Παρασκευή 28 Αυγούστου 2020

You will be truly taking your place amongst the many souls from all parts of the Universe

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 28 August 2020

Things are beginning to get back to what you call “normal“ but an astonishing amount of changes are underway that look as though they will become permanent. In some respects the lockdown because of Covid has proved to be an ideal opportunity to sit back and question the ways of living that you have taken for granted for so long. Whilst it is true that many changes have been forced upon you, on reflection you are finding that they are proving preferable to the old ways. It is a monumental time, when inconveniences apart, it is bringing out into the open the frailties of your old ways. The far reaching effects are seeing worldwide changes that all together will lift Humanity up, and prepared for the increase in vibrations that will eventually lead to a New Earth.

The period you are in is the final one following the end of the cycle in 2012 and is a matter of finalising the preparations for the End Times. Then there is the inevitable parting of the ways when those who have raised their vibrations will ascend. The journey through many periods of time will have been well worth it, if you finally reach the level that you have been working towards. The thought of life without the activities of the dark Ones who have followed a different path, is exciting as at last you can choose your next life within the higher dimensions. It will be so different to what you have been used to, the joy and freedom to go where your interests are best fulfilled, and you continue your evolution.

In spite of the utter confusion and problems upon Earth, the future is bright, and will take you into a period of happiness when it will continue to grow and take you to even greater heights. You have earned this opportunity to experience in the higher vibrations, and will find it most satisfying and rewarding. You will soon forget your previous experiences in the last cycle, never again to be repeated. Now your consciousness levels are expanding and you are increasingly becoming more aware and receptive. You will be truly taking your place amongst the many souls from all parts of the Universe and will make many new friends. Keep on your path to Ascension and do not be distracted, as in real terms there is so little time left before it happens. You have done the hard bit by leaving the old cycle behind and entering the higher vibrations.

Soon you will be able to learn of your history and your many lives, and experiences on planets other than Earth. You are in essence already a Galactic Being with so much experience and knowledge of other civilisations. Your time may have felt like the beginning of physical life with its low level vibrations, and seemingly never ending problems, yet it has been the ideal playground for you to play out your life plan. You will have made many, many friends during your experiences and those close to you will be waiting anxiously to greet you once again and renew friendships. Be assured that you are revered for your courage and tenacity to take on the challenge of life in the lower dimensions.

You are certainly not the lowly souls you have been led to believe by the dark Ones who have long held you back and kept the truth from you. However, their years of domination by subterfuge and imprisonment have passed, and you are beginning to open up your consciousness to regain your memories of the great Being you really are. You have, so to say, been through the mill and back again, but know the experiences are not without their value. You are great souls with much to give to upcoming souls who follow in your footsteps and look to you for guidance.

Dear Ones, the truth of your past and your destiny is coming out, and you will be surprised by your experiences and how you have dealt with them. Expect to take great strides forward and set your sights on the best outcome and keep your goal in mind. Never forget help is always around you, should you need it, and be assured that you are well protected. After all, the dark Ones are still around and given the chance would still interfere with your evolution by trying to mislead you. The Light has won the battle with the dark souls, who will not admit defeat even though it is staring them in the face. So, keep your eyes on your goal and let no one distract you from it and success.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2020

You have never been told what you could do

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 21 August 2020

Dear friends, I find that a recent video message from Kryon as per the extracts below is very informative where the Covid virus is concerned. At a time when there is still much confusion, I feel that Kryon’s message will help immensely to clarify matters.

The Broken Media – Kryon 2020.


Referring to our media – all is not what it seems, they want you to watch what they have, to ask you to watch their commercials because they have got something more scary than the next guy. They broadcast fear. Where is the news of those who have recovered? ENDED AT 13.55m.


The virus will change history, make fashion changes. There will be a re-calibration of Covid. There will be a peace that passes all understanding Talking about the year 2102 – Looking ahead to the year 2120, some 100 years in the future, there may be a celebration, a memorial day in tribute to those who died in the present time. There will be a release from the old energies, ways that would never have been released without it. All the old ways, the training/habits, the ways of being, the paradigms go away and you come out of the puzzle fresh and clean, and no encumbrances of what was there to keep you from changing - that is the release, that is the main thing Covid has given you Oh! If I could put them together – all those who passed over right now, they would yell and they would cheer and laugh, they would throw confetti and blow up balloons and say to you it isn’t what you think. The only sadness is those that are left, there is sadness for the passing into the arms of God where you belong and you meet the family again, that’s a release. It’s a different way of thinking, indeed it is a mature way, understanding way, and knowingness inside that you are never alone and there is no death. All here will come back and continue the lineage of the old soul and birthright of joy. ENDED AT 36.19m.

