Παρασκευή 27 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Be assured that matters will turn in your favour and will compensate for the trying and unsettling times

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 27 November 2020

There seems no end in sight to the turmoil that exists all over the world due to the Coronavirus. It is understandable since such a situation has never existed in living memory and is why it has had such an impact and shows little signs of abating. However, it has given Humanity time to access their life styles and what they want from the future. It has become apparent that there is much that needs thinking about, if Mankind is to start again with a clear objective in mind that will move on from all that is found to be out dated and no longer has a place in your future. The pace of change will undoubtedly pick up and new ways of making progress found. It is a golden opportunity to take a serious look at the way you have been living.

Major changes look inevitable, if you are to seize this opportunity to make a fresh start that will propel you into the New Age. Politics and the way business is run are surely at the top of your list, as both have a serious impact upon the general public. The old ways cannot and should not be resurrected as they are no longer suitable for the purpose of advancing Humanity. The people have every right to expect more from their leaders, so that a future can be formulated that brings the 21st century to life. It is time to bring people together and not perpetuate the “them and us” of the past, where such a gulf existed between the “haves and have-nots”. Every soul deserves a life where the necessities of it are available to all.

There are so many improvements and inventions that have been held back by those who have vested interests in keeping the Status Quo, but the time has come for change that benefits the people and it shall occur, you just cannot hold up progress any longer. All round people and companies are being forced to look at the ways they operate and changes will come, they have to, as there is no way that they can return to them. A great deal depends on how long free energy can be kept quiet and denied to them. Its release will open so many doors to ensuring an easier life for large numbers of people, giving them one of the necessities of life and releasing them from poverty. It must come, if the New Age is welcomed with open arms, as it will lift the quality of life for so many people and we mean millions all over the world.

As the Human Race you are All One, and the sooner you recognise this fact and treat people as All One, the sooner the advantages of the New Age can become your reality. There are many souls that have incarnated upon Earth at this time, in readiness to give of their experience and knowledge to lead the way to a better existence that will fulfil promises made to you in recent times. There are so many souls on our side of the veil that are urging you on, so that the “conditions” are receptive to the new energies. There is every help from our side for those of you who are at the forefront of moves to get things underway. Be assured that matters will turn in your favour and will compensate for the trying and unsettling times you are in at present. Keep calm and know that the Light is winning the battle.

In these testing times, you may well ask how you can get through the coming weeks, without comprising yourself. Clearly you must stay calm and do not let antagonising situations knock you off your course. If you feel you are sufficiently advanced to withstand the negative energies around you, you should be able to brush off anything less than the Light. Stay on your path without deviating from it and the more success you have the more strength you will develop. Already the positive energies have increased and will continue to do so all the way to Ascension. Get over the present hurdle and you cannot fail to notice how much easier it will get. You have come a very long way to get to this point, so seize the opportunity you are being given to leave the old un-necessary energies behind.

Not everyone will accept that they have a God inside, and will continue to seek God outside of themselves. In some respects it does not matter, as the most important aspect is belief in God and the rest will come with a greater understanding. Do not underestimate the great love of God for all life forms, a love that exceeds understanding. It is not expected that you will comprehend such power that is responsible for the creation of all living forms wherever and whatever they are. The Great Central Sun is ablaze with Light and for the want of a better expression, is the Supreme Creators abode. At your lower level of vibrations, you are not expected to understand the ultimate energy, but it is suffice to say that it is so powerful, it cannot be expressed in your language.

The period you are going through is making people consider where they are going, and what their goal in life is. You are getting ample time to access what you want out of life and what you need do to succeed. If your level of understanding has reached one of a spiritual understanding, then undoubtedly you will continue evolving on a path that would most likely result in your Ascension. It will come with the lifting up of your vibrations, and in that respect you could definitely achieve success. You are not left alone to follow your path and many spiritual helpers are with you.

You could hardly be in a better time to go all the way to Ascension and it will be worth all the effort you put in to succeed. You have worked hard often against huge odds, when those with beliefs that went against the religious teachings were persecuted and often put to death. The religions were very strict and their “flock” had to follow their interpretation of the scriptures. To have come through such a time is a credit to your steadfastness and determination to find the truth.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Πέμπτη 26 Νοεμβρίου 2020

God is pure creative THOUGHT constantly increasing Itself for the utter joy of all that She has created

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 18 November 2020

Your collective awakening is progressing most beautifully. Relax, release your doubts and worries, and watch with joy as it all unfolds! You can all feel the momentum increasing, and you can all, if you will allow yourselves to do so, feel the Peace of Oneness within yourselves as you continue to develop your trust in the One, Source, Love, Who is You/you, always and eternally.

Nothing happens by chance, without design, because God is pure creative THOUGHT constantly increasing Itself for the utter joy of all that She has created. Therefore, your awakening is inevitable and unavoidable, and that knowledge – constantly being transmitted and reaffirmed through so many spiritual channels – is intended to confirm it for you, so that you learn to trust your deep inner knowing of which, as humans, you often tend to be very skeptical. This is understandable, because as humans in form, you have very frequently experienced disappointment, and the pain and suffering that it causes.

