just being on Earth is sufficient to help and influence others. It really depends on what experience and skills you have brought with you. No one is birthed upon Earth to waste their time or that of others although it may seem so. We know some souls are concerned, because they cannot see how they fit in, but be assured they will be in the right place at the right time when called upon. When your time comes, you will be ready to carry out the work you will have undertaken prior to your incarnation, and you will be helped in the process.

As you go about your work, know that your Guides are always in touch with you and will use their power of influence to help you cope with the various challenges you may meet. Major events will have been pre-planned and be assured that you will have discussed them beforehand. Obviously other souls will also often be involved and you can be sure they will also have been informed of their part in the action. Indeed, it can become very involved at times, but it is meticulously planned. Much more of the action around you is of no real consequence, but when it is, be assured we are present to oversee the events and ensue all ends well.

Families will sometimes work together and most likely incarnate on more than one occasion to continue their work. In fact, they may continue it through several incarnations together. The bonds between such souls are very strong and they often take on some of the more important work where their experience is needed. Such souls are members of the Royal Families and involved when a special task is requiring their experience that they will have acquired over many lives. They are dedicated to their work and normally keep strictly to the Royal line of births.

Every soul can contribute to the aim to spread the Light by sending out your love to all around, and even those who dwell in the lower vibrations, as they need help to find the Light and cast off their attachment to them. Your patience and kindness is like a beacon in the darkness that really exists in the lowest of all vibrations. Other souls can often sense your energy and it uplifts them, and makes them feel good. It borders on healing energy and certainly helps those around you, and the word that embraces it all is “love”, meaning universal love. Just imagine how powerful they are and could heal you by the power of their thoughts and sometimes they do.

Keep your aura intact and as a high expression of your love and do not allow another soul of the lower vibrations affect it by their actions. Keep calm in all situations and as we have often advised you, walk away from those who would taunt or abuse you because you are different to them. Even so, they will have been affected by contact with you and remember your strength of character and willpower.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Τετάρτη 10 Ιανουαρίου 2024

Greater powers than the dark Ones have your future in their hands

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 5 January 2024

Over many years we have been given so many indications of expected changes that are very near to materialising, and I feel it is the right time to highlight them. I wish you all a Happy New Year.

20th March 2016. Grand Second Wave of Ascension – Archangel Michael through Michael Love.

The New Earth will be inside Wave X and the Event Horizon will pierce the Great Void and we will perceive the New Earth, and move into the “Crystalline Light”. Gamma Light can in an instance evolve the DNA of any species. We then cross the Great Rainbow Bridge and become the New Human with the New Earth.

5th January 2024.

Greetings from our side of the veil for a wonderful New Year that is full of promise. Matters are moving at a faster rate and although your destiny is written in the stars, we caution you to hold tight to your positive reasoning. Whatever you experience in the coming years know that it is on the path that leads to your release from the dark Ones. They are pressing on with their belief that they can conquer the world, but are going to be disappointed as greater powers than theirs have your future in their hands. So, keep positive knowing that all will be well and your future is assured. As the vibrations continue to rise they will gradually come into prominence, so much so that that they leave the lower vibrations behind.

You face another year of many changes that are spreading across the planet, as Mother Earth continues her cleansing, it will clearly be very uncomfortable for many people, but the Earth must be ready for the coming of Ascension. People will unavoidably experience great losses depending on where they live, but be assured that in the long run you will benefit as much as anyone else. A new life beckons that will be totally without the problems that you are experiencing, or expecting at present. Whatever situation you find yourselves in, understand that you would have been aware of it before you took this incarnation.

Many souls have no memory of it at all and the idea of being reincarnated is beyond their understanding. However, like all souls, they review their life to establish what lessons are unlearnt and decide the next challenges for a further life upon Earth. The need for continual lives will last a long as further experiences are necessary to ensure you continue to evolve. Once you sufficiently raise your vibrations to a higher level, it will reach a point whereupon you have no need for further lives upon Earth. You take your place amongst the higher vibrations for a very acceptable life where the dark Ones are unable to exist.

So, take the hard knocks in your stride and know that nothing happens without good reason. Sometimes it is karmic planned as part of your needed life experiences but more often is the result of the actions of other souls. Regardless of the reasons you should at all times try to act in a sensible way, that does not harm other people. If you do, instant karma may result, so accept it as such. As we so often remind you nothing of importance happens by chance.

