Σάββατο 29 Ιανουαρίου 2022

You will gradually see the demise of leaders who are all for self, as the people will force them out

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 28 January 2022

All events on Earth seem to be speeding up and not least of all the end of the pandemic. So far it has been a great learning curve for mankind. Unwelcome by many who have suffered because of the changes it has forced upon their lives. Yet some are already being appreciated because of the light it has shown upon age old problems. With time on your hands you have been able to question the motive for some practises that now seem outdated. As a consequence you are returning to what you call normal life, but discontinuing that which no longer truly serves your needs. You are leapfrogging time that would otherwise have been spent on old outdated ideas when many had long serve their useful purpose.

Yet time is now moving so fast that even recent changes will soon be overtaken by more advanced concepts. Already new inventions that were only visualised quite recently have to give way to new ideas that now exist on the drawing board. We will take credit for much that is being visualised, as we overshadow those who are capable of translating them into things that can be used by you. Many of the ideas are labour saving and using clean energy. Slowly but surely you are moving away from methods that cause pollution, as you now realise the need for clean air for a healthy survival. The use of coal is disappearing very quickly, as a clean alternative is found. Your Power Stations have been some of the worst polluters.

Heat can be extracted from the Earth and the methods to do so are already known. However, you do not readily accept change, but it has to come sooner than rather later. The way you produce energy is expensive and really old fashioned, if you look at the concept used. Be assured that the upcoming generations are full of ideas to deal with age old problems and nothing will stop them from materialising. You have many young people now ready to step forward and put their ideas into practice. They have incarnated especially to speed up your progress and their talents will not be denied.

One day you will look back at this period of time and admire the veracity of those who had the knowledge needed to carry mankind into the New Age. Meanwhile, those souls who have raised their vibrations continue to rise up and look set to achieve their Ascension. At some future stage they will become all-knowing and use their knowledge to help others to also evolve. In fact, as you rise up, the desire to help others becomes very strong through your love and compassion for those souls that are awakening. It is the realisation that All Is One that brings about those feelings of kindness to all souls.

Hopefully, you can now understand why we have been emphatic that the old no longer serves you, and your emphasis should be on all that creates your path to the higher realms. Try not to look back and keep your visualisation upon the ideal future that you expect. The beauty and harmony of it is difficult to put into words, but it will hold you spellbound and feel like Heaven. From your present level to the highest is one glorious experience that you will never forget. Yes, there is a long way to go yet, but your vision will prepare you for the inevitable.

Meantime, you can help others to grasp what the future holds for those who continue to evolve. Whatever you have previously visualised will hardly compare with the reality that beckons you and is your reward for your determination to follow your path all the way to Ascension. As always, there is help around should you need it as your Guides will have become more active on your behalf. You really cannot go wrong providing you keep your eyes on your goal. There will be plenty happening to keep you occupied from hereon, as things have begun to settle down in spite of the outward appearance. Mother Earth is an exception as she goes about her own needs to prepare the planet for Ascension.

Life can be so infuriating at times when you cannot see where it is going and everywhere around seems to be so unsettled. Yet, out of the confusion, it will gradually become apparent that there is a plan and the roadmap is being laid out. It may be too vast for you to understand, but there is sense of direction as progress is made. A sure sign of advancement will be when countries start to bond together in mutual friendship, and if you look carefully the signs are already there.

You will gradually see the demise of leaders who are all for self, as the people will force them out. Generally there is a lifting up that is bringing a more peaceful approach to life, and a coming together of those who realise co-operation is a far better way of making progress towards a peaceful world. It is your destiny and when it happens is dependent upon your leaders who will need to sign pacts to destroy all nuclear weapons. Sounds impossible, but with an upliftment in your vibrations it is inevitable. It must come and very soon to the relief of millions of souls who are ready to live in peace forevermore.

The more of you that send out thoughts of world peace, the more you are speeding up its arrival and it cannot be ignored. You would be surprised at how much influence your thoughts can have on the population. Your only difficulty is getting sufficient people to project harmonious thoughts that have the power to bring about change. You can see how the dark Ones manipulate things to cause chaos, and set one country against another, so that world peace is impossible to achieve. However, given time, it will change and the vibrations will be beyond the ability of the dark Ones to interfere with them.