Our task, here in the spiritual realms, apart from watching over you most lovingly and awaiting and responding to your calls for comfort and guidance, is to constantly reassure you that you are divine beings infinitely and eternally loved by Mother/Father/God, the Source of ALL that exists. When you go within to your holy inner sanctuaries, which totally and completely accept you in every moment, regardless of any sins or errors you may believe that you have committed, just relax and open yourselves to the LOVE that resides there waiting for you to allow It to embrace you. You do not need to pray, meditate, contemplate, or examine your conscience to see if you think you are worthy, all you have to do is just invite Love in, then allow, and relax. When you relax and cease to question yourselves as to whether you really have relaxed, Peace and Love will fill your hearts as old fears and anxieties just fade away. Truly, you are waking up!

YES, we keep reassuring you that you are waking up into Reality – your eternal state of existence at One with Source – and drawing to your attention the signs of this, of which you cannot be unaware, as they are reluctantly being reported in both the mainstream and the all-pervasive social media. Pay attention to the TRUTH of who you are – as we here in the spiritual realms keep reminding you – and let go of your doubts or beliefs that you are unworthy of God, or if indeed God really exists! You know that you are, each and every one of you, divine beings that have a temporary experience of separation from Source. You know that separation from Source is impossible, because you have a deep inner knowing that Oneness with Source is who you are, and that it is your eternal, unbreakable, and uninterruptible state of Being, and that there is nothing apart from Source, or independent of Source, because Source is ALL, and therefore so are YOU!

Your experience in form as a human is completely unreal. However, because you have the power of God, you were able to construct an unreal – I REPEAT an UNREAL – but seemingly very real state of existence into which you chose to enter, leaving behind, in Reality, the knowledge of who you truly are. To not know who you are is a devastating experience, shocking, horrific, and intensely trauma inducing. No one in human form – now, in the past, or in the future – has avoided the experience of intense trauma. Trauma is the agonizing belief that you are alone, separate, rejected, and abandoned. The journey through the birth canal, as you are born as a human into human form, totally confirms this invalid belief and ingrains it within you as obviously true.

To free yourselves from this untruth is the task that each of you chose to undertake when you agreed to incarnate in human form. A major aspect of that task – having first come to your own personal realization of the invalidity of your human belief in separation, rejection, and abandonment – is to assist humanity to also come to this realization and awaken!

You – you, your individual selves, and all of humanity – are now coming to the realization that Reality is VAST! Way vaster than the seemingly infinite universe in which, as humans, you appear to be insignificant specks of consciousness functioning with great difficulty in a material environment that is unseeing, unfeeling, unaware – DEAD! And you wonder “What am I doing here? It makes absolutely no sense.” From that state of fear and confusion arises the belief that life is an ongoing struggle for survival that always fails, because death is inevitable, and is the termination point of human existence. But, due to the inbuilt possibility for evolution that you established as an aspect of the unreality you constructed, humanity has developed and expanded its intellectual capabilities way beyond its present evolutionary state of spirituality and wisdom. This has led to a vast expansion of scientific materialism that lacks the essential wisdom to use that knowledge, with appropriate discernment and prudence, for the benefit of all sentient life forms.

You have in fact, as you are all very much aware, reached a level of intellectual/scientific capability that has enabled you to do, and continue to do, enormous damage to the environment that supports you. You now realize that if you do not cease your self-centered and egotistical ways of living, the damage that you are inflicting on your beautiful planet and her ecosystems will very soon terminate her ability to support any sentient life forms. Therefore, major changes in your collective attitudes and behaviors are essential NOW!

The good news is that, because of humanity’s growing collective awareness that only Love is real, major changes are finally being put into effect which will initially bring to an end the most damaging of your activities, and then start the major cleanup operations necessary to restore and repair the unconscionable damage that has already been inflicted upon the planet. Along with this, the planet herself is changing, and this will lead to an environment that provides a more balanced planet-wide habitat for all life forms, without the present extremes of climactic weather patterns and surface temperature variations. The future for an awakened humanity is most propitious.

Your task, as light bearers, is to develop and share a great optimism for the future of humanity, because you know that the Tsunami of Love, of which you are each essential and most beautiful elements, is powerfully intensifying Its effects in the heart of the collective and in each individual human heart. The awakening process, that is arousing all of humanity into the awareness that All that exists is Love, is approaching completion, because you have all set and held the intent very powerfully for humanity to awaken, and that intent, which is not only your will but also the divine Will, is now being brought to a most glorious fruition. Therefore, this truly is a time to CELEBRATE!

Take time out as frequently as you can throughout the day to go within and set the intent – know that your individual intent when divinely guided by Love, as it is now, is extremely powerful and effective – to open your hearts, and allow Love to embrace you and reassure you that all is moving forward precisely as divinely planned. The peace and trust that will arise within you as a result of doing just that, and nothing more, will amaze you, and your knowing that all is well will become more firmly established within you, thus intensifying the Light that is pouring through each one of you to embrace and empower all with whom you interact in even the most fleeting manner. Remember, each one of you is an absolutely essential and irreplaceable component of the collective awakening process, and each one of you is, right in this now moment, bringing it to its most glorious completion.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Κυριακή 22 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Whatever you find yourself intuitively drawn to is the right direction for you

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 25 August 2020

Dear John, you will be pleased to hear me confirm for you once again that the Divine Plan is unfolding precisely as God wills. It could not unfold in any other way. Do not let the vociferous noise of the mainstream media and the social meeting channels drown out your inner knowing that all is well. To doubt is a necessary aspect of being human, its purpose being to encourage you to go within and listen to your inner guidance, your intuition, and make sure that you respond with love to whatever is causing you to doubt. By doing that you can come to a place of peace from which you can view whatever is causing your doubt with wisdom and without expectation. Doubt often arises when you have a choice to make, and your doubt addresses the difficulty inherent in the choice before you, for instance: “Are we really awakening, or am I using my hope that we are to silence my fears that maybe we are not?”

