Τετάρτη 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

Life is truly far more wonderful than you, as humans, can possibly imagine

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 12 September 2018 

Humanity’s spiritual evolution is now progressing very rapidly, as it most certainly needs to do. There is an enormous amount of evidence available on-line confirming this. Be of good cheer, your awakening is imminent! 

Yes, there is much chaos and confusion across the world, as “stuff” that needs to be addressed arises into everyone’s awareness, and this can be quite alarming, especially for those – and there are many of them – who have, until now, been solely concerned with their daily lives as humans. This presents as the daily grind of going to work, struggling to survive, and paying the bills that are the price of a basic human survival state for most people incarnate at this moment. Consequently that “stuff arising” seems to vastly increase the burdens which people are already finding almost too heavy to bear. 

This is a temporary situation, and it will ease. So make sure to go within daily, or even more frequently if you can, and rest there in the divine field of Love to which you are all essentially and inseparably connected – One with Source – and open yourselves, open your hearts, with the intent to feel the Source of Love with which you are indeed One. 

Life is truly far more wonderful than you, as humans, can possibly imagine. You were created in Love from Love to experience eternal Joy. Joy is not a static state, a state of inactivity, but a state through which creation flows endlessly, manifesting astonishing innovations to please and delight the One, the All, all Consciousness. Some have had glimpses through near death experiences, but when you awaken, as you all will, those glimpses, which the NDErs have spoken of, will become your constant state, forever thrilling and delighting you. 

Truly this, as you have been told before, is a time for CELEBRATION! 

As you read, watch, or listen to the news, it does appear that disasters and catastrophes are arising all over the planet, and indeed much is arising to be collectively released. This enormous collective releasing is an absolutely essential part of your awakening process, and those of you who are reading messages of this nature or following alternate and uplifting news channels do understand this. However, many of you still feel very alone in your awareness, seemingly without friends or contacts with whom you can discuss these happenings, and this does make it difficult for you to deal with your own “stuff,” let alone believe that you are actually helping the whole human collective in its massive awakening process. 

Therefore, I am here now to confirm you in your knowing that you are, each and everyone of you, doing a wonderful job. Without even one of you this enormous event could not be happening. And that is undoubtedly extremely hard for you to believe. But, as you are being so frequently reminded : You are all divine beings of infinite power! 

A major part or aspect of being human is your amnesiac state. You all know this, and yet you have difficulty much of the time in believing this. I want to assure you that it is true, that you have, as humans, forgotten who you really are, and I want to reassure you and reassure you and reassure you that, YES, you truly are, always have been, and always will be, Divine Beings, permanently One with and in the Presence of Source, the creative field of Love in which all existence is lovingly, safely, and enthusiastically embraced without interruption or disengagement of any kind, ever. 

At the deep center of yourselves you know this, and that is how you have the strength to persist and continue on your varied and demanding human life paths. Whenever it seems to you that your strength or intent appears to be weakening or failing – and I assure you that there is NEVER even the remotest possibility of this – go within, to that holy inner sanctuary where you can experience the safety, the acceptance, and the love, in which you are held at every moment. 

A meditation practice of some kind is most helpful, although it is not essential. It assists you to quieten the ego mind that is constantly demanding your undivided attention to deal with issues and problems, mostly of a very minor nature, immediately. That is what your egos believe are their reason for existence, and when you choose not to give them your full attention they become very vociferous. By engaging with a regular meditation or relaxation practice you learn to quieten or slow down that constant flow of thoughts, enabling you to sit at peace, without any sense of urgency or need to be doing something else, even for a few minutes, or longer if you choose, and this is very healing for you. 

You are all dearly loved in every moment, and here in the spiritual realms we continue to be amazed at your strength and determination to follow the paths you so carefully planned before incarnating. Those paths were personally planned by each individual, with clear insight and foreknowledge, in order to be in a position to successfully complete your preordained tasks perfectly. And that is precisely what you are doing. Your self-doubts are utterly invalid, so know that where you are, whatever relationships you are experiencing, and every event and situation that unfolds in your life is meant to be occurring for the lessons you have personally chosen to learn, and in order that you can assist in the collective awakening of humanity at this critical juncture in its spiritual evolution. 

You are all highly honored souls doing a marvelous job at precisely the right moment. Because of your sterling efforts the awakening process is proceeding precisely as divinely planned. 

With hearty congratulations, and limitless love, Saul.

