Message from SaLuSa for 30 March 2012
It cannot be but a
short time before the many activities that are being carried out to advance
you, come to your attention. The extent to which our allies are involved will
force the issues to be considered by the media. It might take a little longer
before our presence is reported, but whatever steps are taken to prevent it
will be futile. The first reactions will bring out all kinds of responses, but
those who cast doubt or reject us, will soon be overshadowed through acceptance
by the majority of the people. It will not take long at all for the realization
to sink in that we are here to help you, and that includes removing all those
who have usurped their authority and responsibility to you for many years. It
is the end of the Illuminati already seriously weakened by losing much of their
control over you.
You will know by now that we are fully engaged in keeping
peace on the planet, although we cannot stop every confrontation. Peace will
come to you when the big powers stop interfering in other countries affairs.
For too long they have plotted and manipulated circumstances that have forced
countries to sell out their commodities. The result has been that much of the
wealth generated that should have helped its inhabitants, has been taken out of
the country. These problems will all be put right, with the raising up of
people’s living standards and introduction to new technologies. In the poorer
countries a big problem has been the lack of medical attention and adequate
facilities, but that will be quickly overcome. The use of drugs will become
unnecessary, as we will use natural methods through technologies that will be
new to you. No challenge will be too much for us to deal with, and the changes
will be seen very quickly.
We know that people are already anxious to find
out what will happen, but we ask that you wait until we can fully present
ourselves. We wish to reach out to everyone and ensure you quickly understand
what is required of you. Have no fear, as all will be given in good time, and
also opportunities to meet with us to sort out any queries. For a time, there
will be continuous broadcasts to update you on progress being made. There are
exciting times coming up and it will spread around the world, once the future
is understood. Freedom is something few have really experienced, yet it shall
engulf you all before Ascension takes place.
The future is golden and is in
fact a Golden Age, and that fact alone should give you an indication of what to
look forward to. Living in perfection and having the ability to create at will,
will be a new experience and by then you should have acquired a higher level of
consciousness and understanding that will prevent misuse of your powers. As you
can see, a great leap forward is to occur and to say the least you will be
absolutely different to what you are now. An extended life period of your
choosing will be something new, and gives you more than ample time to fully
experience it. In fact, you will be able to literally “swap” bodies, if it is
necessary to ensure completion. These are all areas that you will eventually
understand, and remember that you will have a greatly enhanced degree of
Duality has given you immense strength to handle the most
arduous and difficult challenges. So, Dear Ones, we believe that you can sail
through the remaining months to Ascension. You have been prepared to know what
to expect, and whatever inconvenience you experience, it will be followed by an
ongoing period of peace and tranquility. Naturally, we are forging ahead with
our roles in the present exchanges with us and our allies, against the dark
Ones, as they retreat and find us ready to foil any attempt to cause trouble.
We are very much in the role of Galactic Policemen, but we abide by the Universal
Laws, and our ways are peaceful but forceful if we have to exert our authority.
Even those who oppose us are still part of the whole, and treated with respect
for the Light they carry. No soul is beyond redemption, and in the ultimate it
is Love that brings about changes that awaken them once again.
Clearly you
must look beyond the outer body as you view your fellow man, and keep in mind
that all souls originate from the Source. All of you have experienced the
extremes of duality, and it is as well that you bear in mind a very apt saying
“but for the Grace of God go I”. It is why you are encouraged to put aside
judgment, and try to see the beauty and love in all souls. All will eventually
become enlightened once again, no matter how long it takes, but then time is of
no consequence outside of your dimension, as it does not exist. Whilst on Earth
in duality, “no time” is an unimaginable idea, but perhaps you can grasp that
all is in the Now. That makes your travels extremely interesting, as you can go
back into the past, and for those of you who have a decisive pull towards
particular historical times, what better than to be able visit them. It is also
possible to travel different time lines into the future, which your Time
Travelers have experienced.
Bit by bit you are adjusting to the new life
ahead, and you choose where it leads you to continue you evolution. Be assured
that you do have spiritual helpers to give you advice as to what is best for
your progress. You have never been without such help, and if you struggle now
do not hesitate to put out your thoughts to them, and you might be pleasantly
surprised by the outcome. However, you cannot dictate exactly how it is to work
out, as it must be for your best good and you may not know exactly what that is.
After Ascension you get to know those souls who have traveled with you through
duality. They may not all stay with you, as your needs will undoubtedly change,
as your future life will possibly be more defined as to the direction you want
to go in.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and must mention yet again how time is
speeding up, a sure sign that you are uplifting much more quickly into the
Light. Many can already relate to a new feeling of being relaxed and unaffected
by what is going on around them. That feeling of calmness will spread, and the
much dreaded fear factor will cease to have the same affect. Well done to those
who have achieved such levels, and my love to you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
The Arcturian Group for 25 March 2012
Dear ones, we are here to encourage you to have patience. We see your discouragement when nothing seems to change, but let us assure you that much is changing. You are not aware of all that is transpiring behind the scenes. Try not to be discouraged or hold preconceived concepts of how events must unfold, simply allowing the process, while letting go of any beliefs you may still be holding about how the process must manifest. All is proceeding according to plan and all is perfect.
Many of you are trying to live in ways you believe you should; living out from ideas that come from religious and metaphysical books, or from the experiences of others. Release any and all concepts of how Ascension should look, choosing instead to simply live in the now moment, accepting each day as a gift from the Divine within, while practicing living the Truth you know.
See the Divine in others and remember who you and they are, even if they themselves have no interest in knowing this. Do this for those you see on the news, or in your papers, or as you go about your normal day. Recognize the Divine Plan in everything around you. These small steps gradually change your state of consciousness and lead to the full awakening. It will not appear as a huge blast of energy that blows you into a new world without any effort on your part. One is not “saved” simply by declaring it so. You create the new world with every thought, word, and action lived in truth and understanding of who and what is real. This is the spiritual journey. Yes, things on Earth are speeding up now, and more and more opportunities are to be had for you to practice living each moment from a place of truth and centering, and that is how it is done.
There will be changes you will soon see in your government and the governments of other countries. Many are going to be leaving and the more enlightened will be put in their place.
The time is quickly arriving for those who have held back in doubt and disbelief to either get “aboard the ship” or leave. Higher dimensional energy will not support those who choose to stay in the lower frequencies. Many will be shocked by revelations that are soon to come out, but shocked as they may be, they must open their hearts to a new way of seeing and believing or be left behind. These seem like harsh words, but time is running short for the opening of consciousness to truth.
