Τρίτη 31 Μαΐου 2016

It is time to wake up and discard all the old ideas and beliefs that have led you consistently into conflict

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 8 May 2016 

It is humanity’s collective intent to awaken and, as All Are One with Source Whose intent it also is, awakening is inevitable. You are on the path to awakening, you always have been, and you will continue on it, until awakening occurs. There is nothing to fear, you cannot miss your moment of awakening, because you have made that irreversible decision to return Home. To awaken is to find yourself once again at One with God, eternally in the divine Presence from Which you have never been separated; eternally held in God’s loving Embrace that is ALL. The ALL is ALL-embracing, there is no beyond It, outside It, without It, no exclusion from It. It is God and You engaged in an eternal and ecstatic embrace, eternally inseparable, and eternally desirous of continuing in this state, and so You will. 

All the spiritual channels keep reconfirming for you the imminence of humanity’s awakening, and yet many of you keep allowing yourselves to be drawn back into doubt by the negativity of the illusion, as you are continually reminded by the media of the wars, suffering, unconscionable poverty, and unconscionable corruption that is occurring worldwide. Yes, there is an enormous amount of suffering across the world, but unless you feel intuitively called to physically assist in alleviating it by working with charities, or by going to areas that you have access to where you can personally help, or in some other appropriately active fashion, then do not dwell on the suffering. Instead, intend to send love, compassion, and healing to any areas that particularly concern you, or even to the whole world, and truly know that your powerfully held intentions are extremely effective. Then rejoice in the knowing that all manner of things will be well. 

The awakening process is moving forward unstoppably, because humanity has made the collective decision to awaken, and is firmly holding the intent to do so. As humans, it is almost impossible for you to understand how powerful your loving intentions are. I assure you that they are infinitely so. However, bad or unsettling news can distract you, causing you to focus your attention elsewhere, thus reducing the effectiveness of what should be and needs to be your main intention in life, namely to send love to wherever it is needed in every moment. When you wake in the morning, when you meditate, relax, contemplate, or pray, during the day, and again before you go to sleep at night renew that main intention, and know, truly know, that it is infinitely effective, because it is in complete alignment with God’s Will. 

On Earth, as humans, you appear to be living in an environment that is demonstratively unloving, an environment in which individual and corporate greed is relentlessly rewarded, while those who are loving and live lovingly, with love in their hearts empowering them in every moment, are ridden over roughshod, ignored, sidelined. However, the love that so many express is infinitely powerful, and it is changing the world. Do not be misled by the stories reported in the corporate media, those are stories whose intent is to mislead you and to arouse your fears so that you will continue to give away your power – which truly is enormous – to the authorities who claim to be acting in their citizen’s best interests. 

You are divine beings on Earth at this time to share and extend love to everyone without exception. More and more of you are realizing this daily and are releasing your fears as you engage lovingly with all with whom you interact in even the briefest of encounters or interchanges, and that is what is bringing humanity to awakening. Do not allow your doubts or fears to influence your behavior negatively, instead remind yourselves that you are the infinitely powerful children of God, on Earth in this moment to heal and awaken your sleeping brothers and sisters. Truly that is what you are doing. 

Without your input, without your loving intent, humanity cannot awaken. That is why you are presently embodied. You all made the magnificent choice to be catalysts in humanity’s accelerating awakening process, and although you mostly are unable to see what an enormous effect you are having, I can assure you that your intentions are dramatically effective. 

The reason that the various uplifting spiritual channels keep on reiterating the need for you to renew your intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation is because, due to the impermanent nature of the illusory world in which you are experiencing all of this, you keep getting distracted or diverted from your holy task by the daily demands of earthly living. Our task is to keep bringing your attention back to the knowledge of who you truly are, so that Love, your true nature, flows through you continuously and abundantly just as you intended when you chose to incarnate. Together we are doing this. 

No one acts alone. No one can act alone. Everyone on Earth is acting in harmony with many others as divine activists to bring this stage in the Divine Plan for humanity to its successful conclusion – the awakening of humanity. Although it appears to be something that is to happen in the future, it is in fact a done deal that has already occurred; it is just that the veil hiding Reality from you is also hiding from you the fact of your awakening. What you are all doing is dissolving or dematerializing the veil. As it disintegrates, Reality, Love, God will be revealed in all the splendid glory that is All that exists, and of which each and everyone of you is an inseparable aspect, a brilliantly shining facet. 

Keep on loving! That is why you chose to incarnate, and you are all masters of loving. When doubts as to your abilities, competence, or effectiveness arise . . . Love those doubts! As you know perfectly well, Love is the answer to every issue with which you are presented or with which you have to deal. And your own personal doubts and anxieties are issues that need only to be loved. 

There are very few among you who have not comforted small children when they have hurt themselves, and have then witnessed the amazing effect that comforting can have. Your doubts and worries are like small children within you that need your loving care and attention; they do not need self-condemnation or disparagement which only aggravates them. If there are aspects of yourselves that you feel are unworthy or unacceptable, just acknowledge them without trying to change or eradicate them. By just acknowledging them and nothing more, you prevent internal conflict from arising, and it is your internal conflicts that cling to that which you would like to release. 

All the wise mystics and sages have told you again and again that the way forward on the spiritual path is through surrender. Conflict always leads to further conflict, while Love dissolves conflict. You are Love, there is nothing else. What appears to be in opposition to It is illusory. If you bat a ball against a wall it keeps returning, if the wall is removed the ball fails to return. Conflict is like a ball hit against wall, and surrendering to Love removes the wall. 

