Τετάρτη 30 Ιουνίου 2021

Your day will come, perhaps much quicker than you might imagine

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 18 June 2021

The end of the worldly troubles is in sight, but even when you return to what you would call normality, there is much to be done to start anew and leave much of the old behind. With lockdown many countries have been laid bare and their shortcomings so apparent. It is not always the result of mismanagement, but circumstances that have led to the acknowledgement of antiquated systems and a lack of foresight. Inequality has led to a great disparity between countries, although it is also due to the misuse of funds that have been kept for personal gain. These situations are coming to light and steps are being taken to remove those who have abused their power for their personal benefit.

Times are approaching when there will be no hiding place for those who have committed criminal acts against the people. There are of course genuine and honest people amongst you, but sometimes they are overwhelmed by the actions of those who only serve self. It will all change, it has to, if society is to be seen openly working for the betterment of all people. Sadly, the dark Ones have had the power to move into positions of authority from where they further their own agenda. Many promises are made, but thrust aside to allow abuse of their power and these actions are often carried out openly, but in future they will be closely monitored and action taken to prevent a recurrence.

The time is approaching when the people will rise up and demand an end to poverty and look for a more equal society. There are more than ample funds in the world to allow for such changes and it is just a matter of having a fairer system of distribution. This would be without claiming the funds “stolen” by the dark Ones to pay for their projects such as Space flights and all that is associated with them. You really are the Cinderella of the world but your day will come, perhaps much quicker than you might imagine. It always seems that the dark Ones can get away with whatever they wish, but be assured their power is already being limited. Nothing can be revealed in advance or broadcast about the tasks ahead, as secrecy is the best way to shield them, but you may be assured that when successful, they will be made known to the public in due course.

These are the times when we are in touch with your Space friends who would gladly help you out when in need, but apart from giving you encouragement, they cannot directly help you, but do their best to influence you to take the right action. Much is done that you will probably never become aware of, but you will realise you always have your unseen helpers around you. They do their best to ensure that you have every opportunity to help the Light in its battle against the dark Ones. This battle has been raging for millennia of time, but it is drawing to a close. You have won the battle and now it is time to clear the planet from their influences.

The future for many of you is going to be exciting, as you take part in reorganising the Earth to its original plan, and the beauty of it is that as the vibrations continue to rise, you will find less and less obstruction to your work. Little by little, you will find that your powers have increased, so be alert to the changes that are coming. These are strange times, but suddenly the purpose behind everything will become apparent, and it is preparations for your Ascension. Obviously, it is now very important that you keep the Light around you and do not allow the dark Ones to interfere with your continued evolution.

As we have often suggested, you should concentrate on the path you are following that is of your choice. The more progress you make, the quicker you will establish yourself within the higher vibrations, and become free of the attention of the dark Ones. There will come a point where they can no longer keep pace with you. Even now, you can safely avoid negative issues or actions by keeping inside your aura. When you are within it no one can interfere with you, because you are well protected.

The Earth erupts to the raucous sounds that are emitted often in the name of music, yet when it is serene and gentle in a classical way, it is actually of a healing quality. As you will learn through your experiences of sound, it can actually harm or heal your body and the choice is yours. Mozart for example was overshadowed when composing and his music has a quality that can be very healing.

Sound has often played a part in various types of healing including mental afflictions. The vibrations can pass into your body and put right any imbalances that may exist. Think upon the way that soothing music can help send you to sleep, even when you may be unsettled within. Equally, when music is used romantically, it can almost send people into a peaceful trance. You may experience most of these feelings without giving a thought to what has brought them about.

It is very much the same where colour is concerned, and there is certainly more awareness of its healing qualities. It all comes down to vibrations and most of you have almost certainly experienced feelings about the colours you wear. However the subject of colour is certainly not new to many of you, and it has been used to good effect in many places such as hospitals. In the near future the whole subject of vibrations will become common knowledge, and used in many ways for the benefit of humanity.