I know many of you are facing doubts of this nature, and I want to assure you that they truly are completely unwarranted. By going within, to your holy inner sanctuary, and then asking for guidance from someone on your spiritual support team, although you may well not “hear” a response, if you sit quietly without expectation – and that can indeed be very difficult for some of you – you will find an inner place where the doubt that is causing you some anxiety eases. Then you will feel able to live with it in the knowing that, even though what you see happening in the outside world would have you believe otherwise, humanity’s awakening is occurring as divinely promised and intended.

Many are presently experiencing intense emotional turmoil, as the worldwide uncertainty that has arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic makes it very difficult for people to make any meaningful plans even for tomorrow, let alone beyond that, because the rules and the available data keep changing, as new information is released into the public realm on a daily basis. Confusion appears to be endemic as various “authority figures” offer conflicting advice, guidance, and instructions to follow, which other “authority figures” tell you to disregard and dismiss. So, what are you to think? Well, it is quite apparent that the “authorities” are themselves extremely confused, and this is because their “secure” communications systems are in disarray, and they are receiving conflicting instructions from those who rule and direct them. The old order of direct, command, and control has broken down irreparably. Now, a new and far less centralized system, that honors people and not rules, is arising to replace it, and signs of this are becoming visible in many places as groups of people start to establish a multitude of on-line communities to share information, ideas, and resources as part of the grand awakening.

Enormous changes are occurring, because so many people everywhere are claiming their divine sovereignty and are engaging lovingly with life from their heart centers. When you do that, life becomes far more meaningful and enjoyable. Everyone is called to serve in some form, and when you enter life from your heart centers, instead of from your ego-directed minds, you will find yourself drawn to assist the collective awakening process in ways that are totally appropriate for you, instead of seeing what others are doing and feeling that you should emulate them. You each have your own individual path that may well involve cooperation with a few others or many others, or it may lead you to do something on your own that only you can do. Whatever you find yourself intuitively drawn to is the right direction for you, even if others may try to persuade you otherwise, so learn to trust yourself. Sometimes it can be helpful to recall instances when you did not follow your intuition but allowed others to persuade you to do something different, and you then regretted it, realizing that your intuition had been right.

During your daily self-time, when you relax quietly, undisturbed by others or by your phone and social media, and as you reset your intent to be only loving whatever may arise, also ask for help to differentiate between your ego’s intent and your divine intent. The ego’s intents or desires are often grounded in fear or anxiety, whereas your divine intent will be peaceful and loving, even as your ego attempts to persuade you that this is not the case.

All presently incarnate in human form are on Earth to assist in the collective awakening, and that of course includes self-awakening! Self-awakening may occur quite spontaneously and gently during quiet time alone, being out in nature, listening to someone who needs to talk to you about their confusion or anxieties, or in a sudden moment of clarity as you deliberate with yourself about an action you think you need to take or about a relationship that is causing you concern. The thing is to be open at all times for an unexpected insight, for instance something with which an unwanted distraction presents you. In other words, make a point of returning to mindfulness whenever the thought occurs to you that you are not in a state of mindfulness, or when you become aware that your mind is wandering. As you are well aware, your minds often wander, particularly when you are doing something that is normally very undemanding such as driving to work or doing the dishes – normal routine everyday tasks – and those are excellent opportunities to practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is a very open state of awareness in which you are fully conscious of how every part of your body feels, and at the same time you are fully aware of the environment surrounding or enveloping you in the moment. In that state, it is very easy for those on your support team in the spiritual realms to communicate with you – your attention is suddenly and for no apparent reason drawn in a certain direction – or offer guidance by way of your intuition or inner knowing which you can access best when you are relaxed and at peace.

There is spiritual guidance and intuitive insight pouring into the collective human energy field at present to assist in your awakening. Everyone is receiving information about their awakening in every moment, if they will allow themselves to be open to it. Old fixed beliefs and opinions need to be released to make room for this influx of new knowledge, knowledge that has always been available, but which you have been unable to access because of the distractions with which your everyday lives present you, and which seem to demand your immediate attention. Truly, in your daily lives there is very little that absolutely needs your immediate attention, so make a point of slowing down, mentally and physically, so that your inner knowing can offer you more effective ways to deal with whatever arises by responding thoughtfully and wisely instead of with an instant reaction that may later prove to to have been less than totally appropriate.

Now is the time to be more and do less, as you adjust more fully to the new uplifting and inspiring energies that are displacing or dissolving the egotistical ones to which you have been accustomed. This new sense of peace – that all is well – takes some getting used to, and so your daily quiet times, when you choose to be alone and undisturbed, are essential to your individual awakening processes. You each feel and experience them differently, because you are each different expressions of the One as It expresses Itself in myriad ways through each of you for the wonder and glory of All. Take the time to relax, feel, and enjoy the process for which you have been hoping and praying for eons. The moment of awakening is upon you, so do not fall back into the unawareness from which you are all arising. Instead, be alert and open to the joy that this process is offering you, as you step up through the veil of limitation into the brilliance of Reality.