Humanity has, over the eons, built numerous psychological barriers between its families, tribes, nations, cultures, and religions, and they have all led inexorably toward conflict. Now, finally, many loving and wise ones among you are helping to remove those unreal barriers and showing you that they are unnecessary. As the barriers fall, people begin to examine and study the differences between themselves and others and discover that there is much to be honored and admired. Truly, all are one, and the differences that have seemingly separated you, one from another, are but wonderful creative opportunities you can use for healing, reconciliation, and harmonious interactions that will bring joy to all. 

As you intensify your determination to express and demonstrate love in action in every moment, you are waking humanity from its eons long nightmare of fear, pain, and suffering. It is time to wake up and discard all the old ideas and beliefs that have led you consistently into conflict. Your true nature is Love, and when you embrace It and engage with It you heal yourselves and you heal the world. Focus on the acceptance of your true nature, let go of any doubts you may have about your worthiness, and know that there is nothing for which God ever condemns any of His beloved children. In that knowing, which you can access by going to your holy inner sanctuaries and opening your hearts to receive what is offered to you constantly in every moment, rejoice. God’s Love for you is infinite, eternal, and unchanging, and that is the perfect reason to rejoice! 

With so very much love, Saul.

Δευτέρα 30 Μαΐου 2016

Acceptance is an essential aspect of humanity’s awakening process

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 13 May 2016 

All are One. You know that, all our readers and listeners know that, and yet doubt arises! As humans, embodied, it certainly appears that each individual human is completely separated from all others, because bodies cannot merge into each other. But you are not your bodies. You have chosen to experience the intense sense of limitation and aloneness that bodies provide in order to learn that separation is unreal, impossible. You search for love outside yourselves, because you feel so alone and separated. Your natural state is at One with God, Source, Love, and when you cannot experience that you become fearful and seek love from anyone who will accept you. Many relationships collapse because each party to it is looking to the other for what can only be found within themselves. When you find Love within yourselves, and there is no one who is without Love within themselves, then you can share and extend It, whereupon It returns to you because, all being One, It has never left you. 

When you know yourselves as Love you can then enter into a truly loving relationship with another, but until you know yourselves in that way, you are only offering an empty vessel to any other with whom you attempt to establish a relationship. And that other most likely has only an empty vessel to offer to you in return. Love is all-encompassing! But you can refuse to be aware of this truth and in that refusal find yourselves as empty vessels desperately needing to be filled by the love that you hope someone else will offer you, thus dissolving your sense of separation. But the sense of separation is there from the beginning, because you are each withholding, out of fear, what you so desperately want to receive from that other. Initially, you refuse to believe or acknowledge this, but as time passes, the lack of love willingly shared in every moment causes the relationship to founder and crumble, with each blaming the other for the failure, as your worst fears are proved valid. 

As I and many others have told you again and again, there is only Love! You think you know better, because your trust has at some stage – maybe many stages – been betrayed and you are determined never again to suffer the pain it brought you. But trust can only appear to be betrayed. Love is eternally present, honest, open, extending, sharing, compassionate, forgiving, and healing. It never betrays, because to do so would be completely contrary to Its nature. In fear, you offer only your bodies to one another – keeping yourselves hidden behind the “masks of acceptability” you have constructed to put on display – but bodies are unreal and cannot be relied upon, ever! You, you with a capital or upper case Y, are Love, and You are not your bodies, You are infinitely more than bodies. Bodies are limiting vehicles or vessels that you have chosen to inhabit, temporarily, in order to experience the unreal state of separation from God, from Source, where you have your endless and eternal existence constantly and without interruption, because what God creates is by its very nature eternal. 

Bodies are of the illusion, and within the illusion are an essential aspect of the game you are playing there. But, nevertheless, they are unreal, and to use their judgment to guide you always leads to disappointment and suffering. They can and do suffer pain and enjoy pleasure, but both pain and pleasure occur as a result of choices you make as you direct them along your human life paths. They do not cause anything, they just respond to your will, and you are frequently unaware of what you will for them. To you, it seems that things just happen to you, but every situation you encounter was set up in advance for the lesson you wished to learn. The fact that you do not recognize this does not change it, but it does make it difficult for you to learn your lessons, because in order to learn, you need to recognize that a lesson is being offered. 

So, we return to the subject we keep on addressing, namely, going within. There are no answers outside you! The games in which you are involved as humans appear to be situations occurring outside you in which you become involved, sometimes by choice and sometimes by chance. But it is your beliefs and attitudes that bring to you the situations in which you find yourselves involved. If you cling to judgment, the need to be right and see others as wrong, you will attract to yourselves situations that appear to demand your righteous judgment. But you do not have to judge! To judge or to not judge is a choice you make in every moment. Your true nature is Love, and Love never judges. When you operate from your true nature you will see nothing to judge, and without judgment there can be no conflict. 

Going within daily is essential, because when you go within to your holy inner sanctuary and open your hearts Love fills them. And then the felt need to judge falls away. There are none among you who have not at times responded lovingly instead of judgmentally in a difficult situation, maybe unthinkingly, and the result has been resolution instead of conflict. Sometimes that has surprised you, but the less you judge the fewer times you will find yourselves engaged in conflict. 

However, your egos want conflict, they live for conflict, because separation is conflict! You may claim that you seek peace, and perhaps you do, but only on your terms! Which means that you have chosen to let your ego direct your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors, whereupon other egos happily respond and conflict ensues. You each – each ego – eventually retire hurt and offended, blaming each other for the suffering that you are undergoing, as it seems that the other was the undeserving winner. 

