Σάββατο 18 Νοεμβρίου 2023

Spirituality and Religion

From Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”

What is the role of the established religions in the arising of the new consciousness? Many people are already aware of the difference between spirituality and religion. They realize that having a belief system,- a set of thoughts that you regard as the absolute truth – does not make you spiritual no matter what the nature of those beliefs is. In fact, the more you make your thoughts (beliefs) into your identity, the more cut off you are from the spiritual dimension within yourself. Many “religious” people are stuck at that level. They equate truth with thought, and as they are completely identified with thought (their mind), they claim to be in sole possession of the truth in an unconscious attempt to protect their identity. They don’t realize the limitations of thought. Unless you believe (think) exactly as they do, you are wrong in their eyes, and in the not- too­distant past, they would have felt justified in killing you for that. And some still do, even now.

The new spirituality, the transformation of consciousness, is arising to a large extent outside of the structures of the existing institutionalized religions. There were always pockets of spirituality even in mind-dominated religions, although the institutionalized hierarchies felt threatened by them and often tried to suppress them. A large-scale opening of spirituality outside of the religious structures is an entirely new development. In the past, this would have been inconceivable, especially in the West, the most mind-dominated of all cultures, where the Christian church had a virtual franchise on spirituality. You couldn’t just stand up and give a spiritual talk or publish a spiritual book unless you were sanctioned by the church, and if you were not, they would quickly silence you. But now, even within certain churches and religions, there are signs of change. It is heart-warming, and one is grateful for even the slightest signs of openness, such as Pope John Paul II visiting a mosque as well as a synagogue.

Partly as a result of the spiritual teachings that have arisen outside the established religions, but also due to an influx of the ancient Eastern wisdom teachings, a growing number of followers of traditional religions are able to let go of identification with form, dogma, and rigid belief systems and discover the original depth that is hidden within their own spiritual tradition at the same time as they discover the depth within themselves. They realize that how “spiritual” you are has nothing to do with what you believe, but everything to do with your state of consciousness. This, in turn, determines how you act in the world and interact with others.

Those unable to look beyond form become even more deeply entrenched in their beliefs, that is to say, in their mind. We are witnessing not only an unprecedented influx of consciousness at this time but also an entrenchment and intensification of the ego. Some religious institutions will be open to the new consciousness; others will harden their doctrinal positions and become part of all those other man-made structures through which the collective ego will defend itself and “fight back.” Some churches, sects, cults, or religious movements are basically collective egoic entities, as rigidly identified with their mental positions as the followers of any political ideology that is closed to any alternative interpretation of reality.

But the ego is destined to dissolve, and all its ossified structures, whether they be religious or other institutions, corporations, or governments, will disintegrate from within, no matter how deeply entrenched they appear to be. The most rigid structures, the most impervious to change, will collapse first. This has already happened in the case of Soviet Communism. How deeply entrenched, how solid and monolithic it appeared, and yet within a few years, it disintegrated from within. No one foresaw this. All were taken by surprise. There are many more such surprises in store for us.

Παρασκευή 17 Νοεμβρίου 2023

The changes will be so pronounced that you will be greatly overjoyed

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 17 November 2023

According to insiders the Illuminati as represented by Netanyahu’s plan is to totally destroy Gaza and make it their Headquarters.

17th November 2023. Mike Quinsey.

A world in turmoil is not a safe place to be, as the possibility of Israel’s war with Gaza drawing in other nations could easily take place. At a higher level, it is being controlled within limits applied by those who oversee your actions, as for example their edict that the use of nuclear weapons will not be allowed. We for our part stand by to ensure that those limitations are adhered to and not ignored. There has always been a greater plan for Humanity to ensure the ultimate Ascension.

These are such testing times and those of you who are the Light bearers are called upon to keep calm, and not drawn into any arguments put forward by the dark Ones. They are losing out in the battle for supremacy and prepared to go to any length to hold onto their position. In reality, they know they are fighting a losing battle, but are prepared to go to any length to avoid defeat. However, greater powers than theirs are on the side of the Light that is destined to win it.