“CIRCLE OF 12” STARTS 42.04m.

There is going to be the “Circle of 12”. It is the beginning of an energy where it’s time to commence, and it will happen soon. Almost at the last moment you pulled it out. It will be the new normal, the new human, all of those things that are there for you to use, it’s in the lineage. You are a child of the Creator – every single being is placed here. The Masters created an energy so that the humans could do the work, it will happen soon. The appropriate colour will be green, a green that surpasses any kind of green you have ever seen before. It permeates every cell. The “Circle of 12“ is coming. Circles do not come from outside sources, they come from inside from a multi-dimension. Every soul is everywhere at the same time, this means that all of this can be done at a distance yet you are there, that is the promise of having a multi-dimensional reality. Prayer is not an offering to the sky or Creator. Prayer is not begging. It’s an energy that goes right to the human Being in trouble and says “you are magnificent”, stand up and be healed. That is the “Circle of 12”. ENDED AT 1.00.48m.


You have no idea of what is inside you, if you were a child of the Creator what might there be past 3D, what you have never been told you could do. Every single human being is a multi-dimensional creature on this planet, placed here on purpose – we know your names. You have passed this marker and I will tell you there has been a Galactic Shift, because those out there know what you have done.They have been waiting for it. It echoes what many of them have done. Yes, all over there are those like you - Children of God. There will be a day when you will meet the family and you will recognise them, much like you. They will have the same story about the love, the kindness, and the compassion and what they have gone through and what the planets have gone through and their transition time and the wars and they will sit down and talk. A whole new world will open to you as you listen to them and see yourself – it is coming. ENDED AT 55.00m.

21st August 2020. Mike Quinsey

It is possible that by now you have seen beyond the disadvantages of living through Covid Virus and understand that the wider picture is one where the Alliance is using the lockdown to isolate the dark Ones. Many have been arrested and so it continues, whilst the people have used the free time to re-access what they have been doing with their lives, often realising that their best interests are better served in a different manner. That has resulted in many changes with more still to come, and it is apparent that there will not be a full return to the old ways that are not suited to the new energies. The old Age has no further use in an evolving society looking for an outlet for new ideas that will uplift everyone. Nothing will escape the changes and already some are rapidly coming into being. You have new generations of mainly the younger ones who are arrived with the “know how” that will lead the way.

You are to claim that which you have earned through your diligence and hard work. Unlike the previous Age you are allowed to receive more help from your E.T. friends who await an appropriate time to introduce themselves. For a very long time they have followed your progress and tried to inspire you to take actions that would benefit all souls. They come nearer now and will create opportunities where their help is more direct. Like you, they wait for the time that is soon to come when contact can be more open. There will be joyful occasions that will take place on an Earth that has risen up again into the Light.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Σάββατο 15 Αυγούστου 2020

Galactic Federation: “Calm Before The Storm”

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 14 August 2020

From a short message by Ashtar on the 18th July comes confirmation that order is coming and we will be united through a time shift that we are creating. You are creating the time lines you want to be on. Those that are not ready shall be accommodated and they will be back with you again – as they always return. You are destined to complete this journey. The Way Showers have ensured that the Light of the Violet Flame has won.

A short compilation from a video message from James McConnell.

As you must have noticed lately, there have been a number of revelations recently by way of an explanation for the various things that have been happening. More to the point that guidance is being given to indicate that behind all of the happenings on Earth, there is much more of a positive nature than you might imagine. Suddenly, more is being revealed about the future that is destined to lead you to Ascension. The problems on Earth indicate how important it is to seek an end to the turmoil and uncertainty, so that there can be a coming together of all countries for a common and very important purpose, and it is time to sort out the differences and prepare for the better times that will ultimately see the world raised to a higher level with total peace.

Start thinking in an uplifting way that acknowledges the new times to come and prepare yourselves for them. If you only knew of the wonderful changes that will take place, you would not hesitate to put your full effort into whatever was required of you that can only be dreamt of at this time. You will have the freedom to go where your heart leads you, although there will always be wiser souls ready to help you along to make your choice. It is the “will to do good” that will drive your travels that can take you anywhere in an instance, distance being no barrier to your desires.

The more ideas you project into the future, the more they will become established, as your ability to create grows. It is therefore essential that you only think positively, as if you focus on the negative, you are giving it the power to manifest. So much is at stake, but there exists the promise of positive thoughts and actions. It is very important to stay focussed, as the Earth has commenced its transition to a higher vibration, as it is splitting into two different realities. One of the dogmatic ideological controlled structure, to the more free thinking freedom from control and authority to liberation. Not surprisingly, many are choosing to leave the old realities, whilst others are resisting. Your soul will have already made its decision to move on or stay, because your soul is you and knows more about you and what you need, more than you will ever realise as a human in this reality.