Suffering is a direct result of egoic choices, and it seems that the illusion, the state of existence humans experience, demands conflict. And, in a way, it does, because to be human is to have chosen to experience separation. And many humans see human existence as real and the spiritual realms as unreal, mythical realms that the weak choose to believe in because they are not strong enough to cope with reality. 

Your egos have done a very good job of turning things upside down by making the unreal real, and by rejecting Reality. Within the worldly illusion, where humanity appears to dwell, anything that is not physical, that does not have form, is judged as non-existent, illusory, unreal. Then you attempt to resolve issues with egoic reason and logic, judging what disagrees with your belief systems, your cultural and religious persuasions as wrong and in need of correction, by force if necessary. Judgment can never lead to peace, because judgment is non-acceptance of another, whose views and opinions are not really so different from your own, because they, like you, have an egoic need to make others wrong and prove themselves right. But all are One! And this human way of dealing with issues is, without doubt, utterly insane. There is no right and wrong, there is just difference. 

To awaken, as humanity is doing, is to recognize that the differences between families, tribes, nations, cultures, and political or religious beliefs are not reasons to make others wrong, but, instead, are opportunities to honor the differences between the various members of God’s Holy Family. God’s beloved children were created perfect, because God is infinite perfection, and therefore they remain perfect because what God creates is eternally unchanging. 

Acceptance is an essential aspect of humanity’s awakening process, but it has to be unconditional, and because so many of you struggle with your own self-acceptance it is very difficult for you to even think of accepting others unconditionally. You are forever noting to yourselves the aspects of others that you find most unacceptable, and those aspects are the ones that you deny most ferociously in yourselves. You are all mirrors to one another, and what you see and is reflected back most strongly by another is what you most admire or what you most despise in yourselves. When you fall in love, the other is reflecting back to you your most admirable traits, and when you strongly dislike someone they are frequently reflecting back what you judge to be your most unacceptable traits which you have buried far beneath your level of conscious awareness. 

Many are now finding that all this buried “stuff” is arising seemingly unbidden into their conscious awareness – what psychology refers to as the shadow side of a person. For those who have constructed for themselves a very strong and effective mask to present to themselves, and to the world, it can be very shocking to have such unacceptable thoughts and desires arising, thoughts and desires that they judge as totally unacceptable. 

Relax, you are not alone, everyone has a shadow side. Just acknowledge those horrific ideas and desires and allow them to flow through you without engaging with them. Part of your fear about them is because you think that if they are there, you might act on them. Acting on them only occurs when they are totally repressed by someone who has been terribly abused. They are generally just emotional defensive responses provided by your egos as a result of perceived unfair treatment or attacks. They are truly quite a normal aspect of being human, but, as children, you found that to express such ideas was totally forbidden and resulted in you being shamed or silenced. Consequently, needing a safe environment in order to survive, you buried them. 

As you move through the awakening process all this hidden “stuff” has to be acknowledged and released. As you do this, it becomes apparent that this “stuff” is not you. You are each a holy and unchanging child of God, One with Him eternally since the moment of your creation, and this “stuff” is just unreal dream-stuff passing through and dissolving, unless you choose to hold on to it. Just let it go and also any thoughts, worries, or anxieties that are attached to it. This clears your mind, making space for your true nature, Love, to blossom, as it most surely will. 

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Σάββατο 28 Μαΐου 2016

You have been led to believe that you are without power to change the situation

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self, 27 May 2016 

Matters are progressing well despite the outer appearance, and progress towards a peaceful solution that will bring peace to the world. The task to bring it about would seem impossible in view of the number of trouble spots that exist, but greater powers than those on Earth will take a hand in creating worldwide peace. There comes a point when “enough is enough” and when karmic issues can be set aside to ensure that peace is brought about, and the dark Ones are stopped in their tracks. Already strong steps are being taken to set the scene for peace to be achieved by tackling the root cause behind trouble spots. Many are fueled by those who benefit from the resultant turmoil, particularly in the case of wars that line the pockets of the Arms manufacturers. Be assured that it will soon change, as those who monitor such situations have the power and authority to intervene. 

The migration of many people is simply the result of inequality in the world. They are your brothers and sisters that have suffered through it from the lack of the simple things that ensure an acceptable quality of life. In your modern age it seems unthinkable that some people are still without adequate water supplies, and many starve in a world of plenty. It is true that some caring organizations do their best to help those in need, but they cannot cope with the size of the problem. However, there is a general change in the way people think about others, and moves to deal with the most urgent problems. 

As many immigrants settle in your country, you are finding out that they are Human Beings just like yourselves, with the same desires for a peaceful co-existence. They may dress differently and have their own religious beliefs, but inwardly they are just like you. Virtually every soul seeks peace, so that mankind can come together and enjoy the fruits of the Earth. There is sufficient for all to live a happy and comfortable life, and that would put an end to the troubles that seem to be never ending. Having had many lives in this cycle, you have gained so much experience that it can now be put to use to help bring people together in harmony. Some groups are already working to give aid to those who need it, but the problem is of a worldwide nature and much more is needed if the problems are to be eradicated. 

People ask what they can do to contribute when their options are limited, and if you cannot make monetary offers, remember that prayer is a powerful tool that can bring about greater results than you could imagine. The power of prayer is legendary and the more that offer theirs they can bring about a remarkable response. The resulting energy calls for action and at some stage it will happen, although not necessarily exactly as called for. Higher Beings of Light know what is best in response to a situation. When you start caring about others you attract the energies that can help you along, including other beings who share similar ambitions. The Law of Attraction is responsible for many conditions that you create around you, but you would be well advised not to give energy to those things you do not like, as if you do so, they will still be attracted to you. 