You have worked very hard for thousands of years in the old three dimensional energy. It was a game played well, but never intended to go on forever. The game is over dear ones, it is time to get on with your journey into the higher energy of truth and the recognition of who you and all are.
We ask all to send Light to those people and areas of Gaia that are still resonating with the lower frequencies. Just send Light without specific intentions or strings attached, because the Light knows what is needed, it is Omniscient. See the Light flow out from your heart center freely given to those not yet aware of their own Light. Your Light Source can never run dry, for it is infinite. As you see and flow Light to the world, you are not trying to change anything for when you try to change something you are in the third dimensional energy seeing from duality and separation. You see, in reality there is nothing to change for all is already One within the perfection of an omnipresent Divine Consciousness. Mankind, in ignorance of this truth, has formed a world that appears much less than perfect. We are not saying that you are to sit back and say; “Oh well it is all illusion, so I will do nothing”. We are saying that the enlightened soul first and always knows the truth, then takes whatever human footsteps he may be guided to take; sometimes it will be to do nothing, other times there will be an action of some sort.
Flow Light to yourselves each day in your quiet time; seeing it flow from your heart center into your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies with the intention of clearing anything and everything of a lower resonance. Choose to clear all lingering energy of disease inheritance, religious vows, ancient promises, painful cellular memories, false beliefs, negative emotional energies, and everything within your energy fields still carrying and holding the lower frequencies, for now is the time for releasing, clearing, and letting go.
It is very important to consciously cut any cords of attachment you may still have to people, letting them go in the realization that every individual has a journey, a Higher Self, and Guides to help them and they will find their way as you have. Cords are formed from an excessive negative or positive energy connection to certain people or things. Many times this will be a child. Often it is someone we have had many less than positive dealings with and wish to avoid. Usually it is someone we think about often. Energy cords, negative or positive can be brought with us from other lifetimes and act to hold one in bondage to another person or something. Never be afraid to consciously release attachment cords. It is important and it is time.
Releasing energy cords does not mean that you cannot have these people in your life; it means the relationship will become different and freer. As you sever any false sense of “NEED” for someone or something in your life, you begin to realize that no thing or person can make you more whole and complete than you already are. This realization is affecting many relationships based in old third dimensional beliefs, especially if one partner understands this, and the other does not. Do an experiment – listen to the old love songs of the 40′s and you will get a good example of attachment and the belief that one’s good is outside of themselves. Most will experience a heaviness when listening to these songs. It is the energy the song carries that you feel and no longer resonate with.
Let go dear ones, let go. Nothing real can ever be lost, only seen and experienced on a higher level. Be not afraid to fall into the arms of truth, for what you find there will be much more than you could ever have imagined in the old and limited energy.
Metaphysics is an attempt to change a bad picture into a good one through many and varied modalities. Mysticism is the realization that there is nothing to change. Right now all are being guided to move into mysticism; a truer way of seeing and believing. Metaphysics still works for many, because it resonates with their state of consciousness. Most “spiritual” books available now are metaphysical, guiding the reader to do this or do that in order to move beyond problems and get more “spiritual”. If you no longer resonate with these books and teachings then you are being guided to go beyond metaphysics and into mysticism–the realization that you already are and always have been-complete.
It is time to let go of ALL that is old and finished, no matter how strongly you have believed you needed something in order to feel happy. This is Ascension.
We are the Arcturian Group.
Message from SaLuSa for 28 March 2012
The news about the changes are travelling more quickly around the world, and that pleases us as those with enquiring minds are seeking the answers as to what is happening. Some fear the meaning behind them, but others sense that something major and exciting is happening to the world. Fortunately the truth is being spread far and wide, and we are in gratitude to those of you who are at the forefront endeavoring to reach as many people as possible. When Disclosure takes place, it will make our task so much easier, if they have already been primed as to what to expect. Time is speeding by at such a fast rate, everything is being hurried along, and very soon you can expect some major announcements.
Mankind has had adequate time to start paying attention to the many messages given, that are intended to pave the way for the greater revelations. The ones in the slow lane will have to witness much that will be a great shock to their mindset, but we must get moving. There is no more time to wait until a greater percentage of you are understanding of what is about to happen. Of course, that will change dramatically, when the media are released from the constraints placed upon them by the dark Ones. Truth has been a rare commodity in the past, but as the controls are removed it will come back in full force. Even those who profess to be aware, are even so going to be surprised at the full extent of lies and disinformation, that has been dished up as the truth in the past. It goes well beyond what you would imagine, and will reveal the extent to which you have been controlled.
Returning your freedom is paramount in our minds, and we will remove all those controls that have been used to keep you in your place. Those responsible, at some stage, will answer for their crimes against Humanity. So we ask you not to concern yourselves too much with what will happen to them. It is more important to concentrate on your own needs and preparation for Ascension. Live to your highest concept of one who is able to give Unconditional Love, spare judgment and instead generously show compassion. Do your best and you will master the ways of being the Master that you really are.
By anyone’s measure you do not now have long to go before you experience the benefits of the changes that are about to materialize. We of the Galactic Federation shall oversee them, and ensure that their implementation shall take place smoothly and efficiently to the benefit of everyone. Release from financial constraints and illegal taxes, will free you from the burden they place upon every person. Yes, you still have to pay your way for the services of others, but with the coming of abundance that will not be a problem. In short time, you will advance to a level that you should have already reached, but for the deliberate interference of the Illuminati and their minions. From there on, Ascension will take you even further, until money itself will no longer be necessary.
Let go of any ties you have to the present period, so that you can make allowances for the new way of life that is taking over. Be prepared and know that it will not be fully experienced until you rise up, and then another phase will commence, as you take your place as a Galactic Being. Your evolution is going to take some massive steps forward, and return you to where you came from as a fully conscious Being. By then you will have merged with your Higher Self and be of the Christ Consciousness. At present, that must seem a long way off, but be assured that it is your destiny as you travel through the Higher Realms. Thereafter you will be able to travel anywhere in the Creator’s Kingdoms.
