Τετάρτη 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Trust in Love, because It is the only trust that is never misplaced

Message from Jesus via John Smallman for 30 December 2014 

Here in the spiritual realms, where you will soon be able to gain instant and limitless access whenever you wish, we continue to observe with delight the enormous ongoing progress that humanity is making towards its inevitable awakening. It is inevitable, and the moment of its occurrence is closer in every moment. There is only the now moment, which is infinite, never ending, in which all happens, in which all that is exists. And you are going to become aware of that and then open to it, whereupon you will be overwhelmed with amazement at the wonder of it, and in the new-found awareness that you have always been here! 

Nothing has ever been withheld from you, it is just that the illusion which you built, and which seems to contain and limit you, has been a very convincing and long drawn out dream. So convincing, that you fear to release yourselves from it, because you believe that should you do so, your existence will be terminated, because there seems to be nothing apart from it. Of course, nothing could be further from the Truth! You are all eternal beings playing with limitation and termination – death, oblivion, nothingness – through the illusion of time. 

You do get momentary feelings or sensations that life is far more than you imagine it to be, that it should be uplifting, inspiring, truly joyful, but you mostly dismiss those feelings as childish nonsense, childish dreams that you have outgrown. And you teach your children the same lessons. But today's children are refusing, on a massive scale, to learn those ridiculous lessons, and they are demonstrating to you, by the way they are choosing to live, how misguided you have been. And that is yet another reason for rejoicing. 

Today's children are far less unconscious or unaware of their divine heritage, and are far less willing to cover their Light with a dark cloak and kowtow to the rules and dogmas of their families, cultures, and religions. They know, they absolutely KNOW that those rules and dogmas are insane, but many of them have not yet reached the point at which it comes fully into their conscious human awareness, or the point at which they are ready to disclose to you and to others their knowledge and understanding. They love you and do not wish to frighten you. 

Many of you would be frightened if your beliefs and perceptions were suddenly and irretrievably removed by their being shown to you to be illusory. However, Love does not work against your free will, and your beliefs and perceptions are free will choices that you have chosen to accept and be ruled by. Love accepts that free will choice and waits patiently for your inevitable change of mind. 

When you are ready, you will discard them. But, at present, many are not ready, they wish that they were, but their fears have a strong hold over them, because they have been shamed and misled so many times, when their trust in another was betrayed. Their ability to sense when they can truly trust another, including God, has been weakened by their experiences within the illusion where they are desperate to find someone they can trust and who will love them for themselves, unconditionally. And it has been during that search for someone to trust and love that they have so often been misled and betrayed. 

Love is all that there is. The divine Truth of this is seeping into every human heart, but the courage to accept It is still a little lacking: “What if I am just imagining this? If I open in Love, and behave only lovingly, I will be taken advantage of. I will be betrayed yet again. I had better wait and see what others are doing.” 

But to wait is to delay the inevitable, and there is no need to delay. You are all so well supported from the Godhead, your divine Source, and by all of us in the spiritual realms that you can safely open to Love and offer It freely. You may get your foot trodden on occasionally, but that is all that can go wrong. 

Trust in Love, because It is the only trust that is never misplaced. Your experiences of love betrayed in human relationships occurred because you loved conditionally and expected something back; felt that you were owed something in return for loving someone. That, of course is not Love, that is an attempt at bargaining, the setting up of a business arrangement, and business is extremely competitive, it moves on when it is offered a better deal. That has been your experience many times throughout the eons, as you have incarnated again and again as humans seeking Love in all the wrong places. 

There is only one place that you will find Love, and that is within yourselves when you visit your holy inner sanctuary and accept yourselves unconditionally. Release all your self judgments, your self doubts, your self flagellations, and utterly accept the fact that you are, each and every one of you, perfect divine beings created from Love, in Love, and that all your perceptions and beliefs to the contrary are unreal, illusory. 

What God creates is everlasting and unchanging, and He created you! Let go of all your unreal self assessments in which you find yourselves in any way inadequate, less than someone else, not as good as someone else, and, sometimes, better than someone else! Everyone of you is eternally and infinitely loved by God, and that state of being, which is perfection, cannot be altered, it is permanent. 

Victims, martyrs, those who see themselves as downtrodden or walked on, often justify themselves by pretending that they are being good and that their suffering pleases God or me, and they rejoice in that suffering, because they believe that they have been promised restitution and even perhaps vengeance in the next life, the afterlife, when those who have made them suffer are cast permanently into the fires of hell. Another insane idea amazingly developed in the illusion to use against your enemies – everyone who does not agree with you, who tries to make you wrong. 

Everyone of you is the Center of the Universe. God is One, you are each One with Him, and He is the Center from which all of creation extends, the Center of the Universe. However, within the illusion, your egos, in their terrified state of separation, have used that concept to build themselves up at the expense of all others – the egoic belief that everyone is a separate island, alone and threatened by all that surrounds it – by being smarter, stronger, better informed, better armed. But the fear remains that someone else who is stronger and smarter may appear at any moment, and that fear, that unknown threat has to be prepared for and defended against – if possible, even preemptively destroyed before it has a chance to destroy you. 

You do need an ego to live competently in the illusion, but the vast majority of you have elevated it to the state of an idol, which you adore and worship in the form of your bodies and brains, and then allow and encourage to advise and control you. And it is very competitive, encouraging you to engage in conflicts and disagreements in which it attempts to destroy the egos of others and prove to you that you, through its skill and wisdom, are the best, the winner, the one who is right. . . . And then you have to do it again, and again, and again, interminably. 