Many people who are less aware of the truth see only what appears before them, and understandably are extremely worried as to the likely outcome. Please console them and assure them that future is assured, and a period of unrest will be followed by restoration of a New Earth upon which the dark Ones have no place. Already, you are leaving the old energies behind and your path to it lies ahead. With this in mind find the strength from within to maintain your position, and by so doing you will be a good example to others who will be uplifted by it.

It is to be expected that there will be much grief and sorry upon Earth, as conditions for some souls are appalling and causing much suffering, and as much as we would like to ease it, we must allow karma to work itself out, as otherwise needed lessons will not be experienced. Understand that there is no punished involved, it is simply the outworking of a system that requires souls who experience it to learn lessons as to how their actions affect others. In fact, we give much guidance and help to those who have undertaken to experience the consequences of their own actions.

You can be assured that there is much love being sent to those dear souls who have turned to the Light. We want them to succeed so that they never have to experience such things again. The rewards for success are beyond your imagination, so we never relax our encouragement and are always urging you on. You have come long way to get to this stage in your evolution and we want you to keep going as the end is in sight. You have had so many incarnations over a very long period and they have prepared you for the final test of your staying power. It is too easy to feel you are not getting anywhere fast, but we say be patient the end is in sight.

We have to remind you that for each incarnation you are “equipped” with the necessary links and knowledge that are needed by you to successfully carry out your life plan. It is usually discussed with you prior to your birth as a human being. Also, as we recently pointed out, you are helped all along the way, as we are keen to see you successfully meet your life plan. At this time, it is more important than usual, because you are at the end of the cycle, and with all of your experience you should stand a very good chance of achieving Ascension. After all, that is the object of your many incarnations although the Illuminati would rather you were unaware of it, and try to keep you in the dark.

Deep down in your consciousness you know what is expected of you and your Higher Self is also urging you on. You have the experience and subconsciously you know what is expected of you and we also stand at your shoulder to guide you on your way. Talk to us and we will do little things to catch your attention, so that you know we are there with you. Put your trust in us and we will be able to do so much more for you and you will know it.

The future is bright and for many it signals the end of a long period covering many lives, that have brought you to this opportunity to end your incarnations in the lower vibrations. You are ready for greater experiences that will come to you when you have ascended into the levels of Light that are beyond the reach of the Illuminati. The changes will be so pronounced that you will be greatly overjoyed. You will meet those souls who have been your mentors over thousands of years as you grew spiritually. So, whenever you feel overwhelmed by the experiences upon Earth, remember that you have come a long way to reach this point in your evolution and successfully raised your vibrations to leave the lower ones behind.

Do not be concerned about those souls who do not appear to be ready to rise up, they are gaining the experiences they need to move on and also have wonderful Guides who look after them. They will lack for nothing and get every attention and help necessary to make progress with each lifetime upon Earth. Every soul has a life plan especially suited to their needs to ensure they continue to make progress. So, do not feel isolated or lacking help, as it is always ready to assist you when needed. Knowing it will lift your spirits and enable you to sense or feel Guides when they come close to you. That little voice you “hear” in your head is helping you to make the right decisions and work to your plan for experiences that will lift you up.

As time passes, there are likely to be revelations that will place more facts before you relating to your time and activities upon Earth. In the past, it has been the lack of understanding the reasons for your experiences that has sometimes resulted in unsatisfactory endings. That has all changed and as you head for the final thrust to maintain your upliftment, as we still stand by as always, sending you the high vibrations that also give you that “feel good” factor. We are cheering you on, as you put all your effort into ensuring a satisfactory ending to your present experiences.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Τετάρτη 15 Νοεμβρίου 2023

There is no opposite to Love because Love is All

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 31 October 2023

Here in the non physical realms we are watching with joy as the human collective, each and every human, shows signs of awakening. Yes, your awakening is happening now, and the anguish that so many are presently experiencing is leading them inevitably and most positively towards Love as they have come to realize that there is no other meaningful direction in which to proceed. As each one calls personally on Love – and It is always present or available in many forms such as: forgiveness, acceptance, prayer, meditation, allowing, willingness, compassion, empathy – often in desperation as nothing else is working, they are effectively opening to the truth that they themselves are beings who are Love and who desire only Love, and in doing so they are also starting to recognize that Love is who all others are as well. The Love Tsunami is greatly intensifying worldwide as more and more of you open yourselves to It and become fully aware and most willing partners with It in your collective awakening process. Truly, all is well!