Your freedom is to be in the midst of all that upheaval and be able to change it. Your freedom is to be able to choose if you wish to continue in your present dimension and that no doubt will be the choice of those who feel that they have not advanced sufficiently to move on. You have been in the midst of all the upheaval, yet progress has been made as the way forward is being mapped out for you, and no mortal shall have the ability to change it. Your freedom is being able to choose if you wish to continue in the present dimension or are ready to advance. For those who do feel ready and decide to advance, the higher vibrations will take them into a multi-vibrational reality which they have not yet experienced, one that enables them to acquire abilities that will lead them to becoming a Galactic Being.

It is important to have a goal in mind, particularly at this time, so that you can focus upon it and not be distracted by what is going on around you. If you are to continue progressing, you must keep firmly on your path, but be assured that you do have your Guides with you who will do their best to assist you. There has never been such an important time in your evolution as now. It is an opportunity that you have well deserved and only a personal disaster will prevent you reaching the expected conclusion. There is little chance of it, but you should be on your guard as the negative forces will try to put you off your path. Understand that in a freewill situation they are allowed to go to great extremes to prevent you from being successful.

However, failure is the least likely result, so keep progressing in a positive way knowing that you are being guided. The good news often precedes a period when not much progress seems to be made, yet it is, but not known until it is considered safe to do so, as there is always the risk of interference. So take heart when much anticipated changes are announced, although they may be amended you are assured the purpose for which they have been made will go ahead. Can you sense that the changes are taking place, albeit they are not necessarily obvious, so it is regretful that we cannot always be more open about them.

The important thing is that we do keep our promises to you and in due course you are certain to see evidence of them. So ignore the attempts of the dark Ones to disrupt your advancement, as they now lack the means to cause a permanent upset. We are leading the way forward with full confidence after a long period of careful planning to be able to say that we are in front, and having achieved such a position we shall not be moved from it. All around you changes are occurring as a sure sign that Mother Earth is at work to cleanse the Earth.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τρίτη 11 Αυγούστου 2020

You are all free, totally free, because that is how God so lovingly created you

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 21 July 2020

We are approaching a momentous period in humanity’s spiritual evolution. Although life in form, separated from Source, is quite unreal, it appears to be very real indeed, and while experiencing the unreality of life in form, you have all chosen to learn lessons that will assist you enormously in your inevitable awakening. If properly understood and assimilated, they will greatly decrease the time required for you to ready yourselves for your return to Reality – although, of course, you have never left Reality! The choice to experience life in form was made collectively, and instantly God provided the means for your return to full awareness of your Oneness. Nevertheless, in His infinite Love for You, His divine progeny, He gave you, at the moment of your creation, absolutely ALL of Him/Herself. There is nothing of God that is not also you!

As I have already told you in previous messages, Love is all-powerful, but It is also totally free of any kind of coercion or compulsion, otherwise It would not be Love. You are completely free, you are sovereign beings, and you are free to do whatever you choose in any moment. While you are experiencing human life, your memory of your real nature is hidden from you by your collective choice, and thus it seems that to be in human form is an extremely limited state of being; nevertheless, you do have free will. Part of the reason for taking life in form was to experience that freedom without an awareness of your true and eternal nature – Love. Without that awareness it has been possible for you to engage in some extremely unloving behaviors over the eons, as your history so clearly shows you. As a result, you came to believe that Love is weak, and that for you to survive and prosper you had to develop and use physical force in conflict to beat and defeat those – many, many other beings that were, it seemed, completely and utterly separate from you – who, it appeared to you, threatened your survival.

On laying down your physical forms at the moment of death, you instantly become aware of how you have lived your human lives, and your unloving behaviors, revealed to you in that moment, either shock and horrify you, leading you to an intense desire to re-experience life in form to correct or heal any pain or suffering that you have inflicted on others, or you go into such a deep state of shock that it places you in what in human terms you would call a coma. Then – and of course at the moment of your passing/transition you are totally overwhelmed by the intensity of LOVE that immediately embraces you making it abundantly clear to you that you are One with It – you either plan a new incarnation, or remain in a state of coma while long term healing occurs, which, when completed, will enable you to once again review your life in form and arrange and plan a new incarnation to present you once more with the lessons that you then choose to learn.