When you engage in Love with a powerful intent, your ego will object, but it is in awe of Love, terrified of It. So, when you attempt and intend to be loving and you encounter fear and anxiety, realize that you are engaging with your ego and choose to ignore or bypass it, thus allowing your true Self to guide and direct you. When you do, peace will flow in, and you will feel the Love that constantly holds you in Its loving embrace, waiting ever so patiently and lovingly for you to turn towards It and return that embrace. When you do, you will confirm your acceptance of the eternal divine offer which has been waiting for just that acceptance so that its Love may comfort and console you, awakening you to your eternal and joyous inheritance. 

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Τρίτη 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

You are realizing that you are indeed beings of Love, created in Love

Message from Saul via John Smallman for 29 December 2014 

The New Year, 2015, is nearly upon you, and I can assure you that it has some wonderful surprises in store for you! 

Yes, I am being optimistic and up-beat because your task is to keep your spirits high, so that you remain in the “fast lane” towards home, and one of my tasks is to assist and encourage you. But that does not mean that I am misleading you! I would never do that. However, many of you are feeling disappointed and let down, because it seems to you that “the Event,” for which you are all waiting so enthusiastically, has at best been delayed and at worst is a delusion that you bought into because the world situation appears so grim, and because you desperately wanted and needed something uplifting and inspiring to cling to. 

Well, “the Event,” your awakening into your natural and fully conscious state, is more real than anything you have ever experienced within the illusory environment that seems to hold you unwillingly in its clutches. Truly, you are not held unwillingly, you are just afraid to let go of the illusion to which you are clinging so firmly and consign yourselves into the loving arms of your Father, arms that He patiently holds open awaiting your acceptance of them. 

You built the illusion, collectively of course, and you will demolish it. But its demolition will not be violent; there will be a very gentle but rapid melting away or dispersal of it, as you collectively awaken into Reality. As you look around you now and see all the violence and suffering that so many are experiencing, it is hard for you to conceive of such a dramatic change of scene, but humanity has made enormous strides on its path home to Love, and has made the irreversible choice to awaken. 

The tipping point, at which your collective embrace of Love outweighs your collective hold on fear, totally dissolving it, is the moment for which you have all been waiting. It is your move from the nightmare, which seems to enfold you all either as participators – willing and unwilling – or as unhappy observers, into an environment of harmonious and loving cooperation, where you will work together with those in other realms who are on standby ready to assist you to heal yourselves and the planet when the tipping point is reached. 

You can have no idea of the immense variety of technologies that those from other realms will bring with them to assist you in returning Gaia to the state of perfect health that is her natural state. Over the eons, as humanity’s many and wide-ranging forms of “civilization” have engaged in unwise industrialization, enormous damage has been wreaked upon her and is still ongoing today. 

The technologies that humanity has been using recently to mine her for resources you consider essential or valuable are not in fact clever, efficient, modern, and safe, as large scale industrial businesses would attempt to persuade you, but just the opposite. Your alternate media has been doing an excellent job in uncovering and bringing to your attention the vast scale of damage that international industrial conglomerates have wrought upon Gaia in the last few decades, and much pressure in the way of public awareness and opinion is forcing them to reassess their operations and actually take the first essential steps towards reversing the damage that they have caused. They are resisting and dissembling, but the truth about their pernicious activities has been revealed, and they have no option but to alter their attitudes and behaviors to align with the loving attitudes of the vast majority who want humanity and Gaia healed. 

It is that change of heart, of attitudes, that is accelerating your progress along your path to awakening. You are realizing that you are indeed beings of Love, created in Love, and you are therefore responding lovingly to resolve issues that have been troubling humanity for eons and which, until now, had seemed insurmountable and insoluble. Needless to say they are not. It is just that humanity has been split into many different factions – familial, political, business, national, cultural, and religious – with different and conflicting egoic agendas that have prevented you from coming together to address and resolve them. 

That is all changing, because the Tsunami of Love, which has been having an enormous effect on those of you who are consciously on a spiritual path, has been inspiring and uplifting you to engage with It and by so doing share and extend Its energy throughout all of humanity. This is the Divine Plan in action, and evidence of its inspiring presence can be seen in all parts of the world. 

Do not be misled by the mainstream media’s almost constant focus on fear, and on their reports of threats of terrorism. Throughout humanity’s long history on the planet there have always been fears, conflicts, and wars, and for those directly involved there has been much suffering, but those conflicts have always been instigated by those who would control and suppress you, as they still are. 

Of course, there are people who believe in the power of violence to bring them rewards, but they are in a very small minority. However, they have always noisily attempted to instill fear into their contemporaries and supporters in order to build fear based organizations that they can use as a means of control to achieve their own selfish agendas by ensuring that governments do their bidding. This state of affairs is coming rapidly to an end. People in many parts of the world are now very much aware of the endemic corruption in high places and will no longer tolerate it. 

When support for these corrupt ones falls away, as it is now doing, they are quickly seen to be straw men, weak and fearful individuals who are utterly powerless without supporters and lackeys to do their bidding. Massive changes are under way as individuals reclaim the power that they had, in many cases unthinkingly, given away to so called authorities that had been established with the sole purpose of protecting the few whose one aim is power and control over others. Many of you refer to those seemingly all powerful ones as the “dark cabal.” Dark and hidden they may well have been, but not any longer. Their influence and notorious agendas are being disclosed with, for them, alarming speed, and in that Disclosure lies their inevitable downfall. 

Truly, the news are good as 2015 approaches, so continue holding your brilliant Light on high as you demonstrate Love in action. Visit your holy inner sanctuaries at least once daily and re-empower yourselves with the Love that is your core, your center, so that not only you, but also all with whom you interact each day are uplifted and inspired, as you move forwards towards your assured awakening. 

With so very much love, Saul.

