Δευτέρα 21 Μαρτίου 2011

Reuniting Dark & Light, Male & Female, Yin & Yang

by Timothy Connolly (http://www.shiftoftheage.com)

“…if you realize that the eventual human goal is to transcend the world of relativity to play in a realm of freedom, then plodding along attached to a theory is unfortunate. When the individual is able to enter a world in which the two aspects of yin and yang return to their original unity, the mission of these two symbols comes to an end.”
Masanobu Fukuoka

Separation or duality of consciousness sometimes referred to as good/evil, light/dark emerged when our solar system embarked on a departure away from the galactic center about 12,800 years ago. Some refer to that time as the “Fall from Grace”.

We are now witnessing a reuniting of the divine masculine and divine feminine energetic forms blending together in ourselves creating an intelligently ordered progression for an evolutionary leap to higher consciousness.

This process is one of re-balancing that which is out of balance signified through a feeling of separation and division. It should be very clear that Earth's Precession of the Equinox and it's geometrically reorientation with the Galactic Center's cosmic energy is a catalyst for tremendous, rapid geophysical changes. And on the human level, a time dominated by spiritual awareness married with cosmic consciousness, rather than life by merely a latent biologic, mental existence.

Upon returning to a point in the cosmos which contains a unified, un-fragmented potential many quickly realize what has occurred because of the shear caused by separation and departure out of the illuminating plane of galactic light. What emerge are powerful souls capable of a miraculous, even magical renaissance of civilization void of the negative impacts caused when duality and separation are present within each person. This catalyzing process is for most, not without self-induced growth instigated by way of a greater, heightened awareness.

Energy fields surrounding our bodies are modified allowing for an influx of new, revitalizing forms of energy. We can allow these to act as a metamorphosing agent flowing freely or, we can hinder this process with negative or unpleasant consequences physically manifesting internally and externally around us.

As expected, symptoms of this reuniting mechanism can be noticed on at least two levels. Physical and non-physical. Much like a typical healing process which occurs naturally within the body, observed are various manifestations brought on by vibrational/frequency induced shifts within the body's cells, at the level of DNA.

Since DNA contains hydrogen bonds which are a phosphodiester (the backbone of DNA and central to all life on Earth) they essentially act like light activated structures within DNA. DNA could be called the “language of light” since it responds to and changes its structure when immersed in Galactic Center generated light. As our bodies become more in tune while processing energy with a higher vibration and resonance, structures within the cellular makeup experience a metamorphosis. It appears that simultaneously with bodily changes, an altered, more highly evolved consciousness appears in lock step. Of course on the surface, during this time it can appear that something is very wrong if we are not aware of what potentially is occurring.

A few transitory symptoms (not specific medically related conditions) listed below are associated with the physiological and psychological changes incurred during a transformational balancing process.

1. Fatigue higher than normal

2. Anxiety, depression and panic

3. Emotional sensitivities increase

4. Insomnia, irregular sleep patterns

5. Memory lapses, mental fog, confusion

6. Skin issues, tingling, itching, crawling

7. Headaches, blurred vision, body aches

8. Digestive issues, appetite changes, new food intolerances

The second, non-physical symptoms some of which are noted below:

1. Increased intuition

2. Desire to live purposefully

3. Integrity, truth appreciation

4. Time acceleration, dissolution

5. Successive, life altering events

6. Desiring solitude, retrospection

7. Improved integration of mind, body & spirit

8. Vivid, lucid dreams, altered states of consciousness

On a global scale, Earth's inhabitants reflected through a collective consciousness, will exhibit similar characteristics both in breaking down institutions and systems with no longer useful value, replaced with fantastic innovations and embracing new social structures that exemplify the principles of service to others in cooperative leadership and partnerships opportunities.

Expect to see a continuation of radical changes in geopolitics, intensification of conflicts, economic policy, governments large and small, business, religion, etc. Look for an escalation of efforts to polarize groups each struggling to retain division and separation through exploiting the power of fear. Evidence to support this can be easily found in the toxic, divisive words used (us/them, win/lose etc.) on major newscasts and print media. During this transition, remember the reason for the symptoms. Nothing is exempt from this transformational momentum; so don't loose touch with yourself as we transit, embrace the process.

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