No one, on laying down their human form, is compelled to reincarnate – as I explained above, Love never uses force or coercion – but very many desire to do so in order to learn the lessons that they had missed or misunderstood. Now, many are learning the lessons that they previously missed or misunderstood, and at some deep level of their consciousness the awareness of the unreality of anything other than Love is arising and guiding them most beautifully toward awakening. This present momentous period in humanity’s separation adventure is the moment in which you are being presented with the opportunity – due to the awareness arising in so many of you that you are spiritual beings having a temporary experience in form – to greatly shorten the time and reduce the number of incarnations in form that you need to experience before you return to Reality.

It was planned by Source from the instant that you chose to experience separation, because She knew that the pain of separation would become so intense that the majority of those incarnate would wish to bring it to a point of termination. Therefore, “a window of opportunity” was planned to occur, during which those who wished could dramatically reduce the number of human incarnations they needed to undergo by learning, understanding, and fully and completely engaging with their true nature – Love. After anyone has made the choice to do this, then from this moment onward in their lives he or she can only be loving, because there are no other options since only Love is Real. To know that, as humans in form, is the most uplifting and inspiring experience that can possibly happen to anyone. They cannot, and will never, revert to the limited form of consciousness in which most humans are entangled, and in which it seems that there is a constant ongoing conflict between good and evil.

Evil is unreal, but within the illusion it appears to be very real and causes enormous pain and suffering for untold millions. Now the opportunity has arrived, for those who choose to take it, to awaken from that unreal or dream state and return Home. Many are presently feeling very much that, here on Earth, they are not at home, and this is very confusing because life in form is all that they appear to have ever known. The Truth is, of course, that they are not experiencing Home, Reality, because of their choice to undergo a state of apparent separation from Source, and the deeper knowing of this Truth is now rising into their consciousness, leading to a cognizance that where they presently appear to be is not their real Home. That realization is extremely unsettling because the illusory environment of physicality still does seem to be inordinately real, causing great confusion and inner strife.

Each one of you reading this message, or other similarly uplifting ones through other channels, are aware of your spiritual nature and heritage, and are each becoming increasingly aware that your individual tasks – which are very similar, although in many respects they are very different – are to assist in the awakening process by being loving in every moment, whatever may arise on your own individual life path. Your daily time out, meditation practice, period of contemplation, or just quiet relaxation is the time when you work most effectively on your task. And, of course, it is not work! What you are doing is demonstrating a most joyful expression of Love. That expression, as it flows through you, and out to embrace all with whom you interact in any manner at all, is warm and most welcoming, drawing toward you those in your vicinity who are seeking to understand and gain relief from their sense of not belonging, of being in the wrong place, of being in the wrong body, or being on the wrong world. Many are presently experiencing feelings of this nature, as the truth that they are indeed divine beings starts to arise into their field of consciousness; and initially it is very confusing for them. Your awakened presence, by offering them a safe place in which to talk about these startling feelings while you just listen, is precisely what is required to assist those who have been deeply asleep to begin to awaken, while calming the fears and anxieties that are also arising within them as the ‘old normal’ way of living becomes increasingly untenable for them.

To reiterate: Each and every one of you reading or listening to this, and to similar channeled messages, are precisely where you are meant to be in order to assist many others as they consciously choose to take part in humanity’s most wonderful awakening process. Everyone presently incarnate on Planet Earth, and there are absolutely no exceptions, is being nudged in one way or another so that they pay attention to the undeniable presence of their true spiritual nature which is arising into their waking consciousness and demanding their attention. To dismiss this powerful intuitive sense that there is far more to life than is normally apparent would be unfortunate, and perhaps quite a large number of people will do this, however, it only serves to delay their inevitable awakening. Nevertheless, those who do choose this option will not become aware that they have missed out, and will continue to evolve spiritually – that is continue on their path to the point at which they do choose to know themselves as One with Source, and in that knowing they too will awaken.

All are One. There is no separation, and those few who continue to choose to engage with a sense of separation, with the sense that they have but one personal and individual life in form that terminates with the decay and death of that form, have in fact already chosen to awaken – but not just yet. That choice is absolutely fine, but it will involve them in rather more pain and suffering as they unnecessarily maintain their sense of separation and choose to identify solely with their human forms.

You are all free, totally free, because that is how God so lovingly created you. You were created free because to love another is to totally honor and respect each other, including their inalienable and sovereign right to live completely free from any rules or restrictions. You are free beings of Love, extending and sharing that Love, because that is what Love is and what It does – eternally. While living as humans in form, this is not apparent to you, because of the limitations that state imposes upon you, until you start to become aware of the loving nudges you are receiving to assist you to awaken.