Meanwhile we are most active at this time as you might expect, and are keen for some positive signs to be passed onto you with regards to the removal of those who have formed the top echelon of the Illuminati. They have felt untouchable in the past, but now feel so vulnerable as their castle walls have been destroyed, and they have nowhere to hide that we are not aware of. We will also take away their assets almost certainly gained by illegal dealing or outright criminal activity. They will be given back to those who rightfully own them, and go a long way to overcoming the many needs of the people.
President Obama is still a key figure in the coming changes, and shall lead the mission to bring peace to the world. Those who play at wars will have to find another way of amusing themselves, and we will put their military to good use by instead serving the people. As you know there is plenty to do in making good the damage to Mother Earth, and ensuring that the most needy quickly have a proper standard of living. That is the least that people can expect, and it will be added to, as soon as new technologies are used to make life easier. War has been written into the history books as it truly took place, and the truth of who was behind them. Everything that has ever happened is recorded in the Hall of Records, and will if necessary be used to illustrate the truth for you.
One important feature of incarnation is that when you review your lives, they are seen and experienced exactly as they happened. There is no place for distortion of the facts or denial of the truth; it is there for all to see. Those who felt that they “got away with it” on Earth, will get a shock to know that it is not the case, so no lies or laying the blame elsewhere will be accepted. If this was not so, some souls would escape their responsibility as they have done on Earth. The truth allows a careful consideration of your actions and importantly your intentions. That way the need for certain lessons to prevent a recurrence can be arranged, that should give the soul an opportunity to prove that they can live from a higher level of understanding. Dear Ones, no one wants to see you fail, and that is why you are given every chance to succeed where you previously done so.
Feel the changes being brought about by the higher energies that are being grounded upon Earth, and add you own by spreading your Light as far as possible. As the days are passing, you are becoming more powerful and have much stronger powers of creation. Use them wisely for the good of All.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Message from SaLuSa for 26 March 2012
In some ways we would say that our mission nears completion, as we approach a time when all of the work put in to release you from the control of the Illuminati is showing results. For you it is the end of the cycle of Duality, and for us simply the means of clearing the way for the commencement of a new cycle. It will be a new beginning and follow a continuation of the raising up of your consciousness levels, to allow you to ascend to even higher levels. We too will be sharing those times with you and we are very much a part of your future. We are assisting you to eventually become Galactic Beings, and that will be by you rightfully reclaiming your place with us.
What you have now is not your true reality, but one you have created over millennia of time, since you dropped down from the higher dimensions. Not a single soul was forced to do so, and each and every one of you freely volunteered for the experience. You did so with complete faith knowing that however much you strayed from the Light, there would be a time when you would be called back and helped to do so. That time is of course now, and in a short time you will know for certainty that you are firmly on the path to Ascension, and that nothing can stand in its way or delay it. Can you not sense the difference already in the energies around you, as they have become more of the Light and so uplifting? Those of fear have been subdued, and when you obtain confirmation of the extent of the arrests and resignations of the dark Ones, that will also help you to live more peacefully.
The freedom that has been denied you for so long is returning, and you will be in no doubt that the old paradigm has been destroyed. The new one is already taking its place and bringing you a new hope and belief in a wonderful future. Some of you have glimpsed it and it has inspired you and changed your outlook on life. It is so different to what you have now that words seem inadequate to describe it, and one notable aspect is the feeling of Love that comes at you from all directions. If you have ever experienced such an energy, it is likely to have only been a momentary experience, whereas in the higher dimensions it is continually present. You have an expression that “it is love that makes the world go around” and you do not realize how true it is. Indeed it is the lack of love that has torn your Earth apart and made you feel detached from your Godself. Love energy is the most powerful one of all, and could change your circumstances in a flash, if you were all able to come together in this way. Many of you have experienced what love can do, particularly where it is used to heal. It can transmute the lower vibrations, and that is why you are often asked to send love to those who are of the dark Cabal.
Think upon these things and when you feel that you want to help Mankind, send out love to those who are clearly in need. The results may not be instantaneous, but be assured that it helps even if they take time to be seen. The Light can be built upon, such as when you use it to protect yourself. If you are not already a beacon of Light, practice seeing yourself as one and you will surely create it around you. You will also find that you will attract other souls of a like kind, as they will sense your higher vibrations. Imagine if everyone around you was of the Light, and you will begin to get a feel of what it is like to be in the higher dimensions. Do not limit your expectations as to what Ascension means to you, as it will set you free from all of the conflicts and problems that beset you now on Earth. In the future, you will want for absolutely nothing, and you will find that the Creator has provided for you in every conceivable way.
So Dear Ones, be determined to ride out whatever comes your way between now and Ascension. Do not let anything get you down, as whatever happens it will be short lived. If you suffer losses they will be more than made up to you, and remember that you cannot take anything with you into the higher vibrations, unless it is compatible with them. That is why no soul can force its way into them, and will automatically find itself at its correct and corresponding level. Understand that you all progress at your own speed, and have had equal opportunities to choose the path to Ascension. So, please do not upset yourself should a near loved one choose differently to you, and honor their freewill choice. Loved ones are never far away, and you will always be able to meet again.
Get ready to enjoy yourselves and feel free to express your feelings, as once the changes come out and you see the benefits, you will be ecstatic. Celebrations will be the order of the day, and believe us when we say that we shall organize some memorable events and take part in them. Joy and happiness are getting nearer and will carry you all of the way to Ascension. There are difficult periods still to go through, but nothing will last very long and if it creates new needs, we will be on hand to help you. We already work behind the scenes and will be pleased when our activities can be more open. Our priority at present is stopping the warring factions from coming to blows, and we have no doubt that we can prevent any attempts at starting another war. No doubt, you will be appalled and angry, when you learn of how many times the dark Ones have tried to start another one in the Middle East. We will not dwell upon such unpleasant things, but you need to know who has worked against you over many, many years, often in the guise of working for you.
We continue to closely monitor Mother Earth as there are physical changes happening, and some areas are more prone to them than others. We are not allowed to stop those that are necessary, but will do all we can to alleviate any harm to you and keep extensive damage to a minimum. Conditions could well have been horrendous if the dark Ones had their way, but we have stopped their plans to induce catastrophes to reduce the population of Earth. We know many of you cannot comprehend that anyone could fall to that extent, but with the almost total loss of Light such souls have lost any feelings of compassion.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who have given a hand in spreading not just these, but many messages from sources of Light. They have uplifted so many people, and prepared them for Ascension. God bless you all.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light for 23 March 2012
The governments of your world are playing a game of ‘quid pro’ and ‘quid pro quo’. (What for-What for what). We have given them every opportunity to step down peaceably and offer their assistance in the implementation of your New System. They have refused time and again to cooperate and now it is time for them to be removed in any way possible to clear the path for your further development and your new governmental and financial systems. Please allow us the opportunity to assist you to remove these stubborn individuals and institute worldwide governmental regime change that will once and for all end this dark period in your planet’s history.
