Κυριακή 30 Απριλίου 2017

The Light has won the battle and very soon all shall see peace settle upon the Earth

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 28 April 2017 

There is much activity taking place in Antarctica and discoveries are being made that will alter your history that barely covers your true Human development. There are very interesting finds such as the bodies of extremely tall Beings, frozen exactly where they were when the freeze came upon them. They came from a period many, many thousands of years ago and it is not intended that you should get to see them. Those controlling such events want to continue keeping you in the dark and keep the full truth to themselves. However, there are also those who are fighting for full disclosure and that is likely to happen if they get their way. Certainly with only a small number of years likely before Ascension takes place, there is a sense of urgency to get the truth out into the open. It is your history that needs to be rewritten and you have a right to learn the facts and they cannot be withheld forever. 

These times are very testing for most people, particularly for those who have little knowledge of the truth. They cry to God asking for release from their experiences, without knowing that they are necessary for their evolution. It applies all around and for many it is their final life in the lower dimensions and why it can be hard going. However, the toughest times on Earth are the ones that give the best opportunities to overcome much karma, and progress to a higher dimension. Whatever level you are at, these are times of great opportunities that can propel you ever onwards. As always your Guides follow your progress and do as much as is permitted to help you succeed. Call upon them when you feel in need of their help, and more often than not they can give it. 

Many wise and evolved souls have incarnated at this time to be mentors to those about to ascend. Their experience will help you to be successful in achieving Ascension, or advance your understanding, so that you can at least make good progress. You will find that many young souls are in fact wise old souls, coming into your lives to give you knowledge that will put you on the path to truth. They usually exhibit great knowledge and understanding at a young age and should be taken notice of for that reason. 

The dark Ones are creating the circumstances of their own demise, because of service to self. However, whatever they do, they cannot compete with those souls who are of the Light, who are immune to their negative energies. Like attracts like, so providing you are true to the Light, you cannot be touched by them. Of course, you will be concerned at their actions that include murder and many depraved acts, but you must keep from being brought down by them. Bear in mind that you attract to yourselves exactly what you give your energy to, so guard your thoughts and reactions in respect of negative situations that you may learn about. Humans are prone to getting involved with other people’s lives, which is fine providing they know how to do it without becoming emotionally involved. Life can sound difficult at times, but by keeping to your desire to act out of love for your fellow travelers, it should be rewarding and plain sailing. 

Generally, people seek to be “well off” and many earn that right by hard work. But it becomes extreme when money becomes your god, and you seek riches that are unnecessary for your well-being. Having great wealth is a challenge, as it must be used for the good of all people and not selfishly used for self-aggrandizement. Yet, a very small number own 95% of the world’s wealth, whilst millions live on a pittance without proper housing or sanitation. Something has gone seriously wrong and the accumulation of wealth has taken place at the expense of ensuring a reasonable standard of living for everyone. These problems are intended to be dealt with very soon and will come into force before the End Times are reached. 

Having been given freewill, you are the architects of your own reality. However, those who rule clearly exercise a much greater degree of power, but as you are in a democracy, you are able to voice your opinions. Having made your choices, it authorizes those who oversee your lives to influence the future to your advantage. For example, you have had the benefit of new ways of doing things, and inventions that have lifted your quality of life. However, you have not been given things such as free energy that would have taken you into the New Age, and made life much more comfortable for you. Instead, you are held in a time warp where life can be a drudge and many people have insufficient means to survive. This cannot go on for much longer and already steps are being taken to remove the obstacles that are preventing a complete change for the better. 

You the people are putting out strong thoughts that are creating a new time line that lifts you out of the old one. Soon there will come a time when the powerful energies being created will suddenly cause beneficial changes to happen. As more and more people envisage the changes that are possible, they bring about their manifestation, a point having been reached where they can no longer be held back. So, the importance of keeping focused on your goal must be emphasized. It is a time when you must concentrate on your own needs if you are to take the opportunity to ascend. 

You have many friends and family waiting to meet you again, and some will visit the Earth whilst others will not do so until it is safe. Many are waiting to greet you after Ascension has taken place, who are not directly involved in your Life Plan. They are family and friends from many lives where you have met and worked together. Such links are rarely broken, particularly where a bond of love has been made. When you are in the higher dimensions, friends are only a thought away. So, no matter where you are, contact is possible. However, the point must be made that if a soul is otherwise engaged in some activity that cannot be interrupted, you may not receive a response. 

You have no need to be concerned about those souls who are unable to ascend with you, as they will be looked after and given every opportunity to be successful next time round. Understand that every soul gets the same opportunities to gain knowledge and progress, but some need more time to incorporate the new understanding to their advantage. 