Δευτέρα 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Be patient and know that all proceeds well and according to plan

Message from SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey for 5 September 2014 

The stage has been set inasmuch that you are being lifted up into the levels of the higher vibrations. We will not allow progress to be prevented by the presence of the dark Ones, who still believe that they can inherit the Earth through huge advances in their technology. There are even greater powers at work that will ensure the Light always reigns supreme. The plan was laid down a very long time ago, and it is now time to advance it, so that Man can step fully upon the path that leads to fulfillment. So you can disregard any signs to the contrary, and know that the New Earth is emerging. With it will come all manner of Galactic changes that shall carry you forward into the Golden Age you have been promised. You have long awaited this time and you have been chosen to be the forerunners of the New Age. Deep down you know it to be true and as the vibrations continue to lift, so your levels of consciousness will also expand. A particle of God exists in all living matter, and as such you will always inexplicably be part of God. Nothing that exists can avoid being ultimately returned to the Godhead, because you Are All One. 

Proceed with your own development knowing that your journey is nearly at an end. If you did but know it, you have had an exciting journey, with all the ups and downs that come with life in the 3rd dimension. You started out as a Higher Being seeking more experience, and have touched the depths of a material existence. You are now well advanced on your journey back into the Light, as you leave the lower vibrations behind. The higher dimensions beckon and you approach them as a far greater Being of Light than when you first started out. You have evolved at a rapid rate that ensures you are ready to commence the next stage in your evolution fully prepared. When your journey commenced eons of time ago, you knew it would be long and arduous, yet were ready for whatever experience you needed. In the near future, you will regain Full Consciousness and fully understand the necessity for your various experiences. Once more you will be whole to never again need such demanding experiences. 

From here on, you can look forward to an ever expanding level of consciousness, as you enjoy a sudden change that will thrust you forward into a higher level of being. So, be patient and know that all proceeds well and according to plan. Even those souls who appear to lag behind are simply completing their experiences at whatever level is necessary for them to evolve. You would not be here at this time, unless you were capable of handling the demands that it imposes. You are all brave and wonderful souls who have sacrificed much to be here, and you will reap the benefits very soon. The hard work is all but over, so do not despair at what goes on around you. It is time to focus on your own needs, and ensure you are ready for the final days of the old energies and all that it embraces. The new energies are emerging and if yours are similar, you will attract them and continue to rise up. 

We have, as you might say, “our finger upon the pulse of the Earth” and we assist Mother Earth, as she too makes her preparations to ascend. The changes necessary are in hand, and we have assisted her in making them with the minimum of problems to the life forms upon Earth. The more you can work in harmony with the Earth, the easier the transition will be for all life forms. The more extreme damage has been prevented which could have had the most serious consequences, even to the extent of destroying the Earth. However, that period has long passed, but was nevertheless in the time period of many who are still alive today. Following edicts that come from the Spiritual Hierarchy over eons of time, we have directed and assisted you, so that you have followed a less damaging path. Although there is still disharmony upon Earth that seems to dominate your news, the fact remains that the vibrations are lifting and you have passed the danger period. Bear in mind that you are all here to witness the End Times of the Last Age. Peace, such as you understand it, will suddenly descend upon Earth sooner than you might expect. 

Over your many lives, you have acquired much knowledge and your experience will help you to serve others. In reality, life is about helping your fellow Man to evolve, and the Wayshowers will always lead the way. They mainly work beyond your sight and are involved in issues that are of Galactic proportions. One day, you too will take on similar responsibilities, but that is of course well into your future. Life on Earth resembles very little of how it will be in the higher vibrations, indeed very little at all. However, it is the lessons learnt that will hold you in good stead and able to be mentors to those who follow on. Of course, there are other quite different life forms to yours, yet the underlying goal is evolution that returns you to the Light. It is from whence you came and you will always feel a connection with it, and an urge to return to it. There is so much that you have been cut off from to ensure your experiences upon Earth are in accordance with your needs. 

Without merging into the lower vibrations, you would not have had such wonderful experiences, and that includes all of them, as those you term negative are also vital to your understanding. So, do not judge those still embroiled in them, as all experience is of immense value, and all souls go through many periods of trial and error. The whole experience makes you ready to carry others forward and you will do it as a denizen of the Light. Do not worry about what lies ahead, as there will always be others to take your hand and guide you. 

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, a star that is teeming with life that is sending its Light far and wide to lift those souls it is of benefit. Quite soon you will be able to join us and then your life will be one great adventure as you travel the Universe. You will be guided by the Higher Beings who know the needs of those you serve, and life will be exciting and rewarding. Do not believe for one moment that you will be wanting for satisfying experiences, and of course you will still be evolving as you are now. 

Thank you SaLuSa. 

Mike Quinsey

Κυριακή 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

They wrote the Bible to ensure that you accepted their conspiracy

Montague Keen, 28 December 2014 

The whole structure of life as you know it, is falling apart. It is being exposed. Confusion abounds, as all you believed in is laid bare before you: FALSE TO THE CORE. Humanity has been victim to the greatest con in the history of the universe. You, my friends, are the ones chosen to reveal the truth and remove the corrupt from positions of control. It is time to see the illusion for what it is, and then restructure life on Earth for humanity. Those who forced their way on to Planet Earth, inveigled their way into positions of power worldwide and altered the true history of Man to suit themselves, must now prepare to leave the Earth in the same way they forced entry. They can never raise their consciousness. They will always remain in 3D. This is why they put so much effort into keeping as many of you as possible in 3D: always there to serve them. Sadly, many of you are too frightened to engage with the truth and move forward. You have bought into the control system, so you may have to live out the remainder of your lives on Earth at the 3D level. 

The Battle in Space is still being kept from you, but soon, the evidence will become visible to all. The battle for your souls is relentless. This is obvious to all who are awake. Many of you have had your frequency stolen, though you are completely unaware of this. It renders you completely controllable and servile. This makes it easy for the cabal to use you as slaves, to attack those who try to awaken you to the control system. You sold your souls without understanding what you were doing. The cabal has planned everything for the last 2000 years. The only thing they did not take into account was the AWAKENING that has happened. They did not believe that people could raise their consciousness so that they could see clearly what has been going on. 