There are bound to be occasions when things do not work out as you have planned, but realise that your life plan takes precedence. Your Guides are kept quite busy ensuring that you do miss an opportunity to advance your vibrations, meaning that their influence can help you take actions that are positive and to your benefit.

You are to be commended for taking on the challenges that life upon Earth presents you with. Sadly some souls cannot cope with the demands upon them and choose to end their life, even after they have discussed it with their Guides. At the end of the day, it is the soul who has the last word and will understand the consequences of not completing their life plan. There is no punishment and a further opportunity will be presented to them to overcome their problems.

Dear Ones, we appreciate your determination to see through each lifetime and ensure your evolution continues to advance. The dark Ones have concealed many truths from you and try all kinds of tricks to make you think each life is your only one. They do not want you to realise that your freedom is in your own hands and deny you where possible the upliftment the Light can give you. Indeed, they will try to keep you in the dark as to your true self as a Being of Light. They cannot keep it going, because you will still lift your vibrations up as you become more aware of the truth.

We have mentioned your karma and obviously as you evolve you incur less and less of it, because you have reached an advanced state of being. Your understanding of the truth broadens and your progress speeds up. The truth becomes more recognisable and you are well versed in passing it on to other souls. Some who are still seeped in religious teachings are not ready to make strides into the higher teachings. However, it is for many their chosen path and you may be assured that it will eventually lead them to the truth.

Souls find the teachings that serve their needs at the time, so there is no need to be concerned about their future. You have all the time in the world to seek and search for the truth and can be assured that with the help of your Guides you will find it. In reality, you cannot judge another soul based upon one lifetime, as when they take a new life upon Earth, they are prepared for it and have a life plan that will cover their precise needs. That is why you cannot truly judge the level that a soul has reached. The Royals are a separate group of souls especially equipped for the tasks that are peculiar to their lifestyle, and it is why they are against “outsiders” joining their family that has a specific blood line they do not want broken.

Much planning goes into each civilisation, so that the souls ready to move on get the opportunities they require to achieve it. Rich man poor man, it makes no difference to them where their evolution is concerned, as the most important aspect is to get the particular experiences that will help them evolve. That is every souls aim whether they realise it or not and with help they are given every opportunity to succeed.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Παρασκευή 5 Ιανουαρίου 2024

Benevolent changes are on the near horizon because the light is triumphant

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 3 January 2024

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You are inundated with information, and rarely do we tell you which to embrace and which to disregard. Instead, we have emphasized using discernment and trusting intuition about all information, and we have offered guidance to distinguish factual from false.

Now we are going to speak out forthrightly, about the perception that you are entering fifth density. You need to know that is a misperception, so you don’t become disillusioned when what you are expecting doesn’t happen.

We don’t know from whence came that idea about Earth’s proximity to fifth density—perhaps the intensity of the collective desire for goodness to permeate the planet and uplift every life. You want your families to live in a peaceful world where everyone shares in bountiful resources and has nutritious food, excellent healthcare and education, and satisfying housing. A world whose damaged areas are restored to health and beauty, where neighbours and nations cooperate happily, everyone has advancement opportunities and all humans live in harmony with Nature.

We understand this, dear ones! All lighted beings in this universe want that for Gaia and all her resident souls, human and animal and plant, and that world will come in its time—that is a certainty!

You also have personal desires relating to fifth density. Although you are greatly more aligned with soul-level knowledge than is a third density population, your bodies are as vulnerable as theirs to illness, afflictions and aging. You want to grow new organs and limbs and teeth, regain keen vision and hearing, become stronger and more energetic, and look vibrant and youthful.

That is understandable, too, and the ability to make those changes is indeed forthcoming, but not imminently or en masse. The key is not med bed technology, as you may be thinking—it is close rapport with your body and its functioning, unwavering belief, and soul contract choice for optimum physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. When persons’ conscious desires are the same as their contracts in this regard and they staunchly believe they have renewal capabilities, the combination produces the frequency that activates bodies’ self-healing, regenerating and de-aging mechanisms.

You also want to communicate telepathically, materialize objects, teleport and use other innate abilities, and all of those will be unfolding up ahead. If your contract’s longevity clause doesn’t call for living on Earth that long, you will have all those “magical” dimensions of life in Nirvana, another spirit world or back in your homeland.

And, dear family, your enthusiasm about the future is totally justified! In the continuum you are absolutely glowing as you enjoy the spectrum of soul-level powers and Earth is sparkling with renewed health and restored beauty. What is askew is your perception of when that future is in linear time. You could be interpreting the winds of change, so to say, as closeness to fifth density.