The Light has won the battle and very soon all shall see peace settle upon the Earth. This will allow the changes to go speeding ahead and put the dark times behind, so you can enjoy your new found freedom. You will love being part of the New Earth and give your time to being involved in the changes for the benefit of all. 

This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Σάββατο 29 Απριλίου 2017

There will be no all-out war with North Korea or any other country

Message from Matthew Ward via Suzanne Ward for 23 April 2017 

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You are hearing sobering rhetoric in connection with North Korea, and we assure you there will be no all-out war with that country or any other. You also can ignore the media hype about Russia’s new cold war with Europe and the United States—Russia is one of the “backbone” countries whose goal is peace, economic stability and environmental preservation. And, North Korea’s nuclear missile tests pose no threat—ever-diligent crews in your skies would cause warheads to malfunction just as they have on more than a dozen occasions in the past few years. Acting upon the recommendation of colleagues on the planet, one of the crews caused the recent explosion of a missile seconds after launching as a psychological setback for the testing program and a means whereby the tough talk could be de-escalated. 

Earth’s energy field of potential indicates that dissatisfied citizens in numerous countries will initiate or continue anti-government protests and combating terrorist groups will be necessary for a while longer; however, communication lines that will be opening will lessen and ultimately eliminate hostility between all “enemies.” Your compassion, sympathy and prayers flow naturally for the many millions who are enduring life-threatening deprivation or other severe hardships, but please don’t become caught up in the karmic drama that is playing itself out. Your steadfastness in the light is aiding and inspiring the peoples to co-create Earth’s destiny as a peaceful world where all share in the abundance and live in harmony with Nature. 

We have been asked if low vibrations of protestors’ anger undermines their purpose, and the answer is, the purpose determines what vibrations are produced. Would apartheid have ended if native South Africans had not directed their anger into protests to be granted the same civil and legal liberties as the immigrants who governed them? Would women’s voices be heard through the ballot box if they hadn’t turned their anger about being denied the same right as men into protests that gained them that right? Rarely is any unjustness corrected until the people who are adversely affected demand it, and anger can be an ally if action taken is on behalf of fairness and equitability. In short, when there is light in protesters’ purpose, high vibrations are produced; when the purpose of a protesting group is to impose their ideologies upon people whose ideologies differ, low vibrations are produced in abundance. 

“I can’t get over my anger about something my partner of three years did several months ago. He doesn’t understand how deeply it affected me and gets angry when I want to discuss it. I know anger has bad vibes and I don’t want this to keep either of us from ascension. What can I do?” Our response applies to everyone who is dealing with anger about any situation, and first we shall speak about this in the context of an intimate relationship. When anger becomes a prevailing emotion, the effects are twofold: The energy of anger permeates the relationship; and that energy’s low vibrations are a barrier between the light and the consciousness and cellular structure, where light absorption is essential for ascension. It is time to consider that the relationship may no longer be serving the best interests of either person because the karmic union they chose in their soul contracts has been completed. During this unprecedented era with everything in the universe in acceleration mode, souls have the opportunity to wind up all third density karma in one lifetime instead of many, and often anger is the motivator for a couple to part ways so both can move on to other chosen experiencing. 

When anger enters the relationship between parents and children or siblings and is in accordance with their pre-birth agreement, it also provides growth opportunities for all; but again, completing that part of the agreement need not take years and years. If longstanding differences cannot be resolved, following strong intuitive feelings as to what is best for you is the wise course—trusting intuition is part of soul evolvement, and that is the goal of every soul in every lifetime. 

Anger as an outgrowth of simmering dissatisfaction can be the signal that your soul is nudging your consciousness to make a change in the area that is evoking the sensation, perhaps a field of employment or particular job, professional affiliation, residence location, or a course of study. We are not speaking about acting in a moment of anger or impulsively upon a whim, but rather thoughtfully taking steps in the direction that has been strongly beckoning you. 

Let us tell you why anger is so prevalent in your world. Earth is a schoolhouse where students can learn the unparalleled power and joy of love as well as the consequences of fear and anger—anger is a byproduct of fear and often the two go hand in hand. Via the Law of Attraction emotional situations are self-perpetuating, and because anger and/or fear can lead to violent actions or reactions, mastering those emotions is paramount in souls’ evolutionary journey. This is not an “easy A” class, and many have to repeat it over and over and over before they can graduate. Given the unique opportunity to complete remaining karmic lessons during one lifetime and attain the balanced experiencing they need to evolve, masses of souls have gone to Earth specifically for another try to ace the anger-fear lesson. 

You have termed historic eras Ice Age, Iron Age, Bronze Age and so forth—perhaps this period of planetary turbulence could be called Anger Age. As Earth ascends into planes of increasingly high vibratory levels, people who formerly invested energy in anger will instead direct their energy into positive avenues that will manifest Earth’s Golden Age. 