With so very much love, Saul. 

Παρασκευή 20 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Ascension is not the end of evolution but merely the beginning of another phase

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 20 November 2020

Extract from Seraphin Message 430: “ALL ENDS ARE TEMPORARY” Through Rosie 20th October 2020.

There will be an end to all this “unnatural” behaviour – the constant need to suppress the truth of what one knows, due to fear of reprisals. It will also be the end of those heinous crimes and circumstances, of which there are so many on your world, which are the origin of so many troubled minds. These are the minds of objectors, of the fighters, of the ultimate carers, caring not only for their own fate but for the fate of the entire global population.

This is a very heavy burden to carry, yet they struggle on and are “used to it”. This also shall fall. The burden will be lifted and you will be able to return to that light, joyful feeling which you experienced as a child, or with children. Those surviving this huge change will, in fact, become “childlike”, crying and laughing often, and by turns, because there will be SO MUCH to laugh and cry about.

The GREAT INTERRUPTION will take place. You may feel that this is the END OF THE WORLD, and in some sense, you will be right. It will be the realization of your worst fears – that something really terrible has been going on for thousands of years, and that you have failed to perceive it in all its perfidy. Simultaneously, there will be huge relief.

A period of intense questioning will follow: it will be the “followers” who will have the worst time, for they will have to question EVERYTHING which formed the parameters of their lives so far. If they are not prepared to LET EVERYTHING GO, then they themselves will have to GO, for there will be no room for anyone on this planet who has sunk into complete stagnation, and who intends to remain in a state of stagnation.

While this may seem to be an end, it is also a beginning, for not only revelations about a heinous past will flow, but also new thoughts and new directions. Lofty ideals will come to the forefront. It will take your breath away, and it must be obvious by now that there will be many people who cannot deal with this and who will depart. This many call “death”.

And it will seem to many (due to constant propaganda to the contrary) that this is their END. Yet this end too is only TEMPORARY. They will be required to review their part in all these proceedings, whether they choose to do this on earth, in the times of great revelation, or whether they decide to do it in the next realm, after what you call “death”.

Thank you Kan Daek.

You can read the complete message through the link below as follows:***https://abundanthope.net/pages/Rosie/Seraphin/-Message-430-ALL-ENDS-ARE-TEMPORARY.shtml

Mike Quinsey:

No one can doubt that we are truly in remarkable times the likes of which we could not have been imagined. Every soul has to make up their own mind as to which path they wish to follow, and to many the Path of Light is too demanding and they are simply not ready for it, but hopefully will realise that they are always given another opportunity to ascend. It is not a matter of having to start all over again from the beginning. From a spiritual point of view, lessons learned are carried forward.

So much is happening all at once, much of which does not get into your Press, as there is still a reluctance to spread news that would prove unpopular with many people. Plus at this time many supporters of Biden are clinging to the hope that Trump will be unable to void the election results. Their hopes are unfounded and present indications are that Trump will hold on to the Presidency.

The lockdowns are giving people time to re-access where their lives are going and for what purpose. Depending on the outcome, it will go a long way to setting them on a path that will either end in their Ascension, or a continuance of life in the lower vibrations for further experiences that are aimed at lifting their vibrations. A successful outcome would ensure that they are ready to ascend at the very next opportunity. Naturally, such souls would get every help to succeed and are never left alone to face the challenges set before them.

Realise that for those souls who are not ready to ascend, you do not take your possessions with you upon entering a New Age. It is much the same as the period you normally experience between incarnations. However, the importance of this particular time cannot be overlooked, as it is one that brings the old Age to a conclusion. Clearly where souls have been successful in raising their vibrations, they are entitled to feel euphoric, as it signals the end of a very long demanding journey encompassing many previous lives. Ascension is not the end of evolution but merely the beginning of another phase, this time in joy and happiness where all is in harmony and love.

We tell you in broad terms what is to come and as you work through the next period of change, it will all be in anticipation of being able to put all that is no further use behind you to welcome the new opportunities that will come. The future is very bright and welcoming, so do not despair because of the unusual time you are in now. It will not last too long and will gradually settle down. Stay strong and resolute knowing the present period will slowly come to an end, and the new will take over.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Κυριακή 15 Νοεμβρίου 2020

The future for ascended beings is so wonderful and almost beyond description

 Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 13 November 2020

From a message by the Divine Mother through Linda Dillon on the 8th November 2020 titled “Universal Mother Mary – My Divine Pause and the American Elections”:

“This Pause gives you the time, the critical time, to go deeply within your heart and truly examine what lies there. This Pause that I give you, gives the time to be the observer. You have done the participant, now be the observer and look to behaviours, look to attitudes, look to kindness, to sweetness, to fairness. Do not delude yourself on one side or the other with conspiracy theories. You are living in the country of St Germaine based on freedom and equality and a democratic process that allows for the expression of choice…of your freewill choice – that has not been interfered with…and it will not be!