Κυριακή 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

The dark cabal has reached the point where its only option is to surrender

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy for 18 September 2018 

Selamat Balik! We return with uplifting news! Progress continues. The dark cabal has reached the point where its only option is to surrender. Every strategy to disrupt the Light has utterly failed. We are approaching the very brink of events that are to be the true prelude to your freedom and the rise of new governance. Along with our Earth allies, we are in the middle of executing a well-thought-out plan that is dismantling the existing power structure. A sweeping series of untested strategies is being successfully implemented that continues to perplex the dark cabal. Our sacred coalition, which is working smoothly together, is busy setting the stage for our eventual triumph. It is sheer joy to watch so many dynamic, strategic elements come together, like silken threads, to enmesh the conceited cabal in the web of its own corrupt legal system. 

Elements are already in play that have legally forced the dark to relinquish much of its power and prevented large-scale international wars from breaking out. The next steps are to end the power of fiat money and jolt the bankers from their lairs. These actions in turn are to set the stage for permanent prosperity that transforms global poverty and homelessness. It is to replace these brutal earthbound tragedies with a jubilee that frees all humanity. It will take you far beyond current survival modes and you will come together at last to creatively solve the pollution and gross depravity that threatened to send you into nothingness. We now are to interact with a people ready to accept its inherent spirituality and inner yearning to save and protect Gaia. They are to serve you well as you prepare to reunite with your Inner Earth cousins. 

A revised schedule is being drawn up for distribution of the RV funds that will equip you for your prosperity monies. It will also deliver a new banking system, based upon reporting guidelines agreed to some years ago. These rules will restructure bank operations and severely restrict any kind of bank fraud. Once all of this is achieved, new governance can freely and legally manifest. It will abolish personal taxation and allow the rise of an entirely new business environment. Under these fairer conditions, currently-suppressed inventions will emerge. These devices will clean your air, water and sky and make possible a formal Disclosure of our sacred mission. With First Contact, we will be permitted to travel to your shores and begin a mentoring program that is to lead you to Full Consciousness. At that time, you are to be reintroduced to the Agarthans. 

These events make our contact with you vitally important. As you begin to reach out to reclaim your spiritual essence, you are also to reconnect with who you truly are. Your original Lemurian society, built on a model that you carried from the stars, is still in practice in Agartha. Together, you are intended to fashion a New Galactic Prototype, embodying all of the countless forms of Galactic Society that exist throughout the Galactic Federation. Your New Star Nation is destined to create a natural energy that ultimately is to unite this Galaxy. Immersed in this awe-inspiring Light, we are to do a great deal to unfold the Creator's Divine Plan. Hail to the Light! Onward to a New World and to this upsurging Age of the Light! 

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive on this day, bringing a message filled with Love and Light. In our hearts, we see the way Heaven is orchestrating the demise of the dark's control over your beloved planet, Gaia. The ancient families, who long have been in charge of a vast secret depository of gold, silver and precious gems, are working to bring your prosperity to the next level. They have agreed to bring your abundance to the delivery stage. In accordance with their wishes, we are making much-needed arrangements that can securely transfer this prosperity to you, the peoples of the world. We laud those in a number of governments who are assisting us with the new mandates necessary to help you receive your blessings. Likewise, the Agarthans, our Inner Earth companions, are preparing a process that is to allow this monumental shift to come about as effortlessly as possible. It is our honor to bring these events to fruition, as they are in accordance with Heaven's Divine Plan to return you to Full Consciousness.

This New World is to inaugurate a process to return humanity to Heaven, and to the stars. The most sublime joy comes from helping one another in Love, and revealing to all the marvels of mercy. This is joy that each one of you needs to experience. We Masters most delight when even those who dislike each other learn how much better it is to Love and forgive. A great many of you are awakening for the first time, some even for the second time, and seriously observing what is really going on around you. Happily, new consciousness grids set up by the crystal children support this purposeful quest. Their arrival on your world has given us a surfeit of new allies. Your world is converging into the greater community of Love, Light and mutual caring. In the process, you continue to grow in both consciousness and grace. 

Many layers of your future "merkabah," or Light body, are being activated at this time. As you begin to integrate these significant changes, you may experience a feeling of not "being" in this world; or sense a connection to another, different reality that pops quickly, just for an instant, into your head. These virtual mirages are glimpses of a world of which you are not yet consciously aware. These major transformations are a result of the plethora of physical and mental changes you are undergoing. Old ways are dying and new ones are being born: it is important for this reason to remain flexible while the "flow" of your ever-shifting world unfolds. Take this time, dear Ones, to grow now and bask in this New Galactic Light hereafter! 

Today, we continued our weekly message. As you can see, many wonderful events are in the process of manifesting. Conscientiously and lovingly express your joy and help one another. Be ready to explain the wonders that are to be actualized. You are not alone. We come to transform you and your society. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) 

Website: Planetary Activation Organization

Πέμπτη 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

Light, the same energy as Love, is what will manifest a peaceful world

Suzy Ward Channeling Matthew Ward for 15 September 2018 

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. If you are sensing that something important is afoot, you may be responding to the energy of behind-the-scenes efforts that are poised for action. Those efforts are why we are speaking about the incredulity of numerous readers that Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump are in the international group working to abolish the Illuminati’s criminal empire and hold the guilty accountable. 