Everything on TV, in the newspapers, your education, food, water, and air, etc, has been planned to hold you in 3D. All the history you have learned is untrue: totally false. It was written by your controllers to confuse your minds. Nothing - and I repeat, nothing - began in the East. It began in the West. THIS ONE TRUTH exposes that all you have learned is a total fabrication. Those of the cabal invented religion, and they wrote the Bible to ensure that you accepted their conspiracy. Christ lived long before the Roman Catholic religion ever existed. Nothing they state as "gospel" is true. They created a story about Christ that is not true: there was no stable, no cross, no nationality. 

There is a huge effort on this side of life to rescue humanity and Planet Earth. We are being assisted by benevolent beings from other planets and by awakened souls on Earth who have devoted their lives to this end. Those whose purpose is to assist us, are being unmercifully attacked with weapons of which you have no knowledge. The cabal has far more sophisticated weapons than you are aware of. You only know of the scalar and microwave weapons etc. When those within the Cabal travel, they do not use methods known to man. They can move at speeds that would astound you. Your ignorance keeps you in your place. The truth is that you live in a world you know nothing about. The Cabal can even read your thoughts, so they are always one step ahead of you. Until you awaken and stand together, you will remain helpless. 

The Irish people have realized this fact. They have come together to make the changes required; and in this, they will succeed. Please pray for those who try to lead you out of the darkness. Some are going through the most horrendous experiences, including chemicals in their food and water, and implanted devices. Benign objects can be used to implant dark energies, as well as thoughts and objectives which are totally alien to the individual concerned. These people need your help as they struggle to break free from this dark control. 

Once you retake control of your planet and remove all that is dark and corrupt, everything will be restored. The Sun will shine once more and peace will be restored. Remove the shackles of control. Remember, the cabal cannot exist in the Light; so shine your Light, and share it with all those on your path, and you will restore peace. That is all you need to do. The cabal is frightened of your Light, as it is more powerful than their weapons. When you do this, we in spirit will walk amongst you again, to help you to restore harmony. 

There was a big effort by the cabal to prevent our Center in Ireland. They fear the awakening of the Irish to THE TRUTH OF WHO THEY ARE. The Centre needs to happen, as it will give the lead to other countries to do the same, and come together and remove all that is corrupt. Ireland will lead the way. We will have Centers all over the world, because people will need help to adjust to a completely new way of life. My colleagues and I, in the world of spirit, wish to thank all those who continue to have faith in my work with Veronica. We know it is necessary and so it will continue. Love will guide the way forward. There is no place for spite, as such attacks harm the soul. Your soul is forever; everything else is momentary. 

Be prepared and make plans for when the cabal leaves the Earth. You need to be ready to cope with the mess they will leave behind. They will destroy as much as they can as they leave. Humanity has destroyed their plan to have a planet of their own with just a few humans to serve them; a planet without 'useless eaters'. They could then have lived in their true form, with no need to cope with human-like bodies. They could have just been themselves, free to look as they really are. 

2015 is about to begin. Will you resolve to spread light and love to all of humanity? Will you stand together with your fellow man, to remove all that is dark and corrupt from the Earth? Please do all that you can to help create a better future for all humanity. A future that is free of corruption. The removal of harmful chemicals in the food, the water, and the air, and in medicines etc. Begin making plans for how you would like life on Earth to be. 

May I ask you to understand that Veronica is going through a very bad time at the moment, coping with attacks and lack of sleep. She is concerned about friends who are being held by the cabal. For this is the cabal's last stand, and they are lashing out at everyone they perceive to be in their way. The battle has become quite vicious. Send love to the one who struggles to free himself from the shackles of the cabal. He chose to experience the depths of the darkness before his return to Earth, in order that he would be able to empathize with others who have experienced it. 

Look to the future which you are about to create. Ensure it will be peaceful and harmonious for all who dwell on Earth.

My heart goes out to you, Veronica, as I know what you are going through. It is not easy. It is a difficult and painful path, but we will achieve what we set out to achieve. We are three in one; and when one is hurt, all three are hurt. This cannot be changed, as it has been so since before time began. The three of us have worked successfully together in many lifetimes and we will continue to do so. 

We surround you with love and light, my dear. 

Always, your adoring, Monty. 

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Σάββατο 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

The Law of Compensation

Written by Brian Tracy, 17 November 2008 

You Get What You Give 

Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his essay, "Compensation," wrote that each person is compensated in like manner for that which he or she has contributed. The Law of Compensation is another restatement of the Law of Sowing and Reaping. It says that you will always be compensated for your efforts and for your contribution, whatever it is, however much or however little. 

Increase Your Value 

This Law of Compensation also says that you can never be compensated in the long term for more than you put in. The income you earn today is your compensation for what you have done in the past. If you want to increase your compensation, you must increase the value of your contribution. 

Fill Your Mind With Success 

Your mental attitude, your feelings of happiness and satisfaction, are also the result of the things that you have put into your own mind. If you fill your own mind with thoughts, visions and ideas of success, happiness and optimism, you will be compensated by those positive experiences in your daily activities. 

Do More Than You’re Paid For 

Another corollary of the Law of Sowing and Reaping is what is sometimes called the, "Law of Overcompensation." This law says that great success comes from those who always make it a habit to put in more than they take out. They do more than they are paid for. They are always looking for opportunities to exceed expectations. And because they are always overcompensating, they are always being over rewarded with the esteem of their employers and customers and with the financial rewards that go along with their personal success. 

Provide the Causes, Enjoy The Effects 

One of your main responsibilities in life is to align yourself and your activities with the Law of Cause and Effect (and its corollaries), accepting that it is an inexorable law that always works, whether anyone is looking or not. Your job is to institute the causes that are consistent with the effects that you want to enjoy in your life. When you do, you will realize and enjoy the rewards you desire. 