People have spoken of World War Three as the cold war that has plagued this planet for many years. It is seen as the dark Ones against the Light and is certainly correct as your history will show. Until quite recently the dark Ones were succeeding with their plan for world domination, but the Alliance controlled and prevented them from achieving their objective. The dark Ones are in retreat, but like a wounded animal they fight to the last. Now they can only prolong the time it takes to completely defeat them when peace shall return to Earth.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Σάββατο 22 Ιανουαρίου 2022

There is no judgement or punishment for mistakes as some believe

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 21 January 2022

Extracts from Kryon. 2018. Describes what the real you is like on the “Other Side” in amazing detail.

Have you ever wondered what is on the “other side” of the veil that separates us from the higher dimensions? There is music that you pick up through your senses. The veil is getting thinner and beautiful things are coming, and you will enter into an advanced knowledge as you are part of All That Is. There are more dimensions in the new energy that are new to you. It will be the first step to the evolution of Planet Earth, the first step to making your DNA start to vibrate at a greater percentage than 33% or 35% on its way to 44%. It will be reassuring, with no apprehension stepping into the unknown. You will appreciate the God inside and being One with everything.

Mike Quinsey.

At last there are signs that Covid virus and later variants are beginning to have less effect on you. With high death rates many of you have pondered what is the nature of human death and what can a soul expect to experience in the higher realms. There is much confusion depending on your belief as to whether you resurrect your body. It would help you to understand the position if you understood the truth, that you have no further use for your physical body once you have died. It is flesh and blood that decays and eventually disappears, leaving just your skeleton that serves no further function and is therefore not resurrected.

So you wonder what is next for the soul that is you, and we can tell you that as has been recounted by those who have had the experience, once you leave your physical body you will immediately find yourself in your etheric body. It is a finer version of it and free from any illness, deformity or injuries, It is as you were a human in the prime of life. Some souls expect to be exactly the same as on Earth, until they realise that they have the power of thought to change things, it will remain as such.

It is normal to first meet family and friends for a reunion, but in short time you are called to meet your mentor that is also referred to as your Guide. There is an appraisal of your life and measures suggested to overcome problems that were not cleared. They will feature in your next life, giving you an opportunity to overcome them and a life plan is arranged after a mutual discussion. There is no judgement or punishment for mistakes as some believe, but they will have to be addressed and experienced again with the aim of acquiring a successful conclusion. Life has a purpose that revolves around your spiritual growth and you will get all of the help you need. Some souls will re-incarnate quickly and return to Earth to continue their growth. With Ascension getting closer others may stay in the higher realms to either ascend or carry on with their evolution at an appropriate level.

There is a place that is referred to as Hell, where souls who have a very low level vibration will find themselves in one of the darker levels. They often have little light at all, but those souls who have lifted up their vibrations will naturally be attracted to the higher levels of light. The more negative a soul is the less light is attracted by them and present in their aura. It means that each soul upon death of the physical will automatically find themselves at a similar level. To a higher soul the lower levels would appear extremely dark and lacking in light.

This particular period of time is unique, inasmuch that it is a one-off opportunity to permanently leave the lower levels of vibration. The dark Ones have tried their hardest to keep you from learning the truth, so that you end up having a series of lives often with little if any understanding of how to rise up into the higher levels of vibrations. Some of it is due to the enormous number of different teachings concerning the afterlife. Some carry teachings that touch upon the truth, but few give a simple account of what the true reality is, making it difficult to determine which teachings are the most helpful and in line with the truth.

It would be true to say that as people are clearly at many different levels of understanding, they seek advancement according to their ability to accept what is given. Logically all paths must eventually lead to the truth, but getting there is clearly difficult when presented with so many options. To this end, it must be said that you are not left alone to make progress, and events will be arranged to ensure your progress. It needs you to make the first step and as soon as your Guides are aware you have awakened, they will be by your side. Clearly meeting other souls who have progressed towards the truth will help to answer your needs, but in the ultimate, it is you who decide what steps to take to ensure your steady progress.