For eons of time you have been held back and fed a diet of lies to keep you in check, and led to believe that you are without power to change the situation. Consequently, you have not been allowed to know the truth of your birth rights as a “Child of God” with all of the potential that comes with it. You are powerful beyond your present understanding, but as the power of the Light increases, you will begin to awaken to your true potential. As you do so, the dark Ones will lose their power over you and you will begin to realize that you are truly Gods in the making. In the very near future more evolved beings will come to Earth and give of their knowledge, so that you will be able to understand your true potential and know the purpose of life. Once the negative energies are removed, you will evolve much faster, and without being impeded by false teachings. 

The present situation on Earth reveals that the weather changes are having an effect, as the seasons are no longer normal. You experience extremes in temperatures and the general impression is that they are here to stay; however, they will settle down and become more acceptable in the course of time. You will notice that the animal kingdom is more susceptible to them and will change their habitat before it becomes unsuitable for their existence. It also applies to the seas that are becoming warmer and also affected by the melting of the ice caps. Eventually, some land masses will be affected, and you will have plenty of warning, as it may concern areas where Communities exist. 

As time progresses, your friends from Space will provide you with suitable technologies, to deal with any changes that may seriously affect you. They closely monitor how matters are proceeding, and where needed help Mother Earth with adjustments that are required. You may be sure that Humanity is closely protected to ensure minimum damage and loss of life. Some occurrences are karmic in nature, in which event we cannot interfere. Otherwise, we will help to protect all life forms and if necessary move you to a safe area. Some upheaval is unavoidable, but any inconvenience to you will be more than offset by your eventual gains. 

There can be few people who have not felt that time has speeded up and it will continue to do so, as it propels you into the higher dimensions. Already the changes are being noted and it includes a higher level of consciousness. Not all souls will go through this experience, as some are not ready and are unable to move out of their present level. As time passes, all will find their correct level and that will result in Ascension that many are preparing themselves for now. Do not concern yourselves regarding which level you have reached, as all will find themselves exactly where they are meant to be. 

Your chosen leaders for this period are David Wilcock and Corey Goode, and you are advised to note their messages of Love and Light, if you wish to be up to date with them. Use them to measure others as to their acceptability and know that you are going through a critical time. Be aware that those of the dark Forces are desperately trying to frighten you into believing you are going to be attacked by Aliens, when in fact they are “make believe” and fake simply to fool you. 

This message comes through my Higher Self, and I leave you with love and blessings. May the Light brighten your days and path to completion. 

In Love and Light. 

Mike Quinsey. 

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Τετάρτη 25 Μαΐου 2016

Our fleet has been ordered by Heaven to put a quick end to their shenanigans

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy for 24 May 2016 

2 Muluc, 2 Pax, 12 Manik 

Selamat Jarin! Your world is quickly preparing for a surprise that is to truly shock all! The Light has been forced to wait for the proper time in which to strike. At present, the dark and its main minions associated with the regime known as USA, Inc. have been given a certain degree of leeway. This has allowed them to engage in some skullduggery on a global scale. The Light is prepared to conclude this odd part of your history. The dark believes that the Light is incapable of launching the type of massive counterattack required to put a quick end to their shenanigans. 

Meanwhile, our fleet has been ordered by Heaven to do exactly that. In our case, it is to be surreptitious, which is covered by the joint actions of a number of friendly military forces. These joint actions have previously been able to limit the reach of the dark’s sponsored terrorist forces. The aim is to eventually cut off and finally debilitate those dark elements that seek to maintain instability in some areas on your globe. Meanwhile, the Light is readying its attacks that are to finally take down USA, Inc. and its numerous allies. 

The funds that have been carefully secured and properly registered are now ready to be delivered to you at the right moment. These projects have taken much longer than were previously anticipated. The dark’s degree of infiltration of the banks and their many associated elements were in fact much greater than at first surmised by our earthly allies. Nevertheless, these previous roadblocks are handled and this makes it possible to do many things. 

It is essential that NESARA governance be instituted and able to become the strong sentinel for a number of important projects. The first is to completely reform the misused and highly corrupted US government. This quiet revolution ends the evil influence of this dark governance to maintain war and conflict in key parts of your globe, namely the Middle East and Latin America! We are then also to be able to introduce global stability and prosperity. Along with this, there is the end to the global UFO cover-up. This can permit us to be able to talk directly to you about First Contact and our mentoring program. 

The dark has long believed that we did not fully appreciate how vast and deep was the inculcation of humanity by the dark Anunnaki before their demise in the mid-1990s. We were instructed by our new allies on just these points before the Treaty of Anchara took place in the mid-1990s. We knew firsthand how deeply into your psyche their propaganda had gone. The first thing was to work with both Heaven and our new associates to begin to counteract what for millennia had been put into each newborn’s head and mind. 

The new Starseeds being born were slowly contradicting these dark “norms.” In addition, many were beginning to instruct humanity about what this evil propaganda implied and why it was wrong. This led to a series of brave law-suits and other means to alter this accumulated nonsense and exchange it for a truer and more viable reality. It is these wondrous projects that now enable you to replace USA, Inc and create a new financial system that can work side by side with your new prosperity. 

Our desire is thus to bring to a conclusion a set of false beliefs that have made it possible for the dark and its minions to control you for nearly 13 millennia. The key to this is the vast growth in your consciousness. This one element has made you more able to support the Light and its numerous actions to end the power of the dark and its minions on this surface realm. This point has become the primary action. Permitting the NESARA governance to come to power is truly essential to our success. On this matter, we have sent out our liaisons to confer daily with our allies and put together a jointly sponsored action that is now on the very verge of success. A number of actions are taking place that promise us the much-desired point of final success. The dark has been a most elusive enemy. It has created delays that we initially believed impossible. This latent resilience has been factored into our strategy. We intend to announce shortly that we have succeeded. With that under control, we can secure this realm for the much-needed lessons of your Ascended Masters! 