While still tenacious and dangerous, the Illuminati are weakening by the day. Many of their operations have been destroyed and others are faltering, like forming terrorist groups and hiring mercenaries, because financing is drying up. A number of their major players in several countries have been executed and grassroots movements are subverting local dark footholds. No longer is Earth serving as a schoolhouse for the universe, so the day of souls flocking there to balance experiencing by enduring difficult 3D lifetimes is over.

All those developments have been heightening vibratory rates, and you may be feeling the effect as fifth density’s doorstep. Maybe a more intimate connection with God and Gaia is sending your spirits soaring. Or your sensation of nearness to fifth density could be is as simple as that is what you are.

Think of this: Always you emit the high vibes of love and those produced by your nature—smiles, kindness, compassion, empathy, generosity, optimism, helpfulness, perseverance and self-confidence—and simply by BEing you radiate a mile-wide beam of light and joyousness that motivates, inspires and uplifts Earth’s peoples. Our dear sisters and brothers, that is who you are and why you are where you are!

Also affecting life on Earth is the energy of the “on-the-other-hand” populace. The many, many millions who are struggling to survive don’t know their preoccupation with loss, anxiety and suffering is strengthening and prolonging the causes of their grief, fear and deprivations. They have no idea about the ages-old battle between the light forces and the dark forces or that benevolent changes are on the near horizon because the light is triumphant. The low frequencies of ignorance that are formidable foes of hope and self-empowerment solidify the basis of a third-density environment.

Of the many people who don’t live in dire circumstances, some who are wealthy covet their money and are miserly or are oblivious to the needy. Some individuals are ruthlessly climbing the corporate ladder or are focused on climbing the social ladder. Some are afraid to speak out truthfully or fear associating with someone who is “different.” Some are self-centered or unfaithful to partners or concentrate on self-gratification. Some betray friends or deceive family or are abusive or let addictions control them, and some individuals are just plain nasty-dispositioned. That bundle of low frequency behaviors and emotions is third-density glue.

Now then, a few of our messages include words from Arnold, a member of the extraterrestrial special forces. Maybe you remember that one reason the forces are invaluable helpers is their ability to invisibly “attend” Deep State planning sessions and advise White hats accordingly. [March 3, 2022 message includes their various capabilities and services.]

Our reference to him isn’t in that capacity, though. Mother, please copy what he said a few months ago that is pertinent to Earth and this fifth density issue.

“My people conservatively estimate that reconciliation, cleansing and reconstruction will be completed in less than two generations, 35 to 40 of your years, and many aspects will be accomplished much sooner. Significant efforts have started in some areas, others are in planning stages, and throughout those years we and other universal family will work alongside you.”[July 3, 2023 message.]

Thank you. The time estimate Arnold spoke about takes into account all circumstances that must be dealt with. We will mention some on his long list:

Animals and trees are souls whose symbiotic and synergistic relationship with humankind is an essential part of an advanced world. Most of Earth’s animals are treated inhumanely and corporations scarify square miles of forested land.

Doubles or AI-produced clones portray persons who no longer are alive to give the appearance that they are handling their jobs as usual. A mask-wearing actor playing the part of United States President Biden and other imposters who hold elected offices in that country and other countries are following Illuminati orders.

The Vatican is the international headquarters for Satanism and has art treasures the Nazis stole from Jewish families during WWII. Pope Francis would not adhere to the Illuminati agenda, so he was assassinated three years ago and since then an old man wearing a mask has been telling adherents of Catholicism what he is told to tell them.

The religiously devout don’t know the tenets of Christianity were written many centuries ago by leaders of state and church, so they could control the masses and enrich themselves.

Darkness pervades the Western medical system via textbook publication; hospital administration; CDC, FDA, WHO and related agencies; pharmaceutical manufacturers; insurance companies; and practitioners who succumb to bribes, threats or blackmail.

Governments don’t want to acknowledge the existence, much less the presence of people in other civilizations.

Nazis who fled to Ukraine after WWII joined with the Illuminati to make that country a breeding ground for every major crime in your world. The controlled media cannot report that Russia was tasked by the light forces to locate and destroy those operations.

Illuminati-controlled global banking and commerce are computer transactions with no monetary foundation.

Malnutrition, disease, impoverishment and homelessness or nomadic existence are the lot of billions in a world ruled by billionaires.