Dear Ones, we know that making progress does not come easily, but with pure intent, you will almost certainly find the way forward. There are many ways of acquiring knowledge and over the ages many good books have been written to guide those who seek help. You have many groups and societies that profess to have the true teachings based for example on those given by Jesus and recorded in the Bible. However, you still need to be careful what you believe, so be discerning at all times.

Much of your progress will have been arranged, so that it suits you personally. The most important truth at this time is that God is inside you, and when you are able to acknowledge it, you have always your own direct line of contact. How difficult it is to set your mind at rest, when you have so many options, but you will obviously find your path as a result of your seeking. Certainly when you are ready to progress, you will get plenty of help, so be assured that in your quiet moments your Guides will be able to contact you. No one wants you to fail, except the dark Ones who will willingly lead you astray. Indeed, they will poison your mind and attract you to a path of self-gratification.

If you feel your progress is slow, do not worry, as you will only be given what is suitable for your spiritual growth at the time. But if you feel ready, every help will be given in one way or another.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Παρασκευή 14 Ιανουαρίου 2022

On a Universal level the scene is being set in readiness for your upliftment

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 14 January 2022

Dear Friends, periodically I read back on some older messages from Kryon, and thought you might like to read the following extracts that are becoming more relevant in the present time.

Extract from a message by Kryon 2017 “Amplify your abilities” about Pleiadian Time Capsules.

“You are moving into a new kind of Space and it will affect your Sun. The protection around your Solar System is being replaced by another type of energy, and it’s going to affect your Sun. Your Sun has a magnetic field called the Heliosphere. It intercepts your magnetic field and is your ”couch” that you sit in and affects your consciousness, and you will vibrate a little higher”.

Kryon 2019. “Light Beings are arriving”

The magnetic grid has changed, more than it did in the last hundred years. It started in 1987 because of the Harmonic Convergence. Your Solar system is moving into a new place in Space – the first time human consciousness has been there. It has a new type of radiation.

Kryon February 2019. “Unexpected Change”

Question: What happens to the events on the time line in the past ? Answer: It is being rebooted and it means that things of the past will not affect you. You are writing a new Timeline that has no prophesies about what is next. It is the catalyst for peace in the Middle East. You are setting a fresh new energy.

14TH January 2022. Mike Quinsey.

If you could but see the overall picture as we do, you would find that the changes are forcing people to move on and not cling to that which is no longer considered applicable. Out of the chaos you will see a move to advance Humanity to a new level that offers many ways to overcome your present difficulties. Not only that, but on a new level that overcomes them with the minimum of difficulty and time. It has always been planned in readiness for your evolution, in a way that uses methods and inventions you have yet to see. Nothing has been left to chance and is achieved without infringing your freewill.

Now that more and more of you are able to comprehend the nature of the changes, you will appreciate the benefits that will be given to you. So keep projecting what you desire for your future and you will be helping them to materialise. All of the time your brothers and sisters from the stars draw nearer and look forward to helping you achieve your desires. On a Universal level the scene is being set in readiness for your upliftment and bear in mind we talk of a few years to come, but we love to raise your hopes and expectations because the good times are coming soon.

Develop an open mind, so that you are able to absorb any news of future developments, as the more of you that do so, the quicker these things will come to pass. You are One World with One Race of Human Beings and the sooner you recognise the oneness of all people, the quicker things will come to pass. Be assured that whilst you are paving your way to a wonderful future, we are ensuring that no one is allowed to interfere with your plans and expectations. We fully know what you desire and we will do our best to keep you on track for success. You have done the hard bit and now deserve the good times that beckon, that are appearing on the horizon.

Never forget that nothing of any importance happens by chance, what you often consider in that way is usually something that has been planned well in advance. We mention again that there has always been a plan for your advancement and it is laid out before you, so that you can see a path to you goal. It is also worth mentioning that your biggest help comes from those beings who have incarnated upon Earth to help you on your way. Before you were born your needs were discussed and if you needed particular talents you would be linked to them.