Action Exercises 

Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action. First, remind yourself regularly that your rewards will always be in direct proportion to your service to others. How could you increase the value of your services to your customers today? Second, look for ways to go the extra mile, to use the Law of Overcompensation in everything you do. This is the great secret of success.

Παρασκευή 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Are You A Human Angel?

By Human Angels for 14 December 2014 

Human Angels have certain characteristics that make them different from the rest of society. The following is an excerpt from the book, ‘We are Human Angels.’ 

If since childhood you have wanted to change the world and have not stopped believing… 

If you have always dreamed of relieving the sorrows of all living beings… 

If you feel that you have a special talent to help others… 

If you have an out of the ordinary sensitivity… 

If you have overcome difficult trials in your life… 

If you think that despite everything, life should be lived with joy… 

If, while always trying to give meaning to your suffering, you believe that there must be a way to stop yours and others suffering… 

If in your heart there is no room for hatred and resentment… 

If you always try to change evil into good and darkness into Light… 

If you always follow your heart even when it seems to be the hardest thing to do… 

f you have always had a vision of heaven on earth and would like to spread it throughout the world… 

If you have the ability to read people and know what is hidden within their hearts… 

If you silently bless everyone you encounter in your life… 

If from the very beginning, you have always felt a sense of not belonging to this world… 

If you have never been able to relate yourself with any group of people, but you have always had a deep desire to connect yourself with your Souls’ family here on earth… 

If the search for truth is your greatest passion… 

If you live with honesty even when it hurts… 

If you believe in the healing power of Love… 

If you still have the same dreams you had when you were a pure-hearted child… 

If you feel you were born for a greater purpose and would like to express it… 

…you are a Human Angel and you are just trying to remember. 


Πέμπτη 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

You will find it hard to resist the new vibrations coming in

Message from SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey for 12 September 2014 

Dear Ones you have such a great potential yet to be revealed, and with careful planning you will gradually find your consciousness expanding. It is all part of your evolutionary plan and is preparing you for Full Consciousness. However, it is in the future and at the appropriate time, you will be helped to achieve such an upliftment. Already there is an awareness of your consciousness growing, and you can take credit for such an advancement, as it is you who has applied yourself to your tasks. At the moment, there are souls on Earth who are at all different levels of consciousness, and it causes much friction between the different groups. You should not allow yourselves to be distracted by what is going on around you, and concentrate on your own advancement. The days of sacrificing your own development to help others are no longer necessary, as all souls now know where they are going and what is expected of them. The time has arrived when each soul must apply itself to its life plan, doing its best to achieve its goal. Be assured, those who lack awareness of what it is, will be assisted to make as much progress as possible. 

The Human Race has evolved so rapidly, it is hard to believe the advancements that have been made. It seems that the harder the task ahead, the greater is the effort put into achieving success. As we have often pointed out, no soul is asked to do more than they are considered capable of, which is why some who already know their limitations have accepted that Ascension is beyond them in this cycle. However, all experience does make a good platform for those aspiring to complete this cycle, by making great strides in their evolution. How other souls progress is their own choice, although we do encourage them to take every opportunity to raise their vibrations. 

You may have noticed that we draw much closer to you, and that is because the time to meet us is drawing nearer. Our craft are now seen more often in your skies, and we have shown for a long time now that we can be present without little fear being experienced by your people. We have never endangered you, although some of your pilots have experienced apprehension when faced by our craft. Be assured, we are totally in control of our craft, and with our technology can deal with any situation that may arise that could pose a threat to your safety or indeed ours. We have often helped you out when dangers have threatened you, in such a way that you are rarely aware of our intervention. Sometimes, what you call miracles are attributable to our presence, but we have first to be sure that we are not interfering with your karma. 

There are so many different species living on or in your Earth. The Inner Earth Dwellers have been with you for eons of time, but will meet you in the near future. They are more evolved than you are and have much to offer you. Others also have bases within the Earth and some are placed on the seabed out of your reach. Perhaps the most surprising revelations will be when Humans acknowledge their Space Families, because many souls that have incarnated on Earth come from other planets. It is all in the interests of the future of the Human Race. Individuals can ascend at any given time, but the whole Human Race only gets such an opportunity at the end of a Solar Cycle that you are now experiencing. 

So, you will understand that you have entered a very important period, which your future depends on. Many souls are working with you to ensure you achieve your goal, and we are confident that you will succeed. When you look back, you will marvel at your resilience and intent to move into the higher levels. Be certain and know that your destiny does not lie with the Earth that you are now familiar with. Those of you who prove to be ready will move out of the lower dimension, and leave the old Earth behind. It is time for a new start and to wipe the slate clean, as you are not doomed to stay in the present dimension. You will find it hard to resist the new vibrations coming in, and indeed, why should you, as your destiny is to return fully to the Light. If you did but know it, you have experienced so many situations that have thoroughly tested you, and finally you come through it as a Being of Light. The physical realms are not your home, but have served you well for your experience. 

Fear is your biggest obstacle to evolution, as in such a state your progress is halted and you are vulnerable to the lower vibrations. When confronted with conditions that can bring it out, treat those responsible with love and understanding. Entities of the lower vibrations feed off them and that is not what you want them to do. Do not empower them, but rather isolate them and take away their power. Is it not interesting to think that in effect by taking no action, you follow the best path available to you? Confrontation and revenge are the actions of those who do not understand karma, and are unaware that every soul is responsible for them. You cannot lie your way out of responsibility for your actions or words. When you pass over and you review your life, you will find that only the truth can remain and it is no good trying to fool anyone. It is not so frightening as you might imagine, as those Higher Beings who handle such matters, are all love and not there to admonish or punish you. 