Is it not realistic that the leaders of those two powerful nations would be involved in such a vital global undertaking? It is not realistic that only persons in positions with that degree of influence could uproot centuries-old control of your world? Is their participation, in fact, not essential since Russia has evidence of Illuminati criminality and many at the peak of that secret society are US citizens, who must be brought to justice according to that nation’s laws? 

Yet, a surprising number of readers wrote that we “destroyed,”“undermined” or “lost (our) credibility” because we did not echo the outrage, frustration, condemnation and fear in their emails about the two presidents. The low vibrations of those emotions cannot exist at this station, but we do understand them—they are pervasive in your world, and that is why this is a matter of such importance. The Universal Law of Attraction—like attracts like—is in continuous motion, and the energy of low vibratory feelings provides more situations to evoke the same kinds of reactions. This self-perpetuating cycle is not serving you well. 

Lifting the world’s yoke of corruption, deceit and oppression requires the high vibrations of light-filled thoughts and feelings. Light, the same energy as Love, is what will manifest a peaceful world where people respect each other and cooperate for the good of all, where everyone lives in harmony with Nature and shares equally in Earth’s magnificent abundance. Dear brothers and sisters, never doubt your ability to co-create that kind of wondrous world! It already is flourishing in the continuum, and your dedication as volunteer Lightworkers helped that unprecedented achievement come into being. 

Our response to the following email also will address other readers’ questions and comments about climate change. “Matthew, could you say that the Earth has been dehydrated - with deserts and unequal distribution of water resources - and that the climate changes taking place now is a change from a dehydrated land surface to a fully hydrated one? But most of all, could you give specifics about the ongoing weather manipulation - who, where, how. And what we can do to stop it, if we should do something." 

Dehydrated land will become hydrated, that is certain, but since climate change is the result of humankind’s mistreatment of the planet, it will get little credit for that transformation. Deserts will become arable lands again and all waters purified by Earth’s own doing aided by your technology when it emerges from dark suppression and technology extraterrestrial members of our Universal Family will introduce. You will be amazed at how quickly your damaged environment can be restored to health and vibrancy! 

That is on Earth’s horizon, now let us speak about today. Manipulating weather by technologically increasing and directing wind velocity and intensifying or decreasing cloud activity, to cause downpours or drought, respectively, is the work of the Illuminati, the cabal. They don’t need to start an event from scratch, just exacerbate whatever existing condition serves their interests. They can maneuver a mild storm into a hurricane, turn a small fire into a wildfire, send temperatures soaring or plunging, intensify tremors into earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. 

And, the energy of those events isn’t confined to the areas where they occur—it goes global, so to say. A typhoon heading toward Indonesia, for example, not only sets in motion conditions thousands of miles away, but also stirs things up within the planet. The encouraging word here is, ET crafts’ technology reduces the extent of destruction intended by the Illuminati. Witness the lessening of hurricane Florence’s force. Nevertheless, if weather and seismic activity happened naturally, the release of negativity would be done more gently and Earth would be farther along her way to a moderate climate globally. 

However, it would be unfair to blame the Illuminati for all abnormal weather and “natural” disasters you are experiencing. Pollution of your air, earth and water; deep mining, drilling and fracking; destruction of rain forests and damming of rivers are contributors to climate change, which comes in tandem with environmental damage. And, in large part, those situations arose with the modernization of your world as industries’ products and services have provided employment and increasing comfort and convenience to many. Growing awareness that progress in those respects cannot continue damaging the planet is spurring visionary innovations in power generation, engineering, fuel, construction, transportation, agriculture, and recycling of waste into useable forms. 

There is another, and perhaps the major, contributor to extreme weather—myriad energy streamers with attachments of negative thoughts and feelings. This is where and how you can and “should do something.” We spoke about the importance of light-filled thoughts and feelings across the board, and action is necessary, too. Speak confidently and optimistically about the future to inspire individuals to look ahead more positively; their new outlook will motivate them to speak out similarly, and so on and so forth. Support the efforts of local organizations to uplift circumstances for the community’s needy. Be a voice for the arts, which nourish the soul. Participate in or start a group to preserve the local environment, save energy, establish and fund a no-kill animal shelter. Everything that promotes positive attitudes and betters situations emits the high vibrations that “light up your world” and hasten Earth’s return to her former paradise self. 