Forget for a moment all of your troubles and turn to music that can help you in many ways. You could certainly say that it has been used for a very long time to evoke feelings of joy and happiness, and it will continue to be so. You can also understand music used for special occasions such as weddings or funerals, so it is apparent that you have understood its various qualities even if not exactly the nature of what has taken place. However, you are now in a New Age when all of these “secrets” will be understood and revealed. Then you will really see how much will change and lift you up and widen your understanding of things around you.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Παρασκευή 25 Ιουνίου 2021

Never assume that your positive thoughts are a waste of time

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 11 June 2021

The hopes and wishes of the people are gathering force and must eventually bring about changes that are long overdue. It features the removal of those in power who do not carry the best interests of the people, and it is sad for us to see that the only way you can achieve your freedom is through the use of force. The will is there to succeed, but until your efforts are drawn together, they cannot fully benefit from the potential power that they have. Thought alone is powerful and all of the time people are projecting them, they become a collective that will have the power to materialise them. So, never assume that your positive thoughts are a waste of time, as certainly every little helps and remains in the ethers waiting to be used.

Bear in mind that where you lay your power, through the Law of Attraction it will become stronger and eventually manifest whatever it was you desired. This also applies to you as individuals and what you wish for yourself. So, be realistic and unless you have incurred karma through earlier actions or deeds that prevents it, there is no reason why you should not be successful. We have advised you many times to be careful with what you wish for yourself or others, and to ensure they are always positive.

Slowly but surely Covid19 is coming under control, but it will always be hovering around in the background. By such times it is to be hoped that the prospects of its return are minimal and of no greater concern than your common cold. As you grow up, so you develop immunity to common illnesses that usually come and go with very little lasting effect. Keeping yourself healthy and eating the right foods is essential if you want your immunity system to be strong. Eat plenty of fresh foods avoiding as far as possible all those that are processed. Cut down on sugary foods and if you need a sweetener, honey is the best healthy alternative. A lot of this is plain good common sense, and avoid as far as possible fried foods and dairy produce. It is a formidable list, but if you can at least moderate your intake of such foods, your health will benefit. Vegans and vegetarians are clearly on the right track, and any changes made to reduce the intake of low vibration foods will enhance your health and result in fewer problems.

The young children of today are way ahead of the older generations, where understanding of what is needed to put humanity onto a path that will lead to great changes that will speed them up, as many are so vitally needed to bring in the first stages of what will prove to be far reaching. There are many paths that have been opened up, but not all lead to the vital changes necessary to pull out of the old paradigm that no longer serves you. Think big where the future is concerned, as there is little point in spending vast sums of money on simply expanding old ideas. You must anticipate the needs of a new and modern society that knows no limits to its ideas of where the Human Race is headed. You have the brains and the technologies to kick start everything without wasting time on that which has proved inadequate.

It is as though you are looking into a crystal ball and can see all countries at different stages of advancement with many still lacking the basic needs to survive. We say again, you are One Race - The Human Race and it is time there was a coming together of all people with a view to raising the quality of life so that there is not such a gulf between them. In the past, the richest and most developed countries used the situation to their advantage, finding that by giving only little financial help they were able to make ample profit from their investment. It goes back to the Commonwealth days, where the natives were poorly paid and worked all the hours that God gave them. It is being recognised as such and should remain in the past where it belongs. Let the richest countries set a plan to quickly raise the living standards of all the poorest countries that in the long run will be to everyone's benefit.

Clearly, you cannot expect to overcome all of the differences that exist between the many countries that are often of a strong religious background. Providing people are allowed to worship in their own way, without interfering, we see no reason why each should not respect those who choose to be different. Keep in mind that a soul does not necessarily only incarnate into families practising old religious beliefs, but may seek new experiences in a different set of beliefs. Religion has caused so much trouble between people, but why when it is part of growing up and finding the ultimate path to God, that is now spoken of “as the God inside”. Is it then not apparent that all souls are actually seeking the same God?