So this is your time to come into yourself and forgive yourself for righteous attitudes, for blame and shame and guilt…and then to forgive everyone involved. Then to turn the page, not through violence, not through disinformation or misinformation but claiming your co-creative, human, Gaian, angelic, star-being creative power, to bring forth worlds that work. Why are our skies not filled with our brothers and sisters from the skies, from the stars, from the galaxies far away? They do not reveal themselves because they come in peace and if peace does not reign, then why would they wish to engage with you?

They come to gift you technology that is beyond your imagination, that has the power to give you that quantum leap in communications, in healing, in what you think of as science, They do not give it, so that it can be owned or abused. They are waiting for all of you in this collective awakening. When I said, when I have declared that this year of 2020 would be a time of rebirth…yes, I know that none of you thought that is what I meant, but this is your chance. There are crossroads in each life, and in the life of each generation, in each millennia, in each planetary system…and there is only one choice…and I know you are capable of it…and it is the choice of love to allow for diversity of every stripe and colour, that each being has the freedom, the spaciousness and yes, dear heart the resources to fulfil their dreams, their purpose individually and as part of this collective.

You’ve spent much time individually and collectively, looking over your shoulder to look at past grievances, rights and wrongs. Look ahead, look at what you are proceeding to, look at what you wish and what I am creating with you…go to the silence. Go to the echo chambers of your heart, for that is where you will hear me, that is where you will feel me, that is where I will comfort you, restore you, energise you, heal you, and when you do this not merely for yourself, for a nation, for the entire collective. Energy travels, surely you have recognised that fully and completely. Do not think that we are not overseeing, over lighting and fully engaged in your process. I AM! Go with my love, I step aside, but not away. Farewell, Mother Mary”.

From a message by St. Germain through James McConnell on the 11th November 2020. Titled “Trust the plan – the truth shall set you free”: 

The truth is coming forward as Disclosure and the truth shall set you free, to be revealed from many different sources, mainly different directions. Freedom is at stake not just in this country (U.S), but in the entire planet. The world must be free and shall be free of the dark forces, whom are following a plan, but it is an old vibrational plan. It is a three dimensional illusionary plan, but you of the higher forces, of the light forces and President Trump are following a higher Divine Plan, which carries higher vibrations with it. It is destined that the one who has been President will carry on. Freedom is being orchestrated here not just for this country but of the entire planet.

There will be no New World Order. When we have said you are the Light Warriors and no longer the Lightworkers, we speak to those who are resonating to these words. Make your own news and create your own reality here, be in the moment and carry it forward into truth, into love that is coming in each and every one of you. More and more, as your fourth chakra begins to open wide, believe and trust in the plan. Trust in the independence not only of the country, but the entire planet. Be calm in the storm that is coming, do not allow everything that is happening around you to take hold of you – you take hold of it, that is where you need to go now. Share the light, spread the light in every chance, every opportunity that you have. Speak your truth loudly now to everyone, anyone that will listen. You will have the knowing to speak out; you all have the power to speak out and the knowing.

St. Germain.

!3th November 2020. Mike Quinsey:

If you have not yet realised it, you are faced with making a decision as to which path to take. One is the continuation of the old ways and beliefs, while the other one takes you onto a higher path directly to the Light, it is a choice that will determine where your future lies. Mother Mary has made it quite clear as to what would be required of you if you choose the Path of Light, and it simply comes down to the question as whether you are ready to take it. Be assured, if you are not ready, you will get equal attention, and all the help and experience you might need to successfully achieve your goal.

You are in a unique time, when Higher Beings can look forwards to meeting up with you. It doesn’t take much imagination to realise that you have a golden opportunity to leave the lower vibrations behind for once and for all time. The future for ascended beings is so wonderful and almost beyond description. Can you imagine a state of utter bliss where only the truth exists and the negative forces are non-existent. It is what you have worked for over millennia of time, life after life in the toughest and trying situations and yet you have finally come through with honour and integrity. The Heavens rejoice and greet you with love and blessings for your grand future.

Meantime, you are present on Earth to enjoy and witness the changes for the betterment of mankind. Mother Mary has made it quite clear as to what is expected of you, if you are to continue your upliftment into the higher vibrations. Love and compassion for all life forms is a necessity in a situation where “All will become One”. Do not worry. If you struggle to come to terms with what is now needed from you, there is always help and guidance around you. Just remember to ask for what help you need and be assured that it will come to you.

Can you feel the excitement around you, as what you have achieved is miraculous, from a time when it was doubtful that Humans would raise their vibrations sufficiently to pass the marker. You have every reason to be proud of yourselves and celebrations will be in order in due course. It may take you awhile to understand what a great achievement it has been, so you are entitled to feel proud of it. Others may try to distract you from your path, but just nothing can throw you off it, as you show your determination and strength. There is still much work to be done, but we are with you all of the way. Keep calm and be assured that all will work out as planned”.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τετάρτη 11 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Your awakening is happening now

 Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 9 November 2020

Life is Good! However, if you focus on what you do not like in your own individual lives this does not appear to be the case. I would therefore remind you . . . AGAIN, that Life is eternal. Life manifests unmistakably and completely palpably, constantly and eternally, in the Presence of Source, with Whom each individual conscious living entity is One in every moment without interruption. Because there is only Source, Mother/Father/God, Love, THERE IS, AND CAN BE, NO SEPARATION . . . EVER!