So much waits on the removal of those sworn to the old system of corruption and chaos, and we need to get underway with the vast sweeping changes of your world as time is running very short and there is so much work yet to be done to secure your paths to Ascension. What we propose is a sweep of governmental offices from top to bottom, from bottom to top, and remove each and every individual from their position, either elected or appointed, who are aligned with the forces of darkness, otherwise known as the Cabal.
We see this as a means to an end, and this must be accomplished and must be accomplished within a suitable timeframe, so we can begin to implement the many other changes that are necessary as you move forward into your year of 2012. Many changes to your civilization are just up ahead, and many of you have no idea the impact these changes will have on your society and your planet. We are here in your skies and have traveled here from great distances to assist you in what will be your time of need. There is no reason to be frightened. Together we can suitably handle these changes and allow you to safely move forward into your futures.
Many of your government officials would rather see you suffer than to step down from their positions of power, so we see no other alternative than to remove them forcibly. This can and will be done without a need for violence on any level, but it is up to those of your governments being removed how they wish to proceed. These men and women need to understand that they will face harsher penalties for their actions by refusing to step down from their positions. Their jobs are, and have always been, in service to the citizenry, and they were called upon to act always in a manner that would be best for the welfare of the people. Instead, everything they have done worked against the people, to strip them of their money, their health, their rights and their freedom. This will now end, and we offer our assistance to our Earth allies who must now move forward and remove these individuals from their offices and take them into custody. This must be done in the name of the people, and it must be done in the name of your new world.
It was known all along that these individuals could not keep their positions of power within your governments, as there is no place for corruption and dishonesty, selfishness and greed in your new world, especially through the ranks of your governmental bodies. How these individuals were to vacate their positions has always been a matter of choice, and it is their choice now. They have stubbornly refused all offers to make this as easy a transition as possible for them, and they are now out of time and out of bargaining power. The next time they hear from us and our Earth allies will be when we are knocking on their door to take them away and into custody.
This is the way it must be, as this is the way they have chosen it to be. We wished very much for this process to proceed differently, in a way that would be a smooth transition for them and also a smooth transition for the citizens of your countries. Instead, it will be a rockier transition, but nonetheless the end result will be what we, your Earth allies, and the awakened people of your world want and understand is necessary for the betterment of all of you and your society as a whole. We will now move ahead with this phase of the operation and begin the takedown of those seated within your governments who are aligned with the powers of the dark and who are corrupt through to the bone. They will be replaced by those souls of honor and integrity, balance and foresight, and who possess within them an honor of duty. These men and women are highly trained at the positions they will fill and they are, or will be, sworn to uphold the law of light, of freedom and the sanctity of the human soul and spirit, and if anyone who takes office fails to maintain this focus, they too shall be removed.
We have much confidence in these men and women who will be stepping in to these leadership roles and you may be very confident in them as well. Many of these individuals have waited in the wings for their time to shine, and that time has now come. We will converse with our Earth allies and set up a suitable removal process of those still aligned with the dark, and we will move forward with this operation as soon as possible, as time is of the essence. We wish for all our Lightworkers in the field to again be pillars of strength and a fountain of information for those who will thirst through misunderstanding, fear and confusion at what they will be witnessing. Try to keep in mind that for those who yet have no idea of what is transpiring around them, the removal from office of so many of those they have come to trust can be quite a shock, and we wish you all who know and understand what lies at the heart of these events to be there for your brothers and sisters and offer your guidance and your knowledge to help better ease them through these transitions.
We cannot thank enough those of you in the field for the work you have been doing. Nothing you do goes unnoticed by us, and we are deeply grateful for everything that you have been doing in the name of progress for this world. We understand that many of you are growing impatient, awaiting to see the changes long discussed, but we tell you they are just up ahead and once they begin, they will not slow or stop and you will never have cause to wait impatiently again. Try to see and understand that what has been transpiring behind the scenes has been extremely complex, and at times, very dangerous for those of the Light, and it was necessary that we, as well as your Earth allies proceed as slowly and as cautiously as possible to protect our mission, as well as to protect lives. No time has been squandered away through inactivity; instead, we and our Earth allies have been working continuously, pressing forward in our mission and gaining ground each and every day. In due time, when we are able to speak freely with you, we will explain everything that we have been doing unbeknownst to you, and at that time we are very confident you will see that there was great cause for you to remain as patient as possible.
As we have said, this part of your mission will be over shortly, and the next phase of operation will see you fully abreast of each and every development and there will be no longer any need for secrecy. This will come as a relief to many of you who at this time have only a few sources of information, and we were not able to reveal everything through our channels. This is changing as we are now able to share more with you, and in the days ahead there will be nothing that we cannot openly discuss with you. Look for the changes in your governments to coincide with the mass arrests of those of your criminal Cabal, their underlings, and many of their associates.
Many of these individuals are associated through their illegal and underhanded dealings, and as such will be removed from your society whether they are elected government officials or not. Those who hold positions within your governments have never been, and are not today, entitled to any kind of special treatment or protection from your laws, which they have broken time and again. They will be arrested and charged just as any criminal would in your society and held to face the charges against them. While these proceedings move forward, your new governments will take shape through those who have shown themselves worthy and who have earned the trust of us as well as our Earth allies. You will be meeting these men and women in the days ahead, and we wish for their welcoming to be warm, exciting, and full of expectation, for what they will be bringing is a new and better way for all of you.
Look for these changes to be rapid and look for them to be far sweeping as the corruption reaches through the many branches of your governments. Your new governing bodies will take root and grow strong and healthy, bearing fruit for the people of your world. Allow this process time to nurture and to grow, and again be patient, as this is a very delicate process that must be handled with due care. What we are speaking of is not an easy process for any world. We have handled many situations just as this before, and we will see to the successful conclusion of this operation as well. Bear with us at this time and show your support for us as well as our Earth allies. We know how long you have waited for this day, but we tell you this day has now come and all your waiting and your hard work will be well worth all of it.