Life on Earth is usually all ups and downs, so please try to understand what lessons are being presented to you. If you do not learn from them, they will keep coming back until you do. That is what life is all about, so accept your lot, because you will have agreed a life plan. Your task is to learn the lessons presented to you, so that you do not have to do them again. That way, you will evolve much quicker and lift yourself out of the lower vibrations. 

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, to help you and ensure that you put your energies into those things that are most beneficial to you. You will never regret it, as so much is at stake, and you will progress so much faster. Try to remove those things that you recognize as standing in the way of your progress. I leave you with much Love and Light, and thank you for your desire to move further into the Light. 

Thank you SaLuSa. 

Mike Quinsey

Τετάρτη 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Heaven has long foretold us of this time

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy for December 23, 2014 

5 Eb, 10 Mol, 11 Ik 

Selamat Balik! We come on this day with good news! Your blessings continue to move forward. Those who long delayed the distributing of funds are either arrested or under the threat of arrest. A unique system of distribution has been tested and found to be successful. Before the end of this Gregorian year many of you are to receive these blessings. We wish to thank our Earth allies for fully cooperating with us. It is essential that at least proof of something positive needs to be done. The present time is as good as any to do this. We have discovered over the past year just how devious those in power truly are. In accordance with this fact, a number of things are to be done. We have instructed our earthly allies to implement a series of programs to free your blessings from these scalawags. A series of important meetings by our ambassadors with these de facto governments have created an atmosphere in which our allies can move to arrest, and change the policies of certain major banks. These new policies are in the process of being implemented even as we tell you this. We fully expect major arrests and even the implantation of NESARA to follow shortly. 

We are at a crossroads as this Gregorian year of 2014 comes to an end. Those who make up our earthly allies finally seem ready to use their current advantage over the dark cabal. The beginning of the next Gregorian year promises to bring out the forces of Light to arrest, and to oust the dark from power. This process was long in coming. The dark and its minions have been in charge of this planet’s surface societies for nearly 13 millennia. You are to start to build a new global society based upon freedom and prosperity. This is to lead to worldwide Disclosure, which we feel is long overdue. Our mentors can then land and begin to move you swiftly toward building a society that is finally ready to accept those responsibilities that truly honors Gaia and the ecosystems that you reside in. Such a society can be a welcome transition, from the dark realms that you were born in to those which are fully conscious. It also means that you are able to complete a full reconciliation between yourselves and the realm of Agartha. 

This operation by Heaven, to reconnect you to your ancestors and to Full Consciousness, has taken longer than at first expected. We have been in your mass presence for over twenty of your years. Heaven gave us a very strict number of decrees to follow. Over the years, we have gradually been released from many of these decrees and told to follow a more evasive series of actions. We have done these, ever mindful of what was to be done. Meanwhile, Heaven has continued with its divine program of altering your physical essence. This procedure is quickly reaching a point where a more direct degree of intervention is required. Hence, we are constantly altering the directives given to our various medical monitoring teams. At present, we nightly both record and modify the degree of changes that Heaven is accomplishing through its body guardians. These alterations are gradually readying you for your decreed return to Full Consciousness. We can report to you that these various alterations have changed nearly 40 percent of what you were born with. 

These physical changes are mirrored by the transformation of your emotional and mental bodies. Your medical sciences are only beginning to discover how your physical, mental and emotional bodies are truly interconnected. They are also beginning to learn how these interconnections really operate. Life is, in reality, a very complex process. As you move toward Full Consciousness, the various layers of your three main bodies connect together on an even more profound basis than your medical science can even imagine! We are watching these connections come “on line” and begin to more openly “talk” to each another. This can be found in the dramatic increase of vivid dreams and the sudden sensing by many of you when we are observing you. This operation shows us that you are becoming more aware that you exist in many realities at once. This is part of your increasing levels of awareness. These phenomena are to increase as this awareness increases. You are to be readied shortly for our arrival and the coming interaction with our mentors. 

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with blessings, and graciously ask that you come together with us on this Christmas day to pray and envision the just world, which is taking shape within our hearts and within the physical realm that you now occupy. Be ever ready to lend your most powerful soul to this divine cause. You are a most powerful collective that is presently being shaped by Heaven for life in a new realm. Use this great revision to register your affirmations for what our associates are now doing. The first grand part of these changes is to register by Christmas. Lend your energy to what is becoming a powerful force for good. The Light is committed to transform the ways of the dark, and permit you to come together to grandly change this reality into a new one. Our friends and family, in Spirit and in space, have done much to aid our associates and prepare the way for freedom and prosperity. 

The new You is to be a most magnificent Being that has regained vast powers and, in Love, is ready to aid Gaia and her diverse ecosystems. You are being readied to be able to use your abilities to transform Gaia, and especially to turn her surface into the pristine realm which you first encountered some 900,000 years ago. This world was quite different from the world that you see every day. You are to restore her forests, lakes and rivers. You are also to return her oceans and air to the pristine nature that you encountered long ago. We are most proud of what you are to become. We ourselves have seen the beauty that is Agartha. This grand energy is to be wondrously restored by you. We are to supervise and to aid you in these grand works. With these changes, Gaia is to return to the beauty which she once knew. Moreover, you are to spread out to the four water worlds and build a most glorious new star nation. 

Thus, you are on the brink of a New Epoch, which is to mark your return to the Light. Heaven has long foretold us of this time. It has been our privilege to assist you in making this transition a most successful one. The past 300 years, especially in the West, has seen a great growth in Spirit. The East, despite the great oppression of the West, retained within itself the elements that are to be the spark of this New Epoch. As you learn about the true origins of your various religious philosophies, you are to discover how Love and Light still shine within them. We dearly wish to aid you in learning many things, which can bring all of you together. It is in this glorious collective of Full Consciousness that you are to discover your Oneness with all life. Our wisdom is to combine with yours to create a truly exquisite global society. It is this society that is to merge with all the other grand sentient Beings and make this new Star Nation possible. 