“I was told that the world is a school for all of us to learn and understand about evil and what evil can do and what we can do to overcome evil. If Earth is changing to be a place of Love and Light, where will we go learn about evil and the effects of evil as we need to know about the balance between good and evil?” Indeed Earth is a schoolhouse, as mentioned above, and of the multitude of such learning centers in this universe, Earth is known as one of the finest—that is why souls are so eager to embody there. Part of the process of your world becoming a place of love and light is individuals who indulge in evildoing can see how their acts affect others—in some cases, the world—and they can learn to overcome inclinations to act in those ways. Only those who master this lesson will go along with Earth as she continues her ascension journey; those who don’t will enter the spirit world of a deep third density civilization and incarnate in that world for another chance to learn that essential lesson. We add that God doesn’t think of any of His children as evildoers, but rather “the disserving ones of my flock.” 

This is a good place to address this reader’s comments: “It doesn’t make any sense that we forget what’s in our soul contracts. It would be much more sensible to remember so we can make the right decisions and not have to repeat the same old ‘karmic lessons’ until we get them right.” We feel that nothing we could say would explain the reason for “forgetting” as clearly as what God told my mother when she talked with Him about this many years ago: “If all were absolutely known, if nothing required any independent thinking or decisions or activity, then why would there be any need for multiple experiencing? What would there be to learn? Why would life itself be necessary? We could just fast forward to The End, which is The Beginning, and let all lives of all times reside at that initial point of Being.” 

“Some Channelers say we are in charge of our lives, but we have no control over nuclear radiation; chemicals in fertilizer, pesticides and food; GMOs; fracking; oil spills; destruction of forests; mandatory vaccinations; chemtrails and other pollution in the air and water, and all those toxic substances are damaging our health. To what extent are they affecting ascension?” The toxins do have damaging effects on bodies, yours and Earth’s and her animals’, but they have no effect whatsoever on the planet’s steady ascension course or anyone’s ascension pathway—they cannot interfere with your advancing in spiritual and conscious awareness unless you believe they can. Remember, what you believe creates your reality! 

But let us ease your mind about those situations you mentioned. Universal family members living among you and crews in your skies are neutralizing or ameliorating the effects of nuclear radiation and toxins in all forms, and when the crews can join you and use their technologies more effectively on site, you’ll be amazed and heartened at how quickly air, soil and water can be restored to purity. 

Readers who write to my mother usually refer to members of the civilizations who are helping you as ETs, and at times we also refer to them that way—it’s shorter and we all understand who we mean. But please think of them as we do, as who they are: members of our universal family. All of us are inextricably connected at soul level and in many cases these helpers are your ancestors—“family” is the right way to think of them. 

Many of those who are living on the planet knew when they volunteered that they would encounter physical danger, financial hardship, unjust incarceration, serious health issues or disabilities, impugned professional credibility, the loss of loved ones, ostracism by family and friends who still are slumbering in unawareness. If you recognize yourself in any of those circumstances, you know that a lightworker’s life is not one of ease. Yet, you follow your heart and soul and continue helping Earth’s peoples awaken so these members of our family can advance in their evolutionary journey just as you have. 

All light beings in this universe honor your invaluable service and support you with unconditional love. 


Suzanne Ward 

Website: The Matthew Books 

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Τετάρτη 26 Απριλίου 2017

Be joyous and know that your time is coming!

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy 25 April 2017

13 Oc, 13 Kank’in, 13 Caban 

Selamat Jalwa! Your world continues to slowly unravel. We are finding daily how the dark and its whole host of minions are able to permit an unusual degree of “slowdowns”. This strange procedure is seemingly mitigating the reasons behind the new security prevalent in the entire delivery system. Our liaisons are now dedicated to a successful conclusion in this very complicated situation. We expect a number of unique procedures to be cleared. These can efficiently permit all upper levels of the payout system to be shortly resolved. 

These various scenarios are things that pop up every day. We have determined to work out a smooth conclusion to these many acquired difficulties and to reorder the Light. We can then finally overcome the apparent tepidness of our colleagues. These tendencies are slowly dissolving and allowing the general payouts to go forward. In addition, the dark now fully realizes that its continued delays are arriving at their well-deserved conclusion. It is believed by all that some interesting counteracting effects are close to being manifested. We feel that these events are to be able to alter the current, uneasy nature of the process of general payouts. We believe as well that the present situation is coming to a crossroads. 

All of this is the reason the current holdup is nearing its end. We fully expect the final dispersal is approaching. The dark cabal seemingly does not realize just how desperate their current situation really is. They somehow feel that a rescue is going to happen. They are simply kidding themselves. The current situation is a ruse that is preparing to come down very hard upon them. We look forward to the inevitability of their tragic fate. We are preparing ourselves to receive them into legal custody and then to free the Light to set up the new NESARA Republic. 