So, you have a Universal God that is always with you and is urging you to share your love with all souls treating none as being any different to the others. Put the differences aside and you have one big happy family paying homage to God in the privacy of their own soul. Why not give love a chance to show that there are no barriers to Universal Love, unless you choose to make them. Can you imagine how quickly all differences would be overcome, and arguments as to who was right or wrong would fall by the wayside. Let there be a new way of looking at religion that does not speculate on who is wrong or right but accepts the differences as part of the experience. Be assured, behind all of the messages is a definite plan to advance your understanding, so that you have not on the one hand been overwhelmed, but are broadening your understanding as your consciousness begins to expand.

We have taken your mind down a few different tracks, yet all lead to the One God who is the Supreme Creator of All That Is. It is impossible for souls at your level to really grasp the magnificence of a being “That Is All That Exists.” It is almost beggars belief that the energy that is God seems to have no limits and is continually creating new areas in Space. There is a saying that “what goes around comes around” and everything moves in a cyclic motion. At this level, it is much beyond most people’s understanding and there is no need to know more at this time, as all comes to all people in due course. Your immediate task is to stay centred and share your love with all of the souls around you. Stay calm in the face of adversity and by doing so you are helping to present a soul who is at peace with the world.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my Godself.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 17 Ιουνίου 2021

Free energy is going to bring about major changes

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 4 June 4 2021

There are two main groups on Earth at present occupying each end of the spectrum. You would know them as those of the Light and the Dark. They are both fighting for control of the Earth and as it stands the Light is leading the way. The dark Ones will try by every means possible to regain their position, but it will be to no avail. You could say that the dark Ones have had their day, but they will not accept defeat. However, as events move on and the vibrations increase, their place and influence will cease to have the power to dictate the future of mankind. 

With the arrests that have been taking place, their strength has been diminished and their plan for world domination is in tatters. It is difficult to see it with so much unrest all around, but the people have awakened to what has been going on. They have been making their protests all over the world and eventually will be heard and taken notice of. In reality, it is the people who hold the power and when they put their petty squabbles behind them and come together, amazing things can be achieved.

Understand that the people are the backbone of society and when properly organised can achieve almost anything they set their minds upon. We, for our part, will guide them and protect them, so that they can make progress. So, the sooner Man gets himself sorted out the sooner we can help to ensure his efforts are productive. Covid19 has caused such a mess on Earth, it may seem that it will be eons of time before it can be sorted out, but with our help we can assure you things will progress quite quickly. After all, there is much to be done and without our help it would take you much longer. You have earned the help that awaits you, but first we must see you taking the right actions in preparation. With a grasp of the full situation, we can plot the future to ensure you get the best results.

The time lapse has given you an opportunity to judge whether your proposed actions meet the needs of the moment, and there is so much that needs revising. There is much debt in the world and you clearly do not want to add to the problem. It will be a long haul to settle down again, but with care and planning, you will eventually overcome your problems. Many souls have come to Earth specifically to help you through the inevitable difficult period you face. You are entering one that will be the start of a New Era and if it is handled correctly, you will benefit enormously. We wish we could come to you openly and such an event is to be part of your introduction to the Galactic Age.

It is an exciting time to be on Earth and when the dust and remnants of the old Age are cleared away, you will see the New Age emerging. Passing the marker has opened so many doors for you and is why you will be overjoyed at what they will bring. The New Age is exactly what it says, which is why we encourage you to think forwards and leave the rest to the history books. It has taken a long time to reveal the methods of the dark Ones and they are not finished yet, but they are in retreat. Slowly but surely, all that which was unseen is coming out of the shadows to be cleansed by the Light. There is much preparation being made to ensure that those who have hidden their actions against the Light are brought to justice. There will be nowhere to hide and all will be eventually revealed.