From early civilizations onward, powermongers have cut short the lifetimes of countless souls whose contract choice was to live to old age. The most recent example, genocide in Gaza, hadn’t begun when Arnold’s people were listing the aforementioned situations and others that run deep into the roots of Earth’s civilization; however, he said that won’t change their time estimate for “reconciliation, cleansing and reconstruction.

Darkness will end in stages as Earth’s civilization advances through fourth density. No 3D action, activity, attribute or attitude can cross the threshold of fifth, because their low vibrations cannot exist in that density.

About those numbers—the universe has no demarcations, energy isn’t compartmentalized, and we use numbers only to indicate Earth’s location or the evolutionary status of an individual or a civilization. Fourth and fifth densities aren’t destinations on an intergalactic travel itinerary; they are stages of self-discovery along souls’ evolutionary journey back to Creator Source.

As the society awakens, they will learn that brutality, bellicosity, corruption, deceit, greed, bigotry, vengefulness, rage, envy, jealousy, treachery and bitterness were inculcated in the makeup of humankind by puppets of the dark forces in antiquity. Those characteristics were purposeful in third density, but it is time to expunge them from the collective consciousness. By exemplifying the love-light essence of Creator, you will be the wayshowers for the peoples to eradicate those traits.

Helping a civilization rise from third density to fifth is a gargantuan undertaking, a gargantuan accomplishment! In the continuum, Earth’s happy, healthy, prosperous humans are thriving with the animals and plants on a grandly-rejuvenated planet. Dear ones, you are helping them bring about that “rebirth”!

All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website:The Matthew Books


Digital Art by Swami Sevaratna

Δευτέρα 1 Ιανουαρίου 2024

You Have More Than Five Senses

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

This is Mikos, speaking to you today from the Hollow Earth. We come here to meet with you to give you messages to take to your people who are above ground. It is so very important that the people here on Earth know who we are and that we are here. Our existence is crucial to your existence. You are much wiser now as a species and will more easily accept us when we physically contact you now.

This Hollow Globe you live above was meant for all to partake in, was meant for all to explore, was meant for all to realize how magnificent the God within is. For it is the God within your being who has created all of this, and it is the God within your being who wants to experience all of this. But first you have to recognize its existence and recognize that things do exist beyond your five senses, beyond that which you call sight and sound and location, for you don’t need to be able to see something in order for it to exist. Its existence is independent of your actual physical sight.

In actuality, you will have many more than the five senses. In actuality, you are all multidimensional beings, who are here to discover the other senses within your multidimensionality. And when you discover your extra senses, you will discover the Universe. You won’t need books to learn from anymore, for all of the learning will take place within you. You’ll be able to travel any place you desire, and learn from the actual experience of going there. Books will become obsolete, for the real place of knowledge is within. As Jesus said, know yourself, and you will know everything. For you are the source of everything, you are where everything is stored; you only need to learn how to access the Living Library within your very being, within your very body, within your Temple.

Marvelous things await you as you raise yourself in consciousness and raise yourselves to higher frequencies of Light Vibrations. The higher you vibrate, the more you can access, and the more you can access, the more of yourself you will know. All knowledge is within you, and you are within all, and it is quite simple to access it once you’ve moved up your vibration to the necessary frequency where suddenly all becomes available to you and all becomes a gift from the Grand Creator of All That Is.

So the purpose of life is to move up in vibration, until you are where we are, until all you can see is pure essence of life, the pure essence of all that is, and this pure essence is the Nirvana that you all have been looking for. The pure essence of God, which dwells in each of us, is the essence that creates the Worlds Within the Worlds.

You are now reaching the point in your evolution where it will be very easy for you to access all that is, to access the greatness of your body cells, and once again unite with us in consciousness. And once this uniting takes place, you will greatly benefit from all that we have learned over these eons of time. For we have been able to put our consciousness to work, so to speak, to create a Nirvana inside the Globe of Mother Earth.

Mother Earth knows of the existence of all of her children; she knows where each of us is, how each of us is, and where we’re all going on our path to destiny. As you raise yourself in consciousness, you will also be able to check in with Mother Earth and she will tell you how you’re doing as your consciousness registers within her, as the Light of your being is known by her, as all that you do and all that you say is heard by her. So you are, indeed, fully equipped to begin your journey into the bright light of a New Earth, into the bright light of the New World, where we all excitedly await your return.