All of you reading this have at least started to become aware of your true nature, and as this awareness grows and strengthens your inner Light brightens and helps others to start becoming aware. Know that what you are doing now in your human lives, just by being yourselves, is an absolutely essential part of the collective awakening process. Here in the spiritual realms, you are greatly honored for your fortitude and strength of intent, so please make a point of honoring and loving yourselves, because doing so allows the Light that you all are to shine even more brightly and more effectively to assist those who feel lost, alone, or abandoned. No one is ever lost, alone, or abandoned, but many feel that they are, and your Light and your acceptance of them, just as they are, helps to dissolve that feeling and gently brings to them the awareness that they are loved, and that all will be well.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Κυριακή 9 Αυγούστου 2020

The overriding factor is that nothing can now prevent Ascension taking place

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for7 August  2020

"The Kryon work is changing from the role of information and teaching, to the role of the creation of pure, profound, healing energy. Most Old Souls are now realizing the Shift is actually here. Now it's time to give them the energy to survive it."

The Circle of Twelve is the name given for a scenario of repeated times of sacred, pure-healing-energy creation. The invitation is to "come closer and sit with us and leave differently than you came."

Kryon has encouraged me to "prepare for a wall of energy" that you don’t expect. It will trigger spontaneous remission, realization of Akashic pasts, and extended life.***Lee Carroll from the July Monthly News Letter.

Everything seems to be speeding up and from the various messages being received to the paths to Ascension that are opening up. It is difficult for you to follow because much is sensibly kept secret to avoid interference from the dark Ones. Part of the problem is the time it is taking to execute the plans to round up the people who have given their support to them. Accepting that progress is being made, it all augurs well for the immediate future. The effect of the “cleansing” is already reducing the power of the Illuminati, and they can no longer exercise it as they were previously and are unable to do so as the Light is now in control. However, it does not mean that they have lost all of their capabilities to cause problems. Indeed, they are more like a wounded animal that lashes out in defence. You can therefore take it that all is progressing well and many Alliance factions are present on or around Earth overseeing the action.

These really are amazing times as so much is happening, all at the same time and it must really be confusing for you. You are however assured that in the greater scheme of things all is progressing well. The overriding factor is that nothing can now prevent Ascension taking place and you have now entered a new phase that will carry you all the way in preparation for the final Event. These are unsettling times but understand the Earth must be prepared for the End Times and that is why Mother Earth is beginning to become more active.

As we have advised you many times, focus on your goal and do not be distracted by what is going on around you. At present there is just too much for you to comprehend, but it will nevertheless become clearer as time passes. Whatever sacrifices you make will be well rewarded and be assured that the truth of what has been happening cannot be kept secret for much longer. In some ways it has been better that you have led your lives unaware of what has really been going on. In your present time great revelations are on the verge of being given that will get the ball rolling as you say and thereafter the future will become a lot clearer.

Moves to create a cleaner Earth are moving ahead not least of all the introduction of electric vehicles that will eventually result in a cleaner and less polluted Earth. Your seas are severely polluted, and know that the problem could be erased in just a few days with the advanced technology that the E.T.s have. You have made a start and that shows the good intent of the authorities and in so doing we are allowed to assist you. As we have often mentioned, with the freewill you have we cannot be seen to interfere with your decisions, so continue moving in the right direction and even if you are unaware of our presence, we will assist you.

As you progress, the vibrations will continue to rise, and the younger generations are coming along with new and essential ideas to overcome any problems you have, and the means to make essential progress much more quickly. The old ways of approaching problems have served their purpose and new thinking will solve them in a quicker and much more efficient manner. Understand that your greater life plan has already been laid down and you have been given options as to which path you choose, but regardless of which one, they all lead to the final Event.

Since 2012 so much more knowledge has been made available to you simply because you have proved that so many of you are ready for it. The future has opened up to you and changes underway will quickly introduce you to the new way of life that will be completely different to what you have been used to. You are to be lifted up in vibrations that will see the end of the negativity that has been a normal part of all your lives so far. New ways are all “in the wings” waiting for appropriate opportunities to be introduced. You should know by now that there is always a right time for changes to be introduced, so as to ensure they are a success.

It is time for your understating that all humans are One and that the differences should be accepted and honoured. By the same token they should not be enforced upon others but appreciated for their originality. Much is centred upon people’s religious beliefs but in time they will move towards common beliefs to some degree or another. Already many are understanding of the God inside them and that is one step towards a greater truth than you have previously held. However, souls progress at different rates and consequently will not necessarily be ready to take a leap forward, but rather a slow methodical and careful study of what is placed before them.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Παρασκευή 7 Αυγούστου 2020

When the time is right, you will meet our Universal Family

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 3 August 2020

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. What we see in Earth’s energy field of potential can be likened to the excitement of unceasing fireworks. This is a reflection of activity on the planet as awakened souls are throwing off the yoke of millennia of dark domination.