“Matthew spoke about time accelerating right now, and I am wondering: What happens to our concept of time when the planet ascends to the next density? Will time slow down again/cease to exist?” The consciousness of the populace will rise correspondingly with Earth’s Ascension into higher densities, and dependence upon clocks and calendars will gradually cease as life in the continuum becomes natural. In this moment, the concept of timelessness isn’t comprehensible to you, nor need it be, but be assured that the transition will come about effortlessly. 

“You said, some information in your messages comes from Nirvana’s monitors of Earth. Are they different from other souls in spirit life? How does their information system work?” We thank this reader for bringing to our attention that we do indeed need to tell you about these information gatherers and providers and how they are serving Earth and our beloved family there. 

Monitors’ detailed reports supplement information we glean from localized and planetary vibrations and relevant streamers in Earth’s energy field of potential, so their assistance to us is significant. However, the most crucial use of their data is serving you in lifesaving ways via extraterrestrial Special Forces on the planet, whose extraordinary capabilities are effective on site or remotely, and crews in your skies. Other users include the Council of Nirvana, souls in stations like ours that also are helping Earth’s peoples awaken, and evolved civilizations that “filter” universal principles to selected scientists and philosophers on Earth. 

All communication between the monitors and users is telepathic, and with few exceptions, the millions of monitors are souls whose last lifetime was on Earth. The exceptions could be called “visiting pros,” members of evolved civilizations who have advanced knowledge and experience, and, just as in your world, those who have more train those who have less. The monitors take turns to observe “24/7” the activities on Earth that are within their areas of proficiency. 

Let us digress for a moment. Residents of Nirvana never tire, thus turn-taking is only to give everyone the opportunity to serve in the monitoring field if they so choose. Always is a personal choice which of the many areas of employment to enter and so is employment itself. Residents may spend their time doing whatever is fulfilling. Perhaps traveling throughout the realm, pursuing educational interests, honing artistic talents or crafting skills, enjoying summer and winter sports, designing and manifesting home décor, materializing entertainment such as TV programs, participating in theatrical presentations, relaxing in solitude or resuming a loving relationship, or any combination of those choices along with episodes of employment if they so wish. 

And, the monitoring field was established only about a quarter century ago in linear time. Prior to its inception, it was impermissible for anyone in Nirvana to peer into or eavesdrop on lives on Earth unless there were love bond connections, and those have an energy shield that honors the privacy of the persons beloved by the realm’s residents. After Creator decreed that there shall be no more nuclear detonations in space and God authorized civilizations with the ability to prevent those to do so, Nirvana’s monitoring service was established as a communication tool to help prevent that kind of massive devastation, and it expanded into other areas of assistance to Earth’s life forms. 

Now then, the number of monitors focusing on the same target varies with what is occurring on Earth, and whether that number is hundreds or thousands, all compare their observations to assure accuracy before relaying information to the pertinent users. The most critical targets are nuclear weaponry and energy, both of which court folly in a third density world. Monitors with expertise in those fields watch developments in all countries that have those facilities and maintain open channels with craft crews and ET Special Forces. When crews are told that missiles with nuclear warheads are being prepared for launch, they use their crafts’ technology to cause malfunctions—that is why all attempts to send a warhead to its intended destination have failed. 

When monitors detect risk at a nuclear power plant, they notify the Special Forces members who can prevent the development of an explosive situation. The catastrophe in Japan was unique. At that time, the Illuminati still controlled technology that could initiate and keep mammoth earthquakes in action, and nothing could have prevented the resultant tsunami. Soon afterwards, though, a crew landed so their craft’s technology could assist Special Forces colleagues keep radiation under hazardous levels and minimize activity in the reactors. 

Another example of monitoring that averts a widespread deadly situation has to do with Illuminati laboratory-designed diseases. Informing Special Forces scientists about those developments has enabled them to render the viruses impotent prior to their release and prevent the intended pandemics. 

Monitors who concentrate on your atmosphere stay in touch with the crews and souls of an advanced civilization that appear as clouds in your skies, the two sources that reduce toxic aspects of chemtrails and other pollutants. Monitoring groups that observe Earth’s seas and oceans notify Special Forces members who can preserve to some extent reefs and marine life in waters that become polluted. When the drilling rig exploded off the coast of Texas some years ago and spewed oil into the Gulf of Mexico, these monitors transmitted tones to guide marine life away from the spreading oil. Dowsing the fire and capping the rig was not within ET jurisdiction—that was the responsibility of individuals whose decisions enabled that environmental disaster. 

In addition to collaborative information-and-action efforts, we know from monitors about unpublicized activities of individuals who influence what happens in your world. That is why we could tell you that the Illuminati minions in the US who rigged the 2016 Democratic primaries erred in attempting to do the same in the presidential election, for instance, and that Russia is not guilty of numerous accusations against it. That we received the same information from ET Special Forces in various intelligence agencies attests to the accuracy of monitors’ reports. 