All of this is, of course, on the horizon. The dark in some way understands that their ruse has been discovered. It knows sincerely that their present illegal USA, Inc is close to being finished. They know, too, that the old reality can no longer hold! They know deep within just how close they are to all of these horrible outcomes starting to take effect. Insanely, they continue to strengthen the cases against them. Hence, we now expect this realm to be altered very quickly once the present set of complications can be put aside. Know that everything is truly coming together! 

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to thank you all for holding your collective vision at a time when your payouts are yet again being either slowed down or seriously delayed by the complications instated by the directors of the present process. We bless you for your great focus. We are in joy over the fact that Heaven assures us that you are not to be ignored. Remain patient, and know that your wondrous time is to blessedly unfold. The promised prosperity is indeed to occur, as is the approaching time of your freedom from debt slavery. Be joyous and know that your time is coming! 

This present time is being marked by subtle alterations that most of you have as yet to experience. Heaven is making sure that all that was promised does indeed happen. At present, we have noticed that the “prosperity” packages are nearing the time when they were authorized to be delivered. It helps to know that Heaven is readying for a series of surprises that are to end the current lifetime for the de facto American government. This fact alone brings us much cheer. Your time of joy is nearly ready for you as well. 

We conclude our little epiphany with a simple yet succinct message. We ask you to hold your magnificent vision and, simultaneously, to retain your inner focus. These all are to be properly given to you as two great presents, Divine Dispensation and, with it, Divine Mercy. You, my children, are the ones on this surface world to be given a number of exemptions that are to greatly enhance the experience of your Ascension! This sacred process is to lead you to many magnificent bonuses! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 

Today, we continued to report on what is happening around you. The dark and its many needless complications are about to go away. Their forever excuses and general interference are no longer required. Let it be known that a new and joyous reality is just about upon us! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) 

Website: Planetary Activation Organization

Σάββατο 22 Απριλίου 2017

God does not punish a single soul and only has perfect Love to offer

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 21 April 2017 

Events are ever moving at a faster speed and they are heading for the days when the truth of your existence will be revealed. In reality there is not much time left before the changes come upon you, and it would be as well that you are prepared for them. Your main objective should be to maintain your poise and keep a calm temperament at all times, as you will find many people become upset and at a loss to understand what is happening. The turmoil and continual problems of simply living from day to day are not helped by the continuing cut backs and threat of war. Some will ask why we do not intervene and as we have stated previously, you are the creators of your destiny and must reap the results. However, you are not allowed to take actions that are in direct opposition to the Plan for Man’s evolution that has been laid down by those who oversee your progress. Any such attempts will be blocked or diverted in a way that prevents any major changes taking place. 

Decisions have already been made to keep you on the path that gives you the opportunity to ascend at the end of the cycle. Patience is still necessary whilst the opportunity is being created that will finally allow you to learn the truth about yourselves. You are great souls on your way back to the Light from whence you came, and the truth will set you free from all of the misinformation that has muddled your thinking so that very few of you understand your true selves. We reiterate that you are Beings of Light who dropped down into the lower vibrations having accepted the challenge to find your way back again. However, you have never been alone in your travels and Guides help you follow a path that has been pre-ordained to help your progress. Having been given freewill it follows that you alone are responsible for the outcome of your actions, from which you will see where you need to uplift yourselves. 

If you are reading these messages, you are almost certainly on the Path of Light, and you will have gained an opportunity to ascend. To succeed, you need to keep focused on your goal and not let outside events distract you. There is a lot happening that is out of your sight although you may feel the effects. At present, much is creating a false impression of where events are going and until it is safe to bring the truth out, it is essential to keep an open mind. This year is one when so many things are happening that you will find it difficult find the truth, but it will be known within the next year or so. It will come out at a pace so that people will not be overwhelmed and can cope with the revelations that show how misguided you have been. The truth has been deliberately held back from you by the dark Ones who do not want you to know what great Beings you really are. The truth cannot be held back much longer and even now discussions are taking place about how it can be revealed. Those of the Light wish for a complete Disclosure, so that it can be made known to everyone. 

Every effort you put in to remaining within the Light will be well rewarded, and your Ascension should take place with ease. As has been explained previously, it is down to you, although every help is being given to protect you and stop any interference by those who would rather keep you in the dark. Clearly, the Light will always be more powerful than the lower energies and all of time you remain in it no harm can come to you. Where you find exceptions, it is invariably due to karmic reasons that can lead to either a positive or negative result. It means that all events in your lifetime will have been agreed beforehand, although changes can take place. Again these would be by your agreement. Most will be to your advantage and could for example be where an unexpected opportunity to clear old karma comes up that you have successfully taken. 