Where you are mainly focusing your attention – on being a human on a small planet in a VAST universe – distracts you from allowing yourselves to know yourselves as you truly are, divine Beings infinitely loved by God, Who never judges you. There is NO judgment! Judgment is an aspect of the illusion that you invented and use to divide one another into good, mediocre, and bad, depending on your own individual, and mostly horribly confused perceptions of another, or many others. This has caused such enormous suffering throughout human history that the collective has finally decided and set the collective intent to awaken from the dream/nightmare that you seem to have been undergoing as reality since the beginning of time.

Your awakening is happening now, and consequently all that is not in alignment with Reality, with Love, to which humanity has been clinging in fear, and then expressing in anger, judgment, and condemnation of one or many others, is arising in the collective consciousness to be acknowledged, thanked for the lessons with which it has presented you, forgiven for the suffering it has caused you, and released, thus making an enormous amount of ‘space’ available in the collective dream/nightmare for Love to flow in and awaken you into the Joy that is Life, that is Reality.

So, to reiterate, yet again, you are divine beings, always infinitely and eternally loved by God, having a brief and. unreal experience as a human in form. That form appears to you to be totally r.eal – the senses with which your bodies are furnished are intensely sensitive – because you wished to experience separation as fully and completely as possible, and, consequently, that is how you do experience it. Nevertheless, you do have to differentiate between what is good and what is not good, namely between what it means to be loving and what it means not to be loving.

At the deepest level of your being you do know this, you can most clearly differentiate between these two states – even though there is truly only one state . . . LOVE – but, because of the fear that the sense of being separated from Source instils within you, you actually find yourselves cognizant of myriad differences – myriad forms of goodness and myriad forms of evil – and spend inordinate amounts of time discussing these apparent differences, and then making judgments about them. And the reason for this? It is because the sense of separation that you are each experiencing individually makes you appear to be quite different from one another, while at the same time showing you that you are indeed all human.

You then pay attention to the evil that is so evident all over the world, and come to the conclusion that you need to gather in families, groups, tribes, and even nations to fight and destroy the evil that you so clearly recognize in other families, groups, tribes, and nations. However, humanity has, as your history makes abundantly clear, been doing this for much longer than is recorded in your ancient annals, and it has never worked! Conflict always leads to further conflict, because those who are defeated know that they are in the right, and therefore, when they rebuild their strength, they will engage again with those who defeated them, seeking to avenge themselves for the wrongs and suffering inflicted upon them . . . and so it has been going, on and on.

Now, humanity has finally decided collectively that “Enough is enough!” And the results of that decision can be seen most clearly in the world around you as seemingly more and more divisiveness arises between people planet-wide. This divisiveness is clearly visible for all to see, and can be seen to be accentuating and intensifying the differences between you, and accentuating and intensifying the need to destroy and conquer all that is evil in the world. And that realization – the need to conquer and destroy evil – is finally being seen for what it is . . . Humanity’s death knell!

People are coming to the realization, on a MASSIVE scale, that major changes in the way in which you interact with one another worldwide are vital and essential NOW!

So, in spite of what is being reported on the mainstream media, and in many other places, the present chaos, confusion, and seemingly increasingly divisive behaviors and actions demonstrate very clearly indeed that humanity is waking up massively, and becoming aware in this now moment that change is essential now. And, although it is not yet being generally reported, the effects of this global change of heart by humanity is leading rapidly to a cessation of unloving behaviors in many areas where such a concept was, until very recently, thought to be impossible.

Therefore, CELEBRATE! As I have told you before, celebrating raises your frequency, because in celebrating you honor one another, and when you do that you offer love to one another, further raising your frequency toward full alignment with Love. Full alignment with Love is the aim of your spiritual evolution, but, because there is only Love, which is utterly non-judgmental and unconditionally accepting of every one of God’s beloved children – and ALL are God’s beloved children – your awakening will occur before you are fully aligned with Love.

On awakening you will then be led Home into full alignment with Love, your true and natural state, by your support teams in the spiritual realms who are most eagerly awaiting that magnificent moment, and who have prepared a most wonderfully welcoming Homecoming for you all.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Σάββατο 7 Νοεμβρίου 2020

It has been a hard and trying journey so far, but you are on the cusp of a big change

 Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 6 November 2020

In this most unusual time it helps to know the potential that lays ahead as although we are creating our own future, our thoughts have brought about an acceptance of the proposed First Contact with other worlds, and specifically the Pleiadians. They have acted as our guardians and closely followed our progress for a long time, ready to invite us to join them by allowing open physical contact and merging our consciousness with them in the realm of awareness. They refer to the Extra-terrestrial Alliance of Worlds in service to God that we would be invited to join in due course.

In acknowledgment of a channelling by Jonathan Martin.

Mike Quinsey: In the midst of upheaval and uncertainty Mankind is confused as to where it is all leading and is often experiencing depression with no apparent end of it in sight. Hope is born out of good faith in your leaders who in turn are being guided regardless of whether they are aware of it. The lockdown in most of the world is serving its purpose to awaken humankind to the necessity for vital changes to ensure you place your feet onto a new path that leads to a rejuvenation of society, and prepare you in readiness for a great leap in your evolution. You already have some idea of what that means, and the most important aspect is to grasp the opportunity being given to continue raising your vibrations all the way to Ascension. It may yet take some time to reach the higher levels of vibration, but with the help and guidance we are giving, you should be able to enjoy a smooth and fulfilling passage. You cannot be “all things to all people”, although service to self is now important, but there will always be opportunities to give others a helping hand. 