Life is not as random as you may think, but in the ultimate the choice is yours, although your Guides will do their best to “point” you in the right direction. It would be true to say that one of the most important events in your life is your choice of a partner and as you might expect, and it is also arranged well in advance. Often people are joined together in marriage to have certain experiences that will also include their children. It sounds complicated but realise that your past lives can be checked to see what you need to continue evolving, whilst contributing to other people’s experiences.

Even families are decided beforehand, and it does not infringe your free choice that you exercised before you were born. Now you will understand why we tell you that little or nothing of any importance happens by chance. Everyone has a life plan that covers their needs. Inevitably, you will wonder about your children and they play a part in your experiences that from their point of view also fulfils their needs. As we have often confirmed, they choose you to be their parents knowing that you will prepare them for their adult life. So, parents should feel privileged that they have been chosen as the most acceptable ones to give the needed experiences and guidance.

Can you now see how well organised your life experiences are to ensure they fully serve their purpose? If you can absorb and understand the significance of how orderly and well planned your life is you may be able to see things in a different light. Perhaps you will now understand that when they appear to be “forced” upon you, it is simply the working out of your life plan. It can be hard, it can be very disappointing at times, but all experiences are to help you grow and evolve. If you could see the greater picture, you would accept everything comes your way as part of your needs to make progress where your soul’s development is concerned.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τετάρτη 12 Ιανουαρίου 2022

They portrayed me as a wrathful, vengeful God if I’m not obeyed!

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 7 January 2022

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. First we say, enter your new year with boundless enthusiasm and optimism! At this very same time next year, you can reflect on 2022 with a grand sense of accomplishment about having helped Earth’s peoples make great strides toward a peaceful, harmonious world.

Now we are privileged and honored to welcome God, who requested to have a voice in this message.

GOD: Thank you, Matthew. I like the message’s beginning. Great strides will be made, that is certain, but there will be bumpy passages while the mess in that world is getting cleaned up. This year is going to be a game-changer, and who better than I to say it is high time to stop the atrocious game some in my flock have been playing on Earth. That’s not judgment, that’s a fact.

Now then, my beloved children, what you think and feel about me is important to you, therefore to me, too, because all of you are parts of me and in every moment, I think and feel exactly as each of you does. So it’s very important to me what you think and feel about yourselves.

Disserving ones in my flock want the differences in your cultures, races and religions to divide you. They have a long history of doing that successfully and, down through the ages, they’ve used many deceitful methods to prevent my children on Earth from knowing they are godselves and all are equal in my eyes. Long, long ago my principal messengers told the people that same thing and other universal truths, but disserving ones destroyed original records and wrote your holy books themselves, so those would contain what they wanted everyone to believe and do.

They portrayed me as a wrathful, vengeful God if I’m not obeyed, and they made self-serving laws steeped in control and greed and told the people those were my laws. They caused impoverishment and started all wars, even some in my name. They instigated slavery, sacrificial rites and the idea that male is superior to female, and they’ve been destroying the planet that is my child Gaia’s body.

never wanted any of that falsity, brutality, divisiveness and destructiveness! Always I’ve wanted my Earth family to live joyfully, cooperatively together and diversity to enrich their lives. I want my humankind to love and respect each other and Nature—all of it are parts of me, too—to preserve the planet’s beauty and prosper in its abundance.

The thing is, after Creator selected me to be the god of this universe and let me use Its energy to put my designs into form, I’ve been bound to honor Its gift of free will to all of my children. I’m never permitted to interfere with what any of them choose to do no matter how heinous or deadly to many, many others.

What I can do is respond to free will requests for help, and I’ve been doing that for Gaia and her residents ever since she asked more than 80 years ago. That’s when entire civilizations started sending a mass of light to raise Earth’s vibrations and open the minds of my children there, so they can clearly see the control going on and rise up against it. Some of my flock from other homelands are living right there with you and, among other things, they’ve prevented the functioning of nuclear warheads and enormously reduced the ravages intended by the viral scourge. Others are clearing pollution out of your air—if they weren’t doing that nonstop, most of you would be dying from inhaling pathogens and other toxicity.