God is Love, is All, is the Source of all of creation, is the eternal life force that provides for every need that a created being could ever conceive of. For example, as a gross over-simplification: a human body is composed of trillions of interconnected cells in a multitude of bodily systems that operate in total unity, interdependently and unfailingly, to maintain it perfectly, while knowing and honoring the fact that they are essential and irreplaceable elements within it. As humans in form most of you have lost or forgotten this similar knowing about yourselves, and so attempt to operate as independent autonomous beings, which you are not. Personal autonomy is seemingly an enormously powerful egoic belief system into which you have been enculturated, based on the fear of the possible imminent collapse or destruction of your bodies and it operates to protect them while happily destroying others, if it seems in any way advantageous to do so. And this, of course, is a recipe for total disaster and devastation, even though such a state could never come into existence.

Your egos are fear-driven and always have been. You have often been told that fear is the opposite to Love, but this is incorrect as there is no opposite to Love because Love is All. Love accepts, comforts, encourages, uplifts and inspires those who choose to allow themselves to become aware that It is always there for them, that they are eternally and inseparably enfolded within It, instead of hiding from It, for It is indeed their true nature. Fear is an unreal sense that quickly arose in your minds when you constructed and entered into the illusion in which you experience yourselves as humans in form, and found yourselves apparently alone and abandoned in a vast universe that was unaware that you even existed. You felt and believed yourselves to be unseen, unheard and unloved, and this was terrifying for the individuality that you now identified as yourself – your physical body and its ego – and neither of those are real. Your true state, your true knowledge of yourself as One with Mother/Father/God, was lost and forgotten on entering the illusion, and replaced by a deep sense of unbearable isolation. And, as you well know, the whole purpose of constructing and entering into the illusion was to experience separation. What you did not realize and could not have possibly imagined was how totally alone and abandoned you would feel. And the seeming reality of that unreal state that you experience is terrifying, and as a consequence you spend much of your human lives seeking the comfort and support of love from another, unaware that you are Love!

To awaken is to know yourselves once more as you truly are, a differentiated and individuated divine being in eternal inseparable Union with Mother/Father/God. Knowing that once more will fill you with joy and wonder, it is an amazing ongoing experience that has never ceased to amaze and delight you in every moment, even though you appear to have been in an eons long state of forgetfulness of this unchangeable divine Truth. You have a saying: “Home is where the heart is.” Truly your heart is always and uninterruptedly expressing itself within the divine Heart, because that is where it resides in every moment of your existence.

You are Love, that is your natural and eternal state, and any sense or feeling you may experience that is not in perfect alignment with this divine Truth is totally and completely invalid. You are all beings of intense perfection and beauty – infinite perfection and beauty – because that is how Mother/Father/God created you, because it is the only way that She could create you. Your awakening is your awakening from seemingly eons of pain, suffering and the trauma of unworthiness which have never occurred, and which could never occur. That Truth is very difficult for you to accept, because the environment in which you are experiencing your human lives seems so intensely real. The seemingly valid and intense reality of life in form was your intention when you imagined and thus constructed that unreal state. You know that it is unreal simply because it is not and never could be aligned with the Love that you are in every moment of your divine eternal existence.


What you are experiencing as humans in form that is not of Love is utterly unreal, and it is your and God’s intent that that you awaken. You are all the beloved children of God – every single sentient being without any exceptions – and She is gently and lovingly nudging you into wakefulness, so that you awaken into the joy that you are, gently, peacefully, and without trauma of any kind. You have already experienced far too much of that as you have lived the nightmare of unreality in which it seemed to you that Love was absent. However, It was not, and never could be, because, as you do know deep within yourselves, there is only Love. Joy and bliss lovingly await your final and inevitable choice to awaken and to be consciously and eternally fully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God.

With so very much love, Saul.

Σάββατο 11 Νοεμβρίου 2023

You have already entered the photon belt

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 10 November 2023

A short introduction by Mike Quinsey

Just when you thought things could not get worse, the world now witnesses a war in Gaza of such proportions that one wonders how and when it will end. “Matthew’s Message – November 1” fully covers the developments and I recommend you read the full version to become enlightened as to the purpose of the war that the Illuminati are behind. The following extract from the message clearly reveals that they planned it and of their intentions.