At present, the battles for control of the Earth are still continuing, but not for much longer, as the end to wars is in sight. Clearly, you cannot take conflict and warlike attitudes and actions into the higher vibrations. So, there is a time coming very soon when war and all facets of it will no longer be possible, and souls that continue to be part of it will carry on with their actions elsewhere. Peace is coming even though it may seem impossible at present given the state of the Earth and the people upon it. Man is not totally to blame for the many wars experienced, and certain factions such as the Illuminati have been deliberately playing both sides against each other and supporting them with armaments. However, to make matters sound even more complicated, it must be stated that karma is again involved, so that all participating may have the experiences they need. 

Without a doubt, life is tough on Earth, but where else could you experience such opportunities to evolve so quickly? As souls of the Light, your travels are always accompanied by a number of Guides who protect you, so as to ensure that your life experiences are no interfered with. As evolved souls, it is their way of helping others who follow on and may need a helping hand. In your Universe, Mother Earth is one who has sacrificed herself to help the Human Race rise up. Soon her tasks will be finished, as she ascends along with the many souls who are also ready. As you can see, the End Times are a very important occasion, giving souls a special opportunity for a mass Ascension. One cycle ends and another begins giving yet another opportunity for souls to rise up along with the benefits that come with it. 

If souls just knew or comprehended how great their potential was, they would apply themselves to finding out the way to evolve which is simply expressed as Universal Love. It sounds hard when you have not reached that level, as for example you will be exalted to “love your enemy as yourself”. See other souls as your Brothers and Sisters where color or customs have no bearing on their link to you. You are One with all else and all life is inexplicably part of God, and it illustrates why God is All Love that is given equally to all Souls, and also why God does not punish a single soul and only has perfect Love to offer. Some will believe in the so-called Devil, yet that is an abomination created by Man. 

Man is a confused soul simply because he has been badly misled by those with an agenda to enslave him and keep him from the truth. However, that is no longer possible, as the Light has risen supreme and continues to grow in intensity. Heaven is a place of Harmony and Love, where all is in a state of complete Love. It may be out of your reach at present, but is the end of a journey you have just commenced. Some souls have touched such energies and tell of the ecstasy they have experienced. Joy and Happiness come through holding the energy of Love and as you give it out, you are helping all others by lifting them up. 

This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Παρασκευή 21 Απριλίου 2017

You are in the middle of a huge transformation

Message from the Pleiadians via Christine Day for 10 February 2017 

Beloved ones we greet you, 

There is great change coming, building like a wave, bringing a new element of consciousness to your world. There is nothing to fear. What is essential at this time is for you to consciously bring your focus inwards into your heart center, this is where authenticity, clarity and Truth exist for you. 

This new energy that has been anchoring on the planet at this time is designed to transform and breakdown all that which does not hold Truth. Simultaneously, this energy is designed to open up your hearts on yet another dimensional level to enable you to move and birth into a deeper understanding of what is to unfold here on your planet. You are in the middle of a huge transformation, moving from one reality moment to another, which is designed to bring forth a higher frequency of connected light into form on your Earth plane. Through anchoring into the stillness, this light form can be experienced within your heart and can birth forth Truth, which can be made manifest through you and outwards into your world. This is part of the sacred design for this time. 

Focusing in the stillness of the light that moves deeply within you, will align a current of light that will form a strong collective base within your Community. This action of alliance will offset the intense movement of drama that is creating a strong separating element within society. 

Remember, we, the Pleiadians, have been saying that there is more upheaval coming. This is a beginning of this new phase, which is creating an upswing of intensity. Those of you on the path are being called to hold this space of light, a space of stillness to create an energetic balance for all of humanity at this juncture. This is your individual and collective opportunity to create through your heart center the pure force of light energy that you all naturally embody within. 

Do not try and interact in the drama, however be still and congregate within your group and hold the stillness between you. You are in Truth an aspect of the Oneness, allow yourself to shine forth as a collective ray of light. 

Within your group setting use the sacred sound, ARSTAHN; this will build the energy of the stillness within your circles. 

This is your time to be the effective link of light for humanity. 


The Pleiadians

Πέμπτη 20 Απριλίου 2017

These times are indeed a-changin’!

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy 18 April 2017 

6 Akbal, 6 Kank’in, 13 Caban 

Selamat Jalwa! The final few tasks are nearly complete. As delivery moves forward, each level performs a check, and with great satisfaction raises its moves to the next security point. This careful operation is to continue until all those deserving are paid. As you look at these events, you quickly realize how they are bringing us ever closer to new government, new freedoms and an overwhelming prosperity. It is also allowing for the dark to cast its last days as the major arbiter of this fear-filled reality. 