Please continue to monitor your news outlets for these breaking news stories and share this information with all who wish to understand better this event. Again, we wish for this event to be the ‘shot heard around the world’ that will awaken as many as possible, as to how their world is changing all around them. Help them to see that these arrests are good news and nothing to be frightened of, and help them to see that there is a better way and a better world available to them. Help them to see these arrests are clearing the way, making it all possible, and a better world is what will stand when all the smoke clears.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light for 20 March
As the power continues to shift over to those of the Light, you will
see more changes all throughout your society. Be aware of these changes and
continue to be a source of information for your brothers and sisters, who will
have little idea of what is transpiring around them. You have come to earth on
assignment to assist, and you are now about to move into the thick of things as
the changes that we have talked about are set to begin. Be a pillar of strength
for others in this time of great change as many will be confused and some
frightened at these proceedings. We will keep you abreast at all times of
updates throughout these events, and we will inform you of anything we feel you
should know as these arrests continue throughout your world.
Stand by your
convictions and continue to spread the news of these arrests that will begin
shortly and sweep through countries all over your planet. We have advised you
that all will see that your words were truth, and we assure you this will be
the case. Have confidence in yourselves and of your work. Know that you are
doing the work of the Light by sharing this information, as it is very
important for as many as possible to understand and recognize this event for
what it is and what it will mean to the people of your planet. Try to
understand that not everyone thinks like you and that there will be those who
see these arrests as bad news and signs of more negative things to come. Do
your best to offer them an alternative view to these proceedings and see that
these changes are very necessary to the upliftment of all the people of your
world and your society as a whole. These changes were well overdue and their
time has now come.
We see new doors to fly open all over your world upon
these arrests, and as we have said, this event will merely be the beginning to
a wonderful new start for your world. So much of what you only believed to be
possible in dreams will now be as real as everything you have ever known.
Without the obstacles of the dark ones in your path, your journey will take on
a remarkable new look and feel, and new roads will take you to great places and
great heights many of you have never even dreamed of. All that you have ever
wanted, needed or desired will now be yours, and you will be free to do with
these gifts whatever it is you would like, as long as you respect the
boundaries and rights of others. This will be your creed. This will be your
law. This will be your new golden rule. When one respects this law, so many
other laws that are on your books today can be taken down and done away with,
as they will no longer apply to your experience.
You are about to experience
true freedom, for many of you, for the first time throughout all of your incarnations
into the physical, and we are here to make sure all that has served to keep you
down and keep you repressed is removed from your new lives forever. Please be
patient with us, as we proceed with these many changes as they number greatly
and can be very complex, but we assure you all the changes will proceed
according to schedule and there will be no delays permitted of any kind. Once
the obstacles of the dark ones are removed, there shall be no other reasons to
slow our progress in any way. You are now about to see what real change looks
We will begin with a restructuring of your governments, once the Cabal
is removed from power. There has been a corruption of most of your world
governments, in many cases leading all the way to the top of a hierarchal
structure. We intend to tear down this pyramidal structural one block at a time
and rebuild your governments with those of integrity, honor and a sense for
justice and fair play. These men and women will uphold your New Law, and your New Law will be based on Love. This is the way it will be and there will be no
toleration or exceptions to your New Law, and all who try to stand in the way
of your New System will be removed and taken to a place that more accurately
matches their vibrational and consciousness levels. This is the way it must be
as no one or nothing can be permitted to stand in the way of your newly forming
world. As your new society is taking shape, it will be as a newborn baby that
needs Love, proper care and nurturing, and each and every one of you will be
the parents of this newborn and it will be each of your responsibilities to
raise her with Love and give her what she needs.
Many of you have shown your
worthiness to be the leaders of your new society and will, in the days ahead,
be offered opportunities in your new governments. This is how it will be in
your new world, where each of you will earn your positions within your society
through your good deeds and your actions, and no longer will positions of power
be filled through cronyism, influence peddling, or coercion in anyway. Your
society will be free and clear of any corruption on any level, and there will
be no reason for any of you to ever have to stray from the path of Light in
order to survive, as all you will ever need for you and your families will be
yours. Your New System will be a system based on abundance, and so many of the
ills of your society that were symptoms of its cause of lack and scarcity will
disappear forever.
It is now the time for what many of you have waited a
very long time for. The show is about to start and we ask you to continue to be
participants in your show and not spectators. There will be enough spectators
to these proceedings and what we are asking for is performers to take their
places center stage. We will act as directors for this production and suggest
to you where your talents can be better utilized, but always keep in mind, we
will only suggest our ideas to you and the final decisions for anything you do
will be up to you, as it is your world and you will call all the shots.
are here in an advisory capacity and to help you in ways that you are not
properly suited for. In the days ahead, you as a society will be fully capable
to take care of yourselves in every possible way and we will move on, leaving
ambassadors here to observe how your new world is growing and taking shape.
They will report back to us, and we will always be there for you if ever you
should require any of our assistance in the future. Many of you will be leaving
with us as members of the Galactic Federation of Light as we journey to new
worlds and begin our new assignments to assist another planet, just as we are
here assisting you. This is what we do, and we look forward to you joining us
on our next mission.
Heightened states of awareness are what we intend
throughout our missions to other worlds. We place our personnel within growing
societies, where they can be themselves and effectively raise the consciousness
of others around them as they live their lives. This is a very effective method
that we have worked on perfecting for many eons and we will continue this
method, as it has proven to be very effective in raising the individual, as
well as the collective consciousness of worlds. When the work of our
Lightworkers is completed, it is time for them to rejoin us and move on to new
areas of their work. This is the case at this point in time here on this
planet, as many of you are completing your assignments as Lightworkers to
assist in the raising of the collective consciousness of this world. You will
now be rejoining us, as we proceed with the next stages of this operation. When
all our work is completed here, it will be time to move on to new destinations
and new assignments and you, of course, as members of the Galactic Federation of
Light, as well as some of you who are members of other Galactic Commands, will
rejoin your crews and travel to the location of your new missions.