The coronavirus and protest movements are primary in this activity, and first we shall address the virus. Factual information is coming from growing numbers of medical specialists who are speaking out about viruses, vaccines, masks, immune systems, treatment for covid-19 patients, and inflated statistics about cases and deaths attributed to the disease.

What we can tell you, that they cannot, because they have no scientific evidence, is why the disease is surging in regions where it had notably decreased. The dark ones who released the virus in China several months ago have been releasing more; and people whose immune systems have been weakened due to stress caused by fear of getting the disease, confinement, financial burdens, unemployment and mask-wearing regulations now are susceptible whereas a few months ago they were not. Another source of stress is separation from family in hospitals or who died without the comfort of loved ones at their side.

It is not surprising that your mainstream media are crying “conspiracy theory” at the truths coming forth, but you may wonder why so many in the healthcare industry are advising adherence to “authorities’” guidelines for your and others’ “safety.” Some who know the truth are “in on” the lies, some are bribed to be silent, some are afraid to speak up, and a considerable number may not know what virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists and other scientific specialists know.

The Illuminati’s control of life on Earth includes education from first grade through university and doctorate degrees, and no information is in standard medical and pharmacological curricula that could interfere with that secret society’s adding to their fortunes via the medical establishment and Big Pharma. Those are part and parcel of their goal to eliminate most of the world’s population and be served by survivors.

They have been seeing their once powerful global network become tattered and world domination slipping farther and farther away. They desperately needed the coronavirus to get them back on track, but instead of dying by the millions daily, people around the world are raising a unified voice about the lack of proper healthcare that the poor and people of color have long endured.

And, the international group that has undertaken the monumental task of ridding your world of all dark activities is closing in on the Illuminati. We don’t know when arrests will be made, but as soon as they are, covid-19 will run out its course and never again will Earth’s peoples be subjected to such a scourge.

It is lamentable but not unexpected that troublemakers would infiltrate peaceful demonstrations against racism and its profound unjustness. Do not discount the handiwork of the Illuminati in this, too—they are subsidizing the rioters. This group of individuals who feel entitled to rule the world, who started two world wars and numerous civil wars and have controlled the global economy for a century have been reduced to paying low-level minions to destroy property and lash out at peaceful protestors and law enforcement. And even this is not working. It will not derail efforts from community to national levels to end inequities that have lasted far too long.

Change will come on many fronts, and in some countries sooner than in others. But the ever-rising vibrations that will ease bigotry out of your world also will fell tyrannical leaders and crumble male-dominated cultures wherein women are treated as possessions.

Now then, knowing what is transpiring on Earth is important, and so is knowing our Universal Family. Your questions and comments show misunderstandings, and we are happy to address these.

Yes, reptilians are residing on Earth and some are “dark,” but it is not true that the entire species is “dark.” Many reptilians, including some living among you, are in the light forces and so are reptilian-human hybrids there and elsewhere. Reptilian DNA has aspects human DNA does not, including greater ability to use brain power—one such use is shifting from one physical appearance to another. [June 24, 2009 message includes an illuminating presentation by a reptilian fleet commander.]

The beings you call “little greys” are not reptilians. They are a humanoid species of Zeta Reticuli, and they did not make a deal with the US government that permitted them to abduct humans for experimentation. Members of a specific civilization made pre-birth agreements with souls who would incarnate on Earth and would give them tissue samples, which have the capacity for emotions that those beings’ genetic makeup lacks. [November 20, 2017 message has background information about the soul-level agreement and subsequent events that led to the greys living underground.]

Extraterrestrial civilizations are not angels—the frequencies of souls in angelic realms are so high, they are pure energy. However, ones in the lower realms may choose to incarnate in an awakening world to exemplify the best qualities of humankind or to visit momentarily for a specific purpose, perhaps to lead a lost person to a familiar place. And, every person on Earth has a guardian angel, or gatekeeper, who is the person’s lifelong protector. [December 5, 2010 message has more information about angels.]

“Walk-ins” don’t come from another civilization. Nirvana’s soul transference program connects souls there who want to enter a body with souls on Earth who want to leave their bodies. When two souls agree to transfer, the one in the body enters spirit life and the one in Nirvana enters the body.

A large-scale example of souls helping souls is what you call “walk-ins,” which are far more prevalent than at any other period on the planet. The original souls that inhabit the bodies fulfill their contracts that call for turmoil or illness or severe deprivation, and the souls who agree to enter the bodies infuse them with light and the will to overcome the difficult conditions and proceed to accomplish their reasons for wanting to embody. The advantage to the latter souls is that in many cases, they enter adult bodies with academic and experiential learning, a running start so to say for succeeding in their chosen ways to help manifest the Golden Age. [Excerpt from January 20, 2009 message]

“Walk-ins” do not enter clones, which have no soul with which to make a transference agreement. However, an evolved soul may choose to enter a clone and in rare cases, has done so. A few souls were cloned against their will, then assassinated; and, contrary to the Illuminati’s expectations, the souls that entered the clones carried on the “real” persons’ good works insofar as they could. [A comprehensive explanation of human cloning process and reasons it is used on Earth are in October 12, 2016 message.]