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! The world, as you now know it, is changing. This positive alteration is due to the great set of visions that you have held collectively with us. We are quite proud of the degree of focus that many of you have retained over the past few months. These energies demonstrate what Heaven had in mind when this whole process began in the early 1990s. You have discovered your powers and use them to aid our mutual cause. In the past month, many more have started to show this same resolve. These operations demonstrate just how powerful you are becoming, as you use your abilities and work to bring these wondrous meditations to the fore. They are greatly helping each of us Masters to increase the change that is coming to this reality. The dark, too, has noticed you and is more and more realizing that its many desires are now beyond redemption. The end of these millennia is now in sight! Hosanna! Hosanna! 

Each of you is a joy to our collective hearts. We realize how far you have come in these past two decades! You are on a road to success that is to bring you to a return to Full Consciousness. This process has taken a lot less time than initially envisioned by our associates. Hence, it is wise to inform you of these changes and to ask you to continue to go within, focus and use your visualizations to accelerate your progress. You are, dear Hearts, a wondrous group that is only beginning to show your vast potential. The next major rounds of changes by Heaven are to further accelerate your mental and emotional abilities. As you know, your heart is a vast electrical center that in many cases rivals your brain. This process is to continue, as you take on changes to your brain’s chakras and to your heart. These are to celebrate your new-found potential and better prepare you to meet your galactic mentors. 

These changes are to be combined with new knowledge that we are destined to impart. Long ago, a series of heinous experiments in Atlantis left your ancestors suddenly adrift in amnesia. Everything that you thought you knew suddenly seemed beyond your grasp. Our task is shortly to remind you of what your ancestors lost and to show you how to regain it. Then there is the process of Reunion with your cousins, the Agarthans. You are close to meeting them and are to go to Agartha with your mentors and your heavenly guardians and use your Crystal Light Chambers to finish your return to Full Consciousness. We look forward in glee to your joining us in a final conference to set up a New Star Nation and go forth with sacred missions given to us all by Heaven’s divine grace! 

Today, we continued our report on what is occurring around this globe. Much progress is being made to set up your prosperity and create NESARA governance. We fully expect this coming time to be one that can finally mirror what we have told you previously. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

The gate is now open to move into a New Horizon

Hilarion’s Weekly Message via Marlene Swetlishoff for 22-29 May 2016 

Beloved Ones, 

As you lay the hungry ghosts within you to be buried in their final resting place, a greater peace pervades your entire being. The many years of intensely feeling the polar opposites of duality in your solar plexus chakra now abate. You experience joy and the wondrous possibilities that are coming into your field of perception. You are beginning to feel a renewed passion to complete unfinished projects as you contemplate and envision new ones. Your new beginning has finally arrived! Seize the moment! 

Love in all its facets unfolds its wings and opens new doors for you. Many puzzle pieces now come together and begin to make sense. As you process these new revelations, healing within takes place and is deeply welcomed and experienced. Upon your brow, you wear the mark of the enlightened one, not seen by human eyes, easily seen by the wise ones who have guided your path and spiritual journey. They celebrate your victory and it is well deserved. Take time to savor these moments as they appear for you and drink deeply from the well of abundance that lies within you. 

Life is unfolding for you in all its glory. What wonders await you around every corner? The entire universe is at your command – rise up and greet your destiny! The world waits for the gifts that you bring to bless and heal others and your beloved planet. As you realize how deeply loved you are and have always been, a joy unbounded is felt like a warm blanket that surrounds and enfolds you. This is the new beginning you have long sought and was formerly so elusive; it is a fresh start of renewal and hope and it waits for you to claim it. 

It is the time for you to fly free! It is time to shine your radiant Light that others may discern their own! Shine in your brilliance and step into your own potential - the only thing hindering you has been your own former limited perceptions. The gate is now open to move beyond them into a new horizon. Follow your heart and the nudges from spirit, for these lead you to your highest good and greatest joy. Make feeling joy your daily focus, do whatever it takes to bring that feeling from within you, for joy is the rainbow bridge between heaven and Earth and you are the conduit. 

Blessed are the peace lovers, for it is they who will inherit the new world that has dawned. Yes, there is much in your world that still needs improvement, yet here you are, making the changes and attaining it. The changes that need to be wrought take place within you and spread outwardly. That which you have done and accomplished shines as a beacon of hope and possibility for those who come after. You are loved beyond measure by those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear your message. Be peace now in all ways. 

Until next week… 

I AM Hilarion 

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana 


Δευτέρα 23 Μαΐου 2016

The Light is continuously strengthening good, weakening bad

Message from Matthew Ward via Susan Ward for 19 May 2016 

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us ease your minds about issues that are causing some anxious moments. First, with climate change a topic of global discussion, there is talk about the seas covering islands and inundating coastal areas up to mountain ranges and people by the millions being drowned. That will not happen. Earth is not going to endanger the lives of her beloved residents during her return to a moderate climate globally. As polar ice and glaciers continue melting, water levels will continue to rise slowly and in small measure overall, and residents of potentially affected areas, sea-level islands, parts of continental coastlines, banks of your largest rivers, and low-lying countries—will have plenty of time to take any necessary preventive action or relocate. 