Our work
is never finished, of course, as there are newly born worlds every moment of
every day throughout this universe, as it is an ever growing and ever expanding
expression of the Creator’s dream. Each of you is an expression of the
Creator’s dream as well, and you too are ever-growing and ever-expanding each
and every moment of each and every day. We are also here helping you grow into
maturity, just as we are here in assistance to your society as a whole.
throughout our journeys, there are higher dimensional beings guiding us and
nurturing us, as this is the way this universe has been designed. None of us
are ever alone on our journeys, as we are protected, loved and cared for by
those of higher realms whose mission it is to watch over those of lower realms
and help them on their journey. This is the way it has always been, and this is
the way it will always be. We too have higher dimensional beings watching over
us, guiding us and protecting us, and once you ascend, you too will be called
upon to watch over and guide beings from a lower dimension, while those of the
higher realms continue to watch over you. This is the way it is in this
universe, as we are never left all alone without guidance on our never ending
We are always cared for and protected, and this is why there is
never a reason to fear. Fear is an illusion, as is separation, of your lower
dimensional states, but as you ascend into the Higher Realms this illusion will
fade away as the mirage it is and you will remember that you have never been
alone and unprotected, not for one moment throughout your journey. We are here
to help you remember this, and we are here watching over you, guiding you and
protecting you, just as we have always been and always will.
I have never
met such resilience to the truth before, but we see plowing through these walls
of lack of information in due time as we push forward with our mission. Please
be advised there will be further obstacles before us, before you enter into the
last and final stages of Ascension, but these obstacles will be removed as well
one by one by us together as a team. Looking towards these projects, we see a
finely tuned working machine consisting of members of your human family and
members of our cosmic families. Together there is no obstacle that we will face
that can stop us, and we will succeed as we have so many times before and go on
to face new challenges and new adventures in this universe of ours.
jobs we have had, but that is not to say that this particular mission is not
without its challenges. The Cabal and their minions have proven a formidable
foe, but they have seen their last day as they now recede with the sunset and
will not be permitted to see another day. We have effectively neutralized their
fighting forces and they are no longer able to mount any opposition to our
movements and our plans to install a new societal system on your planet. Every
plan, every strategy, every maneuver, and every wing and a prayer that they
have thrown at us has been defeated and they are now out of options and will
see no revival of their fighting forces or of their plans for world domination.
It is all over for them. They know this, they know we know this, and now you
know this. It is over. Victory is ours together as it has always been written.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light for 19 March 2012
hope these readings that we will perform amount to the data we wish to collect
in order to better understand the development of the human psyche at this time.
We are conducting these readings in order to better understand the human mental
processes and their function. Please bear with us, as we develop these tests to
perform better our tasks of reading your collective, as well as individual,
levels of consciousness. We feel this is a very important area in our research
to more clearly define your development as a species and as individuals, and we
believe we have made great gains in understanding the people of your planet
Please be advised that many of you have agreed to participate in
these tests, and that we would never invade your privacy without your prior
consent. Many of you agreed to these undertakings before your current
incarnations, as part of your duties as members of the Galactic Federation of
Light, and we thank you very much for your cooperation, as we continue to read
your conscious-ness levels, while you read the messages sent through our
channels. We are conducting tests to better our mental and telepathic
connections as well, and through these tests we are able to identify areas of
strength and of weakness that can be improved upon. Readings indicate the human
psyche development is proceeding very well, and we see a day when telepathic
communication will become common place between yourselves, and other dimensional
beings as well.
All along your journey we have been monitoring you in many
ways and we have often performed tests of your mental, physical, emotional, and
spiritual developments. Through these tests, we better ascertained what areas
of your development required attention and which areas you were developing well
in. Based on these findings we initiated programs and events that were designed
to assist you in your development in these areas, and this is just as true
today as it has always been.
Today your world is experiencing many changes
on many levels, and this can also be said of your individual consciousnesses
that are also experiencing changes on many different levels. Ideas, concepts,
and events are introduced to you to assist you in your development. Not all
events that happen in your world are created by us, and not all events that
happen in your world are created by you. It is more a subtle mix of our
energies that form your reality, than either one or the other. All has been
designed for your upliftment and your betterment. Nothing that we do is for our
own gain or to manipulate your world for any reason other than the development
of you as people and as individuals.
The Cabal and all their minions are
also tools of development, and they have played a very necessary role in your
advancement. It is time more of you saw this and understood this, as to better
understand why they are now being removed from your reality. They are being
removed from your reality, because they no longer possess a benefit for you;
rather, they are now impeding your progress. They are now impeding your
progress, because you have reached a certain level as a society, where you no
longer need their friction and interference in your lives for you to learn
from. The lessons they were designed to teach you have been taught, and many of
you have demonstrated that you have successfully learned the lessons of these
teachings and now it is time for you to move on to new lessons that await you.
men and women of the Cabal and their many associates have also been learning
lessons through these dealings. They have not in any way been used or tricked
to only benefit you, but they have also benefited greatly, and we do not mean
in their temporary and shallow monetary gains. Some of them have made great
strides in their spiritual developments as well, as many of them are now seeing
the error of their ways and how so much of themselves has been wasted in these
pursuits for more power, more control, and more wealth. Many of them are now
reflecting upon their lives and what could have been, and are making great
strides in their levels of consciousness as well.
As we have maintained all
along, you are all in this together. You are all one team, although it has
appeared you were divided into two teams, the Light versus the Dark. You are
all one. You are all one race, you are all one planet, and you are all on a
journey together. The Dark as well as the Light are all learning lessons that
were carefully developed and implemented into your reality to better assist you
learn the essential lessons of your journey through existence. The time is
approaching when this game that has pitted the Light against the Dark, has
reached its conclusion, and when it has, much will be revealed to you to shed
more light on the members of these two seemingly opposing teams.
We feel
many of you may be very surprised at some of these revelations. There has
always been more to your reality than you are able to perceive with your 3rd
dimensional senses, but as you, as people and as an individual, are raising
your vibrations to higher dimensional levels, you will perceive more and in
greater detail than you ever have before. There will be many surprises in store
for you, and we feel many of you will be delighted as so many of these
well-kept secrets are revealed to you one by one.
Try to see the Dark and
the lessons they have taught you as blessings, for indeed they are, as these
lessons have been essential to your growth and without them you would not be
embarking on the new journey that waits just up ahead for you. The gifts you
are about to receive are wonderful and they are plentiful and they are all due
to your level of advancement, and you would not have reached this point of your
journey without so many of your fellow humans on both sides of the ball. Try to
remember this as these members of the dark Cabal are brought into custody to
face justice. Try to see them in the light that they rightfully deserve, as
instruments for your higher learning. They too had lessons that needed to be
learned and they are learning them, and will continue to learn them as these
proceedings continue on.