“The intention of the Illuminati counterattack in Gaza is to cause massive death, injury, fear and extreme hardships for survivors, and Israeli defence forces have been ordered to cripple Palestine to irremediable status. The rock-bottom vibrations of that combination added to the vibrations of everyone who is suffering hang like ominous storm clouds on Earth’s horizon.”

10th November 2023. Mike Quinsey.

The world lurches from one crisis to another and when you thought it couldn’t get worse, it does, leaving people wondering how and where it will all end. Dear Ones, that is still in the melting pot and depends on how the forces of Light respond. It is a delicate situation that few wish to see escalate into a World War, but they can rest assured that it would not be allowed as the greater Plan is for the success of the Light.

How you reach your goal depends on your actions and response to the events going on around you. Our desire is that you hold the love vibrations and spread them around you to all people, as that will maintain a good level so important at such a trying time. You have already entered the photon belt and as time progresses the vibrations will lift up and negativity will be weakened by it and eventually disappear. So let your thoughts revolve around the love/light that is keeping your hopes alive. We are with you willing you ever onwards and know that you have the intention and willpower to succeed.

These are the times you have been waiting for and prepared for well in advance. In spite of the present darkness that has descended upon Earth your Light is lifting up other souls and giving them hope. Anticipating this period of the End Times you have been selected, because you lifted yourselves up and can hold the vibrations. Never waver, as it is written in the stars that the Light will be victorious, and deservedly so. You as Light Beings are the beacons that will help others find the way home. In fact, you do not know how important your contribution is to achieve victory over the dark Ones.

You have been preparing for these times for so long and chosen to be present, because you have the strength and determination to go all the way as required to reach your goal. Never fear the dark Ones as your Light is your protection, and they try to destroy it for that reason. In reality, they know you are more powerful than them, but try every trick to get you off guard. So, stay firm and resilient knowing that you are more powerful than they are. Fear is their weapon and the energy they live off that is growing because of the state of the Earth as it reacts to so much negativity. However, it has its own way of dealing with such problems.

It is with sadness that we hear the cries of those beleaguered souls in Gaza trapped in the most intolerable conditions, but they would not have become involved unless it was part of their evolution. At one level, as unlikely as it may seem, they accepted the challenge that they took on knowing that it would help their desire to overcome their frailty. They knew before they incarnated that life would be very trying, to say the least, but also knew that it presented an opportunity to evolve more quickly.

Dear Ones, we know life can be hard for many people, but all souls will find themselves exactly where they can release karma and progress, and if successful never to have to face the same challenges again. It may sound harsh to put souls through such experiences, but it has proved to be the only way you really learn. When you return to the Light, between lives, naturally your Guides take you through your experiences and help you understand the outcome of them.

Every soul is acting out a part that is essential to the outcome and be assured that a lot of preparation goes into arranging it. Failure is considered as part of your experience and you always have the opportunity to meet the same challenge again. As we have often pointed out previously, there is no shame in missing out on a life where you went astray. Indeed, you should be that much stronger as a result of it. Experience at any stage is desirable, so your time is always of value and there is always something to be gained from it.

The Earth is ideal for your experiences and there is not another planet in your system that can offer such a vast array of experiences. What a beautiful place it is, yet Man in his ignorance has no concept that it is a life form that has given itself to Man for the outworking of his freewill. Right now Mother Earth is “shaking” off some undesirable changes, so that it can cleanse the Earth and eventually restore it to its pristine condition. There are so many changes taking place and now and then the Earth shakes as result.

However, it is the long term benefits that count and clearing out the old, and no longer useful ways of doing things will make way for a change that will benefit all people. It is not easy to achieve it whilst people have to live through it, but it will be made as easy as possible. A lot is being asked of you, but people are hardy and determined to see the changes through, even at the expense of experiencing lower levels of comfort. Soon it will become apparent where Humanity is heading and the future looks bright and assured.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Πέμπτη 9 Νοεμβρίου 2023

Kinship is the natural state of humanity

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 4 November 2023

Humanity is awakening! Your awakening is unavoidable. Those of you who are in the early stages, those of you who are becoming aware that it is absolutely essential to awaken, have been very powerfully moving towards this wondrous upcoming moment, as you have observed the increasing pain and suffering that so many are undergoing due to the various insane conflicts presently befalling so many across your world. The time for violence and war is over, and only LOVE will bring it to an end. Love is inundating Planet Earth as never before and affecting everyone, even those who have chosen, and are still choosing, to judge, condemn, and punish those with whom they disagree.