Then there is the prophecy that a sudden Pole Shift is going to devastate the planet. It would be devastating, if the shift was to happen abruptly, but it won’t. Eighty-some years ago Earth’s axis was so out of balance that she was in danger of flying out into space and certain destruction. Powerful civilizations beamed massive light to stabilize Earth’s orbit and enable her to start on an Ascension course, and that was the onset of the pole’s ongoing gradual shifting. 

Other readers are concerned about Earth’s trajectory into a collision course with a planet that some think is Nibiru and others think is a recently-detected planet considerably larger than Earth. Some information being circulated about this speculative situation is solely to create fear, but lack of knowledge is the root of most. Your astrophysicists don’t know that for more than eight decades Earth has been journeying into successively higher energy planes, thus they are mystified and alarmed by seeing new celestial bodies. We reassure you, dear family, Earth will continue traveling safely and steadily all the way to her destination in 5th density! 

Emails about the United States’ Presidential Election have been coming in for well over a year, and now that two individuals have been designated as their parties’ presumptive nominees, my mother’s inbox is filling with questions about who will win. Based on the ever-accelerating vibrations that are undergirding people with moral and spiritual integrity and exposing those who lack that quality, we are seeing the likelihood that neither of the presumptive nominees will become president, Senator Bernie Sanders will. If the vibratory momentum continues, the likelihood of his winning will keep moving toward certainty in Earth’s energy field of potential and in November, the voters will elect a wise, honest president. 

Always, we are happy to receive your questions and comments, and especially at this stage of Earth’s transformative process, we welcome those that give us the opportunity to offer guidance to new soul-searchers. “Awakening can be a very lonely and often confusing endeavor. Can Matthew offer any advice to Lightworkers who seem to have come under psychic attack for the purpose of confusing them and making them less effective in their work?” 

Awakening is profoundly different from anything you can remember, and if none of your family or friends has mentioned anything similar, hesitation to speak about what you are experiencing is natural; and the realization that you are a part of God can seem overwhelming, as if it is a sacrilege to even think of yourself that way. The combination of feeling lonely and bewildered about your higher state of awareness and accepting your God-Self can be stressful indeed and thought of as a psychic attack. When vibratory levels were much lower, because darkness still enshrouded the planet, the bright auras of lightworkers did make them targets for dark attacks. Now the light on the planet is too intense for that, but via the Universal Law of Attraction, thoughts about being attacked reach energy streamers with like sensations and bring them back to you. 

Please replace those kinds of thoughts with the knowledge that never are you alone! Not only are your guardian angel and spirit guides constantly at your side, but many souls are having an awakening experience somewhat like yours and others are confidently moving along the path of self-discovery. Often spiritual and metaphysical bookshops host groups of like-minded individuals or post notices of social meet-ups, seminars and workshops. General bookstores carry books in that genre, too, and if you feel uncertain which to choose, ask within to be led to those that will be most enlightening. Search the Internet for sites with postings by kindred spirits and messages from Light Beings such as Patricia Cota-Robles, and always you can ask for divine help to feel self-confident and excited about awakening. Soon you will ease into a joyful relationship with your God-Self and avenues will open to areas where you can serve the Light effectively and with deep satisfaction. 

“Can you ask Mathew how we can find out our life purpose while here on Earth?” The best way to find out what you chose as your life purpose also is the simplest: Pay attention to messages from soul-level to your consciousness—intuition, instinct, inspiration, aspiration and conscience. When you follow those guidelines that are specifically aligned with choices in your soul contract, you will have a strong sense of moving smoothly along life’s pathway, as opposed to struggling with decisions and perhaps asking others what they think is the most logical direction for you. 

“Is it true that dark beings are being removed from Earth and taken to an alternate holographic Earth? If so, this would be great, since it decreases the darkness on this planet and speeds up the timetable towards full Disclosure. And what is meant by ‘we live in a holographic universe or matrix’? Is 3D a dream and higher dimensions are real, or is it all just a projection of our consciousness?” Dark beings leave Earth the same way light beings do, death of the physical body; and, like light beings, they enter the part of Nirvana, Earth’s spirit world, where the energy corresponds to the energy they generated throughout the Earth lifetime. 

There are good explanations of the holographic universe in books and Internet articles, insofar as your cosmologists have discovered. They have mathematically concluded that the universe began with the Big Bang, but they have yet to understand that science and spirit—or, energy and cosmic consciousness—are one and the same: the Love-Light essence of Creator, the most powerful force in the Cosmos and Source of everything in existence. 

Higher dimensions are real, and it isn’t entirely correct to say that 3D is just a projection of one’s consciousness. Whatever a person believes, however far from factual it may be is that person’s reality, and most likely you would get a serious argument from anyone whom you tried to convince that what he or she believes is “just a projection of your consciousness.” However, what seems real in your 3D world is a “dream,” or better said, an illusion, and we can explain this no more clearly than it was in a message several years ago. Mother, please find that message and copy the pertinent part. We think it will be especially helpful to awakening souls and perhaps to long-time lightworkers, too. 

“What does Matthew mean when he says, ‘We are living in an illusion?’ Does each person have his or her own reality, or do we all share one reality?” By definition, an illusion is deceptive, something perceived as real but without basis in reality. The illusion of 3rd density is that there is this one life on Earth, then you die and afterwards, according to many, there’s a nebulous place that’s either a blessed or a hellfire-and-brimstone “afterlife” where you stay forevermore. The reality is that this is but one of many hundreds or many thousands of experiences of a soul that is living in many different forms and locations simultaneously in the universe. 

The illusion is that you are your body, your personality, your characteristics, your feelings, your achievements, and incidentally, you have a soul that goes, God only knows where, when you die. The reality is that you are the soul, a part of God, inseparable from Him and all other souls in this universe; you are having the physical experience that you chose to balance other lifetimes; and you are an Eternal Being. 