Like all other Light Beings in this Universe, monitors are not permitted to interfere with anyone’s free will, but in their mission to help safeguard Earth and her life forms, they are authorized to help alter the outcome of dark intentions and lessen the effects of harmful conditions. Dear family, please include these souls and the countless others in our universal family whose assistance to your wellbeing is invaluable when you count your blessings. 

All Lighted Beings honor your service to Earth and support you with the unequaled power of Unconditional Love. 


Suzanne Ward 

Website: The Matthew Books 

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

You are a God in the making and that is your destiny

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 14 September 2018 

Progress may seem slow but in reality so much is taking place. You are looking at worldwide events that are slowly but surely pushing the dark Ones back, and preventing them from being able to prevent good progress being made. What only few of you will know is that the Lightworkers operate at a high level, where they have the influence and power to set moves in position that will further advance matters to the benefit of the Light. There has always been a plan to oust the dark Ones who had reached a stage where they were lulled into false confidence into believing that they were close to taking over control of the Earth and its people. The plan has always been to see that once Humanity passed the marker, those souls who were ready would in any circumstances successfully reach Ascension.

If you could see the many souls overseeing your activities, ensuring your success and protecting you from the negative forces, you would have no doubts whatsoever where Ascension was concerned. It is a very special time in your history as although few have recollections if any of previous lives, you have spent many thousands of years trying to lift the vibrations sufficiently so that you could pass the marker, and continue moving towards Ascension. Can you imagine the joy that rippled through this Universe, as you have yet to realize what a magnificent achievement your progress has been? It matters not that you have been helped along the way and that has largely been to ensure you were not interfered with, although for karmic reasons you have had to face many challenges on the way. Your friends from outer Space are drawing nearer and nearer to you and as you have already been informed, are eagerly waiting to greet you on the Earth and welcome you to the higher dimensions. 

Where in the past the dark Ones have infiltrated many aspects of industry and financial companies, they have in many instances been replaced with those who are of the Light and slowly but surely the balance is changing in their favor. It obviously takes time to undo what has been built up over a very long period of time, but success is taking place and it will continue until they are back and completely in charge. You will probably know that nothing of importance happens by chance, as all happenings are planned to help those involved to experience according to their needs. It may seem an impossible task to get the appropriate people together for such occasions and indeed it takes quite some planning. You are “persuaded” by your Guides to take certain actions that bring together those needed to play out the karma involved. Believe it or not, we can assert such control over you that you will do our bidding, but that is only in special circumstances. 

Now that Lightworkers have been given a clean sheet where karma is concerned providing as you would say “keep your nose clean” – there is no reason why you should not continue to keep it that way. Certainly anyone who has lifted up their awareness, and is doing their best to live a positive life and avoiding being drawn into situations that are of the lower vibrations, will experience a trouble free life. You will still be tested but because of your understanding and awareness, you are very unlikely to drop your guard. Perhaps one of the more difficult challenges is to keep your cool when confronted by situations where you may lose it. Keeping calm at all times takes practice, but you can do it, and will find that your confidence and demeanor will carry you through. 

You are a great soul masquerading as a human Being, and you have limited consciousness mainly due to the low vibrational level you reside in. However, as the vibrations lift up higher and higher, you will find that you have an increased level of consciousness, and gradually you begin to recall more about your true self. The changes are preparing you for Ascension when you will begin to know your true self. You are already a multi-dimensional Being, as your Higher Self resides on the other side of the veil. Hitherto you have been unaware of your true potential, but the time will soon come to merge with your Higher Self. You are a God in the making and that is your destiny, but for the meantime you will be bound by the happenings on Earth. Through it all you will undoubtedly evolve very quickly and as you do will get immense help all along the way. 

By now, those of you who have lifted your vibrations up will find that you can be in ones that are unsettling, yet can overcome them through your sheer power of concentration and control. Eventually, it will be second nature to you and in any event the negative energies will weaken and have less affect upon you. As you progress, you may find that people like to be around you as they may not realize why, but they are comfortable and reassured by your gentle and loving vibrations. It would not take a lot of imagination to realize that your auric emanations are such that people can enjoy your presence, and feel the calmness and love that you project. Not just people but even animals can sense the upliftment from the energy that you give out. At some stage, it will even have a healing quality and certainly make people feel good by being around you. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God. 

Dear Friends, time flies by once again I am preparing to go on my annual trip to see my two sons who both live in Devon, Kent. So please note I shall be away from Friday the 14th September and taking a break until my next message that will go out on the 5th October. A few weeks in politics can see many changes, so who knows what may happen in the meantime. The fact that the Light is now more powerful than the dark Ones, who have had their power curtailed should lead to a quicker end to their ability to interfere with the progress of Humanity towards the time of Ascension. We are not normally given much information as to the progress that is being made, but earlier signs suggest matters are developing in a positive way. 