Many projects are on the drawing board that await the appropriate time to be released. The time scale is up to you, but as soon as you are perceived as ready, there is much that can go ahead. We reiterate that “small is beautiful” and much will revolve around relatively small groups that are easier to run. The big conglomerates are no longer ideal for such a set up and they are busy planning how to tackle the changes forced upon them, and clearly they have to downsize quite considerably. Changes of this nature come from time to time and it is led by the needs of the people. The changes will be far reaching, but should not cause great disruption as some believe, and there is no reason why they should not involve a smooth transmission.

Clearly, free energy is going to bring about major changes, as it affects almost every aspect of daily life. Such energy comes from an everlasting source, and how nice that would be in one of your coldest winters by not having to worry about the cost of heating. No more cold freezing nights when you cannot afford the heating you need to keep warm. It is going to take time for the benefits to be spread widely, but how comforting it is to know that great hope is on the horizon. Yet free energy is just but one of the benefits waiting to be introduced.

It is nice to know that the future is going to be vastly different to what you have been used to, and all for the better. Humanity is due for great changes and not before time, can you believe that you have been deliberately held back and denied many changes that have not seen the light of day. The dark Ones have so much to answer for and their day of reckoning is approaching ever nearer. It must be difficult for you to understand that a group of human beings can have so little caring for what you might call the rank and file. Be assured that there will be a day not far into the future when their activities will be drawn to their attention and have to be answered for.

We have to tell you that the worst of the dark days have passed, and as soon as you have straightened yourselves out, the changes will begin in earnest. You have been promised much in the past that has not always been possible to introduce, but now the situation is much better and we see no reason why good progress cannot be made. In the past you have been let down by the politicians, but in the future you will be truly represented. Politics at present is in something of a mess and does not work correctly for the people but soon that will be put right.

You have been very patient and deserve every benefit that is coming your way and so far we have only scratched the surface. In time you will have been compensated for all of your troubles and life will take on a totally different meaning. Words cannot do justice to what we see lies ahead for you and we know you will not be disappointed. Soon the true leaders will come to the forefront and you will know that they are genuine.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my Godself.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Artwork: Swami Sevaratna

Σάββατο 5 Ιουνίου 2021

As vibrations keep rising on the planet, they will overpower everything with low vibrations

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 2 June 2021

With loving greeting from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Energy surges that are propelling Earth along her Ascension pathway are raising vibrations throughout your world. This will continue until she reaches her destination in high fifth density, where Gaia, the soul that embodied as the planet, remained during the long ages that amassing negativity spiralled her body downward into deep third density.***Only readers of information from messengers of the light know Earth is steadily ascending into higher astral planes, but two effects of rising vibratory levels, although not attributed to such, are clearly evident.

One is the sense that time is passing faster and faster. Linear time exists on Earth because all third density civilizations that have inhabited the planet needed a chronological means in which to function in a coherent fashion. However, that concept of “time” actually is energy fields in the timeless continuum, where what you consider past, present and future are a series of simultaneous happenings.

In one way, we could say Earth is approaching the continuum, but it’s more accurate to say that her population is interpreting the sensation of successively lighter energy as time seeming to pass more quickly than previously. And, going by your clocks and calendars, it is—what was a week only 20 years ago now is “condensed” into two days. Because of divine grace, let us say, laws of physics that govern this universe are regulating the tides and the rising and setting of the sun and moon, so all are occurring as you expect, even though linear time is crunching.

The other effect of ever-rising vibrations is the continuing magnification of characteristics and behavior, both positive and negative. The latter accounts for the notable increase in homicides, random shootings, massacres, acts based in bigotry, and other violent and criminal acts that have been happening around the world.

Mainstream media report those distressing events but rarely mention high vibrations’ positive effects—the increasing abundance of kindness, helpfulness, respectful communication and cooperative efforts—qualities and actions that will keep expanding within the society in consonance with heightening vibrations. The energy of dark intentions and activities emits low vibrations, and those cannot coexist with high; whatever is based in darkness will keep declining until it has no more energy, thus comes to an end.