The Light joyfully welcomes the coming death of the dark’s minions. Long ago, when the Anunnaki first took control, the dark changes were seemingly far away. In the midst of this dark interregnum, Heaven was slowly beginning to plant the seeds for a New Realm. Despite this, the remaining 13 millennia were able to severely affect you. It left you with a stinging feeling that all was not right and that something wonderful was required to re-balance it. Such a thing is now in the process of transpiring. 

A grand coalition of the Light has broken through and a whole New Reality is presently forming around you. This New Realm is to banish the dark and its evil ways. The old environment is to be transformed and your inner passions are at last to be a common reality. We ask your continued patience. The time of Heaven’s joy is now being readied to be your most wonderful set of ever-unfolding joys! The key is to keep your focus and know inwardly that wonders are truly at hand. Hosanna! Hosanna! 

We came here nearly two decades ago, knowing that this mission was to be a most difficult one. It has proven so, but be sure that Heaven’s changes for this realm are really at hand. Do not let the inherent chaos trouble you. It is, in fact, the turbulence that these grand transformations can at times require. Remain confident and know on the inner that your moment of triumph is near. Besides, we are all here to help you achieve your destined success. These times are indeed a-changin’! 

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Your grand visions are assisting us in bringing in a New Realm that is to be filled with peace, prosperity and Love. This land is to permit you to unleash the marvelous passions that are the basis for your collective visions. Be ready for what is very near to unfolding. As stated previously, Heaven allowed the dark to think that it was able to quickly forge its onerous catastrophe. This is, of course, not the case. Blessed circumstances have led to their downfall, and a wondrous realm is manifesting all around you. 

Collectively, we need to hold this wondrous vision of a new, prosperous and sovereign realm. We know just how frustrating this complicated operation has been. Nonetheless, it is something that all of you have contributed to so magnificently. We commend you on what you have helped us to create. This is truly a joint event that you and those in Heaven have forged. We bless you for this long overdue success. You have truly made all of Heaven and Earth blush for the marvelous way that you have conducted yourselves. A giant Hallelujah for your magnificent efforts! 

What is ready to occur are the final set of righteous blows that are to honor the great and courageous efforts of those in the Light that made this all divinely possible. We wish to thank those who finished all those things that are shortly to make possible the NESARA Republic and all that means to humanity and to this glorious Orb, Gaia and her heavenly Spiritual Hierarchy. Let us conclude with acknowledgement and much thanks to all for your good works! 

Today, we continued with an abridged version. We intend to continue until all is put right and you freely bask in the Love and Light that you divinely deserve. Many well-earned events are near. Be ready to accept all that is beginning to manifest! Know dear Ones that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! Be in Joy!) 

Website: Planetary Activation Organization

Digital Art: Swami Sevaratna

Τετάρτη 19 Απριλίου 2017

In the realms of “no time” Ascension is seen as already having been accomplished, and it is the year 2024 on your time line

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for 14 April 2017 

The expected changes are taking place that are raising the vibrations, and it has been noted that your Sun appears much brighter with more of a white light. Certainly the vibrations are rapidly increasing and when they reach a certain point, Ascension will take place instantaneously. As mentioned previously, souls that are not ready to ascend will at that time move to another Earth-like planet to continue their evolution. In the past, you have been told of the type of changes that the higher vibrations will bring you that are of course gratefully received as they lift you more into the Light and Love. Therefore, the lower vibrations are beginning to be transmuted and evidence of it has frequently appeared in the animal kingdom, when the most unusual and unlikely peaceful pairings have occurred. It fulfills the prediction that “the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb”. 

The higher vibrations will also lift up souls of the Human Race providing they have increased their vibrations. Evidence in the Human Race is beginning to show that your civilization objects to a continuation of wars and aggression. They are tired of everything undesirable connected with it, and not least of all the waste of human life. Of course, it is understood that in a warlike world you need to protect yourselves, but where are the leaders that are ready to promote peaceful co-existence? However, do not despair, because if as many of you as possible send out positive vibrations for love and peace, it would bring about considerable changes. The difference in vibrations between those of the Light and those of the darkness is growing, yet your earthly conditions would seem to indicate a breakdown of Law and Order and a slow fall into chaos and anarchy. 

However, the Light is growing stronger and stronger and more people are working for a peaceful co-existence. Be assured that much help is given to those who work for the Light, and as an overall view is taken, it is apparent that it is now becoming successful in setting you on the path to Ascension. The Blue Avians are also in your Solar System in great numbers and their extremely large orbs are cloaked and invisible to the naked eye. They quietly oversee progress whilst preventing any form of outside interference to ensure that you have every opportunity to ascend. It is an odd situation as you would view it, as a war takes place in outer space between those of the Light and the dark Ones who are preventing outside visitors to your planet. Visitors who come in peace and offer their loving help to you. As you are responsible for organizing yourselves to achieve success, help can be given where it would speed up progress. 