The deluge of Love presently flooding the Earth is immersing everyone. People are drowning in Love and are consequently being aroused into a state of care, compassion, and tenderness which stimulates an intense desire to assist in bringing about a state of equanimity throughout the world. This will allow harmony, resonance and a willingness to acknowledge the paramount need to recognize, honor and bring into being a universal kinship among all of humanity, without exclusions or exceptions of any kind.

Kinship is the natural state of humanity. It is the relationship that enfolds you all in the Love that is Mother/Father/God. You are all members of this divine kinship, a state or relationship that always honors and respects all its members. It is the state from which you have never been separated, and yet for many eons people have tended to attempt to limit it to blood relationships and very close friendships, thus using it instead as a means of disunion or estrangement that has often led to intense disharmony and conflict, as it still does.

Love is who you are, Love is who humanity is because humans are all creative sentient beings, and all sentient beings are eternally and inseparably One with God. The apparent separation that humans experience from each other and from God is utterly unreal. You have just chosen to pretend that you are alone and abandoned in a very dangerous environment, and because you have been playing this game of pretence for so long it is very difficult for you to come to the realization of its unreality. It is rather like movie or stage actors who remain in their roles between scenes so as not to lose their ability to flow with the story they are telling when they are back on the set or on stage. Well, the movie, the play is over, and it is time to be yourselves again – divine beings of Love living naturally as your real selves, sharing and extending that Love.

You know that you are conscious aware beings, and that knowing comes with a responsibility, the responsibility to acknowledge that your nature is Love, and to live lovingly in every moment. However, your egos are very good at persuading you that as separate beings you have to take care of yourselves because no one else will. This is not the case! When you choose to live lovingly – you do have free will and so can choose to do so or not to do so – and make it your daily practice, you will find that others regularly engage with you in like manner. It is no good, and it is definitely not practicable to wait for others to do so first!

As the beloved and aware divine children of God it is you who must set the example of being Love in action, that is why you chose to be in human form at this moment. You knew before you incarnated that you were incarnating into the age in which the Tsunami of Love was going to flood Planet Earth, and you wanted to be present to mightily assist in the resultant awakening process, and to absolutely delight in the human experience of being utterly and totally immersed in Love.

Yes, you, like all beings in form, were disabled upon arrival by the amnesia that enveloped you upon your arrival. BUT, you now KNOW that you have a divine purpose on Earth right now, because almost since the first moments that your human intellect began to make its presence apparent to you, you began to wonder what on Earth you were doing in form! Since then you have spent a lot of time attempting to figure it out, even though the culture, race, ethnicity, or nation into which you were born was attempting to convince you that the material world was the one and only reality. You did not believe that, and so you continued your search, your questioning, and now you do know, even if you are not yet fully ready to admit it, that the only Reality is Love, is Mother/Father/God. The reason for your caution is because it often feels to you that you are alone in your knowing, and your egos are very happy to try and convince you that this indeed is the case, and that therefore you must be careful about disclosing this knowing.

BUT, you DO know that God is the only Reality and that you are eternally and inseparably One with Her, and that therefore now is the time for you to admit this fully to yourselves, and to share your knowing – not by proselytizing – with others, and then discover with joy that they too are allowing themselves to know and share this divine Truth.

Yes, Love is who you and every sentient being without any exceptions are, and you are all starting to become most joyfully aware that there is nothing to fear because Love is All. There is nothing outside or beyond It, because It envelops and embraces All that God creates for all eternity. Fear is of the ego, of the unreal, but seemingly very real material environment in which you found yourselves after you chose to attempt to experience what is and always will be utterly impossible, separation from your infinitely loving Source. You did succeed in constructing – because God created you with all of Her Power along, of course, with free will – an unreal, imaginary, or illusory state into which you could and did enter. And because of your creative abilities, when you entered into it – and you can and will find and take the exit – it immediately seemed utterly real. That was an enormous shock, but now, finally, you are realizing the unreality of it, and are choosing to awaken.

