Τρίτη 20 Αυγούστου 2024

We Have The Eyes Of Falcons

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

Today it is bright and glorious inside the Hollow Earth, as our Inner Sun is always shining and there are never any clouds in our sky. Our vision is always clear, and we can see for miles around our inner cities, and across our sky to the other side of our inner earth. We have the eyes of falcons, with intense, precise vision. No one here wears glasses, as our sight is perfect. Seeing is believing, and soon you will be able to see us with your inner vision, and wonder how you had never seen us before. As your consciousness climbs in frequency, so does the perfection of your body expand to every cell and organ, until you return to the divine perfection that you are.

Frequently Asked Questions of Hollow Earth Inhabitants

Q: Will you give us a physical description of yourself?

A: Yes, my eyes gleam with crystal light and my skin is soft as a baby. I am 15 feet tall, and hefty and stronger than an ox. I can jump across streams and wade through rivers and climb the highest mountains, all without tiring. I am in perfect condition, although I am over 483,000 years old - and I remain in divine perfection as we all do here in the Hollow Earth. No thought forms exist here that are less than divine, so all we think we become. It is the Law of Life. You, too, are realizing this on the surface. Hence you witness the upsurge of your transformational workshops taking place where you are taught that all you believe you create. It is simple law of life. I am Mikos.

Q: What kind of clothes do you wear?

A: We are all gathered together, here on the grass of the Library of Porthologos. We love to work outdoors, and take every opportunity to do so. We are very casual in our attire, and dress comfortably throughout the day. We have no set rules for dress codes, as you on the surface do. We dress according to how we feel - and we always feel good. So we dress in loose, brightly colored soft fabric clothing, made from hemp and other vegetable materials. We never use trees for anything, as they are Living Beings here to adorn our landscape, give us oxygen to breathe and serve as a home to other species.

Q: Do you have streets?

A: We don’t have streets. We have paths lined with flowers and composed of earth, so that our feet are always «grounded», and we often walk barefooted as our earth is «clean» and «pure» and massages our feet as we walk. It is the same feeling as your walking on your sandy beaches. Our feet are strong and healthy as a result, and our feet are not cramped from the constriction of shoes as yours are.

Q: Where does your Light come from?

A: The Center of the Earth is a place exquisite in beauty and unique in charm and just dazzling with the Light of our people, for they mirror the face of God in all of God’s perfection. Our forms are perfect in proportion, and luminous with Light pouring out of all our cells. We don’t need artificial lighting, as our very own cells provide all the light we need. Our Light, plus our Inner Sun, lights up our Inner World perfectly - and of course it’s all free - with no electricity bills to pay. We generate all our own electricity and light, for we are each power generators of energy, and supply all we need in terms of light and heat for our homes and workplaces. Of course, we have help from our crystals. Crystals, coupled with electromagnetism, generate all the power we need to meet our needs.

Q: What are your beds made of?

A: Our beds are cushioned with a vibrant material that molds perfectly to our forms, yet gives our bodies the perfect support and comfort we need to leave us fully rejuvenated upon awakening.

Q: What kind of water do you drink?

A: Our water system is pristine pure, and is living, crystallized water, with its consciousness fully intact - not like your dead water on the surface, that’s devoid of life giving energy.

Q: How old are your trees?

A: Our trees are thousands upon thousands of years old, and adorn our landscapes in their majestic gowns of green. We are in full communication with all the trees, bushes, plants and flowers, and can hear their choruses and arias wafting through the air as they serenade our inner homeland.

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