As you have no doubt found out, some souls are deeply rooted in the lower vibrations and are not ready to question where it is all leading. Indeed, many are unaware of their true being and have little or no interest in what life is really about or where theirs is taking them. The more enlightened souls will know that they are not a lost cause, but they need to first awaken to their real potential before help and guidance is given to them. Nevertheless, no experiences are without some value and will eventually result in the awakening of the soul.

You should be rejoicing that the old ways no longer have a hold on you and that you are now free to plot your own path to the higher dimensions. Be assured, if you need it, you will have help all the way, as your Higher Self is your always present companion. In your lonely moments or depression you are never alone and you may feel the soothing presence of your Guides who try to uplift you. They know you better than you do, so understand that they are often the “voice” that tries to guide you to a higher level.

You and your little Earth are at this time the focus of many other civilisations who are very interested to see how you eventually handle Ascension in view of what will be an almost unique occasion. Many souls would have been so excited to have the opportunity being given to you, and watch your progress with keen interest. You were chosen because of your experience and suitability to handle the occasion, and understandably many are old souls with much experience to call upon. Your qualities are to be peaceful and gentle without allowing anything to lower your vibrations regardless of what experiences you may face.

Once you experience the peace and happiness of the higher vibrations you will soon forget the trials and tribulations you have experienced to get there. It has been a hard and trying journey so far, but you are on the cusp of a big change. You have so far been in a self-imposed “prison” and lived a life formed by the freewill thinking of the Human Race. Soon, it is going to be so different and you will get guidance and help as you need it, and changes for your advancement that would have taken many years, will be completed in next to no time. You will have much help from those who have gone before you and are eager to ensure you are happy and fulfilled, and by then your level of consciousness will have grown exponentially.

On Earth, you are at present seeing both the worst and best of Humanity and those souls with a developed consciousness are responding the most positively. The point of understanding often comes after the recognition that All is One and that we are all beholden to each other. It is with sadness that those darker souls are left behind, but they will receive as much help as any other soul, and somewhere in the future they too will come to recognise the God within and be ready to tread the Path of Light. A God spark exists within each such soul, and is their guarantee of having a path back to the Godhead.

You of the Light were not privileged in any way to have reached the level that allows for return to the higher realms. You will have earned it through hard work, dedication, determination and persistence regardless of whatever the negative forces threw at you. It was of course part of your needed experiences to toughen your response to the machinations of the dark Ones, and have the resolve and strength to overcome their attempts to put a stop to your progress. Understand that in the bigger picture there had to be an opposition to the Light to help test your ability to stand up to it.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Artwork by Swami Sevaratna

Πέμπτη 5 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Puppets of the dark forces kept Earth’s civilizations in those low frequencies

 Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 2 November 2020

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Fervent activity in Earth’s energy field of potential is reflecting feelings, thoughts and actions worldwide, and amidst the countless energy streamers, three swirling masses are prominent.

One is the uprising of citizenries in numerous countries against oppressive governance. Another is around the imminent election in the United States because of that nation’s global influence. The third, and of greatest significance worldwide, is happening out of the public eye. The light forces that are dismantling the Illuminati’s global network are rounding up the tenacious ones at the peak of that secret society.

Outcomes of rebellions and elections are indeed of great importance to the people in those countries, and in the short term, they will be meaningful. But it is the ending of dark control that is freeing all peoples from fear and divisiveness, enabling them to evolve consciously and spiritually as aspects of God, divine sovereign beings, multidimensional selves and members of the Universal Family.

Dear sisters and brothers, it is natural that your primary interests are what affects your life and the lives of all whom you love. That is true of people everywhere—families want their children, grandchildren and future generations to be healthy, prosperous and have fulfilling lives in a peaceful, harmonious world. Those shared values are far, far greater than ideological differences, and that is why unity of spirit in co-creating that kind of world is where the civilization is heading.

Every person and every level of government from community to national needs to work in consonance with Earth’s destiny, the return to her original pristine beauty and health. Biodiversity is her life support system, thus the life support of humankind itself, and environmental preservation and restoration requires international unity.

Individuals who contend that the climate is changing naturally, that humankind has nothing to do with it, need to stop denying facts: Toxic pollutants in your skies, waters and soil; deep mining; drilling for oil; fracking for natural gas; scarification of forested lands; and technological weather manipulation are not Mother Nature’s doing. Those activities, which have been woefully destructive to Gaia’s planetary body, are impeding her return to the health and balance that are essential for all of her residents to survive and thrive.

Relative to this, let us mention some “predictions” devised by the dark ones and passed on by persons who believe the issues are of grave concern, such as Earth is moving toward another ice age. No, she is not—she is moving toward the moderate climate that prevailed when the planet in its entirety was the garden of Eden. There were no snow-capped mountains then, but Gaia delights in their majestic beauty and the great enjoyment they provide to sports enthusiasts.