In the realms of “no time” Ascension is seen as already having been accomplished, and it is the year 2024 on your time line. Furthermore, the anticipated changes will certainly begin in earnest from 2018 onwards, and this date has been given by three different sources including the Pleiadians. In fact, you are in the Photon Belt now moving into the Pleiades through the Central Sun, Alcyone. So, you may draw your own conclusions from it as to what is likely to happen. Many changes are lined up that are very beneficial to you all, and the Replicator will be the most life changing one of all. It will sound too unreal to be true but it will enable you to virtually replicate anything that you require. Along with other changes you will be propelled into the future so fast you will hardly have time to get used to it. However the dark Ones must obviously be “imprisoned” where they can no longer interfere or delay the manifestation of your future. So there is much to look forward to that has already been planned and is being monitored by the Higher Beings. 

We know that as soon as people learn of what the future holds, many of them will become concerned about family members and their place in it. Bear in mind that nothing happens by chance and each and every soul must be allowed to follow their own Life Plan. So, each one will find themselves exactly where they need to be for their continuing evolution. Children are like all others and are old souls often incarnating into families that need their help, or can equally learn something from them. See each family as all souls that have all come together for the experience that will aid their evolution. Sometimes the ties are karmic and there is the outworking of old problems that have arisen between them. Whatever the facts know that you are exactly where you need to be, and try to make the most of it. For someone of the Light it can be very trying but you have an opportunity to lift up others who can benefit from your love and experience. 

Some souls wonder why God does not intervene, but bear in mind that the most valuable thing you have been given is freewill, and having made your choices you will experience the result of them. Therefore, you learn through them and it would be wrong for anyone else to interfere. Equally many cannot understand why God allows wars, but again if that is Humanity’s choice and way of learning, so why should anyone choose to alter the outcome. You are responsible for your actions; and good deeds raise your vibrations whereas negative actions slow them down. The slower they get, the more difficult it gets to lift yourselves up again, although it must be said that once you recognize that you are responsible for your actions, if requested, help can be given to get you onto a path leading back to the Light. The ultimate state is to be able to live as one in complete harmony with all else in Universal Love. 

Your Universe is teeming with life of all different forms, but generally recognizable as humanlike, even if quite different to Human Beings. For example, the Blue Avians are the Bird people, yet have features similar to yours. Indeed, some Beings are so much like you they can mingle amongst you without looking out of place. Souls from the higher dimensions visiting Earth are Beings of Light and when lowering their vibrations to appear on Earth can create a body of their choosing for themselves through the power of their thoughts. However, great souls such as Jesus incarnated upon Earth to give his teachings to Mankind, and came into it through a virgin birth. Yes, it is possible and it is how great Beings arrange to take a physical body. 

These are the times when the truth of your time on Earth is coming out, as for too long you have been held back and misinformed by those who have a different agenda for Humanity. However, they will not be successful and on the contrary will fail in their plans to take over you and the Earth. God has ordained the path to the future and none shall be allowed to interfere with it. 

Take heart from the encouraging news that is being given out from a number of sources, in spite of attempts to prevent it. 

This message comes through my Higher Self and carries the energies of Light and Love. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Δευτέρα 17 Απριλίου 2017

The raising of your vibrational frequencies is one of the cornerstones of your Ascension process

Message from Adama of Telos via Asara for 15 April 2017 

Greetings, Beloved Ones. 

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos. 

With every step you are taking towards your spiritual evolution, you are not only changing your own reality for the better, but you are greatly contributing to the Ascension of mother Earth and the Multiverse. 

Your heart's desire to create a better experience for yourself and others is the fuel to move your Ascension process forward. 

Your heart knows exactly, what is assisting you the most, to raise your vibrational frequencies higher and higher. 

The raising of your vibrational frequencies is one of the cornerstones of your Ascension process. 

The question is: How do you raise your vibrational frequencies? 

There are many ways to accomplish that. 

Here are 12 of the many ways to raise your vibrational frequencies: 

  1. By using crystals 
  2. By feeling Love 
  3. By expressing Love 
  4. By Be-ing Love 
  5. By using sound, such as singing bowls, bells, tuning forks and so forth 
  6. By meditating 
  7. By visualizing your body being filled with Light 
  8. By visualizing your world being filled with Light 
  9. By Be-ing Light 
  10. By using and focusing on light colors 
  11. By eliminating lower vibrational (negative) information from your reality 
  12. By engaging with higher vibrational (positive) information in your reality 

We invite you to choose 3 of these ways and practice them for 7 days, as much as you can. 

Then, watch your reality change for the better. 

You are making a profound contribution to your Ascension, the Ascension of the planet and the Ascension of the Multiverse. 

