Κυριακή 25 Αυγούστου 2024

Our Water is Alive with Consciousness

Message from Mikos of Agartha via Dianne Robbins

Good morning. It is Mikos calling to you from the ocean shore in the Hollow Earth, where I am walking along the beach watching the waves lap the sand. Our oceans are large, nay huge in comparison to yours, with waves larger in size and stronger in force. The oceans flow swiftly around our inner globe, and ebb and flow in tides affected by the Earth’s outer moon just as your tides are. For the magnetic pull of the moon is felt inside the Earth as well.***We all spend much of our time on the beaches, walking on the sand along the shore, and swimming in the ocean’s clean, clear water. The water in our oceans and rivers is composed of living consciousness, and it is our water’s consciousness that keeps us young forever.

Your water is the elixir of life, and in its pure state it can change your bodies and actually bring the dead back to life. It can bring the life force back into each and every cell, thereby increasing the flow of consciousness in your whole body and bringing full consciousness back into every living cell. This quickening can move you beyond all earthly sicknesses and diseases, and give you the physical perfection and physical immortality you all yearn for. So drink your water «consciously», and know that soon our pure water will arrive on the surface to cure all the ills of your people and bring them back into a higher state of consciousness.

There are already some bodies of water on the surface that are known for their curative effects, and people by the millions go to them. Soon all your bodies of water will have these curative effects and more, as we prepare ourselves to emerge from below ground and merge with you on the surface. Your bodies yearn to be freed from the distortion of sickness and disease, and yearn to feel the illumination of God’s Light from within. Our water will dissolve all negativity and blockages and bacteria, so that your cells are clear to radiate the Light from God that is always flowing through you.

Your Inner Heart’s Flame is always ablaze with God’s Light, but the current density of the cells quench the Light’s illuminating effect and instead of the Light blazing forth like a golden sun, its rays become splintered and distorted and stuck. Water and Light are necessary for life, and your cells need to be purified to hold the great Light that is emanating from your Heart’s Flame, which is a true and actual flame that is lit inside your heart and composed of the consciousness of the Creator flowing through you.

So know that as the pollution of the surface has intensified, so has the pollution inside your body. Whatever you do to the planet, you do to yourself. If you as a species stop polluting your earth, water and air, you will stop polluting your bodies. They are inextricably connected, as you can see. But this can all be reversed, as you can also see, and we will reverse all these conditions that are against life, when we come to the surface in the not too distant future. I am Mikos, Caretaker of the Earth.

Our Water Talks

Our shorelines are packed with the purest of sand, white colored and soft and crystal clear specs of the smoothest particles you have ever stepped on. Walking on our sandy beaches is akin to having the best foot massage possible. And we do walk on our beaches for this very purpose, for its massage soothes our feet and mind simultaneously. Our ocean’s waves lap our shorelines with the purest and cleanest of water you have ever seen or tasted. And the temperature is always perfect for our bodies. Not too warm and not too cold. We walk into our oceans where it is shallow, and swim out great distances without ever getting tired or cold. No one here ever drowns. This is unheard of and unimaginable. We are all great swimmers, and our oceans and lakes support us so that we stay on top of the water.

Our water has consciousness, and talks to us while we are immersed in it. Yes, our water talks. When we swim, our water becomes part of our body, and we are one body, one ocean, swimming along the currents and through the waves. We merge ourselves completely with the water’s consciousness, and our swim is a trip in consciousness itself. It is so much more than what you experience in your surface lakes and oceans, where the consciousness of your water has become so densified and polluted that it has lost its voice and vitality and life force. It weakly calls out to you, but you don’t hear it. It calls out to you for help. It calls out to you to stop polluting it, to stop bombarding it with ELF sound waves, to stop the whaling ships and underwater experiments, and oil spills, and submarines, and cruise ships from destroying and poisoning its life force. But alas, it rests on deaf ears. For the children of Earth are still deaf to the destruction they are causing the Earth. It’s only the greedy politicians who know what they are doing, and they do it purposely to destroy the Earth for their own personal gain, in the name of bolstering the economy. Everything is for the economy and nothing for the Earth or its people. Families don’t count anymore, only the state of the economy counts. You never hear about the ‘state of the family’ on the news, it’s always the ‘state of the economy’ you hear about. Well, when there’s no longer any families alive, there won’t be an economy either.

So help yourself by helping your Earth. It’s only through your returning your surface oceans and lands to their pristine state that you will return to a perfect economy where everyone lives in abundance and perfect health.

(to be continued)

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