The illusion is, according to one’s religious affiliation, that the Supreme Being of this Universe is correctly portrayed only by your religion and His Laws as interpreted by your religion are absolute. The reality is that the Supreme Being of this Universe is subordinate to Creator, the Supreme Being of the Cosmos; God is an amalgamation of all souls, all life forms, throughout this Universe and He knows every thought and feels every feeling of every life; He cannot interfere with Creator’s law of free will, when souls veer from their pre-birth agreements, so it is not His “will be done”; although we commonly say “He,” God, or the Source by your name selection, is the epitome of androgyny, perfectly balanced male and female energies; and He didn’t devise religions—a few of his misguided god-self parts did. 

The illusion is that evil is the opposite of godliness. The reality is that darkness is the absence of Light, the absence of Love and spiritual clarity. The illusion is that Earth is a small, solid planet whose residents are the only verifiable intelligent life in the Universe. The reality is that Earth is a soul with a planetary body that is home to beings within, on and above her, and her surface residents for the most part are far less advanced spiritually, intellectually and technologically than many other civilizations. Yes, each soul has his or her own illusion as it pertains to self, every facet of the lifetime, planet Earth, and the Source of All, but ultimately all will share the same universal reality. [May 23, 2005] 

Thank you, Mother. The rash of suicide bombings has evoked numerous questions, and first we say, becoming a suicide bomber never is part of a soul contract. Because each person’s contract is one part of a pre-birth agreement made with others who want to share the lifetime, it must include not only a person killing someone to balance the experience of being killed and a person who chose to be killed to balance another lifetime, but must offer all other participants opportunities to experience what they chose for soul evolvement. 

It is so that some agreements do include souls who want to transition as a group. In such a case, it is in service to all the others, who need to experience whatever emotional and financial hardships may follow the group’s transitional event. Depending upon the number of souls involved—the number can vary from comparatively few to many thousands—the event may be a mode of transportation that wrecks, troops in combat, family members living in a war zone, a natural disaster or rapid spread of a virulent disease. 

Some young people who become suicide bombers are indoctrinated from childhood onward to believe that they must defend their religion by killing people of other religions, and they act upon that powerful form of mind control. Their lifetime review in Nirvana is very difficult emotionally, as they feel the full extent of suffering that their final act caused to others. Because they acted in accordance with potent programming, they do not incur harsh karmic lessons, and their next lifetime will be dedicated to helping the neediest people in a 3rd density civilization that has started to awaken spiritually and consciously. 

Suicide bombers who are adults when they decide to become terrorists act upon a radically distorted sense of empowerment that is bereft of caring about the consequences for others. In addition to an extremely painful lifetime review, suffering exactly as did all persons whose lives were affected by their self-destruction, they will experience one or more difficult lifetimes in a low 3rd density civilization where the karmic merry-go-round is going full tilt. That self-consignment isn’t determined only by these individuals’ final act; it is that the energy of their desire to kill as many people as possible and of the act itself is so dark that it supersedes all other aspects of their lifetimes. 

A Belgian reader who lives near the Brussels airport wrote: “I must admit that it becomes ever more difficult to keep up positiveness and faith in humanity’s future. I don't know what to tell other people anymore when subjects like these [suicide bombings] are discussed. It also becomes more and more difficult to stay convinced that after this life another existence is waiting. I am wondering if other readers of your messages undergo the same doubts. If they too feel not connected to any out of the body world anymore.” 

Loss of faith in the future of humanity is an understandable reaction to violence, when people you know have been directly affected, and while you may not think of “detachment” from the world as a form of divine grace, it is—it is giving the heart and mind a respite from shock and despair and sadness. In such times, it is difficult to think of a life after this one and derive any comfort from what may seem only a nebulous idea, that there is a glorious spirit world of love and peace. But holding fast to that reality is what will uplift the spirit and restore faith in humankind’s determination and ability to make this world a far better place than it is this moment. Beloved brothers and sisters please do not doubt that this transformation within Earth’s civilization is happening! 

As for speaking with people about tragic events, let your genuine feelings flow. Crying is ever so much healthier than stoically suppressing feelings, so let tears come in abundance. Ask for divine help to heal; see the beauty in Nature; think of the miracle of birth, the innocence of little children and devotion of your pet; know that there is far, far more good than bad in your world and the Light is continuously strengthening good, weakening bad. Your expression, “Time heals all things” is only partly true—it is how you use time that brings healing, a return to well-being and positivity, or not. 

Now I am speaking just as Matthew to say that stress made its way into our last message. Attributing the devastation of Haiti to a hurricane instead of an earthquake was a rare instance of my mother’s thought—and a lapse in your memory, Mother—overriding my transmission. She is dismayed that the week of stress about her computer’s technical difficulties, which blocked her site and email address, permitted her momentary departure from clearly hearing my words. 

We bid you farewell for this moment only, as we are forever with you in Unconditional love. 


Suzanne Ward 

Website: The Matthew Books 

Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com

Κυριακή 22 Μαΐου 2016

The Future of Healing

by Archangel Raphael via Natalie Glasson 

Every person upon the Earth has the ability to receive and accept healing vibrations whether it is from another human being, from an inner plane being or the universe of the Creator. To receive healing is a divine right for all souls on the Earth or the inner planes. It is also important to realize it is every person’s divine right and natural ability to express healing energies from their beings to themselves or others. This means that every person can be healed and can be the healer. When you realize your divine right and natural ability, you empower yourself. The Universe of the Creator is always delivering healing frequencies to you and through you it is simply your choice as to whether you wish to receive it solely to support yourself or to share it with others in need. 