Try to remember as everything has been designed for
your advancement, so too should be the punishment for their crimes. We suggest
to you to look for avenues of punishment that will better assist them on their
journeys, rather than act as deterrents to the expansion of their
consciousness. This is what we ask of you at this time, although as we have
said, it is your world and it is up to you. The punishments you dispense will
be your decision and we will abide by them and assist you in their
implementation. All we ask of you is to think carefully over your options as
all souls deserve a chance to learn and to grow, and it is never too late for anyone
throughout this entire universe to find the path back into the Light.
Try to
be as kind and as patient as you can with these lost souls, as what they need
is love and understanding, as hatred and anger will only push them further down
into the darkness that imprisons them today. Many of you are well trained and
educated in these areas and will be called upon through these proceedings to
show the others that there is a better way of rehabilitation than pure
punishment. We ask you to share your wisdom with your brothers and sisters who
may not clearly understand yet these concepts, and offer them as consideration
as these criminal proceedings move forward. There will be many who cry for
revenge, and a lynch mob mentality may grow within the ranks of those who
learn, perhaps for the first time, that they have been victims at the hands of
these individuals. We ask you to dowse these flames, as these energies are not
conducive to your betterment or upliftment at this time.
There are better
ways to handle these proceedings and dispense justice, and we will leave it
upon you to decide amongst yourselves how you will choose to proceed with these
damaged souls. At the proper time, we will introduce to you advanced methods of
rehabilitation for your consideration and discussion amongst yourselves. We
feel these methods would weigh better in the long run for both you and the dark
ones alike. Remember your lessons are not completed either, and these criminal
proceedings are a large part of your education as well.
Please be advised
these proceedings will begin very soon upon the arrests of these men and women,
and they will move swiftly without any lengthy interruptions. The time will be
upon you very quickly to decide how it is you wish to dispense justice and what
you feel would be the best methods in the way of rehabilitation. We will assist
you in this process by sharing with you our experience in these matters at a
time when we can more personally communicate with you. For now, please consider
what we are suggesting in the ways of the most beneficial rehabilitation
programs, and again try to see these dark ones for what they are and what they
have truly been to you; very beneficial tools for your development.
awaits you is priceless and far greater than the price you have had to pay at
the hands of these dark ones, and we only want you to see this and reflect upon
this, while you are considering what is appropriate punishment for these souls.
Continue on knowing that nothing or no one can stand in your way now, and that
these dark ones are now powerless to interfere with your affairs any longer.
They have served their purpose and they are no longer needed for your
upliftment, and therefore are now being removed from your society. Know that
nothing can interfere with this purification, and know that there is nothing
but clear skies ahead for you all.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
Message from SaLuSa for 23 March 2012
In some respects the world is passing through a quieter period than normal, and that is partly due to our activities and those of our allies. A point has been reached where we are able to exert more authority over the dark Ones, who are rapidly losing their power. More people are standing up against them, having acquired a great deal of confidence from seeing others success-fully doing the same. It shall continue and help us to achieve our aims to go ahead with our plans, for your total release from the shackles of the past. Many aspects of them are well advanced, and you are entering a rather odd time. You will clearly see the old values and things that you relied upon falling out of sight, but not the new that will replace it. A thorough sweeping away is needed before matters are sufficiently ready for us to take charge. Even so, we desire that the reins of power are passed over to you, and our role is to help you achieve those ends.
A most pleasing development in very recent times is that your consciousness levels continue to grow, and the awakening amongst you is going to make the coming period a lot easier to handle. It is important that we soon commence direct contact with you, as there are so many important issues that we must address. The scene must be set for the major changes waiting to come out, particularly where the financial position is concerned. It is imperative that it is established correctly, and coordinated throughout the many countries involved. Our allies are aware of these needs, and together we are confident of success. Once finance and governance are established in accordance with your destined future, then we know that the basis will exist for the remaining changes to go ahead.
Achieving peace after thousands of years of continual wars will cause a dramatic change in people’s lives, and their outlook will suddenly brighten up. The realization will set in that life was meant to be happy, joyful and rewarding, and a unity will take place that would not have been possible previously. Slowly the people will come to understand the Oneness of everything and how it is all part of the whole. The falseness of beliefs in separatism and the deliberate distortion of the truth about the purpose of life, will be seen as no more than the attempts of the dark Ones to maintain a division amongst the people. The coming of peace will change all of that, and a wave of relief and joy will sweep across the Earth. Old differences will be set aside and it will be seen that a wonderful future lies ahead. By then, people will have become more informed of what the changes were leading to, and helped to understand the process of Ascension.
Clearly there is a lot of work to do, but as we have often informed you, we have no problems in being equal to the task. Be assured that whatever needs to be done to ensure completion as planned, it will be carried out with full efficiency. The size of some tasks is enormous, but we have all the necessary equipment and personnel to do it. The Galactic Federation is of an immense size and quite used to handling complex and gigantic tasks. It is growing all of the time, as more civilizations reach the required level of consciousness that enables them to become members. You Dear Ones of Earth, who are ascending, will have reached that level, and can also take your place with us.
What a fitting end you are about to experience, after having battled your way through some of the darkest periods in your lives. Now you are playing out the last acts and clearing any remaining karma, and moving into the higher vibrations and releasing yourself from the lower ones. It is still up to you how you experience the final period, but one thing that will remain unchanged will be Ascension. You can all take much credit for the fact that you have brought so much Light to Earth, that up to now there has been little signs of the apocalyptic End Times expected in some quarters. Of course, physical changes must occur, but they do not need to be catastrophic and we will lessen their affects.
Sometimes we feel that many of you do not fully understand the implications of what is happening. Make no mistake, all that you thought was permanently on Earth as a natural consequence of your creations, is largely the work of those who enslaved you. You have had little say if any at all in what has passed as your life experiences. It is however true that you have made the most of them by accepting the challenge to overcome them. The dark Ones have unwittingly helped you evolve, and you have not only survived, but brought the Light to Earth, so that it has stopped their plans from preventing Ascension. You have proved more than equal to the task, and have shown the extent of your good faith in the higher powers that have guided you. Furthermore, you have achieved it without knowing the full facts, and until fairly recently that your victory was to lead you directly to Ascension. You can rightly feel proud of yourselves, and we have endless admiration for you all. You are truly Warriors of the Light that have earnt all of the accolades that will come your way.