Various updates particularly those from David Wilcock are able to bring us the latest developments, and I recommend his video “On Ascension”. Personally I do not feel anyone can yet pin down the year that Ascension will take place, but in general terms it seems that it could be as early as the late 2020’s to the early 2030’s. If correct, that is encouraging as in reality it is so near to happening. I know Lightworkers will keep spreading the Light, and collectively they do have a big influence on what is taking place. So well done everyone, it has been a long arduous path to follow, but the prize at the end of the rainbow is well worth waiting for a little longer. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τετάρτη 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

To awaken is to let go of fear

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 24 August 2018 

We, all of the divine creation, are on a path of spiritual evolution that is eternally ongoing. You may ask “Why? Are we not all already perfect divine creations?” And, yes, of course we are, but, being creative beings, there is always more to create, infinitely more, and that is one of the joys of being One with Source. There is always the joy of discovering more to create. Quite a paradox! 

Thus joy never ceases, it just expands and intensifies. However, words – verbal or written language as used by beings in form – are a totally inadequate means of communing. All are in divine relationship, and relationship is a state of communing. Humans, as social beings, understand this very well, although, of course, there are times when you wish to rest from relationship, to have quiet time within, at your holy inner sanctuary. However, when you awaken and find yourselves fully aware that you are One, in every moment, then relationship is constant but unintrusive, a peaceful state which is always present if you choose to engage, offering Love and making no demands. A state that is difficult for most of you to imagine, because you have all experienced many demanding relationships. 

As humans, your relationships are most often founded on need, and are not free from commitments of one kind or another, although of course love of others is very frequently part of them. However, Love, capital ‘L,’ is neither a commitment nor a demand, It just is, always present, always available, ubiquitous, and, when you open to It, It embraces you immediately in total acceptance and without conditions of any kind. 

It is your nature, so unless you block It out or refuse to accept or acknowledge It, It is everything you are. The only reason that you do not feel It, or that you remain unaware of It is because of choices you make, and one of the major ones is the choice to believe yourselves unworthy of God’s Love for you. God never judges you, all negative self-judgment and self-blame that you experience is ego-driven. Egos are fear-driven, believing that they need to protect you at all times from the constant, and sometimes seeming all-consuming threats of the environment that you inhabit as humans. 

To awaken is to let go of fear, because you become fully aware that there is nothing to fear. You are divine and eternal beings created from and existing in an eternal state of Love. BUT, you chose to experience life in form as a human, and your human bodies are subject to fear, suffering, and pain. Then again, the events and relationships you experience or encounter as humans are part of the life paths you planned for yourselves before you incarnated for the lessons that you wished to learn. There are no accidents or coincidences – at a higher level you chose them – they are all opportunities for you to learn, and the lesson is always that there is only Love. 

The more you can hold and manifest the intent to be only loving, regardless of the circumstances in which you find yourselves, the less you will suffer. Yes, you may, and most likely will, experience illness and damage to your human form, as you are nudged to pay attention to the lessons being presented to you. But you cannot understand the lessons through intellectual reasoning and analysis, you have to go within, to that holy inner sanctuary, and rest there quietly with your mind/brain as still as you can manage, so that then you can become aware of your intuition, your guidance which will lead you through whatever experience you are undergoing until you get that ‘Aha’ moment, and the lesson presented will become clear and meaningful to you. 

And the lessons with which you are being presented are not for you alone. As you live through them, those with whom you associate in any way will find lessons there for themselves. Remember, you chose to incarnate at this pivotal moment as humanity blossoms spiritually, because you were keen and willing to assist in the process. It is an enormous challenge for all involved, very demanding of your patience and acceptance as you deal with all that arises for you. And you all, without exception, have what you need to succeed in this magnificent venture – constant and limitless support from those in the spiritual realms, which, of course, include your own higher or spiritual selves. 

What you incarnated to do, and are doing, is absolutely essential, and cannot be done by anyone else, you each have your own individual parts to play, and you will each achieve what you incarnated to accomplish. 

But, of course, as humans your awareness of the unfolding of this Divine Plan is severely limited, so that it often seems that you are struggling in the dark without even a small flashlight to light your way. Therefore, go within at least once daily, and preferably more frequently – waiting in traffic, waiting in line, waiting for someone to arrive. A moment here and a moment there adds very powerfully to your ongoing intent to be loving whatever arises, even though you may get no sense of it. Just renew your intent, in the moment, and then continue with whatever you were doing, knowing that you are making an enormous difference. 