We champion your victory in the Light! 

Welcome Home! 

We send you all so much love... 

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth. 

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos - and always will be. 

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure - always. 

I am your brother Adama of Telos. 

Thank You, Adama! :-)

Κυριακή 16 Απριλίου 2017

We want you to C E L E B R A T E ! Yes, CELEBRATE!

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 12 March 2017 

Humanity’s awakening process is accelerating very rapidly, so “hang onto your hats!” On the mainstream news you see and hear increasing numbers of stories of large scale deceit and corruption being uncovered and investigated. Corruption is and has been endemic on Earth for eons, but until very recently all the instances that were made public were of a relatively minor nature. That has changed, drastically. Love is honest and open, and the Tsunami of Love is flooding the world over and over again, and more and more of you are accepting its loving embrace and choosing to engage with the world around you lovingly instead of fearfully, and that is a massive change in attitude and intent. 

Those of you who read and channel this kind of spiritual material are increasing in numbers daily, and the effect of your loving individual energy fields is shared and felt planet-wide. What you are all doing, sometimes without knowing it, is bringing into effect the essential changes that are leading to humanity’s inevitable and unstoppable mass awakening. You collectively made the choice to awaken, you then set the intent, and that extremely powerful intent is now being acted upon. You have every reason to be very pleased with your progress, and to celebrate this knowingness daily further strengthens and empowers it. 

We want you to C E L E B R A T E ! Yes, CELEBRATE, because humanity, all of you on Planet Earth have been engaged in playing illusory games for eons, but have finally chosen to awaken from the nightmare of pain and suffering that has so engrossed you. And that, you must agree, is truly a cause for celebration. 

When you celebrate, you raise your energy field, the field of Unconditional Love that is your unbreakable connection to Source, and which flows through you in every moment, connecting you all together in an inseparable bond of Love, to extremely powerful and all-inspiring levels of spiritual awareness. This brings you back to an awareness of those in the spiritual and non-physical realms with whom you are always in a very close associative state, but whom you have closed off from your awareness, while sunk within the distracting and very disempowering lower frequency energies of the illusion. 

To begin to know yourselves once more as you truly are is most definitely a reason to celebrate. Do not be distracted by the ongoing dramas and confusions of the illusion, focus on your true nature – LOVE – and on your eternal connection to Source, to us in the spiritual realms constantly uplifting and supporting you, and to one another in physical form who are but Love incarnate awakening together into the eternal joy from which you have never been separated. 

Separation, as we keep on telling you, is utterly impossible. Nevertheless, when you are experiencing life in the severely limited way that your human forms appear to dictate, separation seems very real indeed. You are all masters, because that is how you were created, and what God creates is eternally unchanging. You always have all the power that He gave you at the moment of your creation, but while you focus almost exclusively on the distractions from your spiritual beingness with which the illusion constantly presents you, you cannot get a full sense of this. And, as physical beings who have a human form, you are limited, you cannot access the infinite power available to a child of God, but you most certainly can access enough to demonstrate quite conclusively to you that you are far, far vaster beings than your physical forms suggest. 

To dwell in fear, and anxiously worry about disasters and catastrophes that might befall you, draws you down into the unreality of the illusion and drains your vital energy unnecessarily, leaving you feeling tired and depleted. When you choose instead to acknowledge and accept this truth you will find yourselves delighting in the knowing of it daily as your lives start to flow far more smoothly, because you are engaging with it by choosing to live lovingly instead of fearfully. Life is an energy field, It is the Love that can and will fill your hearts if you open them and allow It to do so. You can restrict Its flow by holding onto fear through anger, resentment, bitterness, jealousy, and other similar negative thought forms that damage you far more than those onto whom you direct those negative energies. 

Love expands, welcomes, accepts, heals, and forgives, empowering those who engage with It. It is the Oneness or the All That Is, God, Source, and You. You can ignore It, hide from It, deny It, but you cannot be separated from It, because you are One with It, eternally and inseparably. And that again is reason enough to celebrate. 

You were created in Love, for eternal joy, and that divine intent can never be changed or altered in any way, so It will prevail. You will awaken into the knowing of who you truly are, because it is God’s Will, and your will is inseparable from His. You can pretend that your wills are separate, that is what the illusion is all about, but pretense is as unreal as the illusion in which you play your games of separation, and the illusion is in the process of disintegrating. 

The time for games of separation has passed, and the deep sleep of dreamers that you chose to experience is deeply disturbed. Love is nudging you back to the state of wakefulness in which you know yourselves as inseparable aspects of God, living in joy and expressing yourselves in endless joint creative ventures where you align in harmonious and uplifting cooperation, bringing intense joy to all of creation. Endless and limitless opportunities to delight you in every moment await your awakening. 

With so very much love, Saul.