Make a point therefore, as you go within daily to your holy inner sanctuaries, to not only reset your intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives, but also to prepare yourselves for the celebrations that will unfold so joyously as you all awaken into the Reality from which you have never for even a moment been disunited.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Τρίτη 7 Νοεμβρίου 2023

The arising New Consciousness

From Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”

Most ancient religions and spiritual traditions share the common insight – that our “normal” state of mind is marred by a fundamental defect. However, out of this insight into the nature of the human condition – we may call it the bad news – arises a second insight: the good news of the possibility of a radical transformation of human consciousness. In Hindu teachings (and sometimes in Buddhism also), this transformation is called enlightenment. In the teachings of Jesus, it is salvation, and in Buddhism, it is the end of suffering. Liberation and awakening are other terms used to describe this transformation.

The greatest achievement of humanity is not its works of art, science, or technology, but the recognition of its own dysfunction, its own madness. In the distant past, this recognition already came to a few individuals. A man called Gautama Siddhartha, who lived 2,600 years ago in India, was perhaps the first who saw it with absolute clarity. Later the title Buddha was conferred upon him. Buddha means “the awakened one.” At about the same time, another of humanity’s early awakened teachers emerged in China. His name was Lao Tzu. He left a record of his teaching in the form of one of the most profound spiritual books ever written, the Tao Te Ching.

To recognize one’s own insanity, is of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence. A new dimension of consciousness had begun to emerge on the planet, a first tentative flowering. Those rare individuals then spoke to their contemporaries. They spoke of sin, of suffering, of delusion. They said, “Look how you live. See what you are doing, the suffering you create.” They then pointed to the possibility of awakening from the collective nightmare of “normal” human existence. They showed the way.

The world was not yet ready for them, and yet they were a vital and necessary part of human awakening. Inevitably, they were mostly misunderstood by their contemporaries, as well as by subsequent generations. Their teachings, although both simple and powerful, became distorted and misinterpreted, in some cases even as they were recorded in writing by their disciples. Over the centuries, many things were added that had nothing to do with the original teachings, but were reflections of a fundamental misunderstanding. Some of the teachers were ridiculed, reviled, or killed; others came to be worshipped as gods. Teachings that pointed the way beyond the dysfunction of the human mind, the way out of the collective insanity, were distorted and became themselves part of the insanity.

And so religions, to a large extent, became divisive rather than unifying forces. Instead of bringing about an ending of violence and hatred through a realization of the fundamental oneness of all life, they brought more violence and hatred, more divisions between people as well as between different religions and even within the same religion. They became ideologies, belief systems people could identify with and so use them to enhance their false sense of self. Through them, they could make themselves “right” and others “wrong” and thus define their identity through their enemies, the “others,” the “nonbelievers” or “wrong believers” who not infrequently they saw themselves justified in killing. Man made “God” in his own image. The eternal, the infinite, and unnameable was reduced to a mental idol that you had to believe in and worship as “my god” or “our god.”

And yet… and yet… in spite of all the insane deeds perpetrated in the name of religion, the Truth to which they point still shines at their core. It still shines, however dimly, through layers upon layers of distortion and misinterpretation. It is unlikely, however, that you will be able to perceive it there unless you have at least already had glimpse of that Truth within yourself. Throughout history, there have always been rare individuals who experienced a shift in consciousness and so realized within themselves that toward which all religions point. To describe that non-conceptual Truth, they then used the conceptual framework of their own religions.

Through some of those men and women, “schools” or movements developed within all major religions that represented not only a rediscovery, but in some cases an intensification of the light of the original teaching. This is how Gnosticism and Mysticism came into existence in early and medieval Christianity, Sufism in the Islamic religion, Hasidism and Kabbala in Judaism, Advaita Vedanta in Hinduism, Zen and Dzogchen in Buddhism. Most of these schools were iconoclastic. They did away with layers upon layers of deadening conceptualization and mental belief structures, and for this reason most of them were viewed with suspicion and often hostility by the established religious hierarchies. Unlike mainstream religion, their teachings emphasized realization and inner transformation. It is through those esoteric schools or movements that the major religions regained the transformative power of the original teachings, although in most cases, only a small minority of people had access to them. Their numbers were never large enough to have any significant impact on the deep collective unconsciousness of the majority. Over time, some of those schools themselves became too rigidly formalized or conceptualized to remain effective.