Your myriad helpers aren’t doing those things and much more just because I said they can—the spiritually-evolved in my flock work within the universal law of permission to step into another civilization’s affairs even when the need for help is so obvious—they’re doing it because you are family and they love you!

So, my dear children, if you’ve asked me for help or even if you haven’t, you’ve been getting it all along, but I can’t make peace on Earth because that starts with peace in each heart. Years ago I told my child Suzanne, The heart is the seat of the soul. You are immortal souls made of pure love—it’s the same energy as light, the essence of our Beginnings in Creator and the most powerful force in all of existence. That energy IS everything in existence! Love is what you are, what Gaia and I are, what animals, plants, galaxies, consciousness and our entire universe are!

Love is creation, not behavior, and it doesn’t mean liking whatever happens. Some in my flock, the ones you call dark, do unspeakably evil things. That may make them seem to be the strongest, but they’re the weakest, because they’ve chosen a heartless void instead of love. They have only the spark of Creator’s essence that maintains the life force of each soul and their time on the planet is over. They will be taken to places far, far distant where they’ll be given other chances to choose love and if they continue refusing, Creator will take over.

I thank all of you who left your worlds to help our Earth family move toward manifesting Gaia’s Golden Age. Yours hasn’t been an easy mission, I know—I’ve experienced every step of your journey—and I honor you for staying steadfast. My love for you is infinite and eternal.

Now, I thank you, Matthew, for letting me have a voice in your first message of Earth’s New Year. It’s going to be a phenomenal turning point for my children there!

MATTHEW: God, we thank You for your inspiring words!

GOD: Matthew, I’d like another voice to be heard here, too, if you please, and I shall speak to your mother about that. Suzy, some years ago Gaia gave you a message and I asked you to include it in my fifth book of the series we call the Matthew Books. Please copy her message here.

[During a 2011 fall equinox global meditation, I was visualizing Earth in golden-white light when I heard Please record my words. The following is what I recorded.]

I am Gaia, the soul of the planet you call Earth. Just as you, I can feel heavyhearted or lighthearted. For long ages I wept, when my spirit was broken. My people were hateful to each other and my body was soaked with their blood. I weep no longer, because there is so much to feel joyful about, so much to feel thankful for.

My light is not yet in full force, my body is not yet balanced. That is because some of my children still are being hateful to one another. Some of them are without love, without compassion, without the understanding that differences can be absolutely splendid when harmony and respect flow along the heart-lines.

Yet, I am joyful, because I am on a journey like no other soul in this universe ever has traveled. I am going home, and you who are holding the light that is helping me move steadily and quickly forward are coming with me. Can you imagine a greater distinction than this journey we are sharing? Can you imagine a greater excitement than our Ascension? I cannot!

I asked to speak this day to tell you of my gratitude for all of you. You were chosen from a great number of souls, triple the number that could incarnate and participate. This level of light service never before has been undertaken. We are playing a part in the grandest show ever performed in this universe. I feel the humility that mingles with sublime satisfaction for a job well done—in the continuum, our job is completed.

As our travels continue, many wonders are in store for you and this world of ours. You have been told of many, so you can think of them and look forward to them, but actually living in the glorious times soon coming is beyond your imagining.

All beings in this universe are watching this unfold, did you know? I cannot imagine such a vast audience! All the souls of Light are cheering for us, so we shall continue giving them a good show, an experience worthy of even God’s applause. I share my heart with you and my love for you is overflowing.

GOD: Thank you, Suzy. Now I am speaking to everyone again. Do you know why I want Gaia’s message and mine in Matthew’s first message in your New Year? No, of course you don’t and that wasn’t a fair question. I want Gaia and me to be more to you than nebulous concepts somewhere out there or up there. Like I told you, we are souls just like you are, and without any more delay, I want you to know us and feel our shared closeness and warmth within a loving, caring family! How better to do than that telling you about us and our feelings for you?