Today, we have continued our weekly report on what is happening on this world. Soon, the Galactic Federation and the Agarthans are to join you, and together forge a new star nation, with Heaven’s blessings. It is this grand creation by which you are to produce your grand destiny! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Τρίτη 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

The Light is destined to reign supreme

Message from SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey for 19 September 2014 

The vibrations and influences of the last cycle are destined to die away, as they are replaced by the more refined ones of the New Age. There is something of a battle taking place for supremacy between the dark and Light, but there is no contest inasmuch that the Light is destined to reign supreme. The dark are steadily losing power and no matter how much they try, they cannot overcome their demise. However, they are to be reckoned with until their power is removed. They cannot last much longer and are already losing their influence where worldly matters are concerned. It is their karma to experience defeat and the failure of their plan for global dominance. In their gross arrogance did they really imagine that God would allow them to decimate the population? They planned to reduce it dramatically to a “manageable” number that they could easily control. So, have no fear, as that plan would never be allowed to interfere with the evolution of those of the Light. 

Little by little, you will be introduced to changes that will take you onwards quite quickly. You have done the preparation work and are ready to take a great step forward to experience the higher vibrations, and all the benefits that go with them. For quite a long period we have encouraged the pursuit of new technologies, that will also give you a flying start when they can be introduced. Many are ready for you, but the timing must be such that there is no interference that will hold them back. Free energy is one that many, many people have heard about, and it will ultimately cater for all of your needs. The dark Ones have deliberately kept such advancements for themselves, with no intention of sharing them with you. However, their actions will serve no purpose, as no one group of individuals is allowed to evolve at the expense of another. The evolution of technology alone is of no use, unless it is applied in a spiritual manner that benefits the whole of Humanity. 

Each soul that has found the Light is a focal point for these energies, and will influence others as they go about their business. It happens in a subtle way that does not overpower them, but opens up their consciousness to more evolved thoughts and actions. As the momentum gathers space, so it will speed up your evolution, and bring about the inevitable splitting of the ways. So, whatever your experiences in the present vibrations, remember that they are slowly changing and destined to take you fully into the New Age. Once you have given yourself to the Light and all that it means, life will take on a new meaning and be so fulfilling. Events outside of you will not affect you, and if anything it is the other way around. 

We are so pleased to see so many of you leading from the front, and by your example you will influence many others to follow you. Where you are destined to meet with other Lightworkers, you can be sure that it will take place. If necessary, we can influence your thinking to such a degree to ensure it does. Otherwise, we would never take it upon ourselves to place you in a situation that would be disagreeable to you. Often such matters have been discussed with you prior to the event, and we work with your agreement. We very much respect your sovereignty and freedom to exercise your own freewill. In other words, we work together for our mutual benefit. 

We watch you on our screens and admire your determination to keep on pressing forward, and we give you very encouragement to keep your goal in front of you. Many of you have undertaken very important roles over millennia of time to bring the Light into being. Now you are to see the result of your endeavors and what you have achieved. Looking back, you will surely realize the measure of your success, and you may rightfully take credit for it. You are always the main beneficiary of the work you do and as a Lightworker are continually uplifting your own vibrations, and in helping others you help yourselves. 

If you could see the overall picture where Earth is concerned, you would note that outwardly there is seemingly a great degree of chaos, yet the ultimate picture is one of achievement and fulfillment. So, much has to be done to remove the vestiges of the lower vibrations to clear the way, so that the new vibrations can be established. Every aspect of life is about “vibrations” and in time your medical establishment would find that it is a path worth investigating. However, with any New Age advancement you are advised on such matters, and given as much information that is needed to make progress. 

You may wonder why we do not meet some of you on Earth. Of course, the truth is we do, but it is an intended contact and of a personal nature. The most popular place for meeting is in the higher levels during your sleep time, and very few of you take memories of it back with you. However, any conversation with us is held in your sub-consciousness, and can still have an effect on you. It is a very convenient way to meet, as most souls leave their bodies during their sleep time. When you have a problem that troubles you, it is why it is suggested you “sleep on it”, and when you wake up the next morning the answer to your problem is with you. 

There is so much more to physical life than you generally understand, but it is not vital that you know more at this time. However, it is of value to know that all life is interconnected, and that is why mass consciousness is so important. Each of you contribute to the whole, which is why we are working with you to raise your individual vibrations. Have you ever wondered why you feel good around some people and not others? That is usually when you are in harmony with that person, and feel at one with them through their vibrations. 

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to enlighten you on many aspects of your life on Earth. It will continue, and your ultimate goal is Full Consciousness to become a Galactic Being. The greatest power is the Light and in the course of time, you will use it to create to an extent that is at present unimaginable. 

Thank you SaLuSa. 

Mike Quinsey

Κυριακή 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

The December Solstice

Solstice Message from EraofPeace.org by Patricia Cota-Robles for December 3, 2014 

In January 2014, the Company of Heaven told us that this would be a year like no other. From the miraculous events that have taken place so far in 2014, I think that information has proven to be a monumental understatement. 

The details of these events have been carefully documented and shared on a monthly basis through our FREE Era of Peace monthly email newsletter. If you missed any of these articles and would like to read them, or you would like to sign up to receive our free monthly newsletter, you may do so on our website www.eraofpeace.org. The previous newsletters for 2014 are all posted in the article/archive section of our website. 

The December Solstice this year will be a Cosmic Moment when the Company of Heaven and Awakening Humanity will be given the opportunity to exponentially expand the Activities of Light that were God Victoriously Accomplished in 2014. Together we will catapult the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her into higher frequencies of energy, vibration, and consciousness than we have ever experienced. This will establish a Global foundation of Divine Love that will birth 2015 into the Divine Potential of moving forward in the Light by leaps and bounds. 

Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, the influx of Light that will bathe the Planet during the Solstice on December 20-21, 2014, is destined to greatly accelerate our Ascension process and assist in raising the consciousness of even the most recalcitrant souls on Earth into newly activated levels of Christ Consciousness. 

Each person’s I AM Presence is guiding him or her perfectly during this wondrous season. If we listen to our Heart and respond accordingly, we will each be in our right and perfect place, participating in the right and perfect way, for this Cosmic Opportunity. KNOW that YOUR Light and Love are needed NOW!

Σάββατο 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Exciting times lie ahead and a New Year that promises so much

Message from SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey for 19 December 2014 

We come to you for the last time this year, one that like others before it has sped by as time continues to flow faster than ever. Some of whom have experienced the ups and downs of life for a long time, are no doubt pleased particularly now that the end of this cycle is here. Naturally the End Times are chaotic, as the changes take place, but it is no easy task to bring them in, when so much negativity is being cleared. However, the higher energies are bringing in the positive changes, and already they are being felt. As we have often advised you, the coming year will be notable for the implementation of many of them, although we will be restricted in what we do, until the Illuminati are placed where they can no longer interfere with your progress. Much is happening that will lead to complete victory over the dark Ones, who will be unable to follow their plan for the imprisonment of Man. 

The coming of the City of Light, Sedona, will open the way to more developments that will show beyond any doubt that the New Age has arrived. At a time yet to be defined, World Peace will be declared and maintained through the presence of the Galactic Federation. Through enforced governmental changes, more souls of the Light will take up positions of importance that will ensure they are seen through as intended and in no way impeded or denied. The End Times of this cycle are of utmost importance to your future, and we will ensure that they proceed in accordance with the wishes of God. Unlike previous cycles, this one will be fulfilled, because you are ready for a great leap forward into the Light. 

There is only the One Creator of All That Is, and the One God of this Universe regardless of the different names by which they are known. Therefore, you are One with All That Is and it is worth noting when you are challenged over your beliefs. Eventually all will understand and accept the truth of your origins, and it will be so wherever you travel in the higher dimensions of the Universe. There are numerous opportunities ahead of you to seek as you desire, and explore the magnificence of life forms in abundance. On Earth, you have led a very restricted life and other civilizations have not been allowed to interfere with the Greater Plan for your evolution. Of necessity, you have however made limited contact with Extra-terrestrials and become familiar with seeing their craft in your skies. You will make full contact in the course of time, but much has to take place before it is possible. The interim period will be exciting for you, as you rapidly move forward in your evolution. 

Now is the time for all Lightworkers and all souls to maintain their present level of evolution, and know that anyone may at any time take a giant leap forward. Know that all souls will eventually find their correct place in the Universe, that will enhance their plans to continue moving ever onwards. Naturally, in the higher dimensions time does not exist as you now know it, and you will find everything is in the Now. These levels are not entirely strange to you, as you came from them before you agreed to experience the lower vibrations. In other words, you are all experiencing as you agreed to do so, but the long cycle in the lower dimensions is now coming to a close, as the new one takes prominence. 

Most of you have led many, many lives at all different levels as part of your experiences in the lower vibrations. You have also experienced many different roles, according to which ones offered you the best opportunities to evolve. Be assured, you will have had grand lives of having all that you needed, but also experienced “lack”, so that you kept a balance where your needs are concerned. Eventually, your experiences will be finely balanced and you will not seek riches beyond your needs, but simply sufficient to meet your circumstances. In the higher dimensions, the same challenges do not exist, as you will eventually have the power of thought to manifest exactly according to your needs, and more when necessary. The higher dimensions are your true home and a multitude of different experiences await you, according to your desires. 

Your task now is to be positive regardless of what happens around you, and help others through the coming period, so that they may understand what is happening. Your presence can lift others up by bringing a calmness into their lives, so that they too can help. It will not be very long before it becomes apparent that changes are occurring that are beneficial to the whole. The most important of them will occur when the Press is able to report events accurately and truthfully, where previously they were controlled by the Illuminati and their minions. Television news is also unreliable, but it too will change in a relatively short time. For many years you have been deliberately misled, and often fed absolute lies to enable the dark Ones to manipulate events that have affected your future. These situations will eventually cease to cause you problems and then you will enjoy a new found freedom. 

Meantime, we carry out our tasks with joy knowing that your freedom from the oppression of the dark Ones is getting nearer. You have served your time in the lower vibrations, and now you will not need to look back as your progress will be assured. The magnitude of the changes to come will surprise most souls, and we feel privileged to be present at such a momentous time in your evolution. You have the most wonderful future ahead of you, and are destined to join us, if that is your desire. With your experience, you have qualifications that will enable you to serve the Light in many capacities. You will be driven by your desire to be of service to others, but in no way will it limit your ambition or need to have new experiences. In the higher vibrations your life span will be greatly lengthened, so that you can embark on tasks that require more of your time. 

Dear Ones, walk tall and do not be pulled down by whatever is going on around you. You are an Island of Light and have the capacity to spread Love and Harmony wherever you are. Your presence will uplift others, and your vibrations will spread a gentle uplifting energy that will bring a settled and happy feeling to others. All people at heart want to help others, but often they cannot meet the demands placed upon them. Do what you can, even if it is just a few kind words, as these will lift people up. Once you are centered in Light, you will be naturally spreading it around you and it will embrace people that are some distance from you. The Light is the most powerful force in the Universe, but at this point in time you are nowhere near to approaching your true potential. 

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send you greetings and wishes at this time of your year, when you can enjoy the festive celebrations with your friends and family. Exciting times lie ahead and a New Year that promises so much. 

Thank you SaLuSa. 

Mike Quinsey