Many people also believe that in order to be a healer, there is a need to be guided or instructed in how to express healing energies. There are many organizations which will support you in this matter upon the Earth and the inner planes; they offer an in-depth understanding, while encouraging you to take responsibility for your healing ability. They may focus your awareness to certain healing energies within the Universe of the Creator you can call upon to work with you. This has for some time been the accepted route to becoming a healer, however at this time of Ascension, many people in their own time and space are becoming aware of their healing ability and the healing energies their soul wishes them to bring through. It is akin to a remembrance dawning or an activation of your divine right. The vibration of the Earth and humanity is quickening significantly causing many to remember their truth, their natural healing skills and alignments. 

If your natural healing ability is activating, you may be experiencing heat or a tingly sensation in your hands, feet and even in your chest, brow or crown. This may occur at certain times or even continuously throughout your day. Remember that every part of your body has the ability to express healing energy. You may feel energy flowing through your body like a current of electricity. Know that as your healing ability awakens, so your entire being and physical body opens and expands. This may create a deep clearing on many levels, enhanced sensitivity and heightened intuitive senses. Your natural healing ability is not awakening from a past or simultaneous lifetime; it is awakening from your original energies, the truth and essence of your being; your soul, which is an expression of the Creator. 

Many people may remember the healing techniques they have used in other lifetimes and they may feel guided to share these gifts once more. However, it is the healing ability of your soul which is activating and awakening at this time of Ascension. A healing ability aligned with the truth vibration of your soul. This may be a healing you have used in many lifetimes; it is the purest expression available to you through your soul. There may also be many healing vibrations which your soul channels through you, each will have a specific purpose and meaning to you while allowing you to serve others. 

Activating Your Soul’s Healing Ability 

Whether you already recognize yourself as a healer or not, take time to sit peacefully in meditation or surrounded by beautiful nature. 

Repeat, ‘I am a healer, I embody and express my soul’s healing abilities.’ Focus upon your Soul Star Chakra above your head, breathing in and out of this area. Allow the energy of your soul and natural healing abilities of your soul to build as a source of light in these areas. 

Then place your focus within your Earth Star Chakra below your feet, breathe into this area until you feel the energy of your soul build. 

Take the attention of your mind to your Heart Chakra or higher Heart Chakra recognizing your soul’s energy. Radiate this energy in all directions allowing yourself to be divinely inspired by the guidance of your soul as to your healing ability. 

Your soul may instantly align you to the healing frequency it wishes you to express which may be an aspect of your soul or a frequency from the universe of the Creator. Your soul may share with you the way you can express the healing energy or may simply pour the energy through your being inviting you to observe. It is important to realize the more you practice this exercise, the greater your experience and understanding will become. You can then use the energy expression to support your own healing journey, while accessing greater understanding of its influence upon your being. Thus taking responsibility for the energy you express. A belief will manifest that you have the ability to heal any situation in your reality with ease and perfection. 

Every person is a natural healer and heals in a perfect way aligned to the Creator

With your soul’s healing abilities awakening, your soul will make you aware of certain energy frequencies it wishes you to express. This ties into an energetic shift which is occurring upon the Earth now. Throughout numerous civilizations and areas of the Earth, people have been practicing and expression diverse healing techniques. The healing frequencies and information concerning the healing method still remain with the land where they were practiced. 

Mother Earth is now sending her own healing energies across her body with the purpose of activating all appropriate healing frequencies and methods anchored into the land. Some of the healing frequencies may have been lost or long forgotten. There is now an opportunity for ancient and much needed healing frequencies and understandings to return to the conscious awareness of humanity. Thus, humanity’s knowledge of healing, especially healing the physical body, will progress and develop immensely. This could cause new understanding in regards to supporting the physical body in healing which would become mainstream and globally accepted. 

Mother Earth invites you to express the energy of your soul to surround the Earth, with the intention of activating appropriate healing frequencies and methods, which are required to be remembered and are an integral part of the Ascension process of all. 

Energetically, through meditation, you may be drawn to a place upon the Earth to receive and accept the healing frequencies and methods which were once used there. You may even be inspired to physically visit certain areas of the Earth or discover you are becoming aware of a healing frequency in a place upon the Earth you had not expected. It is important to allow yourself to be open and receptive, knowing you cannot push or encourage the process to occur, it will manifest with divine timing and perfection. 

Simply call upon my energies, Archangel Raphael, to surround you. Whether visiting a place energetically or physically, know that my green light will support and guide you. As you exist in my bubble of green light, simply allow yourself to be guided by your intuition, which will share all that is needed and required. 

The awakening of ancient healing frequencies and methods, which have been safeguarded within Mother Earth, coupled with your soul wishing to guide you in realizing your natural abilities as a healer, signify a major shift in the consciousness of humanity. Collectively, many are taking responsibility, remembering the truth, realizing the delusional habits of humanity and wishing to return to a purer alignment with the truth of the Creator. 

If humanity realizes they can receive healing and express healing from the Universe of the Creator, this would instigate a very powerful shift in perceptive, as many would no longer seek outside of themselves to restore physical, emotional and mental balance and health. This would change how the entire world experiences their day and life. Empowerment, freedom and choice would be the key experiences which would accelerate Ascension tremendously. This will take time to manifest; however, it is a future that humanity is moving towards. A step closer is taken for all, when one person really allows themselves to tune into and believe in their own ability to receive and express healing. It is time to play your part in the development, believe and trust in the magic of energetic healing. 

My healing energy is constantly with you, supporting and loving you. 

Archangel Raphael