I’m going to say a bit more about your year ahead. It’s going to be lively, extremely lively! The roadway will have potholes and bumps here and there—my game-playing children aren’t going to leave gently—but when you feel like the powerful multidimensional family members you are, happenings will hum right along.

You’re also well-experienced in dealing with a world of folks who are hesitant to make big changes—you’ve been there, done that. Many times, actually, and simply by BEing, you inspire them to move forward with the love-light energy of your enthusiasm, excitement and confidence. Those feelings are like hope, joy, forgiveness, helpfulness, generosity, compassion and gratitude—they’re all benevolently contagious—and as they spread throughout my Earth flock, they will take the reins to change their world and you can rejoice: Mission fulfilled!

My beloveds, please think about what Gaia and I have told you. Goodness no, you don’t have to memorize our words, just remember our love for you and keep that in your heart. Live from your heart and keep your light shining brilliantly—you’re uplifting our whole universe!

Matthew and Suzy, I thank both of you. Now I’ll take my leave so you can continue.

MATTHEW: God, once again, we thank You.

Now then, dear ones, we know how eager you are for all “pandemic”-related circumstances to end—so are we and all other light beings in this universe!—and they will as soon as facts about this crime against humanity are made public. With everything coming ever more swiftly, it would be natural to expect that truth and all of the many long-suppressed truths to become widely known sometime in upcoming weeks or months.

The purpose of this unprecedented era on Earth—indeed, as Gaia stated, in this universe—is the opening of minds and hearts, so the civilization can evolve in the spiritual and conscious awareness they need to co-create the Golden Age. If all truths were to come forth in one fell swoop, the collective third density psyche would go into shock and halt the grand momentum that’s building. Thus, revelations will emerge incrementally, so the peoples can assimilate the first before hearing the second, and so on and so forth. Even with everything being accelerated, it’s understandable that enlightenment cannot be rushed when you consider the mindboggling scope of information the peoples need to learn.

So let us speak about what will come first. It may be only the “pandemic,” but consideration is being given to tying that with the outcome of the presidential election in the United States, because some of the same individuals are responsible for both blatantly deceptive situations. We don’t know when evidence will be presented, but there are indications it can be prior to mid-year. Along with ongoing arrests and prosecutions of involved individuals, “pandemic”-related litigation is underway in several countries, some suits are filed in International Criminal Court, many millions of citizens worldwide are rallying against restrictions and vaccinations, and growing numbers are defying those mandates.

Whatever is decided about what information to disclose, when it comes, most of the populace will be stunned. Likely reactions will be a mix of rage, relief, confusion, guilt, shame and fear, and some may choose disbelief or denial. Your multiple lifetime experiences—and they’ve been invaluable in helping Earth’s peoples awaken to the extent they have—will enable you to be a bedrock of clarity and hopefulness for those who will be reeling. So that persons who have been doubly or triply vaccinated don’t feel they’ve just heard a death knell, offering the encouragement of rising vibrations can be especially helpful.

Whatever people’s feelings are about the truth will be in addition to concerns about physical, emotional and mental effects they may be experiencing due to continuously rising vibrations. Be mindful that your dense bodies are susceptible to the effects, too. If you feel off balance, dispirited, aggravated or fatigued, remember our suggestions to breathe deeply and rhythmically, drink a great deal of pure water, eat lightly, get sufficient sleep, take time for solitude, and be with Nature as often you can. Sharing those suggestions with family, friends and colleagues can ease minds and lighten bodies of those who listen and heed.

Beloved sisters and brothers, when the roadway is smoother—and on up ahead it is!—you will be living in an illuminated world where unity is growing within the collective consciousness and the most exhilarating era on Earth continues to unfold.

We are with you every step of your journey and, with all other light beings in this universe, support you with the power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Σάββατο 8 Ιανουαρίου 2022

You will live longer and reach a point when your body shall always enjoy complete health

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 7 January 2022

One year ends and another commences and I believe that people are now ready to accept that we are not just in a year of change. It will be the way our New Age settles in bringing with it the energies that will enable new ways of doing things, so that we can bring the New Age into being and enjoy the beneficial changes that have been held back from us for so long. The positive energies far outweigh the negative ones and we have much lost time to make up. Know for certain that we shall be helped to replace the old with the new. Best Wishes to all for a happy New Year.