Some of your scientists conclude that if intelligent life does exist elsewhere in your galaxy or another, the distance prevents traveling to Earth. Perhaps they should contemplate the theory that life started in the sea. If so, from whence came the one-celled amoeba and paramecium to get things started? How did some of those most rudimentary life forms attain the consciousness to change into other forms, migrate onto land, and become lower simian species that evolved into humans?

Members of numerous civilizations have come to the planet throughout the ages. Many crafts are capable of traveling at ultrasonic speeds, some by means of their own consciousness, and advanced souls travel at the speed of thought. They can visit any world where the vibratory level is compatible with their own, and, if they wish, materialize a body that fits in with that civilization’s.

Beings who know their multidimensional abilities can materialize, dematerialize, levitate and manifest by visualization. Examples are statues on Easter Island, Stonehenge and elsewhere; geoglyphs in Peru’s Nazca desert; pyramids, which anchor energy in a global grid and serve as beacons for spacecraft; and ancient walls and buildings in many areas that are constructed of well-fitted mammoth boulders.

The negative effects of the planet’s first visitors, a group from Lyra who were searching for gold, remain to this day. In violation of universal laws, they went without obtaining permission of the Intergalactic Council and did not submit a mining petition because they didn’t want to share a gold discovery, and they mistreated the subhuman species they brought to do the mining. Their deception, greed and cruelty initiated low vibrations on the formerly pristine, radiant planet known then as Shan or Terra and was considered a jewel in the Universe.

And that brings us to the dark forces, which is not a civilization. It is a massive force field of base thought forms that meanders throughout this universe wherever low vibrations attract it. Individuals in any civilization who tend to be greedy, deceptive, cruel or controlling emit the low vibrations that attract that powerful field. Its energy intensifies those traits until the individuals’ conscience ceases to function, their light dims to the spark that is their life force, and they become puppets of the darkness.

From antiquity onward, people from advanced worlds have visited or settled on the planet. Some of the early arrivals interbred with the primitive inhabitants, descendants of the species brought by the Lyrans. That gave the species a jumpstart in intelligence, and consciousness levels gradually increased in succeeding generations. Other seeding programs also were designed to genetically uplift the planet’s permanent inhabitants.

Members of “dark” civilizations came, too, and had malevolent influence, but none are in the current population. About fifty years ago in your concept of time, the light forces surrounded Earth with a protective grid of high vibrations. At the onset of the grid’s erection, the dark forces left your solar system, because light is anathema to the composition of that force field, and the low vibrations of dark extraterrestrials cannot enter the brilliance of the grid. It is the low vibrations of free will choices of persons born on Earth that led to their becoming “dark ones.”

Visitors from other worlds during the past several years include St. Germain, who authored most of NESARA’s provisions. He, Ashtar and one of Sananda’s personages go occasionally to confer with principals in the international group working to rid the planet of all dark activities, and other extraterrestrials go to spend time with friends who live in the Himalayas or the Andes. All of those visitors have higher vibratory levels than prevail on Earth, and during their brief time there, they fortify themselves with light energy so they don’t become trapped in the planet’s density.

We wish we could give you a timeframe for Disclosure, but we can’t because nothing has changed since we spoke about this some time ago:

As we mentioned in previous messages, the highest universal council formerly was responsible for arrival and introduction timing and now God is in charge. God relieved the council of the heavy responsibility of deciding when Earth’s peoples are psychologically ready to see spacecraft landing in numbers and to greet unusual looking beings. God will say GO! when the meeting can be with welcoming, not fear, and He is just as eager for that joyous occasion as are all of us who know it is coming. [December 29, 2012 message]

The myriad ways other civilizations are helping you and Earth will continue as long as they are needed, and, beloved brothers and sisters, when the time is right, you will meet other members of our Universal Family. [In August 21, 2009 and April 23, 2011 messages, several extraterrestrials speak about their civilizations’ assistance.]

All light beings in this universe honor you for your steadfastness in a journey that has required an abundance of perseverance, patience and unwavering belief in the power of love.