Also, you are feeling a more intimate effect of “high vibes”—their impact on body, mind and spirit. For newcomers to our messages and as reminders to long-time readers, I asked my mother to cite some of the numerous messages wherein we have spoken about this. [November 20, 2017 and January 14, 2019 detail symptoms and suggestions to relieve them.July 4, 2013 includes helpful dietary guidelines and memory “loss.”] Thank you, Mother.

Now then, another glaring omission in mainstream media is the growing backlash against everything related to the “pandemic.” Instead, they feature “experts” who emphasize that vaccinating people worldwide is the only way to combat covid because this is science. No, that is not science, it is against science! Your bodies are designed with strong immune systems and self-healing mechanisms—introducing foreign elements that are incompatible with those capabilities jeopardizes their functioning and leads to health issues and death.

Let us reply here to questions as to why information from medical specialists is contradictory: Those on TV say if you must go out, wear masks and socially distance, get tested for covid and even if results are negative, get vaccinated. The specialists who speak in Internet videos explain why those requirements are damaging to health.

The Illuminati/Deep State/cabal—those and other designations refer to the same malevolent secret society—control mainstream media and choose the “experts” who speak or are cited in press reports. They control World Health Organization and multinational Big Pharma; in the United States, they control all agencies under the medical establishment’s umbrella, including Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health and Food and Drug Administration.

Spokespersons for those agencies and others may be Illuminati themselves. If not, they still may be profiting from investments in companies that are making fortunes from all covid-related products and equipment. They may be supporting the massive deception about the “pandemic” because they have been bribed, blackmailed or given death threats. They may fear being professionally blackballed, losing medical accreditation or even their lives, all of which the Illuminati have done to practitioners who dared use effective therapies the dark ones have banned precisely because they are effective, inexpensive and non-injurious to bodies.

The Illuminati also design curricula used by medical and nursing schools, and many graduates do what they were taught—operate, use chemo and radiation, prescribe pharmaceuticals. They believe what they were taught: Natural remedies are worthless because there is no scientific evidence to support claims of their efficacy and vaccines are life-saving. They are applying to covid what they learned—adhering to medical science guidelines and being vaccinated are imperative to public health.

Even without any awareness of Illuminati tentacles around the entire healthcare industry, people who once believed mainstream media reports now are questioning: Why are simple remedies prohibited even though some doctors have successfully used them to treat covid patients? Why are we forced to wear masks when some specialists say they prevent normal respiratory functions, thus lowering immunity and increasing susceptibility to a variety of illnesses; and they prevent oxygen from reaching the brain, thereby damaging brain cells especially in young children whose brain power develops quickly? Why would hospital staffs be told to list deaths as covid even when they’re due to other causes? If vaccines are safe, why are medical personnel in many countries warning about their dangerous effects?

The Illuminati may remove from the Internet truthful information about the “pandemic” as soon as they discover it, but they cannot stop individuals who saw those films and articles from spreading that information.

People also are seeing that mandated restrictions have led to an increase in depression, suicides, drinking, domestic violence and other crimes; businesses have gone under, families are financially desperate and school closures are psychologically harming students. Logically, they are asking: How can that be good for any of us?

As refusal to be vaccinated is growing, Illuminati are pressuring leaders from community to national levels to urge Get vaccinated! Protect yourselves and your loved ones! In some nations, life has been made very difficult for individuals who don’t comply, and most international travellers must show proof of vaccination as permission to leave their country or enter another. Not only is tolerance of those conditions growing thin, but people are tired of living in fear about “catching covid.” In one country after another, crowds are gathering without wearing masks, schools are reopening and so are small businesses that managed to survive.