Σάββατο 4 Νοεμβρίου 2023

The cabal is real—it is not mainstream media’s “conspiracy theory”

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 1 November 2023

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The Illuminati cause death and devastation wherever it fits their agenda. This time it is Israel and the objective is to destroy Palestine and secure Jerusalem as the Illuminati headquarters in the Middle East. This isn’t an isolated event in their minds; it is another step toward world domination.

Benjamin Netanyahu, who was in the Illuminati ranks before becoming Israel’s prime minister in 1996, was one of the masterminds of the unconscionable attack. He never intended to serve the best interests of Israelis or Jews living anywhere in your world. Always his aims and actions have been aligned with Illuminati agendas, chronological events which they plan decades prior to initiation, and they formed Hamas and all other terrorist groups to assist them.

Aided by a strong campaign against anti-Semitism and the premise that Israel needs a powerful military force to ensure its survival, the country has had dependable emotional, military and financial backing ever since its inception, in 1947. However, withdrawing the formidable defence at the border with Gaza just prior to the assault was so suspicious that Netanyahu is not getting the widespread support he expected.

The Biden administration and a few other Illuminati-operated governments are raising the battle cry with him, but other influential voices are condemning the killing of Palestinian civilians, cutting off access to their life necessities, and reducing their homes to rubble as justification for atrocities, destruction and hostage-taking by Hamas.

Every person who is affected by this tragedy—or any of the many other heart-wrenching Illuminati-caused traumas our Earth family are enduring—is a child of God, and He feels every sensation that every soul does. We sorrow at what some of our Earth family are doing to others. The profoundness of God’s agony and unending tears is unimaginable.

Dear ones, please do not take sides in this sad situation, but rather send love-light to all in your world—a tsunami of that energy’s high vibrations is the means whereby violence will be ended. Retaliation won’t bring peace to the region or heal shattered lives. These neighboring citizenries want to live peacefully and cooperatively with safety for their families. They aren’t enemies; they did not take up arms against each other.

The fighting forces that shed blood in both countries are puppets of the darkness, beings devoid of light. They are this generation’s perpetrators of the diabolical ideology and activities that have been part and parcel of life in your world for millennia.

We are not judging them. We are saying the peoples need to know the Illuminati, Deep State, One World Order, Shadow Government, the cabal is real—it is not mainstream media’s “conspiracy theory.” They are desperate and tenacious, and because they need the low vibrations of fear and suffering to survive, during this last stage of the battle between the light forces and the dark, they will cause chaos and devastation. Maybe technologically cause destructive “natural” disasters, produce a holographic invasion of monstrous aliens, or send mind-controlled individuals on mass killing sprees.

Some of you think space family members will bring the Illuminati to justice. Extraterrestrials have assisted Earth in a multitude of ways throughout her history, so that thought is understandable. But it is not part of the divine master plan, which does permit members to step in and manage situations beyond the capabilities of Earth’s civilization.

For instance, they established a powerful light grid that prevents low vibratory civilizations from entering your solar system. Powerful distant civilizations beamed the massive light that saved the life of the planet and ET Special Forces have prevented the detonation of nuclear warheads on missiles. Crews in mammoth spacecraft near the edge of your solar system banished malevolent fabricated forms with intelligence and they dismantled technology intended to capture minds on Earth by interacting with 5G installations.

Universal councils that set standards for civilizations’ interactions would not sanction killing 90 percent of Earth’s population, an Illuminati goal of longstanding. They cannot have a third world war—they started WWI and II and made vast fortunes by selling war machinery to both sides in both wars—and they cannot fabricate and release more lethal viruses. The councils hold that the reign of darkness on the planet is over for once and for all, and the wealth of assistance does not include action that is within Earth residents’ capabilities. Taking legal action to prosecute proven evildoers is the peoples’ responsibility.