You are all dearly loved and highly honored as you follow your seemingly individual paths toward awakening. Your awakening is divinely assured, and when it occurs, you will awake into amazing joy. Truly the brilliance of God’s Divine Plan for His creation is utterly beyond meaningful description, it can only be experienced, and you will all experience it because it was designed with you in mind, in God’s Mind, where you all have your eternal existence. 

With so very much love, Saul.

Τρίτη 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

Your soul represents the Creative Source that has no beginning and will have no end

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 7 September 2018 

I believe our curiosity about our past is now being covered by some recent messages, as it seems that now we have passed the marker of 2012 we are considered ready and more evolved to accept and understand more about our past. As we are now on the path to Ascension, we certainly expect to become more enlightened. We have been held back for many, many years and have much to learn about the truth of our past. The future is becoming more clear and welcoming, knowing that we are leaving the old lower vibrations behind, with all of their dark energies and those souls who refuse to return to the Light. Peace and happiness is beckoning and in the not too distant future we shall be so evolved, that we become Galactic Beings. 

Message extract from Kryon: LAST DAYS

Life Force creates a soul that is a creation of peace. The Human Soul is unique, it has multi-dimensionality and you are the only creature on the planet that has this. Multi-dimensionality is from the apparent 23 pairs of chromosomes, the 24th pair is still there but you cannot see them because it is totally and completely multi-dimensional. It gives you a soul that has that in it of God. It creates all your DNA with a Quantum spin of electrons in a Quantum field – that is science. The Human Soul is so complex and so beautiful, the patterning of your soul, the fractals that are there, the beauty of the sacred geometry within the multi-dimensional fractal tell about your lifetime, who you are, where you are going and where you have been. 

Your soul has an Akash, but your DNA does not. Your soul will re-present that from the Creative Source that has no beginning and will have no end, and in that soul information the planets you have been part of, and scenarios that you have been part of in the other systems. The Cosmic History of all time with no beginning. 

Reality says that there are multi-universes not just a universe. Before this universe there were others, you were there and that soul would control what you did, what you may have been involved in, in the evolution of another Galaxy, or two. That is how big it is, how big you are that is all in a Human Soul. Were you aware that your soul is in many parts on the other side of the veil, assisting you and other souls that are just like you. That is your Higher Self that you say is a piece of God within you – that is your soul and has a foot on both sides of the veil. 


We have often referred to the Light over a long period of time and have spoken of its power to heal. It is an energy of a high vibration, which is why not everyone can put on the mantle of a healer. Not everyone can become one, yet every soul has that potential, even if only able to soothe another soul through the spoken word, as mothers do to their babies and young children. This is an example of where the spoken word is accompanied by healing energies. It is not to say that Fathers are any different but most likely they do not have such a close relationship, and that is also brought about by their different responsibilities to their family. Naturally the situation will slowly change, as all souls will eventually develop natural healing abilities. 

You will no doubt realize that the power of love is also a healing energy, and if you were a Clairvoyant would see the various beautiful pure colors going out to one needing it. Simply being around someone with the energy of a beautiful aura makes you feel good, and if you think about it, you are lifted up by it. Animals are very receptive to a human’s energy and even a smiling face. It is natural to want to be around someone with whom you can feel relaxed and be at peace with. What people wear including the color of their garments affects theirs and other people’s well-being, but because of wearing what is in fashion, it does not reflect what type of person they are. If it did, you would be able to get something of a character reading from the specific colors they chose. Yes, some people can read auras and the colors do reflect aspects of their personality. 

By now, most of you will not have failed to notice that so many things are in the process of change. The weather can hardly fail to be noticed and it creates both very acceptable changes, and by contrast some extremes that are causing much distress to humans and animals alike. If often forces them to move into new areas and is all part of the Earth’s natural forces taking place. You have dire warnings of water shortages that are already taking place, and it has resulted in urgency to find the answers to age old problems every time you get a drought. However, progress is being made in finding a solution using the waters that surround every island and coastline, but in a way that is not expensive to operate. 

Those people directly involved in such developments are being helped from “above”, so that they take the right path for humanity. All through history you have had such help and it is a way of ensuring that as you develop, you get the ideas and material you need to be successful. It is a fact that you get much more help than you would most likely imagine. It is not handed to you on a plate, as it is you who must first have the ideas that need developing. As you possibly know, many new very useful ideas have been acquired by those working against you, and prevented from being used or developed. However, they are not lost and at the earliest opportunity they will be released. 

All countries are being affected by the changes taking place and as time passes, the younger generations are having more influence. Of recent times, you have had the Indigo children born to Earth and so it has continued as more “advanced” and knowledgeable souls arrive. Your progress as a Human Race is always managed where your evolution is concerned, but it is up to you how quickly you respond to the stimulus that is given. It makes giving accurate predictions difficult, unless of course they are more of a Cosmic nature. 