We understand your concerns about vaccines—they are justified!—and while we cannot dispel them, let us ease them. It is so that gene-altering tissue and programmed nanochips that interact with 5G technology are in the solutions for the purpose of producing a race of automatons that can be remotely controlled. By divine authority, scientists in extraterrestrial Special Forces who reduced the potency of coronavirus-19 and prevented what the Illuminati intended, the death of billions, also erased the programming and reduced to the extent possible the viability of the tissue in the solutions. Still, many people with weakened immunity have died or experienced serious adverse effects from what is called “vaccine,” but actually is the Illuminati’s gene-altering experiment.

Then there is the issue of airborne particles from vaccinated individuals affecting those who haven’t been. There is truth to this, but not to the dire extent you may think. Due to the particles’ reduced viability, their life span in the air is extremely brief. And, in instances where persons have been affected, the particles exacerbated diagnosed or undiagnosed issues such as hormonal or chemical imbalance, short-circuiting electrical systems, hypo-metabolism, circulatory difficulties, nutritional deficiencies or a combination of existing conditions that caused minor or major adverse reactions. We advise drinking as much water as you can. Keeping bodies well hydrated aids in removing toxic materials, and, by helping energy systems flow smoothly, precludes blockages wherein those thrive. And always, sunlight greatly benefits body, mind and spirit.

Also we have been asked if the claim by some “experts” is true: Covid is here to stay because the virus will keep mutating into variants. “Keep mutating” is but another scare tactic and covid is not there to stay! Like everything else in existence in this universe, that illness, which is a kind of flu, is energy, and its survival depends upon energy continuously put into it.***The Illuminati need people’s fear of catching covid to provide the energy their concocted “pandemic” requires, and fear is abating. They need people’s thoughts and feelings about the illness to sustain its energy, but the interests of the populace have turned to regaining a semblance of normalcy. They need people to have high stress levels—stress lowers immunity, making bodies more vulnerable to health disorders—but as people are taking back their stolen free will, their stress levels are dropping.

Furthermore, because of the dark intention of manipulating a virus to become a contagious disease, covid’s energy is in the lowest vibratory range. As vibrations keep rising on the planet, they will overpower everything with low vibrations because, as aforementioned, the two extremes cannot coexist.

To all who feel you cannot do anything to help end a global situation as pervasive as covid, we say, “Indeed you can!” In previous messages we urged you not to give your energy to anything related to the “pandemic,” and we do so again. So why have we just given that a great deal of our energy? Intention has its own energy streamers with benevolent or malevolent attachments. Not only is our intention—offering truth and upliftment—benevolent, it is given with unconditional love for you, our dear sisters and brothers.

We remind you of other things we have spoken about. Simply by BEing the pure Love-Light energy of Creator Source, you are radiating into the world the most powerful force in the Cosmos. Your every thought and feeling is prayer, and prayers are powerful, so think and feel positive and optimistic about what is ahead. Words, spoken and written, have power—be mindful to choose your words wisely.

Smiles and laughter, generosity, gratitude, compassion, empathy and every small act of thoughtfulness send vibrations soaring, and visualization also is powerful. See crowds of people dancing in joyful celebrations and children happily playing with animals. Visualize Earth immersed in brilliant golden-white light. Image the planet with pristine waters, forests instead of scarified lands, crops growing in land now deserts, fields of flowers as far as the eye can see, air free of pollution.

Everything mentioned above is love in action, and LOVE is the key to a peaceful world where the peoples live in harmony with each other and with Nature. Dear ones, love begins with self—please love yourselves the way we love you!

All light beings in this universe honor you for steadfastly helping Earth’s civilization manifest the kind of world they want for themselves and all generations to come. With unconditional love we are supporting you every step of your journey.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Παρασκευή 4 Ιουνίου 2021

You are at the door of all that you could wish for yourselves and soon it will open for you

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 28 May 2021

Matters are now moving on very quickly and at last the end is in sight of all the problems associated with the coming of Covid19. It is a situation that was allowed to take place, and used to give you more time to think carefully about changes to your way of life. Much has been learned from the lockdown, and there is no doubt that it is obvious that many aspects of your way of life will have to be changed for good. We see it as part of your experience that has caused you to take a deep breath and consider how you could make your experiences more appropriate and uplifting. You will make the decisions with our prompting, although as we have told you many times, the final choice will be yours in accordance with the freewill given to you. We see the potential for you and wise decisions will ensure you have chosen correctly.