Awakened and awakening souls want to know what is true and what isn’t, and it is important that they know where to access factual information. If the opportunity arises—or better, fashion an opportunity—refer soul-searchers to Internet sites and books you know offer what they need and are seeking. This is part of the mentoring aspect of your mission, dear ones!

We have explained the directing of energy streamers via thoughts and intentions, and we need to give more emphasis to the power of intention, which emits vibrations separately from those produced by the action itself. A benevolent intention with a positive outcome produces vibrations at the top of the frequency spectrum and a disastrous outcome, which is the intention of the action taken, produces vibrations at the low end.

When an intention is benevolent but action goes awry, the high vibrations of the intention overcome the low ones of the action’s result. A simple example is, you take a beautiful bouquet to a sick neighbor to lift her spirits. You didn’t know she has allergies to the flowers’ pollen—now those are adding to her misery. The high vibes of your good intention overcome the low ones from the unfortunate effects of your thoughtful gesture.

The intention of the Illuminati’s counterattack in Gaza is to cause massive death, injury, fear and extreme hardships for survivors, and Israeli defence forces have been ordered to cripple Palestine to irremediable status. The rock-bottom vibrations of that combination added to the vibrations of everyone who is suffering hang like ominous storm clouds on Earth’s horizon.

Dear family, the intensity of your light will help dispel those vibrations and end this dark night of the soul for Gaia. The same help is coming from the empathy, courage, compassion, sharing, kindness, hope, honesty, forgiveness—love’s glorious ingredients that are soaring throughout the world.

We want to stress the importance of hope. A strong sense of hope—not a feeble feeling that borders on doubt, but gut-level-strength hopefulness—is the motivator to try, try and try again until efforts are rewarded. Hope keeps the potential of success alive while perseverance is manifesting it.

“If the Oneness of All is soul-level knowledge, how can it be that lightworkers know that but other people don’t?” Universally, most people do know that. At this stage of Earth civilization’s evolution there still is little conscious awareness of information that is commonly known elsewhere. They are seeing third density situations more clearly by the day, but the connection to soul-level knowledge is just starting.

The stultifying of many souls’ intelligence capacity came when puppets of the dark forces put into dormancy 10 of the 12 DNA strands of weak, inexperienced civilizations. The intention was to make those people easy to control by inculcating in their minds the belief that they are inferior and need the care and guidance of “authorities.” Those beliefs followed the affected souls in cellular memory from one incarnation to the next.

Much later the self-serving, devious rulers of church and state devised “God’s laws” and other dogma. They told the peoples they are sinners and depending on how obedient they were, when they die they will go to either heaven or hell for eternity.

What one believes is his reality, regardless of how far from the universal truth that belief is. Believing dire-sounding religious teachings created fear, resentment, anger, deception, guilt, stress, suspicions, vengefulness, obsequiousness, envy, jealousy, obsessiveness, self-righteousness and a sense of pure doom. Often those feelings led to dreadful behavior and perpetuated the darkness.

During those long, long ages before Terra was called Earth, the planet became known as an exceptional schoolhouse where souls could learn to properly deal with emotions and evolve from third density to fourth spiritually and consciously.

The planet became a karmic merry-go-round, because most who flocked there came from civilizations with dormant DNA. That formed a veil between the people’s consciousness and their soul-level knowledge, and many needed multiple lifetimes to master their chosen lessons. Most of Earth’s residents, after Atlantis and Lemuria were lost, have come from those weakened civilizations.

That is why you volunteered to go there, dear ones! You knew then that you have successfully helped other third density civilizations waken. You knew you are powerful multidimensional, immortal souls who have lived in various civilizations on Earth and many other planets. You knew you have had lifetimes in every role, relationship and life style on the planet today and you are inseparably connected energetically with all life forms in every world throughout this universe.

You still know all of that and much, much more that you don’t remember because you’re in a 3D body in a world just now emerging from the miasma of 3D mentality. But occasionally you revisit evolved lifetimes in flashes of cellular memory or you tap into your soul’s infinite storehouse of cosmic knowledge, and always you resonate with the high vibrations of a new kindred spirit.

And, beloved brothers and sisters, do you not now and then experience sweet sensations of gratitude and humility for being chosen to experience a noteworthy, fulfilling lifetime during the most dramatic, dynamic era on Earth?

All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Atrwork by Swami Sevaratna