Another predicted situation that will not happen is, oceans suddenly will inundate all land up to high cliffs and hilltops and drown many millions. Gradually-rising waters will affect sea-level islands and coastlines, and residents of those low-lying areas will move to higher ground long before those lands are submerged.

That drought will cause shortages of food and water and the death of billions will not come to pass, either, nor will any astral body collide with Earth. Then, there is this rather fanciful idea—the planet is too damaged to remain habitable for people who survive cataclysmic events; they will be taken aboard spacecraft and when they are returned to Earth, they will have to live beneath the surface.

The only purpose of any dire-sounding situation is to create fear. It is for the same purpose that covid case numbers are relentlessly reported and “experts” say that even after everyone is vaccinated, the virus will continue wending its way around the globe, so wearing masks and social distancing will be the way of life. It is fear’s low vibrations that let the dark ones become powerful in your world.

Everything in existence is energy fluctuating in myriad vibrational frequencies, and the totality is cosmic consciousness. Dark hearts and minds are energy in its lowest frequencies—the consciousness level wherein greed, deceit, cruelty, bigotry, divisiveness and lust for control flourish—and for long ages, puppets of the dark forces kept Earth’s civilizations in those low frequencies.

Today’s civilization is moving into the high vibrations of love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, empathy and harmony with Nature. You and all other lightworkers—and the numbers keep growing—are the dark ones’ undoing. They cannot stop you radiating light’s high vibrations and they cannot function within them.

We have been asked if everyone who is willingly in the Illuminati ranks will be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity. No, not all. Some at the peak have died naturally, others have been killed, and in some cases “body doubles” are carrying on those persons’ nefarious actions. However, none of the deceased escaped the universal law of justice, nor will those who are found guilty in your legal systems.

Nirvana is a flexible, multidimensional realm whose layers, or parts, are delineated energetically, and, by universal law, all persons are automatically drawn to the layer that corresponds with their immediate past lifetime energy registration. Individuals who intentionally caused widespread suffering go to Nirvana’s lowest part, a tiny orb where energy is so dense that it traps all who are there. It rightly can be considered “hell” because in lifeprint reviews, they experience every moment of the same physical, mental and emotional torment they caused others. The reviews can last for millennia in your concept of time and to those individuals, the experience seems endless.

Every soul is a part of God and He never abandons any. Always light is beamed at the orb and when souls accept the light, they emerge and embody as an amoeba, slug or minute insect, for instance. Those life forms have no cellular memory, thus the souls begin with a “clean slate” and gradually evolve into life forms at the next level of consciousness.

A reader who referred to our statement in a recent message—"The day is coming closer when most of the populace will have the shocking realization that not everything is as it seems”—asked: “How can we prepare for this event in our supportive role of helping those around us who will undoubtedly be shaken to the core?” The groundwork has been laid, so to say, and lightworkers contributed to this in great measure.

Let us give you some background here. The Highest Universal Council that designed Earth’s Golden Age knew that if all long-hidden truths were revealed simultaneously, a third density civilization’s collective psyche would go into shock. Therefore, truth must come forth in accordance with the society’s ability to assimilate it, incrementally, and that has been happening for quite some time.

Awareness of corruption in governments came via the vanguard of volunteers from advanced worlds—you—who inspired Earth’s peoples to awaken. Those who did so started rising up against oppressive regimes and self-serving leaders. Women in the vanguard set the pace for their counterparts, who followed in their footsteps politically, professionally, economically and in battling cultural subjugation.

Extensive corruption in the multinational corporate world also has been disclosed by lightworkers, the whistleblowers and investigative reporters. The truth about pedophilia not only in the priesthood, but in secular positions in communities, has come to light. And, the society is learning that the Illuminati—the Cabal, Deep State, One World Order, Shadow government—control the global economy, medical establishment, mainstream media and communication.

The Council knew that as the light kept exposing the truth in all of those areas and others, the Illuminati would continue trying to reach their goal of world domination and eliminating billions of Earth’s residents. And indeed they did try via a series of laboratory-designed “pandemics,” the last of which is covid-19. It will run its course—the less energy given it, the sooner it will fizzle out—and never again will there be another like it in your world.

Thus, the civilization has been “readied,” in a manner of speaking, to handle truths as they come forth.

We don’t know when the massive deception about the virus and the individuals involved will be acknowledged publicly. With ever-intensifying light and so much information available on the Internet, it cannot be much longer, and when it happens, many people will be startled.

However, reactions more likely will be shock and disbelief, when it is revealed that individuals admired for accomplishments in their respective fields also have been living a secret dark life. When that information is released, please do not be judgmental—that would dim your light, and Earth needs your light to keep shining brilliantly!

You cannot do anything about others’ reactions to any revelations. You may be able to influence subsequent attitudes by saying such as, “I’m waiting to hear if all the evidence is correct.” Nirvana’s monitors of Earth tell us that in most cases the evidence is irrefutable, and further investigation will show that some of the accused are innocent or became involved due to coercion.

Learning that many well-known, respected individuals participated in unconscionable rituals will be painful for the society. Then, supportiveness to persons close to you will be listening with compassion and caring.

Beloved family, we know from our experiences that a journey such as yours is not easy, yet you have been steadfast in your mission to help the peoples of Earth. All light beings in this universe honor you and support you with the power of unconditional love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com