Although it will not necessarily seem to you that you are passing through one of the most important periods in your lives, you should be aware that you are setting out a plan for your future. For certain, it will be full of promise and take you quite quickly into a new phase of your lives where the “promised land” is yours to create. You will have so much more help and gradually the negative forces will lose their ability to interfere with your plans for a free and beautiful Earth. The Human Race is by nature gentle and loving and as the vibrations gradually lose their instinct to fight for what they want, there will be a natural move towards a peaceful and happy society that works for world peace. You are at the door of all that you could wish for yourselves and soon it will open for you.

There have been earlier civilisations that have travelled this road and inevitably they saw that there is only one way to total peace on Earth. You have learnt that “love thy neighbour” means worldwide regardless of the colour or beliefs, and when you take it to heart and put it into practice, you will find others will respond to it and such differences can be overcome. We say again that “You are all One” sharing your individual choices, so that all learn from each other. No one group is superior to another; they are simply at different stages of their evolution. By nature, the human instinct is to help others when in need, but the dark Ones have played upon those differences to cause separation amongst you.

Because the Earth is of the lowest vibration, it is home to all types of humans, some being of such a low level of evolution they are virtually no different to what they were hundreds of years ago. Clearly such a mix creates its own problems, yet in essence all are souls on a pathway back to the Creator. However, there is naturally a time when certain groups take a different path consistent with their level of evolution. That time has come for you and each group will take an appropriate one that suits their level of understanding. It comes about because souls begin to understand their true origin, and with the acceptance of eternal life, understand that each soul has all the time it needs to evolve. There is no pushing or limits set for development and all can take it at their own pace.

You will find that more help will be given to you as you progress and it is always consistent with your needs and never set too high. So, it is not as you might say “pushy” and it is accepted that there will be times when you will stray off your path, but that is taken as inevitable and that you will find your way back to it. It is all experience which makes each soul unique. At this stage no one can claim to know the whole truth, but some souls are naturally more advanced. The most important aspect of progress is that a person believes in God regardless of how they see God, it ensures that they are on the path to Light and eventually they will find themselves holding the truth.

Even with the low vibrations on Earth, a soul who has found the truth will draw away from the lesser vibrations and should never look back. You can be sure at this stage you will get ample help to continue on the correct path. Even now, you are helped at this stage and there will be no going back as the Light remains with you. It brings about a peaceful embodiment that remains with you for all time. It is also your protection against the lower vibrations as you are surrounded by them. Your presence amongst others is going to create a peaceful energy that some will feel and be drawn to you. It is the positive energies in your aura that cause this attraction. It makes people feel better and literally can even be healing.

Things normally move very slowly on Earth, but from hereon they will come more quickly, as you now have a focus on the future that you desire. In next to no time it will become apparent that everything has speeded up and you can be sure that already there are moves to bring the new into operation, the ideas are there already and all it needs is the intention to make them become your reality. In part, the souls who have the knowledge and abilities to introduce new ideas are ready to make their knowledge known, and we see many new inventions and ideas materialising. The dark Ones can no longer stop them coming to fruition or simply keep them for their own purposes.

Take heart Dear Ones, nothing is quite as bad as some believe, it is just that your media is still controlled and the good news is often suppressed. It gets through somehow but not to the general public who are left in ignorance. But that will clearly have to change before too long and you will eventually get a Press that reports the truth and is not distorted in any way. There are already plans for what you might call a “truth channel” and it is on its way. So keep your vibrations high and do not let them be influenced by false news.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light