You no longer have anything to fear, although you will hear reports of confrontations where countries play the old game of pretence. They may harbor thoughts of war, but it will go no further, and we will see to it that it comes to nothing. They will soon have to put away all weapons of war, and we will ensure that there is no skullduggery or deceit. We mean business when we talk of these things, and in no uncertain manner shall address all nations when our peace talks begin. We will not be asking them to accept peace, but demanding it on your behalf and at the request of higher powers than Man. It will come very soon and allow you the opportunity to live in safety, and without fear of the loss of life, your belongings or your home.
Dear Ones, all that has been promised will be fulfilled, and we are here to see that the changes are in accordance with the Divine Plan. Be cheerful and enjoy the thoughts that Ascension evokes, and allow your consciousness free range to do so. Think changes and how wonderful life is going to be, and if possible share your thoughts with those who also sense what is coming. Love every soul as yourself and that will be of great service to them.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.
Galactic Federation Update for 20 March 2012 by Sheldan Nidle
Dratzo! We return! Progress continues to be made by our Earth allies and especially by Earth’s many secret sacred societies. Many nations in Europe, and many others that are sympathetic to the cause of the New Economic System, now stand in defiance of the status quo. Meanwhile, a group of unprincipled speculators and their energy-corporation co-conspirators continue to put pressure on global oil prices. To counter this massive chicanery, those who are ready to overthrow the major dark regimes are busy approving the use of various devices that can quickly take your planet off dependence on crude oil and petroleum. This is one of many projects that will refocus the basic direction of your global societies. A New Financial System accompanied by new governance will free you from the daily burdens of artificially created scarcity. It is time to begin a new epoch based on true sovereignty and a natural global abundance founded on zero-point and solar energies. There is also the matter of your duties to Mother Earth to attend to. Your precious planet needs to be resuscitated and supported by all of you.
These various activities are part of the plan to remove the dark from power and to permit us to carry out our First Contact mission with you. We dearly wish to complete this mission at the right divine time. Before we can arrive, all of you need to become aware of the foul nature of your current reality and why it desperately needs a complete and thorough makeover! The good news is, the dark cabal is on its last legs and its members deeply fear what is to happen to them. We observe how those working in the Light have been courageously moving a much-needed New Economic System into place. The abundance that is to flow from this system is only the start of a huge agenda of change. The first of the coming changes can be thought of as a fun run-up to First Contact when you will experience the magnificence of Heaven and a return to your spiritual roots. As we have often told you, our part is to mentor you back into your natural state of Full Consciousness, at which point you will become our associates in unfolding the Divine Plan throughout physicality.
These changes are to convert the very nature of your reality into something quite different. It is rare for Heaven to condone such an immense alteration in such a short space of time. Normally, this amount of change is made over centuries, not in a span of less than a decade. This sanction is by way of being a divine compensation, because the dark cabal openly defied the sacred decrees governing the makeover of this reality. The cabal took upon itself the astonishing hubris of attempting to evict the forces of Heaven from one of Her especially administered physical realities. Such defiance is of course ridiculous! The Galactic Federation of Light is here as one of the physical components of Heaven to carry out the divine agenda in physicality, and it is thus that your freedom is ensured. Also dedicated to the Light are various on-planet resources, which have joined together to direct a Heaven-sponsored removal of the cabal and its arrogant adherents. This strategy is in its final phases and the cabal’s power is ebbing fast.
As the dark cabalists prepare to step down, we closely monitor those who are poised to succeed them. It is vital that the designated caretaker governments set up a form of representative governance that supports your present and future development. The prosperity programs and the many beneficent projects that these interim regimes will instigate need to be in synch with one another. Further, these regimes require new rules which enable each of you to be a participant in government, as these will be the first, primitive steps toward your Galactic Society. This brief period will be an interregnum between your present governmental morass and your return to Full Consciousness. Nevertheless, its activities will need to anticipate the vast transformations that lie ahead, and must represent more than just a return to the eloquent goals of your forefathers. It is a time to acknowledge who you are becoming and the grand responsibilities that you are to undertake, which will forge a marvelous future for all of surface humanity!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this glorious day to welcome each of you into the new realm of Full Consciousness, which is being materialized as we speak. Below you lie the sacred lands of Inner Earth, where each city of the Agarthans is doing its part to assist us in morphing the remaining darkness that riddles your surface societies. We are in fact moving our associates into position to successfully complete the final moves that will sweep away the detritus made by millennia of dark misrule. Your freedom comes with certain responsibilities to Mother Earth and to the magically complex and diverse life chain so badly disturbed and laid waste to by the dark. We are at the time specified by Heaven to appear before you and explain the many aspects of sacred wisdom that we have acquired over the millennia, as this knowledge can help you understand more precisely what Gaia expects of you.
You are entering a brief period in your history that is to expand your consciousness as well as your overall awareness of the nature and function of your reality. This will act as a wakeup call to your innate wisdom, which has lain dormant within you from the suppression of nearly 13 millennia of limited consciousness. This state was imposed on you with certain severe restrictions mandated by Heaven, and at first these standards were only trifled with by the dark. Then, during the past eight millennia the Anunnaki and their appointed minions ran roughshod over these various rules. It is these violations that have led to the special dispensations which resulted first in our presence (the Ascended Masters) and then in the First-Contact mission of the Galactic Federation. Using Agartha as our appointed refuge on Earth, we journeyed out each day to guide and prepare you for the Great Shift in consciousness.
The Divine Grace and Mercy of Heaven have brought us all to the prophesied point, where we return to who we truly are. Our task at that point becomes increasingly one of guiding you to your full potential within your life contract. We have taken on with joy what is next in line for us all and for this marvelous living entity upon whom we dwell. Our Agarthan family is very ready to celebrate their Reunion with Earth’s surface humanity, and thereafter, our activities will expand to include all the water worlds that make up this solar system. This newly formed Star-Nation has a series of special tasks to help the Galaxy return to the Light and join a multitude of nearby Galaxies to spread the Light throughout this sector of physicality. An exquisite future is forming, which we will all partake of in joy and in harmony with all of Creation.
Today, we continued our message about what is happening on your world. A new sense of selfhood is spreading rapidly within humanity. With the assistance of many from Heaven and from the Galactic Federation, you are readying yourselves for the Consciousness Shift decreed by Heaven and by AEON. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)