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed in the middle of so much confusion and uncertainty. Yet, out of it all the way will seem suddenly a lot clearer, and you will find progress going forward in leaps and bounds. This message comes through my Higher Self. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Δευτέρα 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

Your present “un-civilization” is to be morphed into one that radiates harmony and joy

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy for 4 September 2018 

Dratzo! We return! Your progress toward achieving ultimate victory for the Light continues to move ever forward, step by step. As we watch the way, the Alliance, our Earth allies, work together to implement the very discreet and painstakingly orchestrated blueprint that we helped them formulate, we can’t help but feel some pride. Their dynamic plan of action continues to bewilder the overconfident dark cabal. Multi-dimensional in nature, up until now the strategy has been slow and steady. Expect to see an acceleration of movement as Truth continues to be revealed. The general public is waking up despite the cabal’s relentless determination to halt your evolution. Fortunately, their hubris will be their downfall. The cabal’s reign over you is fading. We ask you to remain positive and find solace in your Faith. 

The Alliance’s more galactic temperament is, so far and with due diligence, outmaneuvering the dark and its many allied associates. It is all part of an astute and meticulously followed master plan that is to vanquish the dark from your planet. A grassroots revolution is brewing, a new and scrupulously moral system of common law that is mandated to be formally reintroduced to your world. A range of broad, interlocking investigations has brought to light the nefarious secrets of the dark cabal. These inquiries are to set the tone for its legal fall from power. They are associated with the rise of various transitional governments, whose primary purposes include the prosecution of thousands of individuals who served as functionaries for the illegal and fictitious “war on terror”. The process is still under way at this very moment. 

The process of this “house cleaning” can institute new governments genuinely founded on liberty, justice and individual sovereignty. Through the practice of functional morality people-run republics can serve as intended, and global abundance be disbursed unhindered. These changes are to alter the very nature of your reality into a quite different entity. Rarely does Heaven condone such an immense modification in so short a time. Normally, this degree of change is made over centuries, not in less than a decade. This sanction is divine compensation resulting from the dark cabal’s open defiance of sacred decrees that governed the makeover of your reality. 

When the hour arrives for the dark cabalists to prepare to step down, we will closely scrutinize those poised to succeed them. It is imperative that the designated caretaker governments establish a form of representative governance that supports your development, present and future. The prosperity programs and the many beneficent projects that these interim regimes initiate will need to be synchronized with one another. Moreover, these regimes will require new rules that empower each of you to freely participate in the process of governing: they will be among the earliest steps you take toward your Galactic Society. Take time to acknowledge The Being you are becoming and the towering responsibilities that you are to undertake in actualizing your new Galactic Society. 

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters. We return with more items to discuss with you. Your present “un-civilization” is to be morphed into one that radiates harmony and joy, and sees a burgeoning of opportunity and exploration everywhere. Human society is to be returned to the august heights witnessed in Lemuria. Once again, we wish to express our deep appreciation for what you are doing. It is a significant challenge to act on faith for such a duration as this has turned out to be. Throughout this journey, your sole confirmation of this process has been these messages, plus reports you glean from the Internet. Be assured that once these extraordinary events unfold, your hardships will joyfully end. 

Each individual needs to feel acknowledged and to know that their contributions are of value to their world. A sense of belonging lies at the root of a healthy local community, which in turn forms the cornerstone of a healthy global community. When you are truly free, you are fully responsible for yourself and your community. This goes hand in hand with spiritual growth. Divine service is intended to fulfill your community by freeing you to creatively use your innate abilities to solve the everyday problems that surround you. Local communities are meant to become self-sufficient and self-regulating, able to solve whatever internal problems confront them. Only then can your intuitive gifts truly function at national and global levels. As your consciousness expands, your desire for freedom commands your full attention. 

Sovereignty is an immediate by-product of freedom. It gives each Being equal status with each other. Sovereignty is the special foundation upon which your good works can be built. It is the means by which you can easily manifest/realize your full creative talents. Once you truly understand how interconnected you all are, you discover how easy, effortless and effective it is to work in cooperation. This connection fosters an inevitable desire to create a loving and sustainable environment for your community. Sovereignty is the divine and lawful means for carrying out positive actions. Sovereignty is the unshakeable foundation upon which your good works can be built. It is our unwavering intention to greet you all shortly, and celebrate our shared victory. 

Today, we reviewed what is unfolding on your world. Events are under way that will ultimately ensure the end of the dark cabal and its many collaborators. You are being prepared to bear witness to a wondrous event: the return of the Light to Planet Earth! From that point, it will be only a short journey back to Full Consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) 

Website: Planetary Activation Organization