The years fly by and here you again sensing that the problems created by Covid are now short lived, and looking forward to an end of the virus, so that life can return to some semblance of normality. The authorities seem keen to extend their control over you and appear to desire that you are regularly vaccinated against the virus. Whether it is justified and really necessary is still to be determined. There is a growing disquiet amongst many people as they see an authority ready to force people to vaccinate, when many have declined the offer out of choice.

In general terms, it would seem that the vaccination program is unable to cope in spite of millions of people having already had the jab. There is clearly a need for some clarification as to how effective the injections have been, as it would appear that they cannot establish how long protection lasts. Clearly some people have stronger Immunity systems than others, and those with weak systems will experience more extreme forms of Covid that can be very difficult to eradicate.

The experiences you have been pushed into have in their own way brought many problems to the surface inasmuch that they cannot be ignored. Extreme weather has occurred all over the world affecting humans and animals alike and has resulted in the destruction of their habitat and loss of life. You expect things to fall to the lowest level before they get better and with your help, they can be speeded up, so that you can plan for the future and get a clearer picture of what is necessary. You realise that things will never be the same again and changes must take place that reflect the New Age that beckons. We can assure you that you will get help, but first we wish to see what are your true intentions.

It is time those who lead start to see peace as their first priority and stop fermenting the seeds of war. Those days of continual confrontation are over and time is best spent in bringing people together, sharing the wealth of the world to raise living standards. The wealthy countries are awash with money and it must be shared around, if you are ever to raise the standard of living and protect lives. In these modern days it is a disgrace that so many people still do not have the means to survive the changes taking place now. A World Government would seem to be called for, but not one that simply promotes the wealthiest and strongest to positions of power. The right people for the times you are in can be found now in all walks of life and will be available if their services are requested.

Looking back serves little purpose if any at all, but can confirm where Man has failed to move on clinging instead to that which enriches him. Wealth is not evil in itself but how it is used, and you have just come out of a period where Money was worshipped and used at the expense of millions who live below the bread line. It is true to say that what you do to one you do to all, but remember, negative intentions are often returned to the sender. We say again “You are One” and it is time you started to act like One by attending the needs of the poorest. It does not mean ignoring your normal responsibilities, but spreading any form of help fairly and foremost where it is the most needed.

Dear Ones, positive actions made out of true sympathy eventually return to the sender in some form or another. It is just the way things are and you sometimes say that it is because “One good turn deserves another” and in so doing you build up your good karma as a result. You do not need to seek rewards as you automatically attract the positive energies by your actions. As time passes, you will find that negative actions will bring an immediate response. Karma is not intended to be carried forward any longer, but you will find it quickly dealt with.

We say again that you should keep an open mind as to your future, as you will have so many opportunities to advance that you have not yet become aware of that already exist. Holding fast to old expectations will only hamper your progress. By your earlier actions and deeds you have set up various possibilities that will come to you at an appropriate moment. So allow things to happen naturally and be sure they will be to your advantage. Some of the new ways may only be ideas at present, but you will know that they exist.

Your brothers and sisters in Space draw nearer each day knowing that in the immediate future the reunion will take place with much joy and love expressed. It will be a special occasion when families reunite with great celebrations. It is not that you do not know them or that they would appear as strangers, as they have all kept in contact with you mainly during your sleep time. However, you do not take those memories back with you when returning to the lower levels. Sooner or later you will have the most memorable times with your Pleiadian families.

As the vibrations continue rising up, your enjoyment of life will increase, until it becomes a continual flow of love and happiness. It will be what you expect, as the dark energies are gradually left behind and no longer able to interfere with your evolution. You will live longer and reach a point when your body shall always enjoy complete health. There is so much to look forward to in the near future, so prepare yourself for the wonderful times that are coming up.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light