Παρασκευή 25 Μαρτίου 2011

How the Past Influences Your Present and Future

by David Cameron

Why does a particular type of life situation keeps revisiting a person? Why do some people keep experiencing a certain illness? Why do some people cycle through success and failure, as if someone is sabotaging them? Why can't some people seem to find a partner who treats them well?

The answer is simple: Life, your spirit, always seeks to grow, bloom and fulfill its mission. Your energy system always seeks to be accepted and to express it's truth and be experienced fully and authentically.

Therefore, when you have blockages to the growth of your spirit, your life, and to the expression of your emotions, they must be cleared. To clear them, spirit pushes them to the surface so that you may become aware of them, accept and heal them (as you will see how later). Blockages include things such as past unresolved issues, denials, hidden selves, disowned archetypes and wounded inner children, thought patterns, labels, beliefs, and so on. The more you try to ignore these blockages, the more your spirit pushes them to the surface. At first, they may be nagging thoughts. If you do not resolve them by facing them and healing them, they manifest as a disease and/or a life situation that will force you to face them. And if you ignore them, they keep coming back again and again, each time harder and harder, until you resolve them in this lifetime or the next. Your soul must always get to the bottom line of all experiences by merging them with its perfect nature. No part of it can be allowed to forever remain disowned.

Whenever you go through an experience, you formulate a thought and therefore an emotion towards it. If that emotion is allowed to run its course, be fully experienced to its end in full awareness, it is done with and will not be repeated unconsciously (unless you consciously choose to repeat it), for the lesson and purpose has been fully uncovered and needs no repetition. However, if that emotion is denied and refused full expression, it is stored within as a shadow personality and will keep trying to be heard and expressed. This is what causes those cyclic repetitions of undesirable events, the ones that make you say 'Why does this always keep happening to me!' If you finally face and heal this past disowned emotion, you will discover the powerful lesson that was always there but was not completed. The transformation will be immense, empowering and liberating. But if you forever deny this shadow hidden selves that you carry around, the will be with you still.

You see, life is eternal. What you put in place remains in place until you change it. As such, hate becomes forever, once you create it, and the only way to 'get rid' of something you hate is to embrace it and by doing so you see the divine within it, as the divine is within all life. Nothing can exist outside of Life, the Source of All That Is. And you are made in the image and likeness of Life. By denying any part of Life, you deny yourself and vastly dis-empower yourself. This is how karma is formed, through denial and resistance, through incomplete lessons of All That You Are. And indeed, some of your shadow selves and fears are from a time beyond this lifetime, a past life, but they can be healed in this lifetime just as easily.

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