Suzanne Ward

Website: The Matthew Books

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Σάββατο 1 Αυγούστου 2020

Big things are planned for the next few years, to keep you on track for your grand Ascension

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 31 July 2020

Dear friends, I have had a most unwelcome experience attempting to get last week’s message out. To be brief, it was not until after I distributed it, I realised it had been interfered with and a whole section had been copied and inserted again later in the message, and at first I thought it was my error. Unfortunately I did not have time to take another message to replace it, as on the same day I also had a hospital operation appointment. So my apologies for the lack of a message last Friday. Everything seems to be happening at the same time and I just had to give the following extract from a message by the Master of the Hollow Planet when he gave a talk on “The Hollow Earth” sent to me by Aleks Radojcic, Email dnm.aleks@gmail.com

PRESIDENT TRUMP. His team are giving him directions directly from the Galactic Federation so he is protected and cannot be assassinated. Even if they were to attempt to do so, the projectiles would not penetrate the skin, because he is protected with the force field around him. Understand he is playing a part and that part is very impressive and that is to bring RV, as you term it in slang, being the Global Currency Reset. That is his part and that is what he is doing very well. So don’t worry about Trump. Yes, his part is almost over. He knows it. So, he will be stepping down and new female President of the New Republic of the United States will come, not Republican but Republic. Understand Democrats and Republicans all that is going to fade and one new Republic comes in existence fully that will be the end of Republicans in Senate or Democrats. All those to be titles will be going away because it will be Government of the people not separated by the Democrats and Republicans, the Government of the people. That is what the Republic was at the beginning of the USA and that is going to be. So, understand the RV=GCR=Global Currency Reset is going to go through regardless of what anyone does, because it must. You are on a minute to minute alert for dispersal, for redemption, for the RV, for the emails going out”.

31st July 2020. Mike Quinsey.

Dear Ones, can you now see that the Coronavirus has caused you to appraise the way you have been working and see that changes are literally being forced upon you. The realisation has come to you through what you are now experiencing, and it is obvious that beneficial changes have been taking place and should not only be made permanent but extended upon your resumption of “normal” working.

You are being guided to take up a path that will lead to even more changes, all with the intent of preparing you for greater changes that are coming. As progress is made, you will truly be raising your vibrations and a point will be reached where you will have discarded your ties to the old energies. New abilities will come your way and you will have the makings of a Galactic Being. The dark Ones will use whatever means they can to delay progress and prevent you from ascending. However, greater powers than theirs are behind those who are ready to ascend, and they will not allow the End Times to be altered in any way whatsoever. You have well-earned the opportunity that presents itself to you and will be helped to ascend.

You are creating your pathway as you go along, but whatever you do, Ascension will take place when the time is right. It has always been your destiny and your many lives have been a planned part for your evolution. We have often stressed how you must take note of what comes your way, as it is not by chance. You would be astonished if you knew how much you are cared for, and of the many opportunities that are served up for your advancement. It may hardly seem possible in view of the position you now stand, but big things are planned for the next few years, to keep you on track for your grand Ascension. Do not worry if you do not feel as though you are on a path to it, as in one way or another, we shall ensure that you keep to your life plan.

Realise that whilst on Earth, you are on sound impossible, because you have been in the lower vibrations for such a long time. So, live your dream, because it is you who is representing your Higher Self. Seize this golden chance to go all the way to the end of this period that shall call for great celebrations. You have done the hard bit by moving beyond the end of the last cycle and have such a wonderful opportunity to go all the way to Ascension. From the many, many lives you have had on Earth experiencing at all different levels, and many situations that have challenged your ability to overcome them. Having come this far, you must realise that you have had a great degree of success, as many of you have raised your vibrations to a point where you now stand in readiness to ascend. There will of course still be hurdles to get over, but none as severe as the ones in the past when the vibratory level was at its lowest. Those experiences are best forgotten as the lessons learnt will remain with you for the time being.

Humans can easily get bored, but when you have the Universe to explore, there are unending experiences to choose from. We talk of these things because they lay ahead for you, so that you can focus on them and leave the lesser experiences behind. At some stage, you will have achieved such a high vibration that you will become a Master and mentor to others. The “service to others” comes naturally and is the pathway that evolved beings follow. Can you imagine what a wonderful experience it is in such high vibrations? It would be no exaggeration to say it was ecstatic.

Knowing your potential will give you a goal to strive for and a knowing that the lower levels are only a passing phase that is necessary for your evolution. You really are amazing souls to have taken on such a challenge that has seen you plumb the depths, yet rise up again to become souls of great experience and understanding. There are many Extra-terrestrials longing to meet you and share their knowledge with you, as they admire your tenacity and willpower. You are indeed special souls that have proved your ability to overcome all obstacles placed on your path. We say “Well done” as you will have earned all the plaudits that will come your way. Keep up your good work and as the saying goes, keep on keeping on –well done!

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light